- 1st Battalion, Gordon Highlanders during the Second World War -
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1st Battalion, Gordon Highlanders
1st Battalion Gordon Highlanders deployed to France with the BEF in 51st (Highland) Division. They were trapped and had to surrender at Saint-Valery-en-Caux with most of the battalion being taken as POWs. In August 1940 the 1st Battalion was reformed and were deployed to North Africa and Sicily. They returned to the UK and landed in Normandy on D-Day, 6th of June 1944 and fought alongside the 2nd Battalion through France, Belgium and the Netherlands into Germany.
19th of January 1940 Lecture
19th Apr 1940 On the Move
20th Apr 1940 Reliefs
21st Apr 1940 Advance Party
22nd Apr 1940 On the Move
1st May 1940 Reliefs
7th May 1940 Reliefs
15th May 1940 Orders
20th May 1940 Withdrawal
22nd May 1940 Threat
23rd May 1940 In Reserve
24th May 1940 Orders
25th May 1940 On the Move
26th May 1940 Moves
27th May 1940 On the Move
28th May 1940 On the Move
7th Jun 1940 Enemy Movement
9th Jun 1940 In Defence
10th Jun 1940 On the March
11th Jun 1940 Surrounded
11th Jun 1940 In Action
11th Jun 1940 Under Fire
11th Jun 1940 Orders
12th Jun 1940 Situation Hopeless
12th Jun 1940 Surrounded
22nd May 1942 Competition
23rd May 1942 Competition
1st Jun 1942 Royal Visit
1st Jun 1942 Visit
2nd Jun 1942 Training
3rd Jun 1942 Exercise
4th Jun 1942 Exercise
5th Jun 1942 Training
6th Jun 1942 Training
7th Jun 1942 Training
29th of September 1942 Move
7th Oct 1942 Reliefs
7th of October 1942 Relief Order Appendix B G/7/?/1
21st of October 1942 Operation Order No.1
22nd of October 1942 Schedule of Tasks for Evening
23rd Oct 1942 In Action
23rd Oct 1942 Led by the Pipers
24th Oct 1942 In Action
28th Oct 1942 Barrage
1st Nov 1942 In Action
2nd Nov 1942 In Action
3rd Nov 1942 In Action
4th Nov 1942 In Action
4th Nov 1942 Out of Action
4th Nov 1942 Advance
5th of November 1942 Report
5th Dec 1942 Advance
15th of December 1942 Divisional Routine Orders
15th Jan 1943 Advance
16th Jan 1943 Advance
17th Jan 1943 On the Move
28th Jan 1943 Divisional Pride
5th Feb 1943 Inspection
18th Feb 1943 Arrival
28th Feb 1943 Shelling
1st Mar 1943 Reliefs
2nd Mar 1943 Attack Made
4th Mar 1943 Minefield
6th Mar 1943 In Action
16th Mar 1943 In Action
16th Mar 1943 In Action
17th Mar 1943 Patrols
18th Mar 1943 Patrols
25th Mar 1943 Moves
28th Mar 1943 Recce
3rd Apr 1943 Reliefs
6th Apr 1943 Attack Made
6th Apr 1943 In Action
9th Apr 1943 On the Move
10th Apr 1943 Sfax taken
13th Apr 1943 Rumours
17th Apr 1943 On the Move
19th Apr 1943 In Action
5th May 1943 In Action
9th Jul 1943 In Action
29th Jul 1943 In Action
17th Jan 1944 Exercise
18th Jan 1944 Exercise
19th Jan 1944 Exercise
6th Jun 1944 Tides
7th Jun 1944 On the Move
8th Jun 1944 Under Fire
9th June 1944 Reliefs
16th Jun 1944 Attacks
18th Jun 1944 In Action
11th Jul 1944 In Action
12th Jul 1944 Rest
13th Jul 1944 Conference
14th Jul 1944 Orders
18th July 1944 In Action
7th Aug 1944 In Action
26th August 1944 Drafts
27th August 1944 Transport
10th Sep 1944 Exchange of Fire
11th Sep 1944 Exchange of Fire
11th Oct 1944 Artillery Support
14th Oct 1944 Units Move
15th Oct 1944 Artillery Support
23rd Oct 1944 Attack Made
25th Oct 1944 Advance
28th Oct 1944 In Action
29th Oct 1944 On the Move
30th Oct 1944 Railway Bridge Blown
20th Jan 1945 On the Move
20th Jan 1945 In Action
3rd May 1945 OrdersIf you can provide any additional information, especially on actions and locations at specific dates, please add it here.
Those known to have served with
1st Battalion, Gordon Highlanders
during the Second World War 1939-1945.
- Andrews William. Pte (d.8 June 1945)
- Beedham Herbert. Cpl. (d.5th June 1940)
- Bleakley William. Pte.
- Born Thomas Henry Bullamore . Pte.
- Born Thomas Henry Bullamore . Pte.
- Brereton James. Pte. (d.4th Feb 1944)
- Brooks Joseph John. L/Cpl.
- Cleland Alexander Walter. Sgt.
- Copland Thomas Aitken. Drummer
- Dunlop MM William Hunter. A/Sgt. (d.13th Feb 1945)
- Falconer Harry. Pte.
- Greene Richard William. Cpl. (d.23rd Oct 1944)
- Hall John. Pte (d.23rd August 1944)
- Jewers Henry Charles. Cpl.
- Mackenzie George. Pte.
- Murphy John. Cpl.
- Murphy John. Pte.
- Mustarde William Crawford. Pte.
- Paterson Robert Alexander. Piper
- Robertson Thomas Swinton. Pte. (d.28th Jan 1944)
- Simpson James Duncan Gowans. Pte.
- Taylor George Wilson. Sgt.
- Taylor James Anderson. Pte.
- Waite Lawrence. Pte.
The names on this list have been submitted by relatives, friends, neighbours and others who wish to remember them, if you have any names to add or any recollections or photos of those listed, please Add a Name to this List
Records of 1st Battalion, Gordon Highlanders from other sources.
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Want to know more about 1st Battalion, Gordon Highlanders?
There are:1498 items tagged 1st Battalion, Gordon Highlanders available in our Library
These include information on officers, regimental histories, letters, diary entries, personal accounts and information about actions during the Second World War.
Pte. Thomas Swinton Robertson 1st Btn. Gordon Highlanders (d.28th Jan 1944)
On the 28th January 1944, a train carrying 800 Allied prisoners of war was bombed when it was crossing the Allerona bridge in Italy. The POWs had been evacuated from POW camp PG Campo 54 at Fara in Sbina, Italy. My father Thomas Robertson was on that train which was bombed by American B-26 aircraft (friendly fire).The men were being moved to Germany in unmarked cattle cars. The POWs were padlocked in the cars and were crossing the bridge when the B-26s arrived and blew up the bridge. The train driver stopped the train on the span, leaving the prisoners locked inside to their fate. While many escaped, approximateley 400 were killed, my father being one of them. I was only 18 months old at this time and never knew my father.
I contacted the Military Records Office and asked for his service records. They told me if I paid £30.00 they would give me a copy but it would take up to a year to get them, which I thought was unreasonable. After all, my father gave his life for his country and Britain puts a price on it. Is there anyone out there who had relatives on that train or who were in that Regiment - I would love to hear from you.
Tom Robertson
Pte. William Crawford Mustarde 1st Battalion Gordon Highlanders
William Mustarde was captured at St. Valery on 12th of June 1940 and spent the rest of the war as a POW in Stalag XX-B. He survived the war and passed away at the age of 92.Crawford Croll
Pte. John "Jock" Murphy 1st Btn. Gordon Highlanders
Jock Murphy, my Grandfather was a military man. t aged 15 he tried to enlist in the Royal Scots but his mother put a swift end to that. She was anti military having lost her husband in 1920 to war related injuries. Jock's father, John Murphy, was a KOSB and he served in the first and second Boer Wars and in France WW1. Jock was determined to be in the military and when his mother decided in 1928 to pack up and head for Australia Jock stayed behind and aged 17, he joined the Gordon Highlanders. He served in India at the Khyber pass, Peshawar and Palestine and he participated in the Parade at Gibraltar when the 1st and 2nd Battalions met up in 1934.In 1939 he headed off to France and was back in Edinburgh briefly in 1940 before returning back to France. Jock had been injured in combat and was walking wounded when he was captured at St Valery-En-Caux on 12th of June 1940. He was a PoW in Stalag XXA & XXB for 5 years and survived the Death March before liberation. After returning home he was ready to head off to fight the Japanese but the war was over by then and his want to do this was driven by the knowledge that his best mate and brother in law Freddy Logan (Herbert) was in the second Battalion and was a PoW having been captured at the fall of Singapore.
After the war Jock was in the Military Police and he gathered his children from Inverness and they lived in the Tower of London. Jock served in the Suez conflict and by 1955 he decided it was time to pack the family up and head for Adelaide where his mother, sisters and some cousins lived. His eldest son, my Uncle Pat, at age 17 like his father, stayed behind and he served with the British Military as did my cousins and now their children serve. 5 generations. I am Australian but my heart is British when it comes to the Military.
Wendy Farrelly
Sgt. George Wilson "Dod" Taylor 1st Btn. Gordon Highlanders
My father, George Taylor, belonged to Meadowhead, Ythan Wells, Aberdeenshire. He joined the 1st Battalion, Gordon Highlanders in Nov 1934 at the age of 18 years and 6 months, and was assigned to a signals platoon. In 1940, his battalion was part of the 51st Highland Division, which was ordered to stay and help the French forces in trying to stop the German advance. They were left with little food, ammunition, or artillery and they were also so exhausted that the commander gave the order to surrender to save the slaughter of approximately 10,000 soldiers. He was captured at Saint-Valery-en-Caux in June 1940. While out on a motorbike relaying orders to other battalions, he ran into a German patrol. Along with many others, he was marched to Stalag 383 Hohenfels near the Czech border and held as a POW until May 1945.He never once told us of his experiences during the war, but they took their toll on him. For the rest of his life, he suffered nightmares every night until he passed away in 1991 at the age of 75.
Graham Taylor
Pte. William "Wuggy" Bleakley 1st Btn. Gordon Highlanders
William Bleakley served with the 1st Gordon Highlanders.John Todd
Pte. James Duncan Gowans Simpson 1st Battalion Gordon Highlanders
I received a full uniform set (tunic, kilt and accoutrements) belonging to James Simpson along with a series of documents. These included two paybooks and two certificates of service detailing his interwar, wartime, and postwar regular and reserve service. Simpson was born in 1906, and initially joined the Gordons on 11th of January 1925.Being recalled in 1937, he went to France with the BEF and was at some point captured by the German Forces. He spent the majority of the war confined to Stalag XXB as PoW 19186 before being released at the end of the war. He received the 1939-45 star, the France-Germany Medal and the War Medal.
He rejoined the Gordons in 1947, transferred to the HLI in 1948, before finally being discharged in 1950.
Pte John Hall 1st Btn. Gordon Highlanders (d.23rd August 1944)
My mother, Amelia Paterson from Edinburgh, was engaged to be married to John Hall. Had Jonny lived I would not be writing this because I would not exist. Sobering thoughts of a life unlived and lives lived because of his death. He served with the 1st Battalion Gordon, Highlanders in WW2. He died 23rd of August 1944 aged 28 years and is buried St Desir War Cemetery in France. Son of James and Janet Hall of Tullibody, Clackmannanshire.Ann Judson
Pte. Harry Falconer 1st Btn. Gordon Highlanders
Part of the 51st Highland Division captured at St Valery sur Somme in 1940. Imprisoned in Stalag XXA (Thorn) for the duration of the war. Was part of the long march from France to Poland in 1940 and the long march from Poland into Germany in 1945.James Falconer
Pte. Thomas Henry Bullamore Born 1st Btn. Gordon Highlanders
Thomas Born joined the Gordons in 1920 and served in the 1st and 2nd Battalions during his service. He deployed to France with the BEF in September 1939. Tommy was captured at Saint Valery-en-Caux on 12th of June 1940 with the 1st Gordons, 51st Highland Division. He served the remainder of the war as a POW in Torun. Leaving on the death marches in the January winter of 1945 heading west from Poland, he was finally liberated and returned home to his wife and four daughters on the 14th April 1945.Tommy and Annie had one more daughter after the war and Tommy passed in 1973, leaving his loving wife, five daughters and seven grandchildren. Lest we forget.
Christopher Wright
Cpl. Henry Charles Jewers 1st Battalion Gordon Highlanders
Harry Jewers was posted to the 1st Battalion of the Gordon Highlanders on 23rd of February 1945 and to the 2nd Battalion on 5th of September 1945.John Jewers
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