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- Yorkshire Regiment (Green Howards) during the Great War -

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Yorkshire Regiment (Green Howards)

Want to know more about the Yorkshire Regiment (Green Howards)?

There are:7932 items tagged Yorkshire Regiment (Green Howards) available in our Library

  These include information on officers, regimental histories, letters, diary entries, personal accounts and information about actions during the Great War.

Those known to have served with

Yorkshire Regiment (Green Howards)

during the Great War 1914-1918.

  • Abell Maurice. Pte. 9th Btn. (d.7th Jun 1917)
  • Adams David. Pte. 2nd Btn. (d.29th Sep 1918)
  • Adams John Albert. Lance Sjt. 9th Btn. (d.7th Jun 1917)
  • Ainsworth Albert. Pte. 12th Btn. (Teesside Pioneers) (d.10th Apr 1918)
  • Akers Harold. Cpl. 9th Btn. (d.7th Jun 1917)
  • Allen Robert. Pte. 12th Btn. (Teesside Pioneers) (d.23rd Dec 1916)
  • Allenby P. W.. Pte. 4th. (d.6th Oct 1916)
  • Appleyard William. Lt 6th Btn (d.22nd Aug 1915)
  • Atkinson William. Cpl. 7th Btn.
  • Bailey Walter Percival. L/Cpl. 5th Btn. (d.24th Apr 1917)
  • Ball Andrew. Pte. 4th Btn. (d.1st Oct 1918)
  • Barnes MM. George Anderson. Sgt. 1st Btn. (d.25th Sep 1916)
  • Barugh Thomas Anthony. Pte. 6th Btn.
  • Beal VC. Ernest Frederick. 2nd Lt. 13th Btn. (d.22nd March 1918)
  • Bell Christopher Brown. Pte 6th Btn
  • Bell Douglas George . L/Cpl. 10th Btn. (d.4th October 1917)
  • Bentley Harry. Pte. 18th Btn. (d.10th Oct 1918)
  • Benton Thomas Charles. Sgt. 9th Battalion
  • Beresford Thomas. Pte. 8th Battalion (d.25th Apr 1918)
  • Berry Henry. L/Cpl. 9th Btn. (d.29th Sep 1917)
  • Bielby Arthur. Pte. 2nd Btn. (d.14th Feb 1917)
  • Binks James Richard. Pte. 12th Btn. (Teesside Pioneers) B Coy. (d.9th Apr 1918)
  • Birch MC. William Claud Kennedy. Mjr. 2nd Btn. (d.5th January 1918)
  • Blackett Thomas. Cpl. 7th Btn. (d.1st July 1916)
  • Blair William. Pte. 2nd Btn. (d.30th Oct 1914)
  • Bloom Harold. Lt. 12th Btn. (d.14th Feb 1917)
  • Bollands Walter. Pte. 5th Battalion
  • Bradley David. L/Cpl. 13th Btn (d.11th Jul 1917)
  • Brannon Isaac. Pte. 10th Btn. (d.1st Oct 1915)
  • Brannon Isaac. Pte. 10th Btn. (d.1st Oct 1915)
  • Brenton Sidney Russell. Pte. 9th Btn. (d.7th October 1916)
  • Brockhouse Horace. Pte. 9th Battalion (d.16th August 1917)
  • Brogden Issac Arthur. Sjt. 12th Btn. (Teesside Pioneers) (d.23rd Mar 1918)
  • Brown Arthur. Pte. 8th Btn. (d.18th Oct 1917)
  • Brown John Thomas. Pte. 2nd Btn. (d.8th July 1916)
  • Brown Richard. Pte. 12th Btn. (Teesside Pioneers) (d.8th Jan 1918)
  • Brown Robert. Pte. 13th Battalion (d.23rd Nov 1917)
  • Brown William Scott. L/Cpl. 6th Battalion (d.14th Aug 1917)
  • Brundall Robert William. Pte. 9th Btn (d.5th Jul 1916)
  • Buckle William. 2/Lt. 8th Btn. (d.7th June 1917)
  • Buckle William. Pte. 4th Btn. (d.7th June 1917)
  • Caldecoat Percy. Pte. 4th Btn. (d.13th Oct 1918)
  • Callaghan Edmund. Pte. 2nd Battalion (d.15th Jun 1915)
  • Callaghan Martin. Pte. 6th Btn. (d.26th Sept 1917)
  • Chew Harry Leader. Pte. 13th Btn (d.27th Mar 1918)
  • Child Joseph Alfred. 2nd Lt. 9th Battalion (d.7th Jun 1917)
  • Christie Joseph. Pte. 8th Btn. (d.7th Jun 1917)
  • Christie MID Ralph Lindsay. Lt. 9th Btn.
  • Christon Reginald. L/Cpl. 5th Battalion (d.30th Mar 1917)
  • Churchill Mark. Pte. 2nd Btn. (d.8th Jul 1916)
  • Clamp VC William. Cpl. 6th Btn. (d.9th Oct 1917)
  • Clark George Thomas. Pte. 9th Battalion (d.23rd Jul 1916)
  • Clark Thomas. Sgt. 6th Btn. (d.14th September 1916)
  • Clark DCM William. Sgt. 10th Btn., "D" Coy. (d.5th November 1917)
  • Clarke James Henry Fisher. 2nd Lt. 7th Battalion
  • Clarke Tom. Pte. 2nd Btn. (d.19th Mar 1915)
  • Clarke Tom. Pte. 2nd Btn. (d.19th Mar 1915)
  • Clarkson Thomas. Pte. 9th Btn. (d.30th April 1917)
  • Cleghorn James. Pte. 2/5th Btn. (d.7th Mar 1917)
  • Cocking Thomas. Pte. 2nd Btn. (d.8th July 1916)
  • Cocking Tom. Pte. 2nd Battalion (d.16th July 1916)
  • Collinson MM. Frederick George. Cpl 9th Btn. (d.7th Jun 1917)
  • Collinson Thomas Gibson. Pte. 2nd Btn. (d.1st July 1916)
  • Connolly John Patrick. Pte. 2nd Battalion (d.8th July 1916)
  • Cook Henry. Sjt. 12th Btn. (Teesside Pioneers) (d.9th Jan 1917)
  • Cook John. Pte. 1/5th Battalion (d.15th Sept 1916)
  • Cooper Herbert Wood. Pte. 10th Btn. (d.28th May 1916)
  • Cornwell Joseph Tumans. Pte. 5th Btn. (d.11th Apr 1918)
  • Corr Michael. Pte. 6th Btn. (d.27th Sept 1916)
  • Coulson John. Pte. 2nd Btn. C Coy. (d.22nd Nov 1916)
  • Cowell Ernest. Cpl. 8th Battalion (d.7th June 1917)
  • Coyle George. Pte, 2nd Btn (d.1st Jul 1916)
  • Crabtree George. Pte. 6th Btn. (d.17th Jan 1917)
  • Crabtree William Nelson. Cpl. 6th Btn. C Coy (d.28th Aug 1915)
  • Craggs Albert. Pte. 4th Battalion (d.17th March 1915)
  • Cross George Oliver. Pte. 10th Btn. (d.26th Jun 1917)
  • Crossley George. Pte. 13th Btn.
  • Dalton Harold. Pte. 12th Btn. (Teesside Pioneers) (d.22nd Oct 1918)
  • Daly Simeon Thomas. RSM. 12th Btn. (d.13th Apr 1917)
  • Daynes James. Pte. 8th Btn. (d.18th Oct 1917)
  • Dean Frederick. Pte. 12th Btn. (d.11th Apr 1918)
  • Denby John Edwin. Pte 2nd Btn (d.16th May 1915)
  • Denning John William. Pte. 9th Btn. (d.7th Oct 1916)
  • Devitt Robert. Pte. 10th Btn. (d.28th Sep 1915)
  • Dickinson Joseph Bradley. Pte. 2nd Btn. (d.13th Jan 1915)
  • Dine Robert Henry. Pte. 9th Btn. (d.7th Jun 1917)
  • Dobson James Willie. Pte. 5th Btn.
  • Dorian Barnard. Pte. 9th Btn. (d.7th June 1917)
  • Doyle John James. Pte. 4th Btn. (d.23rd Mar 1918)
  • Dresser VC. Tom. Pte. 7th Btn.
  • Duck Walter Knaggs. Pte. (d.4th November 1918)
  • Duckett Sydney Alfred. Pte. 4th Btn. (d.7th Aug 1916)
  • Dunn Oliver Edward. Pte. 4th Btn. (d.23rd April 1917)
  • Ebdy Frederick. Pte. 6th Btn. (d.15th Sep 1916)
  • Edge Leonard Evan. Pte. 10th Btn. (d.18th September 1918)
  • Edmonds G.. Pte. 12th Btn. (Teesside Pioneers) (d.4th May 1917)
  • Edwards George. Pte. 2nd Battalion (d.15th Jun 1915)
  • Edwards Thomas William. Pte. 4th Btn.
  • Elliott David. Pte. 6th Btn. (d.15th Sept 1916)
  • Elliott William. Pte. 10th Btn. (d.12th July 1916)
  • Excelby Albert Hugill. Pte 5th Btn.
  • Fairbridge William. Pte. 9th Battalion (d.10th July 1916)
  • Felgate Arthur. Pte. 8th Battalion
  • Finley Frederick William. Pte. 10th Btn. (d.28th Sep 1915)
  • Fishburn William. Pte. 1st/5th Btn. (d.12th Mar 1916)
  • Fishpool CdG. Charles Henry. 2Lt. 9th Btn.
  • Freemantle William Raylton. Pte. 4th Btn (d.20th Sept 1914)
  • Gamble MM, MC. Walter Raynes. Capt. 9th Btn (d.12th Jun 1917)
  • Garrett Thompson. Pte. 7th Btn. (d.12th Jun 1917)
  • Geraghty John. Pte. 2nd Battalion, C Coy.
  • Godfrey James. Pte. 8th Battalion (d.17th July 1917)
  • Godsmark Fred Bell. Pte. (d.1st July 1916)
  • Graham Richard. Pte. 8th Battalion (d.20th September 1917)
  • Green Thomas. Pte. 3rd Battalion (d.19th Aug 1920)
  • Grieves Charles. Pte. 9th Battalion (d.21st Mar 1918)
  • Guy Sidney George. Capt. 13th Battalion
  • Hammell John George. Pte. 8th Btn. (d.10th Jul 1916)
  • Hammond John George. Pte. 8th Btn. (d.10th July 1916)
  • Hanson Harold Vickerman. CQMS. 2nd Btn.
  • Hardisty William Francis. Pte. 8th Btn.
  • Hargreaves Bell. Pte. 13th Battalion (d.22nd Mar 1918)
  • Harrison MM. Arthur. Pte. 13th Battalion (d.23rd November 1917)
  • Hazel Joseph. Pte 9th Battalion (d.10th July 1916)
  • Heal Edward. Pte. 10th Battalion (d.28th Sep 1915)
  • Hedley Chales Price. Pte. 6th Battalion (d.24th Nov 1915)
  • Hepburn William Stephen. L/Cpl. 2nd Btn. (d.8th July 1916)
  • Herlingshaw William. Pte. 2nd Battalion
  • Herrington Joseph. Pte. 12th Btn.
  • Heyworth John Richard. Pte. 13th Btn. (d.4th Apr 1919)
  • Hirsch VC MID. David Philip. Cpt. 4th Btn. (d.23rd April 1917)
  • Hodgson Francis. L/Cpl. 7th Btn. (d.13th May 1917 )
  • Hodgson James Richard. Pte. 4th. (d.15th Sep 1916)
  • Holmes John Wiseman. Pte. 12th Battalion (d.13th Dec 1917)
  • Holmes Robert. Pte. 9th Btn., B Coy. (d.7th June 1917)
  • Holmes William. Pte. 4th Battalion
  • Holt George. Cpl. 8th Battalion (d.10th Jul 1916)
  • Howarth Thomas James. CSM. 10th Btn.
  • Hubbard Robert. Pte. 4th Btn. (d.12th Apr 1918)
  • Hull George. Pte 8th Btn (d.6th Jul 1916)
  • Hyde John Thomas. Pte. 12th Btn. (d.26th Nov 1917)
  • Ison Frederick John. Pte. 2/5th Battalion
  • Jackson Henry Foster. Pte. 9th Btn. (d.7th Jun 1917)
  • Jackson Varo. Pte. 2nd Battalion (d.27th Oct 1918)
  • Jameson Thomas. Pte. 12th (Teesside Pioneers) Btn. (d.11th Apr 1918)
  • Jarman Rees Price. 13th Battalion (d.3rd Apr 1917)
  • Johnson Henry. Pte 4th Btn, X Coy. (d.17th Sep 1916)
  • Johnson James. Pte. 6th Battalion (d.1st Dec 1915)
  • Johnson Percy.
  • Joicey Thomas. Pte. 8th Battalion (d.31st July 1917)
  • Jowett Francis Meshack. Pte. 1/4th Btn. (d.28th Oct 1918)
  • Jowett Francis Meshack. Pte. 1/4th Btn. (d.28th Oct 1918)
  • Kimmer Francis John. 1st/4th Btn. (d.6 Nov 1918)
  • Kimmer Francis John. Pte. 4th Battalion (d.6th Nov 1918)
  • Knowles William Walker. Pte. 1/5th Btn. (d.27th September 1915)
  • Kynoch William. Pte. 2nd Garrison Battalion
  • Lancaster William. L/Cpl. 6th Btn. (d.20th April 1916)
  • Lang Charles William. Pte. 6th Btn. (d.22nd Aug 1916)
  • Laws John Robert. Pte. 7th Btn. (d.30th Dec 1915)
  • Lawson David Slater. Pte. 8th Btn. (d.10th July 1916)
  • Lawson David Slater. Pte. 8th Btn. (d.10th July 1916)
  • Leach Alfred. Pte. 8th Btn. (d.17th July 1917)
  • Linley Edmund. D Coy., 12th Btn.
  • Linley William. Cpl. 7th Btn. (d.13th May 1917)
  • Lord Frank. Cpl.
  • Lowther MM John William. Pte. 7th Btn. (d.15th April 1918)
  • MacCann Thomas Thomas. L/Cpl 7th Battalion (d.14th December 1915 Aged 32)
  • Major Tom Cammish. L/Cpl. 9th Btn. (d.6th Oct 1918)
  • Marshall Charles Ware. Pte.
  • Martino Dominic. L/Cpl.
  • Martino Dominic. L/Cpl. 13th Btn.
  • Marwood Harold. Pte. (d.9th Oct 1917)
  • Mattimoe James Francis. Pte. 2nd Btn. (d.18th Sep 1918)
  • McKee Edward. Pte. 9th Btn. (d.10th Oct 1916)
  • McNally VC. William. Sgt 8th Battalion
  • McRoy James. Pte. 6th Btn. (d.27th Aug 1917)
  • Meaburn James William. Pte. 8th Battalion
  • Melhado Owen Stirling. 2nd Lt. 5th Btn. (d.7th Dec 1915)
  • Mills Sgt. Herbert.
  • Mills William Ernest. Pte. 2nd Battalian (d.6th Nov 1914)
  • Millward Arthur Sidney. Pte. 2/7th Btn.
  • Milson DCM. William James Denton. Sgt. 2nd Battalion (d.4th July 1916)
  • Mordue Michael. Pte. 6th Btn. (d.22nd Aug 1915)
  • Morley Ernest. L/Cpl. 6th Btn. (d.9th Oct 1917)
  • Morley Henry. Pte. 13th Battalion (d.13th April 1918)
  • Muncaster Robert Wilson. Pte. 2nd Btn. (d.6th Nov 1918)
  • Myers Edward. Pte. 7th Btn. A Company (d.1st Jul 1916)
  • Nelson Frederick. Pte. B Coy., 13th Btn. (d.22nd Mar 1918)
  • Nicholson Lancelot. 2nd Lt. 9th Btn. A Coy (d.20th Sep 1917)
  • North Henry. Pte. 13th Btn. (d.22nd Mar 1918)
  • O'Boyle John. Pte. 12th Battalion (d.11th Apr 1918)
  • O'Brien Thomas. Pe 6th Battalion (d.22nd Aug 1915)
  • Ord George Henry. Pte. 10th Btn.
  • Orton MM. Joseph. Pte. 8th Btn. (d.19th Oct 1917)
  • Palmer DSO, MC, PSC. Alexander Edward Guy. 2nd Btn
  • Palmer William. Sgt.
  • Parkinson Walter. Pte. 10th Btn. (d.3rd October 1917)
  • Partridge William. L/Cpl. 2nd Battalion (d.29th May 1918)
  • Pearce George Scott. Pte. (d.18th Jan1920)
  • Pearson Ernest. Pte. 4th Btn. Y Coy. (d.15th September 1915)
  • Peirson Taylor. Sgt. 12th Btn. (d.10th Apr 1918)
  • Pickup Ephraim Henry. Pte. 5th Btn. (d.24th Apr 1916)
  • Plews Edward. Pte. 4th Btn.
  • Pogson Stafford. Pte. 8th Btn. (d.2nd Jul 1917)
  • Pollard Albert. L/Cpl. 2nd Btn. (d.12th Mar 1915)
  • Poole Harry. Rfmn. 7th Btn. (d.9th Dec 1916)
  • Pratt Harry. Pte. 4th Btn.
  • Pryke DCM Samuel. Cpl. 4th Battalion
  • Pullan Tom. Pte. 10th Btn.
  • Raine William E.. L/Cpl. 4th Btn. (d.23rd April 1917)
  • Reay J.. L/Cpl. 9th Btn. (d.8th Jun 1917)
  • Reed Harry. Pte. 5th Btn. 7 Platoon (d.24th Dec 1915)
  • Reed John. Pte. 5th Battalion, 7 Platoon (d.4th May 1915)
  • Rhodes John. Cpl. 9th Btn (d.7th June 1917)
  • Richardson James. Pte. 6th Btn. (d.22nd Aug 1915)
  • Riley Lancelot. Pte. 1/4th Btn. (d.7th Nov 1917)
  • Rimes Henry. Pte. 13th Btn. (d.2nd May 1917)
  • Ring Alfred. Pte.
  • Roberts James. Pte. 2nd Battalion (d.8th May 1918 )
  • Roberts John. Pte. 6th Battalion (d.14th September 1916 )
  • Roberts Robert. Pte. 6th Btn. (d.8th Oct 1916)
  • Robinson Horace Edward. Pte. 2nd Btn. (d.28th Mar 1918)
  • Robson Thomas Anthony. Pte. 2nd Btn. (d.5th May 1917)
  • Rose Frederick. Drm. 2nd Btn. (d.4th March 1917)
  • Rowan John. Pte. 2nd Btn. (d.18th Oct 1916)
  • Rutter Job. Pte. 10th Btn. (d.22nd Dec 1915)
  • Rymer James. L/Cpl. 8th Btn. (d.10th July 1916)
  • Rymer MM. Robert. Sjt. 150th Coy (d.10th Apr 1918)
  • Sample Alfred James. Pte. 2nd Battalion (d.2nd Apr 1917)
  • Sample Frederick William. L/Cpl. 6th Btn. (d.14th Sep 1916)
  • Sampson George. Pte. 2nd Btn. (d.30th Oct 1914)
  • Scott J. T.. L/Cpl. 9th Btn. (d.8th Jun 1917)
  • Scott Percy. Pte. 7th Battalion (d.16th Oct 1917)
  • Sharp William Arthur. Pte. 10th Btn. (d.24th April 1917)
  • Shields MM. John James. Sgt. 9th Btn. (d.10th Jul 1916)
  • Short VC. William Henry. Pte. 8th Btn. (d.7th Aug 1916)
  • Simpson Joseph Marmaduke. Pte. 5th Battalion (d.20th Sep 1918)
  • Slack C. M.. Capt. 4th Btn.
  • Slater Charles Henry. L/Cpl. 9th Btn. (d.7th Jun 1917)
  • Smith MM, MC, OStG (Russia) James Dickenson. A/Capt. 10th Btn.
  • Smith Joseph. Pte. 8th Battalion (d.18th May 1916)
  • Smith Thomas. Pte. 6th Battalion (d.22nd August 1915)
  • Smith William. Pte. 6th Btn.
  • Smith William Spence. Pte. 2nd Btn. (d.13th Jan 1916)
  • Smith William. Pte. 8th Battalion
  • Smithies Clifford. L/Cpl. 18th Btn.
  • Southwick Harry. Pte. 10th Battalion (d.3rd April 1917)
  • Spark Harold. Pte. 2nd Btn. (d.16th Apr 1915)
  • Spence MID. Sydney Smith. Cpl. 12th Btn.
  • Spoors William. Cpl. 8th Battalion (d.10th Jul 1916)
  • Stafford Percy. Pte. 12th Btn. (d.15th December 1916)
  • Stevenson William. Pte. 8th Btn.
  • Stirk Samuel. Pte 188th Coy. (d.26th Oct 1917)
  • Storey James Brown. A.L/Cpl. (d.17th March 1916)
  • Strong William. Pte. 4th Battalion (d.26 Jun 1917)
  • Tanfield William Robinson. Cpl. 10th Btn (d.7th Jan1917)
  • Thomas James Henry. Pte. 4th Btn. (d.11th September 1915)
  • Thompson George. Pte. 10th Battalion (d.28th Sep 1915)
  • Thompson James. Pte. 2nd Btn. (d.22nd Oct 1914)
  • Thompson Richard. Pte. 10th Btn. (d.26th June 1916)
  • Thurgood John .
  • Thursfield Thomas John. Pte. 5th Btn. (d.28th March 1918)
  • Turner Alfred. Pte. 8th Battalion (d.7th Jun 1917)
  • Tweddle Stephen. Pte. 4th Btn. (d.12th Nov 1916)
  • Twist William Edward. L/Cpl. 10th Battalion (d.17th November 1915)
  • Uren Richard. Pte. 6th Btn. (d.21st Aug 1915)
  • Walker Charles Henry . Pte. 6th Battalion
  • Walker John. Pte. 8th Battalion
  • Walker John William. Pte. 10th Battalion (d.4th Oct 1917)
  • Walker Joseph. Pte. 6th Btn. (d.22nd Sep 1915)
  • Walsh James. Pte. 6th Service Btn (d.17th March 1918)
  • Waterfield William Edwin. Lt 2nd Battalion
  • Watson George Frederick. Sgt. 9th Btn. (d.5th July 1916)
  • Watson John. Sgt. 8th Btn. (d.10th Dec 1917)
  • Watts James Charles . Pte. 5th Btn (d.27th Feb 1916)
  • Watts Thomas Henry. Pte. 2nd Btn.
  • Weatherill William Armstrong. Sgt. 14th Btn.
  • Webb MID. Herbert Edward. 2nd Lt. 4th Battalion
  • Wheatley F. G.. 10th Btn.
  • Whitehead John Thomas. Pte. 9th Btn. (d.16th Oct 1915)
  • Widdas John Edward. Pte. 5th Btn. (d.15th Sept 1916)
  • Wilkinson Charles Robert. L/Sgt. C Company 2nd Battalion (d.6th May 1918)
  • Williams MM. Albert Edward. A/Sgt. 8th Battalion
  • Williams MM. Henry Alexander. Cpl. 13th Btn.
  • Wilson H.. Pte. 9th Btn. (d.10th Oct 1918)
  • Wilson Ira Israel. Pte. 8th Btn. (d.7th Jun 1917)
  • Wilson Todd. Pte. 6th Battalion (d.10th Oct 1917)
  • Wood Frederick. Pte. 9th Btn. (d.10th Jul 1916)
  • Wood Frederick. Pte 9th Btn. (d.10th July 1916)

All names on this list have been submitted by relatives, friends, neighbours and others who wish to remember them, if you have any names to add or any recollections or photos of those listed, please. Add a Name to this List

More Yorkshire Regiment (Green Howards) records.

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Cpt. David Philip Hirsch VC MID. 4th Btn. Yorkshire Regiment (d.23rd April 1917)

Philip Hirsch was killed in action on the 23rd of April 1917, aged 20. Commemorated on Bay 5 on the Arras Memorial in the Faubourg-d'Amiens Cemetery, Arras, France, he was the son of Harry and Edith Hirsch, of Weetwood Grove, Leeds.

An extract from The London Gazette, dated 14th June, 1917, records the following:- "For most conspicuous bravery and devotion to duty in attack. Having arrived at the first objective, Capt. Hirsch, although already twice wounded, returned over fire-swept slopes to satisfy himself that the defensive flank was being established. Machine gun fire was so intense that it was necessary for him to be continuously up and down the line encouraging his men to dig and hold the position. He continued to encourage his men by standing on the parapet and steadying them in the face of machine gun fire and counter-attack until he was killed. His conduct throughout was a magnificent example of the greatest devotion to duty."

s flynn


2nd Lt. Ernest Frederick Beal VC. 13th Btn. Yorkshire Regiment (d.22nd March 1918)

Ernest Beal was killed in action on the 22rd of March 1918, aged 35. Commemorated on the Arras Memorial in the Faubourg-d'Amiens Cemetery in Arras, France, he was the son of John J. W. and Jane Stillman Beal, of 55 East St., Brighton

An Extract from the London Gazette, dated 31st May, 1918, records the following:- "For most conspicuous bravery and determined leading when in command of a company detailed to occupy a certain section of trench. When the company was established, it was found that a considerable gap of about 400 yards existed between the left flank of the company and the neighbouring unit, and that this gap was strongly held by the enemy. It was of vital importance that the gap should be cleared, but no troops were then available. Organising a small party of less than a dozen men, he led them against the enemy. On reaching an enemy machine gun, 2nd Lt. Beal immediately sprang forward, and with his revolver killed the team and captured the gun. Continuing along the trench he encountered and dealt with another machine gun in the same manner, and in all captured four enemy guns, and inflicted severe casualties. Later in the evening, when a wounded man had been left in the open under heavy enemy fire, he, regardless of danger, walked up close to an enemy machine gun and brought in the wounded man on his back. 2nd Lt. Beal was killed by a shell on the following morning."

s flynn


Pte. Thompson Garrett 7th Btn. Yorkshire Regiment (Green Howards) (d.12th Jun 1917)

Thompson Garrett served with the 7th Battalion Yorkshire Regiment (Green Howards) during WW1. He was killed in action, aged 19, on the 12th June 1917 during the Battle of Arras and is buried at Grave IV.J.33 Duisans British Cemetery, Etrun, near Arras, Pas de Calais, France. He was the Son of Ingram and Martha Garrett, of 21, Low Downs Square, Hetton Downs, Co. Durham.

Anne Mann


Pte. William Henry Short VC. 8th Btn. Yorkshire Regiment (d.7th Aug 1916)

William Short died of wounds on the 7th of August 1916, aged 31 years and is buried in the Contalmaison Chateau Cemetery in France. He was the son of James and Anne Short, of 35, Vaughan St., Grangetown, Middlesbrough, Yorks. Born at Eston, Yorks

An extract from The London Gazette, No. 29740, dated 8th Sept., 1916, records the following:- "For most conspicuous bravery. He was foremost in the attack, bombing the enemy with great gallantry, when he was severely wounded in the foot. He was urged to go back, but refused and continued to throw bombs. Later his leg was shattered by a shell, and he was unable to stand, so he lay in the trench adjusting detonators and straightening the pins of bombs for his comrades. He died before he could be carried out of the trench. For the last eleven months he had always volunteered for dangerous enterprises, and has always set a magnificent example of bravery and devotion to duty."

s flynn


Pte. John Coulson 2nd Btn. C Coy. Yorkshire Regiment (d.22nd Nov 1916)

John Coulson was killed in action on the 22nd of November 1916, aged 36. Buried in Abbeville Communal Cemetery, Somme, France, he was the husband of Elizabeth A. Coulson, of 29 Stainton St., West Hartlepool

s flynn


Pte. Henry Foster Jackson 9th Btn. Yorkshire Regiment (Green Howards) (d.7th Jun 1917)

Henry Foster enlisted in his home town of Middlesbrough, he was killed in action at Battle Wood on the first day of the Battle of Messines, he was 24 years old. Henry has now known grave and is remembered on the Menin Gate in Ypres and on the Middlesbrough War Memorial which forms the gates to Albert Park in the town.


2nd Lt. Joseph Alfred Child 9th Battalion Yorkshire Regiment (d.7th Jun 1917)

Joseph Child from Liversedge in Yorkshire, was an employee of the Leeds office of the Scottish Union and National Insurance Company, like many of his colleagues he answered Lord Kitcheners call to arms and attested as a Private with the 7th Battalion of the Yorkshire Regiment on the 7th of August 1914. He is described as being 20 years old, five foot five and three quarters, weighing 114lbs with a 34 inch chest, fresh of complexion with blue eyes and blond hair.

Joseph, must have taken his duty seriously and diligently as he rose rapidly through the ranks, being promoted to Lance Corporal in October 1914, Corporal in early November and to Sergeant before the month was out. On Christmas Eve 1914, having already been promoted to Colour Sergeant, he was granted a Temporary Commission as 2nd Lieutenant and posted to the 9th Battalion. His Commission on the 2nd Jan 1917 was published in the list in the London Gazette on the 2nd Feb.

Joseph arrived in France on the 13th June 1915 with his battalion as part of the 23rd Division and went into the front line near Armentieres, a sector which was considered to be quiet, where they received training from the 27th Division. In early 1916 they were on Vimy Ridge and in the spring moved to Bomy to begin intensive training for the Battle of The Somme.

Although very little of Josephs service record survives, we can assume that he was with his battalion on the 1st of July when they captured Contalmaison and remained with them through the various phases of the famous battle.

Spring of 1917 saw Josephs battalion training for the next great offensive of the war, the Battle of Messines at this time he was attached to 69th Trench Mortar Battery, in the same brigade as the 9th Battalion and destined to fight alongside them. During the night of the 6th of June 1917 they moved into position near Battle Wood close to the Ypres-Warneton railway line. At 3.10am the following morning, the first attack of the Battle of Messines was launched with the detonation of 19 huge mines, which shattered the enemy defences. The 9th Battalion were in the second wave of the attack and moved forward at 6.50am into the area around Caterpillar Crater, though Joseph and his Trench Mortar men may well have joined the attack from the outset.

Joseph was killed that day and now lies at Bedford House Cemetery. This large cemetery contains over 5000 graves and is situated just south of Ypres. The enclosure in which Joseph lies, contains graves of those men brought in from other burial grounds and from the battlefields of the Ypres Salient in the 1920s. From the list of cemeteries, which were concentrated into Bedford House, it is possible that Joseph may have been buried at the Asylum British Cemetery, in the grounds of the old Hospice du Sacre Coer (Sacred Heart Mental Hospital) which was just to the west of the railway station at Ypres. This may indicate that Joseph was injured in the action and evacuated to the Field Ambulance at Ypres where he passed away. Sadly, like so many others, his service records were badly damaged during the London Blitz in 1940, only three pages partially survive, but from this we can deduce that he was an intelligent man, keen to serve his country and that he performed his duty well.

Joseph Child is listed on the Roll of Honour in Christ Church, Liversedge where he was baptised, on the War Memorial at Cleckheaton where he lived and on the Roll of Honour of the Scottish Union and National Insurance Company for whom he worked, the company is now part of Aviva and Josephs name is listed on the Roll of Honour on their website.


L/Cpl. Dominic Martino 13th Btn. Yorkshire Regiment

My Grandfather, Dominic Martino, served with the 13th Battalion, Yorkshire Regiment. He enlisted in the Bantam Unit (being only 5 feet tall) on 12th of August 1915, and saw action in the Battle of Cambrai, The Hindenburg Line, The Bourion Position Ervillers, The Battle of the Somme, Noeux-Les-Mines, Gouzeacourt Wood, Villers Guislaines Sector, The Lys, and North Russia.

He was badly wounded by German Machine Gun Fire at St. Leger in the huge German Spring Offensive of March 1918. He was wounded in his left arm, left leg (for which he had steel implants inserted that he wore for the remainder of his life) and exposed bones in his arm, that remained exposed for the rest of his. He also had bullet holes and nicks in his left ear, showing how close he came to dying that day. He was treated in a Field Hospital, and then urgently transported back to England, and transported by train to Glasgow, where he was treated in the 1,000 bed Wounded Soldiers Hospital at Stobhill. He was discharged as unfit For military service on 2nd of September 1918. The Medals he was awarded were; 1914-1915 Star, British War Medal 1914-1918 and the Victory Medal 1914-1918. He was also awarded the Silver War Badge No. 4444909, which was given to British Soldiers who applied and were eligible for it.

I grew up in his house, born after my Father returned to England, serving in the Royal Navy as a Telegraphist, being torpeoed on North Atlantic Convoy Escort Duty (Convoy JW 56A) on HMS Hardy (Ro8) 30th of January 1944 by the German Submarine U-278. He served from 17th of November 1942 until 21st of June 1946, marrying a woman he met while moored in Newcastle Harbour on Peacekeeping duties off Japan, who returned to England as a War Bride on HMS Victorious. In my early years, because of the shortage of housing in York due to German bombing during the Blitz, we were forced to live with my Grandfather, Dominic. Both he and my Father whom I loved very deeply, were the gentlest most loving men I have ever had the pleasure of knowing and I only wish I could be like them. Unfortunately we migrated back to Australia in 1959 because my Mother couldn't stand the English winters. When I was 18 years old, I was conscripted into the Australian Army as a National Serviceman, served with the Royal Australian Engineers in Vietnam 1970/71 and returned to Australia suffering from Chronic PTSD. All the memories that I have of my Grandfather Dominic, are very fond. I never heard him speak a harsh word or a show any anger, despite the pain and suffering that he endured for the rest of his life after being discharged from the Army in 1918 and his sad passing in 1964. I missed him greatly after migrating to Australia in 1959 and never saw him again, to my great sadness. Hopefully I am the 3rd generation and last of Martino only sons to serve in Combat.

Paul Martino


Pte. Tom Clarke 2nd Btn. Yorkshire Regiment (d.19th Mar 1915)

Tom Clarke

Tom Clarke served with the 2nd Btn. Yorkshire Regiment.

Emma Paley


Pte. Thomas Clarkson 9th Btn. Durham Light Infantry (d.30th April 1917)

Tom Clarkson

Tom Clarkson was not a conscientious objector but did not want to kill anyone. He still went to war when called up and first joined Yorkshire Regiment. He was then transferred to 9th Durham Light Infantry. He was severely wounded within 6 hours of going to the front line for the first time. Part of his head was shot away. He was transferred back to London and his brother Jack (my great grandfather) visited him but he died on 30th of April 1917. His body was returned to his home and he is buried in Muker Churchyard near to his parents.


Pte. Tom Dresser VC. 7th Btn. Yorkshire Regiment

Tom Dresser was awarded the VC for action at Roeux on 12th of May 1917 as part of the Battle of Arras. He died at Middlesbrough in 1982 and his VC is now held at The Green Howards Museum in Richmond, Yorks.



L/Cpl. Ernest Morley 6th Btn. Yorkshire Regiment (d.9th Oct 1917)

My Grandfather, Ernest Morley was killed serving with the Green Howards when my dad was nine months old.

Irene Carter


Pte. Thomas Cocking 2nd Btn. Yorkshire Regiment (d.8th July 1916)

My great uncle, Tom Cocking of 2nd Battalion, The Princess of Wales Own Yorkshire Regiment, died in the action of 8th of July 1916. His remains are one of seventeen soldiers from the action that have never been found. He is memorialised at the Thiepval monument. My family never spoke of him, and it was purely by accident that I learned of his sacrifice. After almost one hundred years I was the first member of his family to visit Thiepval and the area where Tom lost his life, and I dearly hope that one day his remains will be found and laid to rest. I am more than willing to provide a DNA sample to assist that search should I ever be required to do so.

Christopher Cocking


Pte. Charles Ware Marshall Yorkshire Regiment

My father Charles Marshall joined the army when he was 17 or 18. He served in France with the Yorkshire Regiment. He was seconded to the Machine Gun Corps, the first such regiment in British Army, when it was formed. Charlie Marshall was honourably discharged, 1918. He became a successful businessman.

Charles Dennis Marshall


Pte Samuel Stirk 188th Coy. Machine Gun Corps (d.26th Oct 1917)

Samuel Stirk son to Joseph Stirk and Sarah Ann Phillis was first with the Yorkshire Regiment then later with the 188th Coy. Machine Gun Corps. We don't know how Sam Stirk was killed, but he died in Belgium, Ypres and is remembered at Zonnebke, Belgium .

His still greatly missed in our family all these years later on and we pass on his memory to the next generation.


Pte. Robert William Brundall 9th Btn Yorkshire Regiment (d.5th Jul 1916)

Robert Brundall

My great grandfather Robert Brundall was killed in action on the 5th of July 1916. His name appears on the Thiepval Memorial in Department de la Somme, Picardie, France. He was born in Thetford, Norfolk, England. Robert was married to Agnes Mary Meadows in October of 1906. They had 5 children: Lily Brundall born 1907 died 1982 (my Nanna), Ronald William Brundall born 1909 died 2001, Freda Brundall born 1911, Annie Brundall born 1912 and Robert Brundall born 1915 His wife Agnes died in 1964.

J. Anne Fisher


Edmund Linley D Coy., 12th Btn. Yorkshire Regiment (Green Howards)

I have a letter, written in 1915, from my grandfather, Edmund Linley, to his sister Amy in Sheffield. The letter is on headed notepaper: YMCA with HM Forces on Active Service. He has written his address as Hut 30, D Company, 12th Battalion, York Regiment. Stationed at 15th Lines Hurdcott Camp, Salisbury.

Jane Inglis


Pte. Thomas William Edwards 4th Btn. Yorkshire Regiment

Billy Edwards was my grandfather who died in 1948 well before I was born. He embarked to France in 1916 and his service record also notes that he served in Italy. He appears to have received a gun shot wound soon after arriving in France and was shelled in 1917, both instances ending up with stays in field hospitals. In the spring offensive by Germany in 1918 he captured on 27th May and was taken to the Worms POW camp.

Adrian Edwards


Pte. Frederick William Finley 10th Btn. Yorkshire Regiment (d.28th Sep 1915)

Frederick Finley of the 10th Battalion, Yorkshire Regiment is commemorated at Dud Corner Cemetery, Loos.


Pte. James Willie Dobson 5th Btn. Yorkshire Regiment

Roll of Honour entry

James Dobson was my grandfather, who enlisted in 1915. He survived the war. My father has a copy of the Roll of Honour, purchased in a used book shop many years ago. My grandfather's entry states that he fought at “many important battles, including Neuve Chapelle, St. Eloi, Vimy Ridge, and the Somme. He was badly gassed and after treatment returned to the line where he was wounded in action 4 times".

I was told that his father, my great-grandfather, enlisted on the same day, and I have a copy of the enlistment register which gives his enlistment date as 6th of January 1915 in the West Yorkshire Regiment.

Guy Dobson

Recomended Reading.

Available at discounted prices.

Beneath Hill 60 [DVD]

BENEATH HILL 60 tells the extraordinary true story of Oliver Woodward, the legendary Australian metal scientist. In 1916, Woodward faced the most difficult decision, ultimately having to separate from his new young love for the deadly carnage of the Western Front. On treacherous territory, behind the German enemy lines, Woodward and his secret platoon of Australian tunnelers face a suicidal battle to defend a leaking, tunnel system. A tunnel packed with enough high explosives to change the course of the War.
More information on:

\image of book cover

Beneath Hill 60 [DVD]

Hill 60: Ypres (Battleground Europe)

Nigel Cave

The shell-ravaged landscape of Hill 60, some three miles south east of Ypres, conceals a labyrinth of tu nnels and underground workings. This book offers a guide to the memorials, cemeteries and museums at the site '
Beneath Hill 60 [Paperback]

Will Davies

'Ten seconds, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one - fire! Down goes the firing switch. At first, nothing. Then from deep down there comes a low rumble, and it as if the world is spliting apart...' On 7th June 1917, nineteen massive mines exploded beneath Messines Ridge near Ypres. The largest man-made explosion in history up until that point shattered the landscape and smashed open the German lines. Ten thousand German soldiers died. Two of the mines - at Hill 60 and the Caterpillar - were fired by men of the 1st Australian Tunnelling Company, comprising miners and engineers rather than parade-ground soldiers. Drawing on the diaries of one of the key combatants, "Benealth Hill 60" tells the little-known, devastatingly brutal true story of this subterranean war waged beneath the Western Front - a stygian battle-ground where men drowned in viscous chalk, suffocated in the blue gray clay, choked on poisonous air or died in the darkness, caught up up in vicious hand-to-han
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Beneath Hill 60 [Paperback]


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