- 7th Battalion, Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders during the Second World War -
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7th Battalion, Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders
The 7th Battalion of The Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders went to France in early 1940 with the British Expeditionary Force, along with the 8th Battalion, forming part of the 51st Highland Division. Both battalions suffered grievous casualties in the retreat to Dunkirk with many men lost or taken as prisoners of war. The remainder of the battalion eventually escaped through Le Havre. The 7th and 8th were re-formed from men of the 10th and 11th Battalions who were still in Scotland.The 7th Battalion remained in the 51st Highland Division for the rest of the war seeing action in North Africa and Sicily before returning to take part in the Normandy Landings, across Western Europe to the Baltic.
18th Mar 1940 Instructors
16th Apr 1940 On the Move
1st May 1940 Reliefs
15th May 1940 Orders
20th May 1940 Withdrawal
22nd May 1940 Threat
23rd May 1940 In Reserve
24th May 1940 Orders
25th May 1940 On the Move
26th May 1940 Moves
27th May 1940 On the Move
28th May 1940 On the Move
6th Jun 1940 Reorganisation
9th Jun 1940 In Defence
9th Jun 1940 In Defence
11th Jun 1940 Orders
22nd May 1942 Competition
23rd May 1942 Competition
2nd Jun 1942 Exercise
19th of September 1942 Move
20th of September 1942 Exercises
9th of October 1942 1 Black Watch Op Order No 1. Exercise "Rothes"
10th of October 1942 Amendments and Additions to O.O. No. 1 Exercise "Rothes"
21st of October 1942 Operation Order No.1
22nd of October 1942 Action
23rd Oct 1942 In Action
23rd Oct 1942 Led by the Pipers
23rd of October 1942 Action
23rd of October 1942 In battle
24th Oct 1942 In Action
25th Oct 1942 In Action
26th Oct 1942 In Action
28th Oct 1942 Barrage
4th Nov 1942 In Action
4th Nov 1942 Out of Action
5th of November 1942 Report
22nd of November 1942 Operational Order No. 11. Appendix B
22nd of November 1942 Instructions
25th of November 1942 Orders
1st of December 1942 Operation Order No. 12.
6th of December 1942 Op Order No. 13 Appendix B
6th of December 1942 Draft 152 Bde. Operation Instruction No. 1.
7th of December 1942 Ref Draft Operation Instruction No. 1 of 6 Dec 42
15th of December 1942 Orders
24th of December 1942 Movement Order No 1.
16th Jan 1943 Advance
25th Jan 1943 Guard Duty
5th Feb 1943 Inspection
24th Feb 1943 Advance
6th Mar 1943 In Action
16th Mar 1943 In Action
22nd Mar 1943 Shelling
6th Apr 1943 Attack Made
6th Apr 1943 In Action
19th Apr 1943 In Action
5th May 1943 In Action
9th Jul 1943 In Action
29th Jul 1943 In Action
9th Jan 1944 Visit
17th Jan 1944 Exercise
18th Jan 1944 Exercise
19th Jan 1944 Exercise
29th Jan 1944 Moves
30th Jan 1944 Exercise
4th Feb 1944 Exercise
28th Mar 1944 Exercise
10th April 1944 Exercise
10th April 1944 Exercise
16th of April 1944 Report of Move
21st April 1944 Exercise
22nd April 1944 Exercise
22nd April 1944 Exercise
22nd April 1944 Orders
23rd April 1944 Exercise
23rd April 1944 Exercise Notes
24th April 1944 154th Brigade Instructions
6th of May 1944 Transfers
18th July 1944 In Action
24th Jul 1944 Reliefs
25th Jul 1944 Reliefs Complete
7th Aug 1944 In Action
12th August 1944 Docks Shelled
13th August 1944 Reorganisation
16th Oct 1944 Enemy Positions Targetted
23rd Oct 1944 Attack Made
12th Jan 1945 In Action
23rd March 1945 Crossing the Rhine
16th of April 1945 Changing plans
3rd May 1945 OrdersIf you can provide any additional information, especially on actions and locations at specific dates, please add it here.
Those known to have served with
7th Battalion, Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders
during the Second World War 1939-1945.
- Aitken John. Pte.
- Alcock Kenneth Baldwin. Pte. (d.5th November 1944)
- Balmforth Harry. Pte. (d.15th Aug 1944)
- Conway John. L/Cpl.
- Cowan Archibald White. Cpl. (d.9th July 1944)
- Dalrymple Robert. Pte.
- Drummond Angus. 2Lt. (d.21st July 1943)
- Duffy William James. Pte.
- Forsyth A.. L/Cpl.
- Gillespie Thomas. Pte. (d.24th Mar 1945)
- Hall Andrew. Cpl.
- Harper Henry.
- Jennings Albert. Gnr.
- Kerr Matthew. Pte.
- Kerr Matthew. Pte.
- McFarlane Robert Breton. Pte.
- McKie John. Pte
- McNulty James Patrick. Pte
- Morris Robert. Pte.
- Naylor Frank. Pte.
- Nicholson William. Pte (d.23rd March 1945)
- Partington Charles Clifford.
- Porter William. Pte. (d.30th October 1944)
- Rae Samuel. Pte. (d.25th June 1944)
- Spicer Samuel Maurice . Pte. (d.12th January 1945)
- Sykes MM. Daniel. L/Cpl.
- Tuckey Archibald Robert. L/Cpl. (d.20th November 1944)
The names on this list have been submitted by relatives, friends, neighbours and others who wish to remember them, if you have any names to add or any recollections or photos of those listed, please Add a Name to this List
Records of 7th Battalion, Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders from other sources.
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Want to know more about 7th Battalion, Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders?
There are:1410 items tagged 7th Battalion, Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders available in our Library
These include information on officers, regimental histories, letters, diary entries, personal accounts and information about actions during the Second World War.
Pte. Samuel Rae 7th Battalion Argyll & Southerland Highlanders (d.25th June 1944)
Samuel Rae was my uncle who was killed in action at the age of 30 years in 1944, and buried at Bayeux War Cemetery, Calvados, France. He served with the 7th Battalion Argyll and Southerland Highlanders. His two brother`s one of them being my dad both survived the war. Samuel was one of 14 children to Samuel & Jessie Rae of Glasgow.Christine Rae
Pte. Robert Morris 7th Btn. Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders
These photos belong to Bobby Morris of 7th Argyll & Sutherland Highlanders who was captured in France near Dunkirk. He was held in Stalag XXd and Stalag VIIIb. Bobby is still living, he is in his 90s. I don't know any of the other people in the photographs but would be interested to know who they were.Jim Jamieson
Pte. Robert Dalrymple 7th Btn. Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders
Robert Dalrymple was captured near Dunkirk in 1940, along with Bobby Morris and spent the rest of the war as a POW in Stalag XXID and Stalag IXc, his POW number was 648.Jim Jamieson
Pte James Patrick McNulty 7th Btn. Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders
James McNulty, 7th Battalion, Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders, was a P.o.W at Marienbrg, Stalag XXB Prisoner of number 13511. I have his Army discharge book which states P.o.W 18th of June 1940 to 18th of May 1945 and of his records. He was reported Missing on 15th of July 1940 on Casualty list 255. Then PoW (previously reported missing) on 20th of August 1940 duty location France. 22nd of June 1945 reported to the war office casualty branch, casualty list 1789, states previously reported on Casualty List No. 286 as Prisoner of War in German hands (Germany) now Not Prisoner of War. Previous Theatre of War, France.He told stories of eating watery potato soup and being so hungry that they either ate or contemplated eating rats. He did say he managed to escape 3 times, each time being caught. Both of which read like many stories I have read of others at Stalag XXB. He was older when he had my mum and she doesn't recall him talking too much about the war, so we do not know what he did while he was there. He was Glasgwegian and went by the name of Jimmy. He had a Popeye and Olive tattoo done whilst he was there The Germans caved in his wedding finger with the butt of a gun in order to remove a gold band and they removed his gold tooth. The picture is one of the only pictures we have of him in his uniform.
Pte. John Aitken 7th Btn. Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders
John Aitken was a POW in Stalag 9C, Muhlhausen, from June 1940 to the end of the war.Richard Finney
Cpl. Archibald White Cowan 7th Btn. Argyll & Sutherland Highlanders (d.9th July 1944)
Archibald Cowan was a territorial soldier called up for duty. He served with the 7th Battalion Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders in WW2 and fought in the Battle of France in 1944. Archibald died 9th of July 1944 aged 33 years and is buried in the Stirling (Ballengeich) Cemetery in Scotland. Son of Archibald and Agnes White Cowan, of Stirling; husband of Margaret Cowan, of Stirling.Melanie McShane
L/Cpl. Daniel Sykes MM. 7th Btn. Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders
My mother's second cousin, Danny Sykes lost an arm in fighting with his battalion and was awarded the Military Medal. He never married and died in Liverpool in the 1970s, he was living with his brother Jack and cousin Isobel.Ian Campbell
2Lt. Angus Drummond 7th Btn. Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders (d.21st July 1943)
Angus Drummond is listed in the Lincoln Memory Book of WW2 casualties.David Would
Pte. Matthew Kerr 7th Battalion Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders
Matt Kerr enlisted in May 1939 and was assigned to the 7th Battalion, Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders. He was one of those left after Dunkirk and had to make his way to Le Havre.He was wounded at some stage but then transferred as a gunner in the Navy possibly on a minesweeper escorting convoys out of Oban. We have his service history but it is silent on the details of his maritme experience so further research is needed to try to find this out. We know he was torpedoed at least twice but still survived the war. We would dearly like to find out more.
Frank Cullen
Pte. Kenneth Baldwin Alcock Royal Army Medical Corps (d.5th November 1944)
Private Kenneth Alcock was 21 when he was killed on 5th of November 1944 during the liberation of Empel, he was serving with the RAMC, attached to the 7th Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders He is buried in the Empel-en-Meerwijk (Oud Empel) Roman Catholic Churchyard, Noord-Brabant, Netherlands.S Flynn
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