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- Army Veterinary Corps during the Great War -

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Army Veterinary Corps

Want to know more about Army Veterinary Corps?

There are:976 items tagged Army Veterinary Corps available in our Library

  These include information on officers, regimental histories, letters, diary entries, personal accounts and information about actions during the Great War.

Those known to have served with

Army Veterinary Corps

during the Great War 1914-1918.

  • Alderson Robert William. Pte. (d.11th Nov 1915)
  • Bell Charles Edwin. Pte. (d.3rd September 1917)
  • Brown William David. A/Sgt.
  • Butlin Albert John. Pte.
  • Cameron Donald Law Patrick . WO.
  • Crawshaw John. S/Sgt.
  • Daniels John. Pte.
  • Dawson R.. Pte.
  • Gardiner Frederick. Pte.
  • Grimmer Henry. Pte.
  • Hamer John. Tpr.
  • Jobson Joseph. A/Cpl.
  • Kay Harry. Pte.
  • Lenox-Conyngham DSO MID Hubert Maxwell. Maj. (d.15th March 1918)
  • Magee John Thomas.
  • Marshall Edgar Robert.
  • McClintock Thomas Andrew. Capt.
  • McNally Patrick. Pte. (d.25th May 1917)
  • McShane Patrick. Pte.
  • Murphy John. Pte.
  • Nash A. E.. Pte. (d.20th May 1917)
  • O'Brien Thomas Augustine. Lt. (d.6th Oct 1918)
  • Pearse Robert William. Pte. (d.1st Aug 1915)
  • Rapley Reginald. Cpl. (d.25th Jan 1917)
  • Reeves Richard John. Sgt.
  • Richards Ernest Samuel. A/Cpl
  • Robertson James. Pte. (d.20th July 1919)
  • Routledge MID & 2Bars Arthur Richard. Capt. (d.27th June 1918)
  • Sedgwick James G.. Pte.  
  • Stephenson R. E.. Pte. (d.24th Sep 1917)
  • Sutton Mornington Wisdom. Sgt.
  • Timberlake George. Pte.
  • Walsh William. Capt. (d.27th Feb 1919)
  • White-Robinson Sidney Ralph. Sgt.
  • Wilson Charles. Pte.
  • Wright William Samuel. L/Cpl (d.11th Jan 1918)

All names on this list have been submitted by relatives, friends, neighbours and others who wish to remember them, if you have any names to add or any recollections or photos of those listed, please Add a Name to this List

Records of Army Veterinary Corps from other sources.

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L/Cpl William Samuel Wright 9th Veterinary Hospital Army Veterinary Corps (d.11th Jan 1918)

William Samuel Wright was aged 29 at the time of his death in 1918, He is buried in Etaples Military Cemetery. The 9th Veterinary Hospital was situated at Abbeville, France.

Sue Smith


Cpl. Reginald Rapley Army Veterinary Corps (d.25th Jan 1917)

Reginald Rapley joined the Army Veterinary Corps in August 1914. His wife was Emily Isabella nee Abbot. His children were Charles Guy Rapley, who also died in the 1st WW in the 11th Btn Essex Regiment, No 40285, in France and Flanders 15th Oct 1916-10-15, and is remembered at Thiepval. May Blanche Rapley, Ruby Doris Rapley and Freda Gladys. Reginald was discharged as disabled on 30th of June 1916, and died in Colchester on 25th of January 1917.


Tpr. John Hamer 1st Mobile Veterinary Section Army Veterinary Corps

John Hamer joined up in August 1914, posted to France, arriving at St Quentin on 27th of August 1914. He served with 1st Mobile Veterinary Section, operating from base veterinary hospital at La Chapelle-aux-Pots until transfer to Italy in 1917. He was posted to the 9th Battalion, York and Lancaster Regiment and saw action on Asiago plateau, captured June 1918 he remained a POW until end of war. It is believed he escaped POW captivity and remained free for a period during October-November 1918. He was repatriated via Southampton on the 30th of November 1918.

Malcolm Hamer


Capt. Thomas Andrew McClintock Army Veterinary Corps

This text was sent to me by a Canadian relative,

A Hero Of St. Eloi. Captain T. A. Mcclintock's Gallantry.

An Irish newspaper just to hand contains particulars supplied by a gentleman of Derry, of the heroic conduct of Captain T A McClintock a brother of Dr S. A. McClintock (Chief Health Officer of Tasmania) at the battle of St Eloi in France. Before he was unfortunately severely wounded at St Eloi.

McClintock had been previously wounded while serving with the Army Veterinary Corps attached to the Royal Horse Artillery at Antwerp. He was sent back to England, but upon his recovery joined the Royal Field Artillery in his capacity of a veterinary surgeon and served with them for a considerable time before the battle of St Eloi.

Captain McClintock after being wouneled in seven places at St Eloi was again sent to England to Lady Mason's Hospital where the story of his exploits was learn from wounded comrades. They described Captain McClintock as an officer who was known throughout the Artillery Brigade to which he was attached as the man who saved the guns at St Eloi and who got his wounds doing a brave act. He had just returned from attending to sick and wounded horses, when he heard that the Germans had rushed the trenches and that the Artillery observation station had been blown up thus cutting off all communication. He saddled his pony and galloped off to get news of the situation, as he was well acquainted with the enemy's position. His horse was killed as he was returning, but he managed to get back in an exhausted condition and streaming with blood to tell his news. Then the guns thundered again and drove the enemy back. Captain Mc- Clintock was described as being a great favourite with officers and men to whom he was known is "No Surrender Mac."

Dr. McClintock has received a letter from his wounded brother, in which the latter describes the incident as only the fulfilment of his duty. He adds that he soon hopes to be off again for the third time, fit and well. He says "No doubt some attacks are pretty stiff, but with the artillery they are always interesting. I am not in any real danger, unless I got a direct hit from a shell, which I always take good care to avoid. Otherwise the war is good sport, and the best of fun at times."

Belgian Order for Bravery.

A home paper dated May 10th states that Captain T. A. McClintock, brother of the Chief Health Officer has been given the Belgian order for bravery. He has been at the front almost from the beginning of the war, and in March he was wounded whilst assisting in reconnoitring. It was on this occasion he earned the Order.

Clare McClintock


Pte. John Daniels No 4 Veterinary Hospital Army Veterinary Corps

John Daniels was attested at Woolwich on 11th August 1915 in the AVC and posted to Woolwich as a Horse Keeper. He was in France from 15th September 1915. On 24th August 1917 he was at No 4 Veterinary Hospital in France. He sustained an injury to the ring and little finger of his right hand. He was accompanying a horse, the charger of Captain W G Green, to the front in a horse truck on a train. Rough shunting at Fontinet caused horse and man to lose their footing and they both fell, causing his injuries. On demobilisation on 14th March 1919 he was transferred to the Z Reserve.

I have not found where Fontinet is, and where the Veterinary Hospital was.

Ian Johnson


Sgt. Sidney Ralph White-Robinson 7th Dragoon Guards

My grandfather, Ralph White-Robinson served in Egypt and Palestine with the 7th Dragoon Guards and Army Veterinary Corps, attached to the Egyptian Camel Transport Corps. He was Mentioned in Despatches for taking a supply train through enemy lines. Accompanying the MiD was a letter from E. Lewis COMS, Arab Corps, EEF dated 4th of March 1918. "To A trustworthy friend, a thorough gentleman and a gallant soldier whose services in the Egyptian Expeditionary Force although Mentioned in Despatches is deserving of the highest honours that a British soldier can obtain."

Sidney Ralph White-Robinson

S. R. White-Robinson and colleagues

S. R. White-Robinson

R. White-Robinson


Pte. Harry Kay Army Veterinary Corps

According to Harry Kay's Medal Rolls Index Card, he entered the French theatre on 26th of June 1915. Neither of his Service Medal and Award Rolls offer much more information than the fact Private Kay was released To Class Z, but no date is given. All attempts to access his service record or a pension record were unsuccessful, it is very likely that his records were among those destroyed during the Second World War. For his service in the Great War, Private Harry Kay, Army Veterinary Corps, was awarded the 1914-15 Star, the British War Medal and the Victory Medal.

Clayton B. Austin


Pte. James Robertson Army Veterinary Corps (d.20th July 1919)

James Robertson was born in 1880 at Leggat, Spynie, Elgin, Morayshire and died at 121 Land Street, Keith, Banffshire of Pulmonary Tuberculosis.

Lorna Garden


Pte. George Timberlake 1st Veterinary Hospital Royal Army Veterinary Corps

George Timberlake was 34 when he died on 21st February 1919 and is buried in the Voghera Communal Cemetery in Italy.

S Flynn


Pte. R. Dawson 1st Vet. Hospital Royal Army Veterinary Corps

Private Dawson is buried in the Voghera Communal Cemetery in Italy.

S. Flynn


Sgt. Mornington Wisdom Sutton Army Veterinary Corps

Mornington Sutton was born on 21st May 1888 in Hastings, East Sussex. He was married to Annie Stammers and worked as a groom at Silverhill in or near Hastings. In WW1 he was in the Army Veterinary Corps. He lived in 18 Aldborough Rd, Hastings and he was my great grandfather. I met him several times and have photos of him, he died in the early 1960s. His son, Mornington William Ian Hamilton Sutton, was born on 25th September 1915 and fought at Monte Cassino in WW2 where he was injured.

Stephanie Russell


Pte. Patrick McNally Army Veterinary Corps (d.25th May 1917)

Private McNally was the husband of Mary Anne McNally of Carrowmore, Cloverhill, Sligo.

He was 39 when he died and is buried in the north-west part of the old ground in the Kilmacowen Cemetery, Kilmacowen, Co. Sligo, Ireland.

S Flynn


Maj. Hubert Maxwell Lenox-Conyngham DSO MID Army Veterinary Corps (d.15th March 1918)

Major Lenox-Conyngham D.D.V.S. was born in Dublin. He was the son of Col. Sir William and Lady Lenox-Conyngham; husband of Eva Lenox-Conyngham (nee Darley), of The Paddocks, Kilsby, Rugby. He served in the Somaliland Campaign (Mentioned in Despatches).

He was 47 when he died and is buried in the north west part of the Kilgobbin Burial Ground, Kilgobbin, Dublin, Ireland.

S Flynn


Pte. Robert William Pearse 3rd Veterinary Hospital Army Veterinary Corps (d.1st Aug 1915)

Robert Pearse was born in Exeter, Devon in 1876. He and several of his brothers went to Cardiff, Wales in the 1890s to find work. He and his brother George were particularly fond of horses and the family story has it that they used to provide rides along the beaches near Penarth. He met his wife Agnes and married in Cardiff around 1900. It is not surprising that he joined the Veterinary Corps. According to the war records he drowned in Hardelot, France in August 1915 aged 39. I would appreciate any information others might be able to add.


Capt. William Walsh Royal Army Veterinary Corps (d.27th Feb 1919)

William Walsh was 26 when he died and is buried in the north-east part of the Ballina Catholic Cathedral Churchyard, Co. Mayo, Ireland. He was the son of F. Walsh of Ballina, Co. Mayo.

s flynn


Lt. Thomas Augustine O'Brien Army Veterinary Corps (d.6th Oct 1918)

Thomas O'Brien was buried in the Ajmer New Cemetery in India.

S Flynn


John Thomas Magee 24th Army Veterinary Corps

Bartley Green History Group is gathering information on all the men who are listed on the Absent Voter Lists for WW1.

Maureen Surman


Pte. Patrick McShane 23rd Mobile Section Army Veterinary Corps

Paddy McShane was my grandfather. He was 23 when war broke out and working in Birkenhead docks. I know he kept a horse as part of his job, hence AVC23. He might be considered young for this unit so he must have been good with horses. I know he was at Woolwich in the run up to leaving for Alexandria via Malta in March 1915, sailing from Avonmouth with, I think, the 29th Division. He survived the war but was never really well again. He died in 1936 of malaria. I have his 14-15 Star but my dad said he threw the others on the fire in 1936 when he was aged 12.

Daniel Mcshane


Edgar Robert Marshall South Midland Div. Army Veterinary Corps

Edgar Marshall standing between two men in doorway.

Edgar Marshall was born in Himbleton, Worcester on a cider apple farm. He trained as a vet and in January 1915 he joined the Army Veterinary Corps, South Midland Division. After the war he emigrated to New Zealand. Bob had a "gift" with horses.

Edgar Marshall tending to a horse during WW1

Attestation for Edgar Marshall

Brenda Clark


Sgt. Richard John Reeves 24th Div. Mobile Army Veterinary Corps

Richard Reeves served with 24th Division Mobile Army Veterinary Corps.

Mike Walburn

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