14th Battalion, Durham Light Infantry
The 14th (Service) Battalion, Durham Light Infantry was raised at Newcastle upon Tyne in September 1914 as part of Kitchener's Third Army.
The new Battalion joined 64th Brigade, 21st Division and moved to Aylesbury for training, then to Halton Park in October. They spent the winter in billets in High Wycombe from November 1914, training in the local area and returned to Halton Park in April 1915, where they were billetted in huts. They moved to Witley in July for final preparation and proceeded to France on the 11th of September 1915, landing at Boulogne.
After a long march the division was brought up as reserve for the British assault at Loos and they saw their first action on the 26th of September, the second day of the battle. The division suffered over 3,800 casualties, many cut down by machinegun fire as they advanced on the Germans who had brought in large numbers of troops overnight for a counterattack.
On the 28th of November 1915 the 14th DLI transferred to 18th Brigade in 6th Division. In 1916 they were again in action at Battle of Flers-Courcelette on The Somme, in 1917 they were in action at Hill 70 and Cambrai. The Battalion was disbanded in February 1918.
11th Sep 1915 14th DLI proceed to France Leaving Folkestone, the 14th Battalion Durham Light Infantry landed in Boulogne on the 11th September, 1915.
11th Sep 1915 Last day of Derby Scheme Recruitment
12th Sep 1915 14th DLI to St Omer The men of the 14th DLI entrained at Bologne on the 12th September for the St Omer district, near Neilles-lez-Ardres, where most of the new divisions were prepared for services in the line.
19th Sep 1915 Exercise
25th Sep 1915 14th DLI enter the trenches The 14th battalion DLI's first experience of total war took place on the 25th September 1915 when the 14th were moved up into reserve trenches on the Loos battlefield, near Noeux-les-Mines.
25th Sep 1915 Bivouac
26th Sep 1915 14th Durhams in action On 26th September 1915 at 4:30 am the 14th Durhams arrived at Loos (Hill 70) the 14th went into action. Here is the entry from the War Dairy: "64 brigade had instructions to go into action, objective Aivnay via Hill 70 in support of 62nd and 63rd Brigades. About 9am the battalion deployed and attacked Hill 70 but the whole brigade was driven back on reaching the crest of the hill. They reformed and again attacked the hill but were again driven back and occupied the original first line English trenches and went into bivouac.Casualties:- 2 Officers killed. 14 Wounded. 8 Men killed 263 wounded."
26th Sep 1915 Attack Made
29th Sep 1915 14th Durhams entrain 14th Btn. Durham Light Infantry entrain for Berguette.
2nd Oct 1915 14th Durhams at Fletre 14th Btn. Durham Light Infantry arrive at billets in Fletre.
10th Oct 1915 14th DLI arrive at Armentieres 14th Btn. Durham Light Infantry arrive at Armentieres.
16th Oct 1915 The Derby Scheme
19th Oct 1915 14th Durhams in Ploegsteert Line 14th Btn. Durham Light Infantry are on the Ploegsteert Line.
10th Nov 1915 On the March
12th Nov 1915 Reliefs Completed
30th Nov 1915 14th DLI defend Potijze By the end of the November 1915 the 14th DLI were firmly embedded in the 6th Division, and found themselves defending Potijze. During this time the battalion endured a gas attack near Wieltje. Casualties amongst the ranks amounted to 149 with a number of officers also being gassed and wounded.
30th Nov 1915 14th DLI join 6th Division Towards the end of November 1915 the 14th Btn. Durham Light Infantry transferred to 18th brigade of the 6th Division. The brigade consisted of, 1st Btn, the West Yorkshires. 1st Btn, the East Yorkshires. 11th (Service) Btn, the Essex. 2nd Btn, the Sherwood Foresters. 2nd Btn, the Durham Light Infantry. 14th (Service) Btn, the Durham Light Infantry 1/16th (County of London) Btn, the London Regiment. 18th Brigade Machine Gun Company. 18th Trench Mortar Battery.
By the end of the November 1915 the 14th. were firmly embedded in the 6th Division, and found themselves defending Potijze.
1st Dec 1915 Derby Scheme Armlets
19th Dec 1915 14th DLI endure gas attack 14th Battalion Durham Light Infantry endure a gas attack near Wieltje. Casualties amongst the ranks amounted to 149 with 22 killed and a number of officers also being gassed and wounded.
10th Jan 1916 Group System Reopens
9th February 1916 Call Ups
10th of December 1917 On Relief 
If you can provide any additional information, please add it here.
| Want to know more about 14th Battalion, Durham Light Infantry? There are:25 items tagged 14th Battalion, Durham Light Infantry available in our Library  These include information on officers, regimental histories, letters, diary entries, personal accounts and information about actions during the Great War.
Those known to have served with14th Battalion, Durham Light Infantry during the Great War 1914-1918.
- Adcock Octavius. L/Cpl. (d.19th Dec 1915)
- Aldous George Albert. Pte.
- Alsbury Charles Edward. Sgt.
- Bailey Herbert. L/Cpl. (d.19th Dec 1915)
- Bradley Isaac. L/Cpl. (d.18th Sep 1916)
- Brady Ernest. Pte. (d.19th Dec 1915)
- Brewis Frederick Robert. Pte. (d.16th Dec 1915)
- Bryant R. E.. Capt.
- Burgess Albert Victor. L/Cpl (d.18th December 1915)
- Clarke John Henry. Pte. (d.22nd April 1917)
- Clarke M.. Pte. (d.19th Dec 1915)
- Colpitts Thomas. Pte. (d.19th Dec 1915)
- Coulter James. Pte. (d.18th September 1916)
- Cruickshanks Thomas. Pte. (d.12th June 1917 )
- Dickinson Joseph Johnson. Pte.
- Ditchburn Frederick. Pte. (d.19th Dec 1915)
- Douglas William. Pte. (d.4th of October 1915)
- Ellis James Henry. Pte. (d.19th Dec 1915)
- Ellis Joseph. Pte.
- Furniss E. C.. Pte.
- Garside William. Pte. (d.14th Dec 1915)
- Garside William. Pte. (d.14th December 1915)
- Gough George. Private (d.19th Dec 1915)
- Gough George. Pte. (d.19th Dec 1915)
- Gough George. Pte. (d.19th Dec 1915)
- Hamilton A. S.. Lt -Col
- Hamilton Arthur. Pte. (d.27th Mar 1917)
- Handy J.. Pte. (d.19th Dec 1915)
- Hepple Ernest. A/Cpl
- Hodgson C. M.. Capt.
- Hutchinson John. L/Cpl. (d.19th Dec 1915)
- Keeble H.. Pte. (d.19th Dec 1915)
- Laing Thomas Laws. Pte. (d.4th Mar 1917)
- Latham J.. Pte. (d.19th Dec 1915)
- Little Donald Eric. Pte. (d.19th Dec 1915)
- Little O.. Company Qtr Mstr Sjt.
- Makepeace Samuel Mallet. Pte. (d.6th Aug 1917)
- Mason T.. Cpl. (d.19th Dec 1915)
- McNeil John. Pte. (d.19th Dec 1915)
- Merritt James William. Pte.
- Moffitt MC. James Prior. Capt. (d.3rd December 1917)
- Moss-Blundell C. B.. Lt.
- Neilon J. T.. L/Cpl. (d.19th Dec 1915)
- Neilon John Thomas. L/Cpl. (d.19th Dec 1915)
- Nelson W. B.. Pte. (d.11th Aug 1916)
- Nixon Edward Hethinton. Pte. (d.30th August 1917)
- Pendlington Robert Armstrong. Pte. (d.12th Oct 1916)
- Richardson John. Pte. (d.18th Sep 1916)
- Riddell John. Pte. (d.3rd Dec 1917)
- Ridley Robert R. Private (d.21st December 1915)
- Robinson DCM, MM. John C.. CSM.
- Robson T.. Pte. (d.19th Dec 1915)
- Rocks Patrick. Pte. (d.27th Sep 1915)
- Rose Henry. Pte. (d.20th-22nd April 1917)
- Rose Henry. Pte. (d.20th April 1917)
- Scott Robert Minto. Pte. (d.10th June 1917)
- Scrafton Frederick William. Pte (d.27th September 1916)
- Smith Charles Henry.
- Smith Charles Henry. Cpt.
- Sneller James William. Pte. (d.15th October 1916)
- Stainthorpe John Albert. Sgt. (d.26th Dec 1915)
- Stearn DSO. J. H.. Lt.
- Stephenson Robert Clark. Pte. (d.3rd Dec 1917)
- Suggett T. W.. Pte. (d.19th Dec 1915)
- Thompson William Edward. Pte. (d.1st Jul 1916)
- Toole James. Pte. (d.24 December 1915)
- Vitty Fred. Pte. (d.18th Sep 1916)
- Waddle John Crow. Pte. (d.12th Oct 1916)
- Wallis Issac. Pte. (d.30th Nov 1917)
- Wardle George Graham. Pte.
- Watson Benjamin Sedgwick. Pte. (d.19th Dec 1915)
- Watson Fenwick. Pte (d.26th Sep 1915)
- Watson Thomas. Pte. (d.16th Sep 1917)
- Websdell George Anthony. Cpl. (d.18th Aug 1918)
- Welsh William. Pte. (d.18th Oct 1916)
- Wilkinson John W.. Pte. (d.19th Dec 1915)
- Winter Richard. Pte. (d.19th Dec 1915)
- Winterburn Harold. Pte
- Young James. Pte. (d.24th Sept 1916)
- Young W. H.. Pte. (d.19th Dec 1915)
- Young William. Cpl. (d.20 Apr 1916)
All names on this list have been submitted by relatives, friends, neighbours and others who wish to remember them, if you have any names to add or any recollections or photos of those listed,
please Add a Name to this List
Records of 14th Battalion, Durham Light Infantry from other sources.
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Pte. Samuel Mallet Makepeace 4th Batt. Durham Light Infantry (d.6th Aug 1917)  Samuel Mallet Makepeace was 56 tall, weighed 125lbs and had a 35 chest, excellent vision, and the sparkling blue eyes that only appear once or twice in each generation of the Makepeace family. By all accounts, he was quite popular with the ladies but eventually got engaged to Mary Byrne of 45 Northbourne Street, in July 1914. Shortly after this date, he converted to Roman Catholic to the horror of his parents who disowned him and turfed him out of the family home. He moved in with Mary (who was already pregnant with his child) and her family at Northbourne Street.
On 26th September, 1914, he married Mary at St. Josephs Roman Catholic Church in Gateshead and they moved to 69 Arthur Street, just off Prince Consort Road. Their daughter, Elizabeth Teresa, was born on 9 April 1915.
On 3 December 1915, Samuel enlisted at Newcastle and was posted to the Army Reserve as he was in a reserved occupation however on 2 November 1916, he received correspondence releasing him from his work with the railway and ordering him to take his place in the Army. He was posted on 17 November to the 4th Batt. Durham Light Infantry (DLI) as Private 39419 S Makepeace and the following day departed to Seaham Harbour Training Camp.
During his time there he was reprimanded twice - the first time on 8 December 1916 for being in the canteen during parade hours (for which he was fined 3 days loss of pay) and the second on 2 February 1917 for overstaying his embarkation leave by 11 hours - he had to forfeit two days leave for this. I wonder if he might have overstayed for longer had he known that this would be the last time he would see his wife and daughter?
The entire Battalion left Seaham Harbour by train on 8th February bound for Folkestone where they arrived the following day and boarded the SS Victoria which took them to Boulogne where they disembarked the following morning. Four days later, Samuel and his comrades were posted to the 14th Batt. DLI, Officer Commanding 35th Infantry Batt. at Etapes. They did see action there but very little is recorded of the minor skirmishes that took place at that time. On 5 March, orders were received that the men were to be re-posted to the 15th Batt. DLI and they undertook a four-day march joining the Battalion on the battlefield immediately they arrived on 9 March.
Samuel was caught in a gas attack on 13 April 1917, during the Battle of Arras and was moved to the VII Corps Main Dressing Station at Boisieux-au-Mont, two days later. Considering that he was unlikely to recover so near to the battlefront, he was moved to the 43rd Casualty Clearing Station on 29 April. But he did recover and returned to the Officer Commanding 35th Infantry Battalion at Etapes on 26th May, re-joining his regiment on 2nd June and arriving back at the frontline on 10th June.
On 4th August 1917, he was badly wounded - his legs were blown off in a shell attack by the Huns eager to get back the two or three yards of territory that they had lost. Samuel died from his wounds at the 20th Casualty Clearing Station on 6 August 1917 and was buried in the Bucquouy Road Cemetery near the village of Ficheux. In 1920, following the re-organisation of War Graves, the Commonwealth War Graves Commission erected a headstone to Samuels memory marking the spot where his grave now lies. This headstone records the date of his death incorrectly and an appeal has been made for a correction.
Meanwhile back in England¦ Samuels wife, Mary and daughter Elizabeth Teresa, moved from 69 to 71 Arthur Street in 1917 and a little later that year to 19 Margaret Street, Washington. The War Office, upon receiving a telegram of Samuels death, telegraphed the Infantry Battalion HQ at York who duly issued the telegram to Mary. I was initially very surprised to find that this has survived and is in the National Archive but it made sense when I read the next document that advised that the telegram had not been delivered as she had moved away and not provided a forwarding address. It was not until February 1918 that Mary must have realised that Samuel was dead and contacted the War Office. She made a claim for and eventually received his medals (the British War Medal and the Victory Medal) and also made a claim for a widows pension for her and Elizabeth. To get the pension, she had to provide proof of family connection and here she became a bit stuck.
Following Samuels conversion to the RC faith, his family had disowned him and Mary was not made welcome in the family home. As the years had elapsed she had probably forgotten Sams parents and brothers and sisters and those she could recollect and their addresses, she got confused on the official claim form. Nevertheless, she was granted a pension of 18s 9d per week. She later lost this when custody of their child was passed to her mother-in-law. What became of Mary we do not know. Elizabeth Teresa was sent to a Catholic Childrens' home in 1928 where she remained until her death in 1999 - unknown to any family born after WW1.
Pte. George Albert Aldous 14th and 2/7th Btn. Durham Light Infantry My Grandfather was George Albert Aldous, he served as a private No26729 in the Durham Light Infantry from 1915 to 1919. Initially he was in the 14th Battalion and served in France but later in the 2/7th. He went to Russia in operation ELOPE and it was there that a photograph was taken of his unit of 60 men. They are shown in conventional DLI uniform and in the same formation in Arctic wear. The photos are of good quality and almost all faces are recognisable. His British War and Victory Medals wrongly spell his name as Aldons but have his correct service number on. I still have the medals in their original registered packet that they came to him in. He was so disgusted with the miss- spelling of his name he never took them out of their wrapping. I also have his dog tags and 11 other photos of Archangel but none show identifiable personnel.
Pte. Robert Armstrong Pendlington 14th Btn. Durham Light Infantry (d.12th Oct 1916) Robert Pendlington was the son of John and Dorothy Pendlington of Hartlepool.
He was one of Kitchener's new army and fought at the Somme.
He was killed in the Durham Light Infantry advance at Transloy Ridge in October 1916 and has no know grave.
He is commemorated on the Theipval Memorial to the Missing of the Somme.
Sgt. Charles Edward Alsbury 14th Btn. Durham Light Infantry Charles Alsbury joined the 1st Derby Yeomanry and was transferred to the 14th Durham Light Infantry at Bethune. He was taken prisoner and I believe he was a POW in Poland at (I am not sure of the spelling) Gross Born, Borne Sulinowo/Schneidemuhl (Pila). He was repatriated and returned to England, marrying Edith Lilian Holt in 1924. They had a son Allan. Charles died in June 1979 in Derby.
Pte. William Douglas 14th Btn. Durham Light Infantry (d.4th of October 1915) William Douglas was a member of the 14th Battalion, Durham Light Infantry in WW1. He died 4th of October 1915 aged 19 years and is buried Lillers Communal Cemetery in France. Son of James and Jeannie Douglas of 4 Park Street, South Shields.
Pte. George Graham Wardle 14th Btn. Durham Light Infantry George Wardle was wounded in both legs. His left leg was amputated at Princess Louise Hospital in Erskine, Scotland. A blacksmith before the war, he became a colliery clerk. I would like to have a photograph of him.
Pte. James William Merritt 14th Btn. D Coy. Durham Light Infantry My grandfather, Jim Merritt, was captured at Cambrai on the 3rd of December 1917 and he told the family that whilst lining up to have his details taken down, the clerk looked up and said "Hello Jim". It was a German butcher who had a shop in Cable Street in the East End who had gone back to Germany before the war. My grandfather lived many years longer, until 1989.
Pte. Robert Minto Scott 14th Btn. 5 Coy. Durham Light Infantry (d.10th June 1917) Robert Scott was my great uncle. A grocer from a small village near Gateshead, County Durham. He died in Flanders and is buried near Calais. I am not sure of the location of his death, but suspect that it was during the Battle of Messines. Would like to know more. Robert left a wife, Margaret A Scott, who received a pension of 13/9 per week.
Pte. Henry Rose 14th Btn. Durham Light Infanty (d.20th April 1917) Henry Rose was born in Sunderland, the eldest son in a family of 4 brothers and 6 sisters. All 4 brothers served in the army during the Great War, 3 of whom including Henry being killed.
Henry joined the army in late 1916 and was posted to the 14th DLI in January 1917. He took part in the Battle of Arras when the 14th Battalion attacked near Lens on 20 April 1917. When the battalion came out of the line on 22 April 1917, Henry was missing. His body has never been identified and he is commemorated on the Loos Memorial near Lens.
Pte. Henry Rose 14th Battalion Durham Light Infantry (d.20th-22nd April 1917) Henry Rose was reported as missing during the Battle of Arras, his body was never found and he is commemorated on the Loos Memorial.
He was born in January 1887 in Sunderland. 2nd of 4 brothers, all of whom served in the Army during WW1.
His eldest brother John Rose born Sunderland 1891 served as a Private 2/8th Lancashire Fusiliers, died 23rd of November 1917 in a German POW camp. He is buried in Cologne.
The fourth brother George Rose born Sunderland 1894, served in the Durham Light Infantry and was killed on the 26nd of March 1918 during the Kaiserschlacht, he has no known grave and is commemorated on the Pozieres memorial.
The third brother Charles Rose served in France in the Royal Garrison Artillery. The surviving son, he was posted back to UK in April 1918 and survived the war.
Pte. Joseph Johnson Dickinson 14th Btn. Durham Light Infantry Joseph Dickinson served with 14th Battalion DLI. His younger brother Reuben was also in the DLI Artillery in WW2.
Pte. Fred Vitty 14th Btn., D Coy Durham Light Infantry (d.18th Sep 1916) Fred Vitty enlisted in the 14th Service Battalion DLI with his brother George at Bishop Auckland on 9th September 1914. Fred was age 17 and George 23.
They were both miners working with their father, William Vitty, for Harperley Collieries at Fir Tree Drift Mine.
They both survived the 19th December 1915 Gas attack, George bringing home a poem written about the attack called "Division 49", George lost his right arm at Ypres at Easter 1916. Fred was killed in action leading a patrol near the Quadrilateral at The Somme on the 18th September 1916.
Pte. Thomas Watson 14th Btn. Durham Light Infantry (d.16th Sep 1917) Thomas Watson was my Great Uncle, my Grandmother's Brother.
And my Uncle was named after him.
Thomas joined the Army with my Grandfather Robert Gray who was
his friend and the rest is history. My grandfather survived the Somme.
Pte. William Garside 14th Battalion Durham Light Infantry (d.14th Dec 1915) In researching my family history I found William Garside, my great grandfather's brother, from Kelloe.
Along with:
H Simpson from Haswell Plough, Fredrick Morgan from Washington and Alfred Adams were killed on 14th of December 1915.
They all served with 14th Battalion, Durham Light Infantry and are buried in the Potijze Burial Ground near Ypres.
Pte. Patrick Rocks 14th Btn. Durham Light Infantry (d.27th Sep 1915) Patrick was the eldest son of Catherine Rocks and James Rocks (deceased). Before the First World War he was a coal hewer. He almost certainly lied about his age to enlist, as many did. He was killed in action on his second day at Loos. Never forgotten.
If anyone has photographs of the 14th Battalion, D company - copies would be hugely appreciated.
Pte Fenwick Watson 14th Btn. Durham Light Infantry (d.26th Sep 1915) Fenwick Watson was the son of Robert and Mary Watson of 16 Clement Houses, Annfield Plain, Co. Durham.
Pte. Joseph Ellis 14th Btn. Durham Light Infantry Joe Ellis survived the war and became manager of Staithes Co-Op. His two sons served in the MN in WW2: 2nd officer Verrill Ellis was lost on SS Widestone 17/11/42. CPO Jack Ellis survived the sinkings of SS Lerwick and SS Nebraska.
Pte. James Toole 14th Battalion Durham Light infantry (d.24 December 1915) James Toole was the younger and only brother of my maternal grandfather, Alexander (Alex) Toole. My grandfather and his brother both joined the DLI along with their cousin Richard Toole.
James was killed on Christmas Eve 1915, aged 20, but my attempts from a distance to ascertain how and exactly where have drawn a blank. He is buried in Poperinge, West Flanders (West-Vlaanderen), Belgium. He is listed with others on the main war memorial in Coundon, but is not named on the roll of honour in Coundon Working Men's club, although his brother Alexander who survived the war is! I would love to know more about his military service to pass onto his family who are eternally proud of his sacrifice.
Pte. George Gough 14th Btn Durham Light Infantry (d.19th Dec 1915) My Great Uncle George Gough served with the 14th Battalion, Durham Light Infantry and was one of those who died after the gas attack on the trenches, on Sunday, 19th December 1915, near Ypres.
Cpt. Charles Henry Smith 14th Battalion Durham Light Infantry Charles Henry Smith was the cousin of my father, Harry Forster Davison (RFC/RAF in WW1, with 43 Squadron and 4 Sqdn A.F.C. in France) he was from South Africa. His father had emigrated to SA from Newcastle and his family farmed at Byreside, Medomsley.
In WW1 he took his two leave periods (early and late in 1918) with Dr Andrew Smith (Snr) of Whickham and his cousins (they were the 8 children of Dr Smith, three of whom were also doctors). Another connection he had at the time was with the family at Fotherley farm near Riding Mill.
Any information on the Smith family would be appreciated, and also on the names of the family at Fotherley in 1918. I have many photos taken during his war service, but hope to find some pictures and information on his family that he visited in Durham and Northumberland. I hope to publish some of these together with his War Diaries, this year.
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