- 6th Battalion, Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders during the Great War -
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6th Battalion, Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders
The HQ of the 6th (Renfrewshire) Battion, Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders was at 66 High Street, Paisley. A, B and C companies were based in Paisley, D Coy was based in Renfrew, E Coy in Johnstone, F Coy in Thornliebank, G Coy in Barrhead and H Coy in Pollockshaws.
6th Battalion, Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders was a Territorial unit based at at Paisley. They saw action on the Western Front during the Great War.
28th Aug 1914 Inspection
Sep 1914 Reorganisation
19th Sep 1914 Route March
28th Dec 1914 Training
29th Dec 1914 Training
30th Dec 1914 Route March
31st Dec 1914 Training
5th Jan 1915 Route March
6th Jan 1915 Training
15th Jan 1915 Excerise
17th April 1915 5th Division Attack
5th May 1915 On the Move
6th May 1915 Orders
8th May 1915 Orders
9th May 1915 In Reserve
10th May 1915 In Reserve
11th May 1915 In Reserve
12th May 1915 In Reserve
13th May 1915 In Reserve
14th May 1915 On the March
15th May 1915 In Reserve
16th May 1915 In Reserve
17th May 1915 In Reserve
18th May 1915 Orders Received
19th May 1915 Reliefs
21st May 1915 Trench Work
22nd May 1915 Trench Work
23rd May 1915 Some Shelling
24th May 1915 Intermittent Shelling
25th May 1915 Occasional Shelling
26th May 1915 Intermittent Shelling
27th May 1915 Heavy Shelling
28th May 1915 Quiet Day
29th May 1915 Line Advanced
29th May 1915 Instructions
30th May 1915 Order Received
2nd Jun 1915 Trench Work
3rd Jun 1915 Trench Work
4th Jun 1915 Reorganisation
5th Jun 1915 Quiet
7th Jun 1915 Orders Received
8th Jun 1915 Orders
9th Jun 1915 Preparations
10th Jun 1915 Preparations
11th Jun 1915 Preparations
12th Jun 1915 Orders
13th Jun 1915 Artillery Active
14th Jun 1915 Artillery in Action
14th Jun 1915 Orders
15th Jun 1915 In Action
15th Jun 1915 Attack Made
16th Jun 1915 Attack Made
16th Jun 1915 Attack Made
16th Jun 1915 Orders
17th Jun 1915 Reliefs
18th Jun 1915 Orders Received
19th Jun 1915 Artillery in Action
22nd Jun 1915 Relief Completed
23rd Jun 1915 Trench Work
24th Jun 1915 Orders
25th Jun 1915 Orders Received
26th Jun 1915 Reorganisation
27th Jun 1915 On the Move
28th Jun 1915 HQ Moves
29th Jun 1915 Orders Issued
30th Jun 1915 Mine Explodes
11th Sep 1915 Last day of Derby Scheme Recruitment
16th Oct 1915 The Derby Scheme
1st Dec 1915 Derby Scheme Armlets
13th Dec 1915 Instruction
15th Dec 1915 Instruction
17th Dec 1915 Reliefs
19th Dec 1915 Reliefs
10th Jan 1916 Group System Reopens
9th February 1916 Call Ups
31st of May 1916 Artillery Retaliates
12th of June 1916 Working Parties Worried
13th of July 1916 Readiness to Move
16th of July 1916 More Marching
19th of July 1916 Relief Carried Out
22nd of July 1916 Front Adjustment Completed
26th of July 1916 A Combined Offensive
29th of July 1916 Quiet Situation
31st of July 1916 KOSBs Hold Line
2nd of August 1916 A Relief and a Move
21st of August 1916 Training
25th of August 1916 Warning Order Issued
27th of August 1916 Divisional Dispositions
31st of August 1916 Warning Order Issued
2nd of September 1916 Zero Hour Announced
5th of September 1916 Farm Captured
6th of September 1916 Wood Cleared
8th of September 1916 Prepare to Move
18th of September 1916 Brigade Dispositions
19th of September 1916 In the Front Line
21st of September 1916 Situation Normal
22nd of September 1916 Dispositions
24th of September 1916 Foggy Night
25th of September 1916 Instructions for Tanks
26th of September 1916 Reliefs
28th of September 1916 Heavy Showers
30th of September 1916 Dispositions
15th Oct 1916 Sniping
7th Nov 1916 Flooding
8th Nov 1916 Trench Work
25th Dec 1916 Bombardment
27th Dec 1916 Trench Work
20th of March 1917 Composite Division Formed
24th of March 1917 Pioneers On the Move
26th of March 1917 New Area Prepared
27th of March 1917 In Corps Reserve
29th of March 1917 Pioneers Move
2nd of April 1917 Positions
8th of April 1917 HQ Moves
12th of April 1917 Orders and Reliefs
13th of April 1917 A Push Forward
25th of April 1917 Canadians Take Over Front
28th of April 1917 Rest and Training
2nd of May 1917 13th Inf Bde Moves
5th of May 1917 Wood Shelled
6th of May 1917 Enemy Guns Active
8th of May 1917 Orders to Attack
10th of May 1917 Enemy Concentration Reported
11th of May 1917 Enemy Guns Active
12th of May 1917 Bailleul Shelled
13th of May 1917 Front Line Shelled
15th of May 1917 Very Quiet Day
17th of May 1917 A Surprise Attack
20th of May 1917 Guns Active
21st of May 1917 Quiet Night
22nd of May 1917 Quiet Day
24th of May 1917 Relief Completed
26th of May 1917 Quiet Day
31st May 1917 Work and Training
2nd of June 1917
9th of June 1917 A Relief
10th of June 1917 Minor Op Planned
14th of June 1917 Relief
15th of June 1917 Relief Completed
16th June 1917 Quiet Night
17th of June 1917 Quiet Day
18th of June 1917 Aircraft Active
19th of June 1917 Quiet Day
21st of June 1917 Brigade Relief Completed
24th of June 1917 A Raid
26th of June 1917 Quiet Day
28th of June 1917 Successful Operation
1st of July 1917 Front Line Adjusted
5th of July 1917 Our Trenches Damaged
6th of July 1917 A Brigade Relief
10th of July 1917 A Raid Ordered
12th of July 1917 Back Areas Shelled
17th of July 1917 Quiet Time
18th of July 1917 Direct Hits Made
19th of July 1917 Situation Quiet
21st of July 1917 Back Areas Shelled
23rd of July 1917 Minenwerfer Active
26th of July 1917 Very Quiet
27th of July 1917 Gas Attack
29th of July 1917 Reliefs
1st of August 1917 Machine Guns Active
3rd of August 1917 Snipers Active
4th of August 1917 Hostile Shelling
7th of August 1917 A German Raid
10th of August 1917 Intelligence
13th of August 1917 Two Minute Barrage
16th of August 1917 Machine Guns Active
19th of August 1917 Gas Drums
22nd of August 1917 Railway Shelled
25th of August 1917 TMs Hit Oppy Wood
27th of August 1917 Quiet Time
31st August 1917 Quiet Time
3rd of September 1917 Quiet
5th of September 1917 Brigades on the March
6th of September 1917 Gas Shelling
7th of September 1917 Training
10th of September 1917 Division to Move
11th of September 1917 Artillery Marches
27th of September 1917 Orders Received
28th of September 1917 On the Move
1st Oct 1917 At Rest
1st of October 1917 Orders to Attack
17th of October 1917 Training
21st of October 1917 Offensive to be Resumed
4th of November 1917 Heavy shelling
6th of November 1917 Attack Launched
8th of November 1917 Fairly Quiet
11th of November 1917 Quiet Time
16th of November 1917 15th Brigade Entrain
18th of November 1917 Moves
19th of November 1917 Pioneers Move
23rd of November 1917 Division Ordered to Move
25th of November 1917 Orders
26th of November 1917 On the Move
27th of November 1917 Entraining for Italy
28th of November 1917 Entraining for Italy
9th of April 1918 Orders
10th of April 1918 Relief Postponed
11th of April 1918 Movement Details
13th of April 1918 Enemy Attacks
15th of April 1918 Another Enemy Attack
16th of April 1918 Situation Quiet
18th of April 1918 Artillery Active
19th of April 1918 A Raiding Party
22nd of April 1918 A Gas Attack
23rd of April 1918 Constant Shelling
25th of April 1918 Division Attacks
26th Apr 1918 Gun Positions
28th of April 1918 Artillery Quieter
3rd of May 1918 Enemy Artillery Active
4th of May 1918 Situation Quiet
10th of May 1918 Gas Shells Used
15th of May 1918 Our Heavies Busy
17th of May 1918 Active Artillery
22nd of May 1918 Enemy Active
23rd of May 1918 Quiet Night
30th of May 1918 A Relief
5th of June 1918 Brigade Relief
13th of June 1918 Brigade Relief Completed
15th of June 1918 Operation Proposed
20th of June 1918 Situation Unchanged
22nd of June 1918 Slight Activity
25th of June 1918 Front Adjusted
29th of June 1918 Enemy Guns Active
1st of July 1918 Situation Unchanged
2nd of July 1918 Artillery Active
7th of July 1918 Gas Shelling
12th of July 1918 Back Areas Bombed
18th of July 1918 Our Guns Active
24th of July 1918 Relief Completed
28th of July 1918 Quiet
31st of July 1918 Relief Completed
4th of August 1918 Divisional Relief Ordered
9th of August 1918 Training
10th of August 1918 Training
13th of August 1918 Entraining Commenced
15th of August 1918 Training
18th of August 1918 On the Move
19th of August 1918 Advanced Brigades to Move
22nd of August 1918 A New Objective
23rd of August 1918 Division Attacks
24th of August 1918 5th Division Co-operates
25th of August 1918 Brigades Move
26th of August 1918 Enemy Retreats
27th of August 1918 Quiet
28th of August 1918 Situation Unchanged
30th of August 1918 Advance Continues
31st of August 1918 Counter-Attack
1st of September 1918 Attack Sucessful
2nd of September 1918 Strongly Defended
3rd of September 1918 Enemy Withdraws
4th of September 1918 Divisional Relief
5th of September 1918 Rest and Training
17th of September 1918 Back Areas Bombed
18th of September 1918 Attack Commences
19th of September 1918 Enemy Guns Quiet
20th of September 1918 Quiet Time
22nd of September 1918 Field Guns Active
30th of September 1918 Divisional Relief
1st of October 1918 Division RelievedIf you can provide any additional information, please add it here.
Want to know more about 6th Battalion, Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders?
There are:262 items tagged 6th Battalion, Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders available in our Library
These include information on officers, regimental histories, letters, diary entries, personal accounts and information about actions during the Great War.
Those known to have served with
6th Battalion, Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders
during the Great War 1914-1918.
- Armstrong John. L/Cpl. (d.18th Apr 1917)
- Connar Hugh. Pte. (d.26th Mar 1916)
- Gilmour David. Pte. (d.20th May 1918)
- Gilmour David. Pte. (d.20th May 1918)
- Henderson William. Pte. (d.29th Dec 1916)
- Hunter Robert. Pte. (d.26th Mar 1916)
- Mylet Hugh Mcpherson. Pte. (d.30th August 1915)
- Nicol David. Pte. (d.28th Jul 1916)
- Stirling Alexander. Pte. (d.26th March 1916)
- Vandal Robert. Pte. (d.23rd April 1917)
All names on this list have been submitted by relatives, friends, neighbours and others who wish to remember them, if you have any names to add or any recollections or photos of those listed, please Add a Name to this List
Records of 6th Battalion, Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders from other sources.
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Pte. Hugh Connar 1/6th Btn. Argyll & Sutherland Highlanders (d.26th Mar 1916)Hugh Connar was born in Paisley in 1892 and is my wife's great uncle. He is commemorated in Bay 9 of the Arras Memorial although his surname is misspelt as Connor.David Brigham
Pte. Robert Vandal 11th Battalion Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders (d.23rd April 1917)When the Great War broke out in 1914, my uncle, Robert Vandal, and his elder brother George joined up to serve in the Sixth Territorial Battalion of the Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders.Robert caught influenza in 1916, was wounded on 30th of July 1916 and gassed 20th of August 1916. On his recovery, Robert appears to have returned to France with the 11th Battalion of the Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders. On the 23rd of April 1917, he was killed in action during the Battle at Arras when the British Army suffered 10,000 casualties during the attempt to capture the village of Guemappe.
Pte. Hugh Mcpherson Mylet 1/6 Btn. Argyll and Sutherland (d.30th August 1915)High McPherson Mylet of Paisley, Scotland, served with the Argylls in World War 1 and was killed in action in Corbie,France on 30 Aug 1915. He was my great uncle.Wayne S. Wallace
Pte. Alexander Stirling 6th Btn. Argyll & Sutherland Highlanders (d.26th March 1916)Alexander Stirling is listed on the Nitshill War Memorial and the Arras Memorial. He was born in Paisley, Renfrewshire.Alex Glass
Pte. David Nicol 6th Btn. Argyll & Sutherland Highlanders (d.28th Jul 1916)David Nicol is listed on the Nitshill War Memorial, he is also listed on the Thiepval Memorial.Alex Glass
Pte. Robert Hunter 6th Btn. Argyll & Sutherland Highlanders (d.26th Mar 1916)Robert Hunter is buried in Maoeuil British Cemetery. He was born 1896 in Nitshill to James B and Catherine Hunter, siblings John C, William B, Henry and Catherine A Hunter. He enlisted in Barrhead on 29th of April 1915.Alex Glass
Pte. William Henderson 1st/6th Btn. Argyll & Sutherland Highlanders (d.29th Dec 1916)William Henderson was born in 1897 in Nitshill, to James (Smith) Henderson. His step-mother was Annie Henderson. He had five siblings, John Paterson, James Smith (half brother), Thomasina, Agnes and Elizabeth.He enlisted in Pollokshaws on 15th December1914, and served with the Argyll & Sutherland Highlanders 1st/6th Battalion. He died on 29th December 916 and is buried Gorre British and Indian Cemetery.
Alex Glass
Pte. David Gilmour 6th Btn. Argyll & Sutherland Highlanders (d.20th May 1918)David Gilmour was born in 1900 to William and Margaret Gilmour, he had five siblings James, George, Robert, William and John. He enlisted at Barrhead on 29th April 1915. He initially served with with the Seaforth Highlanders.8th Battalion., and subsequently with the Argyll & Sutherland Highlanders 1/6th Battalion. He died on 20th May 1918 and is buried in Tannay British Cemetery, Thiennes.Alex Glass
Pte. David Gilmour 6th Btn. Argyll & Sutherland Highlanders (d.20th May 1918)David Gilmour is buried in Tannay British Cemetery, Thiennes. He was born in 1900 to William and Margaret Gilmour, with siblings Neil, Mary, Jean and Kate. He enlisted at Barrhead 29/04/1915 and initially served with the 8th Bn., Seaforth Highlanders.Alex Glass
L/Cpl. John Armstrong 6th Btn Argyll & Sutherland Highlanders (d.18th Apr 1917)John Armstrong is listed on the Nitshill, Glasgow War Memorial. He is buried in Escivres Military Cemetery, Mont-St. Eloi. Born in 1893 in Nitshill, his wife was Sarah (Cameron)Armstrong (later remarried to William Cairney) They had a daughter Janet Armstrong born 22/5/1915. John enlisted at Pollokshaws on 25/05/1915 giving his former occupation as Ironstone Miner.Alex Glass
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