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2nd Battalion, Dorsetshire Regiment
The 2nd Battalion, Dorsetshire Regiment was in India when war broke out in August 1914, serving with the 16th (Poona) Brigade, 6th Indian Division. It took part in the Mesopotamian campaign and was besieged in Kut and was captured when General Townshend surrendered in April 1916. The Battalion reconstituted in July 1916 and became Corps Troops in the Tigris Corps. In January 1917 it was allocated to the 9th (Sirhind) Brigade, 3rd Indian Division and went to Egypt in April 1918 and from there on to Palestine.
17th Nov 1914 In Action
23rd Nov 1914 Procession
27th Nov 1914 Stations Allocated
30th Aug 1915 Arrivals
11th Sep 1915 Last day of Derby Scheme Recruitment
16th Oct 1915 The Derby Scheme
1st Dec 1915 Derby Scheme Armlets
10th Jan 1916 Group System Reopens
9th February 1916 Call UpsIf you can provide any additional information, please add it here.
Want to know more about 2nd Battalion, Dorsetshire Regiment?
There are:12 items tagged 2nd Battalion, Dorsetshire Regiment available in our Library
These include information on officers, regimental histories, letters, diary entries, personal accounts and information about actions during the Great War.
Those known to have served with
2nd Battalion, Dorsetshire Regiment
during the Great War 1914-1918.
- Abraham James Henry. Sgt. (d.5th July 1918)
- Adams MM. James. Pte.
- Crocker William Henry. Pte.
- Dixon Henry Clarke. L/Sgt. (d.17th Nov 1914)
- Ellis William Henry. Pte. (d.23rd July 1917)
- Giles Frederick George. Pte. (d.6th Sep 1916)
- Gosney T.. Pte. (d.26th July 1916)
- Haggett Walter. Pte. (d.10th May 1916)
- Howarth George. Pte. (d.24th Apr 1916)
- Powell Horace Randolph. Pte. (d.14 April 1915)
- Terry Lionel Douglas Hill.
- White Wilfred Percy. Pte.
All names on this list have been submitted by relatives, friends, neighbours and others who wish to remember them, if you have any names to add or any recollections or photos of those listed, please Add a Name to this List
Records of 2nd Battalion, Dorsetshire Regiment from other sources.
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Lionel Douglas Hill Terry 2nd Btn Dorsetshire RegimentLionel Terry first joined up in 1914 but was under age. He had given his date of birth as 1896 but it was in fact 1897. He was sent back home to Simla where his family lived. His father had gone to India, initially with The Royal Artillery, decades before. He had been part of the Tibet Campaign in 1903.In January 1915 my father turned 18 and joined the Dorsets. I have photos of him in Basra and somewhere on horseback with an artillery train. He became a Lewis gunner. At some time in the war he was transferred to the Hampshire Regiment. I remember his talking of Kut. He entered Jerusalem with British troops in 1918. I have the little wooden covered booklet with (pressed) wild flowers from the Holy Land, which was given to British troops. He sent his booklet home to his mother.
After the war he remained with the army for special services because he was fluent in several languages. At least we have a document to that effect. There is no record of what he did or where. At some stage he was with the Military Police. Later he was with the Colonial Police Service in Karachi before going into business. He joined the British Civil Service in about 1930 or so in London where he appears on residence lists with the rank of Captain but he was a private or L/Cpl in the war. He stayed with the Civil Service as a DRO until 1956 when he retired after an illness. He died in Kent in 1959.
Christopher John Terry
Pte. James Adams MM. 2nd Btn. Dorsetshire RegimentMy grandfather Jim Adams died in 1954, before I was born, unfortunately. I was only told that he had been a prisoner of war during the First World War and marched across a desert. He never talked about it, like many survivors from that time. I know that he apparently had a huge tattoo of St George and the Dragon on his chest. He was part of the Seige of Kut where they were eventually forced to surrender as they were dying from starvation. They were then force-marched from Kut in Iraq to Bagtsche, Turkey where he was held as a prisoner for two years.It wasn't until recent research that I discovered that he was awarded the Military Medal and was one of the survivors from thousands enduring unspeakable hardships. Finally there were only 70 of 350 captured who came home from his regiment.
He was a very brave man of whom I am extremely proud.
Jo Mortimer
Sgt. James Henry Abraham 2nd btn. Dorsetshire Regiment (d.5th July 1918)Serjeant Abraham was 29 when he died and is buried in the Purandhar Cemetery in India, Plot D. Grave 33.s flynn
Pte. T. Gosney 2nd Btn. Dorsetshire Regiment (d.26th July 1916)Private Gosney died on 26th July 1916 and is buried in the Baghdad North Gate Cemetery, Iraq.S Flynn
Pte. Frederick George Giles 2nd Btn. Dorsetshire Regiment (d.6th Sep 1916)Frederick Giles died on 6th September 1916, aged 27 and is buried in the Baghdad North Gate Cemetery, Iraq. He was the son of Alfred Edwin Giles of Tarrant Gunville, Blandford, Dorset.S Flynn
Pte. Horace Randolph Powell 2nd Btn. Dorsetshire Regiment (d.14 April 1915)Article in local Southampton paper (Echo?) in February 1915War Time Wedding
Consummation of Fifteen Years Courtship
Home from the Front on five days leave, Sergt. Percy Randolph Powell, of the 128th Battery Royal Field Artillery, consummated a courtship of fifteen years by marrying the lady of his choice at St. Denys Church on Tuesday. The bridegroom, whose home is in Bowden Lane, Portswood, only returned from the Continent late on Sunday night and the ceremony, which took place by special licence, surprised even his own relations, who had no idea he was to be married during his short leave. Despite the shortness of time, however, the event became known in the district, and it naturally created a great deal of interest. There was a very large congregation, and although there was an entire absence of the usual festivities attaching to a marriage, the happy couple were given a cordial send-off.
The bride was Miss Agnes Susanna Bennett, and she looked charming in a cream dress, with a veil and wreath of orange blossom. Her sister, Miss Lilian Bennett, was the only bridesmaid, and Mr. Bennett, jun., the brides brother, acted as best man. Mr. Bennett, sen., gave his daughter away. The ceremony was conducted by the Rev. L. S. Etheridge (Vicar). The bridegrooms spell of connubial bliss was cut very short, however, and he returned to the Front on the evening of the following day, although his many friends wish him a safe and speedy return.
Sergt. Powell will complete twelve years service in the Army next September. He returned from India, where his regiment was stationed for eight years, twelve months ago, and was afterwards quartered at Bulford. His regiment was among the first to be sent to the Continent, but Sergt. Powell has, so far, suffered no hurt, though he has naturally had many narrow escapes. He is, it is interesting to note, one of six sons of Mrs. Powell, of Bowden Lane, who are serving their King and country.
Her eldest son, Alfred George Powell, served for 21 years in the Royal Engineers, and he emerged from the service as Corporal a few years ago. Just a few months before the war broke out; he joined the 5th Battalion Hampshire Regiment, and has since been promoted to the rank of Corporal.
Mr. William John Powell has served almost as long a period as his brother, though he chose the Navy as his profession. For nearly 21 years he has been connected with this branch of the services, and since the outbreak of war he has been on the North Sea.
Of the eight years which Pte. Horace Powell has served in the 2nd Dorset Regiment, six have been spent in India. His regiment was to have been drafted home shortly before hostilities commenced, and Mrs. Powell was looking forward to meeting her son after his long absence. It was ordained otherwise, however, and he is now engaged in his countrys defence in the East.
Mr. Lewis Herbert Powell is at present engaged on Government work at the docks. For several seasons he has been one of the crew of Sir Thomas Liptons yacht the Erin. He was also one of the crew which manned the latest Shamrock, which sailed the Atlantic just before the war to race for the America Cup. It will be remembered that the event, which created a great deal of interest at the time, was cancelled, and the crew had to return home.
For some years Mr. Edgar A. Powell has followed the sea and he was, for some time before the war, on the Kenilworth Castle. On the outbreak of hostilities, however, he was transferred to the Glenart, formerly the Union Castle liner Galician, which is now being used as a hospital ship.
Mrs. Powell is naturally very proud of her sons, but she is anxiously awaiting the time when they will return to home and safety.
Horace Powell died in Mesopotamia in April 1915 and Edgar Powell died when the Llandovery Castle, a hospital ship, was torpedoed 26 June 1918. Randolph survived the war having been involved in the initial action by the BEF at Mons in 1914 and at the liberation of the city in 1918
John Martin
Pte. George Howarth 2nd Btn. Dorsetshire Regiment (d.24th Apr 1916)My Great Uncle George Howarth was a coal miner working in the Hulton Colliery, Chequerbent, Westhoughton, Lancashire. He was born in 1892.The local history society here in Westhoughton have embarked upon staging an exhibition based on the names on the Westhoughton Cenotaph. George Howarth is the only one from the Dorsetshire Regiment on this memorial. He lost his life on the 24th April 1916 at the Siege of Kut-al-Amara, Mesopotamia, he was 24 years of age. No known grave, but his name is on the Basra Memorial, Iraq.
Pamela Clarke, President of Westhoughton Local History Society.
L/Sgt. Henry Clarke Dixon 2nd Btn. Dorsetshire Regiment (d.17th Nov 1914)To-day I was browsing around my local car boot market in Tyrone, N.Ireland and going through a box of old books. The book is called "The Pirates Gold".Anyway it states that this book was presented to Henry Dixon in the year 1898.First prize at(St Jude's South Ulversion Sunday School) Class No6 by Teacher J.Oliver. Rector J.W. ? can't really make out.A fountain pen inscription on inside is by his nephew W.Parnell. It states,this book belonged to my Uncle Henry Clarke Dixon who was killed in the Great War in Africa during 1914.What I'd like to know does anybody know anything about this man of war, is there a great story behind him?
Editor's note:
The CWGC website tells us Henry Dixon served with the 2nd Btn. Dorsetshire Regiment in Mesopotamia (Iraq). He lost his life on the 17th of November 1914 and is buried in the Basra War Cemetery.
Francis Gervin
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