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- Army Service Corps during the Great War -

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Army Service Corps

Want to know more about Army Service Corps?

There are:1028 items tagged Army Service Corps available in our Library

  These include information on officers, regimental histories, letters, diary entries, personal accounts and information about actions during the Great War.

Those known to have served with

Army Service Corps

during the Great War 1914-1918.

  • Acheson Percival Havelock. Mjr. (d.29th April 1916)
  • Adams Arthur.
  • Adams Frederick. Pte. (d.10th Nov 1917)
  • Adams Harry. Dvr.
  • Adams Oliver. Pte.
  • Aird William Ross. Pte.
  • Arthurs William. A/Sgt. (d.13th Nov 1916)
  • Askew Frederick F.. Pte.
  • Atkinson James Morgan. Lt.
  • Bage Charles.
  • Bagwell Richard Charles.
  • Balcon Joseph. Pte.
  • Baldock Alfred F.. Pte.
  • Ball George.
  • Bannister John. Act/Sgt. (d.25th June 1917)
  • Bannon Thomas. Pte. (d.9th Apr 1918)
  • Barber Henry Albert. Tptr. (d.23rd Mar 1917)
  • Barnett Harry Evelyn. Pte. (d.3rd January 1918)
  • Barratt Joseph. Dvr (d.15th Nov 1918)
  • Barrett Christopher. Pte. (d.13th Oct 1918)
  • Barry Daniel. Pte. (d.3rd Nov 1917)
  • Beattie MiD. William. Pte. (d.2nd October 1918)
  • Beauchamp William Fredrick. Pte. (d.23rd Nov 1918)
  • Beckett Pizarro William. Pte
  • Bell Arthur S.. Pte. (d.14th October 1918)
  • Bennett Arthur James. Pte.
  • Bennett Frederick. Pte. (d.22nd March 1918)
  • Benwell Percy. Pte. (d.23 October 1918)
  • Berry Samuel. Dvr. (d.7th Feb 1918)
  • Biggane Michael Daniel. Pte. (d.10th Oct 1918)
  • Biggins Patrick John. Dvr.
  • Bing Harry Leslie.
  • Blakeston Frederick James. Pte.
  • Blower Charles. Pte.
  • Boak Thomas William. Drv. (d.22nd August 1915)
  • Boak Thomas William. Drvr. (d.22nd August 1915)
  • Board William Thomas. Pte. (d.7th June 1916)
  • Bohan R.. Pte.
  • Bolton Horatio Nelson. A/Sgt. (d.18th Mar 1917)
  • Bookman Myer. Drv.
  • Bowater Frederick. Cpl.
  • Bowerman James. Pte. (d.7th August 1917)
  • Boyle Edward. Pte. (d.28th June 1917)
  • Brady Joseph J..
  • Brady Michael. Drv. (d.14th Sep 1918)
  • Bramley-Moore MC. Swinfen. Mjr.
  • Bray John Henry. Pte.
  • Brogden Charles. Pte. (d.15th February 1917)
  • Brooker Cuthbert Howard. Pte.
  • Brooks Hubert.
  • Brown James Harrison. L/Cpl. (d.26th Apr 1917)
  • Broxup Richard Thomas. Pte. (d.3rd Feb 1919)
  • Broxup Richard Thomas. Pte. (d.3rd February 1919)
  • Budd MC and Bar. Edward. 2nd Lt. (d.8th May 1918)
  • Burbidge Louis Ethelbert. Pte.
  • Burns Thomas. Pte. (d.12th April 1918)
  • Butzbach Arthur Stanley. L/Cpl. (d.5th Jun 1917)
  • Cahill J.. (d.27th Oct 1917)
  • Carpenter Adolphus Galway J..
  • Carpenter Richard. Pte. (d.13th Aug 1915)
  • Carr John Thomas. Pte.
  • Carter Alfred Cecil. Capt. (d.15th January 1919)
  • Cave R.. Dvr.
  • Chadderton Leonard. Pte.
  • Chatterton Charles Forman. Sgt.
  • Christie John. Pte. (d.28 Nov 1915)
  • Christie John.
  • Christie William. QMSgt.
  • Clarke Frank Herbert. Pte.
  • Clarke J.. Sgt.
  • Clarke John Augustine. Dvr.
  • Cleal Charles Norman. Pte.
  • Clist Leslie William John. 2nd Lt.
  • Collins Henry Thomas George.
  • Connell John Warden. Cpl. (d.9th Nov 1918)
  • Conway James. Pte. (d.1st September 1916)
  • Courtney Paul James. Pte. (d.26th July 1920)
  • Cox Albert George Harry.
  • Cox Charles Frederick. Pte.
  • Cree MID John Wyse Scott. Sgt.
  • Crichton VC. James Bell. Pte.
  • Crumbley Philip. Pte. (d.18th Jul 1917)
  • Cuckson Alfred. Pte. (d.8th Nov 1918)
  • Culverhouse Samuel John. Pte. (d.30th March 1919)
  • Daly Eugene. Pte.
  • Davidson H. L.. Dvr. (d.22nd Nov 1915)
  • Davies Joseph. Pte.
  • Davies Richard Lloyd. Pte. (d.1st February 1919)
  • Davies William George. QMS.
  • Deacon George. Drvr.
  • Dean Albert H.. Dvr. (d.27th Nov 1918)
  • Dennison Ernest William. Pte. (d.22nd May 1916)
  • Dennison Ernest William. Pte. (d.22nd May 1916)
  • De_Ste._Croix Wilfred Hungerford. 2nd.Lt. (d.24th July 1917)
  • Dickinson Tom. Pte. (d.31st July 1918)
  • Dobson Alfred. Sgt. (d.13th Aug 1915)
  • Douglas Arthur. Pte. (d.10th Oct 1918)
  • Duffield Albert Edward. Pte. (d.21st Mar 1918)
  • Duncan David. Pte.
  • Dunlop MM. Stanley Ward. Pte. (d.24th of March 1918)
  • Dwyer James. Pte. (d.31st March 1918)
  • Eary Frank. Pte. (d.24th Nov 1917)
  • Edmonds Philip Augustus. Dvr.
  • Edmondson John. Rfm. (d.1st Nov 1918)
  • Edwards Thomas. Pte.
  • Ellison Cecil Harry. Sgt. (d.11th Sep 1915)
  • Evans William. Cpl. (d.27th Apr 1917)
  • Exelby William Hugill. Dvr.
  • Fennelly John. Pte.
  • Firmin George. Sgt.
  • Fisher Robert Charles. S/Sgt.
  • Flowers John Alfred. Pte
  • Fogg Benson. Drvr.
  • Foley Michael. Drvr. (d.13th June 1918)
  • Ford Andrew. Dvr.
  • Fortnam Charles Edward. Pte.
  • Fowler Walter Ernest.
  • Fulford Thomas Percy. Lt
  • Fuller Ernest. Wagoner.
  • Garstang Robert. Pte. (d.18th Oct 1918)
  • Gatenby Joseph. Pte.
  • Gent Albert Edward. Pte.
  • Gilhespie Harry White. Capt. (d.3rd Nov 1919)
  • Gillatt Francis Harold. Wag.
  • Girling Robert Henry.
  • Glasock VC. Horace Henry. WO1 (Cdr.) (d.20th Oct 1916)
  • Goldsmith Charles. Drvr.
  • Goodwin Hugh. Pte. (d.15th Nov 1918)
  • Gosse MC & Bar Ernest Marson. Lt.
  • Grace Cliff Albert James. Pte (d.15th December 1918)
  • Grant Charles Alfred Richard. Pte. (d.28th November 1918)
  • Green George Alfred. Pte.
  • Green Percival Hook. Pte. (d.19th November 1917)
  • Gregory George William Victor. Pte.
  • Hackett Albert Harry. Pte.
  • Halliday George. Dvr. (d.18th Jan 1917)
  • Hampton Samuel.
  • Hawke Sydney Charles. Pte.
  • Hayes A. W.. Pte.
  • Healy George Ernest. Lt. (d.3rd March 1919)
  • Hearnden Cecil. Act Cpl
  • Heazelton Percy Charles. Pte. (d.27th Mar 1919)
  • Henderson J.. Pte.
  • Henshall MM. Albert. Sgt.
  • Herbert Arthur Wallis. Pte. (d.30th November 1916)
  • Hewitt C. J.. Major (d.21st July 1921)
  • Higgins Louis Charles. Sgt. (d.25th Feb 1918)
  • Hill James Ormonde. 2nd Lt.
  • Hills Henry Thomas Ware. Pte. (d.13th Oct 1918)
  • Hodgson William. Drvr. (d.23rd Aug 1916)
  • Holmes Henry William. Sgt.
  • Holmes James Joesph. Pte. (d.12th Oct 1918)
  • Holmes Sydney John. Pte. (d.13th April 1918)
  • Hopps Frederick Arthur. Private (d.2nd September 1918)
  • Horsnell William Thomas. Cpl.
  • Hoult Frank Ernest. Pte.
  • House George Major. Cpl.
  • Howard Reginald Alginon.
  • Howden Robert. Pte.
  • Howell John Ezekiel.
  • Hudson John Samuel. Pte.
  • Humphries . Lt.
  • Hunt Elijah West. Dvr
  • Hunt Henry.
  • Hunter William. Pte.
  • Hutchinson John James. Pte. (d.9th Apr 1918)
  • Jeffery MID Arthur Victor. Sgt.
  • Jenkinson Norman. Pte.
  • Jennings Herbert Lowther. Pte. (d.13th Feb 1918)
  • Jobling DCM. Samuel. Pte.
  • Johnson Arthur. Pte. (d.1st July 1918 )
  • Johnson Sydney. Pte.
  • Jones Ernest Walter. Pte. (d.13th Nov 1918)
  • Kelleher Patrick. L/Cpl.
  • Kelly J.. Pte. (d.18th Feb 1919)
  • Kennedy George. Pte. (d.26th October 1918)
  • Kimbley Thomas.
  • Knight James. Pte.
  • Knights Samuel Albert. Pte.
  • Lawrence Joseph Walter. Pte.
  • Lawrence Reginald Harry. Pte.
  • Leeding Tom. Pte. (d.5th May 1918)
  • Lewarne John Joseph. Pte.
  • Lewis Alfred Llewelyn. Pte.
  • Lewis Alfred. Pte (d.3 Jul 1916)
  • Lloyd Thomas Richard Beamish. 2nd Lt. (d.20th February 1916)
  • Lloyd Thomas Richard Beamish. 2nd Lt. (d.20th February 1916)
  • Looby Edward. Pte. (d.30th October 1918)
  • Luchford MC Harry George Ernest. Cpt. (d.2nd Dec 1917)
  • Lynch Christopher. Dvr. (d.16th November 1918)
  • Mackay John Dixon Comrie. Pte.
  • Magee Croix de la Guerre David Adam. Pte.
  • Mahoney D. J.. Pte.
  • Marquis David Cecil. Sgt.
  • Marsh Henry. Cpl.
  • Martin Leslie Henry. Pte. (d.14th Oct 1917)
  • Matthews G. A.. Pte. (d.6th Dec 1917)
  • Mayne MC. George Rufane Talbot. Lt. (d.10th Nov 1918)
  • McAnulty Peter Leslie. Pte.
  • McCarthy Jack.
  • McCarthy William.
  • McClelland Robert. Pte. (d.12th Sep 1917)
  • McCue C.. Dvr. (d.5th June 1915)
  • McCue Charles. Dvr. (d.5th June 1915)
  • McFarlane Thomas. Pte. (d.23rd July 1917)
  • McHugh Hugh. Drvr. (d.7th March 1916)
  • Mckee James. Pte.
  • McMahon Augusta Mary. Mch/Dvr. (d.28th October 1918)
  • McMurdo Alexander Edminstone. Gnr. (d.10th December 1917)
  • Miller S. F.. Pte.
  • Mole Walter John. Dvr (d.26th October 1918)
  • Monaghan L.. Rough Rider.
  • Moore Leonard James. Pte.
  • Moore Thomas. Dvr. (d.26th Feb 1916)
  • Morris Samuel. Pte. (d.19th Nov 1917)
  • Mulholland Charles Harry. Dvr.
  • Mulholland Claude William. Cpl.
  • Muscat Rudolph. L/Cpl. (d.22nd Oct 1917)
  • Newbury Ernest Frank. WOII.
  • Newport George Henry. Pte.
  • Neylan Augustine Joseph. Pte.
  • Nicoll David. Pte. (d.15th Apr 1918)
  • Nurse Thomas William. Pte.
  • O'Connor Walter. Drvr. (d.11th July 1917)
  • O'Grady Benjamin. L/Sgt.
  • O'Grady John. Pte. (d.19th May 1918)
  • O'Neill James. Pte. (d.29th Oct 1914)
  • O'Neill Thomas. Drvr. (d.14th October 1915)
  • O'Neill Thomas. Driver (d.14th October 1915)
  • Oates Percy Edmunson. L/Cpl.
  • Oldroyd Edward. Sdlr.
  • Oram Walter John Henry. Cpl.
  • Orford Albert George. Pte. (d.13th Aug 1915)
  • Owen E..
  • Owens John. Pte. (d.4th Nov 1918)
  • Palmer William Robert. Pte. (d.25th Apr 1918)
  • Pannell George. Pte. (d.26th May 1918)
  • Parker John. Pte. (d.24th Sep 1918)
  • Parrish MSM. Stanley. A/S.Sjt.Maj.
  • Parsonage Frederick Montague. Pte.
  • Patten Alan Stewart. Lt.
  • Phillips George A.. Dvr. (d.10th Oct 1914)
  • Pilkington Bernard. Sgt.
  • Pocock William Henry. Pte. (d.13th May 1917)
  • Powell Wilfred James. Pte. (d.31st Jul 1916)
  • Price Robert. L/Cpl. (d.15th April 1917)
  • Rabinovitz Zalman.
  • Ratcliffe Francis. Pte. (d.4th Jan 1918)
  • Rathbone James. Pte.
  • Reason Ernest. SSgt. (d.14th Jan 1919)
  • Redfern A.. Pte.
  • Reeves Horace Joseph. Pte (d.28th February 1918)
  • Rey Joe George. Pte.
  • Rixon Henry. Pte. (d. 24th Aug 1918)
  • Robbins J.. Pte.
  • Roberts Edgar. Pte.
  • Roberts Elias. Drvr. (d.26th March 1919)
  • Robson James Edward. Pte.
  • Round MM. Sidney. L/Cpl.
  • Rule Harry L.. Pte. (d.1st Jan 1917)
  • Salmon John. Cpl. (d.26th December 1917)
  • Saltmer Christopher.
  • Scarsi Joseph. Sgt. (d.10th Oct 1918)
  • Scoble Henry. (d.6th December 1918)
  • Sealy Herbert. Staff Sgt.
  • Sellen Thomas Henry. Pte.
  • Sexton Christopher. Pte. (d.24th October 1918)
  • Sheldon Harry. Cpl. (d.17th October 1918)
  • Shepherd Richard Bell. Pte.
  • Simpkins Sanford Lional. Pte. (d.3rd Jan 1918)
  • Simpson Thomas. Pte.
  • Simpson William Edward. Pte. (d.1917)
  • Sleigh Francis Brabazon. Capt.
  • Smale Mm Alfred.
  • Smith MC MiD. Lawder Benjamin Sandys. Capt.
  • Smith Miles Arthur. Pte.
  • Smith William Henry. Sgt.
  • Somers VC. James. Sgt. (d.7th May 1918)
  • Somers VC. James. Sgt. (d.7th May 1918)
  • Somers VC. James. Sgt. (d.7th May 1918)
  • South Frederick John. Pte. (d.19th May 1919)
  • Spencer John Edmund. Pte.
  • Spink Harry Wright. SSgt (d.16th Aug 1915)
  • Spruce H. C.. CQMS
  • Stack Robert. Pte.
  • Stockdale William. Major.
  • Stockton Robert. Dvr.
  • Stone Ernest Reuben.
  • Storrar David. Pte. (d.15th Nov 1918)
  • Strawson Frank Gordon. 2nd Lt. (d.1st Oct 1918)
  • Stubbs Robert Henry. Drvr. (d.2nd December 1917)
  • Summers Ernest George. Pte. (d.12th December 1916)
  • Summerscales Harry. Pte. (d.11th October 1917)
  • Sutcliffe MM. James Townsend.
  • Taplin Harold Lansdowne. Drv.
  • Thompson Andrew Christopher. Pte. (d.13th Dec 1915)
  • Titmus Alfred. L/Cpl.
  • Todd William Charles. Dvr. (d.15th Aug 1917)
  • Tranetr Joseph. Pte. (d.1st Oct 1918)
  • Traylen MC. Norman Algernon. Lt. (d.4th November 1918)
  • Trumpeter William Edward Henry. Pte.
  • Underhill Harry Joseph. Drvr.
  • Ungerer MM. Cristian Arthur. Rfmn. (d.27th August 1918)
  • Unknown .
  • Upfold Ernest. Pte.
  • Upton Enest William.
  • Walker Jacob. Pte.
  • Walker John James. Pte.
  • Wall Frederick. Cpl. (d.7th Nov 1918)
  • Wall John Benjamin. Pte.
  • Wall William George. Pte.
  • Waters Isaac. Sjt.
  • Watkinson Samual. Cpl. (d.27th January 1915)
  • Watson George. Pte. (d.29th July 1918)
  • Weare Edward Raymond. L/Cpl
  • Whale Frank. Cpl.
  • Wheatley Henry John. Pte.
  • Wheatley John George. Pte.
  • Whelan Daniel Joseph. Pte. (d.12th October 1918)
  • Wildman Harry. Dvr. (d.5th Apr 1918)
  • Williams Charles James. Pte.
  • Winters Walter John. Cpl.
  • Yaxley Charles. Dvr. (d.10th Oct 1918)

All names on this list have been submitted by relatives, friends, neighbours and others who wish to remember them, if you have any names to add or any recollections or photos of those listed, please Add a Name to this List

Records of Army Service Corps from other sources.

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Drvr. Michael Foley attd. 7th Dragoon Guards (Princess Royal's) Army Service Corps. (d.13th June 1918)

Michael Foley died of Spanish influenza on 13th June 1918, aged 33. Buried in the St Sever Cemetery extension in France, he was the son of Catherine Foley, of 21 St. Patrick's Cottages, Rathfarnham, Co. Dublin

Michael was obviously very ill judging by this photo as he looks unwell and is surrounded by Medical personnel. This building in background is probably the Hospital and we wonder if the statue with orator and admirer helps you to let me know precise location. We understand that a Spanish influenza was rampant at the time and claimed his life finally. He is mentioned by name in a play about Francis Ledwidge by Irish writer Dermot Bolger "Walking the road" By a strange co-incidence Ledwidge himself,as a youth was a shop boy in Michael's home district of Rathfarnham, South Co.Dublin.

s flynn


Pte. Joseph Gatenby South Wales Borderers

I found my Grandfather's service records on line, and discovered he was notified of the death of his one-year old daughter at the end of his service in Salonika (Thessalonica). What a terrible shock for him and the family.

48246 Private Joseph Gatenby served with the South Wales Borderers during WW1. He also served as a Driver in the Army Service Corps (T/359186) On 21 May 1918, he had been alarmed by a machine gun opening up, ran for cover and in the darkness fell into a trench/drain where he sprained an ankle. He was demobilized in November, 1919 to return to house painting in Middlesbrough, with a 10% disability arising from malaria, and a very sore ankle.

Ian Black


Cpl. Frederick Wall 8th Div. Train. 4th Coy. Army Service Corps (d.7th Nov 1918)

Frederick Wall died on 7th of November 1918, aged 40 and is buried in the Etaples Military Cemetery.

The Western Gazette - 29 November 1918 published the following:- "Mrs F Wall, of 108 Park Street, Yeovil, received the sad news on 11th November, that her husband Corporal Frederick Wall, of the A.S.C., was taken to hospital suffering from Bronchial pneumonia on 5th, and died on the 7th at the 7th Canadian General Hospital, France, and was buried with full military honours in a cemetery at Etaples. Corpl. Wall, who joined up at the outbreak of war had been in France for four years, and in a letter to Mrs Wall his captain says;

'I should like to tell you what a great loss it has been to us all, as your husband was one of the most popular men in the Company. Since I have had the honour to command this Company, I always found him a good, willing and cheerful worker. On many trying occasions that we have all been through together, he has always set a splendid example to all of us in showing absolute fearlessness in the face of danger, and by doing so has rendered very valuable service in helping the Company out of many tight corners.'

Mrs Wall has also received two letters from the matron and nurse at the hospital, and a message of sympathy from the King and Queen. The deceased leaves a widow and two children, for whom much sympathy is felt. Mrs Wall wishes to thank the very kind friends who have expressed sympathy with her in her sad bereavement".

s flynn


Dvr. Robert Stockton 8th Div Train Army Service Corps

I don't really know any of my Granddads story, but I have his demob papers and know he disembarked in France on 5th November 1914. Robert Stockton served with the Army Service Corps during WW1 and was attached to the 8th Division Train, ASC. He was awarded the 1914 Mons Star, British War and Victory Medals with clasp and roses added in 1938 (I have these papers also). The medals were unfortunately lost. Granddad died in December 1969. I believe he was at one point gassed and also had a limp from being ran over by a horse wagon.

Christine Kemp-Hall


L/Sgt. Benjamin O'Grady Mechanical Transport Army Service Corps

Benjamin O'Grady was born on the 4th August 1894, in Leeds, Yorkshire, England. He joined the Army Service Corps on 8th December 1915 and was employed as a mechanic at Woolwich and served in Egypt.

Jackie East


Pte. Frank Eary 8th Btn. Royal Fusiliers (d.24th Nov 1917)

My Great Grandfather, Frank Eary, born June 1886 was a horse keeper pre-war and, on enlistment in 1914, was a Driver T/25822 with No 2 Company, 1st Division, ASC. He later transferred to the Royal Fusiliers, 8th Battalion but, I am uncertain on the transfer date. His medal card shows a transfer to 5 Battalion but, CWGC states 8th Battalion which I see to be true as, the 5th never left the UK whereas Frank was killed on the 24th November 1917. The 5th Battalion was a training depot and he would have joined the regiment on transfer to that unit before being posted after infantry training and equipment to an active service battalion (8th Btn. as recorded) He appears on the Cambrai Memorial at Louverval.

He died leaving a wife and three children; Alexandria, William (my grandfather) and Frank. It is likely that he never met Frank junior as he was conceived late in 1916, probably on Frank senior's last home leave, and born in July 1917. It would have been great news to him whilst in the trenches though that his wife had born a son in July and, that she had named him Frank. Poignant too as they had first had a son, Frank, in 1912 who sadly died the same year.

Anthony Rundle


Mjr. Swinfen Bramley-Moore MC. Army Service Corps

Afternoon Tea

After a civilian career designing and manufacturing motor-cars and motor-cycles, and writing an educational book "Motors in a Nut-shell", Swin Bramley-Moore worked for General Slumper to get the army motorised. Caught up in the BEF's famous retreat from Mons, with a forceful personality he won the Miltary Cross for taking charge of a bunch of leaderless retreating troops. His photographs tell their own story. At the end of the war he quelled a riot of troops impatient to be sent home, and then had to convalesce at an army hospital in the south of France. Unfortunately all WW1 officers records were destroyed in the blitz so only these first-hand scraps of information as told to me (his grandson) can be recorded.

Nick McElwaine


Pte. David Storrar attd. 123rd Siege Bty. Royal Garrison Artillery Army Service Corps (d.15th Nov 1918)

David Storrar died on 15th November 1918 aged 29 and is buried in the St Sever Cemetery extension in France. He was the son of the late Smart Storrar and of Christina Storrar, of 1 Lorne Place, Leith, Edinburgh.

s flynn


Pte. Ernest George Summers Canteens Army Service Corps (d.12th December 1916)

Ernest George Summers died on 12th December 1916, aged 29. Buried in the St Sever Cemetery extension in France, he left a widow, Ada and son Eric Ernest Garner Summers

s flynn


Pte. Francis Ratcliffe 893rd Mechanical Transport Company Royal Army Service Corps. (d.4th Jan 1918)

Francis Ratcliffe was accidentally killed on 4th January 1918, aged 20 and is buried in the Rocquigny-Equancourt British Cemetery in France. He was the son of Charles and Elizabeth Ratcliffe, of 20 Glover St., Preston, Lancs. Native of Burnley

s flynn


Sgt. John Wyse Scott Cree MID 131 MT Company Army Service Corps

John Cree is_bottom right

Sgt John W S Cree served with 131st(MT)Company, Army Service Corps attached to the 9th (Scottish) Division and was Mentioned in Dispatches for gallant conduct whilst fighting at Nurlu 21-23 March 1918.

John Scott Cree


Pte. Richard Thomas Broxup Remounts Army Service Corps (d.3rd February 1919)

Photos courtesy of

Richard Thomas Broxup died of dysentry 3rd February 1919, aged 37 and is buried in the Alexandria (Hadra) War Memorial Cemetery in Egypt. He was the son of Daniel and Elizabeth Broxup; husband of Sarah Ann Macey (formerly Broxup), of 27, Blenheim St., Stoneyholme, Burnley.

s flynn


Act/Sgt. John Bannister Army Service Corps (d.25th June 1917)

John Bannister died of Typhus 25th June 1917 in Egypt, age 39. He is buried in the Alexandria (Hadra) War Memorial Cemetry. He was the son of John and Mary Ann Bannister, of 114, Accrington Rd., Burnley; husband of Alice Bannister. He had been Councillor for the Borough of Burnley.

s flynn


Pte. Sanford Lional Simpkins M.T. att. XXII. Corps Y Ammunition Park. Army Service Corps (d.3rd Jan 1918)

Photos courtesy of

Sanford Simpkins was killed in action on 3rd of January 1918, aged 22. He is buried in Ypres Reservoir Cemetery in Belgium, son of William and Alma Rose Simpkins, of 5, Worcester Terrace, Kensington, Bath.

s flynn


Pte. Samuel Jobling DCM. att. 58th Field Ambulance Royal Army Service Corps

Samuel Jobling DCM served with the RASC (MT) attached to 58th Field Ambulance during WW1 and was awarded the Distinguished Conduct Medal whilst serving with the 19th Division. He was a Motor Ambulance Driver with 3 blue chevrons and noted with one wound stripe. He had enlisted at Burnley on 17th July 1915. He was discharged as being no longer fit for military service on the 18th December 1918. Born in 1892, he was a native of Burnley, Lancashire.

The citation for the D.C.M. published in the London Gazette reads: For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty during an enemy attack. For six days he drove his ambulance between the regimental aid posts and advanced dressing stations under heavy shell fire with almost no rest. On one occasion he made fourteen consecutive trips on a road under heavy fire. He undoubtedly saved many lives, and only ceased work when he himself was badly wounded.

Nick Jobling


Dvr. Albert H. Dean 527th Horse Transport Coy. Army Service Corps (d.27th Nov 1918)

My Grandmother's Uncle Albert H Dean; an ambulance man from New Malden in Surrey, survived almost to the last day of the war only to die in the 10th Military Hospital in France of bronch-pneumonia, leaving a young and devoted widow named Mabel and two very young sons. Albert had asked his cousin to "look after Mabel and the boys" should anything happen to him. His cousin married Mabel and did take good care of his boys. I am in possession of Albert H Dean's original military death certificate and I was lucky enough to meet his 95 year old surviving son, Arthur Dean, a couple of years back who was able to describe the day that they received word that his father had died and was to be buried at Rouen. Arthur Dean still commemorates his father's life - all of these many years later - on Armistice Day. He cried when I was able to hand over a small Bible (which had been left to me amongst family papers and photos and other memorabilia) that had once belonged to his father when his father was a boy.

Miriam Bailey


Zalman Rabinovitz 365th Mechanical Transport Coy. Army Service Corps

My mother recounts that Zolly, Zalman Rabinovitz, was born in Kovna in 1894 to an orthodox Jewish family. He had two sisters. His mother died in 1903 and his father remarried to a woman with five children, and my grandfather was sent to South Africa around 1903/4 to work for relatives in a bakery in Johannesburg. He delivered bread from a push cart and slept under the counter of the shop.

He joined up in 1914 when war broke out and became a motorbike dispatch delivery driver. He was wounded in the leg (date unknown) and sent to Eastbourne to convalesce. Whilst there he met my grandmother, Deborah, who was on holiday from London at the time, at a dance in the Saffron Rooms. Zolly spoke very little English, but they conversed in Yiddish. They eventually married in 1920 and had two daughters. My mother, Marcia born in 1926 and her sister born five years earlier who died at the age of 28. Zolly died in 1956 and Deborah died in 1991 aged 96.

Clive Rosen


Pte. Joseph Davies No 20 Remount Sqn Army Remount Service

The only thing I've got about my great grandfather, Joseph Davies is he signed up at Oswestry, and was with No 20 Remount Squadron at Ormskirk. Then he embarked from Southampton I think aboard the S.S. Teviot on the 27th of June 1915 and disembarked in Dieppe 1915-06-28 to join the British Expeditionary Force. He was then posted to No 5 Base Remount depot but then reassigned to No 4 Remount Corps base on 15th of October 1916. He was demobbed on 22nd of April 1919 at Dieppe.

I'm trying to find out what these lads had been through and the areas they covered.

Joseph Davies


Pte. Norman Jenkinson 2nd MT Coy. Royal Army Service Corps

My Grandfather, Norman Jenkinson enlisted in the RASC, his truck suffered a direct hit. As a result received 20% burns to his body. He was discharged on the 4th of October 1919. He died in 1961.

John Heeney


Pte. Thomas William Nurse No.3 Reserve HT Depot Army Service Corps

Thomas enlisted as William Nurse on 11th of December 1915 and transferred to Army Reserve the following day. He was mobilised 1st of November 1918. His trade whilst in Army was a blacksmith.

Pam Chlopas

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