- 4th Battalion, Northumberland Fusiliers during the Great War -
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4th Battalion, Northumberland Fusiliers
4th Battalion Northumberland Fusiliers was a unit of the Territorial Force with its HQ at The Armoury, Battle Hill, Hexham, A and G Coy's were also based there. B Coy was based at The Armoury, Bellingham. C Coy in John Martin St, Haydon Bridge. D and H Coy's at The Armoury, 6 Vane Tce, Prudhoe. E Coy at the Drill Hall, Corbridge and F Coy at The Armoury, Town Hall Crescent, Haltwhistle. When war broke out in August 1914 they took on a defensive role and after additional training they proceeded to France in April 1915, to join the 149th Brigade, 50th (Northumbrian) Division. They took part in the Second Battles of Ypres in 1915 and the Battle of the Somme in 1916, the Arras Offensive where they captured Wancourt Ridge and The Second Battle of Passchendaele in 1917. In 1918 they again saw action on The Somme and Battles of the Lys and Hindenburg Line.
5th Aug 1914 4th Northumberlands proceed to France On the 5th of August, 17 officers and 660 men, territorials of the 4th Battalion, Northumbland Fusiliers reported for duty and began intensive training in Newcastle.
Nov 1914 4th Northumberlands in Blyth By November 1914, the territorials of the 4th Battalion, Northumbland Fusiliers had been divided into two, the 1/4th and the 2/4th (Reserve) Battalions, both were billeted in Blyth. The 1/4th training for deployment overseas, the 2/4th engaged in home defence and the training of new recruits who would transfer to the 1/4th for deployment.
Jan 1915 4th Northumberlands reorganised In Jan 1915, the 4th Battalion Northumberland Fusiliers was reorganised into four companies. A Company joining with E Coy, B with G, C with F and D with H.
19th of April 1915 Establishing HQs
20th Apr 1915 4th Northumberlands proceed to France 4th Battalion, Northumberland Fusiliers sail for France with the 50th (Northumbrian) Division.
20th Apr 1915 4th Northumberlands arrive in France 4th Battalion Northumberland Fusiliers disembark in Boulogne and march to St Martins Rest Camp, to the west of the town, three miles from the dock.
20th Apr 1915 On the Move
21st Apr 1915 4th Northumberlands entrain for Front 4th Northumberland Fusiliers began their first day in France with inspection and parade. At 11 am they left St Martin's Camp and marched with the Northumbrian Division to the station at Pont de Briques, departing at 2pm for Bavinchove, arriving at 6pm. They marched to billets at nearby farms, the officers being accommodated in farm houses, the NCO's and men in barns and outbuildings. Some men of A Coy spent the night in bivouacs as the allocated barns were not large enough to accommodate them all.
22nd of April 1915 Germans Attack
22nd of April 1915 Standing by
22nd April 1915 Into Billets
22nd April 1915 Into Billets
22nd Apr 1915 4th Northumberlandson the march The Companies of the 4th Northumberlands assembled at Bavinchove station and marched through Cassel to Oudezeele arriving at 3pm, they are divided into platoons and march to their billets at small farms.At 10.40pm news arrived of the German gas attack near Langemarck, some 20 miles to the east just over 5 hours earlier, which had resulted in an advance by the enemy of around a mile. At 10.50pm orders arrived for six Companies of the York and Durham Brigade to be ready to move by motor bus in full battle order. Forty minutes later the order was countermanded to stand by, ready to leave fully equipped.
23rd of April 1915 Under attack
23rd of April 1915 Troop concentrations
23rd of April 1915 Northunberlands Transferred
23rd of April 1915 Occupying the Line
23rd of April 1915 Divisional Movements
23rd of April 1915 Artillery Placement
23rd Apr 1915 Instruction
23rd Apr 1915 Brigade Moves
23rd April 1915 Orders
23 April 1915 Ordered to Move
24th of April 1915 Reserve Brigades
24th of April 1915 Transfer of Infantry
24th of April 1915 Northumberlands into Reserve
24th of April 1915 Units in position
24th Apr 1915 Brigade Ordered to Move Operation Order No.2 issued by Brig Gen. Sewerel J. Riddell 149th Bde at Brandhoek. 24/4/15 4:351. The Brigade is to move off at once via Vlamertinghe and Ypres to a point about 2 miles east of Ypres.
2. Troops will move as per margin the head of the 4th Btn passing the cross roads just north of the ---- E in Poperinghe at 6 p.m.
- H.Q.
- 4th Btn N.F.
- 6th Btn N.F.
- 7th Btn N.F.
- 5th Btn N.F.
3. Machine guns only will accompany units. All other first line transport and blanket wagons will be brigaded under the brigade transport officer and will follow in near the Brigade.
4. Balance of rations in hand should be taken on the man or in Cook's wagon.
5. Reports to head of 4th Btn N.F.
24th of April 1915 Positions of Northumberland Division
24th April 1915 On the Move
24th April 1915 On the Move
25th of April 1915 Considerable losses
26th Apr 1915 Operation Order No. 3
26th April 1915 Enemy endeavouring to Break Through
26th of April 1915 Heavy Losses
26th of April 1915 Report on St. Julien
26th Apr 1915 In Action
26th Apr 1915 In Action
26th Apr 1915 Operational Order No. 12
28th April 1915 Operational Order
28th of April 1915 Messages
28th Apr 1915 Medical Officer
29th April 1915 Poor Communication
29th April 1915 Working Parties
29th April 1915 Working Parties Operation Order No 5 by D.S.Brigadier General G.P. Falding D.S.O Commding Northumberland Inf Brigade1. The Brigade will proceed tonight to dig a line of trench South of the Ypres-Zonnebeck road in I56, I6 a and c and I12.
2. The Brigade will be divided into two reliefs of 900 men each the 4th Bn Northumberland Fusliers (500 men) and the 6th Bn Northumberland Fusliers (400) forming the first relief. The 5th Bn Northumberland Fusliers (600) and the 7th Bn Northumberland Fusliers (300) will form the second relief. The first relief will parade at 8p.m and will be guided to their position by a guide of the 2nd RE Field Squadron Colonel Foster 4th Northumberland Fusliers will be in charge of this relief. The 2nd relief will be ready to move at 11.31 pm under Col Coles 5th Bn Northumberland Fusliers.
3. The 5th Btn Northumberland Fusliers will be relieved in the GHQ line at 8.30 pm by the 2nd Cav: division and will return to bivouac
4. Units will parade for digging in marching order.
5. Surplus men not required for digging will remain in bivouac in charge of an officer to guard kits left behind.
6. Tools will be obtained outside Brigade Headquarters.
7. Battalions after digging will return to bivouac at Wieltje.
8. Brigade H.Q will remain at Wieltje.
149th Brigade war diary
30th April 2015 Digging Parties
30th April 1915 Logistical Issues
30th April 1915 Logistical Issues At 5pm Orders were received by 149th Brigade from Canadian Division for working party of 1500 men to report at Verlorenhoek at 19:30. 5.30 pm Orders issued in accordance with above.At 8pm Message received from Canadian Division ordering another 300 men to be sent to Bellewaare Farm and 200 to Bellewaarde Chateau (not on the map) This order it was obviously impossible to carry out owing to the time the message was received. The 4th Battalion Northumberland Fusiliers were still at Wieltje and a message was sent to them through the Canadian Brigade to send out these parties at once. Neither of these parties arrived before 23:00 as the road by which they had to proceed was entirely strange to them, and no guides had been provided.
149th Brigade war diary
1st May 1915 Working Parties
1st May 1915 Orders
1st May 1915 Orders
2nd May 1915 Orders
2nd May 1915 On Stand by
2nd May 1915 On Stand by 149th Brigade HQ reports from Menin Rd.11.30am. Message from Canadian Division saying that working party ordered to Bellewaard Chateau last night had not arrived & asking for explanation.
1.5pm. Explanation sent to Canadian Div.
2.30pm. Orders received for the Brigade to move to Poperinghe via railway line to I14c thence along road to level crossing I20a - Kruisstraat thence by H16a & H14b & main road to Poperinghe.
3.30pm. Orders issued. 7.30pm. Orders received from Gen. Kavanagh commanding 3rd Cav. Division that the Brigade was to stand by until further order. The Germans have made use of asphyxiating gas & driven out some of our troops from the front line of trenches at St Julien. Information also received that the O.C. 4th Btn. Northumberland Fusiliers had been ordered at Weiltje to send forward his Batt. in support of the 3rd Cav. Brigade who had been sent to the front line to replace the troops driven out by poisonous gas.
7.45pm. Units ordered to stand by.
10.50pm. The Germans not apparently advancing, the Brigade was ordered to carry out the movement ordered at 2.30pm.
11pm. Orders issued for the movement. 11.45pm. March to Poperinghe commenced and staff Captain was sent to Weiltje to conduct 4th Btn. Northumberland Fusiliers to Poperinghe via St Jean and Ypres.
149th Brigade war diary
3rd of May 1915 Divisional Area Allotted
3rd of May 1915 Orders
3rd May 1915 Wagon Lost
3rd May 1915 Wagon Lost
4th of May 1915 CinC to address troops
4th May 1915 Parade
4th May 1915 Parade
7th May 1915 Ready to Move
7th May 1915 Ready to Move
8th May 1915 Lecture on Trench Warfare All the officers of the 4th Btn Northumberland Fusiliers attended a lecture on Trench Warfare given by the Brigadier at Brigade HQ.
8th May 1915 In Bivouac
8th May 1915 In Bivouac
9th May 1915 Orders
9th May 1915 Orders
9th May 1915 Ordered to Move
10th May 1915 On the Move
10th May 1915 On the Move At 7:30am. 149 Brigade H.Q. 5th and 6th Battalions Northumberland Fusiliers left billets near Watou in 73 omnibuses.At 9am. 149 Brigade H.Q. 5th and 6th Battalions Northumberland Fusiliers arrived at cross roads in G5d and marched to bivouac in wood A30a.
Day very hot and dusty. Transport did not all get in until 16:30. Was very bad. 149th Brigade war diary
11th May 1915 In Bivouac
12th May 1915 Operation Order No. 12
13th May 1915 On the Move
13th May 1915 Orders
14th May 1915 Orders
14th May 1915 Instruction
14th May 1915 Divisional Reserve At 11:30am Orders received from 50th Division placing 149th Brigade under the orders of the 4th Division. Brigade Major to report at 4th Division H.Q. for orders.At 1.30pm In accordance with verbal instruction from 4th Division Battalions of the Brigade were attached as under G.Brigades of the 4th Division. 6th Battalion Northumberland Fusiliers to the 11th Brigade. 7th Battalion Northumberland Fusiliers to the 12th Brigade. 5th Border Reg. to the 10th Brigade. The 6th and 7th Battalion Northumberland Fusiliers had proceeded during the preceding night to join their respective Brigades and orders for the move of the 5th Border Reg. would be issued later in the day also instructions as to the disposal of the remaining two Battalions (4th and 5th Northumberland Fusiliers ) of the Brigade.
At 5.40pm Orders received for movement of 5th Border Regiment One company to report at 1900 with machine gun section to R. Warwick Regiment in chateau grounds H2b. One Company to Argyll and Sutherland in Vlamertinghe. One company to Seaforth in B27A. Orders for more of remaining Companies would be sent next day.
At 5.50pm Orders issued personally to O.C. 5th Border Reg. as to above moves. Orders issued to 4th and 5th Northumberland Fusiliers to supply the following working parties to report at 8pm at level crossing in H11 centre where they would be met by guides. 4th Battalion Northumberland Fusiliers (Party B 200 men with 180 shovels and 20 picks. 5th Battalion N.F. (Party A 150 men with 140 shovels and 10 picks. (Party C 50 men with 45 shovels.) Also at 5.50pm Orders received from 4th Division confirming verbal orders given to Brigade Major at 1.30pm and placing the 4th and 5th Battalion Northumberland Fusiliers in Divisional reserve under Brigadier General Feilding D.S.O.
At 7pm Orders were issued in accordance with above.
149th Brigade war diary
15th May 1915 Orders
15th May 1915 Orders At 12.35 pm Orders received by 149th Inf Brigade from 10th Inf Brigade for the remaining company of the 5th Border Regiment to proceed to Royal Irish Fusiliers Transport at B26c and report at 6pm.At 12.45pm Orders issued in accordance with above. The company left their huts at 4.30pm.
At 3pm Orders received for the 4th and 5th Battalions Northumberland Fusiliers to move from huts they are at present occupying to bivouac in H2g - HQ to Hopital Farm. At 3.45pm Orders issued in accordance with above and 4th Batt. moved off at 4.55 followed by 5th Btn and arrived in bivouac at 6pm.
At 3.50pm Orders received for two working parties of 200 men each to be furnished by the brigade to parade at 8pm at the entrance to Vlamertinghe Chateau. At 4pm 4th and 5th Btn Northumberland Fusiliers were ordered to find these parties.
149th Brigade war diary
16th May 1915 Working Parties
16th May 1915 Working Parties 149th Brigade HQ at Hospital Farm report:At 3pm Orders received for working parties to be found as under: 200 men to work under Lt. Martel on French Switch line. 200 men to work on Divisional Second Line under Lt Bretherton R.E. At 4.25pm Orders issued to 4th Btn Northumberland Fusiliers to find 1st party and 5th Btn Northumberland Fusiliers to find second party. Tools were supplied from Brigade HQ wagons.
Day passed uneventfully fine and warm, night rather chilly.
149th Brigade war diary
17th May 1915 Working Parties
17th May 1915 Working Parties 1.15pm Orders received by 149th Brigade HQ at Hospital Farm from 4th Division for working parties to be found from the Brigade same as ordered for yesterday. At 1.45pm Orders issued to 4th and 5th Btn's Northumberland Fusiliers to find these parties.6pm Instruction received from 4th Division that the 7th Btn Northumberland Fusiliers at present attached to 12th Brigade were to reform 149th Brigade on 19th inst and placing the area immediately surrounding Brigade HQ as bivouac for them. Arrangements for the move to be made between brigades concerned.
Day passed quietly with rain at intervals. Night heavy rain.
149th Brigade war diary
18th May 1915 Working Parties
18th May 1915 Orders At 10am 12th Brigade asked by 149th Brigade to issue instructions to 7th Btn Northumberland Fusiliers to move into bivouac at Hopital Ferme not later than 10am on 19th May. Fourth division informed.2pm Orders received for working parties to be found by the Brigade as under: 200 men to parade at 7pn in their bivouacs to work under Lt Bretherton RE on Divisional Second line. 200 to parade in their bivouacs to work under Lt Martel RE on French switch line.
2.5pm Orders issued to 4th Btn Northumberland Fusiliers to find both these parties.
8pm Orders received from 4th Division that 4th or 5th Btn Northumberland Fusiliers were to be attached to 12th Brigade for a period of trench work. Details of attachment to be made by Brigadiers concerned.
149th Brigade war diary
19th May 1915 Working Parties and Attachments
19th May 1915 Working Parties and Attachments At 9.10am 12th Brigade requested 149th Brigade to say when and where the 7th Btn Northumberland Fusiliers should report.10am 7th Btn Northumberland Fusiliers arrived Hopital Ferme and bivouacked.
Fourth Division informed that 5th Btn Northumberland Fusiliers had been detailed for a period of attachment to 12th Brigade.
Brigadier General Feilding DSO granted four days leave of absence to proceed to England. At 12.30pm Brigadier General Feilding left HQ for England. Command of the Brigade devolved to Col. A.H. Coles CMG DSO 5th Btn Northumberland Fusiliers.
2pm Orders for following working parties received: 200 men to parade at their bivouacs at 7pm to work under Lt Bretherton RE on Divisional second line. 200 men to parade at their bivouacs at 8.30pm to work under Lt Green RE on French Switch line. At 2.15pm Orders issued to 7th Btn Northumberland Fusiliers to furnish first party and to 4th Btn Northumberland Fusiliers to furnish second party.
At 3pm Instructions received from 12th Brigade that 5th Btn Northumberland Fusiliers were to be attached as under. Companies to report at 11.30am. 20th inst:
1 Coy signals MO 2nd Essex Regiment HQ road in A21 a995.
1 Coy 1st Kings Own HQ South of road A23 G22
1 Coy 1 machine gun 1st/2nd Monmouths HQ Vlamertinghe Church
1 company 1 machine gun 2nd Royal Irish HQ A16 Central
HQ to 1/2nd Monmouths
3.15pm Orders issued to 5th Btn Northumberland Fusiliers in accordance with above instructions and 4th Division informed.
At 5.30pm Instruction received by Fourth Division that a relief of 11th Brigade by 12th Brigade the 6th Northumberland Fusiliers attached to the former should return to the brigade and go to the dugout in B27 or to Hopital Ferme as GOC 149th may direct.
149th Brigade war diary
20th of May 1915 Troop Distribution
20th May 1915 Working Parties and Reorganisation
21st of May 1915 Awards
21st May 1915 Working Parties
21st May 1915 Working Parties At 1.25pm. Instructions received by 149 Brigade Hq at Hospital Ferme for working parties to be found as under:
- Party A: 200 men to parade at 8pm in their bivouacs for work on French switch line under Lt Green RE.
- Party B: 100 men to parade at 8pm in their bivouacs for work on Divisional second line under Lt Martel RE
- Party C: 200 men to parade at 7pm in their bivouacs for work on Divisional second line under Lt Brotherton RE.
2.30pm. Orders issued to 4th Bn Northumberland Fusiliers to furnish Parties A & B and to 7th Bn to furnish Party C.
Instruction received from 50th Division for the formation of a Brigade Grenadier School. 4th Division asked whether it would be possible to send 1 officer and 2 NCO's to Division support line.
149th Brigade war diary
23rd May 1915 Working Parties
23rd May 1915 Working Parties
24th May 1915 4th Northumberlands endure gas attack
24th May 1915 On the Move
24th May 1915 On the Move At 3:50am Orders received from 4th Division for the Brigade to be prepared to move at once if ordered. Enemy using gas.03:55 4th 6th and 7th Battalions Northumberland Fusiliers, the other two Battalions of the Brigade being detached, were ordered to get ready to march at once.
04:10 Orders received from 4th Division to direct the three Battalions of the Brigade to march at once via Reigersburg Sq. H6B to Canal bank at No 2 Bridge. Commanding officers to ride on and report to G.O.C. 10th Brigade for orders.
04:15 Orders issued in accordance with above.
05:00 7th Battalion moved off via dug outs in B27d to Reigersburg and joined 4th Battalion there. 6th Battalion Northumberland Fusiliers followed 7th Battalion and arrived 06:35.
06:35 4th Battalion received orders to move to canal bank.
06:45 message sent to 10th Brigade to say that both 6th and 7th Battalions had arrived at Reigersburg. Both Battalions remained in dug outs along the railway line H6B.
10:30 O.C. 7th Battalion Northumberland Fusiliers received orders from 10th Brigade to proceed to Canal Bank.
13:30 O.C. 6th Battalions Northumberland Fusiliers received orders from 10th Brigade to proceed to Canal Bank.
H.Q. remained at Reigersburg Chateau until 21:30 when they returned to Hopital Farm.
149th Brigade war diary
25th May 1915 In Support
25th May 1915 In Support
26th May 1915 In the Trenches
27th May 1915 Orders
28th May 1915 Instruction
29th May 1915 Instruction
30th May 1915 Instruction
31st of May 1915 Report
3rd Jun 1915 Training
7th Jun 1915 Recce
8th Jun 1915 Orders
12th Jun 1915
12th of June 1915 Order of Battalions
18th of June 1915
20th of June 1915 GOC inspection
21st June 1915 149th into billets
1st Aug 1915 Reliefs Completed
3rd Aug 1915 A Botanist?s Paradise
19th Aug 1915 Reliefs Completed
11th Sep 1915 Last day of Derby Scheme Recruitment
20th September 1915 Inspection
22nd September 1915 Smoke
23rd Sep 1915 Reliefs
24th September 1915 Orders
24th September 1915 Programme
25th September 1915 Wind
25th September 1915
25th September 1915 Patrols
25th September 1915 Orders
26th September 1915 Patrols
27th September 1915 Patrols
13th of October 1915 Orders
16th Oct 1915 The Derby Scheme
25th October 1915 Orders
26th of October 1915 Moves
26th October 1915 Orders
1st November 1915 Warnings
2nd November 1915 Ammunition Allotment
3rd of November 1915
4th November 1915 Training Programme
7th November 1915 Orders Issued
7th November 1915 Reliefs
12th November 1915 On the Move
13th November 1915 Training Programme
1st Dec 1915 Derby Scheme Armlets
2nd December 1915 Orders
11th December 1915 Orders
13th December 1915 Reliefs
13th December 1915 Orders
13th December 1915 Order
13st December 1915 Orders
13th December 1915 Reliefs
13th December 1915 Orders
15th December 1915 Advance Parties
20th of December 1915
11th May 1915 In Bivouac 149th Brigade are in Bivouac in A.30A.149th Brigade war diary
10th Jan 1916 Group System Reopens
16th January 1916 Visit
16th January 1916 Reorganisation
24th January 1916 Shelling
25th January 1916 Enemy Active
25th January 1916 Orders
27th January 1916 Patrols
27th January 1916 Snipers, Sausages and Whizz-bangs
29th of January 1916 Machine Gun Emplacements
29th January 1916 Machine Guns
30th January 1916 Snipers
31st January 1916 Casualties
31st January 1916 Enemy Lines
1st February 1916 Enemy Aircraft
2nd February 1916 Aeroplane Photographs
4th February 1916 Reliefs
4th February 1916 Enemy Guns
4th February 1916 Enemy Artillery
5th February 1916 Shelling
5th February 1916 Shelling
5th February 1916 Snipers
5th February 1916 Uniforms
6th February 1916 Orders
7th February 1916 Shelling
7th February 1916 Artillery Active
9th February 1916 Orders
9th of February 1916 Orders
9th February 1916 Artillery Active
9th February 1916 Call Ups
11th February 1916 Warning
11th February 1916 Enemy Active
12th February 1916 Gas Alert
12th February 1916 Quieter
14th February 1916 Bomardment
15th February 1916 Orders
18th of February 1916 Reliefs Complete
21st February 1916 Snow
22nd February 1916 Gas
22nd of February 1916 Machine Guns
23rd February 1916 Warning
24th February 1916 Reliefs
24th Feb 1916 Reliefs Complete
25th February 1916 Dangerous Wind
26th February 1916 Hostile Artillery
28th February 1916 Dummys
28th February 1916 Orders
29th February 1916 Report
29th February 1916 Orders
29th February 1916 Orders
1st March 1916 Orders
1st of March 1916 Bombardment
2nd March 1916 Orders
2nd of March 1916 Bombardment
6th of March 1916 Orders
7th of March 1916 Orders
7th of March 1916 Orders
8th of March 1916 Mining
9th of March 1916 Orders
10th of March 1916 Reliefs Completed
10th of March 1916 Orders
10th of March 1916 Orders
16th of March 1916 Orders
18th of March 1916 Orders
20th of March 1916 Orders
23rd of March 1916 Reliefs
24th Mar 1916 Reliefs
29th of March 1916 Reliefs
29th of March 1916 Orders
31st of March 1916 Orders
1st of April 1916 Moves
1st of April 1916 Orders
3rd of April 1916 Orders
23rd of April 1916 Orders
25th of April 1916 Reliefs
30th of April 1916 Stand To
30th of April 1916 At Rest
1st of May 1916 Orders
14th of May 1916 Training & Sport
18th of May 1916 Orders
20th of May 1916 Orders
14th of June 1916 Tinme
1st of August 1916 Gas
2nd of August 1916 Alert
6th of August 1916 Reliefs
8th of August 1916 Reliefs
28th of August 1916 Awards
1st of September 1916 Locations
1st Sep 1916 Flies
2nd Sep 1916 Wet Day
7th Sep 1916 Conference
11th Sep 1916 Return to Duty
13th of September 1916 Instructions
13th of September 1916 Orders
14th Sep 1916 Stretcher Bearers
15th Sep 1916 Shelling
15th Sep 1916 In Action
16th Sep 1916 Large number of Casualties
17th Sep 1916 Stretcher Bearers
21st Sep 1916 Poor Sanitation
24th of September 1916 Reliefs
24th of September 1916 Orders
25th of September 1916 Attacks
27th of September 1916 Instructions
28th of September 1916 Reliefs
29th of September 1916
29th of September 1916 Orders
29th of September 1916 Orders
30th of September 1916 Patrols
30th of September 1916 Barrage
30th of September 1916 Orders Amended
2nd of October 1916 Orders
2nd of October 1916 Reliefs
2nd of October 1916 Orders
3rd of October 1916 Reliefs
3rd of October 1916 Congratulations
3rd of October 1916 Relieved 4th NF
4th of October 1916 On the March
5th of October 1916 On the March
6th of October 1916 Training
7th of October 1916 Training
8th of October 1916 Rain
9th of October 1916 Working Parties
12th of October 1916 Training
14th of October 1916 Training and Working Parties
15th of October 1916 Exercise
19th of October 1916 Orders
20th of October 1916 Working Parties
22nd of October 1916 Situation
22nd of October 1916 Orders
22nd of October 1916 Signals
23rd of October 1916 Orders
23rd of October 1916
24th of October 1916 Reliefs
25th of October 1916 Situation
25th of October 1916 Instructions
25th of October 1916 Information Required
26th of October 1916 Orders
26th of October 1916 Orders
28th of October 1916 Orders
28th of October 1916 Appendix
28th of October 1916 Orders
30th of October 1916 Orders
30th of October 1916 Orders
31st of October 1916 Orders
31st of October 1916 Orders
1st of November 1916 Thick Mud
2nd of November 1916 Orders
2nd of November 1916 Instructions
2nd of November 1916 Orders
2nd of November 1916 Shelling
3rd of November 1916 Orders
3rd of November 1916 Reliefs
3rd of November 1916 Orders
4th of November 1916 Secret
5th of November 1916 In Action
1st of January 1917
7th Jan 1917 Reliefs
15th Jan 1917 Reliefs
23rd Jan 1917 Reliefs Complete
7th of February 1917
9th of February 1917 Orders
10th of February 1917
12th of February 1917
13th of February 1917
23rd of February 1917
28th of March 1916
29th of March 1917
11th Apr 1917 4th Northumberlands march to Ronville Caves At Wanquetin C and D Coys 4th Northumberland Fusiliers undertook bayonet training and a short march. Snow began to fall at 3.30pm. At 6pm they paraded at the camp then marched through the snow storm to Ronville Caves via Warlus, Dainville and Arras, at midnight.
22nd of July 1917
2nd Sep 1917 In the Trenches
2nd of September 1917 Intelligence
3rd of September 1917 Intelligence
3rd of September 1917 Intelligence
4th of September 1917 Intelligence
5th of September 1917 Intelligence
6th of September 1917 Intelligence
7th of September 1917 Intelligence
8th of September 1917 Intelligence
9th of September 1917 Intelligence
9th of September 1917 Intelligence
10th of September 1917 Intelligence
11th of September 1917 Intelligence
12th of September 1917 Intelligence
13th of September 1917 Intelligence
14th of September 1917 Intelligence
15th of September 1917 Intelligence
16th of September 1917 Intelligence
16th of September 1917 Intelligence
17th of September 1917 Intelligence
18th of September 1917 Intelligence
19th of September 1917 Intelligence
20th of September 1917 Intelligence
21st of September 1917 Intelligence
22nd of September 1917 Intelligence
22nd of September 1917 Intelligence
23rd of September 1917 Intelligence
24th of September 1917 Intelligence
26th of September 1917 Intelligence
27th of September 1917 Intelligence
28th of September 1917 Intelligence
28th of September 1917 Intelligence
29th of September 1917 Intelligence
30th of September 1917 Intelligence
1st of October 1917 Intelligence
4th of October 1917 Intelligence
27th of October 1917 Movement
27th of October 1917 Intelligence
28th of October 1917 Intelligence
29th of October 1917 Intelligence
30th of October 1917 Intelligence
31st of October 1917 Intelligence
5th of November 1917 Orders
13th of November 1917 Dispositions
18th of December 1917 Intelligence
19th of December 1917 Intelligence
19th of December 1917 Intelligence
20th of December 1917 Intelligence
21st of December 1917 Intelligence
22nd of December 1917 Intelligence
23rd of December 1917 Intelligence
24th of December 1917 Intelligence
25th of December 1917 Intelligence
25th of December 1917 Intelligence
26th of December 1917
26th of December 1917 Intelligence
28th Dec 1917 Reliefs
30th of December 1917 Orders
24th of January 1918
31st of January 1918 Orders
3rd of February 1918 Orders
10th of February 1918 Orders
11th of February 1918
27th of February 1918 Orders
19th Jun 1918 From the Line
30th Mar 1918 Orders
31st Mar 1918 Attack
1st May 1918 Field Day
13th of May 1918 Shelling
27th May 1918 In Action
28th May 1918 Hard Fighting
1st of June 1918
5th Jun 1918 Into the Line
21st of June 1918
21st of June 1918
23rd Jun 1918 On the Move
29th of June 1918
30th of June 1918
14th of October 1918If you can provide any additional information, please add it here.
Want to know more about 4th Battalion, Northumberland Fusiliers?
There are:405 items tagged 4th Battalion, Northumberland Fusiliers available in our Library
These include information on officers, regimental histories, letters, diary entries, personal accounts and information about actions during the Great War.
Those known to have served with
4th Battalion, Northumberland Fusiliers
during the Great War 1914-1918.
- Cox Percival Elliot. Capt. (d.23rd May 1917)
- Detchon Oswald. Pte. (d.14th Sep 1918)
- Frazer Anthony. Pte.
- Frazer Matthew. Pte. (d.26th Oct 1917)
- Gardner William Dodds. Pte. (d.24th May 1915)
- Gath Leonard. Pte.
- Gibson John Leadbitter. Pte. (d.26 April 1915)
- Hopper Thomas. Pte. (d.28th Sep 1916)
- Hubbard Robert. Pte. (d.12th Apr 1918)
- Jamieson James Adam. L/Cpl. (d.15th Sep 1916)
- Jones David Samuel William. Pte. (d.26 October 1917)
- Mackey Harvey. Pte. (d.18th Nov 1916)
- Nixon James. Pte. (d.28th April 1915)
- Reid Andrew. Pte. (d.13th May 1916)
- Stobbs Henry. 2nd Lt. (d.26th Oct 1917)
- Thompson Ellis. 2nd Lt. (d.18th May 1917)
All names on this list have been submitted by relatives, friends, neighbours and others who wish to remember them, if you have any names to add or any recollections or photos of those listed, please Add a Name to this List
Records of 4th Battalion, Northumberland Fusiliers from other sources.
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2nd Lt. Ellis Thompson 18th Btn. D Coy. Durham Light Infantry (d.18th May 1917)Ellis Thompson was born on 10th of July 1896, to William Thompson, a butcher, and his wife Mary, living and working in Elswick, Newcastle-upon-Tyne. Ellis attended Barnard Castle School for three years from 1909, where he was in York House and played football and cricket for the second house XI.He enlisted in the Northumberland Fusiliers in August 1914, he served with the 4th Btn. and was wounded in April 1915 and killed in action near Arras in 1917 with D Company, 18th Btn. Durham Light Infantry. Aged 20, he has no known grave and is commemorated on the Arras Memorial.
Pte. Leonard "Scottie" Gath 24th Btn. Northumberland FusiliersLeonard Gath served in the 21st, 23rd and 24th Battalions, Northumberland Fusiliers and the 1/4th Battalion. He also served with the 8th Battalion, Duke of Wellington (West Riding) Regiment in WW1. Leonard died in 1979.Richard Gath
Pte. Andrew Reid 4th Btn. Northumberland Fusiliers (d.13th May 1916)Andrew Reid enlisted enlisted in Wallsend, I cannot find the date. He has no medals, so probably did not do any active service. He also died in Walker Hospital. I do not think it was Walker Park Hospital, but Walkergate Hospital, more than likely he died of an illness.John Gallon
Capt. Percival Elliot Cox 4th Battalion Northumberland Fusiliers (d.23rd May 1917)Percival Cox is my great uncle. He studied at Durham University and then became a teacher. At Durham he was in the Officer Training Core. He was gassed at Ypres and went home to recover, returned and was injured, sent home, returned and died of wounds on 23rd of May 1917. He is buried at Sunken Road Cemetery, Calais. On his gravestone are the words "Thy Will Be Done" at the request of his family. He was only 26 when he died.Carolyn Baines
Pte. Anthony Frazer 1/4th Battalion Northumberland FusiliersAnthony Frazer enlisted in the 4th Battalion, Northumberland Fusiliers on 3rd September 1914 and embarked for Boulogne on the 20th of April 1915. The Battle of St Julien was their first taste of action on 26th of April 1915. On the 28th of June 1915 he was granted sick furlough, suggesting he was wounded at St. Julien and returned to the reserve battalion at home. He was posted to A Company on the 14th of June 1915 Between 12th and 26th of July 1915 he was granted leave for haymaking. On the 23rd of July he was granted 2d/day kit allowance. Between 9th and 16th of August he was again granted leave for haymaking and then granted weekend leave from the 21st to 23rd of August. From the 25th of August to 6th of September 1915 he was granted leave for harvesting and from the 8th to 11th of the same month granted four days furlough. On the 19th he was drafted for BEF reinforcement and from the 25th is no longer included in 4th Reserve Battalion at home.Following being wounded for the first time at St. Julien, Anthony returned to France or Belgium in September 1915. At some point he was given the new number of 200433 and was promoted to Corporal. And then in the Newcastle Journal on 29th of November 1917 he is listed as wounded. He survived the war.
Paul Frazer
Pte. Matthew Frazer 1/4th Btn. Northumberland Fusiliers (d.26th Oct 1917)Matthew Frazer was one of five brothers who joined the Northumberland Fusiliers, Durham Light Infantry and the Border Regiment. Matthew with his brother Anthony and nephew William all embarked on 20th of April 1915. All three were wounded shortly after at the battle of St. Julien on 26th of April.After returning to France, Matthew also fought at Flers Courcelette in September 1916. He was killed in action on 26th October 1917 at Turrenne Crossing on the first day of the final battle of Passchendaele. His brothers were all wounded in various battles but survived the war. The family received the sum £14 as a war gratuity.
Paul Frazer
2nd Lt. Henry Stobbs 4th Btn. Northumberland Fusiliers (d.26th Oct 1917)My Great Uncle Henry Stobbs was known as Harry to friends and family. He came from a family who had a strong connection with the Primitive methodist movement in Weardale. Harry's father came from a Lead mining family in the upper dale but became a teacher and was Head teacher at St Johns Chapel Primary School during WW1. Uncle Harry attended Wolsingham Grammar School where apparently he was known for his skills in wrestling. He trained to be a teacher at Sunderland Training college around 1911. Prior to him enlsiting with the Durham Light Infantry in 1914 he was a teacher at Fencehouses near Houghton-le-Spring. He served with the DLI for 18 months as a Private, Lance Corporal and then Sergeant, fighting in the Battle of the Somme. He became a temporary 2nd Lieutenant in Jan 1917 and later that year he returend home to complete his Officer training. In August 1917 he received his commision and headed back to France as a 2nd Lieutenant with the 1/4th Northumberland Fusiliers. He was killed in the 2nd Battle of Paschendaele at Holthust forest on 26th October 1917 aged 26 years. Harry is buried at Poelcapelle British Cemetry and is remebered on the war memorial at St Johns Chapel in Weardale. He has a memorial Oak tree with his name in the grounds of Wolsingham school.Susan Elliott
Pte. James Nixon 4th Btn. Northumberland Fusiliers (d.28th April 1915)My grandfather, James Nixon was in C Company of 4th Battalion Northumberland Fusiliers who landed in Boulogne, France on 20th April 1915. The Battalion moved to Ypres and on 26th April took part in the Battle of St Julien where he was badly wounded in the back and hip by shell fire. He was transferred to No.14 General Hospital, Wimereux, near Boulogne. He died on 28th April 1915 after a week in France and was buried in Wimereux Communal Cemetery.John Nixon
Pte. David Samuel William Jones 1st/4th Battalion Northumberland Fusiliers (d.26 October 1917)My Great Uncle David Jones died during the Third Battle of Ypres in 1917 aged 21 years and is remembered on the Tyne Cot Memorial Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen, Belgium.Linda Brett
Pte. Harvey Mackey 4th Battalion Northumberland Fusiliers (d.18th Nov 1916)Harvey Mackey served with the 4th Battalion Northumberland Fusiliers. He was aged 24 when he died on 18th November 1916. Born in Jarrow in 1892, he was the son of Thomas Edward and Sarah Jane Mackey (nee Nicholson) of Ryton. He enlisted in Hexham.Harvey is buried in Flatiron Copse Cemetery, Mametz.
Vin Mullen
L/Cpl. James Adam Jamieson 4th Battalion Northumberland Fusiliers (d.15th Sep 1916)James Adam Jamieson was serving with the 1st/4th Battalion Northumberland Fusiliers when he died on 15th September 1916. Born in Walls, Shetland, James Adam Jamieson age 24 Coalminer Hewer is recorded as living with his wife Theresa Jamieson (nee Haddock) and children at 78 Brunswick Street, South Shields on the 1911 census. He enlisted in North Shields.James is remembered on the Thiepval Memorial and is commemorated on the Triptych in St. Paul's Church Jarrow.
Vin Mullen
Pte. Robert Hubbard 4th Btn. Northumberland Fusiliers (d.12th Apr 1918)Robert Hubbard who was born in East Jarrow in1899 was 19 when he died. He enlisted at South Shields. He was the son of Robert Hubbard of 37 St. Mary's Terrace Tyne Dock and the late Catherine Hubbard (nee Glen). Robert Hubbard age 12 at School is with his widowed father Robert Hubbard and sisters at 4 Cleveland Place back, East Jarrow on the 1911 census.Robert is buried in Wimereux Communal Cemetery.
Vin Mullen
Pte. Thomas Hopper 4th Battalion Northumberland Fusiliers (d.28th Sep 1916)Thomas Hopper served with the 4th Battalion, Northumberland Fusiliers. He was aged 41 when he died on 28th September 1916. He was born in Jarrow 1875, son of Thomas and Margaret Hopper (nee Burns). He lived in Willington Quay and enlisted in North Shields. Thomas Hopper age 35 Cooper in Chemical Works is with his wife Mary Jane Hopper and children at 94 Stephenson Street, Willington Quay on the 1911 census.Thomas is buried in Wallsend (Church Bank) Cemetery.
Vin Mullen
Pte. Oswald Detchon 1st/4th Btn Northumberland Fusiliers (d.14th Sep 1918)Oswald Detchon died aged 31. He was born and lived in North Shields and also enlisted there. He was the son of Oswald and Frances Annie Detchon (nee Elliot) of North Shields. On the 1911 census he is recorded as Oswald Detchon age 23 Waterman for Tyne Improvement Commission is with his parents Oswald and Frances Annie Detchon and family at 147 Howdon Road, North Shields.Oswald is remembered on the Screen Wall in Worms (Hocheim Hill) Cemetery and is commemorated on the Palmer Cenotaph (south face) Jarrow.
Vin Mullen
Pte. William Dodds Gardner 4th Battalion, B Company Northumberland Fusiliers (d.24th May 1915)William Dodds Gardner aged 20, died on 24 May 1915, was the son of John and Jane Anne Gardner (nee Franks)of 6 Augusta Terrace, Dinnington Colliery, Dudley, Northumberland. He was born in 1895 in Jarrow and enlisted in Hexham. From the 1911 England and Wales BMD census his father John Gardner was aged 51 and a widower, occupation was Cartman and horse driver for a colliery coal loader born South Shields. William was aged 15 and coalminer and driver born Jarrow.William is remembered in Ypres at the Menin Gate Memorial
Vin Mullen
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