- 2nd Battalion, Cameronians (Scottish Rifles) during the Second World War -
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2nd Battalion, Cameronians (Scottish Rifles)
2nd Battalion, Cameronians (Scottish Rifles) were based at Catterick Camp, Yorkshire when war broke out in 1939. They were deployed to France with the BEF and were involved in some of the heaviest fighting in the Dunkirk campaign. After a spell in Britain engaged in home defence, they served in Sicily, Italy and North-West Europe.
11th of March 1940 Orders
1st Apr 1940 Exercise
3rd Apr 1940 Visit
4th Apr 1940 Visit
5th Apr 1940 Visit
9th Apr 1940 Reorganisation
10th Apr 1940 Orders
11th Apr 1940 Stand Fast
13th Apr 1940 Orders
28th Apr 1940 Warning
1st May 1940 On the Move
2nd May 1940 On the Move
3rd May 1940 Move Cancelled
4th May 1940 Preparations
7th May 1940 Concentration
8th May 1940 Training
9th May 1940 Training
10th May 1940 Orders
11th May 1940 Orders
12th May 1940 Divisional HQ Moves
13th May 1940 Recce
14th May 1940 Orders
16th May 1940 On the Move
17th May 1940 In Action
18th May 1940 On the Move
19th May 1940 On the Move
20th May 1940 Air Raids
20th May 1940 Orders
21st May 1940 Hard Fighting
21st May 1940 Orders
21st May 1940 Orders
21st May 1940 Intelligence
22nd May 1940 Under Pressure
23rd May 1940 Surrounded
24th May 1940 On the Move
25th May 1940 Congestion
26th May 1940 Bombing
26th May 1940 Escape corridor
27th May 1940 Air Attacks
27th May 1940 Enemy Attacks
28th May 1940 Air Attacks
28th May 1940 In Action
29th May 1940 Withdrawal
30th May 1940 Withdrawal
21st May 1942 On the Move
30th of September 1942 Movement Order No. 3.
2nd Sep 1943 Planning
26th Sep 1944 Exercise
13th Dec 1944 Rifle Meeting
16th December 1944 Football match
19th May 1945 On the Move
21st May 1945 In Action
22nd May 1945 AdvanceIf you can provide any additional information, especially on actions and locations at specific dates, please add it here.
Those known to have served with
2nd Battalion, Cameronians (Scottish Rifles)
during the Second World War 1939-1945.
- Anderson John William. Rfmn. (d.10th-31st May 1940)
- Ballinger Robert. Pte. (d.2nd Jun 1940)
- Baylise Ernest May. Rifleman (d.23rd May 1940)
- Breen James Anthony. Sgt.
- Callender Christopher James. Rflmn.
- Cameron Allan. Cpl.
- Colwell James. Rfmn.
- Devlin John Joseph. C/Sgt
- Fish Stephen. Sgt.
- Galloway Andrew. Capt.
- Godsall Charles Herbert. Sgt. (d.btwn. 25th May and 4th June 1940)
- Griffin Enoch Frederick. Rflmn. (d.27th May 1940)
- Higgins Frank. Pte. (d.19th Jul 1943)
- Kaylor George Denis. Pte.
- Koppens Johannes Martinus. Rflmn. (d.27th May 1940)
- Leckenby A.. Rfmn.
- Logan John. Rflmn. (d.6th Aug 1943)
- McCallum Thomas Jones. Rfn. (d.8th Apr 1944)
- Meek George. 2nd Lt.
- Norton Arthur. Pte.
- Openshaw William. Pte.
- Peel Thomas Anthony. Pte.
- Richardson Richard. L/Cpl. (d.22nd April 1944)
- Shakesby John. L/Cpl.
- Simmons Dennis. Rifleman
- Stockley Norman. Rflmn. (d.1st August 1943)
- Thomson Allan Stewart. Rflmn. (d.30th Mar 1942)
- Watson James . Rfm.
- Wright Fred John. L/Cpl.
The names on this list have been submitted by relatives, friends, neighbours and others who wish to remember them, if you have any names to add or any recollections or photos of those listed, please Add a Name to this List
Records of 2nd Battalion, Cameronians (Scottish Rifles) from other sources.
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Want to know more about 2nd Battalion, Cameronians (Scottish Rifles)?
There are:1373 items tagged 2nd Battalion, Cameronians (Scottish Rifles) available in our Library
These include information on officers, regimental histories, letters, diary entries, personal accounts and information about actions during the Second World War.
Pte. George Denis Kaylor 2nd Btn. Cameronians (Scottish Rifles)
My father George Kaylor was transferred to the 2nd Btn Cameronians some while after the war started. I am unsure why. I did have a book about the history of the unit, in which he made some notes. However, during subsequent house moves, the book was lost. I know he served in the Middle East (Egypt and Libya) so the unit must have been there at some stage. I also know that he returned to the UK via Osnabruk at the end of the war.Des Kaylor
Rfmn. John William Anderson 2nd Btn Cameronians (Scottish Rifles) (d.10th-31st May 1940)
John Anderson was my Grandfather, my Mother's father, who died between the 10th and 31st of May 1940, the month before my Mother was born. He served with the Scottish Rifles 2nd Battalion in WW2. We understand he was almost kicked out of the Army for enlisting under the name Foster. His correct surname was Anderson but he was raised by his Gran who was a Foster. He is buried in Oosttaverne Wood Cemetery in Belgium, along with three other Cameronians.Jill Parkin
Rflmn. Norman Stockley 2nd Battalion Cameronians (Scottish Rifles) (d.1st August 1943)
Norman Stockley, was killed in action on the 1st of August 1943. He was 23 years old. Married to Claire. They had one son also named Norman who was born in the March of that year. Clare and the family, Walter and Rose received a letter of condolence from Norman's commanding officer before the official notice was received. Bruce, Norman's brother had been wounded at Dunkirk and taken prisoner. Just another of the tragic events of war.Norman enlisted in 1939 before war broke out. Born in Essex but served with the Cameronian Scottish Rifles.
Bruce Stockley
Sgt. Charles Herbert Godsall 2nd Battalion Cameronians (Scottish Rifles) (d.btwn. 25th May and 4th June 1940)
Herbert Godsall was my great uncle, he is buried in Oosttaverne Wood Cemetery.Iain Cowan
Pte. Robert Ballinger 2nd Btn. Cameronians (Scottish Rifles) (d.2nd Jun 1940)
Robert Ballinger died between 31st of May and 2nd of June 1940. He is buried at Middelkerke Communal Cemetery in Belgium.
Rflmn. John "Logie" Logan 2nd Battalion Cameronians Scottish Rifles (d.6th Aug 1943)
John Logan served with 2nd Battalion, Cameronians Scottish Rifles I am John's youngest nephew. I would like to know more about him and his injuries that he died from.David Logan Stewart
Pte. William Openshaw 2nd Battalion Cameronian Scottish Rifles
Bill Openshaw was initially in India in the mid 1930's. He left the Army in 1938 and was called back into service in 1939. He was deployed with BEF to Belgium and was evacuated from Dunkirk.He sailed for Madagascar but was diverted to Sicily. He fought on through Italy and then the lowlands of Europe. He was demobbed in 1946 and lived in Liverpool until his death in 1985.
Ian Openshaw
Capt. Andrew Galloway 2nd Btn. Cameronians (Scottish Rifles)
Andrew Galloway was born in Girvan in the West of Scotland in 1901 died in 1999 aged 98. One of 10 children, one of his brothers died of tuberculosis at the age of 6. He Left school at 12 and was indentured by his father to a local farmer for the grand sum of £50 in 1913.Andrew joined 2nd Battalion, Cameronians Scottish Rifles in 1918 as a Piper. He served in Ireland and Northern India, Iraq and Afghanistan during the 1920's and 30's. He had stories to tell about leading the battalion on the march through the Khyber Pass and being shot at constantly and lots of small skirmishes but rarely even having sight of the attackers. He left the army in 30's at which point he was the Pipe Major of the battalion.
He was re-enlisted as a Captain at the beginning of 2nd World War back into 2nd Cameronians where they were part of The British Expeditionary Force sent to France to fight the Germans. His major military action was at the Battle of The Ypres-Comis Canal, 26th to 28th of May 1940. The 2nd Cameronians were in the vanguard of an attack by The British 5th Division in a do or die attempt to hold the German troops at bay to allow the main body of the BEF to retreat back to Dunkirk. They succeeded in doing this for 3 days which was critical in allowing the main British fighting to escape the German blitzkrieg. Most of his friends and comrades many of whom he served with for many years in the Cameronians were killed. A part of his life he never spoke about.
He worked as a green keeper at Belleisle Golf Course in Ayr after his military service and was a keen golfer and a very modest, kind, stable and very well respected member of his local community in Ayr where he continued to serve as a Major in the Territorial Army after leaving the Regular Army.
Sandy Aird
Rflmn. Johannes Martinus "John" Koppens 2nd Battalion Cameronians (d.27th May 1940)
John Koppens was a Rifleman with 2nd Battalion, Cameronians who died on 27th of May 1940 aged 20, he is buried at the Esquelmes War Cemetery in Belgium.Lisa Koppens
Sgt. James Anthony "Jock" Breen 2nd Btn. Scottish Rifles
My father was in the 2nd Scottish Rifles and was part of the BEF. He was captured in 1940 and my mother was on the widow's pension twice as missing presumed dead. He escaped twice and was liberated by the Americans in 1945 in one of the Stalag camps near Berlin.William Breen
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