The Wartime Memories Project

- 10th Battalion, Royal Warwickshire Regiment during the Great War -

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World War 1 One ww1 wwII greatwar great 1914 1918 first battalion regiment

10th Battalion, Royal Warwickshire Regiment

   10th Battalion, Royal Warwickshire Regiment was formed at Warwick in September 1914 as part of Kitchener's Second New Army. They served on the Western front from July 1915 until the end of the Great War as part of 57th Brigade, 19th (Western) Division.

18th of July 1915  Companies leave Tidworth

19th of July 1915 On the Move

20th of July 1915  In Billets

21st of July 1915 Route Marches and Drills

22nd of July 1915 Orders Received to Move

23rd of July 1915 On the March

24th of July 1915  On the March

25th of July 1915 Resting

26th of July 1915 Visits and Drills

27th of July 1915  Drills and Classes

28th of July 1915  More Drills and Classes

29th of July 1915 Short Route March

30th of July 1915  On the Move

31st of July 1915  On the March

1st of August 1915  At Rest

2nd of August 1915 An Inspection

3rd of August 1915 Another March

4th of August 1915 New Billets

5th of August 1915  Drills and Working Parties

6th of August 1915  In the Trenches

7th of August 1915 Working Parties

8th of August 1915 In the Trenches

9th of August 1915 Working Party

10th of August 1915 In the Trenches

11th of August 1915 Resting

12th of August 1915  Billets and Bivouacks

13th of August 1915 Baths

14th of August 1915  Baths and Billets

15th of August 1915 Rest Day

16th of August 1915 Drills and Marching

17th of August 1915  Advance Party leave Tidworth

17th of August 1915  Drills and Marching

18th of August 1915  Drills and Marching

19th of August 1915  More Drills and Marching

20th of August 1915 More Drills and Marching

21st Aug 1915 First Work in the Trenches

21st of August 1915  Drills and Marching

22nd of August 1915  Rest Day

23rd of August 1915 Rest Day

24th of August 1915 Baths

25th of August 1915 Trench Recce

26th of August 1915 Trench Recce

27th of August 1915  On the March

28th of August 1915  Relief Completed

29th of August 1915 Bombs

30th of August 1915 Shelling and Spies

31st of August 1915  A Quiet Day

1st of September 1915 New Companies Formed

2nd of September 1915 Combined Fire Attack

3rd of September 1915 In Billets

4th of September 1915 Resting

5th of September 1915  Working Parties

6th of September 1915 Preparing to Move

7th of September 1915 On the March

8th of September 1915 Holding the Line  location map

9th of September 1915 Under Fire  location map

10th of September 1915  Trench Improvements  location map

11th of September 1915 A Giant Periscope  location map

12th of September 1915 Preparing to Move  location map

13th of September 1915 Relief Completed  location map

14th of September 1915 At Rest

15th of September 1915 Drill and Working Parties

16th of September 1915 Baths and Working Parties  location map

17th of September 1915 Baths  location map

18th of September 1915 Trench Recce and Working Parties

19th of September 1915 Light Marching Order Arranged

20th of September 1915 In Billets

21st of September 1915 A Heavy Bombardment

22nd of September 1915 A Short Route March

23rd of September 1915 Rain

24th of September 1915 Orders to Move

25th of September 1915  On the Move

26th of September 1915  In Billets

27th of September 1915  Moving Again

28th of September 1915 A Near Miss

29th of September 1915 Move into Dugouts

30th of September 1915 In Dugouts

1st of October 1915 In Dugouts

2nd of October 1915 Cold Dugouts

3rd of October 1915  On the March

4th of October 1915 In Billets

5th of October 1915 Rain and Billets

6th of October 1915  An Inspection  location map

7th of October 1915  Leaving for Trenches  location map

8th of October 1915 Machine Guns Active  location map

9th of October 1915 In the Trenches  location map

10th of October 1915 A Quiet Day  location map

11th of October 1915 A Patrol  location map

12th of October 1915 Guns Tested  location map

13th of October 1915 Attacks and Bombardments  location map

14th of October 1915 Arranging for Relief  location map

15th of October 1915 Reliefs  location map

16th of October 1915 In Billets and Outposts   location map

17th of October 1915 In Billets and Posts  location map

18th of October 1915 In Billets and Posts  location map

19th of October 1915 Relief Arranged  location map

20th of October 1915 Billets and Posts Handed Over  location map

21st of October 1915 Worst Trenches  location map

22nd of October 1915 In Trenches  location map

23rd of October 1915  Very Quiet Day  location map

24th of October 1915 In Trenches  location map

25th of October 1915 Flooded Trenches  location map

26th of October 1915 A Quiet Day  location map

27th of October 1915 Visits  location map

28th of October 1915 Into Billets

29th of October 1915 Police Guard Duty

30th of October 1915 Working Party

31st of October 1915 A Fine Day

1st of November 1915  Very Wet Dugouts

2nd of November 1915 Dugouts Fall In

3rd of November 1915 Repairing Dugouts

4th of November 1915  Relief and Repairs

5th of November 1915 Relief Completed

6th of November 1915 Trenches Bad

7th of November 1915 Very Quiet

8th of November 1915  Visits and Shrapnel  location map

9th of November 1915  A Difficult Relief  location map

10th of November 1915 In Billets

11th of November 1915  Inspections

12th of November 1915  Inspections and Training

14th of November 1915  A Fine Day

15th of November 1915 Fatigue Parties

16th of November 1915  New Billets

17th of November 1915 Into Billets  location map

18th of November 1915 A Working Party

19th of November 1915 Two Working Parties

20th of November 1915  Trenches Visited

21st of November 1915  In the Trenches  location map

22nd of November 1915 Snipers Active

23rd of November 1915 No Dugouts

24th of November 1915 Marched to Locon

25th of November 1915  Marched to Robecq

26th of November 1915 Work and Cleaning Up

27th of November 1915  Billet Improvements Begun

28th of November 1915  Aeroplane Downed

29th of November 1915 More Improving Work

30th of November 1915 Training

1st of December 1915 Company Training

2nd of December 1915 Inspection and an Accident

3rd of December 1915 Preparing to Move

4th of December 1915 On the Move  location map

5th of December 1915 Rest Day  location map

6th of December 1915 Inspections and Training  location map

7th of December 1915 A Reconnoitre  location map

8th of December 1915 Drill  location map

9th of December 1915 Wet Day  location map

10th of December 1915  Billeting Party  location map

11th of December 1915  On the Move  location map

12th of December 1915 Instruction  location map

13th of December 1915 Relief Arranged  location map

14th of December 1915 A Near Miss  location map

15th of December 1915 Moving Up  location map

16th of December 1915  In the Trenches

17th of December 1915 Windy Corner Shelled

18th of December 1915 Very Quiet

19th of December 1915 Relief Completed  location map

20th of December 1915 Instruction  location map

21st of December 1915 Rain All Day  location map

22nd of December 1915 Working Parties  location map

23rd December 1915 Preparing to Move  location map

24th December 1915 In Front Line

25th December 1915  Guns Active

26th December 1915  Guns Active

27th December 1915 Reliefs Complete  location map

28th of December 1915 Cleaning Up  location map

29th of December 1915 Drill  location map

30th of December 1915 Preparations  location map

31st of December 1915 A Band Plays  location map

1st of January 1916 Christmas Dinner  location map

2nd of January 1916 Rest Day  location map

3rd of January 1916 Preparing to Move  location map

4th of January 1916 On Relief  location map

5th of January 1916 Visits and New Drafts

6th of January 1916  Inspections

7th of January 1916  Working Parties

8th of January 1916 Visits and A Relief

9th of January 1916  More Visits

10th of January 1916 Minenwerfer Located  location map

11th of January 1916 A Feint Attack

12th of January 1916 20,000 Sandbags Laid  location map

13th of January 1916  Visits and Working Parties

14th of January 1916 Bathing and Working

15th of January 1916 Working Parties and Bathing

16th of January 1916 A Military Cross Awarded

17th of January 1916 In the Front Line

2nd Apr 1917 Heavy Snow

1st Oct 1916 Orders

2nd Oct 1916 Brigades Training

3rd Oct 1916 Reliefs

4th Oct 1916 On the Move

6th Oct 1916 Orders  location map

8th Oct 1916 Orders Issued  location map

12th Oct 1916 Shelling  location map

14th Oct 1916 Orders  location map

15th Oct 1916 Orders  location map

18th Nov 1916 Attack Made

19th of November 1916 Relieved

20th of November 1916 Cleaning Up

21st of November 1916 Drills

22nd of November 1916 On the March

23rd of November 1916 On the March

24th of November 1916 On the March

25th of November 1916 An Unexpected Move

26th of November 1916 On the Move

27th of November 1916 On the March

28th of November 1916 Billets Improved

29th of November 1916 Drills

30th of November 1916 Training

1st of December 1916 A Route March

1st Dec 1916 Training

2nd of December 1916 Training

2nd Dec 1916 Training

3rd of December 1916 A Parade

4th of December 1916 Training

5th of December 1916 Training

6th of December 1916 Route March

7th of December 1916  An Entertainment

8th of December 1916 Training

9th of December 1916 Training

10th of December 1916 Bad Weather

11th of December 1916  Training

12th of December 1916  Snow and Football

13th of December 1916 Training

14th of December 1916 Working

15th of December 1916 Sports Day

15th Dec 1916 Inspection

16th of December 1916 Bathing

17th of December 1916 Football Competition

18th of December 1916  Firing and Drill

18th Dec 1916 Inspections

19th of December 1916 Route March

20th of December 1916 A Bombing Competition

21st of December 1916 Divisional Sports

21st Dec 1916 Sports Medals

22nd of December 1916 Billets Improved

22nd Dec 1916 Company Training

23rd of December 1916 Training

24th of December 1916 Church and Baths

25th of December 1916 Inter-Coy Sports

26th of December 1916  Route March

27th of December 1916 Boxing Competition

28th of December 1916  Training

29th of December 1916 Digging Practice

30th of December 1916 Wood Cutting

31st of December 1916 Baths and Football

31st Dec 1916 Training

1st of January 1917 Training

2nd of January 1917 Divisional Follies

3rd of January 1917 Training

4th of January 1917 Rain

5th of January 1917 Demonstration Attack

6th of January 1917 Outpost Drill

7th of January 1917 A Military Medal

8th of January 1917  Practice Attack

9th of January 1917 On the March

10th of January 1917 On Front Line  location map

11th of January 1917 Heavy Shelling  location map

12th of January 1917 Artillery Quieter

13th of January 1917 Quiet Day

14th of January 1917 Quiet Day  location map

15th of January 1917 Visits

16th of January 1917 German POWs  location map

17th of January 1917 Cleaning Up

18th of January 1917 Route March

19th of January 1917 Training

20th of January 1917  Attack Practised

21st of January 1917 Church Service

22nd of January 1917 Relieved  location map

23rd of January 1917 Baths and Work

24th of January 1917 Baths and Work

25th of January 1917 Baths and Working Parties

26th of January 1917 Attack Practised

27th of January 1917 Attack Practised

28th of January 1917 Stores Unloaded

29th of January 1917 Attack Practised

30th of January 1917 Final Practice

31st of January 1917 Tactical Exercise

1st of February 1917 Specialists Training

2nd of February 1917 Short March

3rd of February 1917 Relief Completed  location map

4th of February 1917 CO Pays Visits

5th of February 1917 Inter-Coy Relief

6th of February 1917 Visits by CO

7th of February 1917 Relieved

8th of February 1917 Cleaning Up

9th of February 1917 Working Parties

10th of February 1917 Work and Drill

11th of February 1917 Back to Trenches

12th of February 1917 Quiet Day

13th of February 1917 Enemy Shelling

14th of February 1917 Quiet Day

15th of February 1917 Relieved

16th of February 1917 Baths

17th of February 1917 Working Parties

18th of February 1917 On Relief

19th of February 1917 Working Parties

20th of February 1917 Working Parties

21st of February 1917 Cleaning Up

22nd of February 1917 Attack Practised

23rd of February 1917 Attack Practised

24th of February 1917 Germans Retire

25th of February 1917 Into the Trenches   location map

26th of February 1917 An Attack  location map

27th of February 1917 Pushing Forward  location map

28th of February 1917 Relieved  location map

1st of March 1917 On the March

2nd of March 1917  Cleaning Up

3rd of March 1917 Working Parties

4th of March 1917 Church and Baths

5th of March 1917 Working Parties

6th of March 1917 Training

7th of March 1917 Working and Marching

8th of March 1917 Route March

9th of March 1917 Under Orders

10th of March 1917 Marching

11th of March 1917 Rest and Drill

12th of March 1917 On the March

13th of March 1917 Marching

14th of March 1917 Resting

15th of March 1917 On the March

16th of March 1917 Training

17th of March 1917 On the March

18th of March 1917 Marching to Billets

19th of March 1917 Drill

20th of March 1917 Baths

21st of March 1917 A Move

22nd of March 1917  On the March

23rd of March 1917 Drill

24th of March 1917 Drill

25th of March 1917 Services and Lectures

26th of March 1917 Raining

27th of March 1917 On Relief

28th of March 1917 TMs Cut Wire

29th of March 1917 Relief

30th of March 1917 A Quiet Day

31st of March 1917 Relieved

1st of April 1917 On the March

1st Apr 1917 Artillery Registration  location map

2nd of April 1917 Marching

3rd of April 1917 On the Move

3rd Apr 1917 Blizzard  location map

4th of April 1917 On the March

4th Apr 1917 Artillery Active  location map

5th of April 1917 Drills

5th Apr 1917 Some Shelling  location map

6th of April 1917 Training

6th Apr 1917 Artilery in Support  location map

7th of April 1917 Training

7th Apr 1917 Shelling  location map

8th of April 1917 Services

8th Apr 1917 Artillery Registration

9th of April 1917  Training

9th Apr 1917 Hail Stones  location map

10th of April 1917 Attack Practised

11th of April 1917 Mopping Up Practice

12th of April 1917  Moppers-Up

13th of April 1917 Training and Firing

14th of April 1917 Transport Competition

15th of April 1917 Brigade Paper Chase

16th of April 1917 Attack Practised

17th of April 1917 On the March

18th of April 1917 Marching

19th of April 1917 Marching  location map

20th of April 1917 In Camp

21st of April 1917 Baths

22nd of April 1917 Working Parties

23rd of April 1917 Working Parties

24th of April 1917 Working Parties

25th of April 1917  Working Parties

26th of April 1917 Working Parties

27th of April 1917 Working Parties

28th of April 1917 Working Parties

29th of April 1917 Working Parties

30th of April 1917 Reconnoitre  location map

1st of May 1917 Training

2nd of May 1917 Football Matches

3rd of May 1917 In the Trenches

4th of May 1917 A Quiet Day

5th of May 1917 Active Artillery

6th of May 1917 Heavy Shelling

7th of May 1917 Retaliatory Shelling

8th of May 1917 Quiet Day

9th of May 1917 TMs Active

10th of May 1917 Enemy Barrage

11th of May 1917 On the Move

12th of May 1917 Cleaning Up

13th of May 1917 Baths

14th of May 1917 Working Parties

15th of May 1917 Working Parties

16th of May 1917 Working Parties

17th of May 1917 Working Parties

18th of May 1917 Working Parties

19th of May 1917 Working Parties

20th of May 1917 On Relief

21st of May 1917 Enemy Shelling

22nd of May 1917 Quiet Day

23rd of May 1917 Relieved

24th of May 1917 Quiet Day

25th of May 1917 Relieved

26th of May 1917 Working Parties

27th of May 1917 Working Parties

27th of June 1917  Sports Heats

28th of May 1917 A Battalion Raid

29th of May 1917 Heavy Shelling   location map

30th of May 1917 Inspections

31st of May 1917 Training and Congratulations

1st of June 1917 Training

2nd of June 1917 Inspection

3rd of June 1917 Attack Practised

4th of June 1917  Attack Practised

5th of June 1917 Attack Practised

6th of June 1917 Assembling

7th of June 1917  A Big Offensive  location map

11th of June 1917  Cleaning Up

12th of June 1917 A Thank You

12th of June 1918 Change of Command

13th of June 1917 Quiet Day

14th of June 1917 Respirators Tested

15th of June 1917 On Relief

16th of June 1917 Quiet Day

17th of June 1917 Digging

18th of June 1917 On Relief

19th of June 1917 On Relief

20th of June 1917 To the Red Line

21st of June 1917 On the Move  location map

22nd of June 1917 An Inspection Postponed

23rd of June 1917 Brigade Inspection

24th of June 1917 Church Parade

25th of June 1917 Baths and Training

26th of June 1917 A Horse Show

28th of June 1917 Battalion Sports

29th of June 1917 Training

30th of June 1917 Divisional Sports

1st of July 1917 Under Canvas

2nd of July 1917 Preparations

3rd of July 1917 Quiet Day

4th of July 1917 Some Shelling  location map

5th of July 1917 Some Shelling  location map

6th of July 1917 A Quiet Day  location map

7th of July 1917 German TMs Fire  location map

8th of July 1917 Trench Improvements  location map

10th of July 1917 Relieved  location map

10th of July 1918 Training

11th of July 1917 In Camp  location map

12th of July 1917 Work and Baths

13th of July 1917 Working Parties

14th of July 1917 Working Parties

15th of July 1917 Working Parties

16th of July 1917 Working Parties

17th of July 1917 Salvaging

18th of July 1917 

19th of July 1917  Congratulations

20th of July 1917  Training

21st of July 1917 Training

22nd of July 1917 On Relief  location map

23rd of July 1917 Gas Attack

24th of July 1917 A Quiet Day

25th of July 1917 Active Artillery

26th of July 1917 A Relief

27th of July 1917 Active Aircraft

28th of July 1917 Heavy Barrage

29th of July 1917 Quiet Day

30th of July 1917 Cleaning Up

31st of July 1917 In Div Reserve  location map

1st of August 1917 In Camp   location map

2nd of August 1917 In Camp

3rd of August 1917 In Support  location map

4th of August 1917 In Support  location map

5th of August 1917 In Support  location map

6th of August 1917 Active Artillery

7th of August 1917 Relieved  location map

8th of August 1917 In Camp

9th of August 1917  Cleaning Up

10th of August 1917 Route March

11th of August 1917 On the Move

12th of August 1917 Inspection Preparation

13th of August 1917 Inspection Preparation

14th of August 1917 Wash Day!

15th of August 1917 Route March

16th of August 1917  Route March

17th of August 1917  Musketry Competition

18th of August 1917 Presentations Made

19th of August 1917 Brigade Sports

20th of August 1917 Divisional Sports

21st of August 1917 Tactical Exercise

22nd of August 1917 On the Move

23rd of August 1917 Training

24th of August 1917 Sea Bathing

25th of August 1917 A Demonstration

26th of August 1917 A Mock Attack

27th of August 1917  Training

28th of August 1917 On the Road

29th of August 1917 On the March

30th of August 1917  Cleaning Up

31st of August 1917 Training

1st of September 1917 Baths

2nd of September 1917 Musketry

3rd of September 1917 Demonstration

4th of September 1917 A Quiet Day

5th of September 1917 Attack Practised

6th of September 1917 On the March  location map

7th of September 1917 Baths

8th of September 1917 Training

9th of September 1917 Attack Practice

10th of September 1917 Attack Practice

11th of September 1917 Training

12th of September 1917  On the Move  location map

12th of October 1917 Quiet Day

13th of September 1917 Working Parties  location map

14th of September 1917  On the March   location map

15th of September 1917 Training

16th of September 1917 Practice Attack

17th of September 1917 Brigade Rehearsal

18th of September 1917  GOC's Address

19th of September 1917 Preparing for Battle  location map

20th of September 1917 Attack on a wide front  location map

21st of September 1917 Relief

22nd of September 1917 Withdrawing

23rd of September 1917 On the March  location map

24th of September 1917 Baths and Training  location map

25th of September 1917 Training  location map

26th of September 1917 Training  location map

27th of September 1917  Relief Complete  location map

28th of September 1917  Light Shelling  location map

29th of September 1917 In Trenches

30th of September 1917  A Quiet Time

1st of October 1917 Reliefs Complete

2nd of October 1917 Brigade Reserve

3rd of October 1917 Working Parties

4th of October 1917 Working Parties

5th of October 1917 Relieved  location map

6th of October 1917 Cleaning Up  location map

7th of October 1917 Resting  location map

8th of October 1917 Training  location map

9th of October 1917 Training  location map

10th of October 1917 Training  location map

11th of October 1917 On Relief   location map

13th of October 1917  POWs Taken

14th of October 1917 Relieved

15th of October 1917 Carrying Parties

16th of October 1917 Quiet Day

17th of October 1917 On Relief  location map

18th of October 1917 Light Shelling

19th of October 1917 Relieved  location map

20th of October 1917 Baths  location map

21st of October 1917 Working Parties  location map

22nd of October 1917 Working Parties  location map

23rd of October 1917 Working Parties  location map

24th of October 1917 Working Parties  location map

25th of October 1917 Fatigues  location map

26th of October 1917 Working Parties  location map

27th of October 1917 Working Parties  location map

28th of October 1917 Cleaning Up

29th of October 1917 Training

30th of October 1917 Training

31st of October 1917 Route March

1st of November 1917 Parade Presentation

2nd of November 1917 Route March

3rd of November 1917 Training

4th of November 1917  In Brigade Reserve

5th of November 1917 Salvage Works

6th of November 1917 Salvaging

7th of November 1917 On Relief  location map

8th of November 1917 Quiet Day

9th of November 1917 Relieved  location map

10th of November 1917 On the Move  location map

11th of November 1917 Cleaning Up

12th of November 1917 On the March

13th of November 1917 Cleaning Up

14th of November 1917 Training

15th of November 1917 Training

16th of November 1917 Training

17th of November 1917 Training

18th of November 1917 Church Parade

19th of November 1917 Training

20th of November 1917 Route March

21st of November 1917 Training

22nd of November 1917 Training

23rd of November 1917 Training

24th of November 1917 Training

24th of December 1917 A Reconnoitre

25th of November 1917 Football Match

26th of November 1917 On the Move

27th of November 1917 On the Ranges

28th of November 1917 Range Practice

29th of November 1917 Training

30th of November 1917 Tug-of-War

1st of December 1917 Football Match

2nd of December 1917 Battalion Tug-of-War

3rd of December 1917  Training

4th of December 1917 Attack Practised

5th of December 1917 Attack Practised

6th of December 1917 On the March

7th of December 1917 Marching

8th of December 1917  Catching the Bus

9th of December 1917  On the March

10th of December 1917 On Relief  location map

11th of December 191 Quiet Time

12th of December 1917 A Quiet Time

13th of December 1917 Quiet Time

14th of December 1917 Quiet Time

15th of December 1917 Relieved

16th of December 1917 Trench Work

17th of December 1917 Trench Work

18th of December 1917 Trench Work

19th of December 1917 Relieved

20th of December 1917 Baths

21st of December 1917 On the March  location map

22nd of December 1917 A Quiet Time

23rd of December 1917 A Reconnoitre

25th of December 1917 No Fraternisation

26th of December 1917 Quiet Day

27th of December 1917 A Quiet Day

28th of December 1917 Uneventful Day

29th of December 1917 Enemy Quiet

30th of December 1917 Heavy Barrage

31st of December 1917  Heavy Barrage

1st of January 1918 A Quiet Time

2nd of January 1918 Active Artillery

3rd of January 1918 Patrols Out  location map

4th of January 1918  Resting

5th of January 1918 Working

6th of January 1918 Evening Relief

7th of January 1918 On the Move

8th of January 1918 Side-Slipping

9th of January 1918  Midday Relief

10th of January 1918 Cleaning Up

11th of January 1918  Bathing

12th of January 1918 On the March

13th of January 1918  Carrying Parties

14th of January 1918 Carrying Parties

15th Jan 1918 Reliefs

15th of January 1918 On Relief  location map

16th of January 1918 Enemy Quiet

17th of January 1918 A Quiet Day

18th of January 1918 Sickness

19th of January 1918 Reconnoitring

20th of January 1918  Enemy MGs Active

21st of January 1918 A Deserter

22nd of January 1918  Active Enemy Guns

23rd of January 1918 Fairly Quiet Day

24th of January 1918 Baths

25th of January 1918 Working Party

26th of January 1918 Working Party

27th of January 1918 On the Move

28th of January 1918 Slight Shelling

29th of January 1918 On Relief

30th of January 1918  Quiet Day

31st of January 1918 Relieved

1st of February 1918 Cleaning Up

2nd of February 1918 On the March

3rd of February 1918 Trench Work

4th of February 1918 Carrying Party

5th of February 1918 Change of Command

6th Feb 1918 Reliefs

6th of February 1918 Working Party

7th of February 1918 SOS

8th of February 1918 Artillery Active

9th of February 1918 Quiet Day

10th of February 1918 Enemy Active

11th of February 1918 Cleaning Up

11th of March 1918 Working Party

12th of February 1918  Drill and Inspections

13th of February 1918 Baths

14th of February 1918  Relieved

15th of February 1918 New Draft Inspected

16th of February 1918  New Draft Drilled

17th of February 1918 Church Parade

18th of February 1918 Training

19th of February 1918 In Camp

20th of February 1918 Training

21st of February 1918 Training

22nd of February 1918  Training

23rd of February 1918  A Pool Shoot

24th of February 1918 Musketry

25th of February 1918 Training

26th of February 1918 Training

27th of February 1918 Divisional Scheme

28th of February 1918 Training

1st of March 1918 Brigade Attack Scheme

2nd of March 1918 Brigade Practice

3rd of March 1918 Church Parade

4th of March 1918 Training

5th of March 1918  Recce Made  location map

6th of March 1918 Route March

7th of March 1918 On the Move

8th of March 1918 Working Party

9th of March 1918 Orders   location map

10th of March 1918 Church Parade

12th of March 1918 Training

13th of March 1918 Training

14th of March 1918 Working Party

15th of March 1918  Training

16th of March 1918 Training

17th of March 1918 Working Party

18th of March 1918 Training

19th of March 1918 Attack Practice

20th of March 1918 Working Party

21st of March 1918 Intense Barrage   location map

23rd Mar 1918 Heavy Fighting

24th Mar 1918 Fighting Withdrawal

27th of March 1918 In Reserve Trenches   location map

28th of March 1918 On the Move

29th of March 1918 Unloading and Cleaning

30th of March 1918 On the March

31st of March 1918 Cleaning Up

1st of April 1918 In Front Line  location map

2nd of April 1918 A Quiet Time

3rd of April 1918 Enemy Inactive

4th of April 1918 Inter-Coy Relief   location map

5th of April 1918 Quiet Front

6th of April 1918 Patrols Out

7th of April 1918 Patrols

8th of April 1918 Quiet Time

9th of April 1918 Relieved

10th of April 1918 Into Battle  location map

13th of April 1918 Under Heavy Attack  location map

19th of April 1918 On the Move  location map

20th of April 1918 Cleaning Up

21st of April 1918 On the Move

22nd of April 1918 Reorganisation

23rd of April 1918 Training

24th of April 1918 Working Party

25th of April 1918 Preparing to Move

26th of April 1918  A Rendezvous  location map

27th of April 1918 Moving Back  location map

28th of April 1918 On the Move

29th of April 1918 On the Move  location map

30th of April 1918 In Bivouacs  location map

1st of May 1918 Divisional Reserve  location map

2nd of May 1918 Quiet Day  location map

2nd of June 1918 Quiet Time

3rd of May 1918 Shelling  location map

4th of May 1918 Relief Completed  location map

5th of May 1918 Relief  location map

6th of May 1918 Heavy Shelling

7th of May 1918 Working Under RE  location map

8th of May 1918 Heavy Gas Bombardment   location map

9th of May 1918 A French Plane Down  location map

10th of May 1918 Heavy Shelling  location map

11th of May 1918 A Delayed Relief

12th of May 1918 On the Train  location map

13th of May 1918 Drilling

14th of May 1918 Training

15th of May 1918 Training

16th of May 1918 On the Move

19th of May 1918 Church Parade

20th of May 1918 Training

21st of May 1918 Training

22nd of May 1918 Training

23rd of May 1918 Training

24th of May 1918 Route March

25th of May 1918  Training

26th of May 1918 Drill and Parade

27th of May 1918 Prepare to Move

28th of May 1918 On the Move

29th of May 1918 A New Position

30th of May 1918 Engaging the Enemy

31st of May 1918 A Withdrawal

1st of June 1918  Heavy Shelling

3rd of June 1918 Quiet Day

4th of June 1918 Artillery Fire

5th of June 1918 Expected Attack

6th of June 1918 Bombardment and Attack

6th of July 1918 Training and Drill

7th of June 1918 Reliefs

8th of June 1918 Quiet Time

9th of June 1918 Composite Brigade

10th of June 1918 Drill

11th of June 1918 Drill

13th of June 1918 Shelling

14th of June 1918 Some Heavy Shelling

15th of June 1918 Artillery Quieter

16th of June 1918 Slight Shelling

17th of June 1918 Quiet Time

18th of June 1918 Reliefs

19th of June 1918 Reorganisation

20th of June 1918 On the March

21st of June 1918 On the Bus

22nd of June 1918 Drill and Training

23rd of June 1918 Church Parade

24th of June 1918 on the March

25th of June 1918 Training

26th of June 1918  Training

27th of June 1918 Training

28th of June 1918 Bathing

29th of June 1918 On the Range

30th of June 1918 On the March

1st of July 1918  Evening March

2nd of July 1918 On the Train

3rd of July 1918 Cleaning Up

4th of July 1918 Training

5th of July 1918 Training

7th of July 1918 Church Parade

8th of July 1918 Bathing

9th of July 1918 Training

11th of July 1918 On the Move

12th of July 1918 Training

13th of July 1918 Training

14th of July 1918 Church Parade

15th of July 1918 On the Range

16th of July 1918 Drill

17th of July 1918  Drill

18th of July 1918 Training and Baths

19th of July 1918 A Reconnoitre

20th of July 1918 Marching

21st of July 1918 Church Parade

22nd of July 1918 Training

23rd of July 1918 Range Firing  location map

24th of July 1918 Brigade Competition

25th of July 1918 An Inspection

26th of July 1918 Marching

27th of July 1918  Training

28th of July 1918 Parade

29th of July 1918 Training

30th of July 1918 Firing Practice  location map

31st of July 1918 Attack Practice

1st of August 1918  Training

2nd of August 1918 Baths and Training

3rd of August 1918 Training  location map

4th of August 1918 Parade

4th Aug 1918 Orders Received

5th of August 1918 Training

6th of August 1918 Range Firing  location map

7th of August 1918 Range Firing  location map

8th of August 1918 Firing Practice and Drill  location map

9th of August 1918 Firing Practice  location map

10th of August 1918 HM King Inspection

11th of August 1918 Some Shelling

12th of August 1918 Gas Shelling

13th of August 1918 Active Aeroplanes

14th of August 1918 Night Shelling

15th of August 1918 A Farm Raided  location map

16th of August 1918 Working

17th of August 1918 Carrying Parties

17th of September 1918 A Quiet Day

18th of August 1918 Active Aircraft

19th of August 1918 Carrying Parties

20th of August 1918 Battalion Relieved

21st of August 1918 Bathing

22nd of August 1918 Drills and A Lecture

23rd of August 1918 Drills and a Lecture

24th of August 1918 Platoon Drill

25th of August 1918 Church Parade

26th of August 1918 Indoor Training

27th of August 1918 Firing Practice  location map

28th of August 1918 Training

29th of August 1918 Reliefs

30th of August 1918 Advance

31st of August 1918 Reliefs Complete

1st of September 1918 Very Quiet  

2nd of September 1918 Orders to Assemble

3rd of September 1918  An Attack

4th of September 1918  Pushing On

5th of September 1918  Gas Shells

6th of September 1918 Night-time Shelling

7th of September 1918 A Quiet Day

8th of September 1918 Relief Completed

9th of September 1918 Slight Shelling

10th of September 1918 Relieved

11th of September 1918 Cleaning Up

12th of September 1918 Billets Improved

13th of September 1918 CO's Inspection

14th of September 1918 Platoon Exercise  location map

15th of September 1918 Church Parade

16th of September 1918 Reliefs

18th of September 1918 Enemy Raid

19th of September 1918 Attack Ordered

20th of September 1918 All Objectives Taken  location map

21st of September 1918 Bn HQ Shelled

22nd of September 1918 A Quiet Day

23rd of September 1918 A Quiet Day

24th of September 1918 On Relief

25th of September 1918 "Much Fighting"

26th of September 1918 Patrols Repulsed

27th of September 1918 Quiet Time

28th of September 1918 Into Divisional Reserve

29th of September 1918 Reorganisation

30th of September 1918 Ordered to Move

1st of October 1918 On the Marc

2nd of October 1918 Marching

3rd of October 1918 LG Training

4th of October 1918 On the Train

5th of October 1918 Training and Baths

6th of October 1918 Orders to Move

7th of October 1918 Advance Practised

8th of October 1918 Training

9th of October 1918 On the Move

10th of October 1918 Salvage Work  location map

11th of October 1918 LG Handling

12th of October 1918 Attack Training

13th of October 1918 Divine Service  location map

14th of October 1918 Attack Practised

15th of October 1918 Bathing  location map

16th of October 1918 Brigade Practice

17th of October 1918 Training

18th of October 1918 Relieved  location map

19th of October 1918 Assembly Position

20th of October 1918 Final Objective Reached

21st of October 1918 Consolidation

22nd of October 1918 EA Active

23rd of October 1918 Relieved

24th of October 1918 Cleaning Up

25th of October 1918 Medical Inspection

26th of October 1918 On the Move

27th of October 1918 Divine Service

28th of October 1918 Aeroplane Demonstration

29th of October 1918  Vanguard Exercise

30th of October 1918 Tactical Exercise

31st of October 1918 Bathing

1st of November 1918 Route March

2nd of November 1918 Move to Billets

3rd of November 1918 New Billets

4th of November 1918 On the Move

5th of November 1918 On the Move

6th of November 1918 Into Front Line

7th of November 1918 A Successful Attack  location map

8th of November 1918 Attack Continues

9th of November 1918 New Attack

10th of November 1918 Orders to Move

11th of November 1918 Divine Service

12th of November 1918  CO Inspection

13th of November 1918 Fatigues

14th of November 1918 Orders to Move

15th of November 1918 On the Move

16th of November 1918 On the Move

17th of November 1918  Divine Service

18th of November 1918  Training

19th of November 1918 Training

20th of November 1918 Training

21st of November 1918 Salvaging Work

22nd of November 1918  Route March

23rd of November 1918 Salvaging

24th of November 1918 Church Parade

25th of November 1918  Route March

26th of November 1918 Training

27th of November 1918 On the Move

28th of November 1918 Billets Improved

29th of November 1918 Kit Cleaning

30th of November 1918 Route March

1st of December 1918 Church Parade

2nd of December 1918 Drill

3rd of December 1918  LG Instruction

4th of December 1918  Route March

5th of December 1918 Drill

6th of December 1918 A Draft Rejoins

7th of December 1918 Training

8th of December 1918 On the Move

9th of December 1918 In Billets

10th of December 1918 Training

11th of December 1918 Battalion Drill

12th of December 1918 LG Instruction

13th of December 1918 Drills and Classes

14th of December 1918 Exercises and a Test

15th of December 1918 Divine Service

16th of December 1918 Route March

17th of December 1918 Instruction Given

18th of December 1918 A Lecture

19th of December 1918 Education Classes

20th of December 1918 Route March

21st of December 1918 Battalion Drill

22nd of December 1918 Divine Service

23rd of December 1918 Lectures Given

24th of December 1918 Drill

25th of December 1918 A Holiday

26th of December 1918 A Holiday

27th of December 1918 Bad Weather

28th of December 1918 Baths

29th of December 1918  Divine Service

30th of December 1918 Exercises

31st of December 1918 Range Firing

1st of January 1919 Battalion Football

2nd of January 1919 Route March

3rd of January 1919 Battalion Drill

4th of January 1919 Divisional Lectures

5th of January 1919  Divine Service

6th of January 1919 Training

7th of January 1919 Training

8th of January 1919 Bathing and Fumigation

9th of January 1919 Classes Held

10th of January 1919 Training

11th of January 1919 Cross-Country Run

12th of January 1919 Divine Service

13th of January 1919 American Basketball

14th of January 1919 Route March

15th of January 1919 Battalion Drill

16th of January 1919 Football

17th of January 1919 Drill

18th of January 1919 A Lecture

19th of January 1919 Divine Service

20th of January 1919 Training

21st of January 1919  Brigade Practice

22nd of January 1919 GOC Inspection

23rd of January 1919 A Rehearsal

24th of January 1919 A Rehearsal

25th of January 1919 King's Colours Presented

26th of January 1919 Divine Service

27th of January 1919 Training

28th of January 1919 Snow Clearing

29th of January 1919 A Lecture

30th of January 1919 Musketry

31st of January 1919 Baths

1st of February 1919 Route March

2nd of February 1919 Divine Service

3rd of February 1919 Route March

4th of February 1919 Educational Training

5th of February 1919 Route March

6th of February 1919 A Lecture

7th of February 1919 Educational Training

8th of February 1919 Quiet Day

9th of February 1919 Divine Service

10th of February 1919 Classes and March

11th of February 1919 Route March

12th of February 1919 Classes

13th of February 1919 Baths

13th of February 1919 A Lecture Given

14th of February 1919  Football Knock-out

15th of February 1919 A Route March

16th of February 1919 Church Parade

17th of February 1919 Training

18th of February 1919 Classes

19th of February 1919 Lecture

20th of February 1919 Firing and Football

21st of February 1919 Knock-out Result

22nd of February 1919 Bathing and Training

23rd of February 1919   Divine Service

24th of February 1919 Kit Inspections

25th of February 1919 Changing Battalion

26th of February 1919 Reorganisation

27th of February 1919 Cleaning Billets

28th of February 1919 Army Certificate Exam

1st of March 1919 Kit Inspections

2nd of March 1919 Divine Service

3rd of March 1919 Demobilization

5th of March 1919 Nothing to Report

6th of March 1919 Demobilization

7th of March 1919 Transfers

9th of March 1919 Divine Service

10th of March 1919 Struck Off Strength

11th of March 1919 POW Duty

12th of March 1919 Nothing to Report

13th of March 1919 Demobilization

14th of March 1919 Baths

16th of March 1919  Divine Service

17th of March 1919 Quiet

18th of March 1919 Officer Departs

19th of March 1919 Quiet

20th of March 1919 Rejoining

21st of March 1919 Demobilization

22nd of March 1919 Nothing to Report

23rd of March 1919 Divine Service

25th of March 1919 Nothing to Report

26th of March 1919 Inter-Regiment Transfers

27th of March 1919 Transfers

28th of March 1919 Demobilization

29th of March 1919  Transfers

30th of March 1919 Huts Cleaned

31st of March 1919 Baths

If you can provide any additional information, please add it here.

Want to know more about 10th Battalion, Royal Warwickshire Regiment?

There are:6288 items tagged 10th Battalion, Royal Warwickshire Regiment available in our Library

  These include information on officers, regimental histories, letters, diary entries, personal accounts and information about actions during the Great War.

Those known to have served with

10th Battalion, Royal Warwickshire Regiment

during the Great War 1914-1918.

  • Allen Thomas Henry. (d.27th Mar 1918)
  • Armstrong Thomas. Sgt. (d.16th Dec 1915)
  • Bannerman Wallace. Pte. (d.26th Oct 1916)
  • Berry George William. A/Sgt.
  • Blakeman Hubert Harold. Sgt. (d.30th December 1917)
  • Boryer Alfred. Pte
  • Bracken Hugh Alexander. Corporal (d.22nd Mar 1918)
  • Bullivant Christopher. Pte. (d.6th November 1915)
  • Bullivant Christopher. Pte. (d.6th Nov 1915)
  • Bullivant Christopher. Pte. (d.6th November 1915)
  • Burton Charles Silvester. Pte. (d.23rd Mar 1918)
  • Cockbill Harry Vernon. Qtr.Mstr.Sgt. (d.10th April 1918)
  • Dewis William. Pte.
  • Durber Thomas Richard. Pte (d.23rd October 1918)
  • Edwards Henry Humpherson. Pte. (d.25th Oct 1918)
  • Gibson Edwin. Pte. (d.6th Jul 1916)
  • Green Albert Leonard. L/Cpl. (d.25th July 1917)
  • Gribble VC. Julian Royds. Capt. (d.25th Nov 1918)
  • Gribble VC Julian Roydes. Cpt. (d.25th November 1918)
  • Grimes Harry. Pte.
  • Hart Richard George. 2nd Lt. (d.30th Jul 1916)
  • Hunt Ernest. Private (d.7th Aug 1917)
  • Jones Ernest Henry. Cpl (d.7th October 1917)
  • Knott George Albert. Pte. (d.23rd Mar 1918)
  • Lawrence Thomas. Pte (d.1st August 1918)
  • Lees James Edward. Pte. (d.13th May 1917)
  • McCullum Edwin. L/Cpl. (d.21st March 1918)
  • Nason Bertram Francis. Pte.
  • Pratt MID. Edward Joseph. RSM. (d.20th Sep 1917)
  • Pratt MID. Joseph Edward. RSM. (d.20th Sep 1917)
  • Rea William. Pte. (d.3rd July 1916 )
  • Richmond Frederick. Sig. (d.19th Apr 1918)
  • Riley Frank. Pte. (d.14th June 1918)
  • Riley Frank. Pte. (d.14th June 1918)
  • Rippin Jim. Pte
  • Rowberry MM William. L/Sgt. (d.18th November 1916)
  • Rowberry MM. William. L/Sgt. (d.18th Nov 1916)
  • Russell Francis Arthur. Pte
  • Rutherford Harry. Pte. (d.10th June 1917)
  • Samuel Charles Lewis. Pte.
  • Searle Ronald Spencer. Lt.
  • Smith Frederick Philip. Lt.
  • Solan Michael. Pte. (d.23rd Mar 1918)
  • Stanley Harry. Pte. (d.10th Apr 1918)
  • Sullivan John. L/Cpl.
  • Surman Ernest Albert. Cpl. (d.21st July 1916)
  • Vinnicombe Hubert William. Pte. (d.19th June 1917)
  • Ward J A. Pte (d.7th June 1917)
  • White Sidney. Pte. (d.23rd Mar 1918)
  • Whitehouse William. L/Sgt. (d.3rd July 1916)

All names on this list have been submitted by relatives, friends, neighbours and others who wish to remember them, if you have any names to add or any recollections or photos of those listed, please Add a Name to this List

Records of 10th Battalion, Royal Warwickshire Regiment from other sources.

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  • 28th May 2024

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      Wanted: Digital copies of Group photographs, Scrapbooks, Autograph books, photo albums, newspaper clippings, letters, postcards and ephemera relating to the Great War. If you have any unwanted photographs, documents or items from the First or Second World War, please do not destroy them. The Wartime Memories Project will give them a good home and ensure that they are used for educational purposes. Please get in touch for the postal address, do not sent them to our PO Box as packages are not accepted.

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      World War 1 One ww1 wwII greatwar great battalion regiment artillery
      Did you know? We also have a section on World War Two. and a Timecapsule to preserve stories from other conflicts for future generations.

  Pte. Edwin Gibson 10th Btn. Royal Warwickshire Regiment (d.6th Jul 1916)

Edwin Gibson was my grandfather on my mother's side and was a Regular who was 39 when he was killed. He had a son, Sidney, and two daughters, Beatrice (Trix) and Violet (my mother). They lived in Alum Rock, Birmingham. I have his Death Plaque but no campaign medals, although I believe he had served elsewhere abroad before being sent to France as part of the BEF.

John Watterson

  Pte. Harry Stanley 10th Btn. Royal Warwickshire Regiment (d.10th Apr 1918)

Harry Stanley was wounded at the 2nd Battle of Messines, part of the larger Battle of the Lys, and died in a Belgian hospital on 10th April 1918. He is buried at Harlebeke New British Cemetery, Belgium.

Anthony Bond

  Pte. Christopher Bullivant 10th Battalion Royal Warwickshire Regiment (d.6th November 1915)

My grandfather's brother, Christopher Bullivant, was a private in the 10th Battalion, Royal Warwickshire Regiment who was killed at Festubert, France on 6th November 1915.

My father's brother was born in December 1915 and named after his dead uncle. He was killed in North Africa on 29th June 1943, I am named Christopher after them both, my middle name is John after my father's cousin John Holland who was killed by the Japanese whilst attempting to escape from a prison train in the Far East. There were only twenty houses in Trenville Avenue (half were destroyed by bombing) four of the boys who grew up there were to be killed in WW2, as well as the two above one sailor was blown up when HMS Hood was destroyed by the Bismarck.

Christopher J Bullivant

  Pte. Bertram Francis Nason 10th Battalion Royal Warwickshire Regiment

Bertram Nason served with the 10th Battalion, Royal Warwickshire Regiment. He was the son of Francis Nason and Esther (nee Adams) of Pillerton Priors and Pillerton Hersey. At the time of Bertram's birth, his father was working on the Chastleton Estate, where he became farm bailiff. Bertram was born at Brookend Farm, Chastleton. In 1901, when he was 16, Bertram was living with his parents at 15 Ryland Street, Stratford and he was a telegraph messenger. His older sister had died aged 11 and is buried in the churchyard at Chastleton. He had an older brother who had moved away and married in Baldock that same year. By 1906, Bertram was a fully fledged postman, as shown in the appointments books, and a year later, he had transferred to Leamington. His patch in the Stratford area was very rural and he would cycle miles, including delivering to the Alscot Estate. He remembers being invited to the staff Christmas parties there. Soon after becoming a postman, he met and fell in love with the head waitress, Lizzie Melville, at the Shakespeare Hotel in Stratford. They were married in Stratford Parish Church on 11 November 1911. The hotel presented them with a silver tea service. The couple lived at 9 Newbold Place, Leamington Spa.

Bertram remained a postman until he enlisted with the 10th Battalion, Royal Warwickshire Regiment on 8th of December 1915. He served at Passchendaele. By acquiring the war diaries for the battalion and visiting the museum at Passchendaele, we have discovered that he was gassed at Hill 60. This was an important strategic point for undermining. We have a telegram sent to his wife to inform her that on a certain date in 1917, he was injured and sent to the military hospital at Etaples, on the coast of France. This would have been a hospital largely under canvas. From there he was sent to the Beaulieu Auxiliary Hospital in Harrogate, where he remained, convalescing, for some months. During his convalescence, his wife Lizzie upped sticks and moved to Yorkshire with the dog to be near him. We have a photo of Bertram at Harrogate, the middle man in the front row with the dog on his knee. The suits would have been a statutory blue. In January 1919 he was discharged on the ground of sickness.

Bertram and Lizzie continued to live in Leamington and had one daughter. After he was widowed in 1953, he lived alone in Leamington. When he was older, he moved to live with his daughter and her husband and their two children in Radway. He died in 1967, having lived to the age of 82 despite the damage he suffered at Passchendaele. His two grandchildren and their partners still live locally.

<p>Bertram at Beaulieu Auxiliary Hospital, Harrogate, post Oct 1917. He is sitting with his dog

  Pte. Christopher Bullivant 10th Btn. Royal Warwickshire Regiment (d.6th Nov 1915)

My great uncle Christopher Bullivant was killed by a sniper whilst serving in the forward trenches at Festubert in northern France on 6th of November 1915, he was 18 years old. His brother gave the name to his second son born in December of that year and that Christopher was also killed in North Africa on 29th of June 1943 whist serving in the RAF. His brother, my father, gave the name to me which I am honoured to hold. My son also carries the name forward.

Chris J Bullivant

  Pte. Christopher Bullivant 10th Battalion Royal Warwickshire Regiment (d.6th November 1915)

A story told by my grandma who was the sister-in-law of Christopher, who had a son called Christopher killed in WW2 and a grandson called Christopher.

In 1916 two of the friends of my great uncle, Christopher Bullivant, returned to Birmingham on leave from the ˜Front. They arrived by train in the city centre late one evening and hit every pub on their way to Sparkbrook. By the time they reached Leamington Road they discovered that Lunns, the pork butchers shop then on the corner of Leamington Road and Ladypool Road (still there in the 1950s) had been left open by Mr Lunn (no chance!). They entered (broke in!) to discover an entire pig carcass hanging. The two immediately enrolled the pig into the 10th Battalion, Royal Warwick's as Private Pig, put an army cape around him, a hat on his head and marched him between them down Leamington Road towards Stoney Lane. They stopped at the home of each of the homes of the boys killed in France since they arrived the previous year. By the time they got to my Great Grandma's house in Trenville Avenue ˜Private Pig had already lost one leg and my G.G had the second. Private Pig did not survive the evening, no one told Mr Lunn about Private Pig's adventure and demise that evening and the two young soldiers returned to the Front unsullied. Some days later one was killed and one injured later in the war.

By late 1916 the people of Birmingham were going hungry because the U boat menace was taking effect, the two boys, whose names I do not know, deserve your memories.

Chris J Bullivant

  Lt. Ronald Spencer Searle 10th Battalion Royal Warwickshire Regiment

My father, Ronald Searle joined the OTC at University College, London, when a student, and was assigned to the Artists Rifles when in training, and then to the 10th Battalion, Royal Warwickshire Regiment as a 2nd Lieutenant. He was sent to France on 24th of September 1917. He was wounded by shrapnel in the shoulder on 29th of March 1918 at Bapaume and invalided back to England, returning to France in November 1918 and finally being discharged from the Army in April 1919 with the rank of Lieutenant.

My father never spoke of what happened to him during his war service except to say that there could be no God if such things were allowed to take place. As he had been brought up in a very deeply religious Methodist family, one that had produced a number of Methodist ministers, his complete loss of any religious faith was clearly the direct result of World War One. His experiences during Operation Michael at Bapaume in March 1918 must have been horrific, especially considering that he was then only 19 years old.

When in hospital at the end of his life in 1986 my father believed himself to be back in wartime France, and kept saying that the boys shouldn't keep being moved around. His wartime memories must therefore have remained vivid, even though during his life after World War One he managed to suppress them.

Patricia H Riley

  Pte. Hubert William Vinnicombe 10th Btn. Warwickshire Regiment (d.19th June 1917)

Hubert Vinnicombe served with the 10th Royal Warwickshire Regiment. I am compiling information of the men on our War Memorial in Otterton, Devon, and Hubert is one of these.

Jane Bennett

  L/Cpl. Albert Leonard Green 10th Btn. Royal Warwickshire Regiment (d.25th July 1917)

Albert Green had enlisted in the South Staffordshire Regiment in 1906 to fight in the Boer war, but the war ended before he was sent overseas. He worked as a jeweler in the jewelry quarter of Birmingham. When he died his youngest daughter (my Grandma) was just 7 years of age.

Simon Mitchell

  Pte Alfred Boryer 10th Btn. Royal Warwickshire Regiment

Alfred Boryer is my Grandfather. I do have a photo

Richard Boryer

  Cpl. Ernest Albert Surman 10th Battalion Royal Warwickshire Regiment (d.21st July 1916)

My mother once asked my grandfather Albert Surman, about his father's WW1 service. He told her when he was 10yrs old he awakened early one morning to hear boot steps walking from the entryway, he looked out of his bedroom window and saw his father in uniform walking away from the house up Eadie Street. He added that was the last he saw of him. He then told her "He got blown up, I don't want to talk about it ever again!" Ernest Surman left behind his widow and seven children.

Micheline Hill

  Pte. William Rea 10th Btn. Royal Warwickshire Regiment (d.3rd July 1916 )

William Rea was educated at Monmouth School Monmouth and is referenced in the school magazine Pro Patria. He was born 30th February 1890. His father was William Joseph who died before him and his mother was Susan.

He is commemorated on the Thiepval Memorial and is also being commemorated in a project, Monmouth A Town at War, which is being delivered by Monmouth Museum and a group of volunteers.

Kay Potts

  Pte. Harry Rutherford 10th Btn. Royal Warwickshire Regiment (d.10th June 1917)

Harry Rutherford is my Great Uncle. All I know is a story related via my father from his father (Harry's brother). Apparently the brothers (being in the same regiment) crossed paths as Harry was going up to the line and Albert, my grandfather, was returning from the line and Albert warned Harry in what we assume to be a jocular way to "be careful of the Belgians, they're bloody big buggers!"

  L/Cpl. Edwin McCullum 10th Btn. Royal Warwickshire Regiment (d.21st March 1918)

Edwin McCullum was killed in action. He is commemorated on the Commonwealth War Memorial at Arras.

Carl Reason

  L/Sgt. William Rowberry MM. 10th Battalion Royal Warwickshire (d.18th Nov 1916)

My great grand uncle, William Rowberry, was born in 1876 in Stone, Worcestershire, the son of John and Emma. Like most of his immediate family he was an agricultural labourer, although by 1901 he was living with his older brother Thomas and his family in Aston, Birmingham and working as a Carter.

He joined up in early 1915 and was in France by July. William received the Military Medal probably during the Battle of the Somme and he was killed on the last day of that engagement. He has no known grave and is mentioned on the memorial at Thiepval and at Stone Parish Church

Paul Cooper

  Cpt. Julian Roydes Gribble VC 1st Btn. att. 10th Bn. Royal Warwickshire Regiment (d.25th November 1918)

Julian Roydes Gribble died on the 25th of November 1918, aged 21 and is buried in the Niederzwehren Cemetery in Germany. He was the son of George James Gribble and Norah Gribble (nee Royds), of Kingston Russell House, Dorset.

An extract from The London Gazette, No. 30770, dated 25th June, 1918, records the following:- "For most conspicuous bravery and devotion to duty. Capt. Gribble was in command of the right company of the battalion when the enemy attacked, and his orders were to ' hold on to the last.' His company was eventually entirely isolated, though he could easily have withdrawn them at one period when the rest of the battalion on his left were driven back to a secondary position. His right flank was ' in the air,' owing to the withdrawal of all troops of a neighbouring division. By means of a runner to the company on his left rear he intimated his determination to hold on until other orders were received from battalion headquarters - and this he inspired his command to accomplish. His company was eventually surrounded by the enemy at close range, and he was seen fighting to the last. His subsequent fate is unknown. By his splendid example of grit, Capt. Gribble was materially instrumental in preventing for some hours the enemy obtaining a complete mastery of the crest of ridge, and by his magnificent self-sacrifice he enabled the remainder of his own brigade to be withdrawn, as well as another garrison and three batteries of field artillery."

s flynn

  Pte. Frank Riley 10th Btn. Royal Warwickshire Regiment (d.14th June 1918)

Frank Riley Died of Wounds as a Prisoner of War on 14th June 1918, aged 19. Buried in the Hamburg Ohlsdorf Cemetery in Germany, he was the son of William and Betsy Riley, of 28, Rawson St., Burnley, Lancashire.

s flynn

  L/Cpl. John Sullivan 10th Btn. Royal Warwickshire Regiment

Lance Corporal John Sullivan, as a member of the 10th Battalion Royal Warwickshire Regiment, entered the conflict in France on 18th July 1915. He was awarded the 1915 Star, the Victory medal and the British War medal.

Jennifer McFall

  Capt. Julian Royds Gribble VC. 1st Bn. att. 10th Bn. Royal Warwickshire Regiment (d.25th Nov 1918)

Captain Julian Royds Gribble VC served with the 1st Battalion, Warwickshire Regiment and was attached to the 10th Battalion when he died from Pneumonia on the 25th November 1918, Age: 21. He is buried in Niederzwehren Cemetery, Germany. He was the son of George James Gribble and Norah Gribble (nee Royds), of Kingston Russell House, Dorset.

An extract from The London Gazette, No. 30770, dated 25th June, 1918, records the following:- For most conspicuous bravery and devotion to duty. Capt. Gribble was in command of the right company of the battalion when the enemy attacked, and his orders were to ' hold on to the last.' His company was eventually entirely isolated, though he could easily have withdrawn them at one period when the rest of the battalion on his left were driven back to a secondary position. His right flank was ' in the air,' owing to the withdrawal of all troops of a neighbouring division. By means of a runner to the company on his left rear he intimated his determination to hold on until other orders were received from battalion headquarters - and this he inspired his command to accomplish. His company was eventually surrounded by the enemy at close range, and he was seen fighting to the last. His subsequent fate is unknown. By his splendid example of grit, Capt. Gribble was materially instrumental in preventing for some hours the enemy obtaining a complete mastery of the crest of ridge, and by his magnificent self-sacrifice he enabled the remainder of his own brigade to be withdrawn, as well as another garrison and three batteries of field artillery. He was wounded and lost consciousness, but was resuscitated by the Germans and taken prisoner. He was held in a camp at Mainz, Germany where he gradually recovered his health. On the news of winning the Victoria Cross his fellow prisoners of war celebrated by carrying him around the camp on their shoulders. Sadly he never saw his medal. Whilst waiting to be repatriated at the end of the War he caught pneumonia and died on the 24th November 1918.

S Flynn

  Pte. Frank Riley 10th Btn. Royal Warwickshire Regiment (d.14th June 1918)

Frank Riley died of wounds as a Prisoner of War 14th June 1918, aged 19. He is buried in Hamburg Ohlsdorf Cemetery in Germany. He was the son of William and Betsy Riley, of 28, Rawson St., Burnley, Lancashire.

s flynn

Recomended Reading.

Available at discounted prices.

Lander's War: The War Diaries of Lt. Charles Herbert Lander 10th Battalion, Royal Warwickshire Regiment.

Charles Herbert Lander

Charles Lander, had to wait until the chest measurement was reduced before he could apply as a private soldier with the Royal Warwickshire Regiment. Upon his commission, Charles was to serve in the 10th Battalion which was a part of 57th Brigade, 19th (Western) Division. Read on, and let Charles take you into the tumultuous world of the Great War, where moments of comedy, low points and sheer terror combine; and wonder as to how humans could endure, go home and live again in everyday society. Lt. Charles Herbert Lander truly had the skill to pull back the curtains on the window of time; with his words, he will take you to the now quiet fields of France and Flanders, now transformed from the most dangerous places on Earth to their former rural peace. He tells us how it was and who were the players in the great game, as they appear and all too often disappear from these pages.
Lander's War: The War Diaries of Lt. Charles Herbert Lander 10th Battalion, Royal Warwickshire Regiment

Charles Herbert Lander

Written by a serving officer from 10th Battalion Royal Warwickshire Regiment in WW1 on the Western Front. This book provides detailed accounts of the Officers view of the war.


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