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- 33rd Battalion, Australian Imperial Force during the Great War -

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33rd Battalion, Australian Imperial Force

16th December 1916 33rd Battalion AIF Intelligence Summary up to 6 am 16th December 1916   33rd Battalion AIF up to 6 am 16th December 1916
Right (1) Sub Sector
Intelligence Summary

Our operations: Artillery: I-10,2 heard (?) at 8 pm two minutes 10 seconds. Shelled railway salient at 9:30 pm with shrapnel. Fired one salvo at 12 midnight on target in rear of enemy firing line. Fired six shots over 2-10,6 on to enemy support line.
Vickers guns: Fired during night on targets in the rear of enemy position.
Lewis guns: Fired on an enemy patrol - strength not known, which was moving in front of left Co. wire. Otherwise quiet. 1 gun put out of action by split cartridge case jamming in trench. Replaced from reserve.

Patrols: At 6 pm patrol left strong point at left can left-centre of A gap. They patrolled towards enemy lines moving towards the left. At 7 pm a noise was heard on our wire almost directly in front of where they went out. 10 minutes later it was heard again. One of the men coughed, there was a rustling sound then quietness. A short time after this, not long enough to allow anyone to reach the hostile lines 12 very lights were sent up by him in quick succession. Patrol returned at 8:15 by the same route as it went out. Otherwise patrols report very everything quiet on front I -16,4 and I, 10,1 during night. A patrol left the north of mushrooms salient at 5:35 to examine no mans land returned at 5:50 and reported an enemy patrol inside our wire. Lewis gun fired in its direction. Patrol went out again and reported talking closer. Two verey lights were fired by us but could not see patrol. Lewis gun again fired. Patrol left same place 645 to reconnoitre in front of wiring party to north of mushroom. Return 730 reporting no enemy seen.

Patrol from left of mushroom 9 pm returned 1050 reconnoitred no mans land reported enemy working party on his wire in front of C Post but could not fire on them on account of patrol from B Co. being out. Patrol went out from I-10-D- 9.5,7 worked to the fourth, then returned by same route reported having been fired on by machine gun in old disused trench in no mans land at about I-11,c-2.5,95. This is doubtful however, as it was probably the gun in the railway salient firing. They also report enemy were opposite I-10,3 very strong. The above machine gun killed one man in a party covering our wiring party at about 10:30 pm. Otherwise nothing to report on frontage I-10,2 to I-10,3.

On front I-10,4, I-10,5 patrols went out from 5:30 pm. These returning up to 10:15 pm reported all quiet. Patel left C Post at 10:15 reported having seen a hostile patrol in no mans land at 11:15 pm. Did not succeed in getting in touch with them. Patrols from 12 midnight onwards had nothing of note to report.

Frontage: I-10,6, I-10,7 Patrols from 5:30 pm to 9:30 pm report all quiet. Patrol left I-10,6 at 9:35 and after moving out 100' heard an enemy patrol in front. Lewis guns open fire and two Verey lights were fired but no patrols seen. Patrol then proceeded and worked towards the north. They returned at 11:30 but had nothing further to report. Patrol left I-10,6 at 11:30 and patrolled enemy wire opposite. They found it in fairly good condition. Patrols from then onwards report all quiet. Enemy operations: Enemy artillery: for most part quiet all day. They fired a few about 10 rifle grenades which fell short of the parapet in front of I-10,1 some of which were duds. A 77 mm fired on left centre Co. about I-10-B-8-4 at 11:45. Fired 11 rounds apparently at working party. The gun was firing from about a bearing of 1040 from I-10-d-9.5,2.5. Enemy fired some light trench mortar at Central Avenue at about 10 am without result. At about 1.45 to 2.45 enemy fired six rounds 77 mm HE from same gun as above at same place. No damage done.

Machine guns: Gun above reported to be in No mans land reported by covered ground in front of C gap and traversed our parapet. Gun in railway salient fired frequently during the night apparently over our firing line at target in rear. New gun heard near railway salient particulars later. Machine gun opposite B post very troublesome during night wounding one man. It is believed to be behind the front line in the support line. In front of I-10,6 & 7 machine guns were quieter than usual.

Enemy defences: No new work observed.

Enemy movement: Enemy can be seen just after daylight with a telescope moving along communication trench about I -11-C-6,8 showing head and shoulders. He cannot be seen during the day. He is wearing leather waistcoats similar to those issued to our troops also round blue caps. Communications: Enemy fired many verey lights during the night. During the evening bombardment of our support and communication trenches at 12:35 pm. Two lights were observed in Armentières. These lights appeared at intervals during the enemy bombardment but disappeared as soon as the bombardment closed. They were observed for about 15 minutes. The bearing of these lights from La Petite Porte Farm was 312° and 315° magnetic and were in high buildings.

Aircraft: Enemy observation balloon was up for a very short time early in the morning well back and some distance to the left of the Battalion position well in rear.

Miscellaneous: On14th instant enemy registered his own wire south of railway salient with 77 mm. Enemy frequently bombed his own wire during the night. Transport heard behind enemy line all night. Enemy fired a number of rifle grenades during the day over I-10,6, I-10-7 most of which burst in the air harmlessly. A number of rifle grenades were fired from our position I-10-6 which appeared to land within enemy trenches.

33rd Btn Australian Imperial Force War Diary

31st December 1916 33rd Battalion AIF Routine Order No.12  Not to be taken in front line trenches
33rd Battalion A.I.F.
Routine Order No.122
Lieutenant-Colonel LJ Morshead.
Chappelle d'Armentières 31?12.16.

Lewis Gun School. 1193.
The following NCO has been detailed to attend Lewis Gun school at Le Touquet, commencing 3rd December, 1916: Cpl G.A. Cawkwell.
Front line area. 1194.
All Officers, N.C.O.s and men visiting the front line must first report at the Battalion Headquarters and obtain permission and guides to move to forward lines.

Repair of lines. 1195.
Company Commanders will be entirely responsible for the maintenance and repair of their lines. In order to assist them the O.C., 209th Field Company R.E. is placing sappers at disposal of Battalion. One sapper will report to each Co. Headquarters daily at 8 am. These sappers will be accommodated and rationed by O.C. 209th Field Company, but will be under the Company Commanders of whose Battalion sub-sector they are allotted for all arrangements regarding their work. At least 15 men per Company to be detailed to work under these sappers.

Sanitary. 1196. Units when occupying the Subsidiary Lines must pay special attention to the latrines and cleanliness of same.

Dress. 1197.
Men must not be allowed to leave their Battalion billeting area. If so, they must be in possession of a pass bearing office stamp and must carry their rifle and wear their equipment (less pack) field dressing, and anti-gas appliances.
Runners need only carry rifle, 10 rounds ammunition, field dressing, and anti-gas appliances.
All working parties must parade in fighting order with anti-gas appliances.

Shaving. 1198.
All ranks must shave daily.

Trench feet. 1199.
In the future every man who contracts "trench feet" through neglect to take the necessary precautions as ordered for its prevention will be brought to trial Field General Court-Martial in the same way as men found to be suffering from self-inflicted wounds.

Forward Zone. 1200.
Every man in the forward zone must take care that he is never, under any circumstances, parted from his rifle.

Chloride of lime. 1201.
It's you should be restricted almost entirely for the purpose of sterilisation of drinking water. Tins must be kept closely fastened.

Enemy food supplies. 1202.
Warning is issued of the possibility of food found in enemy trenches being purposely contaminated with disease especially any found in parcels.

Issue of rum. 1203.
Rum will only be issued to troops who return to quarters after completing a tour of duty. It will then only be issued on the advice of medical officer. Battalions must arrange for the issue of hot tea, cocoa, etc two men on duty during bad weather conditions.

Fuel pumps. 1204.
Quartermaster will arrange through Group Supply Officer to send transport with loaders to fuel dumps to draw fuel.

Appointments and promotions. 1205.
Lt. W. Layton is seconded for duty with the 3rd Australian Divisional Training Battalion. Dated 6th November, 1916.

The undermentioned officers are transferred to the 52nd Battalion. Dated 30th October, 1916.

Lt. H.J. Moore (who ceases to be seconded for duty with 9th Infantry Training Battalion on transfer.)
2/Lt. H.P. York.

9th Infantry Training Battalion.
They undermentioned officer ceased to be seconded for duty with the Training Battalion on transfer to 52nd Battalion.
Lt. H.J. Moore. Dated 30th October 1916.
Reductions. 1206.
No. 179 Lt/Cpl. E.G. Shaughnessy having ceased his duties as Cpl Bugler, reverts to the ranks forthwith.

Transfer. 1207.
The undermentioned transfers have been approved:-
No.14. Private W.J. Bath from open Headquarters to A. Co.
No. 356. Private E. G. Atley from B. Co. to Headquarters.

(Signed) R.C. Jones 2/Lt. Adjutant. 33rd Battalion A.I.F.

33rd Btn Australian Imperial Force War Diary

26th January 1917 33rd Battalion AIF shortage of Dixies

15 December 1916 33rd Battalion AIF State as at noon 15th December 1916  No 11A
Third Australian Division
State as at noon 15th December 1916
33rd Batallion, AIF

(First figure = no. of Officers; figure in brackets = no. of other ranks

Present 33 (836)
Absent with leave
Absent without leave
On command 2 (86)
Temporary sick (25)
Total strength 35 (947)
Establishment 34 (969)
Wanting to complete (22)
Attached 1 (2)

Riding horses 9
L.D. Horses 6
L.D. mules 8
Pack horses H.D. 6
Pack mules 2


"Attached" is comprised of
1 chaplain, 1 batman,
1 interpreter

R.C. Jones S/Lieut

33rd Btn Australian Imperial Force War Diary

19th November 1916 33rd Battalion Order No 14  33rd Battalion Order No 14 Headquarters, 33 Bn AIF, 19th November, 1916

MOVE The 33rd Battalion will entrain at Amesbury station loading dock (down side line ) on Tuesday 21st inst. as per timetable issued with this order.

CAMP Attention is directed to R.O. No.116 of 18.11.16. and to circular memorandum No. 24 a copy of which has been issued to all Officers. These instructions must be carried out in every detail.

ARRIVAL TIME AT AMESBURY STATION OC (Officer in charge of) trains will arrange that troops and transport will arrive at AMESBURY station at the following times before trains are due to start. Dismounted troops baggage with fatigues, 1 1/2 hours Dismounted troops, 1 hour All animals, 1 1/2 hours.

RULE OF ROAD From Amesbury village to the station troops are to keep to the right side of the road in order to leave entrance to station clear for ordinary traffic.

FATIGUE PARTIES All fatigue parties to be entrained in rear passenger coaches so they can assist at the docks if necessary. OC trains will detail their own fatigue parties in accordance with "Instructions for entrainment and embarkation, Part 1."

ANIMALS All animals will be fed and watered before leaving. They will be entrained saddled and harnessed but before being loaded they must have (a) bits out (b) head ropes down ready for fastening (c) traces hitched up.

WAGGONS Wagons to be a properly sheeted and tied before leaving camp. No chaff or hay to be on open trucks, limbers etc.

OC TRAINS OC Trains have been appointed as follows: First train - Major RJA Massie Second train - Captain GH Linklater Third train - Major HF White

These officers will report to R.T.O. (Railway Transport Officer - later Railway Traffic Officer) before troops are taken on to station.

RAIL WARRANTS OC Trains must hand in at Amesbury station a warrant to cover journey from Amesbury to docks. These warrants can be exchanged on application to Battalion headquarters.

LATRINE The Pioneer section will dig Latrines which are to be screened. These will be filled in after troops have gone under arrangements which have been made by Superintending Officer, Details. Troops must use these latrines only.

OFICERS' BAGGAGE This must not exceed the proper weight (55 lbs) and must be stacked in vehicle shed by 7 AM on Tuesday 21st.

ROLL CALL Careful roll call must be made before each trainload leaves Battalion lines, and carefully checked with Company Nominal Rolls. A marching out state will then be handed in to adjutant showing no. of officers, other ranks, animals, four wheel and two wheel vehicles marching out.

DRESS Full marching order, two blankets per man rolled in waterproof sheet and secured to pack with ends hanging down on either side. Greatcoats will be worn.

MEN FALLING OUT. All officers will carry "falling out permits" and keep a careful record of all men who fall out in the line of march.

R.C.Jones, Second Lieut. Adjutant, 33rd Battalion AIF ---------------------------------------------------------- The following is the distribution list to the various trains:-

First train No. X103 Troops to reach Amesbury Station at 6.50 am; train leaves Amesbury 7.50 am; train leaves Southampton 9.35 am. 12 officers 334 other ranks

Second train No. X105 Troops to reach Amesbury Station at 8.15 am; train leaves Amesbury 9.15 am; train leaves Southampton 11.00 am. 12 officers 331 other ranks

Third train No. X107 Troops to reach Amesbury Station at 10.00am; train leaves Amesbury 11.00 am; train leaves Southampton 12.00 am. 10 officers 333 other ranks


Major Massie; Lt. Duncan; Capts. Rosenthal, Hinton, Douglas; Lts. Fraser, Cormack, Duesbury, Clarence, Coombs; Capt. Sorenson; Chaplain Richmond; RQMS (Regimental quartermaster sergeant); Sgt. Garrett; 8 drivers 1st line transport; Band (17); AMG Details (7); Pioneers (11); Signallers (17); Band Cos. (10); A Byrne; J Handley; A Cantwell; JF Ellis; HJ Judge; T Mikburn, NS Lloyd; JP McGuire


Capt. Linklater; Lts. Fry, Cohen, Stockham, Saunders, Fletcher, Chapman; Capt. Craigio;Lts. Lark, Armstrong; DADMS (Deputy Assistant Director Medical Services); Pte T Cartwright (HQ); Dvrs. T Smith, R Milne, OD Blackadder, J Fairburn; 1 cook from each Co. as brakes men; Dvrs. T Keating, CW McGuire, CR Grood, EB Blackadder, H Lee, 2 drivers 1st line transport HQ.


MAJOR HF White; Lts. TW Tollis, McKenzie, King, Smith, Harman; CO; Adjutant; Quartermaster; Lt. Lazer; RSM (Regimental Sergeant Major); Sgt. Cook; S/Sgt ORS (other ranks); Sgt. Shoemaker; Armourer Sgt.; Lewis Gun Sgt; Batmen HQ; AW Keith; H Read; A Kinkado; W Pollock; AF Weiderman; 2 drivers 1st line transport.

33rd Btn Australian Imperial Force War Diary

20th November 1916  33rd Btn Australian Imperial Force Routine Order No.116  33rd Btn Australian Imperial Force Routine Order No.116 Lt-Col LJ Morshead Commanding No. 21 Camp, Larkhill, 20th November 1916.

Part I Administration.

SCOUTS 163 The following have been accepted for the scout platoon:

No. 183 L/Sgt C Sinclair No. 2037 Pte LJ Byrne No. 2153 Pte. RE Harrison

STRENGTH 164 The undermentioned having been discharged from VD hospital is taken on strength and posted to A company. Pay commenced from 20/11/1916.

No.45, Pte JH Coleman

The following have been struck off the strength from this date


No. 483 Pte FE Morrissey B Co Hospital

No. 377 Pte G Butler B Co Absentee

No. 1462 Pte HMS Long D Co Absentee

No. 1637 Pte O Stowart A Co Absentee

No. 5686A Pte E Ryan D Co Absentee

No. 4271A Pte DC Anderson A Co Absentee

No.10125 Pte CT Gillan C Co Hospital

No. 5091A Pte JA Pearce B Co Hospital

No. 518 Pte AH Potts B Co Hospital

No. 72 Pte G Goodwin A Co Hospital

The following have been selected to remain behind as a rear party, and are struck off the strength of the Battalion:

No.1450 Sgt J Lawman Pioneers

No. 587 Pte OD Clarke

No. 586 Dvr FW Smith

No. 1614 Pte G Watson

No. 1519 Pte PE Anshaw B Co

No. 5108A Pte L Sherman B Co

No. 852 Pte EAC Paul. C Co

No. 5051B Pte WSC Hudson A Co

The undermentioned who are attached to the battalion awaiting transfer, will report to Lt. layton at 6:30 AM on 21 November 1916. The COs who are rationing these men will see that they report.

No. 124 Cpl PM McKillop attached to A Co

No. 5006A Pte J Curtis attached to A Co

No. 1930 Pte W Bagshaw attached to A Co

No. 256 Pte TO Jones attached to A Co

No. 5100A Pte JH Roberts attached to B Co

No. 2114 Pte GC McLeod attached to C Co

No. 2103 Pte HA Moodie attached to C Co

No. 2119. Pte WC Nagel attached to C Co

No. 2146 Pte Lance Ward attached to C Co

No. 5061A Pte HJ Mathieson attached to D Co

Pte Calloway attached to C Co

TRANSFER 165 The following transfer has been approved:- No. 1092, Cpl A Burkett from D Co. To Pioneers

GREATCOATS 166 Reference Battalion Order No.14 - that portion re greatcoats is cancelled. greatcoats will not be worn, but will be placed in packs so that it may readily be withdrawn.

PROMOTIONS 166 The following promotions have been approved:- A Company

No. 77 L/Cpl EG Gess to be Cpl. vice no. 124

Cpl DM McKillop struck off strength

No. 126 L/Cpl A Young to be Cpl. vice no. 127

Cpl AF Mayne reverted to ranks

No. 2148 Pte WP Whithill to be L/Cpl to complete establishment

No.2 Pte EP Austin to be L/Cpl to complete establishment

D Company

No. 1266 L/Sgt GD Thomas to be Sgt to complete establishment

No. 1245 Cpl WH Simpson to be L/Sgt vice no. 1266L/Sgt GD Thomas promoted

No. 2034 Pte LR Boulton to be Cpl vice no. 1245 Cpl WH Simpson promoted

No. 1197 L/Cpl TF McMahon to be Cpl to complete establishment

No. 1142 Pte WL Harding to be L/Cpl to complete establishment

ROUTE 167 Lt. Cohen will proceed to Amesbury and arrive there 6:20 am 21.11.1916 for the purpose of making all preliminary arrangements with RTO for entraining the first draft from this battalion. He will get a copy of states and full particulars of officers, other ranks, animals and vehicles and after entrainment await arrival of second draft with whom he will entrain after handing state to Lt. King. The latter officer will reach Amesbury station at 7:45 am 21.11.1916 and act similarly for second draft and in turn hand both sets of states to the Adjutant who will travel on third train.

PIONEER 168 The Pioneer section will move off Battalion Parade Ground at 5 am 21.11.1916 and proceed to Amesbury station, where they arrive at 6:20 am and receive orders as to digging latrines etc. Provision must be made for in erecting temporary canvas screens which will be dismantled after troops have been entrained.

STATES169 OC B Co and OC Headquarters Sections will hand parade states for their parties or sections to OC Trains on which they are travelling. This must be done before moving off the Battalion Parade Ground at Camp 21.

(signed) RG Jones Second Lieutenant Adjutant,33rd Battalion AIF


The regimental canteen will be closed at 6 pm today and no further purchases can be made after that hour.

Cheque for £30.6.6. being amount subscribed by officers, NCOs and men of 33rd battalion towards Lord Kitchener's National Memorial fund, has been forwarded to the Hon. Sec.

33rd Btn Australian Imperial Force War Diary Appendix

21st November 1916 33 Bn AIF leaves Southampton  Battalion left Larkhill camp for Southampton.

Battalion transport and 186 men embarked on 'Hunslet' sailed 7:30 p.m.

Battalion less transport and 186 men embarked on 'Mona's Queen'. Sailed 4:30 p.m.

War Diary of 33rd Btn Australian Imperial Force, Larkhill & Southampton

22nd November 1916 33 Bn AIF arrive at Le Havre   'Mona's Queen' arrived Havre 12 midnight disembarked 7:00 AM proceeded to Rest Camp No 1. 'Hunslet' arrived Havre 7:30 AM disembarked 10 AM proceeded to Rest Camp No 1.

War Diary of 33rd Btn Australian Imperial Force, Le Havre

23rd November 1916 Early start for 33 Bn AIF   Reveille 4:30 AM Battalion less 250 under Captain Linklater entrained at 8 AM. Train pulled out at 10 AM. Train halted Montérolier-Buchy at 8:30 PM for 30 minutes.

War Diary of 33rd Btn Australian Imperial Force, Le Havre

24th November 1916 33 Bn AIF arrive late at Bailleul  33rd Btn AIF halted at Abbeville at 6 am for 45 minutes. Arrived Bailleul 2 pm. Detrained. Proceeded to billets. Guides took wrong road. Battalion did not arrive at billets till 9 pm. Battalion HQ at La Blanc M****?

War Diary of 33rd Btn Australian Imperial Force, Abbeville & Bailleul

25th November 1916  33 Bn AIF lecture on respirators  Battalion HQ moved to Walters Farm. Captain Pollard 34th Division Gas Officer lectured to all Officers & Sergeants re new Respirators.

War Diary of 33rd Btn Australian Imperial Force

25th November 1916 33rd Battalion AIF Special Order No.1  33rd Battalion AIF Special Order No.1 by Lieutenant-Colonel LJ Horshead Commanding, Waltres Farm near Steenwerke 25.11.1916.

1. The following officers and specialists will parade at Battalion Headquarters at 8:45 am on 26.11.1916, and will proceed to the trenches: Officers, Commanding Officer, Intelligence Officer, Adjutant, Quartermaster, Transport Officer, Lewis Gun Officer, Signalling Officer, Scout Officer, Second-in-command Cos.

2. The CO, Adjutant, Quartermaster and Transport Officer will return to billets in the afternoon, the others will remain in the trenches and will take their Batmen.

3. Headquarters 12 Lewis gunners, 8 signallers.

4. COMPANIES 1NCO per platoon, 3 snipers, 1 signaller, 1 Gas NCO, 3 Scouts, 1 Runner, 3 Lewis gunners.

5. This party will proceed to Armentières in motor lorries.

6. The O's C Co's will be careful in the selection of their specialists for this advance party.

7. Officers will take their valises.

8. 2 companies of the Battalion will move forward to the trenches on the 27th inst., the remainder on the 28th.

(signed) RC Jones, Second Lieutenant Adjutant, 33rd Battalion AIF

Copy no.1 to OC A Co. Copy no.2 to OC B Co. Copy no.3 to OC C Co. Copy no.4 to OC D Co. Copy no.5 to Intelligence Officer Copy no.6 to QM Copy no.7 to Transport Officer Copy no.8 to Lewis Gun Officer Copy no.9 to Bombing Officer Copy no.10 to Scout Officer

33rd Btn Australian Imperial Force war Diary Appendix

26th November 1916 Advanced Party  33rd Battalion, AIF Advanced party as per Battalion special order no.1 proceeded to Right sector trenches at La Chapelle-d'Armentières to arrange to take over from 27th Northumberland Fusiliers.

War Diary of 33rd Btn Australian Imperial Force, Bailleul

27th November 1916 Instruction  2 sections per platoon of 33rd Battalion AIF relieved half of 27th Northumberland Fusiliers to learn trench routine.

War Diary of 33rd Btn Australian Imperial Force, La Chapelle-d'Armentières

28th November 1916 Training  Remaining two sections per platoon of 33rd Battalion, AIF changed with other setions to learn trench routine with 27th Northumberland Fusiliers.

War Diary of 33rd Btn Australian Imperial Force, La Chapelle-d'Armentières

29th November 1916 33 Bn AIF in action against the enemy  Relief completed. CO took over command.

3 pm Our artillery and light trench mortar bombarded enemy front and support line with apparently good results.

2.55 pm Enemy shelled light trench mortar emplacements with minenwerfer*

Enemy played on our parapet all night with machine gun and rifle fire. Enemy bombed his own wire during night and fired many verey lights.**

10-12 pm Gas masks worn by all troops in front of support lines. Enemy working party in front no.4 locality dispersed with light gun fire.

Patrols and listening posts report all quiet. Enemy wearing blue caps observed, moving behind their line.

One enemy hit by snipers.

* Minenwerfer ("mine launcher") is the German name for a class of short range mortars used extensively during the First World War by the German Army.

** a flare fired into the air from a pistol for signalling or for temporary illumination.

War Diary of 33rd Btn Australian Imperial Force, La Chapelle-d'Armentières & Right(1) Sector

30th November 1916 Enemy is Strong  33rd Battalion AIF Report from La Chapelle-d'Armentières "Our artillery quiet all day. Enemy put 4 Minnie's over left CO without damage. At 10pm Our patrol from 3.10.1. reported enemy were strong. Enemy working on parapet repairing damage done by our Light trench mortar on 29th inst. At 8 pm Patrol from Post C report enemy quiet.

Right (1) Sector, Enemy used great number of Verey Lights, also 3 search lights all night. 3 of enemy said to have been shot by our snipers. Enemy bombed his own wire during night. Enemy used rifle grenades on our right during day without result. Enemy used M.G. (Machine gun) and Rifle fire along our parapet all night."

War Diary of 33rd Btn Australian Imperial Force, La Chapelle-d'Armentières & Right(1) Sector

30th November 1916  33rd Battalion AIF Routine Order No. 120   33rd Battalion AIF Routine Order No. 120 by Lt Col LJ Morshead commanding Chapelle d'Armentières 30.11.1916.

BATTALION AREA 1183 No one is allowed in the battalion area without permission of the CO. O's C CO's will question all officers whether they had first reported to battalion headquarters before visiting the trenches. Yesterday a party of officers from another battalion made an inspection without the knowledge of the CO. Officers not belonging to this Brigade or Division Staff must have a pass signed by the CO or Adjutant.

SPECIALIST OFFICERS 1185 The following officers will report daily to the CO at times specified Signalling Officer 9:30 am

Scout Officer 10:00 am

Lewis GunOfficer at 10:30 am

Bombing Officer 10:45 am

Sniping Officer and 9:00 pm

VERY LIGHTS 1185 Apart from intelligence reports the CO must be informed when, where, how many, and why Very Lights are used.

DISTRIBUTION OF ORDERS 1186 The Signalling Officer is responsible for seeing that all specialist officers read and sign all copies of orders sent to him.

MESSAGES 1187 There is too much delay in replying to messages sent from Battalion Headquarters to Companies. These messages should be sent out to responsible officers by Company runners if necessary as soon as they are received from Headquarters runners. More attention must be paid to promptly detailing any specialists who are asked for.

SNIPERS 1188 Battalion snipers will take up their position at Cemetery Post, on the Subsidiary Line. They will report there to Lt. Saunders at 8 am. See RO No. 110 Paragraph 1177, re rations.

TELEPHONE MESSAGES 1189 All ranks must be warned of serious results that may follow from telephone messages giving particulars of strength, casualties, dispositions, etc. These matters are invariably to be sent by runners except in cases of extreme urgency when the officers sending same will be held responsible. Instances have already occurred of units using their designations instead of station calls. In future disciplinary action will be taken against the offender.

WATER 1190 The water supply of the town may be used for drinking by troops from the fountains in the streets. All water supply is cut off from dark to daylight. Cooks, etc. should therefore be warned to obtain a sufficient supply to last overnight and for breakfast. Water used in houses and obtained from wells should not be drunk by troops unless boiled, i.e. in the form of tea etc.

STRENGTH 1191 No. 4971 Pte. DC ? Anderson is taken on strength of this Battalion from ?/11/1916

PUNISHMENTS The following punishments were awarded on 25 November 1916

No. 4971 Private DC ? Anderson A company absent without leave from 6 am 20/11/1916 to 4:30 am 21/11/1916. Forfeit 1 days pay. 20 days at F.F. No 2.

No. 4262 Private H Long D company absent without leave from 6 am 29/11/1916 to 10 pm 21/11/1916. Forfeit 2 days pay. 20 days at F.F. No 2.

No. ? Private E Ryan D company absent without leave from 6 am 29/11/1916 to 10 pm 21/11/1916. Forfeit 2 days pay. 21 days at F.F. No 2. (signed) RC Jones, Second Lieutenant Adjutant, 33rd Battalion AIF

33rd Btn Australian Imperial Force war Diary Appendix

1st December 1916 33rd Bn AIF see enemy action during night  Our artillery quiet all day. Enemy trench mortar put over five Minnie's which did no damage.

Enemy machine gun active during night. He has a machine gun laid on the end of Central Avenue causing 1 casualty and causing the route be closed for the night. Enemy used more Verey Lights and seemed to be more active than previously. Patrols reported that wire was in good condition around railways salient (reference WEZ Macquart Trench Map). Parapet being repaired but in poor condition. Patrols also reported wire round mushroom in good condition being mostly supported on knife rests (?). Apparently large numbers of the enemy could be heard working behind the parapet. Trains could be heard moving behind enemy lines during the night.

33rd Btn Australian Imperial Force War Diary, La Chapelle-d'Armentières, Right (1) Section

2nd December 1916 More action for 33rd Bn AIF  Enemy Artillery quiet all day. 11.30 -11.50 am & 2.15 pm. Our artillery active on sectors to left of our position. At 9:30 pm a salvo was fired at Machine gun in railway salient without results at 10:30 pm machine gun in front No.1 locality was silenced by our artillery.

Evening machine gun kept up constant fire along our parapet and also at head of Central Avenue. Patrols again visited railway salient and reported much the same as on previous night. They discovered ? wires and an instantaneous fuse running between the trenches. These cut and samples taken. Our snipers claim having hit three enemy on the 2nd and on 3rd inst. Enemy sniper caused us one casualty killed.

33rd Btn Australian Imperial Force War Diary, La Chapelle-d'Armentières, Right (1) Section

2nd December 1916 33rd Battalion AIF Routine order No.123  Not to be taken in front line trenches.
33rd Battalion A.I.F.
Routine order No.123.
Lieutenant-Colonel LJ Morshead
Chapelle d'Armentières 2-12-16

Patrols 1208
Special care must be taken that men going on patrol duty do not carry any letters, diaries, etc. and that identity discs and all identification marks or badges are removed to prevent the enemy obtaining any useful information. Instead of the identification disc the man should carry in his breast pocket a card merely giving his name, rank, and number.

Synchronising time 1209
In future units will synchronise watches with Brigade Signal Office at 9 am daily.

Documents 1210
Every officer is responsible for the documents he carries on his person. As soon as an order, circular, etc, has served its purpose it must immediately be destroyed or taken away from the front line trenches. Plans showing our trenches must not be kept in the front line.

Rules of the road in France 1211
It is republished for the information of all concerned that traffic will be kept to the right of the road and pass traffic in front on the left side. It is most important that all vehicles shall keep close into the side of the road to avoid blocks. Police and Traffic Control Posts have been instructed to report all offenders.

Bicycles lost 1212
The loss of bicycles is very frequent. Bicycles are to be issued to individual soldiers who will be responsible for their safety.
A man on duty by himself who has occasion to leave his bicycle must place it under charge of some responsible person or in a place of security. The Military Police have orders to take charge of all bicycles left unattended and to hand them over to the nearest A.P.M. who will return same to owners only on proof of ownership.

Photography 1213
G.R.O's No. 464, 1137 and 1348 are republished for information.
No officers, soldiers, or other person subject to military law is permitted to be in possession of a camera, to take photographs, or to send photographs or films through the post. This order will be republished in orders issued to all units, and promulgated to all troops now serving in this country in the future.
Any officer, soldier, or other person subject to military law who disobeys this order will be placed under arrest and the case reported to Army Headquarters.

Dispatch of letters 1214
The following Regulation is republished and will be brought to the notice of all ranks.
No correspondence to be dispatched by British troops serving abroad except through the Army Postal Service.
The posting of letters in civil Post Offices is forbidden within the zone of the British Armies.
Letters found in civil post boxes are handed to the British military authorities and will be detained.

Ration states 1215
Whilst in trenches a platoon parade state must be furnished daily by C.Q.M.S, to facilitate breaking down the Company issue at Quartermaster's store and repacking into sandbags for dispatch to front line. These states should be complied accurately as possible as the issue is based on them.

73 Intelligence Reports 1216
Intelligence reports to be addressed to intelligence officer H.G.2. marked Intelligence Report. These are to be delivered not later than 6:30 am. These intelligence reports include Scouts, Machine Gun, Officer and Sniper reports.

(Signed) R.C. Jones 2/Lt Adjutant. 33rd Battalion A.I.F.

33rd Btn Australian Imperial Force War Diary

3rd December 1916  More action for 33rd Bn AIF   2 pm Our artillery covered fire of medium trench mortars in Railway Salient from the head of Central Avenue. Enemy retaliated with 5.9 and 77 mm. Heavy retaliation by our artillery silenced enemy artillery at 3.5 p.m. Enemy fired about 175 shells causing practically no damage and 2 very slight casualties. Our artillery failed to knock out enemy machine-gunning placements on Railway Salient.

Enemy machine gun active along our parapet all night. Machine guns still laid on Central Avenue at night. Enemy snipers active by day. Our snipers inflicted 1 casualty on enemy.

Patrol reported enemy working party at work on the wire south of Railway Salient. This was driven by Lewis Gun fire. Patrol also reported enemy working behind his parapet opposite Post C. Parapet here very much knocked about.

Enemy bombed his own wire during night and used many Verey Lights.

33rd Btn Australian Imperial Force War Diary, La Chapelle-d'Armentières, Right (1) Section

3rd December 1916  33rd Bn AIF Operational Order   33rd BATTALION, AIF


By Lt. Col. L.J. Morshead, Commanding.

La Chapelle-d'Armentières. 3rd December 1916

Reference Map Sheet 35 N.W. 1/20,000.


(i) Two Platoons per Company will be relieved in the Right 1 Sub-Sector by two platoons per Company of the 35th Battalion on Monday, December 4th.

(ii) The relief will be carried out by half platoons at 5 minutes interval.

2. Each Company will provide 4 guides who will report to Battalion Headquarters as follows -

A and C Cos. 7.30 a.m.

D and B Cos. 9.30 a.m.

These guides will proceed under Lieut. A.H. Fletcher to the Railway Crossing Chapelle-d'Armentières Road at I.i.d.4.9 and meet the relieving Battalion.

Each guide will have a slip of paper bearing his exact destination thereon, e.g.

33rd Battalion, A.I.F.

A Company

Firing Line. No.1 Locality


(1) Incoming Battalion (35th Lin. A.I.F.)


A (Right Flank) 8 a.m. Lothian Avenue

C (Left Flank) 8 a.m. Port Egale Avenue

D (Right Centre) 10.30 a.m. Lothian Avenue

B (Left Avenue) 10.30 a.m. Port Egale Avenue

(ii) 33rd Battalion


A 8.45 a.m. Lothian Avenue.

C 8.45 a.m. Port Egale Avenue.

D 11.15 a.m. Lothian Avenue.

B 11.15 Port Egale Avenue.

(iii) Specialists.

50% of Company Specialists and details will move out with their Companies, i.e. Lewis Gunners, bombers, stretcher bearers, sappers, salvage men, sanitary men, cooks, will be relieved with their respective companies.

(iv) Headquarters.

50% Headquarters and attached Specialists will be ready to move to billets at 1.30 p.m.


(i) All ranks will be at their alarm stations during the relief.

(ii) Two sections or each relieving platoon will be posted to the firing line, the remaining two sections to the support line.

(iii) No move out will take place until the whole of the two platoons of the relieving Companies are actually in position. The men in the firing line being relieved will stand on the fire step, and as soon as the relieving units are in position they will change places, i.e. 35th Battalion will mount the fire steps and 33rd Battalion the trench walks.

(iv) Platoon Commanders will report to their Company Commanders when this is done, and orders will then be given to file out.


(i) A and C Cos. on relief will proceed to the Subsidiary Line and will remain there until tail of D and B Cos. 35th Battalion, have passed the Subsidiary Line when they will proceed to billets in Armentières, by half platoons at 5 minutes interval, A Co. leading D and B Cos. will proceed to billets on relief.

(ii) Two guides per platoon will report to Battalion Headquarters at 9 a.m. They will be under the control of the Billeting Officer (Lieut.W.J.C. Duncan)


Specialists and Headquarters details will be attached as follows:

A. Co. Bombing Platoon.

B. Co. Signallers, Stretcher Bearers, and AMC

C. Co. Pioneers, Sniping Platoon.

D. Co. Scouting Platoon.

Lewis Gunners will remain with their Companies.


Company Commanders will remain in command of their sub-section until their units are completely relieved on the 5th inst. Company Second- in-Commands (excepting A Co) will proceed to billets on the 4th inst.


Trench kits of officers being relieved and a proportion of dixies will be dumped at Square Farm. The Transport Officer will arrange to have these collected at night. This officer will also see that officers kits are left at their billets, that Field Kitchens are placed at the Company billets, that companies are informed of the sites of water carts.


(i) On the completion of the partial relief Company Commanders will wire "Finis".

(ii) When settled in billets companies will so inform Battalion HQ by runner.

(Signed) RC Jones S/Lt. Adjutant, 33rd Battalion, A.I.F.

33rd Btn Australian Imperial Force War Diary

3rd December 1916 33rd Battalion AIF Routine Order No. 124  Not to be taken in the front line trenches
33rd Battalion AIF
Routine order no. 124
Lieutenant-Colonel LJ Morshead
Chapelle d'Armentières, 3rd December 1916

Brigade guard 1217
The Brigade Guard will mount daily at 4:45 pm.
Tour of duty will be 24 hours.
This does not refer to guard over Brigade Stores.

Brigade runners 1218 Runners now on duty at Brigade Headquarters will not be relieved weekly but will become a permanent duty. If it is desired to change any man the matter must first be referred to Brigade Headquarters.
The above arrangements are necessary in order to maintain an efficient system of communication.

Working parties 1219
The personnel of all engineers working parties should consist of same men as far as practicable while the company in question is providing the party. This will enable better results to be obtained and loss of time to be avoided.

Return of empty sacks, jars, etc 1220
All empty sacks, petrol tins, grease, disinfectant, and oil drums and rum jars will be returned without delay by units to their respective Group Supply Officers in the empty supply wagons returning to Divisional Train after delivering supplies.

Fuel and fire 1221
Open fires will not be used, as much heat and fuel is thereby wasted. A considerable saving could be effected by using a closed in trench on the principle of the field kitchen. Every effort must be made to economises fuel.

Rocket signal 1222
"S.O.S." rocket signal at all Company Headquarters on the Corps front will be tested at 6 pm on the night of the 4-5th December. No artillery action will follow but all concerned should be warned to note the appearance of the signal.

Leaving trenches 1223
On no account will any officer leave the trenches to report himself to Battalion Headquarters without orders from the C.O.

"Q" Branch 1224
The strictest attention and closest supervision must be paid by Companies to the "Q" Branch. The greatest care must be given to the clothing, equipment, and feeding of men.
More attention must be paid to the parade states submitted to the Quarter Master.
Second in Command of Companies will be responsible for their company commanders for the proper working of this department.

Telephone wire 1225
In the case of telephone wire of any kind being found in No Man's Land it is not to be cut but to be reported to the Divisional Signal Officer who will communicate with O.C. Wireless before any action is taken.

Intelligence summaries 1226
Re R.O. 125. para 1216. the daily intelligence summaries must be sent direct to Intelligence Officer. (Major Massey) and not to Battalion Orderly Room. Runners are to be instructed to deliver these reports as above and they must be handed in by 6:30 am daily. The sentry on duty will direct runners to Intelligence Officer's Quarters if necessary.

Sick parade 1227
Whilst in the trenches a daily sick parade will be held at 9:30 am at Regimental Aid Post near Headquarters. Companies must arrange to have men paraded under an N.C.O. and they should be instructed not to allow the men to wander about whilst waiting to be examined. Owing to the danger of an aerial observation they must be instructed to keep close to walls of buildings about.

Promotion 1228
The appointment of L/Sgt E.C.P. Thomas to rank of sergeant and to be Platoon Sgt. No. 13 Platoon. vice C.J. Byrne reverted to rank of corporal is approved dated 4-12-16.

Reversion 1229
No.1077. Sgt C.J. Byrne reverts to rank of corporal at his own request, dated 4-12-16.

(Signed) R.C.Jones. 2/Lt.
Adjutant. 33rd Battalion. A.I.F.

An acknowledgement has been received from the Lord Mayor of London of receipt of the sum of £36-6-3 which was subscribed to the Lord Kitchener National Memorial Fund by the Officers, N.C.Os. and men of the 33rd Battalion.

33rd Btn Australian Imperial Force War Diary

4th December 1916  33rd Bn AIF fire howitzers  Half Battalion relieved by half 35th Battalion as per Battalion 0.0 No.1 dated 3/12/1916. 11 am Enemy fired 10 - 77 mm shells from position which exploded left Co fire trench. No casualties.

2.15 p.m. Our artillery fired some howitzers at machine gun and emplacement in railway salient but failed to knock it out. 11 pm Our artillery gas attack on left of the Battalion sector.

Enemy machine gun as usual active during night.

Patrols reported all quiet on 'A' Co front. Snipers claim having inflicted 2 casualties on enemy. Enemy wearing steel helmet similar to ours seen in railway salient. Enemy showed less activity during night.

33rd Btn Australian Imperial Force War Diary, La Chapelle-d'Armentières, Right (1) Section

4th December 1916 33rd Bn AIF Operation order No.9  Not to be taken to the front line trenches

33rd Battalion AIF

Operation order No.9

by Lt Col LJ Morshead


La Chapelle-d'Armentières 4th December 1916

Left Matt sheet 30 of bleak 20,000


(i) The remaining two platoons per Company will be relieved on the 5th inst. by the remaining two platoons per Company of the 35th Battalion.

(ii) The times, routes and method of relief, provision of guides, and march to billets will be in Operation Order No.1.


Officers commanding Companies will obtain receipts for all trench stores and equipment. Articles belonging to the 27th Battalion NF on charge to Companies will not be handed over, but will be sent to billets and thence to 27th Battalion NF.


Lewis guns and equipment will be placed in Square Farm by 7 am on the 5th inst.


All stores other than trench stores and officers trench kits will be dumped at Square Farm. The transport officer will arrange for the collection of these at 5 pm on 5th inst.


The Battalion Police under Corporal Hewitt will guard all stores and Lewis Guns in Square Farm.


(i). On the completion of the relief Co. Commanders will wire "Compliant with" to Battalion HQ.

(ii). When their commands are settled in billets Co. Commanders will so inform Battalion HQ by Runner.

(signed) RC Jones S/Lt.

Adjutant 33rd Battalion AIF


COPY no. 1 to ? Infantry Brigade; 2 - CO; 3 - 2nd in command; 4 - Adjutant; 5 - 'A' Co; 6 - 'B' Co; 7 - 'C' Co; 8 - 'D' Co; 9 - Lewis Gun Officer; 10 - Signalling Officer; 11 - Scout Officer; 12 - Sniping Officer; 13 - Bombing Officer; 14 - Billeting Officer; 15 - Regimental Medical Officer; 16 - Transport Officer; 17 - Quartermaster; 18 - 35th Battalion; 19 - file; 20 - War Diary

33rd Btn Australian Imperial Force War Diary

4th December 1916 33rd Battalion AIF Routine Order No. 125

5th December 1916 33rd Bn AIF relieved  Relief of Battalion completed as per Battalion 0.0 No. 2 4/12/1916. Working parties supplied to A.E.* composite company reviewed by General Plummer during day.

* Corps of Australian Engineers

33rd Btn Australian Imperial Force War Diary, La Chapelle-d'Armentières, Right (1) Section

5th December 1916 33rd Battalion AIF Routine Order No. 126

6th December 1916 33rd Bn AIF in billets  In billets. Working parties supplied to AE raiding party (Capt. Douglas) billeted at Rue Barnard.

33rd Btn Australian Imperial Force War Diary, La Chapelle-d'Armentières

6th December 1916 33rd Battalion AIF Routine Order No. 127   33rd Battalion A.I.F.
Routine order No.127
Lt-Col LJ Morshead
Armentières 6-12-16

One NCO and six men of the Company Lewis Gun Section and Battalion Headquarters Lewis Gunners are report to Lt Chapman at B Cos. billets at 10 am 6-12-16.

In future every Officer, N.C.O. or man told off to report at Battalion Headquarters for a school, or any duty, must be given orders in writing saying:-
1. To whom he is to report.
2. Where he has to report.
3. When he has to report.
4. The duty for which he has to report.
All N.C.O's and men must be inspected by a Company Officer, or C.S.M., who must satisfy himself that the men has his instructions, that he is properly equipped, clean and shaven, and has his rations for the day with him. Men detailed as above must be punctual.

Men who lose their badges must at once be made to pay for them. The certainty that a man will have to pay for a lost badge is the only effective deterrent against carelessness in keeping badges. C.Q.M. Sergeants to be so instructed.

The following is the result of Cadet School of Instruction, Kandaher Barracks, Tidworth from 23rd October to 16th November, 1916
Cpl. ECP Thomas 90.1%
Sgt. IG Dight 87.1%
Sgt. HM Buntine 84.6%
Lance Cpl. W Mclean 83.4%
CQMS HS Mclean 83.1%

The undermentioned man has been detailed to attend 48th Course at Second Army School of Sniping at Mont des Cats from 9th to 15th December, 1916.
No. 973 Pte. WEA Phifer C Co.

Mail will now be received for dispatch to Field Post Office. All letters are to be read and censored by an officer before being forwarded to Battalion Headquarters to be stamped. The officer censoring letters will sign his name at the bottom left hand corner of the envelope but will not state his rank.
Lt. WJC Duncan has been appointed Battalion sensor.
Battalion mail matter must be made up and handed into Battalion Headquarters by noon daily.

The following extract from G.S. Circular 5A is to be read to all troops on parade.
"Company Commanders will ensure that special and repeated instructions are given to those under your command with reference to the discussion of projected operations.
It has recently come to notice that the operations with reference to offensive action against the enemy have been freely discussed by the troops in estaminets and elsewhere.
It must be clearly pointed out that this action, whether inadvertent or wilful, troops jeopardise our chances of success and are likely to cause us heavy casualties.
Recent instances have come to light where soldiers in estaminets in Steenwerck have discussed the emission of gas and a driver of the Royal Field Artillery stated in an estaminet at Nieppe that gas was to be released on a certain night now past. Exemplary punishments will be inflicted on any who wilfully or carelessly neglect to obey the provisions of this circular."

The undermentioned NCOs have been detailed to attend a Lewis Gun class at Le Touquet assembling on 11th inst. Companies must arrange for men to hold themselves in readiness to report to Battalion Headquarters on Sunday 10th inst. and afterwards to Brigade Headquarters whence they will be transported by motorbus.

No. 30. L/Cpl N Clifton
No. 508. Cpl R White

Care must be taken that parties detailed for work with 9th Field Company Engineers, are given their breakfast before leaving billets and that they carry their midday ration with them. Particular care must be taken that parties are punctual. Enquiries should be made beforehand to ensure that they can find their way to meeting place.

Subaltern of the day: Lt. LCB Smith
Next for duty: S/Lt. WT McKenzie
Regimental Orderly Sgt: Sgt. SR Nelson
Next for duty: Sgt. RN Genge
Regimental Orderly Corporal: Cpl. LH Young
Next for duty: Cpl. CSL Byrne

When the Battalion is for duty - an inlying picquet of one company will be furnished, mounting at 5 pm and remaining on duty till 7 am the following morning. They must sleep with arms and equipment at their sides and be ready to turn out at any moment. This duty will be found by companies in rotation.

(Signed) RC Jones 2/Lt.
Adjutant. 33rd Battalion A.I.F.

33rd Btn Australian Imperial Force War Diary

7th December 1916 33rd Bn AIF morning conference  In billets. Working parties supplied to AE.

10 am Conference of OC,COs and Second in Command.

33rd Btn Australian Imperial Force War Diary, La Chapelle-d'Armentières

7th December 1916  33rd Battalion AIF Routine Order No.128   33rd BATTALION. A.I.F.
Lt-Col LJ Morshead
Armentières, 7th December, 1916

In order that the troops when in trenches will have a clean pair of socks daily, it will be necessary to withdraw one good pair for every man and send them to Q.M. store for despatch to Divisional Baths, to form a stock for re issue. These must be returned to Q.M. by noon on 8th inst.
The procedure will be as follows:,
Companies and smaller detached sections will arrange that men change their socks daily, the wet ones will be collected and packed in sandbags and taken to Regimental Transport Co. Divisional Baths. An equal number of clean socks will be given in exchange for wet ones handed in and clean ones will come back in waterproof bags issued at Divisional Baths. Clean socks are now available at baths.

Really R.O. No. 126 para 62?.1237 delete 8 am and read "7 am".

Each Company will submit a return by 10 am on Friday, 8th inst. showing number required to complete the issue of one per man. Allowances thus been made for all H.Q. details attached.

One Gas Helmet per man - all ranks - must be collected for return to Q.M. by 12 noon on Friday, 8th inst.

Re R.O. 127. para 1251., Companies will in future notify Battalion HQ that this picquet has been duly warned whenever the duty has to be found by them.

Captain of the week: Capt. SF Sorenson (in lieu of Capt. Douglas. special duty)
Subaltern of the day: 2/Lt. WD McKenzie
Next for duty: 2/Lt. FA Clarence
Regimental Orderly Cpl: Cpl. CSL Byrne
Next for duty: Cpl. JA Williams
Regimental Orderly Sgt: Sgt. RN Genge
Next for duty: Sgt. RH Blomfield

Great care must be exercised to prevent Gum Boots being used unnecessarily, as owing to industrial conditions considerable difficulty will be experienced in obtaining further supplies. Their use in some parts of the line will be seldom necessary and the utmost care will be taken to ensure that they are not worn unless the condition of the trenches render it imperative. The correct procedure for handling Gum Boots is as follows:-
Men in Front and Support Lines should have Gum Boots, a spare pair for every man being kept in reserve in the store; where wet boots can be exchanged for dry ones. Reliefs, going into trenches require authority for issue of boots from the Asylum, and those relieved will wash boots in tube provided for that purpose outside the asylum, handing them over to be dried. Great care must be exercised to prevent Gum Boots being used when they are not needed and thus causing undue wear.

Owing to the risk of accident through the handling of grenades by inexperienced persons, no officer, N.C.O. or man other than Company or Battalion bombers must handle or fire rifle grenades.

(Signed) RC Jones 2/Lt.
Adjutant. 33rd Battalion A.I.F.

33rd Btn Australian Imperial Force War Diary

8th December 1916 33rd Bn AIF raiders patrol  Billets. Working parties supplied to AE. Patrol of Raiders under Lt. King visited railway salient.

33rd Btn Australian Imperial Force War Diary, La Chapelle-d'Armentières

8th December 1916  33rd Battalion AIF Routine Order No.129   33rd BATTALION A.I.F.
Lieutenant-Colonel L J Morshead
Armentières, 8 December 1916

Duty Co. will detail a fatigue party of two NCOs and 30 men to report to point where Port Egale Avenue crosses support line at 9 am on Saturday, 9th inst. A guide will meet the party at the above point.

Subaltern of the day: 2/Lt. BA Clarence
Next for duty: 2/Lt. CP Kirby
Regimental Orderly Sgt: Sgt. RH Blomfield
Next for duty: Sgt. TGE Rush
Regimental Orderly Cpl: Cpl. JA Williams
Next for duty: Cpl. EA Turnbull

Now that arrangements have been made for regular issue of dry socks and provisions made for an adequate supply of whale oil and waders - the existence of Trench Feet only reflects the gravest discredit on the units where cases occur. To ensure that Trench Feet regulations are properly enforced Company commanders will obtain from each Platoon Commander daily, in writing a certificate:,

(A) that he has inspected the feet of every man in his platoon.
(B) that every man has thoroughly had his feet rubbed with whale oil (preferably by a comrade).
(C) that every man has put on a pair of dry socks.
(D) that so far as his platoon is concerned all trench feet regulations have been observed.

Certificates will be collected by Companies and handed in to Battalion HQ by 3 pm daily. Officers and NCOs in charge of specialist will render their certificates direct to Battalion Headquarters. R.S.M. is responsible for H.Q. details.

In connection with previous orders making the individual soldier financially responsible for losses of kit, arms, etc and in order to emphasise this responsibility as soon as possible each Company Commander and Officer or NCO in charge of Specialists or H.Q. sections will arrange to hold a careful kit inspection on 10th inst. with a view to ascertaining losses by individuals and taking necessary action thereon. In future these inspections will be held as soon as practicable after Battalion comes out of the line.

Fraternising With Enemy 1264
Under no circumstances must troops in the front line or patrols in No Man's Land be permitted to attempt to fraternise with the enemy during the Christmas season, whether by signs, signals, flags, messages or in any other manner.
If the enemy attempts to open intercourse in this way no response whatever is to be made, except only in connection with the display by him of white flags under the regular conditions provided by the usages of war (See HNL 1914, page 263 et seq).
Steps are to be taken to ensure that all troops engaged or likely to be engaged in the front line during Christmas are fully instructed in this matter.

(Signed) RC Jones 2/Lt.
Adjutant. 33rd Battalion A.I.F

33rd Btn Australian Imperial Force War Diary

9th December 1916 33rd Bn AIF supply working parties  Billets. Working party supplied to AE.

33rd Btn Australian Imperial Force War Diary, La Chapelle-d'Armentières

9th December 1916 33rd Bn AIF OPERATION ORDER No. 3  

Timetable re O.O No.3

33rd Battalion A.I.F.



Lt.-Col. LJ Morshead


Armentières 9th December 1916

​RELIEF 1. 33rd Battalion, A.I.F. will relieve 35th Battalion, AIF in RIGHT (1) Sub-Sector on 11th inst., starting at 7 am from Railway Crossing I.?.c.4.7. in accordance with relief table attached.

(a) Battalion H.Q. and Co. Lewis Gun sections and Battalion Snipers will proceed to the trenches on 10th inst. starting at 12 noon from Railway Crossing and will take over from their opposite numbers during daylight.

(b) Transport Officer will arrange to take Lewis Gun magazines to Square Farm as early as possible on 10th. instant. Lewis Gun Officer will arrange to to take the magazines into the front line as early as possible after their arrival.​ Magazines belonging to 35th Battalion will not be removed until the 33rd Battalion have arrived at the gun position.

Lewis Gun section will carry gun and spare parts to the trenches.

(c) NCO in charge of snipers will arrange to take over from Sniping Officer 35th Battalion.

(d) Signalling Officer will arrange to take over from 35th Battalion signallers on 11th inst. at​ 8 am and Co. Signallers will march in with leading platoons and take over at once.

BLANKETS 3. 1 blanket per man will be taken into tho line.​ The remainder will be rolled in bundles of 10 and stacked ready for removal by Transport.​ Transport Officer will arrange to collect these rolls from billets at 10 a.m. and return them to the​ QM store.

GUM BOOTS 4. Gum boots will be drawn from the Asylum as fotllows:-

Each Co: 170 pairs

Scout Officer: 24 pairs

Snipers Officer: ​12 pairs

Bombing Platoon: 24 pairs

Lewis Gun Sector: 20 pairs

Total: 600 pairs

O.C. Cos. and sections will arrange to.draw these boots at such a time as to enable them to be at the starting point at the time ordered.

Snipers for this will be attached to the HQ Lewis Gun Section.

FORMATION 5. Cos. will move along communication trench by half platoons at 5 minutes intervals according to table attached.

MARCHING OUT 6. Firing and Support line units will not commence to march out until all reliefs are in the line ready to take over.

BILLETS 7. O.C. Cos. marching out of billets will forward the following to Battalion H.Q. on marching out:

(1) Certificate as to cleanliness, etc. of billets.

(2) Statement of breakages or damages, if any, occurring since occupation. Nil return if there are none.

(3) State showing the number of men who have occupied the billet stating unit to which they belong.

TAKING OVER 8. O.C. Cos. will detail an officer to report to their opposite numbers in 35th Battalion at 8 a.m. in order to take over trench stores as per 3rd. Div Trench orders, receipts therein mentioned to be handed over.

RATIONS 9. QM will arrange with Transport Officer to deliver Tuesdays rations at Square Farm on Monday night.

MESS GEAR 10. All officers mess gear will be at Battalion HQ ??? p.m. 11th inst. to be placed on the Officers Mess Cart. Any not at Battalion HQ at this time will not be taken in the cart.

33rd Btn Australian Imperial Force War Diary

9th December 1916  33rd Battalion AIF Routine Order No.130  33rd BATTALION, A.I.F.
Lieutenant-Colonel LJ Morshead
Armentières, 9th December 1916

The following points must be carefully watched on return to trenches and steps should be taken to see that they are complied with:-

1. Loose ammunition must not be left lying about.
2. Saluting must be insisted on.
3. Men must be kept fully informed as to where their officers are to be found at all times.
4. Men must wear equipment and carry rifle when on detailed work.
5. Steps must be taken to prevent smoke from fires in front area as much as possible.

Arrangements have been made for rations to arrive at Fockaber Dump at 5 pm daily when the Battalion goes to trenches.
Companies and Headquarters units will make arrangements to have ration parties at the dump punctually at that hour.

The Divisional Commander has noticed that there are a large number of cases of accidental wounds, and the following orders have been drafted to prevent these in the future. The Officer Commanding the company, or similar unit in which a case of accidental wounding takes place, will be held personally responsible, and his name will be submitted to Divisional Headquarters for such action as the Divisional Commander may deem necessary.
There appears to be a lack of precaution and neglect of Divisional Standing Orders for War, Page 9.
All cases of accidental wounding will, in future, be remanded for trial by Courrt-Martial and the onus will rest with the individual concerned to prove that the wound was accidental, and not wilfully self-inflicted; for the latter, heavy sentences are invariably imposed.
Owing to the thorough training that the Division has had, it should be impossible for any rifle bullet wounds to be caused by accident, hence a conviction for an self-maiming will almost always follow.
All ranks will be specially warned not to meddle with rifle grenades, bombs, etc. These are to be handled by the personnel specially trained.

Men going to baths must be properly dressed and wear gas helmets.

Subaltern of the day: 2/Lt. CF Kirby
Next for duty: Lt. OR Cormack
Regimental Orderly Sgt: Sgt. TGE Rush
Next for duty: Sgt. FJ Burke
Regimental Orderly Cpl: Cpl. ETA Turnbull
Next for duty: Cpl. SJ Barrow

DUTY CO 1268
10-12-16 C Co.
11-12-16 D Co.

The following VOLUNTARY Church Parade will be held on 10th inst.
CHURCH OF ENGLAND 8 am Holy Communion, Soldier's Club, 44 Rue Nationale.
9 am Parade at the Ecole Professionale cinema.

9:30 am Holy Communion
  6 pm Evening Service in École Professionale  

  ROMAN CATHOLIC:  R.C. service will be held at 9 am at Convent at rear of Bombarded Church in Place de la Republique.

  Men evacuated to Dressing Stations must be in possession of their respirators.

  The undermentioned Officer, N.C.O. and men have been detailed to attend Signalling School at Zuytpeene commencing on 12th inst.

  Course A.  Linesmen - Cpl. CR Eaton
  Course B.  Visual - Pte. R O'Hara
  Course C.  Officers- Lt. CAK Cohen

  Signalling Officer and O.C. C. Co. will release note and warn candidates to hold themselves in readiness.

  The undermentioned have been selected to attend Lewis Gun classes at Le Touquet Assembling on 11th inst.

  Cpl. R White
  L/Cpl. M Clifton
  C.Cs. A and B Cos to note and warn candidates.

  All available bags will be returned to Quartermaster on 16th inst. and regularly thereafter, as they are required for the issue of chaff.

  The following promotions and appointments have been approved and to date from 2?-12-16.

  No. 559 Cpl. EA Turnbull to be Sgt vice Sgt. ES Earle
  No. 532 L/Cpl. RC Roach to be Cpl to complete establishment
  No. 1299 L/Cpl. WJ Tufrey to be Cpl to complete establishment
  No. 547 Pte. HT Spencer to be L/Cpl to complete establishment
  No. 426 Pte. G Goudern to be L/Cpl to complete establishment
  No. 2112 Pte. J " H" McIlveen to be L/Cpl to complete establishment  

  Companies should prepare acquittance rolls for fortnightly pay up to and inclusive of Wednesday, 15th inst.  Requisitions must reach Battalion Headquarters not later than 6 pm on Sunday 10th inst. or they will not be dealt with. Separate acquittance rolls must be used for men temporarily attached but belonging to Headquarters or other Companies (See paragraph 3 page 5 notes re  Pay Duties). The amount of local currency and the English equivalent must be shown on Acquittance Roll and English equivalent only is to appear in Men's Pay Books. Conversion tables have already been issued to simplify this matter.
  Pay for men detached for duty will be arranged for by Battalion Headquarters.

  (Signed) RC Jones  2/Lt.
  Adjutant. 33rd Battalion A.I.F

33rd Btn Australian Imperial Force War Diary

10th Dec 1916 33rd Bn AIF LG and snipers move to trenches  33rd Battalion AIF, less Lewis Gunners and snipers in billets. Lewis Gunners and snipers moved to the trenches as per Battalion 0.0 No. 3 dated 9/12/1916.

33rd Btn Australian Imperial Force War Diary, La Chapelle-d'Armentières

10th December 1916 33rd Battalion AIF Routine Order No.131  33rd Battalion A.I.F.
Lieutenant-Colonel LJ Morshead
Armentières, 10th December, 1916

Vehicles must not proceed West of the railway line at Nouvel Houplines with more than a pair of animals. Remainder of teams must be unhooked and placed undercover until required on the return journey. (D.R.O.106 para 614.)

During the winter months horse-shoes which have been tapped with screw holes for frost cogs will entirely replace the ordinary shoes. Frost cogs will be packed with repaired horse-shoes. Transport Officer will arrange to have this carried out. (D.R.O.106 p.61).

Quarter Master will submit indents to the Brigade Supply Officer for paraffin required as fuel for Primus stoves. (D.R.O.106 para 612).

It is very necessary that all animals that require clipping should be done at once so as to avoid skin disease which are so liable to be contracted in the present conditions. Animals which have already been clipped once, in most cases will require to be clipped again during the winter. Units should indent for clipping machines in accordance with G.R.Os.1724 and 1818, paragraph 6 of "Extract s from General Routine Orders, Part II". Quartermaster to note.

All horses with hogged manes should have them trimmed quite close regularly. A hogged mane left long presents a very untidy appearance.

Mules should have the hair of the tail clipped close except for a tuft 8 inches long. The tail should be cut off square at a level six inches above the points of the hocks.

Companies should notify Battalion Headquarters when a man returns to duty from hospital. Should notice of his return be received at Battalion Headquarters this will be at once passed on to companies.

Logbooks must be entered up daily and a careful record kept of the work done. Trench stores taken over on relief should be accurately recorded and have signature of both parties.

The Battalion for duty will detail a fatigue party of men to report to Br. Frank Baurepaire at École Professionale, Armentieres at 9 am daily.

BATHS 1285
Companies will arrange for those men who have not yet bathed to visit Divisional Baths tomorrow to proceed to trenches with one of the later reliefs.

Regimental Orderly Sergeant for 11th inst. will report to Battalion Headquarters at 7 am and remain on duty there until the building has been vacated. He will be responsible for the cleanliness of HQ billet and must make careful arrangements to see that the place is left thoroughly clean.

Care must be taken that candidates whose names have appeared in orders and have been warned for schools are ready to report immediately on receipt of notice. See R.O.130 para1271 and 1272.

R.O. 130 para 1264 for "Fockaber Dump" read SQUARE FARM.

Duty Co. will detail reliable NCO to supervise issue of Gum Boots from depot to this Battalion on 11th inst. This NCO will report to depot at I.c.8.2.7. at 6.30 am and remain on duty till last relief has been issued with boots required.

The following amendments of the numbering of Routine Orders is approved. R.Os.105 - 7-11-16 to R.O.118 - 20-11-16 the number of paragraphs should read 1249 to 1169 inclusive.
R.O.1 - 29-11-16 to R.O.10 - 8-12-16 these numbers are altered to read consecutively from 119 to 129 includicrous and the paras therein should read 1170 to 1262 inclusive.

The following promotion has been approved dated 6.11.16.
No. 356 Pte. EG Atley to be L/Cpl.

The following transfer is approved dated 9-12-16
Lt MR Coombs from D to B Co.

Lt. AG Farleigh, 2nd Rfts. 33rd Battalion having reported for duty is taken on strength from 2.12.16. and is posted to B Co.

The undermentioned having been admitted to hospital are struck off strength. No. 2147 Pte. D. Wells (deceased) No. 752 Pte. W Delaney
582 Sgt. ES Earle (deceased) 5124 HS Newcome
594 Pte. PT Mooney 512 Pte. DFO O'Brien
1127 Cpl. FE McMahon 1196 Pte. EMulhern
920 Pte. HL Chapman 2206 Pte. A Brown
844 Pte. WM Nicholson 1611 Private CA Wright
366 Pte. WH Bracken 5025A Pte. GH Green
864 Pte. VM Ryan 1273 Sgt. CE Wheaton
2190 Pte. SJ Nesbitt 1304 Pte AS McIntyre
1648 Pte. EC Dorrington 871 Cpl. G Sutherland
1644 Pte. J Warne 5066 Pte. A McConnell
4?? Pte. JE Herman 1273 Pte. AM Wightman
1144 Pte AR Ellis 1205 Sgt. WA McLean
1?? Pte. R Taggart 1784 Cpl.WP Chapman
5152 Pte. HT Ward 765 Pte. HA Eyles
407 Pte. WH Edwards
4650 Pte. FJ Daly 490 Pte. EJ McManus
1443 Pte. HR Cox 2138 Pte. EA Shaw
984 Pte. CE Dillon 47 Pte. WE Conway
471 Pte. WA Little 777 Pte. BP Gallagher
2072? Pte. SM Hefferman

Subaltern of the day: Lt. TA Armstrong
Regimental Orderly Sgt: Sgt. FJ Burke
Regimental Orderly Cpl: Cpl. SJ Barrow

DUTY CO. 1296
11-12-1916 D. Co.

(Signed) RC Jones 2/Lt.
Adjutant. 33rd Battalion A.I.F

33rd Btn Australian Imperial Force War Diary

11th December 1916 33rd Bn AIF relieved 35th Battalion  

Remainder of Battalion relieved 35th Battalion in Right (1) Sub Sector as per Battalion O.0 No. 3 dated 9/12/1916.

Strength of Co.s very much reduced by outside duties and specialists. cf Intelligence Summary attached dated 12/12/1916.

Graph system of organising as ordered by 3rd Australian Division found to be best method. Few modifications to suit conditions necessary.

33rd Btn Australian Imperial Force War Diary, La Chapelle-d'Armentières, Right (1) Sub Sector

11th December, 1916 33rd Battalion AIF Routine Order No.132  NOT TO BE TAKEN IN FRONT LINE TRENCHES
Lieutenant-Colonel LJ Morshead,
  Chappelle d'Armentières, 11th December, 1916

  Telephones should only be used when an immediate answer is required, or in matters urgency. Conversations should be brief and to the point and time must not be wasted by endeavouring to make appointments and awaiting results. Enemy listening sets may be picking up conversations, therefore the greatest care must be taken with phrases shoes. Any officer, NCO, or man who discloses information useful to the enemy by means of telephone or buzzer will be tried by F.G.C.M.

  The undermentioned candidates will parade at "Half past eleven Square" at 6:30 am, 12th inst. when motorbus will be waiting to convey them to destination.
  The party under Lt. Cohen will report at Battalion  HQ at 5 am on 12th inst. They should be fully equipped and rationed.

  Lieutenant CAE Cohen
  Cpl. CE Eaton
  Pte. R O'Hara

  (Signed) RC Jones  2/Lt.
  Adjutant. 33rd Battalion A.I.F

33rd Btn Australian Imperial Force War Diary

12th December 1916 33rd Bn AIF suffer casualties  cf Intelligence Report attached dated 13/12/1916. Owing to orders scanned Battalion stood to arms from 10 pm to 12:30 am. Patrol connecting Right of Battalion with the Left of Unit on our Right captured by enemy at 6:30 AM. One 77 mm shell bursting at Top of Lothian Avenue killed two and wounded two more.

33rd Btn Australian Imperial Force War Diary, La Chapelle-d'Armentières, Right (1) Sub Sector

12th December 1916 33rd Battalion AIF evening action  33rd Battalion AIF

Intelligent Report up to 6 am 12/12/1916. No.7.

1. Our operations

Artillery: Nil.

Machine guns: Our machine gun in right rear of the left-centre co was firing indirectly over to right CEOs during night. Apparent object of engaging MG opposite A post.

Lewis guns: Our Lewis guns during night fired at enemy working party about 11.10 pm and at wiring party at about 1.17.a.3.8.5. Results could not be observed.

Patrols: No. 1 Patrol -one NCO, 3 men left 9:30 pm. Found our wire in good condition. Enemy Searchlight burned on them apparently from enemy front line. After searchlights switched off enemy working party got up on parapet. Patrol returned by same route at 11:10 pm by same route and directed Lewis gun onto working party.

No. 2 Patrol: 1 NCO and three men left I.10.1. at 12:10 am. Found moon too strong to permit of much movement. Located enemy wiring party at about I-17-a-3,8.5. Returned at 1:30 am and directed Lewis Gun fire on wiring party.

No.3 Patrol: 1 NCO and three men left I,10-4 at 9:50 pm. They got to within 25 yards of the enemy wire and found it to be in good condition and very strong. Shell holes in this area will full of water. Four Verey lights were fired from enemy front line. Patrol returned at 10:40 PM by same route.

No. 4 Patrol: for men left I,10-4 at 12 midnight. Reports enemy working party between his parapet and wire. Only two Verey lights were fired while this patrol was out and about six rifle shots by the enemy. Patrol returned by same route at 1 am.

No. 5 Patrol: 1 NCO and three men left I,10-4 at 9:30 PM. Experienced difficulty on account of the moon and scarcity of cover. They report the ground as being very wet and swampy but comparatively free from shell homes. Returned at 10:15 pm.

No. 6 Patrol: 4 men left I-10,6 at 12 midnight and entered ditch returning from our line at 1,11-a -0.0,7 to enemy line at I-11-a-5.5-3.5. They advanced to within 30 yards of enemy wire along South bank of ditch. There they located an enemy sniper at about I-11-a-4-5 apparently in a shell hole about 20 yards in front of his wire. Patrol returned by same route at 1:15 am.

No. 7 Patrol: 1 NCO and three men left I-10-2 at 9:30 pm. Advanced straight to enemy wire which they found to be mainly supported by knife rests. Enemy at this time was particularly quiet and only fired three Verey lights. Patrol returned at 11:30 pm.

No. 8 Patrol: 4 men left I-10,2 at 12 midnight. Report finding what appeared to be new wire at I,11-c-3,0.0. Searchlight appeared well behind enemy front line and machine gun opened on patrol from their left flank apparently from railway salient. Patrol returned by same route at about 1:20 AM.
The moon rendered patrolling difficult.

Enemy operations
Artillery: nil
Machine gun fired intermittently during the night.
A great number of Verey lights were fired by enemy during night. Enemy trenches appeared to be badly knocked about at about I-11-C-6,7.5. He has erected some camouflage on his wire apparently in order to hide his working parties. New woodwork can be seen at this point.
Rear lines: nil

Enemy movements: A considerable noise of transport could be heard moving on rear of enemy lines during night particularly at about 6:30 pm.

Communication: Enemy used many Verey lights during the night. He also used a number of searchlights which appeared at different places along his line.
Aircraft: An enemy aeroplane (biplane) flew over DCO HQ and C gap from direction of Square Farm at about 300 feet from ground at 2:30 pm. It was moving very fast. Rifle fire was directed on it from frontline without effect. He was flying so low that the fact that it was an enemy machine was not discovered until it was almost over the line. One Lewis gun opened up on it but it jammed after firing two or three shots.
Sniping: Our snipers claim having hit 2 enemy.
Wind: Northwest 12 noon 6 mph to 5 pm 2 mph.

33rd Btn Australian Imperial Force War Diary

12th December, 1916 33rd Battalion AIF Routine Order No.133  Not to be taken in front line trenches
By Lieutenant-Colonel LJ Morshead,
Chappelle D'Armentieres, 19th December, 1916

In submitting the daily casualty returns Units will furnish the following information. Regimental number, rank, full name, age, religion, nature of casualty, and name and address of next of kin.

The attention of all ranks is called to the necessity of suppressing all kinds of light which may serve as guiding marks to the pilots of hostile aircraft flying at night. No fires in the open are to be allowed after dark.

Vehicles must not proceed East of the railway line at NOUVEL HOUPLINES with more than a pair of animals. Remainder of team must be unhooked and placed undercover until required on the return journey.

To avoid ill effects it is essential that men should select boots which are full large for them, and that no tight straps should be used.

DRESS 1303
It has been brought to notice that officers have returned to United Kingdom from France wearing the Dan Browne belt which from which the braces have been removed.
In the United Kingdom, Officers, will invariably wear at least one brace with the Dan Browne belt. The frog will only be worn when the sword is worn.

The following having been admitted into hospital are struck off the strength:

No. 7?4 Sgt. GJ Carter (deceased)
No. 510?A Pte. B Wenban
No. 11?? Pte. W Crewe
No. 1413 Dvr. A Kinkade
No. 1100 Dvr. A. Carpenter
No. 1417 L/Cpl. J McDonald
No. ??91 Pte. CR Lisle
No. 5076 Pte. MA Miller
No. 5011 Pte. CE Fowler
No. 272 Pte. CC Smith
No. 212 L/Cpl. W Matley

The undermentioned having returned from hospital are taken on the strength:

No. 1114 Pte. AR Ellis
No. 1?? Pte. R Taggart
No. 753 Pte. W Delaney
No. 2132 Pte.EA Shaw
No. 1724 Cpl WP Chapman

(Signed) RC Jones 2/Lt.
Adjutant. 33rd Battalion A.I.F

33rd Btn Australian Imperial Force War Diary

13th December 1916 Exhausting work for 33rd Bn AIF scouts  cf Intelligence Report attached. Owing to capture of patrol on 12th. Battalion front patrolled continuing all night. Found to be very exhausting on scouts. Should have waterproof overalls for this work.

33rd Btn Australian Imperial Force War Diary, La Chapelle-d'Armentières, Right (1) Sub Sector

13th December 1916 33rd Battalion AIF Intelligence Summary up to 6 am 13th of December 1916  33rd Battalion AIF
Right (1) Sub Sector
Intelligence Summary up to 6 am 13th of December 1916

Our operations:
Artillery: At 11.30 am our Artillery and heavy trench mortar bombarded enemy positions according to orders received with apparently good results. A considerable number of our 4.5 How shells were duds. 3.25 artillery fired 1 round test I-10-2 in 44 seconds. At 9:53 pm salvo of 4-18 lbs shells fired at working party I-10-2 seemed to be well placed.
Lewis guns: Our Lewis guns fired on working parties at different times during the night.
Patrols: No.1 patrol (A Co):1 NCO and 4 men left No.1 post at 7 pm to search for patrol which had not returned from connecting up with NF regiment on our Right without success. At about 10 pm they located enemy working party at about I-17-a-30-90. Lewis gun fire was directed upon this party.
No.2 patrol (B Co): 1 NCO and 4 man left I-10-5 at 8:40 pm advanced to enemy's wire which they found very thick. They moved south along the wire for some distance and returned at about 9.35. Enemy machine gun in railway salient fired intermittently while they were out along our front. Enemy was not encountered.
No.3 patrol (C Co): 5 men went out from I-10-7 at 9 pm. This patrol was seen and fired on by machine gun at about 100' in front of our wire. The absence cover and strong light made it impossible to space make further progress as they returned 9:50 pm.
No.4 patrol (D Co): 5 men left I-10-2 at 8.30 pm report enemy wire very strong opposite this point. Ground rough giving good cover. Enemy fired five verey lights from his listening posts in front of mushroom. A wiring party was located on this front and artillery fired a salvo on them which appeared to be well directed. Lewis guns opened on them at the same time. The strong moonlight rendered movement in no mans land difficult.
Enemy operations: Enemy artillery: Enemy retaliated to our bombardment at 11:30 with minenwerfer and a few shrapnel. He damaged Lothian Avenue with the one and filled in 4 dugouts in A Co support line with another. We sustained one slight casualty. Enemy obtained one direct hit on Heavy trench mortar emplacements wounding the HTM officer and Lt. Caruthers AE and killing HTM Sgt. Most of the minenwerfer appeared to come from behind mushroom salient.
Enemy machine gun: Fired intermittently during night transversing one parapet accurately. Machine guns still fires from railway salient.
Enemy patrols: At 6:30 pm a patrol of two men left right of No.1 locality to connect with Irish regiment on right. These men have not since returned although search has been made for them and it is presumed that they have been captured by an enemy patrol.
Enemy did not use so many Verey lights as usual during night. He again used searchlights. These appear from a different point each night and last night one in front of I-10,2 appeared considerably nearer than ever before.
At 10:30 enemy fired two red lights which burst in 2 red balls on reaching its maximum height. This was followed by another about one minute later. They were fired from sector opposite I-10,5. No action followed.
Enemy bombed his own wire throughout the night opposite I-10-1 and I-10,4 to I-10,6.
Orders received about 9.45 re strengthening garrison of front line carried out.
Wind E.S.E about 8 mph all day.

33rd Btn Australian Imperial Force War Diary

13th December, 1916 33rd Battalion AIF Routine Order No.134  NOT TO BE TAKEN IN FRONT LINE TRENCHES
Lieutenant-Colonel LJ Morshead,
  Chappelle d'Armentières, 13th December, 1916

  When the 5th Bavarian Division first arrived on our front the British patrol activity was far in excess of theirs.  Now the Germans do a fair amount of patrolling and are planning raids at various points; they hope to carry this out successfully and to affect surprise attacks where our wire is weak.
  The 5th Bavarian Division is opposite the Division next but one to our right; the 3rd Bavarian Divisions is opposite our front. It is not improbable that the Division opposite our front is acting under similar orders to the 5th Divisions and that similar action by them is anticipated.

  The following incident is published for information, and is to be promulgated to all ranks.
  On the 10th inst. 3 men including a sergeant were walking along the street in Armentières.  The two men who had previous experience of shellfire threw themselves flat on the ground when a shell was heard approaching; the Sergeant remained standing.
  The men who prostrated themselves were not injured but the sergeant was killed instantly.
  Troops should have it impressed upon them that the burst of a shell is outward and upward, and that if they act properly they can very often avoid injury.

  SIGNALS 1307
  S.O.S. LINES may in future be used to report presence of fleeting targets.
  The S.O.S. Signal will not be used for this purpose but will be reserved for its proper use.

  A Drying Room has been established  near Battalion Headquarters for use of Companies. The Details in the Subsidiary Line should now make use of this room.  Fuel can be procured from Battalion Trench Store.

  The work of Engineers Officers attached to the Battalion is principally of an advisory nature, therefore Regimental Officers who are at all times responsible for maintenance and repair of their trenches and wire must act on their own initiative and decide what should be done, but using Engineering Officers as advisers.
  The work must be carried out by their own men and their own Officers assisted by Engineering staff and a distinct gain in efficiency will result by making it clear to the working parties that the result of their efforts is primarily for the benefit of their own Company or Battalion.

  Quartermaster will in future forward invoice with all stores  sent to Battalion Headquarters by Regimental Transport . This will be checked by R.S.M.and handed to Battalion headquarters within one hour of arrival.

  (Signed) RC Jones  2/Lt.
  Adjutant. 33rd Battalion A.I.F

33rd Btn Australian Imperial Force War Diary

14th December 1916 33rd Bn AIF snipers effective  December cf Intelligence Report attached dated (15 /12/1916). Snipers harassing enemy continuously during daylight dealing effectively with the enemy sniping.

33rd Btn Australian Imperial Force War Diary, La Chapelle-d'Armentières, Right (1) Sub Sector

14th December 1916 33rd Battalion AIF Intelligence Summary up to 6 am 14th December 1916  33rd Battalion AIF 7:50 am up to 6 am 14th December 1916
Right (1) Sub Sector
Intelligence Summary

Our Operations: Our artillery: At 2:30 our artillery and heavy trench mortar bombarded enemy parapet and line opposite I-10,7. 18 pounder shells appeared to burst well. At 3:30 pm in reply for call for retaliation they fired on I-16,4 and succeeded in silencing enemy minenwerfer.
Machine guns: Lewis guns: working party at I,11,c-50,70 dispersed with Lewis gun fire. Otherwise Lewis gun quiet owing to fact that front was patrolled almost continuously all night.
Vickers gun: in support line left centre Co fired indirectly at machine gun in railway salient.
Patrols: The battalion front was patrolled continuously from dark to stand to. Patrols report our wire in front of 1,11-4 and I-10-1 to be in good condition except for one gap which has now been filled. Patrols here report that enemy used a great number of verey lights also a searchlight which hindered their movement very much. He also fired on them with machine guns. Patrols in front of I-10,2 and I-10,3 report enemy wire very strong opposite these points, patrols examining wire from I-11,c, 40,50 to I-11,c-40,50. No enemy wire encountered. Patrols covering I-10,6 and I-10,7 report having seen three of enemy in no mans land but could not get in touch with them. They also discovered two wires and an instantaneous fuse remaining from enemy parapet to our own where it was connected with four jam tin bombs. They are apparently all old and have been there for some time. One bomb forwarded herewith. Enemy fired a considerable number of very lights during night on this front. Patrols on frontage I-10-4 - I-10-5 report everything as usual. Enemy not encountered.
Wiring: Wire was put out in front of B Post party being out for 4 hours used all material available. Also wire was put out in front of the central Avenue repairs being carried out where damaged by enemy artillery fire.
Enemy operations: Artillery: Enemy retaliated to our bombardment at about 2:30 pm with minenwerfer and 77 mm. Nine of the former and 70 of the latter being fired. 77 mm shells appeared to come from the direction of Wez Macquart. Enemy appeared to be shooting at Porte Egale Avenue with his 5.9. No of shells fired not ascertained and a number exploded on south side of Petite Porte Egale Farm. No material damage was done. One 77 shell exploded at head of Lothian Avenue killing two and wounding two. Four what appeared to be large rifle grenades or small strength mortar shells were fired into left Co. sector at about the head of Porte Egale Avenue. One exploded loudly and the others gave a dull report but a great deal of smoke rose from them. There were no duds so the nature of the shell could not be ascertained. He also fired 30 77mm shells which landed in the vicinity of our subsidiary line and Fochards (?) Dump, none of these shells exploded ??? shells have been dug up by R.A.
Enemy machine gun: one new machine gun position located in rear of Mushroom firing high apparently at support or rescue lines. It is not possible to give coordinates yet. The machine gun in railway salient also fired. Enemy machine guns active all along battalion front all night but no other guns could be located.
Enemy defences: Enemy could be heard at work in his trenches all night. One wiring party was dispersed with Lewis gun fire.
Enemy movements: Transport could be heard behind enemy lines during night, appeared to be unloading iron rails.
Communications: Enemy used more verey lights than usual during the night. He also used his search lights very frequently.
Aircraft: A British aeroplane passed over position at about 7:55 am flying north and returned at 8:45 from south east.
Miscellaneous: Enemy bombed his wire very frequently all along this front. Our snipers claim 2 hits on 12/12/1916 and 2 more on 13/12/1916. Wind Southwest about 5 mph all day.
Patrols continued: Patrols left each of 4 Cos sectors as follows:
Out: 7:00 pm 7:35 pm 8:30 pm 9:00 pm 11:10 pm 1:10 am 2:30 a.m.
Returned: 7:50 pm 8:30 pm 9:00 pm 11:10 pm 1:10 am 2:30 a.m. 5:00 am

33rd Btn Australian Imperial Force War Diary

14th December, 1916 33rd Battalion AIF Routine Order No.135  NOT TO BE TAKEN IN FRONT LINE TRENCHES
Lieutenant-Colonel LJ Morshead,
  Chappelle d'Armentières, 14th December, 1916

  Quarter Master will submit indents to D.A.D.O.S. for wrenches, taps, etc. on the following scale:
  For each farrier and shoeing-smith ... Taps 3/8" - 1
                                                              Taps 1/2" - 1
                                                              wrenches - 1
  In addition to the above for every four horses
  1 wrench
  1 tap
  Of which 25% of the taps will be 3/8"
  And 75% of the taps will be 1/2"
  For mules all taps will be 3/8"

  S.O.S. SIGNALS 1312
  Company Commanders must see that every officer in their command and every platoon Sergeant fully understands the instructions for the use of this signal.

  Repairs to wire should be concentrated in the following order of importance.
  The gaps being weakest should have the strongest wire defences.

  It is essential to have ammunition boxes inserted in parapet in trenches for the dry storage of hand grenades and loose S.A.A. These boxes should be so placed as to minimise the weakness to the parapet and at the same time give protection to the bombs from shellfire. The boxes should have a flap of hessian over the face to prevent rain beating in.  Companies will report to Battalion H.Q. when work is completed.

  BOUNDS 1315
  In order to safeguard the British troops billeted in NIEPPE from mumps contagion buildings in the village of NIEPPE will be out of bounds to all troops of this Battalion until further notice. This must be read to troops by all concerned.

  Reference R.O.133, para 1299, Companies and HQ sections need only report number, rank and name of casualties.  This must be done by runner immediately such casualties occur.  All other information will be supplied by Battalion Headquarters.  All officers and other ranks reported "Missing" and who eventually return to their Companies, etc should be at once shown in casualty lists.

  Men passing backwards and forward from the front must not use the LILLE-ARMENTIERES railway line. There is a good track inside the hedge on north side of the line and this must invariably be used.

  Any British Columbian soldier serving with this Battalion will register his name at Battalion HQ by 15th inst. for purpose of voting in connection with Referenda on Prohibition and Female Suffrage in British Columbia.

  RATIONS 1319
  Companies must make provision for men who are kept at Regimental Aid Posts for medical attention. Rations for such men to be promptly despatched to Sgt Cook at the Battalion HQ otherwise patients may have nothing to eat.

  (Signed) RC Jones  2/Lt.
  Adjutant. 33rd Battalion A.I.F

33rd Btn Australian Imperial Force War Diary

15th December 1916 33rd Bn AIF need waterproofs and revolvers  cf Intelligence Summary attached dated 16 /12/1916. The work of patrolling front continuously proving too exhausting for scouts. Waterproof suits essential. Also revolvers as rifles become unusable in the mud.

33rd Btn Australian Imperial Force War Diary, La Chapelle-d'Armentières, Right (1) Sub Sector

15th December 1916 33rd Battalion AIF Intelligence Summary up to 6 am 15th December 1916  33rd Battalion AIF up to 6 am 15th December 1916
Right (1) Sub Sector
Intelligence Summary

Our operations: Artillery: Artillery active on the front of unit on our right between 1 and 2 o'clock. Enemy retaliated. During the day our artillery fired some shells into the railway salient. Result not observed. Our artillery opened on enemy communication 5 pm. At 11:55 am. Our light trench mortarbombarded enemy lines south of Mushroom salient the shells bursting well. Enemy retaliated with five minnies and some 77 mm which did no damage.

Machine guns: Line fairly quiet all night. Our Lewis gun covered our patrols by traversing enemy parapet. An emplacement has been built with a fixed platform covering the gap between our Right Co.and the unit on our right.

Patrols: Localities I-16,4 and I-10,1. No.1 from I-16,4 at 5:45 pm returned 7:45 pm by same route. 1 NCO and six men reports having difficulty in getting through our wire moved forward through orchard and then to left in no mans land about 400'. Enemy fired a great number of verey lights and bombed his own wire. Enemy not encountered.
No.2 from I-10,1 7:45 to 9:45 pm 1 NCO and six men had no trouble getting through our wire. Report having examined no mans land as far north as Mushroom salient and returned to orchard. No enemy movement observed.
No.3 from I-16,4 9:45 to 12 pm. Advanced to within 50' of hostile wire. No enemy encountered but he could be heard working at his own trenches. He bombed his wire frequently and used many verey lights.
No. 4 from I-10,1 and12 to 2 am 1&6. Advanced about 200' towards enemy trenches and then patrolled towards mushroom. Report enemy bombing and firing Verey lights.
No.5 from I-10-1- 2:15 am to 4:45 am. 1 & 6. Moved to left to about I-11-c-0-3 thence to within 25 yards of enemy parapet. They report enemy at work in his trenches from I-11-c-35-15 to I-11-c-25-00. A machine gun on their right in enemy trench fired a burst from I-?-?-30-75. Enemy was then heard to walk to the left and when about 25' from first position he fired another burst. This was repeated and in all he fired 4 bursts in about 100' last burst from I-17-a-4.5-9.5. No Verey lights were sent up by him here.
When a shot from our parapet hit his parapet the scout said heard the enemy say "come on". The working party was heard whistling and singing. The patrol then moved about 100' to right. Work was going on the whole length of the enemy front.

At about midnight and officer and an NCO examined the wire where the enemy raiding party entered our trench in a gap two nights ago. At the forward edge of the wire a hand grenade was found and a piece of white tape leading through the gap which had been cut in the wire. A grenade was picked up about every 3 yards along the tape - 15 in all similar to those left inside the trench on night of raid. They appeared to have been put there for a purpose. There is a fairly well worn track here which leads to and follows along a ditch (no.2) on intelligence map sheet 4 which gives good cover as far as enemy trenches.
Front I-10,2, I-10,3 Patrols went out as follows:-
No. 1 from I-10,2 at 6:30 pm to 7:15 pm reports our wire good from I-10-D-90,25 to I-11-0,05-30. From from there out it is patchy and there are several gaps. Enemy not encountered.

No. 2 7:45 pm to 10:35 pm went out to examine our wire to right of mushroom and report it scattered and broken. Enemy not encountered.

No. 3 from I-10-2 - 10 35 pm to 11:30 pm to examine enemy wire opposite gap. Reports it impossible to approach it owing to mud and shell holes caused by our Artillery.

Patrols also went out at 12 midnight to 2 am, 2 am to 4 am. They report enemy wiring party at 12:15 am enemy wiring party at I-11-c-4,5. They were talking and coughing. They were dispersed with Lewis gun and rifle fire. Enemy sending up verey lights from enemy listening post. Enemy otherwise quiet.

Frontage : I-10,4, I-10,5. This frontage was controlled continuously from 5:30 pm to 5 am. They report no enemy working parties heard nor seen enemy exceptionally quiet on this front except for machine gun in railway salient which was firing in both directions and a great number of Verey lights were fired. Enemy still bombing his wire in this sector but not so much as on night before.

Patrols: Frontage: I-10,6, I-10,7. This frontage patrolled from 5:30 pm to 5 am. Report enemy quiet on this front no working parties being seen or heard. No mans land opposite I-10,6 very wet and boggy. Enemy bombed his own wire during night almost continuously and threw up many Verey lights. On several occasions as soon as one light went out another was fired on each occasion about 12 lights went up.

Enemy operations: Artillery: At different times during day shelled position 150' in rear of Mushroom with 77 mm shells (HE??)

Some shells seem to have come from opposite I-11-4 and others from in rear of railway salient. He replied to this bombardment of N.F. on our right with shrapnel and minnies but only feeble in comparison with what was put on him. He fired 4 machines (?) at 6:5 pm across the left of battalion front and again at 9:30 pm. No damage was observed on our front. At 10:45 enemy fired with field guns on Lewis gun emplacements in C post and hit the parapet in several places doing no material damage. At 3:45 pm he ranged on No. 3 locality the shells bursting in front of the parapet and doing no damage to our work. At about 5:10 pm 8 medium trench mortar or light trench mortar shells burst in front of parapet and again at 5:55 pm 4 more burst in same place doing no damage etc to our works. They appeared to come from enemy front line opposite I-10-7. At 9:50 am enemy shelled left Co. A few shells fell between front and support lines the remainder to the left of support line. Guns 77 mm. He repeated this at 2:45 pm. A great number of his shells failed to explode. Enemy also fired a number of rifle grenades especially about 5 pm. These seem to be very heavy for rifle grenades and some explode with loud detonation while others give very little report but a great deal of smoke.

Machine guns: Enemy machine gun particularly quiet during night. Enemy machine gun fired 2 good burst at about 9:30 pm on the right tramline running up to support line. This was evidently caused by working parties under R.E. showing themselves freely at this place during daylight. Machine gun in railway salient fired 12 bursts, in mushrooms salient six first and later three bursts during night mostly over our front line. During our bombardment of enemy communications enemy machine guns fired long burst at every salvo along our parapet and communication trenches.

Communications: Enemy fired very many verey lights all night along his whole front. He fired a new verey light which burnt for some seconds on the ground and then when nearly out burst again throwing another light with the area about half as high as the first shot. He used his searchlights as usual during the night.

Miscellaneous: Our snipers claim 4 hits.
Enemy bombed his own wire very frequently during night along our whole front.
Enemy transport and motor transport heard at 4 am at about I-17-B-3,1.
Wind South East 5 mph all day.

33rd Btn Australian Imperial Force War Diary

15th December, 1916 33rd Battalion AIF Routine Order No.136   NOT TO BE TAKEN IN FRONT LINE TRENCHES
Lieutenant-Colonel LJ Morshead,
  Chappelle d'Armentières, 15th December, 1916

  Each Company will detail to men to act as Advance Billeting Party.  They will report to Lt. WJC Duncan at Battalion Headquarters at 9:30 am on the 16th inst. The men detailed as above must be detailed on Company guides on day of relief.

  For the future all Church Parades will be voluntary, but all ranks must be given every facility to attend.

  Companies and specialist sections must not issue passwords when in the line. The practice to be adopted in this Battalion will be that when challenged a man will give his own name in reply.

Machine guns are at the disposal of Company Commanders for the purpose of defence.
  When necessary Company Commanders may arrange  with the MG Officer to fire from temporary emplacements but the permanent positions must not be changed.
  Normal night firing is controlled by the MG Officer.  Any Company Officer on discovering a suitable target may order machine gun fire. Such an order will be written and signed by the Officer and given to the officer in charge or NCO with the gun.  Care must be taken that the target is one for a machine gun. MG Officers will record every such target fired at and will report to Battalion Headquarters if guns are misused.
  Machine Guns should not fire regularly from their fixed emplacements, but alternative emplacement should be used as much as possible.
It must be remembered that Machine Guns must be laid during daylight for night firing. It is impossible to lay a gun at night.
  Company Commanders will confer and cooperate in every possible way with MG Officer.

  Stokes mortars are also at the disposal of Company Commanders and may be used on the following conditions:,
  General defensive in case of an attack.
On enemy working parties or groups of men. For this, the number of rounds to be fired by any one gun is limited to 12, but 6 rounds should suffice to disperse such a party.  Any Company Officer may order fire on pointing out a suitable target to the officer or NCO in charge of the guns. Again it is essential to have hearty cooperation with the Trench Mortar Battery.

  Information from an absolutely reliable source shows that the Germans are using the following devices to obtain identification, vis:,
  Collecting letters and field service postcards coming from the front and bearing postal marks.
  Sending parcels to soldiers with an addressed card to be signed by the recipient and returned as an acknowledgement of the gift.
  Copies of all military maps.
  Letters from an unknown writers and particularly gifts from unknown donors should at once be brought to the notice of Battalion Headquarters.

  The undermentioned have been stuck of strength.
  No 161 Sgt.TGE Rush, killed in action
  No 257 Pte. R McRae, killed in action

  They undermentioned having been discharged from hospital are taken on the strength
  5124B Pte. H Newcomb
  1196 Pte E Malheron

  (Signed) RC Jones  2/Lt.
  Adjutant. 33rd Battalion A.I.F

33rd Btn Australian Imperial Force War Diary

16th December 1916 33rd Bn AIF use Stokes mortars  cf Intelligence Summary attached dated 16 /12/1916. System of a man when challenged answering by giving his own name instead of his unit or a password adopted throughout the Battalion. Stokes mortars found effective for dispersing working parties at night on enemy wire. Stokes guns placed at disposal of O.C.Co for this purpose to be ordered to fire 12 shots at any time required.

33rd Btn Australian Imperial Force War Diary, La Chapelle-d'Armentières, Right (1) Sub Sector

16th December 1916 33rd Battalion AIF Intelligence Report No.12   Intelligence Report No.12
33rd Battalion AIE, Chapelle d'Armentieres, Right (1) Subsector
Period 6 am 16/12/1916 to 6 am 17/12/1916

Our operations

1. Our Artillery:
1:45 PM as arranged our medium trench mortar covered by artillery fire bombarded enemy wire and trenches with apparently good results. A number of our 18 lbs shells were duds. Enemy wire in front of I-10,1 greatly damaged. I-10,2 1 round test three minutes seven seconds. Our Artillery light trench mortar bombarded enemy front line in front of the south of mushroom with 17 shells. Shells on lift appeared to fall short. Two salvos of N.P. rifle grenades fired from I-10,4 into enemy front line during night. Also nine grenades from I, 10,6. Five of the latter landed in anyway front line and two in his wire. Artillery made a large crack in enemy parapet at I-11-C- 6,6.

2. Machine guns: our machine guns fired indirectly on enemy communications last night.
Lewis guns: in good order fired very little during night.

3. Patrols: 1 NCO and six men left A gap at 8 pm returning same way at 10 pm. They went forward along ditch to within 50 feet of enemy wire. At this time D Co. light trench mortars started to bombard mushroom and enemy fired a great number of verey lights. 2 machine guns opened on left and right front of patrol at distance of 150 feet apart. It would appear as if there were a gap between these two guns from I-16,B,7-6 to I-16,B- 9,2 as no movement was heard and no shots fired from this sector while patrol was out.

Another patrol went out from same place at 1 am. Our wire here is weak. 10 foot from our wire they struck a track leading right into enemy line which seemed to be well worn. They followed this track to within 70 yards of enemy wire when enemy fired some verey lights. His wire here is very strong. There are about nine shell holes along this track - the largest would hold five men. Track runs from about I-16,B-4,6 to I-16,B-9,2. Patrol returned by this track at 8:10 am.

A patrol left work end of mushroom chord to examine enemy wire at 5 pm returning at 7:15 pm reported that the enemy wire has been considerably cut about by shellfire since last examined. Several gaps being noticed. Saw no enemy but heard working party in trench.

A patrol from the same point at 10 pm reported seeing an enemy patrol returning towards their gap. Returned 11 pm. The battalion front otherwise was patrolled continuously all night. Patrols report all quiet, no enemy encountered. Enemy was exceptionally quiet during the night.

Enemy operations

1. Artillery: Enemy retaliated to our bombardment at 1:45 with 5 minenwerfer shells. One landed some distance behind the parapet of I,10-1. Two landed in B post wrecking a firebay and two were duds. All seems to be directed towards the medium trench mortar emplacements. Enemy also fired a few rifle grenades into this locality during the day. No casualties resulted from this retaliation. Enemy fired 6,5.9 shells into our parapet at C Post but did no damage. At 2 pm he put over 11 minenwerfer shells all but two of which fell short of our wire. These two did considerable damage to our wire which has since been repaired. Two shells were duds. This occurred at No.3 locality and the shells appeared to come from opposite I-10-7. Light trench mortar fired four shots between fire trench and support line at I-10-4 doing no damage. Enemy fired three minenwerfer shells into our wire opposite I-10,6 at 1:55 pm. He also fired 12 rifle grenades into this locality at this time all of which landed between our front and support lines doing no damage.

Machine guns: enemy machine guns active during the night along the front but on the whole were quieter than usual.

2. Enemy defences: our Artillery considerably damaged the parapet of enemy trenches and also his wire. Enemy working parties seen working in his front line opposite No. 3 locality during the day. No new work observed. Enemy wire considerably damaged by our artillery fire at 1:45 pm.

Communications: bright light in Armentières referred to yesterday again appeared from 12: 5 pm to 12:10 pm just after the enemy had started to bombard our position. This light appears to come from ???

Aircraft: at 8 am enemy plane passed overhead at a great height. At 11 am two of our planes appeared overhead.

Miscellaneous: enemy wearing spiked helmets observed opposite I-10,7. Also some wearing steel helmets somewhat resembling ours except that the crown seems to be higher. Some weight-bearing round blue caps. A number were wearing cap comforters. Immediately in front of I-10-7 at about 10:30 am at about 1000 feet a number of men were observed working among the timber digging and clearing with what appeared to be a large bell book. The men, who were wearing blue uniform, and round flat topped caps, appeared to be of fine physique. At about 4 pm a man wearing a heavily braided cap looked over the enemy parapet opposite I-10-6. A shot was fired at him but the result could not be observed owing to the bad light. He put his head down and it did not reappear.

Sniping: snipers claim five hits today. On 15/12/1916 snipers claim three hits. Men take a great interest in the periscope rifle.

Wind: S.SW. all day at less than 4 mph. Enemy opposite A Gap oberved to be ? new sandbag something with a sand bag on the end of the stick.

Enemy bombed his own wired during the night. He used many verey lights.

33rd Btn Australian Imperial Force War Diary

16th December 1916 33rd Battalion AIF Operation order number No. 4    Secret.
33rd Battalion, A.I.F.
Operation order number No. 4
Lt. Col LJ Morshead,
Reference map. Sheet 36 N.W. 1/20,000.
Battalion headquarters, 16th December, 1916.

1. The 33rd Battalion will be relieved by 35th Battalion commencing at 8 am on 17th December, the 33rd Battalion will move into billets and become D Battalion.

Advance parties.
2. In accordance with Third Australian Divisional Trench Standing Orders, para 4, specialists will move into front line on 16th inst.

Billeting parties.
3. Billeting parties of one officer and one NCO per platoon will proceed to D Battalion billets on 16th inst. to arrange billets for their companies.

4. Four guides per Company (billeting party) will report to Lieut. WJC Duncan at Square Farm at 9 am to guide companies from trenches to billets.

Handing over.
5. Officers commanding Companies will hand over and obtain duplicate receipts for all trench stores, defence schemes, logbooks, aeroplane photos, maps, plans and other useful information, and forward these to Battalion headquarters immediately they have handed over. Code books are now a regimental issue and will not be handed over. RSM will obtain duplicate receipt for Battalion stores and hand it to Adjutant.

Tables of times and routes.
6. (1) In coming Battalion (35th Battalion AIF).
C (left flank) 7.37 am Fire Trench Port Egale Avenue
A (right flank) 7.51 am Fire Trench Lothian Avenue
C 8.5 am Support Trench Port Egale Avenue
A 8.10 am Support Trench Lothian Avenue
B (Left centre) 8.33 am Fire Trench Port Egale Avenue
D (Right centre) 8.47 am Fire Trench Lothian Avenue
B 9.1 am Support Trench Port Egale Avenue
D 9.45 am Support Trench Lothian Avenue
C 12.30 pm Subsidiary Trench Port Egale Avenue
A 12.44 pm Subsidiary Trench Lothian Avenue
C 12.52 pm Subsidiary Trench Port Egale Avenue
A 1.12pm Subsidary Trench Lothian Avenue
B 1.26 pm Subsidiary Trench Port Egale Avenue
D 1.40 pm Subsidiary Trench Lothian Avenue
B 1.54 pm Subsidiary Trench Port Egale Avenue
D 2.6 pm Subsidiary Trench Lothian Avenue
Bn Bombers 5.30 pm Subsidiary Trench Lothian Avenue
Bn Scouts 5.44 pm Subsidiary Trench Lothian Avenue

(2) 33rd Battalion, A.I.F. The platoons it firing line and support trenches will be ready to move outat 10:15 am and clear Railway Crossing at 1.2.c.4.7. near gum boots store by 12 noon. Platoons in subsidiary line will be moved out as soon as relieved.

(3) Company specialists. Company specialists, including Lewis gunners, bombers, stretcher bearers, sappers, salvage men, sanitary men and cooks will be relieved their respective companies.

(4) Headquarters Specialist. The relief of headquarters and attached specialists, i.e. Lewis gunners, bombers, scouts and snipers will commence on 16th inst. and be completed on 17th inst. They will remain in subsidiary line until they are completely relieved when they will move to billets, on 17th inst.

Method of relief
7 (1) All ranks will be at their alarm stations during the relief.
(2) One platoon of each relieving Company will be posted to the firing line, one to support line and 2 to Subsidiary line.
(3) No platoon will move out until the whole of the relieving platoon is actually in position. The men in the firing line being relieved will stand on the fire step and as soon as relieving units are in position they will change places, i.e. 35th Battalion will mount fire steps and 33rd Battalion the trench walks.
(4) Platoon commanders will report to their Company commanders when this is done, and orders will then be given to file out.

8. Every precaution must be taken against hostile observation both aerial and from ground level. Troops will move in parties not larger than sections at two minute intervals south-east of the Armentières-Nouvel Houplines railway line.

March to billets
9 (1) Platoons on relief will proceed as in sub-section 2, para 6, moving in parties not larger than sections at 2 minutes intervals, C. Co. Leading. D and B Co.s will proceed to billets on relief.
(2) Guides detailed in para 4 will meet outgoing parties at Chapelle Armentières Railway Crossing (I.1.d.45.90) and conduct them to billets in Armentières.

Distribution of details
10 Specialists and headquarters details will be attached as follows:

A Co. Bombing platoon and HQ Lewis gunners
B Co. Signallers,
C Co. Pioneers and sniping platoon, Scouts.
D Co. AMC (Australian Medical Corps) and band.

(11) Company commanders will remain in command of their sub-sections until their units are completely relieved on 17th inst.

Lewis guns
(12). Lewis guns and equipment will be placed in Square Farm by 3 pm. The transport officer will arrange to collect these at 5 pm on 17th inst.

(13) Trench kits, mess gear and all stores other than trench stores will be dumped at Square Farm by 3:30 pm. The transport officer will arrange to collect these at 5 pm on 17th inst. This officer will also see that officers kits are left at their billets and that Companies are informed of sites of water carts.

Gum Boots
(14) These must not be taken beyond the Gum Boot store at I.2.a. If handed over to incoming Battalion, receipt must be taken and this should also be obtained for boots returned to store. A Co. will detail a reliable NCO to check boots handed into store. He will report to Battalion HQ for instructions at 9 am on 17th inst.

(15) The Battalion police under Cpl Hewitt will guard all stores and Lewis guns in Square Farm and will assist in loading these on to transport after which they will report to Battalion HQ in Armentières.

17 (1) On completion of relief and before they leave front line Company commanders will wire "complied with" to Battalion headquarters.
(2) When their commands are settled in billets, Company commanders will so inform Battalion HQ in Armentières by runner.

(Signed) RC Jones S/Lieut.
Adjutant, 33rd Battalion A.I.F.

Copy No. 1 to 9th Inf.Brigade
2 - CO
3 - Second in command
4 - Adjutant
5 - A Co.
6 - B. Co.
7 - C. Co.
8 - D. Co.
9 - Lewis gun officer
10 - Signalling officer
11 - Scout Officer
12 - Sniping officer
13 - Bombing officer
14 - Billeting officer
15 - Regimental Medical Officer
16 - Transport officer
17 - Quarter Master
18 - 35th Battalion AIF
19 - Office in charge Light trench mortar battery
20 - Officer in charge night Machine Gun Co.
21 - File
22 - War Diary

33rd Btn Australian Imperial Force War Diary

16th December, 1916 33rd Battalion AIF Routine Order No.137  NOT TO BE TAKEN IN FRONT LINE TRENCHES
Lieutenant-Colonel LJ Morshead,
  Chappelle d'Armentières, 16th December, 1916

  Lieut-General Birdwood will visit Armentieres on Sunday 17th inst. and may visit Subsidiary Line.  Platoons when relieved must be moved to billets as expeditiously as possible and all ranks are warned to be smart and orderly during the whole of relief operations.  Special stress must be laid on saluting.  

  Company Commanders will prepare and submit to Battalion Headquarters by 10 am on 17th inst. a report on the amount of work done on the wire on their front during the present tour of duty, giving as much detail as possible.

  Diet sheets must be kept in all cook houses and it is important that close attention should be given to these by Company Commanders and the Senior Major.

  A salvage dump has been established at Square Farm near Fockaber's Dump.  All salved articles should be placed there.  

  DUTY CO 1331
  17-12-16 A. Co.
  18-12-16 B. Co.

  Captain of the week: Capt. CH Linklater
Subaltern of the day: 2/Lt. CF Kirby
  Next for duty: Lt AG Farleigh
  Regimental Orderly Sergeant:  Sgt AE Walker
  Next for duty:  Sgt TW Rourke
  Regimental Orderly Corporal: Cpl. GA Cawkwell
  Next for duty: Cpl. G Richardson

  GUARDS 1333
  On return to billets each Company will mount a guard consisting of 1 NCO and 3 men over Company Headquarters and duty Co. will mount similar guard over Battalion Headquarters. These guards will be changed daily at 5 pm.

  A and B Co. will return one Primus stove to Battalion Headquarters by 8 am on 17th inst.

  The following promotions have been approved:

No.715, L/Sgt. BWA Budden to be Sgt vice Carter (killed in action)
No. 769, Cpl.F Flick to be L/Sgt. vice Budden promoted
  No. 2043, L/Cpl. W Casey to be Cpl. vice Flick promoted
  No. 240, Pte.J Reid to be L/Cpl. vice Casey promoted

  (Signed) RC Jones  2/Lt.
  Adjutant. 33rd Battalion A.I.F

33rd Btn Australian Imperial Force War Diary

17th December 1916 33rd Bn AIF prefers pea soup  cf Intelligence Summary dated 18 /12/1916. Night firing positions 2 for machine guns selected on front line. Enemy machine guns replied with energy to burst fired. Found that men prefer pea soup to Oxo after stand down in morning. Relief of Battalion postponed one day on account of visit of Lieutenant-General Sir WR Birdwood to area. Front particularly quiet all day.

33rd Btn Australian Imperial Force War Diary, La Chapelle-d'Armentières, Right (1) Sub Sector

17th December 1916 33rd Battalion AIF Intelligence Report No.13  Intelligence summary No. 13
33rd Battalion A.I.F.
Period 6 am 17/12/1916 - 6 am 18/12/1916


Our artillery: 12:40 pm three rounds fired, enemy parapet opposite I-10-1 3:30 pm 11 rounds fired in retaliation enemy medium trench mortar.

Machine guns: our machine guns fired several times during the night each burst being replied to by enemy with energy.

Lewis guns: fired occasional bursts.

Patrols: I-16-4 - I-10,1. Patrol went out from I-16,4 proceeded to extreme right. Thence patrolled to the left of I-10,1 then returned by same route as they went out. No enemy encountered. Went out at 5:30 pm returning 8 pm. Second patrol went out from the left of I-10,1 at ??? advanced straight across to enemy wire. Machine gun opened on them and a number of flares were fired. They patrolled to the right along wire which was found to be strong and returned at about ??? by the same route.

I-10,2, I-10,3 First patrol at 7 pm from mushroom sap removed 15 foot south thence straight across to enemy wire. No enemy encountered. Moved south heard two enemy working parties on their parapet. Our wire south of mushroom in good order returned 9 pm same way as went out. Second patrol went out 9 pm from north of mushroom cord through mushroom thence 400 foot north. Encountered no Enemy reported all quiet at 11 pm except they that they had been fired on by enemy machine gun.

3rd patrol left at 11:30 pm halfway along Mushroom sap. Moved north along No Man's Land for some distance. No enemy encountered. Scouts believe that there is a gap between railway and Mushroom salients in enemy garrison. The wire here is very strong and he shows no activity. Requires confirmation. I-10-4, I-10,5. Patrol of 35th Battalion left I-10-4 11 pm patrolled towards enemy line returning 1 am. Report machine gun on south of railway salient very active on our machine gun position I-11-a-3-3.

No.2 patrol 35th Battalion left I-11-a-3-3 at 1:15 am returning the same place 3:15 am report all quiet on the front. About six verey lights were fired by enemy.

No. 3 patrol 35th Battalion left I-11-a-3-3 at 3:30 am. No enemy seen. Machine gun on railway salient still active returned 5:30 am.

No.4 patrol 35th Battalion left I-11-a-0-6 at 1 am report hearing enemy working party I -11-a-6-6 but could not see them. Verey lights were fired here by enemy showed no activity. Patrol returned at 3 am.

No. 5 Patrol 35th Battalion left I-11-a-1-8 at 3:15 am returning at 5:15 am, report all quiet.

Our patrols on front I-10-6 from 7 pm to ? pm report all quiet, no enemy encountered.

Enemy activity: Artillery nil. He threw 35 bombs from medium trench mortar into A company front without doing any damage at 3:5 pm.

Machine guns: enemy machine gun showed great activity during the night and showed even greater accuracy than before. Three guns between the railway and the Mushroom traversed our parapets and played on our wire continuously at one time or three guns were firing at the same time.
Our machine gun from left of Mushroom fired on LC said to be in No Man's Land. It did not fire after this again.

Enemy defences: nothing new could be observed. Patrols report this wired to be very strong practically all along his front.

Communications: enemy still fires a great number of verey lights at night. He also used to searchlights throughout the night.

Wiring: about 50 foot of new wire was put out north of Mushroom chord during the night.

Sniping: snipers claim three hits for the day.

Enemy bombed his wired during the night.

Wind: about 3 mph west north west.

33rd Btn Australian Imperial Force War Diary

17th December 1916  33rd Battalion AIF Operations Order No. 5  Appendix No.14
33rd Battalion, A.I.F.

Operation order No. 5
Lieutenant-Colonel LJ Morshead

Reference map Sheet 36 N.W. 1/20,000
Battalion headquarters. 17th December, 1916

Owing to the visit of Lieut.- General Sir WR Birdwood, the relief of this Battalion as detailed in 33rd Battalion operation order No. 4 of 16th inst. para 1 is postponed to Monday, 18th December, 1916 commencing at 2 am.
Time of relief to be amended and read accordingly.

(Signed) RC Jones, S/Lieut.
Adjutant, 33rd Battalion, A.I.F.

33rd Btn Australian Imperial Force War Diary

17th December, 1916 33rd Battalion AIF Routine Order No.138  NOT TO BE TAKEN IN FRONT LINE TRENCHES
Lieutenant-Colonel LJ Morshead,
  Chappelle d'Armentières, 17th December, 1916

  Ration parties for Sunday, 17th inst. will report at SQUARE FARM at 8 pm.

  The undermentioned will report to D.A.D.O.S. Divisional Armourer Shop on Monday, 18th inst.  He  will be attached to D.A.D.O.S. for rations, duty, etc.

  No.1064, Pte. HL Cutcher

  Cases have recently occurred of loaded bombs and grenades having been found in the kits of officers and other ranks proceeding to and from France. This practice must cease.

  Attention is drawn to regulations concerning the disposal of Field Conduct Sheets  (A.F.B. 122).
  When a soldier leaves his unit his Field Conduct Sheet will accompany him.
  All Field Conduct Sheets of soldiers, killed in action, missing, evacuated to casualty clearing stations, soldiers committed to military prisons, or transferred to other units must be at once sent to Battalion Headquarters for disposition in accordance with above.

  S.A.A. SUPPLIES 1340
  The establishment of ammunition laid down by Mobilisation Store Table  (220 rounds per rifle) must be maintained intact, all ammunition expended in front line being replaced by daily indent on Battalion reserve.

  The following points concerning German Cylinder Hand Grenades with handle (percussion) have been brought to notice and all ranks should be warned.
  As the grenade is percussion and is similar in general appearance to the ordinary 51/2 secs. time German grenade with which all ranks are now familiar, special care will be taking in handling such grenades if found.

All ranks will be warned of possibility of the enemy using this new type of grenade with which to lay traps for our patrols in No Man's Land such as in shell holes, abandoned saps or posts, etc.

  POSTAL 1342
  Mail matter is not to be retained by Companies longer than is necessary for purposes of identification, etc.  Empty mailbags are to be returned immediately. Every letter, parcel, etc. returned is to be marked "Not 33rd Battalion", "Hospital", "Not in Co." and dated and initialled.
  Whilst the Battalion is in the trenches, returned mail is to be handed to the Postal Corporal, who accompanies the ration transport each evening. Whilst Battalion is in billets such mail is to be handed in to Postal Room, Quartermasters' store.
  OUTWARDS MAIL.  After being censored, all outwards mail is to be handed in to Battalion Orderly Room for censor's stamp.
  All postal matter exceeding 4 ounces in weight must have stamps affixed.  Fee for registration Is 9d.

  (Signed) RC Jones  2/Lt.
  Adjutant. 33rd Battalion A.I.F

33rd Btn Australian Imperial Force War Diary

18th December, 1916 33rd Battalion AIF Routine Order No.139

18th December 1916 Reliefs  Battalion relieved by 35th Battalion as per Battalion 0.0 No.3 dated 15/12/1916 and postponed by Battalion 0.0 No.4 of 16 /12/1916. Relief completed without a hitch.

33rd Btn Australian Imperial Force War Diary, La Chapelle-d'Armentières, Right (1) Sub Sector

19th December 1916  Insufficient fuel for 33rd Bn AIF braziers  Battalion in billets. Working parties supplied to AE. Found great difficulty in supplying numbers ordered. It was found that while in the trenches the braziers issued to the Battalion were very satisfactory but that insufficient fuel was allowed to keep them going.

33rd Btn Australian Imperial Force War Diary, La Chapelle-d'Armentières

19th December, 1916 33rd Battalion AIF Routine Order No.140  33rd BATTALION A.I.F.
Lieutenant-Colonel LJ Morshead,
  Armentières, 19th December, 1916

  VISIT OF C-in-C 1349
  The Commander in Chief - Sir Douglas Haig - will be visiting the Army Area tomorrow, 10th inst.  All ranks must be warned to turn out neatly and correctly dressed and shaven. They must be on the alert and pay strict attention to saluting, especially when the C's car approaches. This can be readily recognised by the small Union Jack carried thereon.

  Working parties must parade at the times mentioned. For information of Company Commanders  it may be noted that work will cease in the line as follows:,
  7 am shift, Cease at noon
  Noon shift - Cease at 1 pm
  Care must be taken that men on morning shift have breakfast before leaving billets and that both shifts carry midday ration. Specialists will not be exempt from these parties unless expressly notified.
  Men who parade for baths will be included in the working parties for afternoon shift.
  Officers who are detailed to take charge of working parties must see that men do not idle.
  Companies will submit daily at 1 pm a state showing
  (a) men available for working parties.
  (b) details of all others (including all temporarily attached) showing distribution
  The two totals must show total strength of Company plus section attached in accordance with Operation Order No. 4, para 10.

  GUM BOOTS 1351
  All receipts obtained for handing over Gum Boots to relieving Battalion or gum boots store must  be forwarded to Battalion Headquarters by 10 am on ?? inst.

  GUARD 1352
  The guard over Battalion Headquarters is cancelled.  In future the duty Co. will mount a guard of one NCO and 6 men with one post at Co. and one at Battalion Headquarters.

  FATIGUE 1353
  The Duty Co. details of fatigue party of 4 men to report to Mr FE Bourepaire  at ÉCOLE PROFESSIONALE, Armentières at ? am daily.

  DUTY CO 1354
  20-12-16 - C Co.
  21-12-16 - D Co.

  Subaltern of the day: Lt. AG Farleigh
Next for Duty:  Lt. JG Fraser
  Regimental Orderly Sgt:  Sgt. TM Rourke
  Next for duty;  Sgt. IC Dight
  Regimental Orderly Cpl: Cpl. G Richardson
  Next for duty: Cpl. F? Mackney
  Officers visiting: Lt. JG Fraser
  Artillery 20-12-16:  Lt.  CAK Cohen
  (Report at Brigade Headquarters  at 9:15 am)

  The undermentioned having been discharged from hospital are taken on strength
  No. 765. Pte. HA Eyles.            No. 490, Pte. EJ McManus
  No. 1413. Dvr. A Kinkade.        No. 1100. Dvr. A Carpenter
  No. 1417. L/Cpl. J McDonald.  No. 1101. Pte. W Grove?
  No. 87? Pte. ?? Smith.             No. 5076. Pte. WH Miller
  The undermentioned are struck off strength No. 2123. Pte. ?J Pillar (killed in action)
  No. 2074. Pte. ME Hockendorf (died of wounds)

  (Signed) RC Jones  2/Lt.
  Adjutant. 33rd Battalion A.I.F

20th December 1916 33rd Bn AIF supplying working parties to AE  Billets. Working party supplies to AE. Unable to supply numbers ordered.

33rd Btn Australian Imperial Force War Diary, La Chapelle-d'Armentières

20th December, 1916 33rd Battalion AIF Routine Order No.141

21st December 1916 33rd Bn AIF visited by General Plumer  Billets. Supplied working parties to A E. General Plumer GOC 2nd Army visited area.

33rd Btn Australian Imperial Force War Diary, La Chapelle-d'Armentières

21st December, 1916 33rd Battalion AIF Routine Order No.142

22nd December 1916  33rd Bn AIF reviewed   Billets. Supplied working parties for AE Composite CO commanded by Capt Linklater Reviewed by C in C British Army in France at Erquinghem.

33rd Btn Australian Imperial Force War Diary, La Chapelle-d'Armentières

22nd December 1916 33rd Battalion AIF Operation order number No. 7  33rd Battalion A.I.F.
Operation order no. 7
Lieut-Col LJ Morshead

Map reference sheet No. 36. N.W. 1/20,000
Armentières, 22nd December 1916

1. The 33rd Battalion will be relieved in the L'Epinette sector by 44th Battalion and will move back to reserve in the Steenwerck area, becoming "H" Battalion. Relief will commence and be completed on 23rd inst.

2. Troops will pass starting point at I.1.d.30.65. according to timetable below, and will follow the road along Rue Nationale, Rue de Dunkerque, thence to cross road B.36.a.90, 5 thence south west to Railway Crossing B.28.b.20.65, thence south west to road intersection G.6.d.25.6 thence north west by Le Soquemeau (?) to Steenwerck. Timetable
3. Unit: D Co., Scouts, Stretcher Bearers pass starting point: 9 am
Unit: C Co., Signallers, Pioneers pass starting point: 9:6 am
Unit: B Co., A Co., Bombing Platoon pass starting point: 9.17 am
Unit: HQ Lewis gun section pass starting point: 9:24 am
Unit: Regimental transport pass starting point: 9:30 am

Order of March
4.D Co. will pass the starting point at 9 am and will be followed by C, A and B Co.s in that order., at intervals at five minutes thereafter. This must be maintained between by using connecting files, which will close up when a rear Company disengages to its billets.

5. Every precaution must be taken against hostile observation, both aerial and from ground line. Companies must give way to parties of the 11th Brigade moving to Armentières.

6. There will be no halt for midday meal. A halt of 10 minutes before each hour will be made. When Companies are halted steps must be taken not to impede any other traffic.

7. Companies must arrange to have synchronised at Battalion headquarters at 8:15 am on 23rd inst.

Officers' Kit
8. These must not exceed the regulation weight of 55lbs each, and the kits must be stacked at company billets by 7 am on 23rd inst.

Mess kits ATC
9. All men's kits and field kitchens to be ready for transport at 8 am. The latter to be placed so that teams can be hooked in without delay.

10. Blankets will be rolled in bundles of 10 and stacked at company billets where they will be collected by regimental transport and dumped at QM store from whence motor transport will remove same to billets.

11. Transport officer will arrange to collect Officers kits, mess gear, kitchens and water carts. Kits and officers mess gear will be dumped at QM store, No. 36 Rue de Lille by 9 am on 23rd inst.
Kitchens and water carts will move in rear of B Co. and pass the starting point at 9:30 am.
One kitchen will be left at each company's billet and one water cart left for use of A and B companies, and the other for Cand D companies.

12. Full marching order, greatcoats in pack with waterproof sheet under the flap. Steel helmets will be carried between supporting straps on pack. Mess tins on top of pack.

13. A midday ration will be carried in the haversack, but must not be eaten until arrival at new billets. Water bottles must be filled before the march. Tea dixies on the kitchen must be filled and fires kept burning so to provide hot tea for the men on arrival at billets.

14. Before marching out company commanders or senior officer in charge will render to billeting officer a certificate as to cleanliness of billets and extent of damage (if any) which has occurred during occupancy of billets.

(Signed) RC Jones. 2/Lieut.
Adjutant. 33rd Battalion AIF

Copy No. 1. 9th infantry brigade
2. CO
3. A Co.
4. B Co.
5. C Co.
6. D Co.
7. Lewis gun officer
8. Signalling officer
9. Regimental medical officer
10.Transport officer
13.War diary

33rd Btn Australian Imperial Force War Diary

22nd December 1916 33rd Battalion AIF Operation order number No. 6  

List of articles to be carried by raiding party

Operation order No. 6
Lt.-Col LJ Morshead,
Commanding 33rd Battalion, Chapelle d'Armentieres
Reference map: Vez Macquart (part of sheet 36) 22nd of December 1916.
Aero-photograph: 42 B 365 - 36.I.11.a-9:11:16.

1. A silent raid will be made on the part of the enemy's trench known as the Railway Salient at a date and time to be notified later.

2. (i) To take unwounded prisoners.
(ii) To inflict casualties.
(iii) To destroy machine gun emplacements and dug-outs.
(iv) To capture material and equipment.
(v) To gain information.

Strength of party:
3. 4 officers, 50 other ranks. Reserves: 1 officer 20 other ranks, (including eight stretcher bearers.)

4. (1) Commander: Capt WH Douglas. 2 runners. 2 telephonists. (1 officer, 4 privates)
(2) Scouts: 2/Lt. RC King. 1NCO. 4 scouts. 2 telephonists. 1 linesmen. (1 officer, 1 NCO, 7 privates.)
(3) Right party: Lt. LCB Smith. Two NCOs. 4 bombers. 4 Bayonet men. 2 demolition men. 1 carrier. 1 intelligence man. (1 officer. 2 NCOs. 12 Privates.)
(4) Left party: 2 NCOs. 4 bombers. 2 bayonet men. 1 carrier. 1 intelligence man. 2 NCOs, 8 privates. )
(5) Centre party: 1NCO. 3 bombers. 2 bayonet men. (1 NCO, 5 privates).
(6) Supports: Lt. WW Stockham (OC (officer in charge) Assault. 2 NCOs. 3 runners. 8 men. 4 stretcher bearers. (1officer, 2 NCOs, 15 privates).
Total: 4 officers, 8 NCOs, 51 privates.
Reserves: Lt. TW Tollis. 2 NCOs. 10 men. 8 stretcher bearers. (1officer, 2 NCOs, 12 Privates).

Preliminary measures:
5. (1) Dress
(a) All ranks will wear British pattern service dress from which will be removed all badges (except those denoting rank) and distinguishing marks.
(b) Faces and hands will be blackened.
(c) Balaclava caps will be worn.
(d) Body shields will be worn.
(e) Gas respirators will be carried.
(f) A strip of white cloth 15" x 3" will be worn on the arm 6 inches above each elbow and will be covered by a piece of sandbag loosely tacked on which will be torn off before entering the enemy's trench.
(e) identity disc, blotters, maps, documents or anything which could lead to an identification will not be carried. A piece of cardboard giving the regimental number, rank and name only will replace the identity disc.
(ii) Arms and equipment.
See appendix B.
Bayonets will be sharpened and blackened.
All marks giving a clue to the unit will be obliterated.
(iii) Reconnaisance.
All ranks will go over the approach across No Man's Land before the night of the raid.
The Scout officer will have No Man's Land specially patrolled on the night of the raid, and will see that the wire is cut.
(iv) Communications.
Port Egale Avenue will be kept clear of all traffic from two hours before zero until the raiding party is clear of the trench.
(v) Watches.
All ranks will wear luminous watches.
Watches will be synchronised that battalion headquarters at 9 am and 6 pm on the day of the raid, and that two hours before zero on the night of the raid.
(vi) Parade.
The raiding party will report at Battalion headquarters two hours before zero, when a nominal roll will be handed in by the officer in charge raid. (VII) Countersign.
The countersign will be notified when the raiding party reports the battalion headquarters.

Artillery cooperation.
6. (i)"Box" call. (a) If required the Artillery will form a barrage on the call "Box" being sent and a golden rain rocket being fired from I.10.b.9.4.
(b) the inner line of this barrage will extend along the enemy's front line from I.11.c.30.? to junction of the salient and chord (keeping within safe range of the limits set down in para. 9 subpara 4) ad then along the front line and then along the front line to I.5.c.62.10.
see appendix A
(ii) "Gun" Call. If enemy machine guns north of the salient open heavy fire the Artillery will open fire on the enemy's front line from I.11.c.57.40 to I.5.c.62.10.
(iii) OC assault will decide whether the barrage as stated in subparagraph (i) or the bombardment as stated in sub-para (ii) is needed and whether such support is required
(a) to enter the hostile trenches.
(b) while in their hostile trenches, or
(c) to cover the withdrawal.
(iv) OC raid will wire "Chase"when artillery support is no longer required.

Stokes mortars.
7. OC 9th ALTM (Australian Light Trench Mortar) battery will open fire when artillery barrage begins. Two guns will fire on hostile machine guns in front line between salient opposite the mushroom and I.11.a.6.0, and two guns between I.11.a.6.8. and I.5.c.7.0. Fire will cease when artillery barrage ceases.

Machine guns.
8. OC 9th Machine gun company will have Vickers guns ready to traverse enemy's parapet and engage enemy's machine guns. Two guns will fire between salient opposite mushroom and I.11.a 6.0. and two guns between I.11.a.6.5.and I.5.c.7.0. Fire will not be opened until
(a) hostile machine guns opens fire, or
(b)when artillery barrage commences
Fire will continue until artillery barrage ceases.

Position of Raiders.
9. (i) OC raid will be stationed near I.10.b.9.4. The artillery liaison officer will be with him.
(ii) OC Assault will direct operations from a point near the place of entrance after the enemy's trench has been entered.
(iii) A reserve officer and party will be in the vicinity of I.10.b.9.r. ready to take over the duties of OC Raid, should Capt. Douglas become a casualty.

Plan of action.
10. (i) Scouts will leave our trenches at ?? One hour 30 minutes before zero time and will precede the party to the place of assembly at I.11.A.30.35. The approach will be along the north side of the Armentières-Lille railway line.
After the Raiders have entered the hostile trenches at I.11.a.36.30 the scouts will breach the parapet and make a ramp to facilitate exit, and will lay a tape to guide the party back.
(Ii) The Raiding Party will leave our trenches at 1 1/4 hours before zero time and will enter the enemy trenches at zero hour.
(iii). The order of entrants will be:
(a) Right Party.
(b) Left Party.
(c) Centre Party.
(iv) Tasks.
Tasks allotted are shown in the attached map (Appendix A)
The Right Party will clear the trenches from the point of entry to point Aand endeavour to capture the machine gun and destroy the emplacement at I.11.a.36.15.
The Left Party will clear the trenches from point of entry to point B, a distance of 30 yards, and on no account will they advance further.
The Centre Party will advance 25 yards along the communication trench to point C, and no further.
(v) Bombing stops will be established at Points A, B, and C in order to prevent the enemy from rushing. Bombs will not be used unless absolutely necessary.
(vi) Each demolition man will carry a charge of 10lbs of guncotton and two Lotbiniere bombs to destroy machine gun emplacements and dug outs. Machine guns are to be removed and brought in; if this cannot be done they are to be destroyed.
(vii) Intelligence men will search the trenches and enemy dead for documents and information.
(viii) Supports will close up to parapet and cover point of entrance. O.C. Assault will be responsible that prisoners are quickly escorted back to our lines.
(ix) Previous to the Raiding Party leaving our trenches a telephone line will be laid as far forward as possible. The two telephonists and linesman of the Scout Party will be attached to O.C.Assault.
The following codes will be used:
In…… Have entered trench.
Prisoners…… Prisoners are being escorted back.
Box…… Require box barrage immediately.
Gun.....Bombard from I.11.a.57.40 to I.5.c.52.10.
Empty…… Trench not garrisoned.
All clear......We have left enemy's trench.
Cease..... Cease barrage.

11.(i) Parties will remain in the trenches not longer than 10 minutes. The signal for withdrawal will be given by the O.C. Assault and will be the passing along of the word "Cut", convoyed by his runners. The withdrawal must be rapid, but congestion must however be avoided.
(ii) Supports will cover the withdrawal of the parties and will return on orders of O.C. Assault.
(iii) If it is not advisable to return to our trenches immediately, O.C. Assault will call out "Disperse" when men will move quickly to shell holes and return independently. They must report to Lt Duncan immediately on their return.

Roll Call.
12. A roll call station under the charge of Lt. WJC Duncan will be established at the junction of Support Trench and Port Egale Avenue . After answering their names the party will return to Battalion Headquarters at Square Farm. On dismissal they will return to billets.

13. Prisoners will be dealt with as follows:
(i) They will be disarmed when captured.
(ii) On reaching our trenches they will be under the charge of Lt. TW Tollis who will be responsible that they are at once escorted to Advanced Battle Headquarters.
(iii) They will be kept separate from each other and not allowed to converse.
(iv) They will be searched immediately on arrival at advanced Battle Headquarters and relieved of all papers, books, badges and shoulder straps.
(v) Each prisoner's papers, etc. will be kept separate and marked so that he may be questioned concerning them.
(vi) Lt Tollis will arrange for their escort to the A.P. M. who will be at Headquarters, 9th Infantry Brigade, Rue Sadi Carnot, Armentières.
(vii) There must be no crowding round the prisoners.

14. Advanced Dressing Station will be established at 5 Dug-Out.

15. Reports to Advanced Battle Headquarters, Headquarters Left Centre Company.

(Signed RC Jones, S/Lieut.
Adjutant, 33rd Battalion, A.I.F.

Copies No. 1-2 9th Infantry Brigade AIF.
3. C.O.
4-8 O.C. RaID.
9. A Co.
10. B Co.
11. C Co.
12. D Co.
13. R.M.O.
14. Right Artillery Group
15. 9th LTM Battery, AIF
16. 9th Machine Gun Co. A.I.F.
17-20 11 th Infantry Brigade AIF
21. 35th Battalion AIF
22. 36th Battalion AIF
23. 10th Infantry Brigade AIF
24. 103rd Infantry .brigade, AID
25. File
26. War Diary
27-30 Spare

33rd Btn Australian Imperial Force War Diary

23rd December 1916 33rd Bn AIF billets unsatisfactory  33rd Battalion relieved by 44th Battalion as per Battalion O.O No. 7 Dated 22/12/1916. Billets unsatisfactory on account of wet and mud no duckboards being provided. All in Billets By 5 pm.

33rd Btn Australian Imperial Force War Diary, La Chapelle-d'Armentières

23rd December 1916 33rd Battalion AIF hand written map dated 23/12/1916  

33rd Btn Australian Imperial Force War Diary

23rd December 1916 33rd Battalion AIF undated hand written map  

33rd Btn Australian Imperial Force War Diary

24th December 1916 33rd Bn AIF raided enemy trenches  Billets settling down. Raided Enemy Trenches as per Battalion O.O no.6 dated 17/12/1916. Found trenches empty and in bad condition. DCo changed from billets to huts.

33rd Btn Australian Imperial Force War Diary, Steenwerke

24th December, 1916 33rd Battalion AIF Routine Order No.144

25th Dec 1916 33rd Bn AIF presents from Comforts Fund  Billets. Men greatly pleased with presents from Comforts Fund. Working party supplied to AE.

33rd Btn Australian Imperial Force War Diary, Steenwerke

25th December, 1916 33rd Battalion AIF Routine Order No.145

26th December 1916 33rd Bn AIF use Divisional bath  Billets. Supplied working party to AE. Divisional bath used by HQ and Cos.

33rd Btn Australian Imperial Force War Diary, Steenwerke

26th December, 1916 33rd Battalion AIF Routine Order No.146

27th December 1916 33rd Bn AIF supply working parties to AE.  In billets. Supplied working parties to AE.

33rd Btn Australian Imperial Force War Diary, Steenwerke

27th December, 1916 33rd Battalion AIF Routine Order No.147

27th December 1916 33rd Battalion AIF AFTER Order No.146

28th December 1916 33rd Bn AIF again supply working parties to AE  In billets. Supplied working parties to AE.

33rd Btn Australian Imperial Force War Diary, Steenwerke

28th December, 1916 33rd Battalion AIF After Order No.149

28th December, 1916 33rd Battalion AIF Routine Order No.150  33rd BATTALION A.I.F.
Lieutenant-Colonel LJ Morshead,
  Steenwerck, 28th December 1916

  In consequence of recent accidents which occurred in various Brigades of the Second Army during practice with live grenades the following additional precautions will be taken.
  All live grenades will be thrown from behind a safety wall.
  Dimensions: Wall of sandbags 6 foot high
                                                  15 foot long
  with buttress of traverse 6 foot long about the centre of the wall; the front half of the buttress to be 7'6" high and the rear half to be 5 foot high. This affords some protection to the instructor.
  A second sandbag wall 6 foot high should be built some 10 to 15 yards immediately in rear; behind which the remainder of the squad will sit until their turn comes to throw.
  The only persons at the throwing wall itself will be the officer in charge, the thrower, and next man to throw. The thrower will be by himself on left of buttress, and the officer on right of buttress, with next man to throw sitting in the right-hand corner.
  The officer in charge of the throwing practice will give a shot blast on his whistle immediately before each grenade is thrown, to ensure cover being taken by the remainder of the squad in rear.
Detonators will be kept at the front wall and will be placed in the grenade under the supervision of the instructor as each man comes up to throw.
  Steel helmets always to be worn when throwing.
  Each grenade will be carefully examined by an officer before the detonator is inserted.
  Any doubtful ones should be returned to rail-head at once.
  In the event of a blind grenade, at least one minute should elapse before it is recovered.

  Subject to necessary military requirements no Officer or man of the 3rd Australian Division  will leave the Divisional area and no Officer or man of other units in the Corps will enter the 3rd Australian Divional Area until further orders.  Billet No. 399? Rue de l'Hospice, Steenwerck is out of bounds to all troops. Billet No. 3?? Croix du Bac Road is quarantined and placed out of bounds to all troops.

  All requisitions for grenades must be made through the Battalion Bombing Officer (Lt. AH Fletcher).

  BILLETS 1422
  Attention is drawn to para 41 "Standing Orders for War"- Evacuation of  billets.  This party will consist of one Officer detailed by Battalion Headquarters and one NCO and 8 men per company.

  The Fatigue party mentioned in RO 147, para 1414, is cancelled.

  DUTIES 1424
  Subaltern of the day:  Lt. LCB Smith
  Next for duty:  Lt. WW Stockam
  Regimental Orderly Corporal:  Cpl. GA Cawkwell
  Next for duty:  Cpl. LJ Mathias

  The undermentioned working parties will be furnished daily until further notice.

  Party.   No required.       To report.        When.       To whom.         Furnished by.
                No.4 D.A.C.
    1         20                   B.25.c.3.8.       8 am to     Sapper.             )
                                                               12 noon    Chidsey.           )
    2.        12                   H.1.b.7.7.         8 am to      Cpl.                 )
                                                               12 noon.    Hills                 )
    3.        12                   H.1.b.7.8.         8 am          Cpl.                 )
                                                               12 noon.    Harrison.         ) B. Co.
    4.        12                   B.?6.a.3.7.        8 am          Cpl.                 )
                                                               12 noon      Mitchell.         )

    1          50                  No. ? Huts        8 am to       Cpl. Fletcher.         )
    2         12                   "    "     "          12 noon        Cpl. Derbyshire.    )
    3         12                   "    "     "                 "             Cpl. Roberts.        ) (torn, illegible text)
    4         12                   "    "     "                 "             Spr. Machin.         )
    5         12                   "    "     "                 "             Spr. Wilson.          )
    6         12                   "    "     "                 "                                          )
    7         12                   "    "     "                 "                                          )
    8         12                   "    "     "                 ".                                         )

  1           6        Div. Sig. Standings.       8 am and     Rutledge.             )
  2           6        Opposite Divisional       12 noon       Chippendale.       )
                         Headquarters                                                                 )
  3          20       Steenwerck                    "                  Cpl. Baker.           ) C Co.
  4          20                                              "                  Cpl. Rayner          )
  5            6                                              "                  Williams.               )
  6     2 NCOS   Railhead,                                                                        )
         & 20 men Steenwerck                9 am               S.S.O.                   )

  Complement of Officers and NCOs must be sent with parties requiring same.

  The personnel will be changed at each shift but strength of parties must be maintained.
Steps must be taken to see that these parties report at the correct time and place and any deviation from these orders must be immediately forwarded to Battalion Headquarters with  full explanation. The numbers detailed will be required for each shift but the men who work from 9 am to 12 noon will not be employed on the shift from 12 noon to 4 pm.

  Soldiers are forbidden to buy or accept spirits or liquors.  All soldiers,except those on duty, must be in billets by 9 pm.  Lights must be out by 9:30 am?
  Estaminets are open to troops from 12 noon to 2 pm and from 6 to 6 pm only and soldiers may not enter them except during those hours.

  (Signed) RC JONES, 2/Lieut.
  Adjutant, 33rd Battalion A.I.F.     

33rd Btn Australian Imperial Force War Diary

29th December 1916 33rd Bn AIF supply more working parties to AE.  In billets. Supplied working parties to AE.

33rd Btn Australian Imperial Force War Diary, Steenwerke

29th December, 1916 33rd Battalion AIF Routine Order No. 151

30th December 1916 33rd Bn AIF still supplying working parties to AE.  In billets. Supplied working parties to AE.

Brig-Gen CBB White and Brig Caruthers visited billets. Brigadier General Delaboy and Assistant Adjutant and Quartermaster General inspected billets and stables.

33rd Btn Australian Imperial Force War Diary, Steenwerke

30th December, 1916 33rd Battalion AIF Routine Order No. 152

31st December 1916 33rd Bn AIF inspections  Billets. Working party supplied to AE. Brigadier General Delaboy and Brigadier General Leslie inspected billets at report on shortage of material

33rd Btn Australian Imperial Force War Diary, Steenwerke

31st December 1916 33rd Battalion AIF state as at noon 31st December 1916  Third Australian Division
State as at noon 31st December 1916. 33rd Battalion A.I.F.

Present..........29 officers ......903 other ranks.....
Absent with leave...........
Absent with leave...........
On command..........6 officers.....28 other ranks
Temporary sick..........15 other ranks
Total strength..........35 officers .....946.....other ranks
Establishment..........34 officers.....976 other ranks
Wanting to complete..........30 other ranks
Attached..........2 other ranks

Riding horses.........12
L.D. horses..........10
L.D. mules..........19
Pack horses..........7
Pack mules...........2

"Attached" is comprised 1 chaplain, 1 batman, 1 interpreter

RC Jones S/Lieut.
Adjutant, 33rd Battalion A.I.F.

33rd Btn Australian Imperial Force War Diary

31st December 1916 33rd Battalion AIF List of schools candidates  Schools
List of candidates

Number. Rank. Name. Nature. Place. Date.

1233. Cpl. Richardson, G. Grenade. Terdecham. 4.12.16.
1540. Sgt. Clark, C.E. Anti-Gas. Oxelaire. 4.12.16.
728. Cpl. Calkwell, G. Lewis Gun. Le Touquet. 3.12.16.
508. Cpl.White, R. BLewis Gun. Le Touquet. 11.12.16.
30. L/Cpl. Clifton, M. Lewis Gun. 11.12.16.
1425. Cpl.Eaton, C.R. Sig. linesman. Zuytpeene. 19.12.16.
Lt. W.D.Mackenzie. Sniping. Mon des Cats. 23.12.16.
1184. Cpl. McKenzie, J. Sniping. Mon des Cats. 23.12.16.
1266. Sgt Thomas, G.D. Musketry. Tilques. 26.12.16.
Lt. C.P.Kirby. School of Instruction. Wisques. 25.12.16.
717 Pte. Butler, R.J. School of Instruction. Wisques. 25.12.16.
715. Sgt Budden, B.W.A. School of Instruction. Wisques. 25.12.16.
Lt. J.G. Fraser. Training School. Etaples. 26.12.16.
973. Pte.Phifer, W.I. Sniping School. Mont des Cats. 3.12.16.
1784. Cpl. Chapman, W.P. P.T. and B.F. Morbecque. 24.12.16.
1491. L/Cpl. O'Connor, C.P. Lewis Gun. Le Touquet. 27.12.16.
1484. L/Cpl. Macdonald, D. Lewis Gun. Le Touquet 27.12.16.
Lt. E.A.Clarence. Officers. Morebecque. 30.12.16.
534. Pte. Reading, P. Cookery Hazelbrouck. 1.1.17.
Lt.Col. L.J. Morshead C.O.'s. Wisques. 31.12.16.
374. L/Cpl. Betts, C.H. Signalling. Morebecque. 2.1.17.
60. L/Cpl.Easton, T.J. Signalling. Morebecque. 2.1.17.
1 officer 44 men. Bde. Sig. Sch. Armentières. 1.1.17.

33rd Btn Australian Imperial Force War Diary

1st January 1917 33rd Battalion AIF Routine Order No. 154

1st January 1917 33rd Battalion AIF Visited by L

2nd January 1917 33rd Battalion AIF still in billets

3rd January 1917 33rd Battalion AIF supply working party

3rd January 1917 33rd Battalion AIF list of names for training courses, appendix No. 1  NO.      RANK.         NAME.                NATURE.                            PLACE.                   DATE

  818.      Sgt.             Lloyd. CJ           BDE. BOMBING. SCH.       PONT DE PIERRE  3-1-17
  1181.    Sgt.             Lyons.  WM                    do.                                  do.                     do.
                                         (The above NCOs were detailed as instructors.)
        5 men per Company.                   BDE. BOMBING SCH.        PONT DE PIERRE.  3-1-17
                Lt.              CAK Cohen        SIGNALLING SCH.            ZUTYPEENE.           15-1-17
  884.       L/Cpl.        Tribe. BR.                       do.                                    do.                        do.  
1173.     Pte.            Lovejoy  AJ.                  do.                                     do.                       do.
  1454.     Sgt.            Penning. RS.      SANITATION SCH.            ARMENTIÈRES.        8-1-17
  5157A.   Pte.            Stafford W.                    do.                                     do.                       do.
  5037B.   Pte.            Hamilton. GA.     9th A.L.T.M.                                 do.                  5-1-17
  5054A.   Pte.            Hutchinson. G.              do. (School                        do.                       do.
  5010.      Pte.           Pascoe. LJ.                   do.       of                           do.                       do.  
  5099A.   Pte.            Wade. WR.                    do. Instruct-                      do.                       do.
  5084A.   Pte.            Ryan. E.                        do.          ion).                    do.                       do.  
5115A.                     Wright. TF.                     do.                                     do.                       do.
  978?       Pte.            Phifer. OJ.          SNIPING SCHOOL.         MONT DES CATS.      6-1-17.
                         Capt. Rosenthal. CP.    SANITATION SCH.           HAZEBROUCK.         8-1-17.
                         Lieut.AG Farleigh.         LEWIS GUN SCH.           LE TOUQUET.          12-1-17.
?36.         Pte.           Edwards. RC.                do.                                  do.                      do.
  1?80.      Pte.            Walpole. CP.       SNIPING SCHOOL.        MONT DES CATS.    13-1-17.
1417.      L/Cpl         McDonald J.       TRANSPORT SCH.         ABBEVILLE.                7-1-17.
  1060.      L/Cpl.        Byrne. PJ            GAS. SCHOOL.              OXELAIRE.                17-1-17.
  1784A.    Cpl.           Chapman. WP.             do.                               do.                            do.
                                                         DIVISIONAL SCHOOL
  1142.      L/Cpl.        Hadkins. WL.       P.T. and B.F.                   STEENWERCK.         14-1-17.
  547.        L/Cpl.        Spencer. HT.               do.                                     do.                       do.  
                    Lieut. WJC Duncan. )         BOMBING and
  716.        Sgt.            Burke. FJ  )         TRENCH TACTICS.                   do.                       do.
77.          Cpl.            Goss. EG  )                      do.                                do.                       do.
  436.        Cpl.            Harris. CA.          ANTI-GAS.                                do.                       do.
                         Lieut. Smith. LCB     )
  940.        L/Cpl.         Reid. J.          )    MUSKETRY.                              do.                       do.  
  174.        L/Cpl.         Shepherd. C. )
  379.        Pte.            Capel. RS.           SNIPING SCHOOL.                  do.                      do.
  967.        Cpl.            Mathias. LJ.        LEWIS GUN SCHOOL.             do.                      do.  
1954.      L/Cpl.         See. GE.             RAPID WIRING.                         do.                     do.
                          Lieut. WW Stockham.  TRENCH MORTAR.        TREDEGHEM.           15-1-17.
  1245.      Sgt.            Simpson. WH.    P.T. and B.F.                    MOREBECQUE.        14-1-17
  1459.      Pte.            Byran. FT.           SANITATION SCH.          ARMENTIÈRES.        15-1-17.
  907.        Pte.            Wellington. R.              do.                                   do.                        do.
1833.      Cpl.            Richardson. G.   LEWIS GUN SCHOOL.   LE TOUQUET.           20-1-17
                                                              DIVISIONAL SCHOOL
  ?67.        Cpl.            Mathias. LJ.       P.T. and B.F.                     STEENWERCK.        28-1-17
  407.        Cpl.            Grattan. JS.    )  BOMBING and
  1?85.      Cpl.            White. AF.        ) TRENCH TACTICS.                   do.                        do.
  387.        L/Cpl.         Connolly. VP.   ) MUSKETRY.                              do.                        do.
  2034.      Cpl.            Boulton. LR.    )         do.
  30.          L/Cpl.         Clifton. M.         SNIPING SCHOOL.                   do.                       do.
  2148.      L/Cpl.         Whitehill. WO.   LEWIS GUN SCHOOL.              do.                       do.  
  704.        Cpl.             Barrow. SJ.      RAPID WIRING.                         do.                       do.
                          Lieut. CR Cormack.    STOKES MORTAR.          TERDEGHEM.               do.
  178.        Cpl.            Stone. RE.                      do.                               do.                        do.
  389.        Sgt.            Crowley. CS.     P.T. and B.F.                      MOREBECQUE.        28-1-17
  444         Pte.            Hogan. P.          SANITATION SCH.            MONT DES CATS.     23-1-17
  1464.      Pte.            O'Neill.                           do.                                do.                        do.
498.        Pte.            Matthews. J.     SNIPING SCHOOL.          MONT DES CATS      23-1-17
511.        Pte.            Nelson. H.         LEWIS GUN SCH.            LE TOUQUET.            28-1-17
862.        Pte.            Simpson. FJ.    SANITATION SCH.            ARMENTIÈRES.         29-1-17
  1468.      Pte.            Long. HMS.                do.                                     do.                        do.
                         Lieut. TA Armstrong.    CORPS SCHOOL.           MOREBECQUE.        28-1-17
  896.        Sgt.           Campbell. KJ              do.                                     do.                         do.
  4298A.    Pte.           Corby. DE.         SNIPING SCHOOL.          MONT DES CATS.      3-2-17
                                                        DIVISIONAL SCHOOL
  148. L/Cpl. Paton. AJ. P.T. and B.F.  STEENWERCK. 5-2-17
  1297. Cpl. Tufrey.  WJ. ) BOMBING and
  1054. L/Cpl. Ahrens.  J. ). TRENCH TACTICS. do. do.
  958. L/Cpl. Beat. WJ. LEWIS GUN SCHOOL do. do.
  2202. L/Cpl. Sawyer. D. RAPID WIRING. do. do.
  747. Cpl. Crapnell. J. ) STOKES MORTAR. do. do.
  484. L/Cpl. McIlveen. ) do. do. do. 

33rd Btn Australian Imperial Force War Diary

4th January 1917 33rd Battalion AIF again in billets

5th January 1917 33rd Battalion AIF  C Co Move

6th January 1917 33rd Battalion AIF supply more working parties

7th January 1917 33rd Battalion AIF remain in billets

10th January 1917 33rd Battalion AIF test anti-gas equipment  In billets. Supplied working parties to A.E. Battalion put through gas cloud to test helmets and box respirators.

33rd Btn Australian Imperial Force War Diary, STEENWERCK, January 1917

11th January 1917 Working parties

13th January 1917 33rd Battalion AIF assemble board of enquiry

13th January 1917 33rd Battalion AIF assemble board of enquiry

14th January 1917 Billets still for 33rd Battalion AIF 

17th January 1917 33rd Battalion AIF Operation Order No. 2

17th January 1917 33rd Battalion AIF Trench notes

18th January 1917 33rd Battalion AIF relieve 38th Battalion 

19th January 1917 33rd Battalion AIF gum boots bad

22nd January 1917 Move

23rd January 1917 33rd Battalion AIF in support billets

23rd January 1917 33rd Battalion AIF in support billets

23rd January 1917 33rd Battalion AIF Operation Order No. 9 Appendix No. 4  

24th January 1917 33rd Battalion AIF relieve 35th Battalion 

25th January 1917 33rd Battalion AIF relief completed  Relief of 35th Battalion completed as per Bn 0.0 No. 10. Cf Intelligence summary dated 26/1/17 (No. 5)

33rd Btn Australian Imperial Force War Diary, HOUPLINES, January 1917

25th January 1917 33rd Battalion AIF Interligence Summary

27th January 1917 33rd Battalion AIF in trenches

27th Jan 1917 Patrols

28th January 1917 33rd Battalion AIF in trenches   Trench repair and routine.  Cf Intelligence Summary dated 29/1/17. (no. 5)
  10th Infantry Brigade carried out raids on Battalion front.  Troops withdrawn from front line as per Battalion Circular dated 28/1/17.  (No. 9) Casualties from enemy retaliation - 2.

33rd Btn Australian Imperial Force War Diary, LEFT (1) SUB SECTOR

29th January 1917 33rd Battalion AIF in trenches still 

30th January 1917 33rd Battalion AIF specialists relieved

31st January 1917 Reliefs

7th Jun 1917 In Action

30th Mar 1918 In Action  location map

If you can provide any additional information, please add it here.

Want to know more about 33rd Battalion, Australian Imperial Force?

There are:128 items tagged 33rd Battalion, Australian Imperial Force available in our Library

  These include information on officers, regimental histories, letters, diary entries, personal accounts and information about actions during the Great War.

Those known to have served with

33rd Battalion, Australian Imperial Force

during the Great War 1914-1918.

  • Abbott Francis Arthur. Pte. (d.31st Aug 1918)
  • Abbott Norman. Pte. (d.3rd Aug 1918)
  • Abbott William Charles. Pte.
  • Abolan R. J. C.. Pte.
  • Adams George . L/Cpl.
  • Adams George Charles Thomas. Pte.
  • Adamson C. S. D.. 2nd Lt.
  • Adamson Lance Claude .
  • Addison MM. Archibald Walter .
  • Addison MM. Archibald Walter. Cpl.
  • Addison Thomas Edward. L/Cpl.
  • Addleson John Henry. Pte.
  • Aguis Bert. Pte.
  • Ahern John. Pte.
  • Aird Lachlan McDonald. Pte.
  • Albertson Frank William. Pte.
  • Alchin Arthur Ambrose. Pte.
  • Alderton Alfred Miller Connovy. Pte.
  • Aley Albert Sydney. Pte. (d.9th Oct 1917)
  • Allen Henry Walter. Pte.
  • Allison Andrew Mitchell. Pte. (d.26th Jun 1918)
  • Allison Godfrey Hugh Wallis. Pte. (d.9th Jun 1917)
  • Allison Godfry Hugh Wallis. Pte. (d.9th Jun 1917)
  • Allsop Ivan William. Pte. (d.8th Jun 1917)
  • Allsop Norman John. Pte.
  • Amess MC. Albert Bissett. Lt.
  • Amos Owen Alexander Eugene. Pte. (d.30 Sep 1918)
  • Anderson Albert Alexander. Pte.
  • Anderson Andrew. Pte.
  • Appleby Aaron. Pte.
  • Arandale MM. Victor Maurice. Pte.
  • Archer Albert John. C.Q.M.S. (d.4th Apr 1918)
  • Archibald Hixon. Cpl.
  • Archibald Lambert Pearce. Pte.
  • Arkins William Arnold. Pte. (d.12th Apr 1918)
  • Armstrong John. Pte.
  • Armstrong Thomas Acheson. Lt. (d.12th Oct 1917)
  • Armstrong William Alexander. Pte.
  • Arndell Thomas Albert. Pte.
  • Arnesen John Arent. Pte.
  • Austin Edward Phillip. Cpl. (d.13th July 1917)
  • Ayling DCM. Frederick Clarence. Sgt.
  • Baber Ernest Edmund. Pte.
  • Bacon William Henry. (d.7th Jun 1917)
  • Bartley Reginald. Pte. (d.7th Jun 1917)
  • Bath W. J.. Pte. (d.7th Jun 1917)
  • Bond Andy. Pte.
  • Boodle Donald Edward. Pte. (d.7th Jul 1917)
  • Bourne Richard Thomas. Pte. (d.7th Jun 1917)
  • Bowden Robert William. Pte. (d.7th Jun 1917)
  • Bucknall James William. Pte.
  • Bucknell Wilfred John. Pte. (d.7th Jun 1917)
  • Bucknell Wilfred John. (d.7th June 1917)
  • Butler W.. Pte. (d.7th Jun 1917)
  • Byrne MM. Arthur. Pte.
  • Cameron James Hubert. Pte.
  • Cant Percy Clarence. Pte. (d.7th Jun 1917)
  • Cartwright VC. George. Capt.
  • Cawkwell George Albert. Lance Sgt. (d.7th Jun 1917)
  • Chaffey Clifford William. Pte. (d.7th Jun 1917)
  • Chapman John Ernest. Pte. (d.7th Jun 1917)
  • Church Leslie Ernest. Pte. (d.7th Jun 1917)
  • Coles Ernest John. Pte. (d.7th Jun 1917)
  • Cooper Francis William. Pte. (d.11th July 1917)
  • Davies Frank Vivian. Pte.
  • Day Dennis Bernard. Pte. (d.7th Jun 1917)
  • Denny George. Pte. (d.8th Jun 1917)
  • Easton Thomas James. Pte. (d.9th Jun 1917)
  • Flick P.. Sgt. (d.23rd July 1917)
  • Fowler MM. Christopher Edward. L/Cpl.
  • Fowler MM. Christpher Edward. Cpl.
  • Fraunfelder Norman Lawrence. Cpl.
  • Froy Francis Bede. Pte. (d.7th Jun 1917)
  • Galvin William John. Pte.
  • Gardner Alfred George. Pte. (d.7th Jun 1917)
  • Griffiths Aubrey Edward. Pte. (d.1st Sep 1918)
  • Halliday H. C.. Pte. (d.7th Jun 1917)
  • Halls Joseph Edwin. Pte.
  • Hardie John. Pte.
  • Harris Charles Archibald. Pte. (d.7th Jul 1917)
  • Hassall John Henry. Cpl. (d.7th Jun 1917)
  • Hickey James. Pte.
  • Hobbs J. E.. Pte. (d.8th Jun 1917)
  • Holloway Abraham Norman. Pte. (d.7th Jul 1917)
  • Holloway Abraham Norman. Pte. (d.7th June 1917)
  • Holloway Thomas William. Pte. (d.7th Jun 1917)
  • Hoswell William Young. Pte. (d.7th Jun 1917)
  • Howard MM. Claude Henry. Cpl.
  • Hutton D. W.. Pte. (d.8th Jun 1917)
  • Hyde Thomas Evan. Pte. (d.7th Jun 1917)
  • Irwin DCM. William Allan. Pte. (d.1st Sep 1918)
  • Jones Arthur. Pte.
  • Judge Edward Hector. Dvr. (d.27th Nov 1918)
  • Judge Roy Garfield.
  • Kable G. P.. Pte. (d.7th Jun 1917)
  • Kelly Evan John. (d.17th October 1917)
  • Lambert John William. Pte. (d.7th Jun 1917)
  • Lennard James Archibald. Pte. (d.7th Jun 1917)
  • Lennon Joseph Cyril. Cpl. (d.7th Jun 1917)
  • Lovejoy Albert James. Pte. (d.7th Jun 1917)
  • Luff John Stannon. (d.7th Jun 1917)
  • Maguire Joseph Michael. Pte
  • Martin Frederick Singleton. Pte. (d.30th March 1918)
  • Mather Alan James. Pte. (d.8th Jun 1917)
  • McDonald Alexander. Pte. (d.7th Jun 1917)
  • McDougall Joseph. Pte. (d.7th Jul 1917)
  • McMaster William Clifford. Pte. (d.10th Jun 1917)
  • McNamara Harold Allan. Pte. (d.7th Jun 1917)
  • McRae Kenneth. Pte. (d.7th Jun 1917)
  • McRae Roderick Donald. Pte. (d.13th Dec 1916)
  • McWilliam Andrew. Pte. (d.7th Jun 1917)
  • Mitchell James Alexander. Pte. (d.23rd July 1917)
  • Molloy William Patrick. Pte. (d.18th June 1918)
  • Montgomery George William. Pte. (d.7th Jun 1917)
  • Moran James Joseph. Pte. (d.6th May 1918)
  • Mulhall Joseph Cecil. Pte. (d.7th Jun 1917)
  • Nay Robert. Pte. (d.10th Jun 1917)
  • Nilsson Neil. Pte. (d.8th Jun 1917)
  • Noble Samuel Fletcher. Pte. (d.8th Jun 1917)
  • O'Neill Henry Thomas. Pte. (d.7th Jun 1917)
  • Parker George Harold. Pte.
  • Partridge Harold Henry. L/Cpl.
  • Perks John. Pte
  • Purcell Martin Joseph. Pte.
  • Robertson Samuel Taylor. Pte. (d.7th Jun 1917)
  • Roper Frederick Arthur. Pte. (d.7th June 1917)
  • Sampson I. W.. Pte. (d.7th June 1916)
  • Schaefer Thomas John. Pte. (d.7th Jun 1917)
  • Shalders MM. Victor Reginald. Pte.
  • Shephard Clifton. Cpl. (d.9th Jun 1917)
  • Shreeve James William. Capt.
  • Simmons Patrick. Pte. (d.7th Jun 1917)
  • Simshauser Wilfred James. Pte. (d.30th Mar 1918)
  • Sinclair Cyril. Sgt.
  • Smith James Aloysuis. Pte. (d.8th Jun 1917)
  • Smith Robert Henry. Pte. (d.12th Oct 1917)
  • Stamm O. I.. Pte. (d.7th Jun 1917)
  • Taylor G. T.. Pte. (d.7th Jun 1917)
  • Thorpe Walton Albert. Pte.
  • Tramby W. T.. Pte. (d.7th Jun 1917)
  • Tutt Harold Sylvester Cecil. Cpl.
  • Webber Alfred. Pte. (d.7th Jun 1917)
  • White Frederick Keith. Pte. (d.17th May 1918)
  • Whitehill W. P.. Cpl. (d.7th Jun 1917)
  • Wilkinson Thomas Moses. Pte. (d.9th June 1917)
  • Wilson Edwin Charles. Pte. (d.7th Jun 1917)
  • Worgan John Robert. Pte. (d.7th Jun 1917)
  • Wright Johnathon Raymond. Pte.
  • Young Robert Norman. Lance Sgt. (d.7th Jun 1917)

All names on this list have been submitted by relatives, friends, neighbours and others who wish to remember them, if you have any names to add or any recollections or photos of those listed, please Add a Name to this List

Records of 33rd Battalion, Australian Imperial Force from other sources.

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  Pte. Thomas Moses Wilkinson 33rd Btn. (d.9th June 1917)

Tom Wilkinson died from wounds on the 9th of June 1917, aged 33, he is buried in the Bailleul Communal Cemetery Extension in France.

Tom was the youngest son of William and Hannah Wilkinson. He joined C Coy 33rd Infantry Battalion A. I. F. on 22nd February 1916 and his service number was 957. Tom was 5 feet 6 1/4 inches tall and weighed 10 stone 9lbs. His age was 31 yrs 7 months, had grey eyes and light red hair, his occupation was a share farmer and he lived at Attunga in northern N.S.W.

Tom embarked from Sydney per H.M.A.T. A74 Marathon on 4th May 1916, and disembarked at Devonport on 9th July 1916. On 21st November 1916 he proceeded to France with his Battalion from Southampton. Tom suffered a gunshot wound to the stomach during fierce fighting in the field on 7th June 1917 and was admitted the same day to the 53rd casualty clearing station. Tom died on the 9th June 1917, the day after his 33rd birthday, and is buried at the Bailleul Communal Extension Cemetery, France.


s flynn

  Pte. William Allan Irwin DCM. C Company 33rd Btn. (d.1st Sep 1918)

William Allan Irwin DCM was an Aboriginal soldier in the 33rd Battalion, C Company from Moree NSW. He is the only Aboriginal serviceman to receive mention in CEW Bean's History of the Great War.

William was born as William Irwin Allen at Coonabarabran NSW in 1878. He gave his occupation as shearer and stated that he was single and living at Moree, when he enlisted at Narrabri, NSW on 3.1.1916.

He embarked on the "Marathon" for England on 4.5.1916 and was wounded at Messines on 16.6.1917. He was also wounded at Villers-Bretonneux on 6.4.1918 and again during the assault at Road Wood, Mont St Quentin & Hindenburg line on 31.8.1918 as a result of which he died of wounds on 1.9.1918. William is buried at Daours Communal Cemetery Extension, Somme, France. His grave Reference is VIII. B. 32. and I would love a photo of his grave, if anyone where to visit the cemetery.

William was posthumously awarded the Distinguished Conduct Medal (DCM) on 27.10.1918.

He had already been wounded on two previous occasions before an engagement at Road Wood on 31st August 1918 in which he was mortally wounded and died on the following day. He was posthumously awarded the Distinguished Conduct Medal - his citation reads as follows:

No. 792, Private William Allan Irwin - "For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty during the operations at Road Wood on August 31st 1918. Single-handed, and in the face of extremely heavy fire, Private Irwin rushed Three separate Machine-gun posts and captured the three guns and crews. It was while on the point of rushing a Fourth Machine-gun that he was severely wounded. On his irresistible dash and magnificent gallantry, this man materially assisted our advance through this strongly held and defended Wood, and by his daring actions he greatly inspired the whole of his Company."

Two of his 4 medals were presented by the Australian War Dept to his brother (my late wife's Great Grandfather), in the late 1920's - early 1930's the medals were borrowed by an official of the Walhallow Aboriginal Reserve and never returned.

Adrian Altona

  Pte. Alan James Mather 33rd Btn. (d.8th Jun 1917)

Pte. A.J.Mather (Courtesy of Kim Blomfield)

In August 2008, archaeologists from the group No Man's Land - The European Group for Great War Archaeology, recovered the body of an unknown Australian soldier missing since the Battle of Messines in 1917. Extensive detective work and close cooperation between the Group, professional partners and the Australian Army over the past 20 months has now revealed the soldier's identity as 1983 Private Alan James Mather.

The Australian soldier's remains were discovered during work on The Plugstreet Project, an archaeological investigation of part of the Belgian battlefields of the First World War. Archaeological excavation was able to recover the skeleton, as well as associated objects, including rifle, ammunition, Corps badges and the contents of his pockets and haversack. Although a corroded identification disc was also recovered, forensic investigation failed to provide identification details.

Project co-Director Martin Brown said:

"Using archaeological techniques to lift and study the remains we were able to build up quite a picture of the man, and this led us a long way to his identity. The badges gave us his nationality. His location in the field gave us his unit, 33rd Battalion, and that tells us when he was killed because they didn't spend long there. The fact he was wearing all his ammunition and grenades showed that he was in the main attacking force and gave us his Company.

Excavation was only the first part of the story. Experts from Bradford University cleaned and conserved the objects which helped us to tell something about the soldier himself. He wasn't wearing his helmet when he died, probably preferring his Australian Slouch Hat as a symbol of unit identity. Equally intriguing were the remains of a German Pickelhaube (spiked helmet) in his knapsack. This appears to have been a trophy of war captured on a trench raid. He should have left it with his heavy kit in the rear but preferred to carry it into action: he probably didn't trust some of his "mates" in the rear echelon! If he'd survived the war it might now be a treasured family heirloom."

Project co-Director Richard Osgood said:

"The scientific input from our academic and scientific partners was astounding. Work by Universities of Leuven, Cranfield and Oxford studying the chemical composition of his bones enabled us to narrow down the place of birth of the skeleton to a few locations in New South Wales. Comparing that data to the casualty lists further reduced the number of possible identities for this man to five possibles.

Forensic analysis of the bones had given us height, age and likely body type from muscle attachments. Even before we knew it was Mather we knew he had lived a fairly physical life, developing heavy muscle attachments on his bones and showing wear on his spine.

With such a low number of candidates the Australian Army commissioned DNA testing of the surviving relatives of all the casualties fitting the profile, which resulted in a positive match with one of the Next of Kin donors. This match provided the final proof in identifying Private Mather.

This result shows how integration of the fieldwork, use of historical documents and cutting edge science can produce very satisfying outcomes."

1983 Private Alan James Mather joined the Army in 1916. He was a grazier from Inverell in New South Wales, where his father had been mayor. He was survived by his parents, older twin sisters, Flora and Marion, a younger sister, Elsie, a half brother Doug and a half sister, Jessie. Following his death his Company Commander wrote that "he was one of my best and most trusted men". He was 37 years old at the time of his death, which was caused by shell-fire on the 8th June 1917 at St Yvon, Belgium.

He had no known place of burial and so was commemorated on the Menin Gate in Ypres, where the names of missing are listed.

Thanks to archaeology and science Private Mather will now be formally buried by the Australian Army on July 22nd at Prowse Point Commonwealth War Graves Cemetery. His name will be removed from the panel at the Menin Gate in due course."

Australian Minister for Veterans Affairs, Alan Griffin said:

"I am extremely pleased that we have been able to restore the identity of this Australian soldier who was missing for almost a century."

Please visit for further information.

ABC Radio interviews with Pte Mather's family

  Pte. Victor Reginald Shalders MM. 33rd Btn.

Victor Shalders was a farm labourer from Dangarsleigh near Armidale NSW, he was born in Northam, nr Perth, Western Australia. He enlisted on the 13th December 1915 aged 19. he is described as being 5' 6&1/2" weighting 8st 10lb with fair hair and blue eyes.

During training he had several spells in Bulford Hospital and was also admitted to hospital in France after joining his unit.

He saw action in the Battle of Messines and was awarded the Military Medal. His citation reads: "For conspicuos bravery and devotion to duty during the Battle of Messines from June 7th to June 11th 1917. private Victor Reginald Shalders was a runner attached to Company Headquarters and by his thoughtfulness and initiative he was the greatest assistance in the collection and prompt dispatch of information throughout the action. Largely through his efforts contact was maintained with Australian HQ and the flank companies. He continually conveyed messages across the captured area under heavy shell fire. This he did always with great cheerfulness. During the latter stages of the attack he suffered severely with blistered feet, but this did not deter him from carrying on his work with the same efficiency. During the 96 hours of the occupation, he greatly assisted with the evacuation by promptly warning stretcher bearers in the area".

Pte. Shalders had further spells in hospital in France and in Feb 1918 was admitted to Boscombe Military Hospital in Hampshire, England having been treated at 53rd CCS and 54th General Hospital, suffering from Trench Fever. He rejoined the 33rd Battalion in France in August, returning to Australia in June 1919 aboard the Somali.

His two brothers, also served with the AIF, William with the 32nd Btn and Clarence with the 10th Light Horse.

Trevor Fenton

  Pte. Andy Bond 33rd Btn.

Andy Bond was born in Braidwood in 1883, he was an Aboriginal labourer and also went by the name of Andy AhHie. He enlisted on the 13th of November 1916, his service records state that he was 5'7&1/2" and weighed 150lbs. He gave his mother's name as Ellen Haddiegaddie, of Wallaga Lake, Tilba Tilba.

He embarked for England on the 25th of Nov 1916 aboard the Beltana on the 18th of Feb 1917 was admitted to the military hospital at Fovant for a week suffering from Bronchitis.

Whilst at Hurcott with the 14th Training Battalion on the 31st March we went Absent without Leave for 2 days and was awarded 10days Field Punishment No.2 and forfeited 13 days pay amounting to £3 5s 0d.

Andy proceeded to France on the 18th Dec 1917 and joined the 33rd Battalion in the field on the 27th. On the 20th April 1918 he was wounded in action by a gas shell, he was treated by 55th Field Ambulance and evacuated to 47th Casualty Clearing Station and taken to the 1st Australian General Hospital at Rouen. He was transferred to England aboard the Western Australia and admitted to the Norfolk War Hospital. On the 11th May 1918 he was discharged to No 2 Command Depot at Weymouth and returned to Australia in August aboard the Essex and was discharged in October.

Andy died in 1943 leaving a daughter Evelyn.

Trevor Fenton

  L/Cpl. Christopher Edward Fowler MM. C Coy. 33rd Btn.

My Uncle Christy Fowler enlisted on the 10th of November 1915, aged 18. He was a labourer from Barry, NSW. He joined the 13th Reinforcements, 17th Battalion at Lithogow Depot Camp and in June 1916 he proceeded to England, arriving in Plymouth on the 3rd of August. On the 6th July 1916 he is recorded as disobeying orders and being absent without leave at Capetown from the troopship HMAT A.55 Kyarra and was given 3 days Field Punishment No.2.

Christopher then joined the 33rd Battalion on the 21st November 1916 in France. In December he was admitted to the 7th General Hospital (The Malassises Hospital) in St Omer suffering from mumps, he rejoined the 33rd battalion on new years day 1917. On the 12th March 1917 he is again punished for failing to obey a lawful command given by his superior officer.

He was promoted to Lance Corporal on the 2nd of June 1917 and saw action in the Battle of Messines, where he was awarded the Military Medal, his citation reads:

"For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty during the Battle of Messines Ridge from June 7th to June 11th. L/C Christopher Edward Fowler acted a a mopper up and showed great dash and determination. He himself killed six of the enemy. On the afternoon of June 9th he led the first patrol to Thatched Cottage and captured the post. Throughout the whole action this soldier displayed great initiative and forethought, and at all times was courageous and cool. He set a splendid example to his men."

He was wounded in action on the 16th July 1917 receiving a gun shot wound to his left eye. On the 24th July he was transported back to England onboard the Hospital Ship Grantully Castle and on the 25th was admitted to the 3rd London General Hospital at Wandsworth. Whilst there he was reprimanded by Lt. Col. Heywood for refusing to obey and order and went Absent without Leave for 6 hours on the 14th Sept 1917 for which he forfeited one day's pay.

1917 calendar sent home from hospital

Christy was repatriated to Australia leaving England on board the Kenilworth Castle on the 12th of March 1918. He was discharged from the Army on the 3rd of July 1918.

Trevor Fenton

  Cpl. Norman Lawrence Fraunfelder D Coy. 33rd Battalion

Norman Fraunfelder was wounded in action and admitted to Southwark Military Hospital on 7th of September 1918, suffering from gunshot wound to the chest - penetrating severe. He underwent surgery. On 4th of December 1918 he was transferred to 3rd Auxiliary Hospital Hartford and on 18th of January 1919 repatriated to Australia aboard HT Ulysses. He suffered influenza during the trip home and spent many more months in convalescent hospital Randwick, Sydney Australia. Norman remained living in Sydney, married and had one child. He died in October 1971.

Marlene Collins

  Pte. James Joseph Moran 33 Btn. Australian Infantry (d.6th May 1918)

James Moran enlisted in 1917 aged 39, a lithographer from East Sydney with six children. He relates how the hill at the Australian Army Camp, Codford in Salisbury Plains displayed an Australian Rising Sun, detailed with white stones. It is still visible today. Apparently, it was called Misery Hill, as troops ran up it each morning for physical exercise. Private Moran served in 36th Battalion at the action in Hangard Wood and the capture of Villers-Bretonneux (First Battle), then was transferred to 33rd Battalion to make up numbers there on 30th April 1918. 33rd Battalion crossed the Somme and attacked German positions at Morlancourt where he was killed in action on 6 May 1918, aged forty.

Douglas Archer

  Pte. Walton Albert "Jack" Thorpe 33rd Battalion

Jack Thorpe served with 33rd Battalion, AIF. He died in 1965

Jeffrey Thorpe

  Pte. Frank Vivian Davies 36th Btn.

Frank Davies was a taylor and cutter in Coolamon NSW near Wagga Wagga. Frank was the eldest child in his family and joined the Army aged 26yrs old. Frank was also the President of the Coolamon Gun Club. Frank was mildly wounded but remained on duty at the battle of Villers Bretonneux in which he had been reassigned to the 33rd Battalion.

Frank survived the war and joined the Army again during World War 2 as a taylor. His youngest brother followed in his footsteps and fought in WW2 in Malaya

Gaye Carroll

  Pte. Johnathon Raymond Wright 36th Btn.

Jonathon Wright, served with 36th Battalion, 2nd Reinforcements, 9th Brigade, 3rd Division, AIF. He was was born in Gazeley, Suffolk, UK in 1867. He was from Lagoon Flat, Bonshaw NSW, and was a tobacco farmer and a boxer. He was the father of eight children. His wife was Mrs Elizabeth Margaret Mary Wright (nee Daley: Toppers MT). Johnathon joined the AIF on 29th February 1916 at Inverrel, NSW, taking part in the Kurrajong march: second contingent.

Jonathon's unit embarked at Sydney, New South Wales, on board HMAT A72 Beltana on 13th May 1916. His job in the army on the Western Front was as a batman. He transferred to the 33rd Battalion in April 1918, and returned to Australia in November 1918. Johnathon died in Goondiwindi in 1957 aged 90, and is buried in Texas Old Cemetery.

Johnathon also served in the British Army as a boy soldier during the Sudan War during the 1880s. He went to Gibraltar and served in Cairo in Egypt and is believed to have served in the Boer War with the British Army (1900/1901).

In one of the 36th Battalion's earliest engagements Col Simpkins was killed in action by a bomb shell that hit the command post in January 1917. It is not known how close by Jonathon was, considering he was a batman to the officers. Johnathon was discharged from duty because of deep vein thrombosis on 24th August 1918, aged 52,

The following is a story from the Inverell Times. `A warrior's return from the Western front, November 20th 1918. Bonshaw, NSW rejoices again.

The little town of Bonshaw was the place of great enthusiasm on Friday when relatives and friends of Private Jonathan Wright met together to welcome the hero home, after two and a half years on active service. Town hall had been tastefully arranged for this great occasion, the union Jack was unfurled over live Honor Roll, setting it off. Was the guest of honor, his wife and family, when they were seated, the chairman, Mr.V. Gobbert, asked all to rise and sing 'Home Sweet Home'. The chairman impressed, in a feeling speech, how pleased he was to see the soldier back home again and looking so well, and with his wife Elizabeth and his family all around him and much more so on account of the glorious victory that the Allied Armies had won over the Hun. Private Wright was one who had helped to bring that great victory to fruition. Mr Norman Chisholm spoke in feeling words for the boys who had fallen. He also referred to the great pleasure it gave him to see the hero home. He gave his best wishes for the soldier's health and good luck in the future. It was a credit to the man for going away to fight for his country when he was leaving his wife and family of six children behind, while there were other young men with no families who would live on the land and go and return. Cheers.

Mr Marsden of Lagoon Flat Public School, said he had not known Private Wright but had known Mrs Wright and their children, and all he could say was that as far as he could make out all his children were 'a chip off the old block'.'

Bernie Delaney

  Pte. Abraham Norman Holloway 33rd Btn. (d.7th June 1917)

I was given a photo of Abraham Holloway by a relative in about 1968 when I was a small child. I always valued it as he was my father's uncle. My father bore his name so he always had a special place in our family. He is commemorated on the Menin Gate Memorial in Ypres.

Deidre Tarrant

  Pte. James Hickey 33rd Btn.

James Hickey was born on 28th June 1888 in Green Swamp, Bungulla, Tenterfield, New South Wales, the son of John and Martha Pearce. James was a bachelor and a working grazier when he enlisted 15th May 1916. He shipped out of Sydney on the Borda on 17th of October 1916 and disembarked at Plymouth. He marched into 9th Infantry Brigade on 12th of January 1917. He was taken on strength at Folkestone, proceeded to France to and suffered a gun shot wound to his left arm. James was sent to Horton Hospital, Epsom. He rejoined his unit and on 30th March 1918 he suffered a second gun shot wound to his left calf and was sent to Troville. On 7th September 1918 he contracted influenza and was transferred to quite a few hospitals until he was finally shipped home on 28th March 1919.

James married Alma Maude Chorley in 1922 and raised ten children in the Tenterfield area. He was very well liked by the community and there are many fond stories of his bullock teams. James passed away on 10th January 1974 aged 85. He is my great grandfather and I could not be prouder of this fine man who I remember as a true soft gentleman.

My great uncle Frederick Arthur Roper also enlisted into the 33rd Battalion 9th Brigade D Company and his cousin Martin Joseph Purcell into the 33rd Battalion 2nd div.

Karen Payne

  Pte. Martin Joseph Purcell 33rd Btn.

Martin Joseph Purcell was born on 9th June 1881, the son of Martin and Catherine Purcell of Orundumby, Walcha, New South Wales. He was working as a labourer in Kootingal when he enlisted on 13th March 1916. He left Sydney on the Anchises and after a few months of training in England was injured on 26th October 1916. Martin then transferred to France on 21st of November 1916 landing at Rouelles.

On 23rd July 1916 he was shot in the head and rejoined his unit until he was granted leave. While in England he became ill with rheumatism and after rest was sent back to battle. On 19th August 1918 he suffered severe gas burns to both buttocks and his left side and was left with a bad cough. After spending time in Sutton Veny and Hurdcott he was finally shipped home on 20th December 1918, discharged as medically unfit (could not see well in the dark). Martin Joseph Purcell died in Walcha on 27th January 1959. He was not married and had no children.

He was one of eight children - seven boys and one girl. All of his brothers enlisted. Three saw war - one made the supreme sacrifice, one returned and three suffered health irregularities. His cousin Frederick Arthur Roper also enlisted into 33rd Battalion 9th Brigade D Company as well as my great grandfather James Hickey 4/33rd from Tenterfield.

Karen Payne

  Pte. Frederick Arthur Roper D Coy, 5 Pltn. 33rd Btn. (d.7th June 1917)

Frederick Arthur Roper was born on 27th October 1896, the son of William and Eliza Roper of Derby Street, Walcha, New South Wales. He was working as a labourer when he enlisted on 24th January 1916. Fred was shipped out of Sydney on the "Marathon" and after a few months of training in England was transferred to France on the "Princess Victoria". He lost his life on 7th of June 1917, the first day of the Battle of Messines. He was aged 20 and is remembered with honour at Strand Military Cemetery.

His cousin Martin Joseph Purcell also enlisted into 33rd Battalion 2nd Reinf as well as my great grandfather James Hickey 4/33rd from Tenterfield. I will enter them on this site also.

Karen Payne

   Wilfred John Bucknell 33rd Battalion (d.7th June 1917)

Wilfred Bucknell was the third of eight children born to his parents Henry and Rose Bucknell of Chelmsford, Essex, England. He attended Maldon Grammar School in Essex. The Bucknell family emigrated to Australia at the end of 1910 and were living on a farm at Nullamanna, near Inverell when Wilfred enlisted in January 1916.

He was twenty two years old when he joined other recruits forming the First Contingent of The Kurrajongs who left Inverell by train on 12 January 1916. At Armidale NSW he became a member of the 33rd Battalion which sailed from Australia in May 1916. Further training was undertaken at Salisbury Plain, England before the Battalion moved to France in November. Wilfred was wounded in the shoulder in May 1917 however after receiving treatment he eventually returned to his unit. Just two weeks later he was one of several Kurrajong men killed in action on the 7th of June 1917 during the Battle for Messines Ridge. His few remaining personal effects were eventually returned to his parents.

Private Wilfred Bucknell has no known grave. His name is inscribed on the Menin Gate Memorial, Ypres, Belgium.

Ann Hodgens

  Pte. Frederick Singleton Martin A Coy. 2 Platoon 33rd Btn. (d.30th March 1918)

Fred Martin was my great uncle. He enlisted on 13 Sep 1915 originally posted to 18th Btn and saw action on the Western Front after being transferred to 33rd Btn.

He fought in all battles with 33rd Btn from late 1916 including the Battle of Messines on to his final action on 30th March 1918 near Hangard Wood, Villers Bretonneux while manning a Lewis machine gun. He was shot in the head and killed instantly. He was buried in Hangard Wood however his grave was lost in battle and he is listed on the Villers Bretonneux Memorial as no-known grave.

Randal McFarlane

  Cpl. Archibald Walter Addison MM. 33rd Infantry Btn.

Archibald Walter Addison was born at Inverell, New South Wales in 1898. A mercer before the outbreak of war, Addison enlisted in the Australian Imperial Force on 9th September 1915. He was assigned to the 30th Infantry Battalion which initially trained at the Liverpool Depot before moving to R.A.S. Grounds in Moore Park on 21st September 1915. He was later reassigned as a regimental police officer to the 33rd Infantry Battalion. After completing basic training, he left Sydney on 9th November 1915 aboard HMAT Beltana. He spent time in Egypt before being deployed to Gallipoli and then the Western Front He was caught in gas attacks on several occasions and was wounded in action on 19th April and again on 24th September 1918.

He received the Military Medal for his involvement in defensive action on 22nd August 1918. His recommendation for the Military Medal contains a hand written note from General Morshead, which attests to Addison's bravery in maintaining communication between Headquarters and the frontline. He was promoted to the rank of Corporal on 1st July 1919. He returned home aboard HT Plassy on 5th September 1919. Archibald Addison was formally discharged in Sydney on 30th November 1919.

s flynn

  Pte. Robert Henry Smith D Company 33rd Battalion (d.12th Oct 1917)

Private Robert Henry Smith, 1257, was a young miner from Tingha, NSW, the son of Samuel and Elizabeth Smith of Ruby St. Tingha. He joined D Company 33rd Battalion, 3rd Division, 9th Brigade, 1st AIF, at Armidale on 28 January 1916. He sailed to the Western Front on HMAT Marathon on 4th May 1916. Trained in England for a period and arrived at the Western Front on 27 November 1916.

Robert participated in the successful battle of Messines, launched on 7 June 1917. A number of 33Bdn soldiers lie in the nearby Mud Corner cemetery, close to Ploegsteert Wood. Robert continued on to the 3rd Battle of Ypres (1st battle of Passchendaele). From Zonnebeke Robert advanced with 33Bdn and assisted in dislodging the German army from the high ground of Tyne Cot on 4 Oct 1917. Robert continued on with the push towards Passchendaele which commenced on 12 Oct 1917 in appalling conditions, and sadly ended in defeat, with many young Australians left lying dead in the mud.

Robert was a scout with the Battalion, but as all Scouts had been ordered back to their respective Companies prior to this last push, Robert had been detailed as a carrier with a group of other men. They had been relieved to withdraw a short distance for a break, and according to eye witness reports, a German high explosive shell landed nearby, killing him instantly, and wounding two of his comrades, who were sent to England to recover.

On 12th October 1917, at the age of 21 years and 5 months Robert died in the area of Augustus Wood (near the current Tyne Cot Cemetery). Like many thousands of other Australian soldiers who died in this theatre of war, Robert has no known grave site. However, his name appears on the Roll of Honour at the Menin Gate in Belgium. In memory of their son, Robert's name also appears on his mother's headstone in the Inverell cemetery.

R.J. Smith

  Cpl. Christpher Edward Fowler MM. 33rd Btn.

I met Uncle Christie Fowler on one occasion when I was about 12 years of age. I remember he wasn't very tall, maybe 5'6" and very reserved in his outlook. My grandmother Charlotte Fowler did show me the original document in regards to Christy's award of the Military Medal. Over the years I have managed to receive some photos and photo copies of him. During my short time with him, I remember informing him when I would be old enough I would join the defence forces. His reply which I remember distinctly was, 'Don't volunteer for anything!'.

Trevor Fenton

Recomended Reading.

Available at discounted prices.

Digging Up Plugstreet

Richard Osgood and Martin Brown

The compelling story of the Australian soldiers of the 3rd Infantry Division who journeyed to England in 1914, and who fought and died on the Western Front during the First World War. Using archaeology as the vehicle for their story, Martin Brown and Richard Osgood follow in the footsteps of the 'Aussies', from their training on windswept Salisbury Plain to the cheerless trenches of Belgium, where they 'dug-in' north-east of Ploegsteert to face the Germans. It presents a unique window into the world of the men who marched away to fight the so-called 'war to end wars
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Pillars of Fire: The Battle of Messines Ridge, June 1917

Ian Passingham

Gentlemen, we may not make history tomorrow, but we shall certainly change the geography.' So said General Plumer the day before 600 tons of explosives were detonated under the German positions on Messines Ridge. The explosion was heard by Lloyd George in Downing Street, and as far away as Dublin. Until 1918, Messines was the only clear cut Allied victory on the Western Front, coming at a time when Britain and her allies needed it most: boosting Allied morale and shattering that of the Germans. Precisely orchestrated, Messines was the first true all-arms modern battle which brought together artillery, engineers, infantry, tanks, aircraft and administrative units from a commonwealth of nations to defeat the common enemy. So why is its name not as familiar as the Somme, Passchendaele or Verdun? General Sir Herbert Plumer, perhaps the most meticulous, resourceful and respected British general of WW1, is also unfamiliar to many. This book examines the battle for the Messines-Wytschaete Rid


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