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- Essex Regiment during the Great War -

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Essex Regiment

Want to know more about the Essex Regiment?

There are:7097 items tagged Essex Regiment available in our Library

  These include information on officers, regimental histories, letters, diary entries, personal accounts and information about actions during the Great War.

Those known to have served with

Essex Regiment

during the Great War 1914-1918.

  • Adams Charles John. Pte. 6th
  • Adcock Charles Frederick. Pte. 9th Btn. (d.4th Apr 1918)
  • Addison Cecil Frederick. Pte. 1st Battalion (d.22nd April 1917)
  • Aldis Stanley Simeon. Pte 2nd Battalion (d.24th March 1917)
  • Aldridge Charles C.. Pte. D Company, 10th Battalion (d.22nd Nov 1915)
  • Allaway Charles Thomas. Sgt. 5th Battalion, B Coy. (d.2nd Nov 1917)
  • Alston William Henry. Pte. 9th Btn. (d.3rd Jul 1916)
  • Arnold Thomas. Pte.
  • Bailey DCM. Frank. Mjr. 1st Battalion
  • Baker Arthur. Pte. 2nd Btn. (d.3rd May 1917)
  • Baker Thomas. Pte. 1st Btn. (d.23rd Aug 1917)
  • Baldwin Edward. L/Cpl. (d.21st Oct 1914)
  • Baldwin William Benjamin. Pte. 2nd Battalion (d.5th March 1917)
  • Baldwin William. Pte.
  • Balls George Alfred. Pte. 11th Battalion (d.24th May 1916)
  • Banning Alfred William. Pte. 9th Battaliion (d.10th Aug 1918)
  • Bard Leonard Reynolds. Pte. 11th Battalion (d.26th Sep 1916)
  • Barlow MID. Walter Robertson. A/Capt 1/4th Btn.
  • Barlow. MID. Walter Robertson. Capt. 1/4th Btn. (d. )
  • Barnard Bertie. Cpl. 1st Btn. (d.14th Apr 1917)
  • Barnes Frank Bertram. Sgt. 1/4th Btn.
  • Barnes John Edwin. Pte. 1st Btn. (d.25th Apr 1915)
  • Barrett Henry Charles. Pte. 11th Btn. (d.21st March 1918)
  • Bellis Alfred. Pte. (d.31st October 1914)
  • Bettinson George. Pte. 7th Btn. (d.27th March 1917)
  • Bickerton . Pte.
  • Bignell William. Pte. 10th Btn. (d.8th Oct 1917)
  • Billingham Arthur. Pte. 2nd Btn. (d.8th August 1918)
  • Bishop Frederick Bertram Walter. Pte. 2nd Battalion (d.10th Aug 1918 )
  • Bishop Frederick Bertram Walter. Pte. 2nd Btn. (d.10th Aug 1918)
  • Bishop George. Pte. 4th Btn. (d.27th Sep 1917)
  • Biswell Harry George. Pte 11th Battalion (d.6th May 1916)
  • Blake Reginald. Pte. 11th Btn. (d.21st Apr 1917)
  • Blanshard Albert. Pte. 10th Btn. (d.23rd August 1918)
  • Boosey Bertie. Pte. 2nd Btn. (d.15th Apr 1915)
  • Boud William Cuthbert. Pte. 4th Battalion (d.22nd Aug 1915)
  • Boulton William. L/Cpl. 13th Battalion (d.28th April 1917)
  • Boyer Percy. Pte. 2nd Btn. (d.2nd May 1918)
  • Boyle Henry. L/Cpl. 2nd Btn. (d.13th May 1915)
  • Boyton Arthur Frank. Pte. 13th Btn
  • Brabazon Terence Anthony Chaworth. Cpt. 1st Btn. (d.3rd August 1916)
  • Braddy Arthur John. Sgt. 2/5th Battalion
  • Bradley George. Pte. 2nd Btn. (d.18th Dec 1916)
  • Brady Jack. Sjt. 1/6th Btn.
  • Brasted Alfred John. Pte. 10th Btn. (d.23rd Oct 1916)
  • Brignull Sidney. Pte. 1st Btn. (d.14th April 1917)
  • Brock Earnest James. Pte. 10th Btn.
  • Broom Alfred George. Pte. 9th Btn. (d.10th Aug 1918)
  • Brown Stephen. Pte. 2nd Btn. (d.8 Jan 1915)
  • Brown Thomas Henry. Pte. 1/4th Btn (d.11th Oct 1918)
  • Browne Archibald. Pte. 2nd Btn. (d.19th Dec 1914)
  • Bullman Oliver. Pte. 2nd Btn. (d.10 Oct 1917)
  • Bullock William James. L/Cpl. 10th Btn. (d.30th March 1918)
  • Bulwer Frederick William. Pte. 10th Battalion (d.20th July 1916)
  • Bunn Arthur James. Pte. 6th Btn. (d.12th Sep 1917)
  • Burgess Bennet Leopold. Pte. 13th Battalion (d.28th April 1917)
  • Burley Alec James. A/Cpl. 1st Btn. (d.13th Dec 1915)
  • Butler Isaac Frank. Pte. 2nd Btn. (d.1st Jan 1915)
  • Cannon Sidney.
  • Capper MC. Ernest Raphel. Capt. 9th Btn. (d.24th Dec 1917)
  • Carbutt John Hudson. Pte. 11th Btn. (d.17th Sept 1918)
  • Carr Thomas. Pte 10th Battalion (d.21st September 1918)
  • Cash Albert Leslie. Pte. B Coy. 11th Btn. (d.17th September 1918 )
  • Cash Albert Leslie. Pte. 11th Btn. B Coy. (d.17th Sep 1918)
  • Chalkley William John. Pte. 13th (West Ham) Btn. (d.22nd Mar 1918)
  • Chamberlin Thomas. L/Cpl. 4th Battalion (d.26th Mar 1917)
  • Chase Sidney T. Pte.
  • Clarke W. Edward. Pte.
  • Clarke William Edwin. Pte. 9th Btn.
  • Clarke William Edwin. Pte. 9th Btn
  • Clarke William Arthur. Pte. 13th Btn. (d.31st July 1916)
  • Claxton John Robert. Cpl. 2nd Btn. (d.3rd May 1917)
  • Clay Clement Cecil. Spr. 2nd Special Company
  • Claydon George Frederick. Pte. 1/4th Btn.
  • Clowrey John. Pte. 2nd Btn. (d.23rd Apr 1918)
  • Clowrey John. Pte. 2nd Btn. (d.23rd April 1918)
  • Coker Edmund Albert. Pte. 11th Btn. (d.17th Oct 1916)
  • Cooper James. Pte. 1st Btn. (d.6th August 1915)
  • Coppinger Sydney. Pte. 11th Btn (d.18th Mar 1917)
  • Corner Ruben John. A/L/Cpl. 13th Battalion (d.9th Aug 1916)
  • Cresswell William. L/Cpl. 2nd Btn. (d.1st Jul 1916)
  • Cresswell William. L/Cpl. 2nd Btn. (d.1st July 1916)
  • Crowson Francis Henry. Pte. 9th Btn.
  • Dagless Alfred. 2nd Btn.
  • Daly John Francis. Cpl. 10th Btn., A Company (d.20th July 1916)
  • Daniel Harry Thomas. Pte. (d.18th August 1917)
  • Daniells Rupert Joseph. Pte. 13th Btn. (d.28th April 1917)
  • Davey Jack Ainger. Pte.
  • Davis Harold Charles. 2nd Lt. (d.26 Jun 1918)
  • Davis Harold Charles. 2nd Lt. (d.26th June 1918)
  • Davis Harold Charles. 2nd Lt. (d.26th June 1918)
  • Davison Soloman. Pte 1st Battalion (d.8th Oct 1918)
  • Day Harry. Pte. 1st Battalion (d.12th October 1916)
  • Delaney John. Pte. 13th Btn. (d.18th Feb 1917)
  • Drew John William. S/Sgt. 2/8th (Cyclist) Btn.
  • Duffield William. L/Cpl. 10th Battalion (d.29th Sept 1915)
  • Duffy Owen John. Pte. 1st Battalion (d.12th October 1916)
  • Eagle Frederick James. Pte 1st Btn. (d.23rd Apr 1917)
  • Ellis Frederick. Sgt. 1st Btn. (d.25th April 1915)
  • Emery Frank Alfred. Pte. 1/4th Btn. (d.19th Sep 1918)
  • Eva Laurie. Pte 1st Battalion (d.1st July 1916)
  • Evans MM. Idris. L/Cpl. 11th Battalion (d.9th Oct 1916)
  • Evers Samuel. Pte. 10th Btn. (d.6th May 1918)
  • Fawbert Edward. Pte. 2nd Btn (d.3rd May 1918)
  • Fenton-Jones John Christian. 2Lt. 7th Battalion
  • Few Charles. L/Cpl. 1st Battalion (d.20th Nov 1915)
  • Fisher Joseph Frederick. Pte. 2nd Battalion
  • Flack George Alfred John. Pte. 11th Btn. (d.15th Oct 1916)
  • Flack Harry James. Pte. 11th Btn. (d.5th December 1918)
  • Flatt George Henry . L/Cpl. 10th Btn. (d.23rd August 1918)
  • Flicker Walter Harold. Cpl. 13th Btn. (d.13th Nov 1916)
  • Ford J. H.. Lt.
  • Francis Albert. Cpl.
  • Franklin Ernest Arthur. Sgt. 4th Btn. (d.3rd Nov 1917)
  • Frieslaar Albert Alfred. Pte. 2nd Battalion (d.2nd May 1915)
  • Frost Arthur James. Cpl. 9th Btn. (d.6th Sep 1918)
  • Frost Joseph. L/Cpl. 10th Btn. (d.1st July 1916)
  • Game Herbert. A/Sgt. 11th Service Battalion (d.15th Oct 1916)
  • Gant William. Pte. 10th Btn.
  • Garbutt Lawrence Mark. 2Lt. 9th Btn. (d.10th Aug 1918)
  • Gibbs William Walter. Sgt. 2nd Battalion (d.3rd May 1917)
  • Giddings Leonard Morton Kitchener. Pte. 2nd Btn. (d.2nd July 1916)
  • Gill Bernard. Pte. 4th Battalion
  • Golding George Thomas. Pte. 1/4th Battalion (d.2nd November 1917)
  • Goodenough John. Pte. 11th (Service) Battalion (d.27th Dec 1916)
  • Graham George Samuel. Sgt. 6th Btn. (d.17th Aug 1915)
  • Grange MM. William James. Pte. 4th Battalion
  • Green Ernest Arthur. Pte. 13th (West Ham Boys) Btn. (d.31st Jul 1916)
  • Grune MID. Edward Sidney. Col. 13th Btn.
  • Guy Henry James. Pte. 2nd Btn.
  • Haisman William. Pte. 11th Btn.
  • Haley Arthur. 2nd Lt. (d.1st Jun 1918)
  • Hall Thomas. 2Lt. (d.19th June 1918)
  • Hall Tom Harry. Pte. 11th Battalion (d.26th Sept 1915)
  • Hardy Dick. Pte. 1st Btn. (d.14th April 1917)
  • Harlow Ernest . Pte. 13th Btn. (d.28th April 1917)
  • Harrington Robert. Pte. 2nd Btn. (d.27th Oct 1918)
  • Hawes George Edward. Pte. 1st Batt (d.20th Nov 1917)
  • Hawkins Joshua. 10th Btn. (d.30th May 1918)
  • Hawkridge Harold Conniston. Pte. 4th Btn.
  • Hayes Frederick. Pte. 13th Battalion (d.1st Jul 1916)
  • Heathcote Walter Dean. Pte. 9th Btn. (d.5th April 1918)
  • Hitchen Ernest John. A/L/Cpl. 1/4th Btn. (d.20th August 1915)
  • Holloway Henry Francis. Pte. 2nd Btn. (d.3rd May 1917)
  • Holloway William. Pte. 4th Btn.
  • Howe Abraham Edward. Pte.
  • Hunt MM. Arthur Elias William. Pte. 2nd Battalion, D Coy. (d.28th March 1918)
  • Huntington Charles Albert. Pte. 15th Btn.
  • Ives Harry Giles. Pte. 1st Btn. (d.19th May 1917)
  • Jackson William. Pte 12th Btn (d.7th Aug 1917)
  • Jepson MM. James. Pte. 2nd Battalion
  • Jervis George Henry. Pte. 9th Btn. (d.8th Apr 1918)
  • Johnson Edgar Reginald. Pte. 10th Battalion
  • Johnson Herbert William . Pte. 2nd Btn. (d.23rd March 1918)
  • Johnson William Northcroft. Sjt. Mjr. 6th Btn.
  • Jolley William Henry. Pte. 13th Battalion (d.28th April 1917)
  • Jones Harold. Pte. 2nd Btn. (d.1st July 1916)
  • Jones Herbert Stanley Joseph. L/Cpl. 2nd Btn. (d.19th Nov 1917)
  • Keningale William John. Pte. 2nd Battalion (d.21st Oct 1916)
  • Kennefick Edward Hammerton. Capt. 3rd Btn. (d.8th July 1916)
  • King Oliver George. Sgt 1st Btn (d.14th of April 1917)
  • Kirton Wainer. L/Cpl. 10th Btn. (d.22nd Oct 1916)
  • Knight William. Pte. 14th Btn. (d.23rd Aug 1918)
  • Last Herbert John. Pte 1st Btn (d.13th June 1915)
  • Laver Barner. Private 3rd Bn. attached. 2nd Bn (d.22nd June 1917)
  • Law Herbert Edgar. Pte. 11th Battalion (d.1st July 1916)
  • Lawrence Charles Henry. Pte. 9th Btn. (d.15th Aug 1917)
  • Lee Bertie Harold. Pte. 1st Btn. (d.14th April 1917)
  • Lee James William John. Pte. 13th Btn. (d.4th September 1916)
  • Lester Harry. Pte. 11th Btn (d.19th Dec 1915)
  • Linge Arthur James. Pte. 2nd Btn. A Coy (d.24th Nov 1914)
  • Linge Ernest Henry. Pte 2nd Btn (d.29th Jan 1915 )
  • Louden Leonard Walter. Cpl. 3/5th Btn.
  • Mace John William. Sgt 13th Btn, B Company
  • Maltby Leonard. Pte. 9th Btn
  • Mansfield William James. L/Cpl. 11th Btn. (d.21st Mar 1918)
  • Marsh MM William. L/Cpl 11th Btn. (d.12th Oct 1918)
  • Martin Harry. Pte. 9th Btn. (d.20th Mar 1916)
  • Mason Albert George. Pte. 2nd Garrison Btn. (d.10th July 1919)
  • McEvoy John Patrick. Pte. 11th Battalion
  • McNeil Frederick Christensen. Pte. Scottish Horse Field Ambulance
  • Mears MC. Albert John. Pte. 10th Battalion (d.26th Apr 1918)
  • Mendham Harry Christmas. L/Cpl. 2nd Btn. (d.3rd May 1917)
  • Merry MM. Thomas. Sgt. 1st Btn. (d.14th April 1917)
  • Miller Frederick Harry.
  • Miller Jack Sydney. Pte. 2nd Btn. (d.28th Aug 1914)
  • Miller Joseph. Pte. 1st Battalion (d.5th Dec 1915)
  • Miller Robert William. Sgt. 5th Battalion (d.6th Jun 1915)
  • Millsom Albert Victor. Pte 13th Btn.
  • Morss Alfred Albert. Pte. 7th Battalion
  • Mugridge Albert. Pte. 6th Btn. (d.27th March 1917)
  • Mullett Herbert Lesley. Sgt.
  • Murray Sydney John. Pte. 6th Btn.
  • Muskett Charles Thomas. Pte. 1/6th Btn. (d.15th Oct 1915)
  • Narvidge John William. Pte 1st Btn. (d.14th Apr 1917)
  • Naylor Tom Henry. Pte 1st Btn (d.30th Nov 1917)
  • Newberry Robert Arthur. Pte.
  • Page Joshua Joseph. Pte. 10th Btn. (d.20th July 1916)
  • Park Robert Walter. Pte. 4th Battalion (d.26th Mar 1917)
  • Parker George Leonard. Cpt. 2nd Btn. (d.1st September 1918)
  • Parkinson Edward. Cpl. 13th Battalion
  • Parry Vincent Jones. Pte. 2nd Battalion (d. 21st Apr 1918)
  • Parsons MM. Victor M.. Pte. 1st Btn.
  • Pasterfield Charles A.. Pte. Essex Regiment
  • Paterson John Henry. 2nd.Lt. 3rd Btn. (d.24th Sep 1918)
  • Pavitt Ernest Arthur. Pte 5th Btn (d.26th Mar 1917)
  • Percival William Frederick. L/Cpl. 11th Btn.
  • Pinder Henry Francis. Pte. 13th Battalion (d.21st July 1916)
  • Powers Henry William. Pte. 10th Battalion (d.10th Mar 1917)
  • Prescott George Edward. Pte. 10th Btn. (d.21st October 1916)
  • Price George David. Pte. 2nd Btn.
  • Price George David. Pte.
  • Price Percy Victor. Pte. 13th Battalion (d. 11th Dec 1915)
  • Priest Edwin Louis. Pte. 17th (1st Football) Battalion
  • Probert Edward Thomas. Pte.
  • Pude Thomas J.. Spr.
  • Pudney William Henry. Sgt. 9th Battalion (d.18 October 1916)
  • Pye Lewis Gedge. L/Cpl. 13th Btn. (d.17th October 1918)
  • Rainbird Percy. Pte. 9th Btn. (d.12th Oct 1915)
  • Rainbow MM William. Pte. 11th Btn. (d.24th Sep 1918)
  • Rapley Charles Guy. Pte. 11th Btn. (d.15th Oct 1916)
  • Rawlings Charles William. Pte. 9th Battalion
  • Reed Edward George. Pte. 2nd Battalion (d.20th April 1918)
  • Reilly William John. Pte.
  • Reynolds Harry H.. 1st Batallion (d.15th July 1916)
  • Ricketts Bernard. Pte. 2nd Garrison Bn. (d.10th November 1917)
  • Rider Kenyth Westley. Pte. 2nd Battalion
  • Riley Thomas William. Pte. 2nd Btn. (d.2nd Sep 1918)
  • Roat Clifton Harold. Pte. 2nd Btn.
  • Rust Sidney Morris. Pte. 9th Battalion (d.20th Oct 1915)
  • Salmon MM Percy Claud. L/Sgt. 10th Btn.
  • Salzmann Russel Bernhardt. Pte. 9th Btn. (d.8th Apr 1917)
  • Samwell Frederick James. Pte. 1st Btn. (d.14th April 1917)
  • Sandford Sidney George. Pte. 11th Battalion (d.4th May 1916)
  • Shead George. L/Cpl. 2nd Btn. (d.28th March 1918)
  • Sheppard Reginald James. L/Cpl 10th Btn. (d.20th July 1916)
  • Shillingford Thomas Henry. Pte. 13th Btn. D Coy. (d.30th July 1916.)
  • Shuttlewood Stephen. Sgt 4th Btn
  • Simmonds Henry Shaun. Sgt. 1/6th Btn. (d.1st Apr 1917)
  • Smith Harry Leonard. L/Cpl. 2nd Btn.
  • Smith Walter Andrew. Pte. 2nd Btn. (d.10th Oct 1917)
  • Smith William James. Pte. 1st Btn.
  • Snare Arthur Harold. Pte. 11th Btn. (d.30th Apr 1916)
  • Sneath Richard Earl. Pte. 2nd Battalion (d.10th October 1917)
  • Sowman James Henry. Pte. 2nd Battalion (d.1st July 1916)
  • Sparshott William. Pte. 10th Battalion (d.8th August 1918)
  • Spring DSO, MID. Frederick Gordon. Brib-Gen. 11th Battalion
  • Staddon Ernest George. Pte. 10th Btn.
  • Stanley Albert Charles. Pte. 10th Battalion (d.8th August 1918)
  • Steward Mark. Pte. 2nd Battalion (d.17th December 1914)
  • Stiff Arthur George. L/Cpl. 13th Battalion (d.9th July 1918)
  • Stokes Frederick James. Pte. (d.19th Jun 1918)
  • Sutton Joseph. Pte. 9th Battalion (d.Sept 1916)
  • Tart Harold. Cpl. 2nd Btn. (d.25th Oct 1918)
  • Tewkesbury Arthur. Pte. 9th Battalion (d.23rd March 1917)
  • Theobald Arthur William. Pte.
  • Thompson Arthur Minke. Pte. 11th Btn.
  • Thompson Walter Lincoln. 2nd Lt. 3rd Batalion (d.9th Oct 1917)
  • Thompson Walter Lincoln. 2/Lt. 2nd Btn. (d.9th October 1917)
  • Thrift A. J.. Pte. 3rd Bn. (d.9th March 1916)
  • Tull Henry. Pte. 1st Battalion, X Company. (d.24th May 1915)
  • Tull Henry. Pte. 1st Btn. (d.24th May 1915)
  • Tull Henry. Pte. 1st Btn. (d.25th May 1915)
  • Turner Cecil Charles. Pte 1st Battalion (d.14th April 1917)
  • Turvey Jesse Richard. Pte. 11th Btn.
  • Twin Albert Stephen. L/Cpl. 9th Battalion, D Coy. (d.11th October 1915)
  • Vesse Herbert George. Pte. 4th Btn. (d.26th Mar 1917)
  • Voyce Frederick Charles. Pte. 5th Btn.
  • Waite Victor Ernest. Pte. 4th Btn. (d.26th Mar 1917)
  • Waller George Edward Thomas. L/Cpl. 9th Btn. (d.22nd Aug 1918)
  • Want James. Pte. 14th Btn. (d.9th April 1918)
  • Ward Ernest. Pte. 11th Battalion. (d.15th Oct 1916)
  • Wearne VC. Frank Bernard. 2nd Lt. 3rd Btn. (d.28th June 1917)
  • Webb Eustace. Pte. 13th Btn. (d.30th November 1917 )
  • Westley George William. 10th Btn.
  • Wharmby William. Cpl. 3rd Btn. D Company
  • Wheeler Walter. Private 9th Battalion (d.3rd Jul, 1916 )
  • White John Joseph Henry. Pte. 2nd Btn.
  • Whitmore William Ernest. Pte 3rd Btn
  • Williams Charles Alfred William. Pte. 10 Battalion (d.20th July 1916)
  • Williams Horace Albert. 11th Btn. (d.22nd Apr 1917)
  • Willis Harry. L/Cpl. 2nd Btn. (d.23rd Nov 1914)
  • Wilson DCM, MM. William. Sgt. 11th Btn.
  • Wood Creighton Arthur Bell. 2nd Lt. 1st Btn. (d.28th Jun 1915)
  • Wood Reuben. L/Cpl. 11th Btn (d.21st Mar 1918)
  • Woodcock Herbert. Pte. 1st Btn. (d.23rd August 1918)
  • Wooldridge Frederick George. Pte. 161st Coy. (d.25th November 1917)
  • Wright Alfred Frederick. Pte. 11th Btn. B Company.
  • Wright George William. Pte. 7th Btn. (d.7th July 1917)
  • Wright James Frank. Pte. 5th Btn. (d.26th March 1917)
  • Wyatt Harold Jackson. Pte. 9th Btn. (d.18th Oct 1916)
  • Yates William George Frederick. 2nd Btn.
  • Young DCM, MofH. William. CSM. 1st Btn.
  • Young DCM. William. RSM. 1st Btn.
  • Youngs William James. Pte. 11th Btn. (d.15th Oct 1916)
  • Zimmer James William. Pte. 1/7th Btn.

All names on this list have been submitted by relatives, friends, neighbours and others who wish to remember them, if you have any names to add or any recollections or photos of those listed, please. Add a Name to this List

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Pte. William Edwin Clarke 9th Btn Essex Regiment

Ted Clarke (sitting)

Uncle Ted Clarke, my father's brother survived the war at age 17/18 with shrapnel embedded in his brain. This caused some paralysis, and later in life, seizures. After being wounded, possibly at the Battle of Epehy. He was transferred to Napesbury Hospital, the County of Middlesex War Hospital, in September 1918. He was kind and gentle, and the one time he became annoyed was when I suggested war was exciting. (I was very young.) I have a series of post cards he sent from the front to his mother and sisters. He could not work very much, but I remember having fun riding in a department store elevator he was operating.

Diana Clarke


Pte. Frederick William Bulwer 10th Battalion Essex Regiment (d.20th July 1916)

Fred Bulwer was my great uncle and my grandfather's only brother. Fred was killed in Deville Wood aged 21. From an early age I was fascinated by a letter (attached)sent from a chap called George Holland that he sent to Fred's Mother in November 1916. Fred was born in Islington in 1884, married in October 1914 to May Scott and his son Colin was born in 1916.

Michael Levett


2nd Lt. Frank Bernard Wearne VC. 3rd Btn. Essex Regiment (d.28th June 1917)

Frank Wearne served with the 3rd Bn. attached 10th Bn. Essex Regiment. He died of wounds on the 28th of June 1917, aged 23 and is commemorated on the Loos Memorial in France.

An extract from The London Gazette dated 31st July, 1917, records the following:- "For most conspicuous bravery when in command of a small party on the left of a raid on the enemy's trenches. He gained his objective in the face of much opposition and by his magnificent example and daring was able to maintain this position for a considerable time, according to instructions. During this period 2nd Lt. Wearne and his small party were repeatedly counter-attacked. Grasping the fact that if the left flank was lost his men would have to give way, 2nd Lt. Wearne, at a moment when the enemy's attack was being heavily pressed and when matters were most critical, leapt on the parapet and, followed by his left section, ran along the top of the trench, firing and throwing bombs. This unexpected and daring manoeuvre threw the enemy off his guard and back in disorder. Whilst on the top of the trench 2nd Lt. Wearne was severely wounded, but refused to leave his men. Afterwards he remained in the trench directing operations, consolidating his position and encouraging all ranks. Just before the order to withdraw was given, this gallant officer was again severely hit for the second time, and while being carried away was mortally wounded. By his tenacity in remaining at his post though severely wounded, and his magnificent fighting spirit, he was enabled to hold on to the flank."

s flynn


Cpt. George Leonard Parker 2nd Btn. Essex Regiment (d.1st September 1918)

George Leonard Parker was killed in action 1st September 1918, aged 23 and is buried in the Vis-en-Artois British Cemetery in France. He was the son of Thomas and Mary Parker, of 105 Wellington Rd., Ashton, Preston.

s flynn


Pte. Charles Henry Lawrence 9th Btn. Essex Regiment (d.15th Aug 1917)

His name will be read out at the tower of London this evening 16 October 2014

Charles Lawrence is the cousin of my Maternal Grandmother. A young man who left behind a sweetheart and a loving family. He served with the 9th Battalion, Essex Regiment during WW1 and died, age 28, on the 15th August 1917. He is buried in Duisans British Cemerery, Etrun, near Arras, France. He was the son of Charles and Martha Eliza Lawrence, of 14 Bowling Green Lane, Clerkenwell, London.



Pte. Walter Dean Heathcote 9th Btn. Essex Regiment (d.5th April 1918)

Walter Heathcote was killed near Senlis Mill on 5th April 1918 and was buried at Bouzincourt Ridge Cemetery. This information is provided by his niece: Mrs Rosemary Tracey who did not know her uncle but well remembers the on-going grief suffered by her mother (Mrs M. Stapleton) - sister of Pte. Heathcote. Walter and his sister were born and lived in Brighton, Sussex and his name is recorded on the Steine war memorial in Brighton.

s flynn


CSM. William Young DCM, MofH. 1st Btn. Essex Regiment

William Young joined 1st Battalion, Essex Regiment in 1902. He held the DCM and French Medal of Honour, Silver with crossed swords, being awarded for his actions in France, "from 21st August to 4th November, 1918, when the battalion was almost continuously in action under heavy shell fire. His example and leadership had a very beneficent effect on the non-commissioned officers of the battalion."

He retired after 18 years service in 1920 at the rank of RSM, re-enlisting to serve in WWII, he was involved in the Munich campaign of 1941 and may, and it is only a suggestion, may have been involved in the formation/training of the SAS (research ongoing). Apart from a newspaper obituary article and a family photograph of him in his uniform, little else is known at this time. We are still researching.

Patricia Stuart


Pte. James William Zimmer 1/7th Btn. London Regiment

My great grandfather James William Zimmer was with the 7th London Regiment, he ended up in the Labour Corps in 1919, disabled with bronchitis which I have read can be brought on by mustard gas. He was also attached to the 4th battalion Essex Regiment. I am trying to find more information on him.

Danny Zimmer


Pte. Victor Ernest Waite 4th Btn. Essex Regiment (d.26th Mar 1917)

Victor Waite was 27 when he died. He was he son of Alfred Waite and Elizabeth nee Lewis. Alfred was a soldier in the 16th Lancers in 1881 and was at Cavalry Barracks Fulford, York. Victor's brother Charles Albert Waite was killed 1915 age 20 in Flanders

Janice Townson


Pte. Harry Lester 11th Btn Essex Regiment (d.19th Dec 1915)

Harry Lester served with the 11th Battalion and 4th Battalion, Essex Regiment.

Nathan Lester


Cpl. Harold Tart 2nd Btn. Essex Regiment (d.25th Oct 1918)

Harold Tart served with the 2nd Essex. He died at Targett A-Tautz E. He was married to Elsie and they had a daughter, Sylvia Elsie.



Pte. Charles Guy Rapley 11th Btn. Essex Regiment (d.15th Oct 1916)

Charles Rapley born 27th of December 1896, was the son of Reginald and Emily Isabella Rapley. He had 3 sisters, May, Freda and Ruby. His father Reginald was in the Army Veterinary Corps and was discharged as disabled in 1916 and died in 1917 in Colchester. Charles died on 15th of October in France and is buried at Thiepval


Pte. William John Keningale 2nd Battalion Essex Regiment (d.21st Oct 1916)

William Keningale served with the 2nd Battalion, Essex Regiment.

Heather Newcombe


Sgt. Herbert Lesley Mullett Essex Regiment

Les Mullett

My grandfather, Herbert Mullett was captured on the morning of the Spring Offensive 21st of March 1918 on the Somme. He was wounded and hospitalised then moved to Parchim. He was repatriated in early 1919. He was just 19 when he was captured. Over 500 of his mates, including his Captain, who he was alongside as he died, died that morning. He was one of only 5 survivors, he was told later in hospital, all wounded.

He was unable to do military service in WW2, so volunteered, firstly as an ARP in charge of a stretcher party and then with the Red Cross. He was with the first contingent of the Red Cross sent into Bergen Belsen in April 1945, not that far from Parchim. He had many stories of his time in the trenches but was very quiet about Bergen Belsen, more shocked by that experience than anything he experienced on the Somme. I donated many of his artifacts to the Imperial War Museum, who displayed a watch he acquired in Bergen Belsen as part of their Holocaust collection. Unbelievably, he was cheerful and positive right up to his death in 1965, from his exposure to being gassed in 1918. He told me, on his deathbed, that he had seen more dead bodies than I had had hot dinners.

I painted a portrait of him from a photograph taken of him to record his promotion to Sergeant in 1917. He was based near Warminster, in Wiltshire, at the time.

Anthony Mullett


Capt. Walter Robertson Barlow. MID. 1/4th Btn. Essex Regiment (d. )

Walter Barlow

Walter Barlow was born approx 1881. It is recorded in the London Gazette 6th Nov 1914, that he was Commissioned into 4th Battalion, Essex Regt. London Gazette 1st Jan 1915, To be Capt.(temp) 17 Dec 1914. Army List 1916, states 2Lt Temp Capt 17 Dec 1914. Essex Newsman,30 Jan 1915, witness to shooting, he is Capt. E Coy 1/4th Essex Regiment. London Gazette 13 Aug 1915, seconded on duty with 65th Provisional Btn, 15 Aug 1915. London Gazette 28 Aug 1917, 4th Btn Essex Regt, 2Lt (Temp Capt) W.R. Barlow to be Lt (Temp Capt) as from 1st Jun 1916. MIC states 1/4th Bn Essex Regt, Theatre of War first served in E.E.F. date 18th May 1918. London Gazette 5 Feb 1919, 4th Bn Essex Regt, Lt W.R. Barlow to be acting Capt whilst Commanding A Coy, 12th Sept 1918. London Gazette 19 Mar 1919, 4th Bn Essex Regt, Lt (acting Capt) W.R. Barlow to be Capt, 13th Oct 1918.

London Gazette 12 Jan 1920, Mentioned in General Sir E. H. H. Allenby’s Despatches, 5th Mar 1919, for distinguished and gallant service whilst serving with the Essex Regiment, Egyptian Expeditionary Force. When applying for medals, his address was 2 Chesterfield Rd, Cheswick, London, W4. London Gazette 13th Dec 1920, under heading Territorial Force Reserve, Infantry, Capt W.R. Barlow from 4th Bn Essex Regt, to be Capt. 14th Dec 1920. 1920 Electoral roll, 3 Chesterfield Rd, Chiswick with Edith Mary Barlow. 1928 By himself. Numerous London Gazette dates for his being a Liquidator. London Gazette 3rd Mar 1931, 4th Btn Essex Regt, Capt W.R. Barlow having attained the age limit relinquishes his command and retains his rank, 4th Mar 1931.

1941 Home Guard List, London District, 51st Surrey (Malden) Btn, 2Lt Barlow, W.R., 1st Feb 1941. London Gazette 1st Jan 1943, awarded MBE as a Major.

Peter Epps


Lt. J. H. Ford Essex Regiment


I have documents that belonged to Lt. J. H. Ford, a member of the Essex Regiment. I have three photos and a certificate of invalid for the service. I am Brazilian. I'm a historian and a history teacher in Brazil and I would appreciate it if anyone can send me more information about this veteran.

Lt J H Ford

Lt J H Ford

Lt J H Ford

Marcus Carmo


Pte. James William John Lee 13th Btn. Essex Regiment (d.4th September 1916)

James Lee was born in Mile End to parents James William Lee and Bridget Lee (nee Sheekham) and lived in Ernest Road and Hermit Road, Canning Town, Essex. James was killed during a bombing raid with 13th Essex.

John Mace


Pte. Cecil Frederick Addison 1st Battalion Essex Regiment (d.22nd April 1917)

Cecil Addison lost his life serving with the 1st Battalion, Essex Regiment.


Sidney Cannon Essex Regiment

Sidney Cannon served with the Essex Regiment, Royal Engineers and Northamptonshire Regiment.

Richard Cannon


Pte. Henry James Guy 2nd Btn. Essex Regiment

Henry Guy, 2nd Battalion, Essex Regiment

Henry Guy was my grandfather, a real salty character. He made his attestation on 4th October 1906, served with 2nd Essex, qualified in mounted infantry duties at Longmoor on 5th January 1909, went to France on 22nd August 1914, and subsequently was taken prisoner. This information is confirmed from family knowledge, the Essex Regiment museum, and attestation papers.

He had brothers who also served in the Essex Regiment: William Patrick Guy DCM, 4th Essex, who served in France (Expeditionary Force) twice and the Mediterranean, he transferred to the Lincolns. Charles Guy, 1st Essex, served in Quetta (Pakistan) and then landed at Gallipoli 25th April 1915. He was killed in action there on 6th June 1915 and is buried at Hellas Memorial. John Guy served with 69 Battery, Field Artillery during the Boer War. I served with the 3rd Battalion, Royal Anglian Regiment (Beds, Herts, Essex) Pompadours from 1978 to 1981.

David Mansfield

Recomended Reading.

Available at discounted prices.

A Major Soldier

Ted Bailey

A Major Soldier is part journey of discovery for the author and part history of the 1st Essex Battalion in the First World War. Frank Bailey was typical of many veterans of the era in that he never spoke of his exploits, despite having a long army career predating the war and being awarded the DCM. The author, his grandson, only found out the full details of his military service after his death. The author reminisces about his memories of his Grandfather before detailing his research into his life and military career, a journey that ultimately uncovered a hitherto unknown brother who had died in the war. The book then moves on to the actions of the 1st Essex battalion in the war, focusing on Gallipoli, the Somme, and Cambrai.
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A Major Soldier


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