- 129th Duke of Connaughts Own Baluchis, British Indian Army during the Great War -
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129th Duke of Connaughts Own Baluchis, British Indian Army
30th Oct 1914 129th Baluchis in Action
15th Dec 1914 By the Light of a Brazier
23rd Mar 1915 Reliefs
9th Jan 1917 Counter Attacks
10th Jan 1917 Steady Progress
11th Jan 1917 Assault Fails
13th Jan 1917 Progress Made
14th Jan 1917 Aircraft shot down
16th Jan 1917 Slight Advance
17th Jan 1917 Hard Fighting
18th Jan 1917 Heavy Bombardment
18th Jan 1917 Ground GainedIf you can provide any additional information, please add it here.
Want to know more about 129th Duke of Connaughts Own Baluchis, British Indian Army?
There are:12 items tagged 129th Duke of Connaughts Own Baluchis, British Indian Army available in our Library
These include information on officers, regimental histories, letters, diary entries, personal accounts and information about actions during the Great War.
Those known to have served with
129th Duke of Connaughts Own Baluchis, British Indian Army
during the Great War 1914-1918.
All names on this list have been submitted by relatives, friends, neighbours and others who wish to remember them, if you have any names to add or any recollections or photos of those listed, please Add a Name to this List
Records of 129th Duke of Connaughts Own Baluchis, British Indian Army from other sources.
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Sepoy. Khadim Shah Syed 129th Duke of Connought's Own Baluchis (d.16th Dec 1914)Sepoy No-268 Khadim Shah of 129 Baluchis, Duke of Connought's Own Baluchis is remembered on a scroll and plaque for his valour, brave conduct and commitment he displayed during WW1. This thread will be further glorified once embedded with the historical documents, medals and scrolls by the worthy members to acknowledge the services of those who are not amongst us but this forum has provided an opportunity to share what they left to be cherished. This continent is famous for the gladiatorial personalities who chose the soldiery for Chivalry.Haider
Subedar Khudadad Khan VC 129th Duke of Connaught's Own BaluchisKhudadad Khan was the first native-born Indian to win the VC for an act of bravery on the 31st of October 1914, at Hollebeke, Belgium. Born in the village of Dab in District Jhelum of the Punjab Province, Khudadad Khan was a Sepoy in the 129th Duke of Connaught's Own Baluchis, British Indian Army, part of the Indian Corps, which was sent to France in October 1914. The 129th Baluchis were rushed to the frontline to support the hard-pressed British troops. On 31st of October, two companies of the Baluchis bore the brunt of the main German attack near the village of Gheluvelt in Hollebeke Sector. The out-numbered Baluchis fought gallantly but were overwhelmed after suffering heavy casualties. Sepoy Khudadad Khan's machine-gun team, along with one other, kept their guns in action throughout the day, preventing the Germans from making the final breakthrough. The other gun was disabled by a shell and eventually Khudadad Khan's own team was overrun. All the men were killed by bullets or bayonets except Khudadad Khan, who despite being badly wounded, had continued working his gun. He was left for dead by the enemy but despite his wounds, he managed to crawl back to his regiment during the night. The Germans had been held up just long enough for Indian and British reinforcements to arrive. They strengthened the line, and prevented the German Army from reaching the vital coastal ports. For his matchless feat of courage and gallantry, Sepoy Khudadad Khan was awarded the Victoria Cross."On 31st October, 1914, at Hollebeke, Belgium, the British Officer in charge of the detachment having been wounded, and the other gun put out of action by a shell, Sepoy Khudadad, though himself wounded, remained working his gun until all the other five men of the gun detachment had been killed." London Gazette 4 December 1914.
S. Flynn
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