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- 7th Divisional Ammunition Column, Royal Field Artillery during the Great War -

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World War 1 One ww1 wwII greatwar great 1914 1918 first battalion regiment

7th Divisional Ammunition Column, Royal Field Artillery

   7th Divisional Ammunition Column, Royal Field Artillery served with 7th Division. In late September 1914 7th Division concentrated in the New Forest, Hampshire. The Division landed at Zeebrugge in the first week of October 1914, to assist in the defence of Antwerp, they arrived too late prevent the fall of the city and took up defensive positions at important bridges and junctions to aid in the retreat of the Belgian army. The 7th Division then became the first British Troops to entrench in front of Ypres, suffering extremely heavy losses in the The First Battle of Ypres. By February 1915 the Division had been reinforced to fighting strength and they were in action at The Battle of Neuve Chapelle, The Battle of Aubers, The Battle of Festubert, The second action of Givenchy and The Battle of Loos. In 1916 They were in action during the Battles of the Somme, including the capture Mametz, The Battle of Bazentin, the attacks on High Wood, The Battle of Delville Wood, The Battle of Guillemont and the Operations on the Ancre. In 1917 They fought during The German retreat to the Hindenburg Line and the flanking operations round Bullecourt during The Arras Offensive, before moving to Flanders for the Third Battle of Ypres, seeing action in The Battle of Polygon Wood, The Battle of Broodseinde, The Battle of Poelcapelle and The Second Battle of Passchendaele. In late 1917 the 7th Division was selected to move to Italy. They took up position in the line along the River Piave,in late January 1918. The Division played a central role in crossing the Piave, in October and the Battle of Vittoria Veneto.

4th Oct 1914 Orders Received

5th Oct 1914 On the Move

6th Oct 1914 On the Move

7th Oct 1914 On the Move

8th Oct 1914 On the Move

9th Oct 1914 Anxiety

10th Oct 1914 Withdrawal

11th Oct 1914 Hostile Forces

11th Oct 1914 Orders

12th Oct 1914 On the March

13th Oct 1914 Enemy Closes

14th Oct 1914 On the March  location map

15th Oct 1914 Hostile Column  location map

16th Oct 1914 Line Advanced  location map

17th Oct 1914 Enemy Active  location map

18th Oct 1914 Planning  location map

19th Oct 1914 Hard Fighting  location map

20th Oct 1914 Defensive Line

21st Oct 1914 Hard Fighting

22nd Oct 1914 Bombardment

23rd Oct 1914 Under Fire

24th Oct 1914 Enemy Break Through

25th Oct 1914 Enemy Break Through

26th Oct 1914 Forced Back

27th Oct 1914 Orders Received

28th Oct 1914 Artillery Active

29th Oct 1914 Hard Fighting

30th Oct 1914 Hard Fighting

31st Oct 1914 Hard Fighting  location map

13th Jan 1915 British Bull dogs

21st Sep 1915 Orders  location map

If you can provide any additional information, please add it here.

Want to know more about 7th Divisional Ammunition Column, Royal Field Artillery?

There are:5261 items tagged 7th Divisional Ammunition Column, Royal Field Artillery available in our Library

  These include information on officers, regimental histories, letters, diary entries, personal accounts and information about actions during the Great War.

Those known to have served with

7th Divisional Ammunition Column, Royal Field Artillery

during the Great War 1914-1918.

  • Gaunt William. Bmbdr. (d.28th April 1917)
  • Hamlet George Frank. BQMS.
  • Rudiger . John. Gnr.
  • Seston Charles Joseph. Drvr.
  • Yates John. Dvr

All names on this list have been submitted by relatives, friends, neighbours and others who wish to remember them, if you have any names to add or any recollections or photos of those listed, please Add a Name to this List

Records of 7th Divisional Ammunition Column, Royal Field Artillery from other sources.

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Bmbdr. William Gaunt 7th Division Ammunition Column Royal Field Artillery (d.28th April 1917)

William Gaunt died of wounds and is buried at Arras.

Warwick Smith


Drvr. Charles Joseph Seston 7th Divisional Ammunition Column Royal Field Artillery

Charles Seson was a seasoned soldier by the time World War I broke out. He was married with a daughter. He experienced the worst of Ypres, the Somme and Loos. Riding the horses, as he had before becoming a soldier, only this time dragging cannon behind him. He was found in 1917 wandering around no mans land in Passchendaele in a state of total disassociation. Had he been found like this only months before he would have been shot for leaving his post for cowardice, but thankfully shellshock was now recognised and his PTSD was highly evident.

Marie Seston


Gnr. John Rudiger 7th Divisional Amunition Column Royal Field Artillery

I am the youngest son of John "Jack" Rudiger who went off to war with his two brothers, Harry and Ernie. I have a cutting of the three of them from the Hackney Gazette, at the time. All three returned although my Father sustained a head wound.

You may find a certain irony in the fact that my Grandfather was of German origin, hence the name! He came to this country as a young lad, and the fact that he sent his three sons off to war against his native country showed how he had integrated in the UK.

Dad never spoke too much about the WW1, he was an ARP Warden in WW2. I have my Father's 'Pip Squeak & Wilfred' but have no further details of his military career or where he fought. You would think with an unusual surname name like ours it would pose no problems, but all internet searches show no trace! I do not know his Battalion or Brigade, so if anyone out there can offer any help or assistance, it would be most gratefully received. I am endeavouring to get something together for my Grandchildren.

UPDATE: Jack's medal card has now been located on and it shows he served with the 7th Divisional Ammunition Column.

David Rudiger

Recomended Reading.

Available at discounted prices.


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