7th (Merioneth & Montgomery) Battalion, Royal Welsh Fusiliers
7th (Merioneth & Montgomery) Btn, Royal Welsh Fusiliers was a unit of the Territorial Force with their HQ in Newtown, at the outbreak of war in 1914, they were part of the North Wales Infantry Brigade, Welsh Division. F Coy were based at the Drill Hall, Brook St. Towyn.
When war broke out in August 1914, they had just set out for their for annual summer camp, they were at once recalled and were mobilised for war. At the end of August they went to Northampton to join the rest of the Diviison and to prepare for deployment to overseas. On the 18th of November orders were recieved to prepare for a move to India, but this was withdrawn. They moved to Cambridge in December and to Bedford in May 1915, when the formation was renamed 158th Brigade, 53rd (Welsh) Division.
On the 2nd of July orders arrived to re-equip for service in the Mediterranean. Leaving the artillery and train behind, the rest of the Division left 14-19 July and they embarked at Devonport on the 19th of July to Imbros. The Division made a landing at Suvla Bay, Gallipoli on the 9th of August 1915 and were involved in operations in the Suvla Bay area suffering heavy losses. By the time they were evacuated to Mudros on the 11th of December the Division stood at just 162 officers and 2428 men (approx 15%). From Mudros they went on to Alexandria and to Wardan, where the the divisional artillery rejoined between the 11th and 22nd of February 1916. They were in action at The Battle of Romani in the Palestine campaign and in 1917 158th Brigade fought at The First Battle of Gaza and the whole Division were in action during The Second Battle of Gaza, The Third Battle of Gaza when they were involved in capture of Beersheba, Tell Khuweilfe, and The Capture of Jerusalem. In December they were in action in The Defence of Jerusalem. In March 1918 they fought at The Battle of Tell'Asur. Between the beginning of June and the end of August,many of the units were ordered to France, being replaced by Indian units, the artillery remained with the Division. On 24 June 1918 the battalion transferred to 160th Brigade still with 53rd (Welsh) Division. In September they were in action at The battle of Nablus before being with drawn for rest on the 26th and moved back to Tell'Asur. They then moved to Ramle where they entrained for Alexandria on the 27th of October. The Armistice with Turkey took effect on 31 October and the Division was demobilised with the first parties leaving for England on the 22nd of December.
6th Jul 1915 Equipment
8th Jul 1915 Inspection
15th Jul 1915 Embarkation
17th Jul 1915 Embarkation
8th Aug 1915 On the Move
9th Aug 1915 Landings
9th Aug 1915 Shelling
9th Aug 1915 Landings
10th Aug 1915 In Action
10th Aug 1915 Attack Made
11th Aug 1915 Consolidation
16th Aug 1915 Information
23rd Aug 1915 Relief
27th Aug 1915 Relief
11th Sep 1915 Last day of Derby Scheme Recruitment
16th Oct 1915 The Derby Scheme
1st Dec 1915 Derby Scheme Armlets
10th Jan 1916 Group System Reopens
9th February 1916 Call Ups
7th August 1916 New draft.
If you can provide any additional information, please add it here.
| Want to know more about 7th (Merioneth & Montgomery) Battalion, Royal Welsh Fusiliers? There are:23 items tagged 7th (Merioneth & Montgomery) Battalion, Royal Welsh Fusiliers available in our Library  These include information on officers, regimental histories, letters, diary entries, personal accounts and information about actions during the Great War.
Those known to have served with7th (Merioneth & Montgomery) Battalion, Royal Welsh Fusiliers during the Great War 1914-1918.
- Allen F. G.. Pte. (d.25th November 1919)
- Bennett David William. Pte. (d.26th Mar 1917)
- Crompton James Issac. Pte. (d.7th July 1919)
- Jones Evan Maengywn.
- Jones James. Cpl. (d.11th Nov 1917)
- Jones John Frederick. Pte. (d.26th Mar 1917)
- Jones John Frederick. Pte. (d.26th Mar 1917)
- Jones Lewis Thomas. Pte.
- Moss Samuel. Pte. (d.26th March 1917)
- Pearce Alfred Ernest. Sgt. (d.10th Aug 1915)
- Richardson Douglas Andrew Liston. Pte.
- Tompkins J.. Pte. (d.1st August 1919)
All names on this list have been submitted by relatives, friends, neighbours and others who wish to remember them, if you have any names to add or any recollections or photos of those listed,
please Add a Name to this List
Records of 7th (Merioneth & Montgomery) Battalion, Royal Welsh Fusiliers from other sources.
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Pte. James Issac Crompton 7th (Merioneth & Montgomery) Battalion Royal Welsh Fusiliers (d.7th July 1919) James Crompton is named on the War Memorial in Calder Vale Lancashire. My Great Aunt said he was related to us but at the time I didn't try to find out any further info.
As part of the 100 Year Anniversary of the end of the war the Garstang Historical Society tried to find out information on everyone named. Unfortunately, they couldn't find anything on James so since last November I've been on a search to fill in any blanks.
James was born in Bolton around 1886. In 1911 he was living near Lancaster with his wife and 10 month old daughter.
He originally joined the Cheshire Regiment and transferred to the Royal Welch Fusiliers where, I believe, he served in the 7th Battalion.
He died on the 7th of July 1919 at the 57th General Hospital in Marseille.
He is buried in the Commonwealth War Grave, Mazargues War Cemetery with the following inscription on his grave stone:
Gods Will, Not Ours Be Done.
Sgt. Alfred Ernest Pearce 1/7th Btn. Royal Welsh Fusiliers (d.10th Aug 1915) Born in 1893, my Great-uncle Alfie Pearce joined the Merioneth and Montgomery section of the Royal Welsh Fusiliers at Newtown in July 1914.
His unit trained at Kinmel Bay near Abergele, North Wales, after which he was stationed at a number of Army bases in England until the following year.
At the end of July 1915 his Regiment was sent to Gallipoli. It landed at Suvla Bay on the evening of 8th August. Early on the morning of 10th, three Battalions, 1/5th, 1/6th and Alfie's battalion, 1/7th RWF, were sent to relieve 159 Battalion on the front line below Chocolate Hill with a view to advancing a further half mile upwards.
Despite gaining the initial advantage of surprise over the Turkish forces on 8th August, the allied troops had been rested for a day, so by the 10th, the Turkish forces had re-grouped and re-armed.
In order to reach the trenches, the three Welsh Battalions had to cross a dry salt lake where they encountered extremely heavy fire. Despite widening the line there were heavy casualties, added to which they met the 159 Battalion already retreating. In the chaos, the lines were broken and there were many more losses.
Nevertheless the Fusiliers reached the front line and held it for a further two days before being relieved. Much depleted, they were unable to make further progress up the hill as intended.
My Great-uncle was among the casualties that day. His body was never recovered and his name is listed amongst those missing in action on the Memorial overlooking the Dardenelle Straits.
I'm sure his story is not unique and that many young soldiers lost their lives prematurely in this and other conflicts.
Pte. David William Bennett 1/7th (Merioneth & Montgomery) Btn. Royal Welsh Fusiliers (d.26th Mar 1917) Bill Bennett, eldest son of William and Mary Bennett was killed in action aged 18 at the First Battle of Gaza on 26th March 1917.
His father, Gunner William Bennett of the 259th Siege Battery, Royal Garrison Artillery, was killed in action on 18th April 1917 in Arras, France.
William was the brother of my great-grandmother.
Pte. J. Tompkins 1st/7th Bn. Royal Welsh Fusiliers (d.1st August 1919) Private Tompkins was the Son of Arthur J. and Arabella C. Tompkins, of 18, Meadow Lane, Ellesmere Port, Birkenhead. He was 22 when he died and is buried in the Famagusta Military Cemetery in Cyprus, Grave 21.
Pte. F. G. Allen 1st/7th Btn. (d.25th November 1919) Private Allen was buried in the Famagusta Military Cemetery in Cyprus, Grave 24.
Pte. John Frederick Jones 7th Btn. Royal Welsh Fusiliers (d.26th Mar 1917) John Jones died aged 23. He is commemorated on the Jerusalem War Memorial in Israel.
He was the son of John Thomas Jones and Jane Jones of 39 Smithfield Street, Llanidloes, Montgomeryshire, Wales.
Pte. John Frederick Jones 7th Btn. Royal Welsh Fusiliers (d.26th Mar 1917) John Frederick Jones served with the 7th Battalion Royal Welsh Fusiliers during WW1. He was killed in action on the 26th March 1917, aged 23, and is commemorated in the Jerusalem War Cemetery. He was the son of John Thomas Jones and Jane Jones, of 39, Smithfield St., Llanidloes, Montgomeryshire.
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