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- 4th Battalion, Royal Scots Fusiliers during the Great War -

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4th Battalion, Royal Scots Fusiliers

   4th Battalion, Royal Scots Fusiliers were a territorial unit based in Kilmarnock serving with the South Scottish Brigade, Lowland Division. They had just departed for annual summer camp war broke out in August 1914, they were at once recalled to base. They were mobilised for war service on the 5th of August and moved to take up position on the Scottish coastal defences at Stirling. In May 1915 the formation was renamed 155th Brigade, 52nd (Lowland) Division. They sailed from Liverpool on the 21st of May for Gallipoli, via Mudros. They were in action at Gully Ravine, Achi Baba Nullah, Krithia Nullahs and The evcuation of Helles on the 7th and 8th of January 1916. They moved to Egypt and concentrated at Abbassia near Cairo. They moved to El Kantara and took over No 3 Section of the Suez Canal defences on the 2nd of March. They were in action at Dueidar in April and The Battle of Romani in August. In 1917 they were in action during The First, Second and Third Battles of Gaza, at Wadi el Hesi, The capture of Junction Station, The Battle of Nabi Samweil and The Battle of Jaffa including the passage of the Nahr-el-Auja. 52nd Division remained in the line near Arsuf until March 1918 when it was relieved by the 7th (Meerut) Division and proceedrd to France, sailing from Alexandria in early April, via Marseilles they concentrated near Abbeville. 52nd Divisiobn took over a sector of front line near Vimy on the 6th of May until the 23rd of July when they moved to take over the line north east of Arras. They were in action inThe Battle of Albert, The Battle of the Scarpe, The Battle of the Drocourt-Queant Line, The Battle of the Canal du Nord and The Final Advance in Artois. At the Armistice 52nd Division was north of the Mons canal engaged in clearing Herchies.

5th Aug 1914 4th Scots Fusiliers at Stirling  The 4th Scots Fusiliers, recalled from their summer camp, mobilised for war. They moved from their base at Kilmarnock to take up their allocated position on the Scottish coastal defences at Stirling.

25th Apr 1915 Training

21st May 1915 4th Scots Fusiliers embark  The 4th Scots Fusiliers sailed from Liverpool for Gallipoli, via Mudros with 155th Brigade, 52nd (Lowland) Division.

12th Jul 1915 Attack Made

12th Jul 1915 In Action

11th Sep 1915 Last day of Derby Scheme Recruitment

16th Oct 1915 The Derby Scheme

1st Dec 1915 Derby Scheme Armlets

10th Jan 1916 Group System Reopens

9th February 1916 Call Ups

5th August 1916  Wellington Ridge

7th August 1916 Reliefs

13th December 1916 52nd Division Order No.29

7th May 1917 155th Brigade Order No. 44.  location map

23rd August 1917 Battalion moved from Divisional Reserve  location map

27th January 1918 Brigade Order No.26.  location map

5th July 1918 l56th Infantry Brigade Order No.42  location map

23rd September 1918 Medals  location map

If you can provide any additional information, please add it here.

Want to know more about 4th Battalion, Royal Scots Fusiliers?

There are:21 items tagged 4th Battalion, Royal Scots Fusiliers available in our Library

  These include information on officers, regimental histories, letters, diary entries, personal accounts and information about actions during the Great War.

Those known to have served with

4th Battalion, Royal Scots Fusiliers

during the Great War 1914-1918.

  • Barbour Alexander Ferguson. Pte. (d.8th December 1917)
  • Boughey VC. Stanley Henry Parry. 2nd.Lt. (d.4th Dec 1917)
  • Cummiskey James. Pte. (d.8th Nov 1917)
  • Ferguson Robert. Pte.
  • Gibson Charles. Pte
  • Gillan Thomas. Sgt.
  • Gray Alexander Leonard. Sig. (d.12th Nov 1917)
  • Jackson Arthur. Pte. (d.19th April 1917)
  • Jackson Arthur. Pte. (d.19th April 1917)
  • Kay James. Pte. (d.26th Aug 1918)
  • Lowrie Kenneth Campbell. L/Cpl. (d.13th Nov 1917)
  • McIntyre Alexander McNeil. Colour Sjt.
  • Moore Henry. Pte.
  • Nisbet Robert. Pte.
  • Patchett Albert. Pte. (d.15th April 1917)
  • Sweeney Patrick. Pte.
  • Walker Robert Cooper. Pte.

All names on this list have been submitted by relatives, friends, neighbours and others who wish to remember them, if you have any names to add or any recollections or photos of those listed, please Add a Name to this List

Records of 4th Battalion, Royal Scots Fusiliers from other sources.

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  Sgt. Thomas Gillan 4th Battalion Royal Scots Fusiliers

Thomas Gillan served with 4th Battalion, Royal Scots Fusiliers.

Dale Hardie

  Pte. Alexander Ferguson Barbour 1/4th Battalion Royal Scots Fusiliers (d.8th December 1917)

Alexander Barbour was born in 1890 in New Cumnock, Ayrshire, Scotland. When he married in February 1916 he was in the 1/5th Battalion but later transferred to the 1/4th Battalion.

He died of wounds on the 8th of December 1917 possible in the Gaza area of Palestine and is buried at Kantara War Memorial Cemetery, Egypt.

Gary Paterson

  Pte. Robert Ferguson 1/4th Btn. Royal Scots Fusiliers

Robert Ferguson served with the 4th Btn. Royal Scots Fusiliers.

Robert Ferguson

  L/Cpl. Kenneth Campbell Lowrie 1/4th Btn. Royal Scots Fusiliers (d.13th Nov 1917)

Kenneth Lowrie was my grandfather's half brother, the son of John and Kate Lowrie of Helensburgh. He enlisted originally with the Highland Light Infantry in Glasgow (service no 31288) The family story is that he was too young to enlist so lied about his age. He was killed in action in Palestine in 1917 and buried in Ramleh War Cemetery, supposedly aged 19. However he was not born at the time of 1901 census, and was therefore aged about 16 when he died.

Jenni Lowrie

  Pte. Patrick Sweeney 4th Btn. Royal Scots Fusiliers

Paddy Sweeney served with the 1/4th Royal Scots Fusiliers

<p>1/4 RSF at Gallipoli some Anzacs are in the picture

<p>Before shipping out training near

  Pte. Albert Patchett 1/4th Battalion Royal Scots Fusiliers (d.15th April 1917)

We didn't know of my mother's cousin, Albert Patchett. We have no idea how he came to be in the Royal Scots Fusiliers, in fact we have only found out his existence in the last few months! I will continue to research his story.

Alistair Crawford

  Pte. James Cummiskey 4th Btn. Royal Scots Fusiliers (d.8th Nov 1917)

This was the war diary of my great grandfather James Cummiskey who was born on 17th of January 1877. He was married to my great grandmother Agnes and had 6 children, 2 of whom were stepchildren. His daughter, also called Agnes, was my grandmother, who was born in 1908.

On the 4th of August 1914 the 1/4th Battalion Royal Scots Fusiliers were based at Kilmarnock with the South Scottish Bde. Lowland Div. They moved in Aug. 1914 to Stirling. On the 11th of May 1915 the formation became 155th Bde. 52nd Div. They proceeded in May 1915 to the Mediterranean, sailing from Liverpool on the 21st of May and arriving in Mudros on 29th of May. On the 7th of June 1915 They landed at Gallipoli. In January 1916 they withdrew to Egypt and in April 1918 were sent to France, arriving at Marseilles on 17th of April. On the 11th of Novemember 1918, 155th Bde. 52nd Div. were at Jurbise, north of Mons.

Here is his War diary:

Place: Marine View, 18th October 1917 1200: Lieutenant Col. W Gibson took over command of Battalion from Major J W G Willison. 1500: Captain Roberts took over adjutancy of Battalion from Captain A Inglis. Battalion supplied digging parties during the day. Linking, scouting and intelligence organisation established.

Place: Marine View, 19th October 1917 0700: Supplied digging parties during the forenoon and again at night. 2nd Lieutenant Gemmell seconded from U.K. Lieutenant Falful transferred to Royal Flying Corps.

Place: Marine View, 20th October 1917 0830: Battalion received by Lt. Col. Gibson. Supplied digging parties at night.

Place: Marine View, 21st October 1917 Supplied digging parties at night. Captain Inglis transferred to A coy (company). Captain Sutherland from A to C. Lt. Kean from A to B coy & Lt. Gemmell posted to G coy.

Place: Marine View, 22nd October 1917 Transfers Captain Inglis A to B coy. Lt. Kean B to A coy. 2nd Lt. Gemmell G to B coy.

Place: Carnarvon, 22nd October 1917 Took over in the firing line from the 4th Norfolks A and D coy in the firing line. K coy in support and B coy in local reserve.

Place: Carnarvon, 23rd October 1917 Things very quiet in firing line.

Place: Carnarvon, 24th October 1917 Things very quiet in firing line.

Place: Carnarvon, 25th October 1917 Things very quiet in firing line.

Place: Gaza, 1st Nov 1917 Battalion in 1st line trenches organising Carnarvon Redoubt, Major J G Willison to hospital sick. Captain J Brett to 2nd in command of Battalion, Captain J Hamilton to command of A coy. Our bombardment of enemy position continued during the day. After dark gaps were cut by us in our own line? to permit egress of attacking troops of 156 Bgde. At 2300 attacking troops advanced to assault of Umbrella Hill and enemy heavily barraged our front line, especially Hereford Ridge and communications trenches and wire roads. Considerable damage to trenches but casualties slight, 10 O.R. wounded, 1 killed.

Place: Gaza 2nd Nov 1917

Intense bombardment by our artillery at 0300 and 0400. Captain Lt. L McKeever RAMC attached rendered valuable assistance in dressing wounded of attacking troops. Arrangements for evacuation of latter were very inadequate. Day passed quietly until 2210 when counter attack seemed to develop to our left. Rest of night quiet.

Place: Gaza 3rd Nov 1917

Captain J Hamilton left to command Pioneer coy. JG Hamilton to command

A coy. C coy relieved A coy in front line. Quiet day with some enemy shelling at night.

Place: Gaza 4th Nov 1917

Lt. Col. R G Maclaine A.SH took over command of Battalion from Lt Col Gibson. Quiet day, repair of trenches carried on and camouflage screen erected at night to hide carrying parties working from our lines to Umbrella Hill. Five minutes intense artillery fire at 2200.

Place: Gaza 5th Nov 1917

Enemy heavily bombarded Umbrella Hill no casualties in our line.

Place: Gaza 6th Nov 1917

Coys (Companys) withdrawn from trenches and concentrated at Carnavon Redoubt battalion organised on mobile footing marched at 1200 along seashore to position S of Wadi Hesy where our first line was taken up at dusk by A, B, and C Coys doing detached duty as support to artillery. The days march was about 11 miles over very heavy sand and in unusual heat, but the men although not in marching condition stood it very well.

Place: Gaza 8th Nov 1917

Outpost withdrawn at 0545. Battalion D coy 1 marched at 0620 and arrived N of Wadi Hesy at 0930 crossing Wadi in artillery formation as it was being shelled. Battalion in centre of Brigade attack with KOSB (Kings Own Scottish Borderers) on right and 1/5 RSF (Royal Scots Fusiliers) on left advanced to position of deployment at 1305 eight wheeled and advanced in attack formation B coy on right A coy on left C coy in support.

At 1400. Lt. Col. Maclain wounded when advance started was unfortunately the only officer who had time to go forward to see enemy position. At the outset the Battalion came under very heavy shrapnel fire while crossing the first ridge and suffered very heavy casualties from Howitzer fire in a gully at the foot of the first slope. *Left Battalion were drawn entirely off the line and A coy with them*, by a flanking party which kept up heavy MG Rifle fire. C coy at once ordered in to fill gap which however continued to increase as left Battalion moved further out. At 1500 enemy could be seen returning from their trenches and line was reorganised and waited for left Battalion to come into line before making further advance.

At 1630 2 coys 4 KOSB reposted to reinforce Battalion and were ordered to remain in echelon on left near where they could either be used to fill gap or continue in support of fresh advance.

At 1700 O.C. left Battalion reported a strong hostile counter attack on his left flank and therefore in rear of main advance and O.C. attacking troops ordered a general withdrawal to a position on high ground to West, where Battalion took up the right of the line in touch with 156 Brigade and dug in for the night. The spirit of the Battalion was excellent and the withdrawal much against the inclination of the men.

Casualties in this action, 1 officer Capt. Lt.L McKeever R.A.M.C. (attached) 6 - O.R. Killed.

5 officers, Lt Col. RG Maclaine. Lt WF Templeton. 2nd Lt A McNair. AB Paterson. W Guy remained on duty and 70 other rank wounded.

*I think this is the point at which possibly James Cummiskey gets killed.* (Further up it says that - ˜1/5 RSF (Royal Scots Fusiliers) on left - Then further down the doc - ˜Left Battalion were drawn entirely off the line and A coy with them.

James is commemorated on Panel 18 of the Jerusalem Memorial.

Susan Casey

  Pte. Arthur Jackson 1/4th Btn. Royal Scots Fusiliers (d.19th April 1917)

Arthur Jackson formerly served at Pte. 11056 East Lancs and 28796 Liverpools. He died on the 19th of April 1917 and is buried in the Gaza War Cemetery in Gaza.

S. Flynn

  Sig. Alexander Leonard Gray 1/4th Btn. Royal Scots Fusiliers (d.12th Nov 1917)

Alexander Gray died on the 12th of November 1917 and is buried in the Cairo War Memorial Cemetery, Cairo, Egypt. He was born in Briercliffe, enlisted in Nelson and lived in Harle Syke

s flynn

  Pte. Arthur Jackson 1st/4th Btn. Royal Scots Fusiliers (d.19th April 1917)

Arther Jackson formerly served as 11056 East Lancs and 28796 Liverpools. He died on 19th April 1917 and is buried in the Gaza War Cemetery in Gaza.

s flynn

  2nd.Lt. Stanley Henry Parry Boughey VC. 1st/4th Btn. Royal Scots Fusiliers (d.4th Dec 1917)

Stanley Boughey was the son of Mrs. Lucy Boughey, of Yew Tree Farm, Hurleston, Nantwich, Cheshire. He was killed in action on the 4th of December 1917, aged 21 and is buried in Gaza War Cemetery in Gaza.

His VC citation states that "with bombs and automatic rifles keeping down the fire of our machine guns, he rushed forward alone with bombs right up to the enemy, doing great execution and causing the surrender of a party of 30. As he turned to go back for more bombs he was mortally wounded at the moment when the enemy were surrendering."

s flynn

  Pte. Robert Nisbet 1/4th Bn. Royal Scots

Robert Nisbet, Edinburgh

Robert Nisbet served with the 1/4th Battalion, The Royal Scots





  Colour Sjt. Alexander McNeil McIntyre 1/4th Btn. Royal Scots Fusiliers

I recently had a trip to the battlefields of WWI in Northern France (Vimy, Ypres etc) and went there completely oblivious to the fact that I was walking in my Great Great Uncle's footsteps. It was only in April 2011 that I was told of the medals which my grandmother has from him. She has two of the three that he should have, The British Victory medal, War medal and the 1914/15 Star, the latter I don't know what happened to. My Grandmother had been told that he had died in the war but I was sceptical as I could find no record of his death. In July 2011 I had another shot and found that he had survived. It wasn't until late August/early September when I found out that he had emmigrated to the USA to start a family.

David Nisbet

  Pte. Robert Cooper Walker 4th Battalion Royal Scots Fusilers

My Grandfather Bob Walker, served in the Great War with his 4 brothers James, Alexander, John and Peter. As far as I know all 5 brothers survived the war. Bob who was first with the 5th Battalion Royal Scots and was wounded, when he recovered he joined the 4th Battalion Royal Scots Fusilers. He died in November 1977.

Bob Walker

  Pte. Henry Moore 1/4th Battalion

Henry Moore, born Oct. 1899 in Kirkintilloch, Scotland served with the RSF in France as a Lewis gunner.

The RSF was mobilized in Edinburg Aug. 1914 and sent to France Apr. 1918; returned from France May 1919.

Henry lived in Glasgow after the War, then sailed from Glasgow to Canada in 1923 and then on to the Detroit, Michigan USA area.

Harry Moore

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