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- 5th Battalion, Cameron Highlanders (Queens Own) during the Second World War -

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World War 2 Two II WW2 WWII 1939 1945

5th Battalion, Cameron Highlanders (Queens Own)

   At the out break of war The 5th Battalion The Queen's Own Cameron Highlanders were part of 26th Infantry Brigade, 9th (Scottish) Division. In August 1940 they were posted to the newly reformed 152nd Brigade, 51st (Highland) Division and took part in the battles of North Africa and Sicily, before returning the the UK in preparation for D-Day. The 5ths landed in Normandy on the 7th June 1940 and played a key role in most of the major operations, such as Caen, Falaise Gap, the Seine, and the Ardennes, they were in the forefront of the fighting across Northern Europe for the remainder of the war.


22nd May 1942 Competition

23rd May 1942 Competition

1st Jun 1942 Royal Visit

1st June 1942 Visit

7th June 1942 Visit

8th June 1942 Posting

12th June 1942 Posting

14th June 1942 Advance Party

15th June 1942 Postings

17th June 1942 On the Move

20th June 1942 On the Move

29th of August 1942 Orders

3rd of October 1942 152nd Infantry Brigade Admn Order No. 1  location map

18th of October 1942 Movement Timetable  location map

20th of October 1942 152nd Brigade Operational Order  location map

20th of October 1942 Gapping and Taping

21st of October 1942 Operation Order No.1  location map

21st of October 1942 152nd Brigade Administrative Order No.1.  location map

22nd of October 1942 Notes on 152 Brigade O.O. No 1. dated 20 Oct 42

22nd of October 1942 Schedule of Tasks for Evening

23rd Oct 1942 In Action

24th Oct 1942 In Action

26th of October 1942 In Action

27th of October 1942 152nd Brigade Operation Order  location map

28th Oct 1942 Barrage  location map

1st of November 1942 Operational Order No. 2  location map

4th Nov 1942 In Action

4th Nov 1942 Out of Action

5th of November 1942 Report  location map

10th of November 1942 Salvage

25th of November 1942 Warning Order  location map

25th of November 1942 Daily Orders by Lieut-Colonel J.E. Stirling No. 5

26th of November 1942 Daily Orders by Lieut. Colonel J.E. Stirling No. 5

27th of November 1942 152 Bde Operation Order No. 1  location map

2nd of December 1942 Instructions  location map

6th of December 1942 Draft 152 Bde. Operation Instruction No. 1.  location map

7th of December 1942 Ref Draft Operation Instruction No. 1 of 6 Dec 42  location map

12th of December 1942 152 Brigade Operational Order No. 1.  location map

14th of December 1942 152 Brigade Operation Order No. 1. Appendix 24  location map

16th of December 1942 Warning Order  location map

19th of December 1942 Daily Orders No. 15. Appendix 31.

19th of December 1942 152 Brigade Operation Order No 2.  location map

21st of December 1942 152 Brigade Operation Order No. 3  location map

21st of December 1942 Amendment No. 1 to 152 Bde. Operation Order No. 3.

16th Jan 1943 Advance

5th Feb 1943 Inspection

6th Mar 1943 In Action

16th Mar 1943 In Action  location map

6th Apr 1943 Attack Made

6th Apr 1943 In Action  location map

19th Apr 1943 In Action  location map

5th May 1943 In Action  location map

9th Jul 1943 In Action

29th Jul 1943 In Action  location map

9th Jan 1944 Visit

15th Jan 1944 Arrival

17th Jan 1944 Exercise

18th Jan 1944 Exercise

19th Jan 1944 Exercise

20th Jan 1944 Exercise

21st Jan 1944 Exercise

22nd Jan 1944 Moves

1st Apr 1944 Training

2nd apr 1944 On the Move

3rd Apr 1944 Limited Space  location map

4th Apr 1944 Billets  location map

7th Apr 1944 Divine Service  location map

8th Apr 1944 Visit  location map

10th Apr 1944 Conference

11th Apr 1944 Training  location map

12th Apr 1944 Training  location map

14th Apr 1944 Recce  location map

15th Apr 1944 Entertainment  location map

16th Apr 1944 Church Parade  location map

17th Apr 1944 Training  location map

18th Apr 1944 Training  location map

19th Apr 1944 Excerise  location map

20th Apr 1944 On the Move  location map

21st Apr 1944 Course  location map

22nd Apr 1944 Demonstration  location map

23rd Apr 1944 On the Move  location map

24th Apr 1944 On the Move  location map

25th Apr 1944 Exercise  location map

25th of April 1944 Intelligence Log - Appendix 'B'  location map

26th Apr 1944 Exercise  location map

27th Apr 1944 On the March  location map

28th Apr 1944 On the March  location map

29th Apr 1944 Parties  location map

30th Apr 1944 Church Parade  location map

1st May 1944 Training  location map

3rd May 1944 Lectures  location map

4th May 1944 Pipes and Drums  location map

5th May 1944 Physical Efficiency   location map

6th May 1944 Pipes and Drums  location map

9th Jun 1944 Recce

9th Jun 1944 Reliefs  location map

12th Jun 1944 Attack  location map

13th Jun 1944 Attack Made

13th Jun 1944 Attack Made  location map

13th Jun 1944 Counter Attack  location map

22nd Jun 1944 Patrols

23rd Jun 1944 Attack Made

18th of July 1944 Appendix II War Diary for July 1944  location map

18th July 1944 In Action

7th Aug 1944 In Action

26th August 1944 Drafts

27th August 1944 Transport

11th Oct 1944 Artillery Support  location map

13th Oct 1944 Raid  location map

14th Oct 1944 Raid  location map

23rd Oct 1944 In Action  location map

23rd Oct 1944 Attack Made  location map

24th Oct 1944 Artillery Support  location map

25th Oct 1944 Advance

17th Nov 1944 Area Cleared

18th Nov 1944 Area Cleared

3rd May 1945 Orders

If you can provide any additional information, especially on actions and locations at specific dates, please add it here.

Those known to have served with

5th Battalion, Cameron Highlanders (Queens Own)

during the Second World War 1939-1945.

  • Banks Thomas William. Sgt. (d.16th Dec 1944)
  • Bedwin John Alfred. CSM
  • Begg Alastair William. Pte. (d.14th Dec1942)
  • Bemrose Herbert Hall. Pte. (d.30th December 1944)
  • Bemrose Herbert Hall. Pte (d.30th Dec 1944)
  • Bowes John. Pte. (d.24th Mar 1945)
  • Brown William Joseph. Pte. (d.18th Aug 1944)
  • Cattanach Alexander. Col.
  • Chalmers MC. W. G.. Lt
  • Clarke Edward Arthur. Cpl. (d.19th April 1945)
  • Clearie Hugh. Lance Sgt. (d.9th Feb 1945)
  • Crockett Arthur. Clr.Sgt.
  • Cronnie Herbert. Pte.
  • Daniels Thomas Frederick. Acting L/Cpl.
  • Dutton Glenconner Brychan. Pte.
  • Eaton John LLewellyn. Sgt. (d.18th Aug 1944)
  • Edney Richard Charles. Pte. (d.14th Aug 1944)
  • Ferguson James. Pte
  • Fraser Hugh. C.S.M.
  • Galbraith Jack.
  • Gallacher David P.. L/Cpl.
  • Gemmell George. Pte.
  • Greenshields David. Pte.
  • Harrison Richard. Pte. (d.22nd Jun 1944)
  • Johnson Fred.
  • Kaye Derek.
  • Kelly Thomas. Sgt. (d.23rd Apr 1945)
  • Kerr John Shaw. Pte. (d.13th June 1944 )
  • Lang DSC. MC. D. B.. Lt -Col.
  • Lawson Sidney.
  • Leadbeater MM. R.. Cpl.
  • Lennon T.
  • Lundie William. Cpl.
  • MacDougal .
  • MacKinnon William James. Pte
  • MacKintosh Bob.
  • Macnab Angus Laidlaw. Major. (d.12th September 1944)
  • Mainwaring Eric N.. Mjr.
  • March Leslie. Lt, (d.1st July 1944)
  • Martin MM. F.. Sgt.
  • Massey Richard.
  • McBride Alexander. L/Cpl
  • McCall John. Pte.
  • McKenzie MM. A.. Sgt.
  • Melville DSO. J. L.. Mjr.
  • Munnoch William. RSM
  • Murcar Ted.
  • Niven Wullie. Pte.
  • Parker Nigel. Mjr.
  • Parry John Edward. (d.28th October 1944)
  • Risborough George Samuel. Sgt. (d.18th Jul 1944)
  • Rowledge Arthur. Pte.
  • Sands MM. George. Sgt.
  • Sands MM. George Percival. Sgt
  • Shafer? Leslie. Cpl.
  • Sinclair A.. Sgt.
  • Standish Sid.
  • Stewart Alan Ronald. Pte. (d.26th Oct 1944)
  • Stuart .
  • Suggate Derek.
  • Tannahill MiD. Anthony J.. A/Sjt. (d.4th Nov 1944)
  • Thompson Cecil. Sgt. (d.18th Aug 1944)
  • Walton Jack.
  • Williamson Harry. Cpl.
  • Woodman Ernest. Fusilier
  • Wootton Sydney. Pte.
  • Yellowlees MC. W. W.. Capt.
  • Zamansky Jack L.. Pte. (d.23rd March 1943)

The names on this list have been submitted by relatives, friends, neighbours and others who wish to remember them, if you have any names to add or any recollections or photos of those listed, please Add a Name to this List

Records of 5th Battalion, Cameron Highlanders (Queens Own) from other sources.

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Want to know more about 5th Battalion, Cameron Highlanders (Queens Own)?

There are:1436 items tagged 5th Battalion, Cameron Highlanders (Queens Own) available in our Library

  These include information on officers, regimental histories, letters, diary entries, personal accounts and information about actions during the Second World War.

Stuart 5th Btn. Cameron Highlanders

Stuart served with the 5th Btn. Cameron Highlanders British Army. I have his unissued dogtags, made in preparation for deployment to the Far East and would love to get them home to his family. I am happy to cover all costs. If you are a family member or can put me in touch with them please get in touch.

Update: Unfortunately The Wartime Memories Project has lost touch with Dan, his website, facebook page and email have all ceased to function. But if you can add any details about the person listed, please use the add to record link below.


T Lennon 5th Btn. Cameron Highlanders

T Lennon served with the 5th Btn. Cameron Highlanders British Army. I have his unissued dogtags, made in preparation for deployment to the Far East and would love to get them home to his family. I am happy to cover all costs. If you are a family member or can put me in touch with them please get in touch.

Update: Unfortunately The Wartime Memories Project has lost touch with Dan, his website, facebook page and email have all ceased to function. But if you can add any details about the person listed, please use the add to record link below.


Fusilier Ernest Woodman 7th Btn. Cameronian Scottish Rifles

I am trying to trace my uncle's WW2 history. He was Fusilier Ernest Woodman, No:14755782, he served with 7th Batt Cameronian Scottish Rifles and 5th Batt Queens Own Cameron Highlanders, D Coy.

Andrew Athene

Cpl. Leslie Shafer? 5th Btn. The Queen's Own Cameron Highlanders

I'm search for many years a Corporal Leslie, or his relatives, the surname from Leslie I don't know, on one of the photo?s is his signature and the name look like Shafer. He was round begin December 1944 with his unit in the village of Vught and he often visite us in our home in Hertogenbosch province Nord Brabant-Holland. So far I know he has served in the 51th Highland Division, 152nd Brigade, 5th Bn. Queen Own Cameron Highlanders. Leslie must go with his unit on 16 December 1944 to the Ardennes in Belgium and was billeted in Chaudfontaine on 3 January 1945.

My information say, that his unit returned on 18 January 1945 back in the village of Vught, but we have never more somewhat heard from him.

Who can help me to find him or his relatives, I hope that someone recognize or identify this man on the photo ? He is not Leslie Thompson from Inverness !


Leslie with pipe.

Leslie's signature

On the backrow, place two from the rightside: Leslie, Carrier platoon, Cameron Highlanders.

I will know, is he alive or what is happened after he left our family in December 1944. I thank you in advance that you maybe can help me?

Bert Buitenhuis

Pte. Wullie Niven 5th Btn. The Queen's Own Cameron Highlanders

I am trying to trace a camp in Austria/Germany. My Father Wullie Niven From Glasgow was in The Cameron Highlanders from 1940 to 1946 I know from old photo`s he was in the 5th batt with the Cameron's in Aug 1940, I think he might have gone to North Africa to reform the 51st Highland Division, On back of old Platoon Photo says ??????T, GEISE ? August 1940.

Next I have POW letter to my mother saying he is in GERMANY Dated 24/01/1944 NO camp Number. The group photo which I will try and send states ST MARIEN AUSTRIA. The list of names I have in group photo are all from Scotland. My father is Second from left at the back the man in front second left is called Fitzpatrick. next to him is a friend who sent photo to my Dad but no name? Next Three Sergeants Called Bertingshaw, Bailley, Baker, Also Concert party Wallace, Johnson, Hopfeldt or Hodfeldt? Sorry no first names.

Like most he never spoke much about what he done,where he served or got captured? I do know he had a distrust or fear of Doctors never went unless you dragged him. He is now deceased but I would like to hear from any living friends or family members who can fill in any missing bits in the Cameron's from August 1940 to when he might have got captured where? to his time in & what is the Number of his POW Camp?

I hope to hear from someone.

Alex Niven

Sgt. Thomas Kelly 5th Btn. Cameron Highlanders (d.23rd Apr 1945)

Thomas Kelly

I have a photograph of Thomas Kelly on the back it says: Thomas Kelly, 60 Shaw Street St. Helens Lancs. Sgt. Killed in action on 23rd of April 1945. Sgt T Kelly C. Coy 5th Battalion Camerons, 51st Highland Division. Buried at Dundlehorst Mile.

Sgt. Cecil Thompson 5th Btn. Cameron Highlanders (d.18th Aug 1944)

Cecil Thompson served with the 5th Battalion, (Queens Own) Cameron Highlanders.

Cpl. William Lundie 5th Battalion Queens Own Cameron Highlanders

William Lundie

5th Cameron Highlanders in Italy

5th Cameron Highlanders in North Africa

William Lundie saw heavy fighting with the 5th Battalion, Queens Own Cameron Highlanders in North Africa, El Alamein and Tobruk against Rommel's forces. Also taking part in campaigns in Sicily before taking part in the Gold Beach landings on D-Day. He made it through the landings and advanced through Caen with the 51st Highland Division and on to Germany. Encountering heavy resistance along the way before the German surrender in May 1945. While guarding POWs, Cpl Lundie was transferred to the regimental police and promoted to Sgt before returning home to his family.

Dylan White

Pte. David Greenshields 5th Btn. Cameron Highlanders

Enjoying a pint

David Greenshields served with the 5th Battalion, Cameron Highlanders.

Gary McCulloch

Pte. William Joseph Brown 5th Btn. Cameron Highlanders (Queen's Own) (d.18th Aug 1944)

He left his wife Florrie, daughter Jean (age 3), and son George (age 1) for Normandy. He is laid to rest in Banneville-la-Campagne War Cemetery.

Gary Frame

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