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- West Yorkshire Regiment during the Great War -

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West Yorkshire Regiment

Want to know more about the West Yorkshire Regiment?

There are:7238 items tagged West Yorkshire Regiment available in our Library

  These include information on officers, regimental histories, letters, diary entries, personal accounts and information about actions during the Great War.

Those known to have served with

West Yorkshire Regiment

during the Great War 1914-1918.

  • Ackroyd Irving Proctor. Pte. 16th (1st Bradford Pals) Btn.
  • Allbrighton MM, Alfred. CSM. 11th Btn. (d.20th Sep 1917)
  • Allen Richard Gerrard Ross. 2nd Lt. 5th Btn. (d.16th Nov 1916)
  • Allen Thomas Freeth. Pte. 6th Btn. (d.6th Jan 1917)
  • Allen William Oswald. Pte. 2nd Btn. (d.29th May 1918)
  • Anderson James Mackie. Pte. 1st Btn. (d.26th Nov 1943)
  • Andrew William. Sgt. 2/8th Btn.
  • Andrews Percy George. Pte. 9th Btn.
  • Angus John Crosby. Pte. 6th Battalion (d.1st Nov 1918)
  • Archer Walter Dunlop. 2nd Lt. (d.25th April 1918)
  • Armitage Charles William. Pte. 10th Btn, B Coy. (d.1st July 1916)
  • Armstrong DSO MC. Cyril Lionel. Major. 11th Battalion
  • Arundel Alwyn. Sgt. 5th Btn.
  • Ashforth Frederick Vincent. CQMS 1/8th Btn. (d.21st April 1918)
  • Ashton John. Pte. 1st Btn. (d.2nd July 1916)
  • Ashton William Francis. L/Cpl. 1st Btn. (d.17th Jan 1917)
  • Ashworth Walter. Pte. 18th Btn.
  • Atha John. Pte. 11th Btn. (d.7th Jun 1917)
  • Atkinson A.. L/Cpl. 1st Btn. (d.2nd Mar 1915)
  • Atkinson John Simeon. Pte. 2/7th Btn. (d.19th March 1917 or 19th November 1917)
  • Atkinson John Henry. L Cpl 7th Btn 9th Platoon
  • Baker Major. Pte. 2nd Battalion (d.18th Dec 1914)
  • Baker Nathan Simon. Pte. 2/7th Leeds Rifles (d.4th Sep 1917)
  • Ballard Frank. Sgt. 2nd Btn. (d.4th Mar 1917)
  • Barker Harold Marshall. Pte. 12th Btn. (d.19th May 1916)
  • Barton H.. Cpl. 10th Btn. (d.1st July 1916)
  • Barwood Robert Frankish. Pte (d.11th May 1917)
  • Bashforth Willie. (d.27th March 1916)
  • Bateson Joseph S.. Pte. 21st Btn (d.30th Sep 1917)
  • Beardmore MM. Sidney. Pte. 16th (1st Battalion Bradford Pals) Btn.
  • Beaumont Fred. CQMS.
  • Beddows John Thomas. Pte. 1/8th Batallion (d.26th May 1918)
  • Bell Thomas. Pte. 1st Btn.
  • Bellwood Thomas. Pte. 10th Btn. (d.12th May 1917)
  • Belton Frank. Pte. 1st/8th Battalion (d.28th July 1917)
  • Benn Alan. Pte. 15th (1st Leeds) Btn.
  • Bennett Charles. L/Cpl. 9th Battalion (d.27th August 1917)
  • Bennett William. Pte. 10th Battalion (d.1st July 1916)
  • Bentham James. Pte. 21st Btn.
  • Bentley Thomas Harold. Pte.
  • Binns Albert. L/Cpl. 10th Btn.
  • Binns MM. Arthur. Pte. 15th Battalion
  • Binns Ernest. Rfm. 1/7th Btn. B Coy (d.15th Aug 1915)
  • Binns John. Pte. 9th Service Battalion (d.2nd Oct 1916)
  • Binns Walter. Pte. 1st/7th Btn. (d.13th November 1917)
  • Bisatt George Noel. A/Capt. 6th Btn.
  • Bishop Charles. Pte. 1/5th Btn. (d.13th Jul 1915)
  • Bishop Herbert Doughty. Pte. 2/5th Btn.
  • Blakeborough MM. George Ivor. Cpl. 9th Btn.
  • Blakeborough MM. George Ivor. Cpl. 9th Btn.
  • Blenkinsop J. W.. Pte. 11th Btn.
  • Boden William. Pte. 12th Btn. (d.21st Jul 1916)
  • Bonner George William. Pte. 1st/6th Btn. (d.26th Apr 1918)
  • Booth Tom. L/Cpl. 2nd Battalion (d.8th November 1914)
  • Bradley Charles Henry.
  • Brady Alfred Henry Basil. Pte. 12th Battalion (d.17 Aug 1916)
  • Brannigan Ernest Edward. 2nd Lt. 7th Battalion (Leeds Rifles) (d.3rd Sep 1916)
  • Brannigan Ernest Edward. 2nd Lt. 1/7th (Leeds Rifles) Btn. (d.3rd Sep 1916)
  • Brass Sidney G.. Pte.
  • Breckon William. Pte. (d.29th September 1918 )
  • Bridgett Samuel Charles. Pte. 15th/17th Btn. (d.12th Apr 1918)
  • Brinkley Robert Franklin Plato. Pte. 2nd Battalion (d.24th July 1917)
  • Broadbent John Thomas. Pte. 6th Battalion (d.25th April 1918)
  • Broadley James William. Pte. 9th Btn. (d.10th Oct 1915)
  • Brooke Herbert. Pte. 1st Btn. (d.24th September 1918)
  • Brown Arthur. Pte.
  • Brown J. C.. Pte. 8th Btn. (d.25th Jul 1917)
  • Brown Thomas. Pte. (d.25th Sep 1914)
  • Browne John Clifford. Pte. 2nd Btn. (d.13th Aug 1916)
  • Bruce William. Dvr. (d.6th Jun 1917)
  • Brumpton Thomas Percival Montager. Pte. 3rd Battalion
  • Buckley Fred. L/Cpl. 1st Btn. (d.20th Sep 1914)
  • Burberry Frederick. Pte. 1st Btn.
  • Burns Thomas. Pte.
  • Bush Walter George. A/Sgt. 21st (Wool Textile Pioneers) Btn. (d.25th Oct 1916)
  • Buttenshaw Leonard Horace. Lt. 4th Btn. (d.27th June 1918)
  • Caine David. Pte. 17th Battalion (d.30th July 1916)
  • Caine Hugh. Pte.
  • Cammidge Arthur. Pte. 2/5th Btn (d.18th February 1917)
  • Carnley Carl Albert. Pte. (d.10th Jan 1918)
  • Carter MID. Herbert Francis George. Lt Col 18th Btn
  • Chapman Alfred Marshall. Pte. 1st Btn (d.2nd Mar 1916)
  • Clark Alfred John. Sgt. 2nd Batallion (d.12 March 1917)
  • Clark Osmond. Pte, 3rd Btn. (d.1st July 1916)
  • Clark William Henry. Pte. 1/8th Btn.
  • Clarkson MC, MID. Amos. Capt. 8th Battalion (Leeds Rifles) (d.24th Oct 1918)
  • Clayton Alfred. 7th (Leeds Rifles) Btn.
  • Clemmet Robert Henry. Pte. 10th Btn. (d.28th June 1918)
  • Clemmet Robert Henry. Lt.
  • Clough Samuel Paul. Pte 1st (Garrison) Btn
  • Cockram Tom. Pte. 10th Btn.
  • Cockshott Frank. Pte. 18th (2nd Bradford) Btn. (d.30th Jul 1916)
  • Cohen Adolf B. Lieutenant Prince Of Wales Own (d.22nd july 1917)
  • Colledge Herbert. Pte. 9th Btn. (d.29th Feb 1920)
  • Collins Edwin. Pte. 10th Battalion (d.1st July 1916)
  • Collins Frederick. Pte. 12th Btn. (d.11th May 1917)
  • Colpitts William. Pte. 8th (Leeds Rifles) Battalion
  • Coope Ernest Arthur. 2nd Lt 2/7th Btn
  • Corkett Francis Albert. Pte. 2/7th (Leeds Rifles) Btn.
  • Corp MC. Benjamin. Captain 1st Btn. (d.18.9.1916)
  • Cracknell Edward. Pte. 11th Btn. (d.7th Nov 1918)
  • Craig Archibald. Pte. 16th (1st Bradford Pals) Btn. (d.3rd May 1917)
  • Craven William Allen. Pte. 18th (Bradford Pals) Btn. (d.1st July 1916)
  • Crawford Stephen. L/Cpl. 2nd Btn. (d.1st Aug 1917)
  • Crimmins Herbert. Pte. 18th Btn. (d.5th Sep 1916)
  • Crowther Frank. Pte. 2/6th Btn., D Coy. (d.11th April 1917)
  • Cryer Ernest. Sgt. 1/8th (Leeds Rifles) Btn. (d.1st Sep 1918)
  • Cunningham Jeremiah. Pte. 2nd Battalion (d.27th May 1918)
  • Daly Simeon Thomas. RSM. 12th Btn. (d.13th Apr 1917)
  • Daniells Frank. Capt. 12th Battalion
  • Deacon John. A/Cpl. 11th Btn. (d.9th Nov 1918)
  • Devine Francis. Pte 12th Btn (d.14th July 1916)
  • Devine Francis. Pte 12th Btn. (d.14th Jul 1916)
  • Dickison Joseph. Pte. 10th Btn (d.27th May 1918)
  • Dimery George W.. 2nd Lt. 15th Btn. (d.4th April 1917)
  • Dobson Bramley. Pte. 12th Btn (d.5th Apr 1918)
  • Door John Charles. Pte. 9th Btn. (d.14th July 1916)
  • Door John Charles. Pte 9th Battalion (d.14th July 1916)
  • Dorsey Patrick. Pte. Second Battalion (d.7th April 1916)
  • Douthwaite George Edward John Gough. Pte. 2nd Btn. (d.16th Aug 1917)
  • Dowson MM. Harry. Pte. 9th Btn.
  • Drury William Henry. Pte. 1st Btn.
  • Dunn James. A/Sgt 2nd Btn
  • Durham William. Pte. 2nd/6th Btn (d.20th Nov 1917)
  • Eagin MM. Archibald Edgar. Rflmn. 8th (Leeds Rifles) Battalion (d.27th September 1918)
  • Eaglen James. Pte. 7th Btn.
  • Earnshaw Lewis. L/Cpl. 10th Btn. (d.1st July 1916)
  • Edge Leonard Evan. Pte. 10th Btn. (d.18th September 1918)
  • Elliott Walter. Pte. 1st Battalion (d.26th June 1915)
  • Exley Daniel. Pte. 18th Btn.
  • Farr Arthur James. 2nd Btn. (d.16th Aug 1917)
  • Farr Harry T.. Pte. 1st Btn. (d.18th Oct 1916)
  • Farrell John James. Sgt. 2nd Battalion
  • Fearnley Arthur. Pte. 9th Battalion
  • Fearnley Arthur. Pte. 2nd Btn.
  • Fenwick George Jameson. Pte. 9th Btn. (d.9th Aug 1915)
  • Field Charles Edmund. L/Cpl 10th Btn
  • Fielding Arthur Bernard. Pte. 15th Btn.
  • Firth Joel. Pte. 6th Btn. (d.23rd March 1916)
  • Form William. Cpl. 1st Battalion (d.22nd Dec 1916)
  • Foster Albert. Pte. 1st Btn.
  • Frain Austin. Pte. 16th Btn. (d.16th Aug 1918)
  • Frank Arthur. Pte. (d.10th October 1919)
  • Franklin William. Pte. 6th Btn. (d.25th April 1918)
  • Fraser John William. L/Cpl. 1st Battalion (d.19th Sep 1918)
  • Fretwell John. Pte 1st/6th Battalion (d.9th October 1917)
  • Furness Arthur . Pte.
  • Furness Arthur. Pte.
  • Gadsby John William. Pte. 1/8th Btn. Leeds Rifles (d.09 Oct 1917)
  • Gallagher James. Pte.
  • Gallagher Joseph.
  • Gallagher Joseph. 2nd Battalion (d.27th November 1917)
  • Gander Henry John. Cpl. 1st Garrison Battalion
  • Germain Joseph Henry. Pte. 9th Battalion (d.9th August 1915)
  • Gibson James. Pte 12th Btn (d.3rd May 1917)
  • Gill Arthur. Pte. 1st Btn (d.21st Dec 1915)
  • Gleadow George E.. Sgt. 1st Btn. (d.6th Apr 1917)
  • Glover William. Pte. 10th Btn.
  • Goldsworthy MC. Graydon William. Lt. 3rd Battalion
  • Goodwin Ernest. (d.21st Jul 1916)
  • Grant A. Pte
  • Gray David. Pte. 2nd Battalion (d.24th March 1916)
  • Gray Francis Martello. 2nd Lt. 16th (1st Bradford) Btn.
  • Gray James. Pte. 2nd Btn (d.24th April 1918)
  • Green John. Pte. 12th Battalion (d.14th July 1916)
  • Green MM Robert. L/Cpl. 11th Btn.
  • Greg Adam. Pte. 1st Btn. (d.16th Oct 1916)
  • Hague Arthur. Pte. 2nd Battalion (d.30 June 1916)
  • Hainsworth Arthur. Pte. 6th Btn. (d.15th April 1918)
  • Hall C.. Pte.
  • Hall George. Pte. 10th Btn. (d.1st July 1916)
  • Hands MM. William Henry. Sgt. 11th Btn. (d.12th May 1917)
  • Hardcastle Bernard Alfred . Pte. 21st Battalion (d.16th June 1917)
  • Hargreaves George Arthur. Pte. 16th Battalion
  • Harmson Ernest. Pte. 10th Btn. (d.1st July 1916)
  • Harney MM. Thomas Joseph. Pte. 1st Btn. (d.25th September 1916)
  • Harper Arthur John. Pte. 16th (1st Bradford) Btn. (d.1st Jul 1916)
  • Harris Louis. Pte. 10th Btn. (d.7th Nov 1918)
  • Hartley Ernest Henry. Pte. 103 Coy. (d.10th Apr 1917)
  • Haswell Robert. Pte. 9th Btn. (d.5th Apr 1918)
  • Haswell Robert. Pte. 9th Btn. (d.5th Apr 1918)
  • Hawkins William. Pte. 10th Btn. (d.2nd August 1917)
  • Haworth Rostron. Pte. 2nd Btn. (d.31st Jul 1917)
  • Heald William Bagshaw. Pte. 10th Btn. (d.15th Sep 1918)
  • Heaton Joseph Copley. Pte. 12th Btn. (d.11th July 1916)
  • Henderson Fred. Pte. 10th Btn. (d.24th Mar 1918)
  • Henzell John Gibson. Pte. 11th Btn. (d.18th Sept 1917)
  • Heslop F. 2nd Lt 1st Btn (d.26th Apr 1918)
  • Hewitt Charles Richard. Pte. 10th Btn.
  • Hill Joseph. Pte. 462nd Protection Company (d.10th Oct1918)
  • Hillas Joseph. Rflmn. 2/7th Btn. (d.27th March 1918)
  • Hillas Joseph. Pte. 2/7th Btn. (d.27th March 1918)
  • Hillas Joseph. Pte. 2/7th Btn. (d.27th March 1918)
  • Himsworth Charles Edward. Pte. 1st Btn. C Coy. (d.26th August 1916)
  • Hindley Charles. Pte. 2nd Battalion (d.5th Feb 1915)
  • Hines Ernest. Pte. 21st Btn. (d.8th October 1917)
  • Hirst William. Pte.
  • Hirst William Henry. 2nd Lt. 10th Btn. (d.1st August 1918)
  • Hitchen George Henry. Pte. 15th (Leeds Pals) Battalion (d.1st July 1916)
  • Hitchen George Henry. Pte. 15th Btn. (d.1st July 1916)
  • Hobson Charles. Pte 2nd Btn (d.4th February 1915)
  • Hobson Joseph. Cpl. 1st Battalion, A Company (d.14th Mar 1915)
  • Hodkin John. CQM Sgt.
  • Holdsworth Willie. Pte.
  • Hollingsworth Archibald John. Sgt. 12th Btn. (d.3rd May 1917)
  • Holloran Michael James. Pte. 24th Btn.
  • Holmes Charles Henry. Sjt. 3/8th (Leeds Rifles) Btn. (d.30th Jan 1916)
  • Holmes Herbert Henry. Pte. 12th Btn. (d.12th Jul 1916)
  • Hook George Edwin. Pte. 2/5th Btn., D Coy.
  • Hopton John. Pte. 10th Battalion
  • Horler Ernest. Pte. 12th Btn. (d.17th Feb 1918)
  • Hornsey Henry Parker. Pte. 15th Btn.
  • Horseman Frederick. Pte.
  • Horsford Thomas Edward O'Bryen. Lt. 2nd Btn (d.13th March 1915)
  • Horsman Thomas Albert. Pte. 9th Batallion (d.27th Sep 1916)
  • Horton Paul Frederick. Pte. 2nd Btn. (d.28th September 1917)
  • Horton Samuel. Rfmn. 1/8th Btn. (d.29th Jul 1918)
  • Houston F. Pte 2nd Btn (d.1st Aug 1917)
  • Howard Percy. Pte. 1/5th Battalion (d.3rd Sep 1916)
  • Howarth Harry Archibald. Pte.
  • Howes Herbert Ernest. L/Sgt. 18th (2nd Bradford) Battalion
  • Howes Louis Harold George. Pte. 1st Btn. (d.16th October 1916)
  • Hudson James Arthur. Pte. 11th Btn. (d.6th Aug 1916)
  • Hughes James. Pte. 9th Btn.
  • Hughes James. Pte. 9th Btn.
  • Huison George Christopher . Cpl. 2nd Btn.
  • Huison Walter. Pte. 9th Btn. (d.14th June 1917)
  • Humpherys Thomas Henry. Pte. (d.11th Jul 1918)
  • Hunter DCM. Douglas. Sgt. att. 93rd Light Trench Mortar
  • Husband Robert. L/Cpl. 5th Battalion
  • Irving Henry Leopold. Sgt.
  • Irving Wilfred. Pte. 16th (1st Bradford) Btn. (d.9th November 1916)
  • Ison Frederick John. Pte. 2/5th Btn.
  • Iveson John Henry. Pte. 1/6th Battalion
  • Jackson Albert. Pte. 10th Btn. (d.1st July 1916)
  • Jackson Fred. Pte. 10th Btn. (d.1st July 1916)
  • Jackson Samuel. Pte. 2nd Battalion (d.27th Mar 1918)
  • Jackson Tom. Pte. 10th Btn. (d.5th Sep 1918)
  • James William Edward. Pte. 2nd Battalion, "B" Coy. (d.16th Sep 1915)
  • Johnson Joseph William. Pte. 17th Battalion
  • Johnson MM. DCM. William Foster. Cpl. 12th Btn. (d.19th May 1918)
  • Jones Frederick Victor. Pte. 1st Battalion (d.27th April 1918)
  • Jones William Harold. Pte. 18th Btn (d.1st July 1916)
  • Kane William. Pte. 27th Battalion (Tyneside Irish) (d.28th Apr 1917)
  • Keelty James. Pte. 1/6th Battalion (d.25th April 1918)
  • Kemp Frederick William. Pte. 2nd Btn.
  • Kidger Cornelius. Pte. 10th Btn. (d.1st Jul 1916)
  • Kidger Cornelius. Pte. 10th Bn. (d.1st July 1916)
  • King Herbert. Pte. 16th Battalion (d.9th November 1916)
  • Kirk Ernest. Pte. 1st Btn. (d.6th March 1915)
  • Kirkbride John W.. Pte. 10th Battalion (d.2nd April 1916)
  • Kirkbride John William. Pte. 10th Btn. (d.10th Apr 1916)
  • Kitson Henry. Pte. 1st Battalion (d.18th Sep 1916)
  • Kitson MM. Thomas Ralph. L/Cpl. 1/5th Btn.
  • Kitson William Henry. Pte. 1st Btn. (d.18th Sept 1916)
  • Knight Thomas. Rflmn 1/8th Btn. (d.12th Oct 1917)
  • Knott DSO. James Leadbitter. Mjr. 10th Battalion (d.1st July 1916)
  • Knowles Haley. Pte. 9th (Yorkshire Hussars) Btn. (d.31st Aug 1918)
  • Lambert W. R.. Pte. 1/6th Btn.
  • Lancaster William. L/Cpl. 6th Btn. (d.20th April 1918)
  • Lawday Thomas Charles. Pte. 11th Btn. (d.20th Sep 1917)
  • Lawrence Henry. Sgt. 1st/6th Btn. (d.29th April 1918)
  • Lawrence Leonard. Pte. 10th Btn. (d.1st July 1916)
  • Lay George . Pte. 1st Btn.
  • Learmonth Charles Allen. 2nd Lt. (d.9th Oct 1917)
  • Lee Daniel Walter. Pte. 2nd Battalion (d.1st July 1916)
  • Lee Thomas.
  • Lee Thomas.
  • Lindsay Thomas. Pte. 1st Battalion (d.9th Jan 1916)
  • Lintott Evelyn. 15th Btn. (d.1st Jul 1916)
  • Little MM. Benjamin. Colour Sgt. 4th Battalion (d.13th Oct 1918)
  • Littlewood Horace W.. Pte. 2nd/5th Btn. (d.20th July 1918)
  • Livsey Herbert. Pte. 1st Btn. (d.22nd July 1917)
  • Lock George William. Pte. 15th (Leeds Pals) Btn. (d.16th Oct 1917)
  • Lockie Robert Haig. Pte.
  • Lofthouse John Arthur. Pte. 7th Btn.
  • Long MM. Alfred. Pte. 17th (2nd Leeds) Btn.
  • Long Charles. L/Cpl. 10th Battalion (d.15th Mar 1916)
  • Long Wilfred Arthur. Sgt. 2nd/5th Battalion (d.14th June 1918)
  • Lumb Arthur. Pte. 9th Btn.
  • Luscombe Fred. Pte. 1/6th Battalion (d.9th Oct 1917)
  • MacDonald Harry. Pte. 12th Btn. (d.4th Nov 1916)
  • Malkin Lawrence. Pte. 11th Company
  • Mallinson Albert. 15th Battalion (d.23rd February 1917)
  • Mansfield Henry James. Sgt. 9th Btn. (d.30th September 1916)
  • Marsden John William. Pte. 10th Btn. (d.1st July 1916)
  • Marshall Herbert. 2nd Lt. 10th Btn. (d.13th April 1917)
  • Marshall J..
  • Marshall MM. John William. Sgt. 9th Battalion
  • Marshall Philip Messenger. Pte. 1st Battalion (d.15th Mar 1915)
  • Mason Joseph. L/Cpl. 2nd/6th Btn. (d.16th Mar 1917)
  • Massarella Alexander. Pte.
  • Massheder Arthur. Pte. 9th Btn. (d.22th Aug 1915)
  • Mayes Ernest. Pte. 12th Battalion
  • McBarron John. Pte. 2nd Battalion (d.6th April 1915)
  • McCaffrey Thomas James. Pte. 2/8th (Leeds Rifles) Btn.
  • McDonald C. A.. RfM. 12th Siege Bty. (d.7th Nov 1918)
  • McIver Andrew Charles. L/sgt 2nd Btn.
  • McManus Henry. Pte 11th Btn (d.30th Sep 1917)
  • McNally MM. James Joseph. L/Cpl. 11th Battalion (d.29th Sept 1917)
  • McNulty William Henry. L/Cpl. 1st Btn. (d.20th Sep 1914)
  • McPartland Joseph. Pte. 13th Btn.
  • McRae Robert. Pte. 2nd Btn. (d.1st Jul 1916)
  • Mennell Roy Walter. Pte. 10th Battalion (d.2nd Nov 1916)
  • Messenger Herbert. Pte.
  • Metcalf Albert. Pte. 10th Btn. (d.18th Sep 1918)
  • Metcalfe Joseph. Pte. 5th Btn. (d.3rd May 1917)
  • Midgley John Thomas. Pte. 1st/6th Battalion (d.3rd May 1918)
  • Mitchell William. Sgt. 10th Battalion (d.1st July 1916)
  • Mitton Arthur. Pte. 1st Battalion West Yorkshire Regiment (d.24th September 1918)
  • Moon Clifford Abraham. 2nd Lt. 19th Btn. (d.23rd Mar 1918)
  • Mooney Michael. Pte 8 Bn
  • Morgan Fred. Pte. 10th Battalion (d.15th July 1916)
  • Mottram Herbert Arthur. Pte. 9th Battalion (d.11th January 1917)
  • Neave Walter. Pte. 10th Btn. (d.30th Aug 1917)
  • Nelson Arthur Lumley. Sgt. 15th Btn (d.28th July 1917)
  • Nettleton Thomas. Lt. 1/8th Btn.
  • Newton Edward Alexander. Pte. 18th Btn.
  • Northrop Harold. 2nd Lt. 1/8 (Leeds Rifles) Btn (d.9th Oct 1917)
  • O'Brien Alexander. Pte. 1st Btn. (d.12th Oct 1916)
  • Oakley MM. Frank. L/Cpl. 58th Coy. (d.2nd Aug 1917)
  • Oakley MM. Frank. L/Cpl. 58th Coy. (d.2nd Aug 1917)
  • Oates MM. Sam. Rflmn. 2/7th Btn. (d.28th November 1917)
  • Oliver Edward. Rflmn 7th Btn. (d.2nd July 1916)
  • Oliver Edward C. Rfn 1/7th Leeds Rifles (d.2nd Jul 1916)
  • Owens Charles Arnold. Lt. (d.10th Jan 1917)
  • Owens Charles Arnold. Lt. (d.10th Jan 1917)
  • Owens Walter. Cpl. 2nd Btn.
  • Padgett DCM Herbert. CSM 9th Btn. (d.30th September 1916)
  • Padgett DCM. Herbert. CSM. 9th Btn. (d.30th September 1916)
  • Padgett DCM. Herbert. CSM. 9th Btn. (d.1st Jul 1916)
  • Pankhurst Horace. Pte. 1/8th (Leeds Rifles) Battalion (d.16th Jul 1916)
  • Pankhurst Horace. RfM. 8th Btn. (d.16th July 1916)
  • Pankhurst Horace. Pte. 1/8th (Leeds Rifles) Btn. (d.16th Jul 1916)
  • Parker John. Pte. Horse Transport (d.24th Sep 1918)
  • Parker Robert Winder. Pte. 1st Batt. (d.20th Sept. 1914)
  • Parkinson Albert. Pte. 1/6th Btn. (d.1st July 1916)
  • Parnell MM. James Arthur. Sgt.
  • Parratt Edwin. Pte. 1/6th Btn. (d.3rd Sep 1916)
  • Parry A.. Pte. 2nd Btn. (d.30th Aug 1917)
  • Patterson John. Pte. 10th Btn. (d.23rd Apr 1917)
  • Peacock Frederick. Pte. 15th Btn.
  • Peacock Thomas Greville. Pte. 2/7th Btn. (d.15th Apr 1917)
  • Pearson Walter. Pte. 10th Battalion (d.23rd April 1917)
  • Perfect Ernest Duncan. Sgt. 11th Btn. (d.7th June 1917)
  • Peterson Lawrence. Pte. 9th Battalion (d.27th Aug 1917)
  • Petherick Thomas Edwin. Pte. 9th Btn. (d.14th Sep 1916)
  • Phelps Lewis. Pte. 19th Btn. A Coy
  • Phillips Frank. Pte. 12th Btn. (d.23rd July 1916)
  • Pickering Gowan. L/Cpl. 9th Batallion (d.9th August 1915)
  • Pickles John Edward. Pte. 2/7th Btn. (d.17th September 1918)
  • Pinder Samuel. Pte. 2nd Btn. (d.7th Oct 1918)
  • Pinkney Ralph. Pte. 9th Battalion
  • Platt Brandon. Pte. 21st (Pioneer) Btn. (d.8th July 1916)
  • Pole Frederick James. Pte. 2nd/6th Btn. (d.20th Nov 1917)
  • Preston Wallace. Pte. 9th Battalion (d.12th June 1917)
  • Price Hugh. 2nd Lt 3rd (Reserve) Battalion (d.11th Oct 1918)
  • Purvis Thomas. Pte. 10th Btn.
  • Quigley Christopher. 12th Btn. (d.26th September 1915)
  • Quigley MM. George Arthur. 2nd Lt. 12th Btn.
  • Ramsey John Wilfred. Pte. 10th Battalion (d.21st Sept 1918)
  • Rangecroft John Whalley. L/Cpl. 1st Btn. (d.9th May 1916)
  • Ratcliffe A. Victor. Lt. 10th Btn. (d.1st July 1916)
  • Ratcliffe James Ellis. Pte. 2/7 Btn. (Leeds Rifles) (d.28th Nov 1917)
  • Ratcliffe Victor. Lt. 10th Btn. (d.1st July 1916)
  • Remmer George Albert. L/Cpl. 17th (N.E.R. Pioneers) Btn. (d.27th Aug 1917)
  • Renton Arthur. L/Sgt 1st Btn (d.17th Sep 1918)
  • Rhodes Harry. Pte. 1st/8th Battalion (d.9th May 1915)
  • Richmond Joseph William . Pte. 10th Btn. (d.1st Jul 1916 )
  • Riley Michael. Pte. 12th Btn. (d.28th Mar 1916)
  • Riley Richard. Pte. 11th Btn. (d.22nd Jul 1917)
  • Robinson B.. Cpl. 24th (Tyneside Irish) Battalion
  • Robinson Frederick. Pte. 2/6 Btn.
  • Robinson George Ellis. Pte 18th Btn.
  • Robinson George. Pte. 11th Battalion (d.4th July 1916)
  • Robinson MM James Blythe. Sgt. 2nd Btn., A Coy.
  • Robinson Joseph. Pte 21st (Wool Textile Pioneers) Battalion (d.27 March 1918)
  • Robson DCM. Joseph Myers. CSM. 10th Battalion (d.20th October 1918)
  • Rooke Albert Edward. Pte 12th Btn (d.24th Jul 1916)
  • Roper Joseph Arthur. Dmr. 6th Btn. D Coy.
  • Roper William. Pte. 1st Btn. (d.17th Sep 1916)
  • Rose Thomas Henry. A/Sgt. 3rd Btn.
  • Round MM. Sidney. L/Cpl. 1st Btn.
  • Savory James Henry. Pte. 5th Battalion (d.27th May 1918)
  • Scott M.M Edward Butler. L/Cpl 12th Btn. (d.24th July 1916)
  • Scott George. Rfm. 8h Btn. (d.9th Oct 1917)
  • Scott James Stanley. Private 1st Battalion (d.12th Feb 1916)
  • Scott James Thomas. Sgt. 9th Btn. (d.9th Aug 1915)
  • Senior Joseph Fearns. Lance Corpral 1st / 7th Bn (d.17  Nov 1917)
  • Sharp Albert Edward . Pte. 10th Battalion (d.1st July 1916)
  • Sharp William Arthur. Pte. 10th Btn. (d.24th Apr 1917)
  • Sharpe Albert Austin. Pte. 21st Btn.
  • Sharr William. Pte. 10th Btn. (d.5th Sept 1918)
  • Shaw George Herbert. L/Cpl 10th Battalion (d.6th May 1916)
  • Shaw Sydney Thomas. 2nd Lt. 12th Btn. (d.11th May 1916)
  • Shortall Edward Patrick. Pte. 9th Btn. (d.7th December 1915)
  • Shuttlewood Henry. Cpl. 1/6th Battalion (d.9th October 1917)
  • Simpson Ernest William. Pte. 1st Battalion (d.28th Sep 1916)
  • Sissons William. Pte.
  • Skipp Ralph. Pte. 2nd/7th Btn. (d.27th Mar 1918)
  • Slack Thomas Elliott. Cpl. 1st Battalion (d.29th Jan 1915)
  • Smallpage Percy. Pte. 2/6th Battalion (d.8th May 1917)
  • Smith Frederick. Pte. 9th Btn.
  • Smith MC CDG OL Frederick William. Lt 8th Btn
  • Smith James Arthur. Pte. 10th (Service) Battalion (d.23rd July 1916)
  • Smith MM. John Taylor. 2nd Lt. 2nd Btn (d.29th Mar 1918)
  • Smith MM John Taylor. 2nd Lt 18th Btn. att 2nd Btn. (d.29th Mar 1918)
  • Smith Norman. Pte. 1st/7th Btn. (d.26th May 1915)
  • Smith Norman. Pte. 1/7th Btn. (d.26th May 1915 )
  • Snee Edward . Pte.
  • Southeran James Joseph. Pte. 1/6th Battalion
  • Southworth Thomas. Pte 11th Btn (d.11th Jul 1916)
  • Speight DCM. Harry. Sgt. 8th Btn. (d.29th July 1918)
  • Speight DCM. Harry. Sgt. 8th (Leeds Rifles) Btn. (d.28th July 1918)
  • Spencer Wilson. Pte. 6th Battalion (d.14th July 1916)
  • Spinks Alfred. Pte 1st/6th Bn (d.11th October 1918)
  • Srodzinsky George E.D.. L/Cpl. 12th Battalion
  • St John William. Pte. 2nd Btn. (d.14th March 1917)
  • Steven Thomas. Cpl. 2nd Battalion (d.11th Aug 1915)
  • Stewart MM. Percy Douglas. 2nd Lt. 13th (1st Barnsley) Btn.
  • Strangeway Joseph. Rflmn. 1/8th (Leeds Rifles) Btn. (d.8th November 1915)
  • Summers Thomas. Pte
  • Sykes MC. Samuel Stanley. Lt-Col. 1/8th Leeds Rifles Battalion
  • Taylor Herbert. Pte. 2nd Battalion (d.25th Sept 1915)
  • Taylor Samuel Verity. L/Cpl. 9th Btn.
  • Terrey Alfred John. Pte. 9th Btn. (d.15th Sep 1916)
  • Thelwell Harry Rowland. Lt 3rd Btn. (d.8th July 1916)
  • Thompson Percy Laurence. Pte. 2nd Btn. (d.16th August 1917)
  • Thornton Christopher. Sgt. 20th Btn. (d.21st Jan 1916)
  • Thundercliffe Henry Francis. Pte. 5th Btn. D Coy. 13 Pltoon. (d.9th Oct 1917)
  • Tolmie George. Pte. 1/5th Btn. (d.25th July 1918)
  • Tompofski MM. Myer. Rflmn. 2/7th Battalion (d.27th September 1918)
  • Toner Bertie. Pte. 10th Btn (Prince of Wales's Own) (d.18th September 1918)
  • Townsley Robert. Pte. 2nd Battalion (d.13th Jul 1916)
  • Trainer Charles Hedley. Pte. 10th Btn. (d.28th September 1918)
  • Turnbull Henry. Pte. 12th Battalion (d.23rd July 1916)
  • Turpin Noah. L/Cpl. 1st/6th battalion (d.1st Jul 1916)
  • Upton Alfred James. Pte. 1/7th Battalion (d.13 October 1918)
  • Vesty Arthur John. Pte. 1st/8th Battalion (d.23rd July 1918)
  • Vine Richard J.. 10th Btn.
  • Wainhouse Harold. Pte. 21st (Wool Textile Pioneers) Btn.
  • Walsh Harry Greenwood. Pte. 2/6th Btn. (d.3rd May 1917)
  • Walsh Joseph. Pte. 8th Btn.
  • Walters DCM. Leonard. 1/7th Btn.
  • Walton Sydney. Cpl. 15th Btn., C Coy. (d.1st July 1916)
  • Ward Charles Edward. Rflmn. 2/7th Battalion (d.15th Feb 1917)
  • Ward James. Pte. 1st Btn. (d.6th Oct 1915)
  • Ward John Thomas. Pte. 1st Btn. (d.23rd July 1916)
  • Ward John Thomas. Pte. 1st Battalion (d.23rd July 1916)
  • Warren Fred Langford. 2nd Lt. 2nd Battalion (d.1st July 1916)
  • Warrener William. Pte. 17th Btn. (d.20th April 1916)
  • Warrington Arthur. L/Cpl. 10th Battalion (d.30th October 1916)
  • Warriss William M.. Pte. 10th Battalion (d.1st July 1916)
  • Waters ernest. Pte. 25th Btn. (d.9th Apr 1918)
  • Watkinson James. Pte. 10th (Service) Btn. (d.1st Jul 1916)
  • Watkinson Joseph. Pte. 9th Btn. (d.13th Jan 1917)
  • Watson Emmerson More. Pte
  • Watson Harold. L/Cpl. 2nd Btn. (d.24th Oct 1916)
  • Watson Leonard. Pte. 10th Btn. (d.1st Nov 1916)
  • Watson Ralph Wycliffe. Pte. 2nd Btn. (d.18th Aug 1918)
  • Webb Frederick. Pte. 21st (Wool Textile Pioneers) Btn. (d.1st Nov 1918)
  • Wells John Henry. Pte. 1st Btn, C Coy (d.16th Oct 1916 )
  • Went Clifford C.. Pte. 2nd Btn. (d.27th Mar 1918)
  • Whelan MC. George. 2nd Lt. 2nd Btn. (d.16th Aug 1917)
  • White George Robert. Pte. 10th Battalion (d.1st July 1916)
  • White George Robert. Pte. 10th Btn. (d.1st July 1916)
  • Whiteley John Appleby. Pte. 2nd Btn. (d.22nd Apr 1915)
  • Wicks George. Pte. 10th Battalion (d.13th April 1917)
  • Wicks George William. Pte. 17th (2nd Leeds) Btn. (d.13th April 1917)
  • Widdop Leo. CSM.
  • Widdowson Arthur. Pte. 1st/6th Battalion (d.1st Nov 1918)
  • Wignall George. Pte. 1/6th Btn. (d.3rd July 1916)
  • Wild Arthur. Pte. 18th Btn. (d.5th Sep 1916)
  • Wilinson Harold Whitewood. Cpl. 8th (Leeds Rifles) Btn.
  • Wilson Arnold. 2nd Lt. 5th Btn. (d.3rd May 1917)
  • Wilson Bertie. Pte. 1/8th Btn.
  • Wilson MM, MiD. Jonathan. Sgt. 18th Btn.
  • Wilson Joseph Edgar. L/Cpl. 1st Btn. (d.6th May 1918)
  • Wilson DCM. MM. Thomas Albert. Pte. 11th. (Service) Btn.
  • Wilson MM. Thomas Albert. Pte. 11th Battalion
  • Winfield Albert Edgar. Pte. 10th Battalion (d.20th September 1918)
  • Wise George Frederick. Pte. 10th Btn.
  • Wolfenden DCM. G.. Pte. 10th Btn
  • Wolford James Haliday. Pte. 10th Btn. (d.12th April 1917)
  • Wooldridge Harold . Pte. 8th Battalion (d.13th Dec 1916)
  • Woolley William Vivian. Rflmn. 2/7th Battalion (d.7th April 1918)
  • Worrall Waide Reginald. 2nd Lt. 8th Battalion
  • Worthy William. L/Cpl. 10th Btn. (d.28th Sep 1917)
  • Wragg Albert. Pte 154th Protection Coy.
  • Wright Christopher William. Pte. 10th Btn.
  • Wright Edwin. Pte. 2nd/5th Btn. (d.24th Apr 1918)
  • Wright Harold. L/Cpl. 18th Btn. (d.15th July 1916)
  • Wright Henry. Pte 1st and 6th Btn (d.24th Sept 1918)
  • Wright Samuel. Pte. 1st Btn. (d.14th July 1916)
  • Wye George William. Pte. 5th Btn. (d.25th April 1918)
  • York Daniel Charles. L/Cpl 2/8th (Leeds Rifles) Battalion (d.18th October 1918)

All names on this list have been submitted by relatives, friends, neighbours and others who wish to remember them, if you have any names to add or any recollections or photos of those listed, please. Add a Name to this List

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Pte. Frederick James Pole 2nd/6th Btn. West Yorkshire Regiment (Prince of Wales's Own) (d.20th Nov 1917)

Frederick Pole was killed in action on the 20th of November 1917, aged 31. Buried in the Hermies Hill British Cemetery in France, he was the son of James and Harriett Pole, of Belgrave, Leicester; husband of Susan Pole, of 11 Belgrave Avenue, Leicester.

s flynn


Pte. Frank Belton 1st/8th Battalion Prince of Wale's Own West Yorkshire Regiment (d.28th July 1917)

Rifleman Frank Belton

My Grandad, Frank Belton, was married to Mary Markham on the 30th July 1910. He was 18 years old and worked as a glass blower. Mary was 17 years old.

In August 1914 he volunteered and joined the West Yorkshire Regiment firstly given the service number 1590. He was in the trenches in Nieuport, Belgium on the 21st/22nd July 1917 when the Battalion was subjected to a gas attack. Frank was injured and taken to Le Treport, France, where he died of his wounds, gas, on the 28th July. He is buried in Mon-Huon Cemetery, Le Treport, France. He was 25 years old when he died and left a 7 year old daughter, Mary and a 5 year old son, Ernest.

Frank Belton

Frank's Grave, Mont-Huon Cemetery

Margaret McIntosh


Pte. Samuel Charles Bridgett 15th/17th Btn. West Yorkshire (d.12th Apr 1918)

Samuel Charles Bridgett was my Grand Uncle, he was the youngest child of my Great Grandmother and Great Grandfather. He joined the Army on 12th May 1917 when he was 18 years old, he was 5'7", and weighed 10st 3lb. His previous occupation was Farming & Horseman.

He was transferred on 18th May 1917 to the 10th Training Reserve Battalion, and again on 18th Aug 1917 to the 7th Training Reserve Battalion. On 1st April 1918 he was transferred to the West Yorkshire 15/17th Regiment. On 12th April 1918 he was reported missing in Flanders, Belgium, 1 month off his 19th birthday. I have visited the Ploegsteert Memorial in Belgium, where his name is inscribed. I feel enormous pride, especially as he joined of his own free will at such a young age.

Brenda Selfridge


Pte. Herbert Livsey 1st Btn. West Yorkshire Regiment (d.22nd July 1917)

Private Herbert Livsey no. 58620 1st. Battalion West Riding Yorks, 173 company Machine Gun Corps was killed on 22nd July 1917. I need whereabouts of his memorial in England.

Barrie Crowther


Rfm. Ernest Binns 1/7th Btn. B Coy West Yorkshire Regiment (d.15th Aug 1915)

I have recently returned from a trip to the Ypres salient. Whilst I was there I photographed a number of West Yorks Regiment gravestones. I visited the grave of Ernest Binns in particular (at New Irish Farm cemetery) as he was killed next to my wife's grandfather whilst rescuing other members of the regiment, (they were both stretcher bearers I believe but this may not have been the case). My wife's Grandfather Leonard Waters won the DCM for this and other actions.

Lance Keeley


Leonard Walters DCM. 1/7th Btn. West Yorkshire Regiment

My wife's Grandfather Leonard Waters won the DCM for his actions as a stretcher barer near Irish Farm in the Ypres Salient.

Lance Keeley


A/Capt. George Noel Bisatt 6th Btn. West Yorkshire Regiment

My great uncle George Bisatt, from Fishlake in Yorkshire was a railway clerk living in Sheffield when war broke out. He joined the 12th Yorks and Lancaster Regiment, The Sheffield Pals and served on The Somme. He was commissioned into the 6th Battalion West Yorkshire Regiment, in June 1917 and saw action in the Third Battle of Ypres. He was the battalion Adjutant in 1918. Does anyone have any information or a photo of of him?

At the end of the war he led the party who returned to Bradford to collect the colours, does anyone have a clear copy of the photo of the handing over ceremony, as printed in the History of the 6th Battalion?



Rfm. George Scott 8h Btn. West Yorkshire Regiment (d.9th Oct 1917)

George Scott

George Scott was my great great uncle who died in 1917, all I had was that brass plaque and a pic, I found his details on the Commonwealth war graves site, he is buried at Tyne Cot Cemetery, he was 31 when he died.

Peter Scott


Lt Col Herbert Francis George Carter MID. 18th Btn Durham Light Infantry, Yorkshire Light Infantry

"Lt.-Col. Herbert Francis George Carter was the son of General Francis Carter. He married Hermione Grace Guinness, daughter of Gerald Seymour Guinness and Eleanor Grace de Capell Brooke, on 26 June 1918. He died on 28 February 1919, while on active service. He gained the rank of Lieutenant-Colonel in the service of the King's Own Yorkshire Light Infantry. He was decorated with the award of the Military Cross (M.C.)" []

"Herbert Carter came from a military family (his brother was Brigadier General F.C Carter) and was educated a Wellington and Sandhurst. He had strong West Yorkshire connections through his mother, a Thornhill of Fixby Hall, Huddersfield. The Thornhills were Yorkshire gentry back to the middle ages. Their wealth grew in the industrial revolution when coal was found on their land.

Carter joined the local Regiment, the Kings Own Yorkshire Light Infantry, in 1904 when he was eighteen. He served for time in Crete and was clearly an able and intelligent young officer. He achieved rapid promotion to full lieutenant and was made assistant adjutant of 2nd KOYLI shortly after his twentieth birthday. His time in Crete gave him the taste for foreign travel and he pursued an unusual career leaving the Battalion to enlist on a language course. He served in Russia and Japan as an attache at the British Embassies having become one of the Armies few first class interpreters in Russian and Japanese. There may have been connections with the Intelligence Service, and his post war service in Vladivostok, where he helped to train the White Russian forces may have had more to it than linguistic fluency. He was also a gifted musician and artist, and it may be that his foreign travels devolved his cosmopolitan taste for Turkish cigars and Astrakhan Collared Overcoats.

Carter, too, was well connected. His wife, Grace, was a Guinness and Carter was sufficiently well known to the royal family for the Kings personal security to write enquiring after his health when he was taken seriously ill in Russia in 1919. Sadly, Carter died of pneumonia in Russia in 1919 shortly after his daughter was born. Grace eventually re-married to Air Marshal John Cotesworth Slessor, one of the architects if British air strategy during and after WWII. When war came in 1914, Captain Carter returned to join the 2nd Battalion KOYLI in Belgium, arriving at the front 25th October. Like Maurice Kennard, he took part in thedesperate defence of the Messines Rige. Casualties were heavy and within six days he was the only surviving officer in his battalion. He was mentioned in despatches and became the first KOYLI officer to be awarded the Military Cross 31 October.

Carter was critical lack of firepower on the British side (at that time there were only two machine guns per battalion, often obsolete Maxims) compared to the better equipped Germans. In November 114 he wrote to a friend in Regimental H.Q. in Pontefract. 'It is damnably frightening, but the excitement and comradeship is wonderful¦ My salaams too all and DO TRAIN SOME MORE MACHINE GUNNERS.'

Carter was wounded at Hooge 17 November, 114. His subsequent career reflects again the networking of the pre-war regular army. He spent time in Gallipoli as A.D.C to General Hunter-Weston with 2th Division but returned to England when Hunter-Weston was evacuated out of Cape Helles with sunstroke and exhaustion in July, 1915. He joined the newly formed 31st Division at Ripon as a staff officer under the new command of General Robert Wanless-OGowan who had been his Brigadier in Flanders. When the Pals arrived in France he had the advantage of being on the staff of his Divisional Commander and Corps Commander." - Bradford Pals by David Raw

"He won the first Regimental KOYLI Military Cross and was given the task of commanding the 18th (2nd Bradford Pals) Bn West Yorkshire Regiment on the afternoon of the 1st July 1918 after their disastrous attack on the Somme, leaving only 60 men available at his first Roll Call and also had the black task of signing the death Warrant of Privates Crimmins and Wild who were Shot at Dawn.

He entered Sandhurst in 1903 and was commissioned into the KOYLI a speaker of Russian, he was also proficient in Japanese. At the outbreak of the Great War, he proceeded to France with his Regiment and was awarded the Military Cross for gallantry on the Ypres Messines Road on the 31st October 1914. By 1916 he was serving as a Staff Officer at GHQ and on the afternoon of the 1st July 1916 following the disastrous attack on the Somme was given command of the 18th Bn West Yorkshire Regiment, the 2nd Bradford Pals. Following a search for survivors of the attack a Roll call could only muster 60 men and with this number he followed orders and continued the attack. He had the privilege of leading his Pals until their disbandment during February 1918, when he was given command of the 18th Bn Durham Light Infantry. A dark moment in his military career was in September 1916 when two men under his command deserted Private H. Crimmins and Private A. Wild. Recapture these men were tried by Court Marshal and Lt Col Carter signed their death warrant, the men were shot on the dawn of the 5th September 1916." -

95 mins

Katie Mitford


2nd Lt John Taylor Smith MM 18th Btn. att 2nd Btn. West Yorkshire Regiment (d.29th Mar 1918)

John Smith is buried in Rosieres British Cemetery in France.

Richard Campbell Taylor


Pte. Thomas Burns West Yorkshire Regiment

Doberitz, 1918

Thomas Burns was born 28th June 1876 in Keighley, West Yorkshire. He was married to Catherine Kelly at St Anne's, Keighley on 25th June 1910 and was a regular soldier before the 1st World War. He served in South Africa holding the medal awards issued on 1st April 1901 for Cape Colony, Orange Free State and Transvaal.

He was captured at the start of the war, I believe at Bourge on 20th of September 1914, from a document I have, titled Gefangenenlifte, des lagers Doeberitz, 24th August of 1917. He survived and returned home to his wife and only daughter Agnes. He died aged 60 on in February 1939 in Victoria Hospital, Keighley.


Pte. Arthur John Harper 16th (1st Bradford) Btn. West Yorkshire Regiment (d.1st Jul 1916)

Arthur Harper served with 16th Btn (1st Bradford) Btn, West Yorkshire Regiment and 93rd Coy, Machine Gun Corps.

Mark Smith


Pte. Thomas James McCaffrey 2/8th (Leeds Rifles) Btn. West Yorkshire Regiment

Thomas McCaffrey joined as a bugler at the age of 16 years eight months on 23rd of November 1914 and served through to March 1919. He served in France with the 2/8th Battalion from 1917 to the end of the war.

Paul Firth


Pte. Albert Foster 1st Btn. West Yorkshire Regiment

Albert Foster served with 1st Battalion, West Yorkshire Regiment during WW1, he was a regular soldier and was in Malta before the Great War.

Kevin J. Foster


L/Cpl. Albert Binns 10th Btn. West Yorkshire Regiment

Albert Binns volunteered for the cavalry and was sent for training at Aldershot but was discharged for poor eyesight. He then volunteered for the West Yorkshire Regiment and after training was sent to the front. It has taken me many years to trace his history but I have learnt that he fought at the Somme was bayoneted (seen the wound) but military hospital detail missing. He went back to the front to be shot in the right wrist and returned a third time only to fall foul of mustard gas in 1918. He passed away in 1963 as Sgt. Albert Binns.

Andy Wilkinson


Pte. Alan Benn 15th (1st Leeds) Btn. West Yorkshire Regiment

Alan Benn joined the 15th Battalion West Yorkshire Regiment on 12th of February 1915. His service record shows he joined up and went to Egypt on 22nd of December 1915, then France from 8th of March 1916 and was then posted missing 3rd of May 1917.

It turned out that he was taken as a Prisoner of War on 4th of May 1916 and transferred to Dulmen, Germany. Alan arrived back in Hull on 30th of December 1918 on board the Frederick VIII having spent 1 year and 240 days as a POW.


Pte. Harold Wainhouse 21st (Wool Textile Pioneers) Btn. West Yorkshire Regiment

Harold Wainhouse was my maternal great-grandad. According to my mum, Harold was wounded and left for dead on the battlefield in WW1. He had a huge hole caused by shrapnel in the side of his head which he recovered from and lived to the ripe old age of 85. My mum always hated visiting Harold as his old head wound scared her.

Simone Sargent


Lt. Robert Henry Clemmet West Yorkshire Regiment

Robert Clemmet

Robert Clemmet served with the West Yorkshire Regiment.

Carol Frost


L Cpl John Henry "Jack" Atkinson 7th Btn 9th Platoon West Yorkshire Regiment

Jack Atkinson

My grandfather John Atkinson was born in 1892, he survived the war and became an engineer. He married Hester Holroyd and lived in Seacroft Leeds for many years before moving south to live near their daughter. He died in Ottery St Mary, Devon in 1985.

Gillian Bromilow


Pte. Horace W. Littlewood 2nd/5th Btn. West Yorkshire Regiment (d.20th July 1918)

Horace Littlewood was killed in action near Jonchery sur Vesle on 20th of July 1918, age 18 and initially buried locally in this area. He was later exhumed and reburied in the Marfaux British Military Cemetery, which is around 12 kilometres S W of Reims, along the D836 Route de Chaumuzy. His headstone contains the words 'Cherished memories of one so dear are oft recalled with a silent tear' His mother Sarah Ann Toll lived at 57 Pontefract Road, Hoyle Hill, Near Barnsley.

Ken Black

Recomended Reading.

Available at discounted prices.

Massacre on the Marne: The Life and Death of the 2/5th Battalion West Yorkshire Regiment in the Great War

Fraser Skirrow

Reconstructs the experiences of a small closely knit group of fighting men - the 2/5th Battalion of the West Yorkshire Regiment - in the Great War. These men were not elite regular troops or Kitcheners' Men - they were Territorials. In many ways, they were typical of the men who fought on the Western Front. Massacre on the Marne presents fascinating insights into the First World War. It gives a "warts and all" view of the often chaotic preparations and challenges of mobilising an army. It tells the personal stories of ordinary men caught up in this great conflict. The book is scholarly and detailed but also presents a gripping and engaging view of what the Great War would have been like for typical soldiers. This book is a timely reminder of the horrific conflict that is now disappearing from living memory. I thoroughly recommend it, not only for those with an existing interest in the period, but also for anyone who wants to understand the First World War from the viewpoint of the indi
Beneath Hill 60 [DVD]

BENEATH HILL 60 tells the extraordinary true story of Oliver Woodward, the legendary Australian metal scientist. In 1916, Woodward faced the most difficult decision, ultimately having to separate from his new young love for the deadly carnage of the Western Front. On treacherous territory, behind the German enemy lines, Woodward and his secret platoon of Australian tunnelers face a suicidal battle to defend a leaking, tunnel system. A tunnel packed with enough high explosives to change the course of the War.
More information on:

\image of book cover

Beneath Hill 60 [DVD]

Hill 60: Ypres (Battleground Europe)

Nigel Cave

The shell-ravaged landscape of Hill 60, some three miles south east of Ypres, conceals a labyrinth of tu nnels and underground workings. This book offers a guide to the memorials, cemeteries and museums at the site '
Beneath Hill 60 [Paperback]

Will Davies

'Ten seconds, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one - fire! Down goes the firing switch. At first, nothing. Then from deep down there comes a low rumble, and it as if the world is spliting apart...' On 7th June 1917, nineteen massive mines exploded beneath Messines Ridge near Ypres. The largest man-made explosion in history up until that point shattered the landscape and smashed open the German lines. Ten thousand German soldiers died. Two of the mines - at Hill 60 and the Caterpillar - were fired by men of the 1st Australian Tunnelling Company, comprising miners and engineers rather than parade-ground soldiers. Drawing on the diaries of one of the key combatants, "Benealth Hill 60" tells the little-known, devastatingly brutal true story of this subterranean war waged beneath the Western Front - a stygian battle-ground where men drowned in viscous chalk, suffocated in the blue gray clay, choked on poisonous air or died in the darkness, caught up up in vicious hand-to-han
More information on:

\image of book cover

Beneath Hill 60 [Paperback]

Twelve Days on the Somme: A Memoir of the Trenches, 1916

Sidney Rogerson

Sidney Rogerson has put down, plainly and simply, the experiences of his battalion. There is no attempt to compass drama by any device of selection or exaggeration --The Observer A more genuine and unbiased account of trench warfare would be hard to find --The Sunday Times Memoirs of a British subaltern first published in 1933; vivid descriptions without embellishment of life on the front lines written by a survivor of the 1916 Somme offensive. Unabashedly intended as an antidote to the usual downbeat 1930's war memoir. --Western Front Association A joint operation between Britain and France in 1916, the Battle of the Somme was an attempt to gain territory and dent Germany s military strength. By the end of the action, very little ground had been won: the Allied Forces had made just 12km. For this slight gain, a more than a million lives were lost. There were more than 400,000 British, 200,000 French, and 500,000 German casualities during the fighting. Twelve Days on the Somme
Bradford Pals

David Raw

The Comprehensive History of the 16th, 18th and 20th (Service) Battalions of the Prince of Wales Own West Yorlshire Regiment 1914-1918.
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Bradford Pals


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