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Want to know more about the Lancashire Fusiliers?
There are:8389 items tagged Lancashire Fusiliers available in our Library
These include information on officers, regimental histories, letters, diary entries, personal accounts and information about actions during the Great War.
Those known to have served with
Lancashire Fusiliers
during the Great War 1914-1918.
- Abbott Broughton. Pte. 1st and 3rd Bt. (d.26th July 1917)
- Abbott Gilfred. Sergeant 6th Btn.
- Ackroyd Frederick Charles. Pte. 23rd Btn (d.27th Sep 1918)
- Adcock Edward Arthur. Pte 2/8th Btn. (d.21st Mar 1918)
- Addison John Williams. Pte. 1st Btn. (d.4th Jun 1915)
- Addison Thomas. Pte. 1st Btn. (d.11th May 1915)
- Airton Robert. Pte 9th Btn (d.4th Oct 1917)
- Anderton MID. George. Lt. 15th Battalion
- Ansboro Michael. Cpl. 2nd Btn. (d.26th Aug 1914)
- Anthony George. Pte. 15th Battalion (d.2nd Nov 1918)
- Arthurs William. A/Sgt. 56th Remount Sqdn. (d.13th Nov 1916)
- Ashburner George. Pte. 18th Btn. (d.31st Oct 1918)
- Atkinson George. Pte. 11th Btn.
- Atkinson MM. Harold Victor. Pte. 15th Battalion, C Company
- Atkinson Samuel. Pte.
- Atkinson Walter. Pte. 1st Btn. (d.25th Apr 1915)
- Baker H. H.. Lt.
- Banks MM. Thomas. Cpl. 1st Bn. (d.4th Apr 1918)
- Bannister James. Pte. 1st Btn. (d.15th Mar 1918)
- Barlow Joseph. A/Sgt.
- Barnes James. Spr.
- Barnes Walter George. Cpl. 1st Battalion (d.4th June 1915)
- Barrett John. Pte. 2nd Battalion (d.3rd May 1917)
- Bartley Owen. L/Cpl. 10th Btn. (d.24th June 1916)
- Barton Abraham Dunn. Pte. 17th Btn. (d.23rd July 1916)
- Batchelor Herbert. Pte. 2nd Btn. (d.3rd May 1917)
- Battrick George. Cpl. 2nd Btn.
- Baynham Percy Frank. L/Cpl. 2/5th Btn. (d.21st Sep 1918)
- Beadle John Thomas. Pte. 2nd Btn. (d.23rd Apr 1918)
- Beatson Leonard Sydney. L/Cpl. 10th Btn. (d.13th May 1917)
- Beatson Sydney Leonard. L/Cpl. 10th Btn. (d.13th May 1917)
- Beaumont Robert. Pte. 2/6th Btn. (d.13th Oct 1917)
- Bebbington John W. Pte 16th Battalion (d.16th Dec 1915)
- Beckett James. Pte. 9th Battalion (d.6th October 1915)
- Bell Arthur S.. Pte. 1/4th Btn. (d.14th October 1918)
- Benton Reginald. Pte. 2nd Btn. (d.18th October 1916)
- Best-Dunkley VC. Bertram. Lt/Col. 2/5th Btn. (d.5th Aug 1917)
- Bevan John. Pte. 16th (2nd Salford Pals) Battalion (d.3rd Apr 1918)
- Bickle John. Pte. 1st Btn. (d.9th June 1915)
- Bickle John. Pte. 1st Btn. (d.9th June 1915)
- Bimpson Harry. L/Cpl. 18th Battalion
- Blanksby Harry. Pte. 10th Btn. (d.7th Jul 1916)
- Booth James Edward. Pte. 11th Btn. C Coy. (d.27th Apr 1918)
- Boughton Colonel Edward. Pte. 2nd/5th Btn. (d.12th Aug 1918)
- Bowker Herbert. Pte.
- Bowler Edward. Pte. 1st Btn.
- Bradbury Sampson. Pte. 2nd Btn. (d.10th Apr 1917)
- Bradley William. L/Cpl. 1/7th Btn. (d.7th Aug 1915)
- Brady Lawrence. Pte. 1st Btn. (d.9th Oct 1917)
- Braithwaite James Henry. Pte. 15th Battalion (d.4th Apr 1917)
- Brannick James. Pte. 11th Batallion (d.10th Aug 1917)
- Brennan Patrick. Pte. 2nd Btn. (d.26th Aug 1914)
- Brereton Samuel. L/Sgt. 2nd Btn. (d.19th February 1916)
- Briggs James. 2nd Batallion (d.15th July 1915)
- Brockhouse Horace. Pte. 9th Battalion (d.16th August 1917)
- Brocklehurst Ernest. Pte 2nd Battalion (d.12th Nov 1919)
- Bromiley James. Sgt. 11th Btn. (d.3rd January 1916)
- Bromley VC. Cuthbert. Maj. 1st Btn. (d.13th Aug 1915)
- Brookes James. Pte.
- Brooks Benjamin. Pte. 19th Btn. (d.24th April 1917)
- Brooks Charles Rawson. Pte. 2/8th Btn. (d.9th Oct 1917)
- Brown Arthur Charles. Pte. 18th Btn. (d.26th March 1918)
- Brown Joseph. L/Cpl 2nd Btn (d.19th Feb 1916)
- Brown R.. L/Cpl. 9th Btn. (d.12th Jun 1917)
- Brown Richard James. Cpl. 15th Btn. (d.2nd November 1918)
- Browne Gordon Albert. Pte. 11th Btn. (d.20th Apr 1918)
- Bryant Joseph. Pte. 2nd/8th Btn. (d.10th Aug 1917)
- Buckle H.. Pte. 10th Battalian (d.27th August 1918)
- Buckle Henry. Pte. 10th Battalion (d.27th August 1918)
- Buckley Thomas. Pte. 11th Bn. (d.16th May 1916)
- Bullock Harry. Pte. 2nd Btn. (d.28th Mar 1918)
- Burke James. Pte. 23rd(Service)Battalion (d.27th Sep 1918)
- Burns James. 15th Btn (d.1st Jul 1916)
- Burton Harry Stewart. Sgt. 16th (2nd Salford Pals) Battalion
- Burton John Henry. Pte. 15th Btn., D Coy. (d.1st July 1916)
- Cardwell Nicholas. Lt. 10th Btn.
- Carpenter Frederick Alfred. Pte.
- Cartin Joseph. Pte 16th Btn.
- Cassidy VC. Bernard Matthew. 2nd Lt. 2nd Btn. (d.28th March 1918)
- Cassidy Edward. Pte. 11th Battalion (d.16th Jul 1916)
- Chase Herbert H.. Pte. 2nd Btn. (d.12th Jun 1915)
- Clarke Matthew. Pte. 15th Battalion (d.1st July 1916)
- Clarke Wilfred Edward. Pte. 19th Btn. (d.13th Oct 1918)
- Clarke William. Pte. 5th Btn.
- Clasper Robert. Pte.
- Clayton Frank. Pte.
- Clegg Frederick. 2nd.Lt.
- Clemson Thomas Henry. Pte. 20th Battalion (d.26th March 1918)
- Clough Stanley James. Pte. 10th Btn.
- Cole James Stanley. Pte. A Coy. 2/7th Btn. (d.18th Nov 1917)
- Colebatch Samuel Arthur Pateshall. Pte. 23rd Bn (d.28th Sep 1918)
- Colins Dalton E.. 2nd Btn.
- Colley VC MM Harold John. Sgt. 10th Btn. (d.25th August 1918)
- Collier John. Pte. 2nd Batallion (d.28th March 1918)
- Comerford Thomas. Pte 15th Btn (1st Salford Pals) (d.25th Dec 1917)
- Connolly John. Pte. 19th (3rd Salford Pals) Btn. (d.4th October 1917)
- Connolly Michael. Pte. 15th Btn. (d.1st Jul 1916)
- Cook Harry. L/Cpl. 10th Btn. (d.4th November 1918)
- Cook James Edwin. L/Cpl. 11th Btn. (d.30th May 1918)
- Cooper William Henry. Pte. 1st Battalion (d.12th Apr 1918)
- Corlett DCM. Arthur. Pte. 11th Btn. (d.27th Apr 1918)
- Cosham Frederick George. L/Cpl. 16th Battalion (d.4th Nov 1918)
- Costello John. Pte. 1st Btn. (d.4th June 1915)
- Costello Thomas. Pte. 2nd Btn. (d.23rd Oct 1916)
- Cotterill John Gleave. Pte 16th Btn. B Company (d.1st April 1917)
- Cowell William Porter. Pte. 1st/8th Btn. (d.24th Oct 1918)
- Cowle Thomas Henry. Sgt. 11th Btn. (d.19th May 1916)
- Cox Frank.
- Critchley William. Pte. 11th Btn. (d.6th May 1916)
- Crook William. Pte. 17th Btn. (d.3rd Oct 1918)
- Crossley Harold. Sgt. 1/5th Battalion
- Crowder John Charles. Pte. 9th Btn. (d.4th Sept 1917)
- Crowe Lawrence. Pte. 1/8th Btn. (d.13th Oct 1918)
- Cunningham James Henry. Pte.
- Dawes George. Pte. 2/6th Btn.
- Day Charles William. Pte. 9th Btn. (d.17th Jun 1917)
- Dean Ellis. Pte. 2nd Btn. (d.3rd May 1917)
- Dickman Harry. Pte. 16th Battalion (d.30th Jul 1916)
- Dixon Robert Charles Frederick. Pte. 11th Btn.
- Donnellan James Francis Stuart. Sgt. 10th Battalion (d.3rd Nov 1915)
- Doran James. Pte. 12th Btn. (d.14th Sep 1916)
- Draper Alfred. Pte. 2/8th Btn. (d.18th November 1917)
- Drummond William Dodd. Pte. 18th Btn. (d.4th Nov 1916)
- Dunbar David Francis. L/Cpl. 2nd Btn. (d.16th Dec 1914)
- Dunbobbin John. Cpl. 2nd Battalion (d.5th May 1918)
- Dwyer Daniel. Pte. 23rd Btn. (d.27th Sept 1918)
- Dyson Frederick. Pte.
- Earl William J.. Pte. 1/7th Btn. (d.27th May 1918)
- Earles Sidney. Pte 18th Battalion (d.23rd Oct 1917)
- Eccles Richard. Pte. 20th (4th Salford Pals) Battalion
- Edge Herbert. Pte. 15th Btn. (d.2nd Feb 1917)
- Edwards Henry. Pte. 20th Battalion
- Edwards MM. Thomas Henry. Pte.
- Edwards MC William Ian. Capt and Adjutant 11th Battalion (d.5th August 1917)
- Elkin Patrick. Pte. 2nd Btn. (d.12th October 1916)
- Elliott Charles. Pte. 1st/5th Battalion
- Evetts Francis. Pte. 1st Btn. (d.1st July 1916)
- Field Harry Ernest. Pte. 10th Btn. (d.12th October 1918)
- Finch Thomas. Pte. 10th Btn. (d.7th July 1916)
- Flynn Daniel. Pte. 11th Btn. (d.1st May 1918)
- Flynn Daniel. Pte. 11th Btn. (d.1st May 1918)
- Foster John. Pte. 1st Btn. (d.20th Jul 1916)
- Foster William. Pte. 16th Btn. (d.23rd November 1916)
- Foulkes Walter Joseph. Dvr. 8th Btn.
- Fowell Frederick. Pte. 18th battalion (d.1st Jun 1918)
- Fox Frederick. Pte. 23rd Battalion (d.28th Sep 1918)
- Fox John Patrick. Sgt. 10th Btn.
- Gardiner Herbert. Pte. 5th Btn
- Garratt Wilfred Horace. 2nd Lt. 11th Btn.
- Garstang James. Pte. 10th Btn. (d.15th Feb 1916)
- Gerrard William. L/Cpl. 11th Btn. (d.27th April 1918)
- Gibbons Edwin Ingram. 2nd Lt. 20th Btn (d.29th Apr 1917)
- Gibson John William. Sgt. 16th (Salford Pals) Btn. (d.25th Dec 1916)
- Gillan Isaac. Pte. 9th Battalion (d.7th Aug 1915)
- Glover John. Pte. 15th (1st Salford Pals) Battalion (d.18th January 1919)
- Goodall Charles. Pte. 9th Battalion (d.11th Oct 1915)
- Gostridge George. Pte. 15th Btn. (d.1st Jul 1916)
- Green John. L/Cpl 15th (1st Salford Pals) Btn. (d.23rd Nov 1916)
- Grierson John. L/Cpl. 2/5th Battalion (d.26th Aug 1918)
- Griffiths Arthur. Sgt. 16th Btn.
- Grime Arthur. Pte. 2nd Btn. (d.12th October 1916)
- Grimes James Holder. Pte. 18th (2nd South East Lancashire) Btn. (d.15th Apr 1917)
- Hall Norman. Capt. 2/5th Battalion
- Hall William Ewart. Pte. 20th (4th Salford Pals) Btn. (d.13th Apr 1917)
- Halstead Henry Fawcett. Pte. 10th Battalion (d.6th Nov 1915)
- Hamilton Samuel. Pte. 9th Battalion (d.7th July 1916)
- Hammersley John. L/Cpl. 9th Btn. (d.7th Aug 1915)
- Hammond Thomas. Pte. 1st Btn. (d.4th June 1915)
- Hands Charles Eugene. Pte. 7th Btn.
- Harper Frederick. 20th Btn. (d.24th Jul 1916)
- Harris E. W.. Pte. 10th Btn. (d.2nd Mar 1917)
- Harrison Solomon. L/Cpl. 2/5th Btn. (d.5th Nov 1915)
- Harrison Stephen. Pte. 11th Btn. (d.7th May 1916)
- Haslam Thomas Ardill. Pte. (d.6th May 1915)
- Hawke Albert Cross. Pte. 12th Btn.
- Herron John. Rfmn. A Coy, 11th Btn.
- Hesp Thomas Frederick. Cpl. 3rd Battalion
- Heyes Arthur. 2Lt.
- Heywood James Robert . Pte. 20th Btn. (d.21st Aug 1916)
- Heywood John. Sergeant (d.27 Apr 1916)
- Heywood John. Sgt. 11th Battalion (d.26th Apr 1916)
- Higgins George. Pte. 1/7th Battalion (d.22nd Sep 1915)
- Hill Henry. Sgt.
- Hillidge William. L/Sgt. 1st Btn. (d.12th August 1918)
- Holden Arthur. CQMS 9th Btn. (d.30th August 1915)
- Hollingsworth John Albert. L/Cpl. 2/8th Btn.
- Hollingsworth John Albert. L/Cpl. 19th Btn.
- Hollingsworth John Albert. Pte. 2/8th Btn.
- Hollingsworth John Albert. L/Cpl. 2/8th Btn.
- Holt Giles. Pte. 15th Btn (d.2nd April 1917)
- Hone Sidney William. Pte. 2nd Btn. (d.23rd Apr 1918)
- Hopkins Thomas. Pte. 1st/8th Btn. (d.13th Feb 1918)
- Horsfield Lewis John. Pte. 9th Btn (d.26th September 1916)
- Hosbrough John Ormerod. Pte.
- Howard James. Pte. 10th Battalion (d.26th Jun 1916)
- Howes DCM. James. CSM. 18th (2nd South East Lancashire) Battalion
- Huison John Frederick. Pte. 17th Battalion
- Hyde Edwin. Fslr. 1st Btn. (d.4th June 1915)
- Illingworth MM. William. 9th Btn.
- Ingham George Leonard. Pte. 19th Battalion, A Company, 3 Platoon (d.15th July 1916)
- Ithell Thomas. Pte. 3rd Btn.
- Jackson George. Pte. 1st/7th Btn.
- Jeffries William. Pte. 1/7th Btn. (d.28th July 1918)
- Jennings MM. James. Pte. 125th Battery (d.6th September 1917)
- Jermyn Lawrence Henry Ching. Pte. 11th Battalion (d.14th April 1918)
- Johnson DCM. John William. 5th Btn. (d.2nd Aug 1916)
- Jones Edwin. Pte
- Jones Richard. Pte. 2nd Battalion, C Coy. (d.9th Oct 1917)
- Jones Thomas William. Pte. 20th Btn., D Coy., 14th Platoon
- Kay William. L/Cpl. 1/5th Btn. (d.4th Jun 1915)
- Kelly Thomas. Pte. 9th Btn.
- Kendall Thomas. Pte. 2nd Btn.
- Kenealy VC. William Stephen. L/Sgt. 1st Btn. (d.29th June 1915)
- Kenny MM Robert. Sgt. 1st Battalion (d.2nd Dec 1917)
- Kenworthy Hugh . Pte. 11th Battalion (d.16th May 1916)
- Kenyon Thomas. Pte. 19th (3rd Salford Pals) Btn. A Coy.
- Kenyon William. Pte. 2nd Btn. (d.9th May 1915)
- King Alfred John. Pte. 15th Btn (d.11th Aug 1918)
- Kirk George Thomas. Pte. 8th Btn. (d.23rd Oct 1918)
- Kirk George Thomas. Pte. 1/8th Battalion (d.23rd October 1918)
- Kirkby Joseph. Pte 2nd/5th Battalion (d.24th April 1918)
- Kitto John. Pte. 18th Battalion (d.28th Oct 1918)
- Knowles Samuel. Pte. 16th (2nd Salford Pals) Btn. (d.2nd Nov 1918)
- Lamboll James. Pte.
- Lansdale Leonard. Pte 11th Btn (d.17th May 1916)
- Lapslie Joseph Henry. Pte. 18th Btn. (d.30th Jul 1916)
- Larke Herbert. Pte. 2/8th Btn (d.21st March 1918)
- Latham George W.. Cpl. 2nd Btn. (d.22nd Jan 1915)
- Lawley Fred. Pte. 10th Battalion (d.4th November 1918)
- Leadbeater Richard York. Pte. 10th Btn (d.12th May 1917)
- Leah William. Pte.
- Ledger Harry. Sgt 19th Btn.
- Lee John M. Pte 5th Btn
- Lee Joseph Collis. Pte. 18th Btn. (d.15th Apr 1917)
- Lester VC Frank. Pte. 10th Btn. (d.12th October 1918)
- Levett Charles Robert. Pte. 2nd Btn.
- Lillas Patrick. Pte. 19th Battalion (d. 25th November 1916 )
- Lines DCM, MC. Thomas. 2nd Lt. 10th Battalion (d.3rd April 1918)
- Long John. Pte. 19th Battalion
- Long John. Pte. 19th Btn. E Company
- Louden Leonard Walter. Cpl. 3/5th Btn.
- Lynn VC DCM. John. Pte. 2nd Btn. (d.2nd May 1915)
- Mackie Arthur William. Pte. 1st Btn.
- Maguire James. Pte. 11th Battalion (d.26th April 1916)
- Mahony-Jones George James. Capt. (d.7th Apr 1917)
- Main George William. Pte. 9th Btn. (d.4th October 1917)
- Makin Richard. Pte. 18th Battalion (d.22nd October 1917 )
- Makin Richard. Pte. 18th (2nd South East Lancashire) Btn. (d.22nd Oct 1917)
- Makin Richard. Pte. 18th Btn. (d.22nd October 1917 )
- Makin Richard. Pte. 18th Battalion (d.22nd October 1917 )
- Manock Ina. Pte. 4th Btn.
- Marsden Nathan. Pte. 2nd Btn. (d.28th April 1918)
- Marshall Herbert. Pte. 2/5th Btn. (d.20th September 1917)
- Marshall VC MC. James Neville. Lt.Col. attached 16th Bn. Lancashire Fusiliers (d.4th Nov 1918)
- Martin Charles. Pte. 16th Battalion (2nd Salford) (d.7th June 1916)
- Martindale John Bell. Lt. 2nd Btn. (d.1st Aug 1918)
- Marton Alfred Edward. Pte
- Mashiter John Thomas. Pte. 15th (Salford Pals) Btn.
- McCarthy Richard. Pte. 15th Battalion (d.1st July 1916)
- McDonough Andrew. (d.13th August 1915)
- McGawley Robert. Pte. 20th Btn. (d.25th July 1916)
- McIntyre James Ferguson. Sgt. 20th Battalion (d.23rd October 1917)
- McIntyre Jesse. Pte. 3rd/5th Btn. (d.26th Apr 1917)
- McKenney John. Pte.
- McKiernan James. L/Sgt. 15th Btn.
- McLachlan Fred. 2nd (Salford Pals) Btn
- Mcloughlin Laurence. Pte. 10th Battalion (d.15th Feb 1916)
- Melling Hugh. Pte. 16th Btn. (d.4th Nov 1918)
- Metcalfe J. C..
- Middleditch George Edward. Pte. 12th Btn
- Middleton Frank. Pte. 11th Battalion (d.9th Aug 1917)
- Middleton Frederick Henry. Pte. 1st Battalion (d.12th Apr 1918)
- Miller John. Pte. 16th Btn., D Coy. (d.23rd Nov 1916)
- Miller William. Pte 2nd Btn (d.2nd Sep 1918)
- Miller William. Pte 2nd Btn (d.2nd Sep 1918)
- Miller William. Pte. 2nd Btn. (d.2nd Sep 1918)
- Millington Arthur Victor. Pte. 16th (2nd Salford Pals) Battalion, B Coy, 7th Plt. (d.1st July 1916)
- Millman Henry. Sgt. 9th Btn. (d.16th August 1917)
- Mitchell A.. Pte. 1/6th Btn. (d.20th Aug 1917)
- Moore Frank. Pte. 11th Btn.
- Morris Eric Salthouse. Cpl. 3/5th Btn.
- Morris John. Pte. 11th (Service) Btn. (d.8th Jan 1916)
- Morris Stephen. Pte 16th Btn. (d.14th Jul 1916)
- Moss William. Pte. 86 Bgde, 29th Division, 1st Btn. (d.30th April 1918)
- Mulligan John. Pte. 11th Btn., D Coy. (d.7th Aug 1917)
- Muscat Rudolph. L/Cpl. 20th Btn (d.22nd Oct 1917)
- Nash Thomas. Pte. 15th Battalion (d.1st July 1916)
- Nelson James. Pte.
- Nicholson John Henry. Pte.
- Nicol David. L/Sjt. 2nd Btn.
- Nixon Alfred. Pte. 2nd Battalion (d.12th Nov 1918)
- Noulton George. Sgt. 23rd Btn. (d.27th Sep 1918)
- Noulton George. Sgt. (d.27th Sep 1918 )
- Noulton George. Sgt. 23rd Battalion (d.27th Sep 1918)
- Nuttall Harold Eccleston Arthur Victor. Pte. 9th Battalion (d.30th Sep 1918)
- O'Grady B.. Capt. 12th Btn.
- Oliphant Ian. 4th Btn.
- Oliver Walter Stanley Victor. 2nd Lt. 18th Battalion
- Parkes William. L/Cpl. 2/5th Battalion (d.20th Sep 1917)
- Parkins Alfred. Sjt.
- Paulson Samuel. Pte. 1/7th Btn.
- Pepperd Thomas. Pte. 10th Btn. A Coy (d.27th February 1916)
- Phillips George Thomas. Pte. 2nd/6th Btn. (d.9th October 1917)
- Platt Jesse. Pte. 10th Btn. (d.30th July 1916)
- Potter Walter. CSgt
- Potts Joseph A.. Pte. 20th Btn. (d.11th Jan 1918)
- Prior Philip. Pte. 10th Btn. (d.23rd September 1915)
- Pritt Joseph William. Pte. 3rd/5th Battalion (d.19th July 1917)
- Ratcliffe Ellis. Pte. 18th Btn. (d.12th Apr 1918)
- Ravenscroft John Charles. Sgt. 19th Battalion (d.17th April 1918 )
- Redford A . Pte. 20th Battalion (d.15th April 1917)
- Reid Robert. 2nd Btn. (d.13th Sep 1914)
- Reynolds Sydney George. Pte. 10th Btn. (d.16th Sep 1918)
- Rhodes James. Pte. 9th Btn (d.5th Dec 1916)
- Rhodes John. Pte. 20th Btn. (d.8th Jan 1918)
- Rice James Roderick.
- Ridgway Benjamin Wilfred. Pte. 15th Battalion (d.30th July 1916)
- Ridgway John. Pte. 16th Btn. (d.24th Nov 1916)
- Riley Thomas. Sgt. 19th Battalion (d.24th Apr 1918)
- Ritson George. Pte. 2nd Btn.
- Roberts Frank. Pte. 2nd/8th Battalion. C Coy. (d.4th Sept 1917)
- Robinson MM. James. Pte. 17th Btn.
- Robinson John. Pte. 6th Btn.
- Robinson Joseph Henry. Pte 16th Battaliom (d.10th Aug 1918)
- Rogers Thomas. Pte. 16th Battalion
- Rourke Thomas. Pte. 9th Battalion (d.21st Aug 1915)
- Rowe Frederick. Pte. 7th Btn. (d.23rd Aug 1918)
- Rufus MC MID. Thomas. Capt. 11th Btn.A Coy. (d.14th Apr 1918)
- Rush Alfred. Pte. 11th Btn. (d.21st Oct 1916)
- Schofield VC. John. 2nd Lt. 2nd/5th Btn. (d.9th Apr 1918)
- Scoles Hubert. Pte. 2nd Btn.
- Scott John. Pte. (d.3rd July 1917)
- See Ernest. Cpl. 10th Btn. (d.12th May 1917)
- Sellars John. Pte. 2nd Btn. (d.12th Oct 1916)
- Sephton Edwin. Pte 15th (1st Salford Pals) Battalion (d.1st April 1917)
- Sharman Harry. Pte. 19th Battalion (d.27th Jul 1917)
- Shepherd John Cuthbert. Lt. 4th Btn. (d.25th August 1918)
- Shillcock William James. CSM. 10th Btn. (d.9th Apr 1918)
- Shirley Joseph. Pte. 1st Batallion (d.20th January 1918)
- Sidebotham Samuel Wilfrid. Pte. 1/7th Btn.
- Simmonds John. Pte. 1/5th Btn. (d.5th November 1918)
- Smales William. Pte. 10th Btn. (d.2nd Sep 1918)
- Smith John J.. Pte. 7th Battalion, B Coy. (d.7th May 1915)
- Smith William. Pte. 3rd/5th Btn. (d.14th Nov 1917)
- Snelgrove George. Pte. 3rd Btn. (d.9th Oct 1917)
- Speak Charles. Pte. 2/5th Btn.
- Spencer Robert. 2nd (d.3rd May 1917)
- Spencer William John. Pte 1/7th Btn. (d.8th August 1915)
- Spilling John Benjamin. Pte. 15th Battalion (d.2nd Jul 1916)
- Stacey Amos. Pte 11th Battalion
- Stanley AdC. Alfred. Pte. 19th Btn.
- Stubbs VC. Frank Edward. Sgt. 1st Btn. (d.25th Apr 1915)
- Summers John George. Pte. 18th Btn.
- Sutcliffe Willie. Pte. 10th Btn. (d.31st Mar 1918)
- Swindells Samuel. Pte. 15th Battalion (d.23rd July 1916)
- Tancred Charles. Company Quarter Master 2nd/6th Battalion (d.7th Nov 1918)
- Tapper James John. Sgt. 16th Btn. (d.10th August 1918)
- Taylor John. Pte. 15th Btn. (d.27th Jan 1917)
- Taylor Samuel. Pte. 12th Bn (d.20th Nov 1917)
- Taylor Thomas. Pte. 9th Btn. (d.21st August 1915)
- Thompson Isaac. Pte. 19th Btn. (d.1st July 1916)
- Thompson Isaac. Pte. (d.1st July 1916)
- Thornton Lawrence. Pte 20th (4th Salford Pals) Btn. (d.2nd Nov 1917)
- Thorpe Robert. Pte. 11th Btn. (d.21st Oct 1916)
- Tinsley MMil. Albert William.
- Tomlinson Walter. Cpl. 11th Battalion (d.10th Apr 1918)
- Toole Francis. Pte. 16th (2nd Salford) Btn. (d.4th Nov 1918)
- Travis Tom. Pte. 3/5th Btn. (d.11th October 1917)
- Truesdale William. Pte. 15th Btn. (d.1st Jul 1916)
- Tucker J. R. H.. L/Cpl. 9th Btn. (d.17th Jun 1917)
- Tully Maurice.
- Tully Maurice. Pte. 10th Btn.
- Vass William Henry. L/Cpl.
- Wagstaff John. Pte. 19th Battalion (d.13th Oct 1918)
- Wainwright John. Pte. 2nd Btn. (d.10th October 1916)
- Walker Louis. Pte. 19th Battalion, E Company, Platoon XIX
- Walton Anthony. Pte. 23rd (4th Tyneside Scottish) Btn. (d.24th Nov 1916)
- Ward Frederick. Pte. 17th (1st South East Lancashire) Battalion (d.14th October 1918)
- Ward James. Spr.
- West John Edmund. Pte. 6th Btn. (d.28th Nov 1917)
- Westley Edward Harold. Sjt. 8th Btn.
- Whalen James. Pte 1st Btn (d.20th July 1916)
- White William James. C.S.M 6th Btn.
- Whittaker Ernest. Pte. 11th Btn. (d.9th Jun 1917)
- Wiggin DCM. George William. Sgt. 2nd Btn.
- Wilbraham Charlie. Cpl. 15th Btn.
- Wilce George Haigh. Pte. 10th Battalion (d.27th Mar 1918)
- Wilcock Frank Ernest. Pte 7th Btn.
- Wilcock Frank Ernest. Pte. 7th Battalion. C Coy.
- Wilcox H. R.. Capt. 18th Btn. (d.13th Feb 1919)
- Wilding John Edward. Pte. 10th Btn. (d.25th Aug 1918)
- Williams James. Capt. 18th Btn. (d.22nd July 1916)
- Williams James. Pte. 10th Btn. (d.12th May 1917)
- Williams John. WO2. 9th Btn.
- Williams Maurice C.. Pte. 20th Btn. (d.8th May 1916)
- Wilson Edward. Pte. 1/5th Battalion (d.6th Sep 1917)
- Wilson Ivan Francis. Pte. 11th Batallion (d.26 April 1916)
- Wilson William . C.S.M. 1st Btn. (d.25th Apr 1915)
- Winterbottom Joseph. Pte. 11th Btn. (d.8th Jul 1917)
- Winters Albert. Pte. 10th Btn.
- Woodcock David Alexander. Pte. 3rd/5th Btn. (d.15th Nov 1917)
- Worthington Wilfred. Pte. 2nd Btn.
- Wright John Hubbard . Pte.
- Wright Sydney Paul Johnson. Pte 1/6th Btn (d.21st March 1918)
- Yeld Robert Norman. Capt. 15th (1st Salford) Btn.
- Young William Arthur. Pte. 9th Btn. (d.4th Oct 1917)
All names on this list have been submitted by relatives, friends, neighbours and others who wish to remember them, if you have any names to add or any recollections or photos of those listed, please. Add a Name to this List
More Lancashire Fusiliers records.
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1206608Pte. Charles Eugene Hands 7th Btn. Lancashire Fusiliers
My fathers brother, Willie, had enlisted in the Army at the outbreak of the First World War in l914, when he was 18. Within a year he would be killed. (he is buried at Bailleul). It is significant that my father, Charles Hands, only once in his life ever mentioned to me his experiences in the war, possibly because, coming as he did from a loving, united and peaceful family, these must have had a devastating effect on him and were too painful to recall.The minimum age for joining the armed forces was 18 so that when, at the Cross Lane, Salford Recruiting Agency, the Recruiting Officer learned that he was only 16 he told my father to walk once round his desk. Now how old are you?, he asked. 19, replied my father. Very good, said the officer, sign here. It was May 1915 and my father joined the 7th Lancashire Fusiliers. He was to remain in England, for at least some of the time on coastal duty in Scarborough, until March 1918 when he embarked for Ypres where his regiment was to meet up with another - the 8th Lancs. Fusiliers?..
Coming to a fork in the road, my father was sent one way, while a comrade was sent another, to find the Company in question. My father was successful in meeting up with the company and returned to his own with its commanding officer. To his horror he found that his own company had been attacked and wiped out. The scene that met his eyes must have been imprinted on his mind for the rest of his life: men and horses, dead or dying, were strewn everywhere along the road and in the ditches. The noise was hellish. I understood that none had survived.
Shortly after this, as they were trying to take a hill, the second company was surrounded by Germans. Tommy, they shouted, drop your weapons, you are surrounded. I shall always be grateful to those Germans, said my father, they could have shot us. As it was, they probably saved his life because he was transported to Kassel and put into a POW camp where he spent the next seven months, up to the end of the war. Army Form W. 3038A reporting my father missing was sent to his sister Madaleine on 5 July 1918.
It was in Kassel that my father lost his fussiness over food. Hunger was extreme both inside and outside the camp - the Germans were starving, too, and German children came to the wire fences to beg for food. There were occasional food parcels distributed by the international charities, also containing cigarettes and gloves and socks hand-knitted by wives, mothers and sisters back in England. The prisoners would swap and barter these precious offerings. My father was so hungry on one occasion that he offered to pay a comrade 25 shillings in War Bonds - to be delivered after the war - for eight biscuits! Twenty-five shillings was more than a working-mans weekly wage in those days. How do I know Ill ever see the money? the chap asked. You have my promise, said my father. True to his word and much to his mothers annoyance, my father sent the War bonds off to his comrade as soon as he got back home after the war. After all, he reasoned, the chap trusted me and those eight biscuits at the time represented a banquet.
Pamela Hands de Azevedo
1206513Pte. Frank Lester VC 10th Btn. Lancashire Fusiliers (d.12th October 1918)
Frank Lester was killed in action 12th October 1918 aged 22, he was the son of John and Ellen Lester, of Miller's Hay, Irby, Birkenhead. Born at Huyton, LiverpoolAn extract from The London Gazette, No. 31067, dated 13th Dec., 1918, records the following:- "For most conspicuous bravery and self-sacrifice during the clearing of the village of Neuvilly, on 12th October, 1918, when, with a party of about seven men under an officer, he was the first to enter a house from the back door, and shot 2 Germans as they attempted to get out by the front door. A minute later a fall of masonry blocked the door by which the party had entered. The only exit into the street was under fire at point-blank range. The street was also swept by fire of machine guns at close range. Observing that an enemy sniper was causing heavy casualties to a party in a house across the street, Pte. Lester exclaimed, " I'll settle him," and, dashing out into the street, shot the sniper at close quarters, falling mortally wounded at the same instant. This gallant man well knew it was certain death to go into the street, and the party opposite was faced with the alternative of crossing the fire-swept street or staying where it was and being shot one by one. To save their lives he sacrificed his own."
s flynn
1206501Sgt. Harold John Colley VC MM 10th Btn. Lancashire Fusiliers (d.25th August 1918)
Harold Colley died of wounds on 25th August 1918 aged 23 and is buried in the Mailly Wood Cemetery in France. He was the son of John and Hannah Elizabeth Colley, of 74 Cheshire Rd., Smethwick, Staffs.An extract from The London Gazette, No. 30967, dated the 18th Oct., 1918, records the following:- "For most conspicuous bravery and initiative when in command of a platoon in support of forward platoons which had been ordered to hold on at all costs. When the enemy counter-attacked in force, he rushed forward on his own initiative to help the forward line, rallying and controlling the men holding it. The enemy by this time were advancing quicky, and had already obtained a footing in the trench. Serjt. Colley then formed a defensive flank and held it. Out of the two platoons only three men remained unwounded, and he himself was dangerously wounded. It was entirely due to Serjt. Colley's action that the enemy were prevented from breaking through, and were eventually driven off. His courage and tenacity saved a very critical situation."
s flynn
12063812nd Lt. Bernard Matthew Cassidy VC. 2nd Btn. Lancashire Fusiliers (d.28th March 1918)
Bernard Cassidy was killed in action on the 28th of March 1918, aged 26. Commemorated on the Arras Memorial in the Fauburg-d'Amiens Cemetery in Arras, France, he was the son of Bernard and Julia Cassidy, of 29 Watford Rd, Victoria Docks, London.An extract from the London Gazette, dated 30th April 1918, records the following:- "For most conspicuous bravery, self-sacrifice, and exceptional devotion to duty during an hostile attack. At a time when the flank of the division was in danger, Lt. Cassidy was in command of the left company of his battalion, which was in close support. He was given orders prior to the attack that he must hold on to his position to the last. He most nobly carried this out to the letter. The enemy came on in overwhelming numbers and endeavoured to turn the flank. He, however, continually rallied his men under a terrific bombardment. The enemy were several times cleared out of the trench by his personal leadership. His company was eventually surrounded, but Lt. Cassidy still fought on, encouraging and exhorting his men until he was eventually killed. By his most gallant conduct the whole attack was held up at this point and the left flank was undoubtedly saved from what might have been a disaster."
1206316Pte John W Bebbington 16th Battalion Lancashire Fusiliers (d.16th Dec 1915)
John Bebbington was killed on 16th of December 1915 Whilst serving with the Salford Pals.Ian Tickle
1206233Pte. Hugh Melling 16th Btn. Lancashire Fusiliers (d.4th Nov 1918)
Hugh Melling died on 4th of November 1918, aged 19 and is buried in the Ors Communal Cemetery in France. He was the son of Thomas and Alice Melling of Hesketh Lane, Tarleton, Lancashires flynn
1206037Pte. John Long 19th Battalion Lancashire Fusiliers
John Long worked at Godwins Soap in Salford. He lied about his age 16 at the time to join the Lancashire Fusiliers. He died from the effects if being gassed during fighting in France
1205901Pte. Stephen Harrison 11th Btn. Lancashire Fusiliers (d.7th May 1916)
Stephen Harrison was killed in action on the 7th of May 1916, aged 33. Buried in Aubigny Communal Cemetery Extension in France, he was the son of Henry and Hannah Harrison of Burnley and lived at 33 Berry Street, Burnley.s. flynn
1205899Pte. Nathan Marsden 2nd Btn. Lancashire Fusiliers (d.28th April 1918)
Nathan Marsden was killed in action on the 28th of April 1918, aged 25. Buried in Aubigny Communal Cemetery Extension, Somme, France, he was the husband of Elizabeth E. Cook (formerly Marsden), of 24, Hambledon View, Cheapside, Burnley.s flynn
1205833L/Cpl. Sydney Leonard Beatson 10th Btn. Lancashire Fusiliers (d.13th May 1917)
Sydney Beatson served with the 10th Battalion, Lancashire Fusiliers during WW1 and died on the 13th May 1917. He is commemorated on the Arras Memorial, Pas de Calais, France. From thedivisional actions he was most probably killed during the Capture of Roeux - part of the Arras Offensive.
1205794Pte. John Bickle 1st Btn. Lancashire Fusiliers (d.9th June 1915)
John Bickle died on 9th June 1915, in Malta from wounds received at Gallipoli, aged 42. He is buried in Pieta Military Cemetery in Malta. He lived at 34 Caldervale Rd, Burnley, Lancashire.s flynn
1205724Pte. William Arthur Young 9th Btn. Lancashire Fusiliers (d.4th Oct 1917)
William was born 1883 in Bulwell, Nottingham, he enlisted in Doncaster though we don't know yet why, perhaps being a miner he had moved there to work. We have a copy of his medal index card is still intact and at present we are waiting to find out relevant details of his last days via the Lancashire Fusiliers War Diaries.William was killed at Paschendale and is remembered at Tyne Cott, RIP.
Ray Young
1205531Capt. George James Mahony-Jones 20 Sqd. (d.7th Apr 1917)
Capt Mahony-Jones was shot down by Maximilian Muller of Jasta28 on the evening of the 7th of April 1917. His FE2d was brought down over the Front lines whilst returning from the second bombing raid of the day on Mouvaux aerodrome. Mahony-Jones lead eight FE2's each dropping two 112 pound bombs over the target, causing damage to at least two hangers.As the formation was crossing the Front lines, it was attached by a formation of Albatros Scouts, Lt Lawson's aircraft had been hit and was under attack from all sides, Mahony-Jones turned his aircraft and challenged the enemy, allowing Lawson to make an emergency landing behind the British Lines.
The battle was watched from the ground by the men of the 34th Battalion AIF, their adjutant wrote to RFC HQ the following day:
To the Commandant, RFC Bailleul, 8th April 1917.
"The C.O. 34th battalion AIF has asked me to express a deep sense of admiration which was inspired by the gallant flying of an airman, apparently belonging to a Squadron under your command. About 6 pm on the evening of the 7th instant, two of our planes were engaged with nine of the enemy's. One plane was damaged and the other, although retreat looked possible turned and fought. Several of the enemy's planes scattered but unfortunately our plane was hit and immediately burst into flames.
The scene was witnessed by the men of the Battalion from the trenches and the conspired bravery was much spoken of by them and the gallantry is sure to foster a spirit of emulation for our men to strive hard on their parts, to act in the same heroic and self sacrificing manner as this gallant airman. The true bravery of your very fine Corps was thus strikingly brought home to our men."
Adj. 34th Battn.
Mahony-Jones and his gunner 2nd Lt W.B.Moyes were laid to rest in a German cemetery, after the war they were transferred to the CWGC cemetery at Bailleul.
264402Sgt. John Patrick Fox 10th Btn. Lancashire Fusiliers
Unfortunately there are no known photographs of John Patrick Fox. He died in 1943.John Fox
264314Pte. Alfred Stanley AdC. 19th Btn. Royal Welsh Fusiliers
My husband's grandfather Alfred Stanley joined up in 1915 with the Lancashire Fusiliers. He was wounded and transferred to 19th Royal Welsh Fusiliers. He served in France at Loos and the Somme.Whilst in France he and another comrade, Pte M Murphy, rescued a little girl who had fallen down a well. They were both awarded a French Medal in Bronze Act de Coeur I think it is called. He was wounded soon after and sent back to England. He received a certificate and his medal after the war. He also received the two British Medals but the French one was always close to his heart. I have since tried to find out more about how he came to receive this medal but with no joy, I even wrote to the French embassy a few years back.
264312Sgt. Thomas Henry Cowle 11th Btn. Lancashire Fusiliers (d.19th May 1916)
Thomas Cowle was aged 21 when he died. He is buried at Ecoivres Military Cemetery at Mont-St. Eloi.Margaret Corlett Mayfield
264272L/Cpl. Harry Bimpson 18th Battalion Manchester Regiment
My grandfather, Harry Bimpson, served with the 10th Battalion, Lancashire Fusiliers and the 18th Battalion, Manchester Regiment in WW1. He was captured Guillemont, Somme, France on 31st of July 1916 and spent the rest of the war as a POW at Stendal. He was released on 31st of December 1918.Apart from his medal record, I can't find find any further information about his war service records. We also have a copy of a photograph taken of him in the POW camp. Any information or help would be gratefully accepted.
Philip Bimpson
263747Sgt. James Bromiley 11th Btn. Lancashire Fusiliers (d.3rd January 1916)
James Bromiley served with the 11th Lancashire Fusiliers. I was given a dog tag many years ago belonging to James Bromiley, he is buried in Gunners Farm Military Cemetery in Belgium.Roy Parrish
263651Ian Oliphant 4th Btn. Lancashire Fusiliers
Ian Oliphant served with the 4th Lancashire Fusiliers. His field service book found whilst sorting out various boxes is rubber stamped 1st (Garrison) Battalion, Manchester Regiment.Ashley Case
263383Pte. Maurice Tully 10th Btn. Lancashire Fusiliers
Maurice Tully is my Grandda. He was in the 10th Battalion and the 1st Battalion, Lancashire Fusiliets from 1915 to 1918. He was sent back to the UK as he was wounded. He lived in Plat Bridge, Wigan.
Recomended Reading.
Available at discounted prices.
God's Own: 1st Salford Pals, 1914-1916Neil Drum & Roger Dowson
This superbly researched book looks at the story of the raising and training of the Pals. It then moves on to their first experiences in France, and concludes with their destruction on the First Day of the Somme. Throughout there are numerous references to officers and men, and many first hand accounts, both of which combine to make it a fascinating account. This first section then ends with biographies of all the casualties, many of them accompanied by a photograph and some in great detail. The second part of the book is a complete roll of every officer and man that served with the 15th Lancashire Fusiliers from formation until 1st July 1916. It gives basic details of every soldier; some men have lengthy entries. A wonderful piece of research!More information on:
God's Own: 1st Salford Pals, 1914-1916
Salford Pals , A History of the Salford Brigade: 15th, 16th, 19th and 20th Battalions Lancashire FusiliersMichael Stedman
Salford was late in recruiting for its Pals battalions, with many of its men already joining Territorial units and a new Pals battalion in Manchester. Yet within a year it had raised four Pals battalions and a reserve battalion. Raised mainly from Lancashire's most notorious slums, the men trained together in Wales, North East England and on Salisbury Plain, they had great expectations of success. On the 1st of July 1916 the Somme offensive was launched and in the very epicentre of that cauldron the first three of Salford's battalions were thrown at the massive defences of Thiepval - the men were decimated, Salford was shattered. Michael Stedman records the impact of the war from the start on Salford and follows the difficulties and triumphs. Whether the actions small or great the author writes graphically about them all. Unusual photographs and a variety of sources make this both a readable and a scholarly account.More information on:
Salford Pals , A History of the Salford Brigade: 15th, 16th, 19th and 20th Battalions Lancashire Fusiliers
Ghosts on the Somme: Filming the Battle, June-July 1916Alastair H. Fraser, Andrew Robertshaw and Steve Roberts
The Battle of the Somme is one of the most famous, and earliest, films of war ever made. The film records the most disastrous day in the history of the British army - 1 July 1916 - and it had a huge impact when it was shown in Britain during the war. Since then images from it have been repeated so often in books and documentaries that it has profoundly influenced our view of the battle and of the Great War itself. Yet this book is the first in-depth study of this historic film, and it is the first to relate it to the surviving battleground of the Somme. The authors explore the film and its history in fascinating detail. They investigate how much of it was faked and consider how much credit for it should go to Geoffrey Malins and how much to John MacDowell. And they use modern photographs of the locations to give us a telling insight into the landscape of the battle and into the way in which this pioneering film was created. Their analysis of scenes in the film tells us so much about thMore information on:
Ghosts on the Somme: Filming the Battle, June-July 1916
From Messines to Third Ypres: A Personal Account of the First World War by a 2/5th Lancashire FusilierThomas, Floyd
the story of just a few weeks between May 1917 and July 1917 as experienced by a subaltern of the Lancashire Fusiliers. It is a detailed account where personalities and small events seem to fifi ll its pages to become tellingly signififi cant-whole lifetimes seem to pass in months. Life in the trenches is recorded with all its dangers, tragedies and discomforts punctuated by lighter moments, as we share the inexorable build-up to the big attack and the fury of war that changed and ended lives in minutes. This is a first rate, intimate and personal account of the Western Front warfare the British infantry knew.More information on:
From Messines to Third Ypres: A Personal Account of the First World War by a 2/5th Lancashire Fusilier
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