- East Yorkshire Regiment during the Great War -
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Want to know more about the East Yorkshire Regiment?
There are:7202 items tagged East Yorkshire Regiment available in our Library
These include information on officers, regimental histories, letters, diary entries, personal accounts and information about actions during the Great War.
Those known to have served with
East Yorkshire Regiment
during the Great War 1914-1918.
- Abbott Edgar. 5th (Cyclist) Btn.
- Airey Richard. Sgt. 6th Btn. (d.22nd Aug 1915)
- Alexander Hubert Erasmus. Lt.
- Alger Joseph. Sgt. 7th Battalion (d.2nd October 1915)
- Allabyrne Edward. Pte. 2nd Btn. (d.23rd Apr 1915)
- Allen Thomas Gordon. Lt. 5th Btn. (d.26th Aug 1918)
- Allum Walter Charles. Pte 2nd Btn
- Anderson George. L/Cpl. 7th Btn. (d.20th Jul 1916)
- Anderson Robert. Cpl. 2nd Battalion (d.14th July 1915)
- Anderson VC William. Cpl. 2nd Btn. (d.13th March 1915)
- Arksey Albert. L/Cpl. 10th Btn. (d.25th March 1917 )
- Armitage Gilbert. Pte. 4th Battalion
- Atkinson Edwin. Pte. 10th Btn. (d.26th Apr 1917)
- Back Harry. Pte. 1/4th Btn. (d.5th October 1918.)
- Bain Alexander. Sgt. 1st Btn.
- Baker Edmund W. Pte. 10th Battalion (d.16th May 1918)
- Baker MM, DSM. Frank. Cpl. 10th (Hull) Btn.
- Ball Henry. Lt. 3rd Btn. (d.13th January 1916)
- Barber Arthur William. Pte.
- Barry Patrick. Sgt. 7th Btn. (d.1st Oct 1915)
- Bater John. Pte. 7th Battalion (d.25th March 1918)
- Beadle T. A.. Pte. 11th Btn. (d.10th Mar 1917)
- Beal Edgar Joseph. Pte. 7th Battalion
- Beaumont Harry. Pte. 7th Battalion
- Beechey Frank Reeve. Lt. 13th (4th Hull) Battalion (d.14th Nov 1916)
- Bell VC Donald Simpson. 2nd Lt. 9th Btn. (d.10th July 1916)
- Bellenie Arthur Leolin. Pte. 13th Btn.
- Bennet James. L/Cpl. 11th Battalion (d.3rd May 1917)
- Benson DCM Harold Stamp. CSM 1st Btn.
- Bentley Herbert. Pte. 8th Btn "D" Coy (d.14th April 1916)
- Beresford Thomas. Pte. 8th Battalion (d.25th Apr 1918)
- Berry Daniel. Pte. 8th Battalion (d.18th Aug 1916)
- Berry John. Pte. 8th Btn. (d.24th Sep 1915)
- Bibby CdeG. Joseph William. A/Sgt.Mjr. 12th Btn. (d.28th June 1918)
- Black Myer. Pte. 11th Btn. (d.13th Nov 1916)
- Blakemore Thomas William. L/Cpl. 6th Btn. (d.17th Sep 1917)
- Bland Herbert. Pte. 7th Battalion
- Bonds George. Pte. 1st Btn. (d.23rd Oct 1918)
- Booth Arthur. Pte. 1st Btn. (d.28th August 1915)
- Bowes Leonard. Pte. 4th Btn. (d.1st Oct 1916)
- Boylett Frederick. Sgt. 1st Btn. (d.1st July 1916)
- Bradley Joseph. 7th Btn (d.5th Nov 1916)
- Brady Walter. Pte. 1/4th Battalion, A Company (d.3rd May 1915)
- Brett R. Harry. Pte. 2nd Btn. (d.30th August 1914)
- Broadley Harry. Pte. 1st Btn. (d.16th Sep 1916)
- Broom John James. Pte. 1st Battalion (d.17th Aug 1918)
- Broomfield Thomas Alfred. Pte. 2nd Btn. (d.15th Jun 1915)
- Brouse Willaim Henry. Cpl 1st Btn (d.1st Jul 1916)
- Brown Albert David. Pte. 6th Btn. (d.9th Aug 1915)
- Brown Joseph Stuart. Cpl. 7th Btn. (d.23rd Dec 1917)
- Buck Harold. Pte. 8th Btn. (d.26th Sep 1917)
- Buck Harold. Pte. 8th Btn. (d.26th Sep 1917)
- Bullock Eli. Pte. 2nd Battalion
- Burgess James. Pte 2nd Battalion (d.5th Feb 1915)
- Burn Thomas Mathew. Pte. 1st Battalion
- Burn Thomas Mathew. Pte 1st Btn.
- Burn William Hailes. 6th Btn.
- Buzzard Thomas. 2nd Btn. (d.23rd May 1915)
- Campion MiD. Walter Ernest. Maj. 1st Btn. (d.28th October 1914)
- Carney Edmund. 6th Btn.
- Carney Frederick. Pte. 2nd Btn. F Coy.
- Carney DCM. John. L/Sgt. 2nd Btn.
- Carney MC. DCM. & bar. Thomas P.. CSM. 2nd Btn.
- Carney William Michael. 3th Btn.
- Carr Charles. Pte. 6th Btn. (d.21st Aug 1915)
- Cawthorn Nicholas. Pte. 1/5th Battalion (d.11th April 1917)
- Chafer VC. William George. Pte. 1st Battalion
- Chamberlain Fred. Sgt. 1st Btn.
- Chapman Robert. Pte. 1st Btn. (d.20th Oct 1914)
- Chapman Stanley. L/Cpl. 12th (Hull Sportsmen) Battalion (d.13th Nov 1916)
- Chapman William Henry. Sgt. 6th Battalion (d.9th Aug 1915)
- Christelow Matthew. Pte. 7th Btn. (d.4th November 1917)
- Christopher Montague William. Pte. 11th Btn. (d.13th Nov 1916)
- Coates Alfred. Pte 1st Btn (d.23rd of October 1918)
- Colgrave Colin. Cpl. 6th Battalion (d.29th September 1916)
- Collen Norman Owen. 2nd Lt. 1st Btn. (d.25th Sep 1916)
- Cooper Albert. Pte. 1st Battalion. D Company (d.9th April 1917)
- Coulson James Hutchinson. Pte.
- Coulson James Henry. Cpl. 2nd Btn. (d.1st October 1915)
- Coxon George Ernest. Pte. 7th Battalion (d.19th September 1915)
- Cozens William Henry. Pte. 8th Btn (d.26th Sep 1917)
- Crabtree Stephen Mark. Lt. 12th Btn. (d.28th Jun 1916)
- Creswell Andrew. Pte 2nd Btn. C Coy
- Creswell Andrew. Pte. 12th Btn.
- Crooks William Phipson. Pte. 8th Btn. (d.5th Mar 1916)
- Crowther Milton. Pte. 2nd/4th Btn. (d.22nd May 1918)
- Cunningham William. Sgt.
- Curry Keith Cuthbert. Pte. 10th (Hull Commercials) Btn. (d.25th Mar 1919)
- Curry Keith Cuthbert. Pte. 2/4th Battalion (d.25th March 1919)
- Curtis Charles. Pte. 13th Battalion (d.21st July 1916)
- Cutcliffe John. Lt. 9th Btn. (d.26th Aug 1918)
- Darty James. Pte. 2nd Btn. (d.16th February 1915)
- Darty James. Pte. 2nd Btn. (d.16th February 1915)
- Dean John. L Cpl 7th Btn (d.10th Jul 1916)
- Dearing Richard. L/Cpl 7th Btn (d.24th Aug 1918)
- Dent Percy W. Pte. 13th Btn. (d.13th May 1917)
- Devey Richard William. Pte. 1st Garrison Btn.
- Douglas Richard Jackson. Pvt. 7th Battalion (d.18th September 1918)
- Drewery Joseph. L/Cpl. 7th Btn. (d.10th Jul 1916)
- Drewery Thomas. L/Cpl. 9th Btn. (d.13th Jul 1918)
- Eddolls Ernest James. Pte. 4th Btn. (d.10th Nov 1918)
- Eddom John William. Pte. 13th Btn. (d.20th July 1916)
- Edlington William Henry. 2Lt.
- Edson James. Pte. 7th Btn. (d.5th Nov 1916)
- Edwards Arthur. Pte. 7th Btn. (d.6th Nov 1916)
- Exon John. L/Cpl. 7th Btn. (d.16th Nov 1917)
- Eyre Harry. 2nd Lt. 2nd Btn. (d.17th Sep 1918)
- Farrow Herbert. Pte. 11th Btn. (d.11th July 1918)
- Fenby William. Ac/Sgt 8th Battalion (d.8th January 1917)
- Ferguson Joseph. Pte. 1st Btn. (d.16th Jun 1918)
- Ferguson Joseph. Pte. 1st Btn. (d.16th June 1918)
- Fidgett Victor Herbert. Sgt. C Coy, 1st Btn. (d.22nd Nov 1914)
- Field Francis Morgan. Capt. 7th Btn. (d.31st Mar 1918)
- Fitzgerald Augustine. Pte. 1st Btn. (d.1st June 1917)
- Fitzgerald George Bernard. L/Cpl. 1st Btn. (d.10th May 1917)
- Flannigan Patrick. Pte. 1st Btn. (d.25th September 1916)
- Flowers John Alfred. Pte 5th Btn.
- Flynn Daniel. Pte. 7th Btn. (d.18th Sep 1918)
- Ford Henry Richard. Pte. 10th (Hull Commercials) Battalion (d.27th Mar 1918)
- Forrest George Scott. Pte. 1st Btn (d.16th Sept 1916)
- Fowles Lloyd. Pte. 6th Battalion (d.28th August 1915)
- Fox Robert Michael. Pte. 6th Btn. (d.9th August 1915)
- Frary Charles. Pte. 7th Btn. (d.5th Nov 1916)
- Fridlington George. Pte. 6th Btn.
- Gale George H.. Pte. 7th Btn. (d.23rd March 1918)
- Gardiner William John. Sgt.
- Gee Sydney Webster. 7th Btn. (d.12th November 1916)
- Gerrard B.. Pte. 7th Battalion (d.7th August 1917)
- Gibbons Harold Robert. Pte. 10th Battalion
- Gibson Thomas William. Pte. 8th Btn.
- Gill Ernest. Pte. 1st Btn.
- Gleaden Joe. Pte.
- Graves William. Pte. 55th Protection Coy.
- Greenwood Ashton. Pte. 13th Btn. (d.2nd May 1917)
- Greenwood Joe. Pte. 1/4th Btn. (d.23rd April 1917)
- Greenwood John Wild. Pte. 2/4th Battalion
- Grocock Albert Ishmael. Pte. 1st/5th Btn. (d.9th Apr 1918)
- Gunshon George Henry. Pte. 6th Btn. (d.21st Aug 1917)
- Hague Alfred. Pte. 7th Btn. (d.10th Jul 1916)
- Hague Kenneth. Pte. 1st Battalion (d.1st July 1916)
- Haley James. Pte. (d.9th Aug 1915)
- Hall Robert. Cpl. 10th Battalion (d.4th Oct 1917)
- Hall Walter John. Pte. 6th Battalion
- Hallam MM. John. Sgt. 13th Btn. (d.13th Nov 1916)
- Hallam MM John. Sgt 13th Btn (d.13th Nov 1916)
- Hance John Lawrence. Cpl. 1st Btn.
- Harney Robert William. Pte. 1st Btn. (d.28th May 1918)
- Harrison VC. John. 2nd Lt. 11th Btn. (d.3rd May 1917)
- Havelock Joseph. Pte. 8th Btn "C" Coy. (d.5th Mar 1916)
- Haykin Herbert. Pte. 1st Btn. (d.22nd Aug 1918)
- Hazeltine Henry. Pte. 1st Btn. (d.5th May 1916)
- Henderson John. Pte. 6th Battalion, C Coy (d.22nd Aug 1915)
- Hickson Joseph. Pte. 1st/4th Battalion (d.27th March 1916)
- Higham George Aaron Gilbert. Pte 2nd Battalion
- Hinch George Edmund. Cpl. 7th Btn. (d.9th Feb 1917)
- Hinings Fred W.C.. Capt. 1st Btn. (d.25th September 1916)
- Hirst MC. Joesph. Capt. 7th Btn.
- Hodgson Amos. L/Cpl. 7th Btn. "C" company (d.1st Jul 1916)
- Hogan William. Pte 14th Btn.
- Holdsworth William Henry.
- holmes John Edward. Pte. 1st Battalion
- Holmes Thomas. Pte. 2nd Btn., A Coy. (d.23rd March 1915)
- Holmes William. Pte. 2nd Btn. (d.4th October 1915)
- Holmes William. Pte. 2nd Btn. (d.4th October 1915)
- Hough Topham Becher Dabridgecourt. 2nd Lt. 8th Btn. (d.18th Jan 1916)
- Howe James Reynolds. Cpl. 12th Battalion
- Howes Joseph Alfred. Pte. 7th Battalion (d.10th Oct 1918)
- Howorth Harry. Pte. 10th Battalion (d.27th March 1918)
- Hughes Robert Maurice. Lt. (d.1st August 1919)
- Hume John Garland. Pte. 1st Btn (d.5th Aug 1918)
- Hutchinson . 9th Btn.
- Hutchinson Alfred. Pte. 1st Btn.
- Hutting William. Pte. 2nd Btn.
- Hyde Edgar. 10th Btn. (d.17th Apr 1916)
- Jackson Edward. Pte. 7th Btn. (d.4th November 1918)
- Jackson George Walton. Pte. 1st Btn.
- Jackson Harold Willows. Lt. 4th Btn. (d.14th May 1917)
- Jackson VC. Harold. Sgt. 7th Btn. C Company (d.24th Aug 1918)
- Jackson Vincent Machin. Pte. 6th Btn. (d.26th Sep 1916)
- Jacques William. Pte. 2nd Btn. (d.8th May 1914)
- Jameson William. Pte. 7th Btn. (d.25th August 1917)
- Jarvis Richard. Pte. 12th Btn. (d.17th Aug 1916)
- Jelfs Ernest. Pte. 12th (Hull Sportsmen) Btn. D Coy.
- Jessop Walter G.. Pte. 12th Battalion (d.13th Nov 1916)
- Jessop Walter George. Pte. 12th Battalion (d.13th Nov 1916)
- Johnson George H.. Pte. 10th Btn. (d.4th Jun 1916)
- Johnson John William. Pte. 11th (Hull Pals) Btn. (d.5th Sep 1918)
- Jones David Willy. Pte. 1st Btn. (d.1st July 1916)
- Jubb Robert. Pte (d.3rd May 1917)
- Kay A.. Pte. 1st Btn. (d.1st September 1918)
- Keable MM. James William. Cpl. 7th Btn. (d.5th November 1918)
- Kelly James. Pte. 6th Battalion (d.26th Sep 1916)
- King John. Pte, 1st Btn (d.9th Aug 1915)
- Knox John. Pte. 8th Battalion (d.14th Jul 1916)
- Lambert Jerimiah George. Pte. 1st Btn. (d.24th May 1918)
- Lamond Harold Gordon. Sgt. 2nd Battalion
- Land Ernest. Pte. 11th (Hull Tradesmen) Btn.
- Langdale Henry. Pte
- lanham George. Pte 7th Btn. (d.12th May 1917)
- Lanham George. Pte. 7th Battalion (d.12th May 1917)
- Lavery Arthur William E. Pte. 1st Battalion (d.1st Jul 1916)
- Leak George. Pte. 7th Battalion (d.24th Sept 1915)
- Leak George A.. Pte. B Coy., 4th Btn. (d.15th Sep 1916)
- Ledger Joseph Henry. Pte. 10th Battalion (d.28th June 1918)
- Leighton Joseph. L/Cpl. 8th Battalion (d.24th Jul 1916)
- Lewis Arthur Leslie Vernon. Pte. 8th Battalion
- Lister Joseph. Pte. 11th Btn. (d.13th Aug 1918)
- Little Norman. Private 1st Battalion (d.21st Mar 1918)
- Lockey William. Pte 2nd Battalion (d.2nd May 1915)
- Loudoun-Shand VC Stewart Walter. Major 10th Btn. (d.1st July 1916)
- Macgarr Walter. Pte. 4th Btn.
- Mackay William. Pte. 6th Battalion (d.22nd Aug 1915)
- Maffin Alfred. Pte 13th (4th Hull) Battalion
- Magson John. CQMS. 4th Btn.
- Mallon Frederick. Pte. 7th Battalion (d.17th October 1918)
- Mansell Thomas. Pte. 8th Btn. (d.13th Nov 1916)
- Manson Frederick George. Pte. 8th Btn, (d.13th Apr 1917)
- Marchbanks Arthur Ernest. Pte. 1st Battalion (d.27th Oct 1917)
- Martin John Henry. Sgt. 1st Battalion (d.6th Nov 1918)
- Martin Nathan Vincent. L/Cpl. 10th Battalion (d.5th Oct 1918)
- Masterman George Bernard. L/Cpl. 8th Battalion (d.26th Sep 1917)
- Matson John.
- Mayman Ernest Arthur. Pte. 1st Btn. B Coy.
- McCarty James. Pte. 1st Battalion (d.4th May 1916)
- McColl Charles Frederick. Pte. 1/4th Btn. (d.28th Dec 1917)
- McEvoy Robert McEvoy. Pte.
- McEvoy Robert Wright. Pte.
- McGeary Arthur. Pte. 8th Btn. (d.26th Sept 1915)
- McGrath James. Pte. 3rd Battalion
- McIntyre James. Pte. 1st Btn. (d.28th Oct 1914)
- McIntyre MM & Bar. John. 2nd Lt. 6th Btn.
- Meadows Albert George. Pte. 8th Battalion (d.26th Sep 1915)
- Middleton Alfred. Cpl. 1st Btn (d.1st Jul 1916)
- Middleton Alfred. Cpl. 1st Btn. (d.1st Jul 1916)
- Middleton Robert William. Pte. 2nd Battalion (d.23rd April 1915)
- Miley Albert. Pte. 2nd/4th Btn. (d.17th Dec 1916)
- Mills Thomas Henry Lewis. Capt. 8th Btn. (d.14th July 1916)
- Mitchell Charles Wand. Chap. (d.3rd May 1917)
- Moore Arthur. Pte. 13th Btn.
- Moore Francis Joseph. Cpl 8th Battalion (d.20th July 1916)
- Morgan Frank. Pte. 1/4th Btn. (d.22nd Sep 1918)
- Morris George Henry. Pte 1st Battalion (d.26th August 1918)
- Neal Noah. Pte. 2nd Battalion
- Needham Albert. Pte. 4th Battalion (d.29th Apr 1915)
- Nicholson Matthew. Pte 10th Battalion (d.12th April 1918)
- Noyland Ernest. Pte. 8th Btn. (d.26th September 1917)
- O'Neill John Robert. Bdm. 7th Btn.
- Ogilwy William Eyre. Pte. 8th Btn. (d.3rd May 1917)
- Ogle Benjamin. Pte 2nd Battalion
- Ogle Benjamin. Pte. 2nd Battalion
- Owers Frank. L/Cpl. 161st Coy. (d.5th Apr 1918)
- Palmer MM. Robert. Sgt.
- Parnell MM. James Arthur. Sgt.
- Parrott Harry Rands. Pte. 1st Btn. (d.20th Oct 1914)
- Partis Daniel. Pte. 11th Btn. (d.30th Mar 1918)
- Patterson Robert. Pte. 1st Battalion (d.28th May 1918)
- Pearce Joseph Charles. Pte. 1st Btn. (d.14th Feb 1917)
- Pick Arthur Edwin. Pte. 7th Btn. (d.20th Jun 1916)
- Pindar William. Pte. 12th Btn. B Coy.
- Pinder Alfred. Pte. 1st Btn. (d.1st Jul 1916)
- Pinder MM George. Sgt. 7th Battalion
- Porter MM Edwin. Sgt. 1st Btn.
- Preston James Routledge. Pte. 13th Battalion (d.25th May 1916)
- Ratcliffe Percy. Pte 1st Battalion (d.25th April 1918)
- Reid George. Pte. 2nd Btn. (d.28th September 1915)
- Revell MM Joseph. Pte. 1st Battalion
- Richardson George. Pte. 6th Btn. (d.1st Oct 1918)
- Richmond Wilfred Norburn. Pte. 790 (d.7th Nov 1916 )
- Riley Michael. Pte. 12th Btn. (d.28th Mar 1916)
- Ripley Thomas Martin. Pte 6th Btn
- Roberts Albert Edward. Pte. 6th Battalion (d.21st September 1915)
- Roberts John Henry. Pte. 2/4th Btn. (d.29th Sep 1918)
- Roberts William. Pte. 8th Btn. (d.13th Apr 1917)
- Robinson Edward. L/Cpl. 10th Btn. (d.24th April 1917)
- Robinson Heber. Pte. 10th Btn. (d.12th Apr 1918)
- Round MM. Sidney. L/Cpl. 1st Btn.
- Rusling Albert. Pte. 10th (Hull Commercials) Btn. D Coy. (d.16th Apr 1918)
- Russell William. Pte. 13th Btn. (d.13th Nov 1916)
- Rutherford James. Pte. 11th Btn. A Coy. (d.8th Sept 1918)
- Sample Frederick. Pte. 8th Btn. (d.9th Apr 1917)
- Sampson George. Pte. (d.3rd November 1916)
- Sanger Henry Keith. 2nd Lt. 10th Btn. (d.13th April 1918)
- Savory Arnold Kenneth Malcolm Cecil Wordsworth. Maj. 13th (4th Hull) Battalion
- Scott MM Henry. Cpl. 4th Btn. (d.22nd Jul 1916)
- Scott MM. Henry. Cpl. 4th Btn. (d.22nd July 1916)
- Scott MM. Henry. Cpl. 4th Battalion (d.22nd July 1916)
- Scullion William. Pte. 7th Battalion (d.10th Jul 1916)
- Seagrove Alfred. Pte. 1st Garrison Battalion
- Sharp Thomas Alfred. Pte. 2nd Btn. (d.30th Sep 1915)
- Sheldon Thomas. L/Sgt. 8th Btn. (d.26th Sep 1915)
- Shores John. Pte. 14th Battalion (d.13th Nov 1916)
- Sieber John Frederick Louis. 2nd Lt. 6th Battalion (d.4th Oct 1916)
- Simpson William. Pte. 7th Btn. (d.29th July 1917)
- Skipworth John William. Pte. 4th Battalion (d.23rd April 1917)
- Slack MC. Cecil M.. Lt 4th Btn.
- Slack Cecil Moorhouse. Pte. 10th Btn.
- Slimmer Louis. Pte. 7th Battalion (d.23rd March 1918)
- Smart William Henry. Pte. 11th Battalion
- Smelt John. Pte. 10th (1st Hull) Btn. (d.5th June 1916)
- Smith Charles. Pte. 6th Btn. (d.5th Sept 1916)
- Smith George. Pte. 8th Battalion (d.18th Jun 1916)
- Smith James Valentine. 10th Btn.
- Smith MM. Joseph. Sgt. 7th Battalion (d.12th May 1917)
- Smith Richard Henry. Pte. 10th Btn. (d.3rd May 1917)
- Smith William. Pte. 2nd Btn., "B" Coy. (d.5th May 1915)
- Smith William George. Pte. 12th (Hull Sportsmen) Btn. (d.27th May 1916)
- Smith William George. Pte. 12th (Hull Sportsmen) Btn. (d.27th May 1916)
- Snee MC. Joseph. 2Lt. 25th (2nd Tyneside Irish) Battalion
- Sole Soloman. Pte. 13th Btn. (d.5th May 1917)
- Sole Solomon. Pte. 13th Btn. (d.5th May 1917)
- Spink Harry Wright. SSgt 2nd Btn. (d.16th Aug 1915)
- Stanton Joseph. Pte. 1st Btn. (d.16th Sep 1916)
- Stead Joseph. Pte. 9th Btn. (d.19th Oct 1918)
- Steel Allen. Pte. 11th Btn. (d.28th June 1918)
- Steele Arthur Joseph. Lt. 6th Btn. (d.22nd September 1915)
- Stoker Robert. 12th Btn.
- Story Arthur. Sgt. 2nd Btn. (d.17th Feb 1915)
- Stott John W.. Pte. 1st Btn. (d.25th Apr 1918)
- Strain William. CSM. 1st Btn. (d.25th Sep 1916)
- Swallow Frederick. Pte. 7th Battalion (d.6th Sep 1915)
- Synnott Michael. Pte. 2/4th Btn. (d.12th October 1918)
- Talford Herbert. Pte. 10th Btn. (d.2nd Oct 1918)
- Taylor Alexander William. Pte 1st Btn (d.22 March 1918)
- Taylor George William. Pte. 7th Btn. (d.24th April 1917)
- Taylor George William. Pte. 7th Btn. (d.24th April 1917)
- Taylor William. Pte 9th Btn (d.8th Feb 1918)
- Temple Herbert. 12th Btn.
- Thirsk MC Kenneth Alfred. Lt. 7th Battalion
- Thompson George Richard. Pte. 6th Btn.
- Thompson John. Pte. 1st Btn. (d.28th Oct 1914)
- Tomlinson William. Pte. 7th Battalion (d.19th Aug 1918)
- Tripcony Ernest. Pte. 12th Battalion (d.3rd May 1917)
- Trotter George Alexander. Pte. 12th Battalion
- Trueman Townley. 13th Btn.
- Turner Frederick. Pte. 13th Battalion (d.10th Sep 1918)
- Turner Richard. Pte. 752nd Coy. (d.8th Jul 1918)
- Veal Arthur Jubb. Pte. 2/4th Btn. (d.3rd October 1918)
- Walker Harry. Pte.
- Wall Ernest. Pte. 7th Btn. (d.1st July 1916)
- Walmsley Herbert. Pte.
- Walsh Patrick. Pte. 6th Btn. (d.23rd Nov 1915)
- Ward Arthur Bowsher. Pte. 1st Btn. (d.15th Aug 1918)
- Ward Augustus Simon. Pte 1st Btn (d.20th Oct 1918)
- Wardell Joseph. Pte.
- Ware Alick. Pte. 10th Btn. (d.28th April 1917)
- Watts Thomas W.. Pte. 7th Btn. (d.30th Aug 1917)
- Webb Richard Henry. Pte. 4th Btn
- Webster Albert. Pte. 1st Btn. (d.22nd Oct 1918)
- West Harold Frederick. Cpl. 7th Btn. (d.10th October 1918)
- Whisby David Thomas. Sgt. 12th Btn.
- White William. Pte. 7th Btn. (d.17th November 1915)
- Whitham Frederick. Pte. 2nd Btn. C Coy. (d.26th Sep 1915)
- Whitworth Benjamin. Pte. 7th Btn. (d.1st Jul 1916)
- Wilkinson James. Pte. 8th Btn. (d.14th July 1916)
- Williams Arthur Thomas. Pte. 1/4th Battalion (d.19 June 1916)
- Williams Bertie. Pte. 12th Btn.
- Wilson Allison Douglas. Pte. 5th
- Wilson Frederick W.. Pte. 1st Btn.
- Windle George. Pte. 3rd Btn.
- Wiseman William Rodger. Pte
- Wood George Arnold. Pte, 1st,7th and 10th Btns.
- Wood Robert. Pte. 10th Battalion (d.13th April 1918)
- Woollen Herbert. Pte. 3rd Btn.
- Woolston Leonard. Pte. 1st Btn.
- Wright Christopher William. Pte. 10th Btn.
- Wright Thomas McMorran. Pte. 12th Battalion (d.18th April 1916)
- Wylie Arthur. Pte.
All names on this list have been submitted by relatives, friends, neighbours and others who wish to remember them, if you have any names to add or any recollections or photos of those listed, please. Add a Name to this List
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12066352nd Lt. Donald Simpson Bell VC 9th Btn. Yorkshire Regiment (d.10th July 1916)
Donald Bell was killed in action on the 10th of July 1916 and is buried in the Gordon Dump Cemetery in France. A former professional football player, he was the son of Smith and Annie Bell, of Western Flats, Queen's Rd., Harrogate; husband of Rhoda Bell, of Wilmslow, Cheshire.An extract from The London Gazette, No. 29740, dated 8th Sept., 1916, records the following:- "For most conspicuous bravery. During an attack a very heavy enfilade fire was opened on the attacking company by a hostile machine gun. 2nd Lt. Bell immediately, and on his own initiative, crept up a communication trench and then, followed by Corpl. Colwill and Pte. Batey, rushed across the open under very heavy fire and attacked the machine gun, shooting the firer with his revolver, and destroying gun and personnel with bombs. This very brave act saved many lives and ensured the success of the attack. Five days later this very gallant officer lost his life performing a very similar act of bravery."
s flynn
1206579William Henry Holdsworth East Yorkshire Regiment
Bill Holdsworth is my Mother's Great Uncle from her Father's side of the family. He was born 8th May 1884 in Bradford West Yorkshire. I am unsure as to what Regiment William served in, I did recall someone saying it was the East Yorkshire Regiment judging by the Military badge on his cap but I am not certain.Karen Ridealgh
1206517Major Stewart Walter Loudoun-Shand VC 10th Btn. Yorkshire Regiment (d.1st July 1916)
Walter Loudoun-Shand was killed in action on the 1st of July 1916, aged 36 and is buried in the Norfolk Cemetery in France. he was the son of Mr. J. L. Loudoun-Shand, of 27 Alleyn Park, Dulwich, LondonAn extract from the London Gazette No. 29740 dated 8th Sept. 1916 records the following:- "For most conspicuous bravery. When his company attempted to climb over the parapet to attack the enemy's trenches, they were met by very fierce machine gun fire, which temporarily stopped their progress. Maj. Loudoun-Shand leapt on the parapet, helped the men over it, and encouraged them in every way until fell mortally wounded. Even then he insisted on being propped up in the trench, and went on encouraging the non-commissioned officers and men until he died"
s flynn
1206463Pte. William Hutting 2nd Btn. East Yorkshire Regiment
Private William Hutting served as N°9849, 2nd East Yorkshire Regiment, 83rd Brigade in 28th Division He changed units at the end of 1915 and went to the Machine Gun Corps with the n°176806. After he changed another time the unit for going to the South Lancashire with the n°8855.It's the only information have find about this solder. I found his toothbrush near Arras Thanks if you have any another information about this soldier.
12063842nd Lt. John Harrison VC. 11th Btn. East Yorkshire Regiment (d.3rd May 1917)
John Harrison was killed in action on the 3rd of May 1917, aged 26. Commemorated on the Arras Memorial in the Faubourg-d'Amiens Cemetery in Arras, France, he was the husband of Mrs. J. Harrison, of 75, Wharncliffe St., Spring Bank, Hull and a former Hull Rugby League Player.An extract from The London Gazette dated 12th June, 1917, records the following:- "For most conspicuous bravery and self-sacrifice in an attack. Owing to darkness and to smoke from the enemy barrage, and from our own, and to the fact that our objective was in a dark wood, it was impossible to see when our barrage had lifted off the enemy front line. Nevertheless, 2nd Lt. Harrison led his company against the enemy trench under heavy rifle and machine-gun fire, but was repulsed. Reorganising his command as best he could in No Man's Land, he again attacked in darkness under terrific fire, but with no success. Then, turning round, this gallant officer single-handed made a dash at the machine-gun, hoping to knock out the gun and so save the lives of many of his company. His self-sacrifice and absolute disregard of danger was an inspiring example to all. He is reported missing, believed killed."
s flynn
1206371Sgt. Harold Jackson VC. 7th Btn. C Company East Yorkshire Regiment (d.24th Aug 1918)
Harold Jackson was killed in action on 24th of August 1918, aged 26 and is buried in the A.I.F. Burial Ground, Somme, France. He was the son of Thomas and Mary Ann Jackson, of Allandales, Kirton, Boston.An extract from The London Gazette, dated 7th May, 1918, records the following:- "For most conspicuous bravery and devotion to duty. Sjt. Jackson volunteered and went out through the hostile barrage and brought back valuable information regarding the enemy's movements. Later, when the enemy had established themselves in our line, this N.C.O. rushed at them, and single-handed, bombed them out into the open. Shortly afterwards, again single-handed, he stalked an enemy machine-gun, threw Mills bombs at the detachment, and put the gun out of action. On a subsequent occasion when all his officers had become casualties, this very gallant N.C.O. led his company in the attack, and, when ordered to retire, he withdrew the company successfully under heavy fire. He then went out repeatedly under heavy fire and carried in wounded."
s flynn
1206281Lt. Harold Willows Jackson 4th Btn. East Yorkshire (d.14th May 1917)
I have been researching this soldier as part of the WW1 remembrance in Hornsea, East Yorkshire. This poor lad was only 20 years of age when he died of his wounds in France. Harold Jackson was born in Hull in 1897, the only son of John Henry Jackson and Caroline Maud. He had one sister, Adele Mary born in 1900. The family lived at 19 Grosvenor Terrace, New Road, Hornsea. His father died in 1911 and was recorded as living at Holly Lodge, Hornsea at the time of his death.He was educated at Red House, Marston Moor and was briefly a labourer before enlisting. He entered the Battalion as a private but was commissioned as a Second Lieutenant in March 1915 and promoted to Lieutenant the following December.
Harold died of his wounds received during the Battle of Arras on 14th May 1917, aged 20. At the time of his death he was attached to the 10th Division Battalion. He is buried at Duisans, Etrun, Pas de Calais.
Susanne Jones
1206165Cpl. William Anderson VC 2nd Btn. Yorkshire Regiment (d.13th March 1915)
William Anderson was killed in action on the 13th of March 1915, aged 29 and is commemorated on The Le Touret Memorial in France. He was native of Dallas, Elgin, Morayshire.An extract from The London Gazette, dated 21st May, 1915, records the following:- "For most conspicuous bravery at Neuve-Chapelle on 12th March, 1915, when he led three men with bombs against a large party of the enemy who had entered our trenches, and by his prompt and determined action saved, what might otherwise have become, a serious situation. Cpl. Anderson first threw his own bombs, then those in possession of his three men (who had been wounded) amongst the Germans, after which he opened rapid rifle fire upon them with great effect, notwithstanding that he was at the time quite alone".
s flynn
1206129L/Cpl. George Bernard Fitzgerald 1st Btn. East Yorkshire Regiment (d.10th May 1917)
George Fitzgerald was killed in action on the 10th of May 917, aged 27 and is buried in the Etretat Churchyard Extension in France. He was the son of John and Ann Fitzgerald, of Sunderland.s flynn
1205963Pte. Richard Jarvis 12th Btn. East Yorkshire Regiment (d.17th Aug 1916)
Richard Jarvis was killed in action on the 17th of August 1916, aged 36 and is buried in Chocques Military Cemetery in France. He was the son of Benjamin and Eliza Jarvis, husband of Ada of 2 Selkirk Street, Hull, father to Richard, Harold and Ada Alkimia. Brother to my grandmother Matilda Ward (nee Jarvis). Also brother to 10657 Private Arthur Harold Jarvis, 6th Bn East Yorkshire Regiment killed Monday 9th August 1915 at the Dardnelles in the Gallipoli campaign, commemorated on the Helles Memorial, Turkey.s flynn
1205894Pte. Ashton Greenwood 13th Btn. East Yorkshire Regiment (d.2nd May 1917)
Aston Greenwood was killed in action on the 2nd of May 1917, aged 30. Buried in Aubigny Communal Cemetery Extension in France he was the son of Henry and Betty Greenwood; husband of Margaret Greenwood, of 21 Sandhurst St., Burnleys flynn
1205880Pte. William Jacques 2nd Btn. East Yorkshire Regiment (d.8th May 1914)
In memory of Pte 15004 William Jacques, 2nd Battalion, East Yorkshire Regiment. Brother of Mr C Jacques, 2 St Oswald Terrace, Shiney Row, Houghton le Spring, County Durham. Killed in action on 8th May 1915 at Frezenberg, Ypres.Remembered upon the Menin Gate, Memorial to the missing, Ypres, Belgium. Also upon the Shiney Row War Memorial, Houghton le Spring, County Durham.
Dave Gargett
265304Pte. Alfred Pinder 1st Btn. East Yorkshire Regiment (d.1st Jul 1916)
Son of a tailor, according to the 1911 census, Alfred Pinder was a railway clerk working in Hull. Both he and his brother Stanley joined up. Sadly both were killed during the Battle of the Somme. He is honoured at the Thiepval Memorial alongside his brother.
265066Pte William Rodger Wiseman East Yorkshire Regiment
My paternal grandfather
264956Capt. Joesph Hirst MC. 7th Btn. East Yorkshire Regiment
My grandfather Joseph Hirst was captured on the 28th or 29th day of March 1918 after being shot through the left knee. He eventually went to Langensalza prisoner of war camp. Whist there he was in the escape committee and was the illustrator of the camp magazine which I have a copy of.Andrew Hirst
264172Lt. Frank Reeve Beechey 13th (4th Hull) Battalion East Yorkshire Regiment (d.14th Nov 1916)
Frank Beechey was one of 8 brothers who all served in WW1. Sadly 5 of them died.
264159Pte. Frederick George Manson 8th Btn, East Yorkshire Regiment (d.13th Apr 1917)
Frederick Manson was the son of Alexander and Catherine Manson (nee Matheson). He enlisted in 1915 and was a private in the 8th Battalion, East Yorkshire Regiment. Frederick died at the age of 19 in the Battle of Arras 1917. He was injured on 11th of April 1917 and sadly died from his injuries on Friday the 13th. At the time, my nan, was 15 years old and would go on to name her first child Frederick in honour of her brave brother. He is commemorated in St Server Cemetery, Rouen, France. Frederick had 4 brothers who survived the war effort: Benjamin, Alexander and James who served in the Navy and William who was with the Army.Lindon George Metcalf
264026Pte. Harry Broadley 1st Btn. East Yorkshire Regiment (d.16th Sep 1916)
Harry Broadley was married to my grandma Annie Walker. They had a son George Broadley. Harry was killed in France and is remembered at the Thiepval Memorial. After he was killed in action my grandma married again to Walter Bunting.Steven Gibbins
263726Edgar Abbott 5th (Cyclist) Btn. East Yorkshire Regiment
Edgar Abbott was born on 3rd August 1891, had been a ship's carpenter and lived at 168 Grovehill Road, Beverley between 1948-1973, possibly longer. In 1908, he enlisted in the British Army and was discharged on demobilisation on 6th February. 1919. At this time, he was in the 5th Cyclist Battalion of the East Yorkshire Regiment. His wartime duties were East Coast coastal watch but he later fought in France.In 1943, during the Second World War, Edgar was a Civil Defence Warden for the Borough of Beverley. His son, Edgar Thomas Abbott, served in the Royal Air Force in World War 2.
Theresa Mary Walker
262922John Matson East Yorkshire Regiment
On 28 Jan 2020, I had a chat with my grandmother about her grandfather, John Matson. He was born 31 Jul 1874 in Hull to William Josephus Matson and Mary Jane Carter, and he later married Martha McGrath.My grandmother said that John served in the Great War, and although she didn't know too much, she specifically mentioned that he fought at Ypres and Passchendaele. She said that he was sent from the battlefield to a London hospital, that he wore the blue 'Convalescent Blues', and that he had shell-shock. She didn't know anything more but did suggest they tried new inventions on him to help. Then he returned back home to Hull.
What I have gathered is that during World War One the newly built Maudsley Hospital on Denmark Hill in Camberwell was requisitioned by the military to be a Neurological Clearing Centre for soldiers suffering from shell-shock. The Maudsley was a subsidiary of the 4th London General Hospital
John died in 1928.
Recomended Reading.
Available at discounted prices.
East Yorkshire Regiment in the Great War 1914-1918Everard Wyrall
More information on:
East Yorkshire Regiment in the Great War 1914-1918
East Yorkshire Regiment in the Great War 1914-1918Everard Wyrall
This history covers all the battalions though only very briefly those that did not go overseas. The author, a prolific writer of divisional/regimental histories follows his customary pattern of arranging his story chronologically with chapters devoted to specific battles and periods of trench warfare. In the margins of the text describing events he notes the dates, as in a diary, and identifies the battalions involved. The Roll of Honour lists the officers alphabetically by ranks without indicating the battalion or date of death; the other ranks are shown by battalions and by ranks within each battalion. Given the number of battalions covered in this single volume the account of all the activities is necessarily compressed, based essentially on the War Diaries, without anecdotal contributions The maps are very good, uncluttered yet displaying tactical detail easy to follow.More information on:
East Yorkshire Regiment in the Great War 1914-1918
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