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- Gordon Highlanders during the Great War -

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Gordon Highlanders

Want to know more about the Gordon Highlanders ?

There are:7265 items tagged Gordon Highlanders available in our Library

  These include information on officers, regimental histories, letters, diary entries, personal accounts and information about actions during the Great War.

Those known to have served with

Gordon Highlanders

during the Great War 1914-1918.

  • Alderman Percy Robert. Pte. 51st Btn.
  • Alexander Edward Lyon. Pte. 5th Battalion (Buchan & Formartin),D Company
  • Anderson Charles Edward. Cpt. 2nd Btn. (d.20th July 1916)
  • Andrews Wilfred George. Pte. 9th Btn. (d.20th Apr 1917)
  • Angus Henry. Pte. 1st/7th Btn. (d.13th June 1916)
  • Barnett DCM, MM. William Forbes. Pte. 6th Btn. (d.11th Apr 1918)
  • Barr MC David. 2nd Lt. 12th Btn
  • Beattie John. Pte. 1st Btn.
  • Blackmore Arthur James Cyril. Pte 1st/6th (d.29th May 1915)
  • Blues Ritchie. Pte. 1st Btn. (d.18th Aug 1916)
  • Bonner Alexander Ironside. Pte 2nd Battalion
  • Booth Cecil Richard. 2nd Lt. 1st Battalion, A Company. (d.21st March 1916)
  • Boyle Connell. Pte. 1st Btn. (d.3rd June 1918)
  • Bradley MM. Alfred. Pte. 54th Coy. (d.6th Jun 1917)
  • Brooke VC. James Anson Otho. Capt. 2nd Btn. (d.29th Oct 1914)
  • Bruce John Robert. Capt. 2nd Btn.
  • Bruce Peter. Pte. 1st Battalion (d.23rd Oct 1918)
  • Bruce Robert. Pte. 1st Btn.
  • Burgess Joseph. Pte. 10th Btn. (d.26th Sep 1915)
  • Burgess Robert. Pte. 7th Btn. (d.23rd April 1917)
  • Campbell John. Pte. 2nd Btn. (d.16th May 1915)
  • Campbell William James. Pte. 1st/6th Btn. (d.31st July 1917)
  • Carmichael Malcolm. Pte. 1st/6th Btn. B Coy. (d.21st Mar 1918)
  • Carnegie James. Pte. 1st Battalion (d.26th Sept 1917)
  • Carr Robert. Pte. 8th Btn. (d.25th September 1915)
  • Carrick John. Pte. 1st Btn. (d.9th April 1917)
  • Carter Wilfred. Pte 4th Btn (d.23rd Apr 1917)
  • Cassie Omond Stewart. Pte. 1st Btn. (d.13th May 1917)
  • Cassie William. Pte. (d.13th November 1916)
  • Cherry John Giles. Pte. 8th Btn. (d.5th July 1915)
  • Clark David Watt. Pte. D Coy. 6th Battalion (d.11th Apr 1918)
  • Cleary Peter Flemming. Pte. Highland Light Infantry
  • Coles Herbert Thorwald. 2/Lt.
  • Coles John Godfrey. 2/Lt.
  • Collie George Rae. Pte. 9th Btn.
  • Cowie Walter James. Pte. 1st Bat. B Co. (d.23rd Aug 1916)
  • Craigmile Francis. Sgt. 4th Btn.
  • Craigmile James. Sgt. 4th Btn.
  • Craik William. Pte 2nd (d.13th Mar 1915)
  • Davion MC MM Henry. WO1 (RSM) 2nd Battalion
  • Davison MC, MM. Henry. WO1. 6th Battalion
  • Dawson William. Pte. 10th Btn. (d.8th Apr 1917)
  • Delaney Thomas Francis. Pte. 8/10th Btn. (d.9th Sept 1916)
  • Dooner Patrick. L/Cpl
  • Duguid Peter. L/Cpl. 8/10th Btn.
  • Duguid William Albert Thow. Private 1st/6th Btn.
  • Duncan J. Cpl. 1st Btn., Attchd. 40th Trench Mortar Bty. (d.13th Sep 1915)
  • Durrand David Lyall. Pte
  • Easton William. Pte. 8th/10th Btn. (d.4th Jul 1916)
  • Esson Alexender. L/Cpl. 6th Battalion (d.11th April 1918)
  • Ewen Richard Edmonston. Sgt. 4th Btn. (d.25th Sep 1915)
  • Fentie Robert. Pte. 6th Btn.
  • Finlayson Robert Watson Golan. Pte. 1st Btn (d.29th Aug 1918)
  • Flett John. Pte. 7th Btn. (d.13th Nov 1916)
  • Flett William George. Pte.
  • Forbes DCM. Alexander W.. Sgt. 1st Btn.
  • Forbes-Sempill Robert Abercromby. Lt. 5th Battalion (d.2nd Jun 1915)
  • Foster MiD. George F.W.G.. Pte. 1st Btn.
  • Fulton Robert Rodman. Sjt. 1st Btn. (d.25th Sep 1915)
  • Gardiner John Slater. Cpl. 6th Btn. (d.21st March 1918)
  • Gardiner William. L/Cpl. 6th Btn. (d.26th May 1917)
  • Garvie John. L/Cpl. 4th Btn.
  • Gebbie Andrew. Pte.
  • Gebbie Andrew. Cpl. 9th Battalion
  • Gillespie Peter. L/Cpl. 9th Service Battalion (d.24th March 1918)
  • Gilmore Peter. Pte. 7th Btn. (d.26th Apr 1917)
  • Gilpin James. Pte. 6th Btn. (d.11th Apr 1918)
  • Gordon Albert. Pte. 1/4th Btn. (d.10th Aug 1915)
  • Gordon Alexander. Pte. 9th Btn. G Coy. (d.25th Sep 1915)
  • Gordon Robert Smith. C/Sgt Mjr (d. 11th Mar 1916)
  • Gordon VC. William Eagleson. Bt.Col. 1st Btn.
  • Gove Andrew. Pte. 7th. Bn "C" Coy. (d.14th Nov 1916)
  • Grant Alexander John. Pte. 6th Btn. B Company
  • Grant Charles. Pte. 1st/4th Btn. (d.5th June 1916)
  • Grant Francis Morrison. Pte. 1st Btn. (d.22nd April 1915)
  • Gunning Robert Gray. Pte. 2nd Btn. (d.2nd October 1915)
  • Guthrie Norman. Pte. 1st Battalion (d.14th December 1914)
  • Hardie George. Pte. 1st Battalion (d.14th Dec 1914)
  • Harper James. Pte. 1st Battalion (d.19th September 1918)
  • Harrott Charles Ernest. Sgt. 4th Btn. (d.23rd July 1916)
  • Hart DCM. David Hynd. Sgt. 1st Btn. (d.2nd Mar 1916)
  • Haxton John. Pte. 6/7th Btn. (d.13th Oct 1918)
  • Hay William. Sgt. 1st Btn. (d.14th Dec 1914)
  • Heads George William. Pte. 9th Btn. (d.22nd August 1917)
  • Healy Joseph Gregory. Cpl. 1st Battallion (d.12th May 1917)
  • Henderson John. Pte. 1st/4th Btn. (d.19th July 1918)
  • Heron George. CCpl. 2/5th Battallion (d.20 November 1917)
  • Heron Lewis. Pte. 4th Btn.
  • Heron Thomas Allan. Pte. 4th Btn. (d.6th Nov 1918)
  • Heywood John Charles. Pte. 9th (Pioneers) Btn. G Coy. (d.26th Sep 1915)
  • Hines MC DCM MM. John Cecil Newhall. CSM. 10th Btn.
  • Irvine John. Pte. 6/7th Btn. C Coy. (d.13th Oct 1918)
  • Jackson Joseph. Pte. 6th Btn.
  • Johnstone Barclay. Pte. 9th Btn. (d.21st Mar 1918)
  • Jones Stanley. Pte. 1st Btn.
  • Kay Elias James. Pte. 9th (Pioneers) Battalion
  • Kelly John McKie. Pte. 1st Battalion (d.26th August 1918)
  • Kelly Terence O'Neil William. 2nd Lt. 4th Btn. (d.23rd April 1917)
  • Kennedy William Robert. 2Lt. 2nd Battalion (d.25th Sept 1915)
  • King William. Pte. 1st Battalion
  • Kirkwood Andrew. Cpl. 9th Battalion (d.11 Nov 1918)
  • Ledger Abraham. Pte. 8th/10th Battalion (d.19th April 1917)
  • MacDonald . Pte.
  • Mackirdy Mactaggart. Pte. 8th/10th Btn. C Coy
  • Main Alexander. Pte. 6th Btn. (d.23rd November 1916)
  • Manson Magnus. Pte. 1st Battalion (d.18th Aug 1916)
  • Marshall Alexander. Pte. 2nd Btn. (d.12th May 1916)
  • Martin Edward. Pte. 2nd Battalion (d.29th Mar 17)
  • May Peter Brown Clives. Pte. 1st Btn. (d.27th Sept 1918)
  • McAuley William John. Pte. 8/10th Btn. (d.1st August 1917)
  • McConnachie John. Cpl. 6th Battalion (d.10th June 1917)
  • McCormick Edward. 2nd Lt. F Coy. 4th Btn. (d.1st Nov 1918)
  • McDonagh Hugh. Pte. 9th Btn. (d.22nd Nov 1915)
  • McDonald John Christopher. L/Cpl (d.24th Feb 1919)
  • McDowall James Walter Rodger. Pte. 1st Btn.
  • McIntyre Sinclair. Pte. 9th Battalion (d.29th June 1917)
  • McKnight William. Sgt. 1st Btn. (d.22nd July 1915)
  • McLauchlan James Smith. Pte. 44th MGC (d.18th Aug 1916)
  • Mcleod James Goodall. Sgt. 5th Btn.
  • Mcleod James Goodall. Sgt.
  • McMeeking Robert. 1st Btn.
  • McNeil William McPherson Reid. Pte. 8/10th Battalion (d.9th Sep 1916)
  • McNeill John. Cpl. 2nd Btn (d.4th Oct 1917)
  • McQuillian Peter B.. Cpl. 2nd Btn.
  • McRae James. Pte. 5th Btn. (d.2nd Dec 1916)
  • McWilliam Charles Thomas. Lt. 5th Btn. (d.18th March 1916)
  • Meff Robert. Pte. 4th Btn. (d.26th September 1915)
  • Michie Joseph. Pte. 7th Battalion (d.1st June 1917)
  • Middleton William. Pte. 6th Btn. (d.9th April 1917)
  • Milne Joseph. Pte.
  • Milne William. Pte. 1st Btn. (d.24th May 1918)
  • Moore Percy Frank. Pte. 1st Btn.
  • Morgan Forbes. Pte.
  • Morren Robert G.E.S.. Pte 9th Battalion (d.28th Mar 1918)
  • Morrice Adam. Pte. 2nd Btn. (d.10th Oct 1917)
  • Morris William. Pte. 1st Battalion. D Coy. (d.26th September 1917)
  • Morrison Alexander. Pte. 6th Btn. (d.4th June 1915)
  • Morton Alexander. Pte. 9th Btn.
  • Munro David. Pte 9th Btn. (d.22nd August 1917)
  • Murdoch Robert Moir Taylor. Pte. 1st Btn. (d.14th June 1917)
  • Murison William. Pte. 1/6th Btn. F Coy.
  • Murray David. L/Cpl.
  • Murray Francis. Pte. 9th Btn. (d.1st Oct 1916)
  • Murray James. Pte. 8th Btn.
  • Murray John. L/Cpl 6th Btn
  • Neill CdG. John Kidd. Sgt. 9th Battalion
  • Nicoll John Henderson . Pte. 6th Btn.
  • Norrie Archibald. Sig. 5th Btn. (d.19th Nov 1916)
  • Ormley Michael. Pte. 5th Btn.
  • Parkinson DSO J.. Pte. 1st Btn. B Company
  • Paterson John. Pte 10th Battalion (d.25th Sep 1915)
  • Pitblado Edward Stevenson. Pte. 7th Battalion (d.26th Aug 1917)
  • Price Harry. Pte. 1st Btn. (d.1st Oct 1918)
  • Radcliffe William. Pte. 1st Btn. (d.23rd September 1917)
  • Richmond Malcolm R.. Pte. 1/6th Btn. (d.26th May 1918)
  • Robb James. CSM. 6th Btn. (d.30th September 1915)
  • Robertson David. Pte.
  • Robertson Hugh Lawson. Pte. 6th/7th Btn. (d.13th Oct 1918)
  • Robertson James Simpson. Sgt. 2nd Btn.
  • Robertson Robert. Pte. 9th Btn. (d.27th September 1915)
  • Robertson Thomas Paterson. Pte 9th Btn (d.23rd May 1916)
  • Roddan Samuel. 8th Btn.
  • Rogers D.C.M. John. Lt. (d.13th June 1918)
  • Ross James Milne. Sgt. 6th Btn.
  • Ryrie David Ross. Pte. 9th Btn. (d.28th Aug 1916)
  • Sandison William. Pte. 6th Battalion, H Coy.
  • Scatterty William. Pte. 6th Btn. (d.5th March 1917)
  • Scott George Borthwick. Pte. 1st Btn. (d.23rd August 1918)
  • Scott MiD. James. Lt. 6th Btn. (d.25th Sept 1915)
  • Scott James. Cpl. 6th Btn. (d.18th May 1918)
  • Scott James. A/Sgt. 6th Btn., H Coy. (d.18th May 1918)
  • Scott Joseph McKnight. Private 6th Battalion (d.9th Apr 1917)
  • Shanks Alexander. Pte. 6th Btn.
  • Sharman George Anthony. Pte. 1st Battalion (d.1st April 1916)
  • Slorach James. Pte. 1st/4th Battalion
  • Smith Albert Duncan. Pte. 8th/10th Btn. (d.1st August 1917)
  • Smith James. Pte. 9th Btn. (d.29th Aug 1916)
  • Smith James Hay. Pte. 1/7th Btn. (d.8th January 1917)
  • Smith Leonard Francis. 1st/6th Bn. (d.12th Apr 1917)
  • Smith William. Pte. 6th Btn.
  • Stephen James. Pte. 1st/4th Btn. (d.16th Feb 1916)
  • Stephens George. (d.28th Mar 1918)
  • Stevenson William. Sgt. 1st Btn (d.2nd Mar 1916)
  • Sutherland William Francis. Cpl. 6th Btn. (d.9th Apr 1917)
  • Taylor Peter. Pte. 6th Btn. (d.3rd March 1917)
  • Telford William. Pte. 4th Btn. (d.20th September 1917)
  • Third George. Pte. 6th Battalion
  • Todd William Hercules. Pte 8th/10th Bn. (d.31st July 1917)
  • Topp William. L/Cpl. 6th Battalion
  • Tough James. Pte. 5th Battalion
  • Valentine Henry. Pte. 6th Btn.
  • Walker James Langlands. Pte. 1st Btn. (d.18th Aug 1916)
  • Walls Charles. L/Cpl. 8th Battalion (d.16th May 1916)
  • Ward Dick. Private Signals Section, 1st Battalion (d.15th June 1917)
  • Ward Thomas. Pte. 8th/10th Btn. (d.16th Oct 1917)
  • Watson Herbert Sanderson. Capt. 8th Btn. (d.26th Sep 1915)
  • Watson John Douglas. Sgt. 9th Btn. G Coy.
  • Webster Alexander. L/Cpl. (d.24th July 1916)
  • Westhorp Robert. Pte. 9th Battalion (d.29th August 1916)
  • White Robert Masson. Pte. 7th Battalion (d.13th Nov 1916)
  • Wightman Archie. Pte. 9th Battalion (d.28th June 1917)
  • Wilkie Alex Agnew. Pte. 1st Btn. (d.17th June 1917)
  • Wilkie William. Pte 4th Btn
  • Wilkinson David. Pte 10th Battalion
  • Williamson George. L/Cpl. 4th Btn. (d.25th Sep 1915)
  • Wood Alexander. Pte. 1st Btn. (d.26th September 1917)
  • Wright William. L/Cpl. 2nd Battalion (d.26th Oct 1917)
  • Young Thomas.

All names on this list have been submitted by relatives, friends, neighbours and others who wish to remember them, if you have any names to add or any recollections or photos of those listed, please. Add a Name to this List

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Sgt. William "Willie" Stevenson 1st Btn Gordon Highlanders (d.2nd Mar 1916)

My grandfather, William Stevenson was born in Middlesbrough. He joined the Police Force in 1907. He and my grandmother were married in 1910 and lived in South Hetton, Durham. They had three children, the eldest being my mother. William travelled to Sunderland where he enlisted on 22nd March 1915; he resigned from the Police the following day. His war records, though badly burnt, have provided a few details.

He embarked at Southampton 29th April that year and joined the Battalion on 1st May. He was promoted to Corporal then Sergeant in September, 1915. He went on leave to the UK from 2nd to 10th January, 1916.

According to a war diary on the Gordon Highlanders website an assault began in the Reninghelst area at 4.30am on 2nd March, 1916. Witnesses, L/C Hughes and Pte Ledlingham, told of my grandfather being wounded in a Bombing Post which was subsequently blown up. About a week later, while trench clearing, his body was found and reburied.

My grandmother was awarded a pension of 21/6d per week for herself and the three children with effect from 25th September, 1916. My grandfather's body was found again and reburied in trenches south of Verbrande Molen. However, it wasn't until some time between 1924 and 1928 that his body was discovered once more and identified by a ring he was wearing. He was finally laid to rest in Sanctuary Wood Cemetery. I have visited his grave a number of times and plan to go there once more for the Armistice Centenary in November.

Patricia Galley


Pte. John Henderson 1st/4th Btn. Gordon Highlanders (d.19th July 1918)

John Henderson was killed in action on the 19thof July 1918, aged 34. Buried in the Marfaux British Cemetery in France, he was the husband of Betsy Henderson and father of Janet Henderson, 2 Fleuchar Street, Dundee, Scotland. In 1915, John enlisted in the Highland Cyclist Battalion and was later transferred to the Gordons. He had been in France for 10 months.

s flynn


Pte. Edward Stevenson Pitblado 7th Battalion Gordon Highlanders (d.26th Aug 1917)

Edward Stevenson Pitbladdo 7th Battalion Gordon Highlanders died on 27th August 1917 Aged 39. He was the husband of Mary Jane Sandison Pitblado of 45 Sandport Street Leith. His name is inscribed on the Tyne Cot Memorial in Belgium.


Pte. Robert Watson Golan Finlayson 1st Btn Gordon Highlanders (d.29th Aug 1918)

Robert Finlayson joined on his 18th birthday in October 1917. He was sent to France in June 1918, was wounded August 27th and died two days later. He was the son of John and Catherine Finlayson, 5 Shore Street, Cromarty. His occupation, upon enlistment, is shown as Rivet Boy. He is buried in the Ligny-sur-Canche cemetery in France.

Sister Kathleen Flower who tended Robert prior to his death and wrote letter to his relatives.


Pte. William Easton 8th/10th Btn. Gordon Highlanders (d.4th Jul 1916)

William Easton died on the 4th of July 1916, aged 20. He is buried in the Etaples Military Cemetery in France, son of Henry and Mary Easton, of 91, Albert Buildings, Burnbank, Hamilton, Lanarkshire.

s flynn


CSM. John Cecil Newhall Hines MC DCM MM. 10th Btn. Gordon Highlanders

John Hines served with the 10th Battalion, Gordon Highlanders during WW1.

David Collin


Pte. Edward Martin 2nd Battalion Gordon Highlanders (d.29th Mar 17)

This young soldier, resplendent in the smart uniform of the illustrious Gordon Highlanders, is my great uncle, Private Edward Martin, a working lad from Longton, Staffordshire. At the age of just 19 he died on the killing fields near Arras, on the 29th March 1917.

After 97 years, I was the first in his family to be able to see where he lies. I travelled in the anniversary year of 2014 to pay my respects on behalf of us all, and to say Thank You on behalf of the nation. How blind we are to our great good fortune, in living our lives in this country and in these times.

Julia Callaghan


Pte. Charles Grant 1st/4th Btn. Gordon Highlanders (d.5th June 1916)

Charles Grant was killed in action on the 5th of June 1916, aged 25. Buried in Aubigny Communal Cemetery Extension in France, he was the son of John and Mary Grant, of 62 Gordon St., Aberdeen.

s flynn


Capt. John Robert Bruce 2nd Btn. Gordon Highlanders

Captain John R Bruce served in the Second Battalion, Gordon Highlanders during WW1.

Sue Horn


Capt. James Anson Otho Brooke VC. 2nd Btn. Gordon Highlanders (d.29th Oct 1914)

James Brooke was killed in action on 29th of October 1914, aged 30 and isburied in the Zandvoorde British Cemetery in Belgium. He was the son of Sir Harry Vesey Brooke, K.B.E., and Lady Brooke, of Fairley, Countesswells, Aberdeenshire. Awarded the Sword of Honour at Sandhurst.

An extract from The London Gazette, dated 16th Feb., 1915, records the following:- "For conspicuous bravery and great ability near Gheluvelt on the 29th October, in leading two attacks on the German trenches under heavy rifle and machine-gun fire, regaining a lost trench at a very critical moment. He was killed on that day. By his marked coolness and promptitude on this occasion Lieutenant Brooke prevented the enemy from breaking through our line, at a time when a general counter-attack could not have been organised."

s flynn


Pte. Stanley Jones 1st Btn. Gordon Highlanders

My husband's father Stanley Jones was born in the parish of Mynyddislwyn, Monmouthshire, Wales, in 1895. Stanley travelled all the way to Perth to join the Gordon Highlanders on 4th August, 1914. Unfortunately his records were lost in the "burnt papers" but we have pieced together his records as far as we can. Stanley was in the Battle of Loos, September 1915 - 13 months in line. Battle of the Somme July 1916 - 7 months in the line. Battle of Arras April 1917v- 5 months in the line - Battle of Paschendele October 4th - November 27th 1917. Stanley was shot and gassed in 1917 and he was sent home to Perth in Scotland then to the hospital in Cardiff.

Recently going through his papers we found a faded photograph of a Gordon Highlander, on the back is written James Carnegie (Barry Carnoustie). This gentleman appeared to have been a great friend of his. Researching on the internet we have found that a James Carnegie S/17411 lst Btn. Gordon Highlanders died at the age of 22 on 26th September, 1917 and is remembered with honour on the Tyne Cot Memorial. Stanley was in the lst Btn Gordon Highlanders (service number S/6402) so we think we have found the young James Carnegie in the picture lovingly kept by Stanley in his precious papers of the Great War.

If anyone of James's family would like to get in touch we would be so happy to hear from them.

Irene Jones


L/Cpl. John "Jock" Garvie 4th Btn. Gordon Highlanders

My Grandfather John Garvie, was born on 1st of June 1889. His birth certificate gives the date the 2nd of June. His father was so excited at the birth of his first born that he got the actual day wrong. But the family celebrated his birthday on the 1st June.

My grandfather was in the 4th Gordon Highlanders. He was taken prisoner on 23rd of July 1916 and was a prisoner in Dulmen prison camp. On 3rd of August 1916 there was a article in the local press saying he was wounded and missing in action. On 23rd of August another article appeared saying he was a PoW My grandfather stated that in this camp they did medical experiments by injecting his chest. This happened many times. He spoke of the starvation and cold they endured in this camp. My grandfather was demobbed 13th of February 1919. He did spend time in a hospital in Perth. I assume this was before he was discharged. On his return to Aberdeen on 9th of January 1920 he married Helen Young MacDonald. They went on to have six children one of whom died in infancy. John, Jock to his family, had been a slater pre war and returned to this trade, however in 1933 he discovered he had severe heart problems and he never worked again. Jock died in 1950 in Aberdeen city hospital with heart failure.


L/Cpl. George Williamson 4th Btn. Gordon Highlanders (d.25th Sep 1915)

George Williamson fell at the attack on Hooge during the Battle of Loos.

Martin Reid


Sig. Archibald Norrie 5th Btn. Gordon Highlanders (d.19th Nov 1916)

Archibald Norrie served with 5th Gordon Highlanders. He is buried in Contay British Cemetery, France.

Carol Warriner


Pte. Thomas Francis Delaney 8/10th Btn. Gordon Highlanders (d.9th Sept 1916)

Thomas Delaney was my great uncle. His brother, James, was killed on 19th of December 1914 whilst serving with the 1st Battalion Highland Light Infantry.

Matthew Delaney


Pte. John Henderson "Johnny Dundee" Nicoll 6th Btn. Gordon Highlanders

John Nicoll was discharged on the 19th of January 1919, he had suffered a gunshot wound to his right leg.


Pte. Wilfred George Andrews 9th Btn. Gordon Highlanders (d.20th Apr 1917)

Wilfred Andrews was my father’s cousin. Wilfred’s parents lived in Spettisbury, Dorset. I cannot find where his grave might be.


L/Cpl. Alexender Esson 6th Battalion Gordon Highlanders (d.11th April 1918)

Alexander Esson was, or would have been, my great uncle. One of his sisters became my grandmother. I am currently researching my family history (most of whom came from Aberdeen), and discovered that Alex and his brother James Ross Esson serving as a driver with the Royal Field Artillery were killed in the Great War. James died of wounds on 20th of February 1917. With the death of Alex, the family lost both of their sons.

Catriona Banks


Pte. William Murison 1/6th Btn. F Coy. Gordon Highlanders

William Murison served with F Coy. 1/6 Btn. Gordon Highlanders.

Iain Murison


Pte. James Walter Rodger McDowall 1st Btn. Gordon Highlanders

Researching my family tree I found James McDowall, his marriage etc and birth of his daughter then nothing. Further research has traced him to the 1st Battalion, Gordon Highlanders with a report of his death by asphyxiation on 7th May 1916 in France or Belgium.

James Steele

Recomended Reading.

Available at discounted prices.

History of the 51st (Highland) Division 1914-1918

F.W. Bewsher

The Highland Division was one of the pre-war Territorial divisions. Its HQ was in Perth with brigade HQs in Aberdeen, Inverness and Stirling. On mobilization the division moved down to its war station in Bedford where it remained, carrying out training till embarking for France in May 1915. During this period six of its battalions were sent to France, three in November 1914 and three in the following March, replaced by two Highland battalions and a brigade of four Lancashire battalions; it is not clear whether the latter were required to wear kilts. They were transferred to the 55th (West Lancashire) Division when that division reformed in France in January 1916 and were replaced, appropriately, by Scottish battalions. It was in May 1915, just as the division arrived in France, that it was designated 51st and the brigades 152nd, 153rd and 154th; by the end of the war the 51st (Highland) Division had become one of the best known divisions in the BEF.


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