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- 15th (2nd Brmingham) Battalion, Royal Warwickshire Regiment during the Great War -

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World War 1 One ww1 wwII greatwar great 1914 1918 first battalion regiment

15th (2nd Brmingham) Battalion, Royal Warwickshire Regiment

   15th (2nd Birmingham Pals) Battalion, Royal Warwickshire Regiment was raised in Birmingham in September 1914 by the Lord Mayor and a local committee. After training they joined 95th Brigade, 32nd Division on the 26 June 1915. They proceeded to France, landing at Boulogne on the 21st of November 1915. On the 28 December 1915 they transferred to 14th Brigade, 5th Division, one of many units were exchanged to stiffen the inexperienced 32nd Division with regular army troops. On the 14th of January 1916 they transferred to 13th Brigade still with 5th Division In March 1916 5th Division took over a section of front line between St Laurent Blangy and the southern edge of Vimy Ridge, near Arras. They moved south in July to reinforce The Somme and were in action at, High Wood, The Battle of Guillemont, The Battle of Flers-Courcelette, The Battle of Morval and The Battle of Le Transloy. In October they moved to Festubertand remained there until March 1917 when they moved in preparation for the Battles of Arras. On 7 September 1917 the 5th Division moved out of the line for a period of rest before, being sent to Flanders where they were in action during the Third Battle of Ypres. 5th Division was sent to Italy and took up positions in the line along the River Piave in late January 1918. They were recalled to France to assist with the German Advance in late March 1918 and were in action during the Battles of the Lys. On the 14th of August 1918 the 5th Division was withdrawn for two weeks rest. They then moved to The Somme where they were more or less in continuous action over the old battlegrounds until October and saw action in the Battles of the Hindenburg Line and the Final Advance in Picardy. On the 6th of October 1918 the 2nd Birmingham Pals were disbanded with troops transferring to the 1st and 3rd Birmingham Pals Battalions.

17th April 1915 5th Division Attack  location map

20th Nov 1915 On the Move

21st Nov 1915 On the Move

22nd Nov 1915 On the Move

23rd Nov 1915 On the March

3rd of December 1915  Observation Difficult

20th of December 1915 Deserter Taken

28th of December 1915 Retaliatory Firing  location map

1st of January 1916 Night-time Shelling

2nd of January 1916 Direct Hits  location map

10th of January 1916  Battalion Relief  location map

13th of January 1916 5th Division in Reserve

29th of January 1916 

4th of February 1916  

10th of February 1916  MG Coys Join

3rd of March 1916  Relief

4th of March 1916 Snow All Day

7th of March 1916 Torpedoes Fired

9th March 1916 Reliefs

10th of March 1916 Unit Positions

14th of March 1916 MG Coy Arrive

27th Mar 1916 Reliefs

13th of April 1916 Brigade Relief

21st April 1916 Reliefs

17th May 1916 Relieved 1st Cheshires in "J2" subsector N.E. Arras.

20th May 1916 Stearinerie in St. Nicolas where our cooks, pioneers, diggers etc are sheltered was shelled in the morning.

21st May 1916 German Artillery active about 0800 hours.

29th May 1916 Reliefs

4th of June 1916  Germans Raid Trenches  location map

6th June 1916 Account of the hostile demonstration on the night of the 4/5th June

8th June 1916 

12th June 1916 Reliefs

2nd of July 1916 New Orders  location map

20th of July 1916 Positions of Units  location map

23rd of July 1916 Longueval Attack Report  location map

24th of July 1916 Reliefs  location map

25th of July 1916  Enemy Advances  location map

27th July 1916 At 0650 hours a Company reported they could_hardly muster a platoon owing to most of the Company being buried by the heavy shelling.  location map

31st of July 1916 KOSBs Hold Line  location map

31st July 1916 Owing to the very heavy poisoned gas-shell 2245 hours barrage in Valley North of Montauban the whole Battalion had to put on gas helmets.  location map

1st of August 1916  Dispositions after Relief  location map

5th of August 1916 Divisional Dispositions

27th of August 1916 Divisional Dispositions  location map

30th of August 1916  Enemy Artillery Active  location map

31st of August 1916  Warning Order Issued  location map

1st of September 1916 Enemy SOS  location map

4th of September 1916 Units Mixed Up  location map

19th of September 1916 In the Front Line  location map

21st of September 1916 Situation Normal  location map

23rd of September 1916 Reliefs  location map

25th of September 1916  Instructions for Tanks  location map

30th of September 1916 Dispositions

13th of October 1916 Reliefs  location map

31st of October 1916 Distribution  location map

30th of November 1916  Enemy Baling Out  location map

2nd of December 1916 Raiding Party Fails  location map

4th of December 1916  German Trenches Damaged  location map

6th of December 1916  Working Parties Dispersed  location map

10th of December 1916  Working Parties Dispersed  location map

14th of December 1916  A Combined Shoot  location map

20th of December 1916 German TMs Active  location map

21st of December 1916 Ferme Cour d'Avoue Shelled  location map

22nd of December 1916 Quiet Day  location map

24th of December 1916 Germans Very Active  location map

29th of December 1916  Artillery Quieter  location map

5th of January 1917  Aeroplanes Active  location map

6th of January 1917  German Guns Quiet  location map

9th of January 1917  Spotted Dog Shelled  location map

13th of January 1917  Retaliation "Feeble"  location map

17th of January 1917 Guns Active  location map

20th of January 1917 Active Artillery  location map

21st of January 1917 Our TMs Active  location map

26th of January 1917 TMs Busy  location map

30th of January 1917 Hostile TMs Busy  location map

1st of February 1917  Balloon Spotted  location map

3rd of February 1917 Artillery Active  location map

6th of February 1917 Fairly Quiet  location map

7th of February 1917  Feeble Retaliation  location map

9th of February 1917  Little TM Retaliation  location map

12th of February 1917 Artillery Quiet  location map

15th of February 1917 Enemy TMs Fall Short  location map

17th of February 1917 TMs Quiet  location map

19th of February 1917 Our Guns Active  location map

21st of February 1917  Our Guns Active  location map

28th of February 1917 Artillery Quiet  location map

1st of March 1917 POWs Taken  location map

4th of March 1917 Damage Caused by Heavies  location map

6th of March 1917  Brigades Attached  location map

8th of March 1917  Divisional Relief  location map

9th of March 1917  TMs Very Active  location map

11th of March 1917 Auchy Heavily Shelled  location map

14th of March 1917 Pekin Trench Hit  location map

15th of March 1917  Brigade Relief  location map

20th of March 1917  Composite Division Formed  location map

24th of March 1917 Pioneers On the Move

27th of March 1917 In Corps Reserve  location map

2nd of April 1917  Positions  location map

8th of April 1917 HQ Moves

11th of April 1917 Dispositions

12th of April 1917 Orders and Reliefs  location map

13th of April 1917  A Push Forward  location map

14th of April 1917 Orders to Move  location map

18th of April 1917 Divisional Front Readjusted  location map

20th Apr 1917 Reliefs

22nd of April 1917 Warning Order Received  location map

22nd April 1917 oved up at 1730 hours to relieve 15th Royal Warwick Regt.

22nd April 1917 Operational Order by Lt. Colonel J.W.V. Carroll C.M.G. Commanding 1st Norfolk Regt.  location map

24th of April 1917 35 Minute Bombardment  location map

25th of April 1917 Canadians Take Over Front  location map

28th of April 1917 Rest and Training  location map

4th May 1917 Battalion moved off at 0900 hours and proceeded to old German Front Line in Rocklincourt.

5th of May 1917  Wood Shelled  location map

6th of May 1917 Enemy Guns Active  location map

8th of May 1917  Orders to Attack  location map

8th May 1917 Operation 8th/9th May 1917.

9th of May 1917 No Further Advance  location map

9th May 1917 Directly after midnight 8th/9th we moved in to position.

10th of May 1917 Enemy Concentration Reported  location map

11th of May 1917 Enemy Guns Active  location map

12th of May 1917 Bailleul Shelled  location map

13th of May 1917 Front Line Shelled  location map

15th of May 1917 Very Quiet Day  location map

17th of May 1917 A Surprise Attack  location map

20th of May 1917 Guns Active  location map

21st of May 1917 Quiet Night  location map

22nd of May 1917  Quiet Day  location map

23rd of May 1917   Enemy Withdrawal?  location map

24th of May 1917  Relief Completed  location map

26th of May 1917 Quiet Day  location map

31st May 1917 Work and Training  location map

2nd of June 1917   location map

9th of June 1917  A Relief  location map

10th of June 1917 Minor Op Planned  location map

14th of June 1917 Relief  location map

15th of June 1917   Relief Completed  location map

16th June 1917  Quiet Night  location map

16th June 1917 Relieved 15th Royal Warwicks in Brigade Support, in Oppy Wood sector.

17th of June 1917 Quiet Day  location map

18th of June 1917   Aircraft Active  location map

19th of June 1917  Quiet Day  location map

20th June 1917 Relieved on the night of the 20th/21st by 15th Warwicks.

21st of June 1917  Brigade Relief Completed  location map

26th of June 1917  Quiet Day  location map

27th of June 1917  Successful Raid  location map

28th of June 1917  Successful Operation   location map

1st of July 1917  Front Line Adjusted  location map

5th of July 1917  Our Trenches Damaged  location map

6th of July 1917  A Brigade Relief  location map

9th Jul 1917 Reliefs

10th of July 1917 A Raid Ordered  location map

12th of July 1917  Back Areas Shelled   location map

16th of July 1917 A Successful Raid  location map

17th of July 1917 Quiet Time  location map

18th of July 1917 Direct Hits Made  location map

19th of July 1917   Situation Quiet   location map

21st of July 1917 Back Areas Shelled  location map

23rd of July 1917 Minenwerfer Active  location map

26th of July 1917  Very Quiet   location map

27th of July 1917  Gas Attack  location map

29th of July 1917 Brigade Relief  location map

1st of August 1917 MG Activity  location map

3rd of August 1917   Snipers Active  location map

4th of August 1917  Hostile Shelling  location map

7th of August 1917  A German Raid  location map

10th of August 1917 Mostly Quiet  location map

13th of August 1917 Two Minute Barrage  location map

16th of August 1917 MGs Active  location map

19th of August 1917  Gas Drums Plan  location map

22nd of August 1917 Railway Shelled  location map

25th of August 1917  TMs Hit Oppy Wood  location map

27th of August 1917 Quiet Time  location map

31st August 1917 Quiet Time  location map

3rd of September 1917  Quiet  location map

5th of September 1917 Brigades on the March  location map

6th of September 1917 Gas Shelling  location map

7th of September 1917 Training  location map

9th of October 1917 Hostile Guns Active  location map

10th of September 1917  Division to Move

11th of September 1917  Artillery Marches

25th of September 1917 Entraining Continues  location map

3rd of October 1917 More Heavy Shelling   location map

4th of October 1917 Attack Launched  location map

5th of October 1917 Quieter Night  location map

10th of October 1917   "Intense Barrage" Endured  location map

11th of October 1917 Snipers Active  location map

14th of October 1917 Training  location map

17th of October 1917 Training  location map

18th of October 1917 Training

21st of October 1917 Offensive to be Resumed  location map

22nd of October 1917 On the Move

23rd of October 1917 More Moves  location map

24th of October 1917  Enemy Retaliates  location map

26th of October 1917 Intermittent Shelling  location map

27th of October 1917  Quiet Time  location map

28th of October 1917 Enemy Guns "Above Normal"  location map

4th of November 1917 Heavy shelling  location map

6th of November 1917 Attack Launched  location map

8th of November 1917 Fairly Quiet  location map

11th of November 1917 Quiet Time  location map

14th of November 1917 95th Brigade Entrain

18th of November 1917 121st Battery Moves  location map

19th of November 1917  Pioneers Move

25th of November 1917 Pioneers Return

26th of November 1917   HQ Closes and Re-opens

27th of November 1917 Entraining for Italy

28th of November 1917 Entraining for Italy

9th of April 1918 Orders

10th of April 1918  Relief Postponed

12th of April 1918 Attack Ordered  location map

13th of April 1918 Enemy Attacks  location map

15th of April 1918   Another Enemy Attack  location map

16th of April 1918 Situation Quiet  location map

18th of April 1918  Artillery Active  location map

19th of April 1918 A Raiding Party   location map

22nd of April 1918  A Gas Attack  location map

23rd of April 1918 Constant Shelling  location map

25th of April 1918  Division Attacks  location map

28th of April 1918 Artillery Quieter  location map

30th of April 1918 Artillery Very Active  location map

3rd of May 1918 Enemy Artillery Active   location map

4th of May 1918 Situation Quiet  location map

10th of May 1918 Gas Shells Used   location map

15th of May 1918 Our Heavies Busy   location map

17th of May 1918 Active Artillery  location map

22nd of May 1918 Enemy Active  location map

23rd of May 1918 Quiet Night  location map

30th of May 1918 A Relief  location map

4th June 1918 Observation Balloon and Aeroplane Downed

5th of June 1918  Brigade Relief  location map

13th of June 1918  Brigade Relief Completed  location map

15th of June 1918  Operation Proposed  location map

20th of June 1918 Situation Unchanged  location map

22nd of June 1918  Slight Activity  location map

25th of June 1918 WO95/1510/4  location map

28th of June 1918 Successful Attack  location map

29th of June 1918 Enemy Guns Active  location map

1st of July 1918  Situation Unchanged  location map

7th of July 1918  Gas Shelling  location map

12th of July 1918 Back Areas Bombed  location map

18th of July 1918  Our Guns Active  location map

24th of July 1918  Relief Completed  location map

28th of July 1918 Quiet   location map

31st of July 1918 Relief Completed  location map

9th of August 1918  Training  location map

10th of August 1918  Training

13th of August 1918 Entraining Commenced

15th of August 1918  Training

21st of August 1918  Division Advances  location map

23rd of August 1918  Division Attacks  location map

24th of August 1918  5th Division Co-operates  location map

25th of August 1918 Brigades Move  location map

26th of August 1918  Enemy Retreats  location map

27th of August 1918 Quiet  location map

28th of August 1918   Situation Unchanged  location map

29th of August 1918 Enemy Evacuate Town  location map

30th of August 1918  Advance Continues  location map

31st of August 1918  Counter-Attack  location map

1st of September 1918  Attack Sucessful  location map

2nd of September 1918 Strongly Defended

3rd of September 1918  Enemy Withdraws  location map

4th of September 1918 Divisional Relief

5th of September 1918 Rest and Training

17th of September 1918 Back Areas Bombed  location map

18th of September 1918 Attack Commences  location map

19th of September 1918 Enemy Guns Quiet  location map

20th of September 1918  Quiet Time  location map

22nd of September 1918 Field Guns Active  location map

30th of September 1918  Divisional Relief  location map

1st of October 1918  Division Relieved

8th of October 1918 New Area  location map

If you can provide any additional information, please add it here.

Want to know more about 15th (2nd Brmingham) Battalion, Royal Warwickshire Regiment?

There are:5500 items tagged 15th (2nd Brmingham) Battalion, Royal Warwickshire Regiment available in our Library

  These include information on officers, regimental histories, letters, diary entries, personal accounts and information about actions during the Great War.

Those known to have served with

15th (2nd Brmingham) Battalion, Royal Warwickshire Regiment

during the Great War 1914-1918.

  • Allso Percival Allen. L/Cpl. (d.27th July 1916)
  • Burton Charles Silvester. Pte. (d.23rd Mar 1918)
  • Butcher Harold. Pte. (d.4th June 1917)
  • Davey Adolphus. Pte.
  • Ghent John Edgar. Pte. (d.28th June 1918)
  • Green Albert Edward. Pte (d.3rd September 1916)
  • Leake Albert Ernest. Pte. (d.26th July 1916)
  • Maskrey Albert Vincent. Pte. (d.24th Sep 1916)
  • Moore Richard Louis Bertram. Pte.
  • Nelson George Harry. Pte.
  • Salt Alfred. Pte. (d.3rd Sep 1916)
  • Smith Garnet. Pte. (d.3rd Sep 1916)
  • Statham James. Pte. (d.26th Jun 1918)
  • Statham James. Pte. (d.28th June 1918)

All names on this list have been submitted by relatives, friends, neighbours and others who wish to remember them, if you have any names to add or any recollections or photos of those listed, please Add a Name to this List

Records of 15th (2nd Brmingham) Battalion, Royal Warwickshire Regiment from other sources.

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  Pte. James Statham 15th Btn. Royal Warwickshire Regiment (d.28th June 1918)

Memorial Card

James Statham was born in 1878 and served with 15th Battalion Royal Warwickshire Regiment. He went missing in action on the 28th of June 1918 and is commemorated on the Memorial to the Missing in Ploegsteert Belgium. I understand he may have been part of the 7th Royal Warwickshire Regiment prior to this and also serving in Italy. Looking for more details.

<p>James Statham with the 7th Warwicks.

Jacky Robinson-Wing

  Pte. Harold Butcher 15th Btn. Royal Warwickshire Regiment (d.4th June 1917)

Harold Butcher was my paternal great-grandfather. He was a 27 year old husband and father when he died fighting in France with the Royal Warwickshire Regiment, 15th Battalion, in WWI. I believe he was from Trowbridge, in County Wiltshire.

Harold died 4th of June 1917 and is buried at the Etaples Military Cemetery in France. Son of Mr. and Mrs. Butcher of Trowbridge, Wilts, husband of Daisy A. Butcher of Nolan's Cottage, Yatesbury, Calne, Wilts.

Karen Hancock

  Pte. Richard Louis Bertram "Riccardo" Moore 15th (2nd Birmingham) Battalion, B Company, 6 Platoon. Royal Warwickshire Regiment

My grandfather, Richard Moore, was the Birmingham Regimental poet, Ricardo, who wrote The Warblings of a Windy Warrior.

As my siblings and I never met him, the information I have about him is somewhat vague. I do know that he was born in 1894 in Stourbridge and attended King Edwards School and also Stourbridge Grammar School. After leaving school, he was an articled architect for 4 years, during which time he also joined the Special Reserves of the Royal Warwickshire Regiment. I understand that he was originally intended to join the Royal Navy but due to a snake bite he missed the deadline. My grandfather was a keen swimmer and played water polo for Stourbridge and was due to go and live with relatives in Australia when he had his front teeth knocked out in a polo match, as a result of which he had to give up his army reserve commitment in 1913.

He re-joined the Royal Warwickshires in August 1914 and it is my understanding that after surveying and mapping a mined area in Arras that was under fire, he was recommended for a commission and on 24th of January 1917 was gazetted as a Lieutenant to the Somerset Light Infantry. I believe that during WW1 he was wounded 3 times and gassed 3 times and was invalided home in 1918 but was later recalled to serve in Murmansk and Archangei as draft conducting officer and then onto India and the Malay States.

Whilst on indefinite sick leave because of his head wounds, he returned to Stourbridge and between 1920 and 1922 worked as a district reporter for the County Express in order to supplement his leave pay. My grandfather then returned to France with the architectural department of the Imperial War Graves Commission. In 1928 he was granted life retired pay and again returned to Stourbridge where he set up in practice as an architect and surveyor, whilst continuing to do freelance work for local newspapers, writing news articles and short stories about local places and things.

In 1938, I understand that my grandfather relinquished his commission to join the Territorial Army with the 8th Army Field Workshop as a corporal and once again returned to France with his unit in the 50th Division, when again he was wounded in the head and evacuated from Dieppe just before Dunkirk and after recovering was discharged to serve in R.A.F factories as an armourer examiner-mechanic.

Apart from being a soldier, architect and journalist, my grandfather was a linguist and he also continued to write many stories and books, some of which were serialised in Canada My grandfather died in February 1971, with his requiem taking place at the Catholic Church in Stourbridge and was buried at Norton Road Cemetery in Stourbridge.

Helen Campbell

  Pte. John Edgar Ghent 15th Btn. Royal Warwickshire Regiment (d.28th June 1918)

John Ghent was buried with colleagues but never found. He is remembered on the Ploegsteert Memorial in Belgium.

Jacky Robinson-Wing

  Pte. Garnet Smith 15th Battalion Royal Warwickshire Regiment (d.3rd Sep 1916)

My Great uncle Garnet Smith was born in Grantham, Lincolnshire, in 1885. His profession was a dentist. His parents were John Henry Smith & Martha Smith of Victoria Villa, Olton Boulevard, Olton, Warwickshire. He was killed in action at Guillemont, France on 3rd of September 1916. I recall the postcard saying it was about 3pm?

Richard Rodgers

  Pte. Adolphus Davey 15th (2nd Birmingham) Btn. Royal Warwickshire Regiment

Adolphus Davey served with the 2nd Birmingham Pals.

  Pte. Alfred Salt 15th Btn. Royal Warwickshire Regiment (d.3rd Sep 1916)

Sadly for Alfred Salt, he has no known grave and is therefore commemorated on the Thiepval memorial. I have recently received information regarding my great uncles who served in the first world war. I also have many photographs that my cousin has found with soldiers, but unfortunately I have no names on the photos. I will get them scanned and upload them onto this site, which may help me but also they may help other families who recognise anyone they know.

Diane Palmer

  Pte. George Harry Nelson 16th Btn. Royal Warwickshire Regiment

George Nelson served with the 16th, 15th & 1st Battalions, Royal Warwickshire Regiment.

John Nelson

  L/Cpl. Percival Allen Allso 16th Btn. Royal Warwickshire Regiment (d.27th July 1916)

Percy Allso served with the 16th Btn. Royal Warwickshire Regiment.

Susan Silvester

  Pte. James Statham 15th Btn. Royal Warwickshire Regiment (d.26th Jun 1918)

James Statham served with the 15th Battalion, Royal Warwickshire Regiment during WW1 and was killed in action on the 28th June 1918, aged 40. He is commemorated on the Ploegsteert Memorial to the Missing in Belgium . He was born in 1878 in Fazeley, near Tamworth, Staffordshire.

S Flynn

  Pte. Charles Silvester Burton 10th Btn. Royal Warwickshire Regiment (d.23rd Mar 1918)

We know from a letter written by a comrade shortly afterwards (now sadly lost) that Charles Burton was machine gunned as a patrol moved around during the German Spring Offensive of 1918. He was aged 36. He has no known grave. He was born in Minworth, Warkwickshire around 1882. We have no pictures of him and think that any that may have existed may have been destroyed by his wife Selina (my Great Grandmother) after his death. His War Medal may also have been pawned at some point. It is possible he was a carpenter, but we cannot confirm that yet. I would be interested to know if you have any photos of the 10th RWR from around that time. We are still trying to find out more about him.

Craig Burton

  Pte. Albert Vincent Maskrey 15th Bn Royal Warwickshire Regiment (d.24th Sep 1916)

In Memory of A V Maskrey, Private, 1450, 15th Bn., Royal Warwickshire Regiment who died on 24 September 1916 (Served as Jones). Remembered with Honour Corbie Communal Cemetery Extension.

Albert Maskrey was my Gt Grand dad. He was 22 yrs old when he died. My Nan was only 2 yrs when he died so never really knew him. She was always told he pulled the pin out of a hand grenade and it blew up straight away. He didn't pass then, he died whilst being treated. I wish I could find out more about him, and find out if he lived a day? hours? a week? It would be nice to know.

Joanne carter

Recomended Reading.

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