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- Leinster Regiment during the Great War -

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Leinster Regiment

Want to know more about the Leinster Regiment?

There are:6760 items tagged Leinster Regiment available in our Library

  These include information on officers, regimental histories, letters, diary entries, personal accounts and information about actions during the Great War.

Those known to have served with

Leinster Regiment

during the Great War 1914-1918.

  • Adams Peter. Pte. 1st Btn. (d.8th April 1915)
  • Adcock St.John. Mjr. 3rd Btn. (d.9th May 1915)
  • Allen Abraham. Pte. 2nd Btn. (d.12th April 1917)
  • Allen Thomas. Pte. 2nd Btn. (d.14th June 1918)
  • Bagnall Alfred. Sgt. 6th Btn. (d.9th Aug 1915)
  • Barlow Cornelius. Pte. 2nd Btn. (d.10th March 1917)
  • Barnes Owen. Pte. 1st Btn. (d.4th May 1915)
  • Barnwell DSO, MC, MID. John. Mjr. 6th Btn.
  • Bate Albert Francis. Lt. 4th Btn. (d.14th Mar 1915)
  • Bates Hermann Robert Alfred. Pte. 2nd Battalion (d.27th Mar 1918)
  • Beason George. L/Cpl. 1st Btn (d.22nd February 1915)
  • Best John. Pte. 1st Btn. (d.15th Mar 1915)
  • Best William George. Pte. 2nd Btn. (d.2nd May 1916)
  • Bond Alfred. L/Cpl. 2nd Btn. (d.4th Sep 1918)
  • Bowen-Colthurst Robert MacGregor. Capt. 1st Btn. (d.15th Mar 1915)
  • Bowes John. Pte. 2nd Btn. (d.12th Aug 1915)
  • Bowles Augustine. Sgt. 2nd Btn. (d.10th Sep 1918)
  • Boyd Robert. Pte. 2nd Btn. (d.17th November 1915)
  • Brabazon MID Alan. Cpt. 6th Btn. (d.8th March 1918)
  • Brabazon Alan A.. Capt 6th Btn. (d.8 March 1918 )
  • Bracken John. Pte. 7th Battalion
  • Bracken John Dermott. Pte 1st Battalion
  • Bracken Patrick. Pte. 7th Btn. (d.17th Sep 1916)
  • Brady Edward. Pte. 7th Btn. (d.1st Nov 1915)
  • Brady James. Sgt. 2nd Battalion (d.6th November 1917)
  • Brady Maurice. Pte. Depot (d.26th Aug 1918)
  • Brady Thomas. Cpl. 1st Btn. (d.11th Apr 1915)
  • Brazil James. Pte. 2nd Btn. (d.5th April 1916)
  • Brennan John. Pte. 7th Btn. (d.5th Nov 1916)
  • Brennan DCM. William Patrick. Sgt. 1st Battalion
  • Bridge Albert. L/Cpl. 2nd Btn. (d.2nd Mar 1918)
  • Brooker Gordon McNeill. Sgt.
  • Brophy Thomas Joseph. 2nd Lt. 2nd Btn. (d.22nd Mar 1918)
  • Brown Thomas. Sgt. 2nd Btn. (d.18th Aug 1916)
  • Bryant George William Stanley. A/Sgt. 6th Btn.
  • Burke Christopher. Pte. 1st Btn. (d.28th August 1915)
  • Burke J.. Pte. 2nd Btn. (d.10th Jun 1917)
  • Burke John. Pte. 2nd Btn. (d.15th September 1917)
  • Byrne M.. Pte. 1st Btn. (d.21st November 1918)
  • Byrne Martin. Pte. 7th Btn. (d.24th Nov 1917)
  • Byrne Peter. Pte. 2nd Btn. (d.4th June 1916)
  • Caffrey Christopher. Pte. 7th Battalion
  • Cahill William. Pte. 7th Btn. (d.31st Jul 1917)
  • Carew Robert Thomas. Col. (d.11th Feb 1917)
  • Carolan J.. Cpl. (d.13th November 1918)
  • Carroll J.. Pte. transf. to (487906) Labour Corps
  • Carroll Thomas Frederick. Pte. 7th Btn.
  • Cavanagh Michael. Pte. 2nd Btn. (d.9th June 1917)
  • Chambers David Proudlock. Pte. 2nd Btn.
  • Christie Myles. Pte. 2nd Btn. (d.12th March 1915)
  • Coade William Henry. Lt. 3rd (d.5th Nov 1918)
  • Coleman Christopher. Pte. 7th Battalion (d.3rd Sep 1916)
  • Connolly John. Pte. 2nd Battalion (d.20th Oct 1918)
  • Connor Thomas. Pte. 1st Btn
  • Conroy John. Cpl 2nd Battalion (d.11th August 1916)
  • Coonan John . Pte. 7th Btn. (d.31st Jul 1917)
  • Coughlan David Francis. Pte. 7th Battalion (d.3rd Sep 1916)
  • Courtney Frederick John. Pte. 7th Btn. (d.27th June 1916)
  • Craig John. Pte. 2nd Btn. D Coy. (d.31st March 1917)
  • Crosbie William. Pte. 7th Btn. (d.20th April 1916)
  • Cullinane Jeremiah. Pte
  • Cunningham VC. John. Pte. 2nd Btn. (d.16th April 1917)
  • Cunningham VC. John. Cpl. 2nd Battalion (d.16th April 1917)
  • Cunningham Patrick. Cpl. 1st Btn. (d.4th June 1915)
  • Curry Patrick. Pte. 2nd Btn. (d.10th Oct 1914)
  • Cushen Patrick Joseph. Pte. 2nd Btn. (d.20th Oct 1918)
  • Cushing Charles Edward. Pte. 2nd Btn. (d.3rd May 1915)
  • Cutts Harry. Pte. 2nd Battalion (d.25th August 1916)
  • D'Arcy Hugh. Pte. 6th Battalion
  • Daly Jeremiah. Pte. 2nd Btn. (d.20th Oct 1914)
  • Daly Patrick. Cpl. 7th Battalion (d.8th Mar 1917)
  • Davis William Ernst John. Pte. 6th Btn.
  • Devine Patrick. Pte. 3rd Btn. (d.23rd May 1915)
  • Dinnegan Michael. Pte. 2nd Btn. (d.19th June 1915)
  • Dix MC. Stephen Hamilton . Lt.Col. 12th/13th Btn. (d.4th October 1917)
  • Dowd Patrick. Pte. 3rd Btn. (d.25th November 1917)
  • Duffy George William. Pte. 2nd Btn. (d.24th Jun 1917)
  • Duffy Walter. Pte. (d.7th July 1918)
  • Dunne Joseph. Pte. 5th Btn. (d.4th July 1917)
  • Evans Samuel. Pte. 1st Btn. (d.4th May 1915)
  • Farrell Peter. Pte. 2nd Btn. (d.25th Aug 1916)
  • Farrell Peter. Piper. 2nd Btn.
  • Fay James. Pte. 2nd Battalion (d.12th Aug 1915)
  • Fogarty Thomas. Pte. 7th Battalion (d.6th August 1917)
  • Frost Charles. Pte. 2nd Battalion (d.4th Feb 1918)
  • Gardner Edward. Pte. 7th Btn. (d.9th Sep 1917)
  • Geaney Richard. Pte. 3rd Bn. (d.13th January 1915)
  • Ginn Stephen. Sgt 2nd Btn (d.5th March 1916)
  • Glennon James. Pte. 7th Battalion (d.7th Aug 1917)
  • Gorry Michael. Pte. 2nd Btn. (d.30th September 1916)
  • Grozier Gerard Irving. Lt. 6th Btn. (d.28th June 1920)
  • Hackett Patrick Joseph. Sgt. 4th Btn. (d.18th October 1918)
  • Hall Edmund Pearsall. Capt.
  • Handcock Robert. 2nd Lt. 3rd Btn. (d.19th Aug 1916)
  • Hartigan Cornelius. Pte. 3rd Btn. (d.28th November 1917)
  • Hassett Patrick. Pte. 7th Btn. (d.26th June 1916)
  • Hendricks Harry. Pte. 2nd Btn. (d.23rd Aug 1918)
  • Henry M.. Pte. 4th Btn. (d.28th June 1918)
  • Hope Thomas. Pte. 2nd Btn. (d.2nd March 1915)
  • Hutchinson Edward. Cpl 1st Btn. (d.4th May 1915)
  • Hyland John. Sgt. 1st Btn. (d.13th March 1915)
  • Kane P.. Pte. (d.3rd March 1919)
  • Keenan James. Pte. 6th Btn. (d.9th April 1918)
  • Kelly . Pte. 1st Btn. B Coy.
  • Kennedy E.. Pte. 1st Btn.
  • Kerr J. Pte. 7th Btn. (d.23 Sep 1916)
  • Kidney Patrick. Pte. 3rd Btn. (d.21st April 1916)
  • Kinnarney W.. Pte. 2nd Btn. A Coy. (d.9th Jun 1917)
  • Laffan Christopher.
  • Landy Harold John. Private 9th Battalion
  • Lynch Patrick. Sgt. 7th Btn. (d.3rd September 1916)
  • Maguire Francis Patrick. 2nd Lt. 5th Batt. (d.27th April 1918)
  • Maloney Martin. Pte. 7th Btn. (d.13th March 1917)
  • Martin B. L.. Pte. 1st Btn. (d.1st March 1919)
  • Massy Haworth Peel. Capt. attd. 4th Bn. Nigeria Regiment, W.A.F.F. (d.12th October 1914)
  • Matthews Alfred William. Pte. 2nd Battalion (d.21st Oct 1918)
  • Matthews Francis Samuel. Pte. 6th Btn. (d.11th Aug 1915)
  • McAuley Patrick. Pte. 2nd Battalion (d.22nd March 1918)
  • McAuley Peter Michael. Pte. 2nd Battalion
  • McAuliffe MM. Patrick. Pte. 2nd Battalion
  • McGowan DCM. William. 2nd Lt. 7th Btn. (d.9th Sep 1916)
  • McGrath Peter. Cpl. 5th Btn. (d.26th March 1916)
  • McKenna James. Pte. 2nd Btn. (d.10th Nov 1914)
  • McWilliam Patrick. Pte. 7th Btn. (d.3rd September 1916)
  • Metge R. C.. Capt. 5th Btn.
  • Molloy Lawrence. L/Cpl. 2nd Btn. (d.4th Sep 1918)
  • Morton Henry. Pte. 1st Btn. (d.19th Oct 1918)
  • Mulhall Patrick. Pte. 6th Btn. (d.11th August 1915)
  • Mulhall T.. Pte. 2nd Btn. (d.19th January 1918)
  • Mulligan P.. Pte. 5th Btn. (d.12th August 1917)
  • Mullins Edward. Pte. 2nd Btn. (d.7th June 1917)
  • Munster Michael. Pte. (d.14th May 1915)
  • Murphy John. Pte. 6th Battalion, D Coy. (d.11th August 1915)
  • Murphy Thomas. Pte. 2nd Btn. (d.3rd August 1918)
  • Nolan Thomas. Pte. 2nd Btn. (d.26th December 1918)
  • O'Beirne Thomas. Sgt. 7th Btn. (d.2nd Aug 1917)
  • O'Boyle Francis Alexander. Pte. 7th Btn. "B" Coy. (d.12th July 1916)
  • O'Brien Christopher. Pte. 1st Btn. (d.14th February 1915)
  • O'Brien Frank. 7th Battalion
  • O'Brien James. SM 6th Btn. (d.26th February 1917)
  • O'Donohue John. Pte. 2nd Btn. (d.11th Jan 1917)
  • O'Neill J.. Pte. 3rd Btn. (d.20th April 1916)
  • O'Neill J.. Pte. 4th Btn.
  • O'Sullivan Michael John. Pte 1st Battalion
  • Potter Harry. Pte. 7th Btn. (d.7th June 1917)
  • Quinn Michael. Pte. 7th Batt. (d.21st February 1917)
  • Quinn Michael. L/Cpl. 7th Btn. (d.21st February 1917)
  • Rahilly M.. Pte. 7th Btn. (d.6th June 1918)
  • Ransom George John. Pte. 2nd Battalion (d.10th Aug 1917)
  • Ransom George John. Pte 2nd Battalion (d.10th August 1917)
  • Read George Averil. Capt. 3rd Btn. (d.8th March 1917)
  • Reilly J.. Pte. 2nd Btn. (d.12th January 1918)
  • Richens Stephen John. Pte. 6th Btn. (d.10th Aug 1915)
  • Riordan Michael. Pte. 3rd Btn. (d.9th Jul 1915)
  • Roads Albert Arthur. Pte. 7th Btn. (d.22nd April 1917)
  • Roads Albert Arthur. Pte. 7th Btn. (d.22nd April 1917)
  • Rogers James J. Pte. 6th (Service) Btn. (d.31st Aug 1915)
  • Rogers James. Pte. 6th Btn. (d.31st Aug 1915)
  • Rolfe Frederick William. Pte. 7th Btn. (d.31st July 1917)
  • Sharkey E.. Cpl. 7th Btn. (d.4th Sept 1916)
  • Smith Joseph. Sgt. 1st Battalion (d.15th March 1915)
  • Timmins Joseph John. Sgt. 7th Btn.
  • Tooher Patrick. Pte. 6th Btn. (d.16th April 1917)
  • Toole Michael Joseph. L/Cpl. 2nd Btn. (d.16th March 1916)
  • Tormay Thomas. Pte. 1st Btn.
  • Wallace Andrew. Pte. 6th Btn.
  • Walsh Patrick. Pte. 2nd Btn. (d.20th Oct 1914)
  • Walsh Patrick. Pte 2nd Battalion (d.20 October 1914)
  • Weldon CVO, DSO, MID Anthony Arthur. Bvt.Col. 4th Btn. (d.29th June 1917)
  • White Christopher. Pte. 6th Btn. (d.23rd Feb 1915)
  • Whyte H.. Sgt. (d.13th August 1914)
  • Willman George. Pte. 7th Btn. (d.27th Mar 1918)
  • Wood MM. William Henry. Sgt. 2nd Btn.

All names on this list have been submitted by relatives, friends, neighbours and others who wish to remember them, if you have any names to add or any recollections or photos of those listed, please. Add a Name to this List

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Pte. John Cunningham VC. 2nd Btn. Leinster Regiment (d.16th April 1917)

John Cunningham died of wounds on the 16th of April 1917, aged 29 and buried in the Barlin Communal Cemetery Extension in France. He was the son of Johanna and the late Joseph Cunningham, of Stradavoher St., Thurles, Co. Tipperary. The second son lost to a widowed mother in the war.

An extract taken from The London Gazette, dated 8th June, 1917 records the following: "For most conspicuous bravery and devotion to duty when in command of a Lewis Gun section on the most exposed flank of the attack. His section came under heavy enfilade fire and suffered severely. Although wounded he succeeded almost alone in reaching his objective with his gun, which he got into action in spite of much opposition. When counter-attacked by a party of twenty of the enemy he exhausted his ammunition against them, then, standing in full view, he commenced throwing bombs. He was wounded again, and fell, but picked himself up and continued to fight single-handed with the enemy until his bombs were exhausted. He then made his way back to our lines with a fractured arm and other wounds. There is little doubt that the superb courage of this N.C.O. cleared up a most critical situation on the left flank of the attack. Corporal Cunningham died in hospital from the effects of his wounds."

Vimy Ridge April 1917 Battle Map

John Fanning


2nd Lt. Robert Handcock 3rd Btn. Leinster Regiment (d.19th Aug 1916)

Veteran Who Fell at the Battle of the Somme Remembered. Prince Albert, Saskatchewan - 19th August 2020

During the First World War, many men of the Royal North-West Mounted Police left the Force in order to enlist. More than 2000 veterans of the Force joined up with units of the Canadian Expeditionary Force, but others left the Force to join up with the British Expeditionary Force fighting in France and Flanders. This is the story of one of those men.

Robert Handcock joined the RNWMP on 3rd March 1905. In 1915, as the First World War was raging in Europe, Sergeant Handcock was the Non-Commissioned Officer in charge of Île-à-la-Crosse Detachment, located in a Cree community in northern Saskatchewan. With his term in the Force expiring, he was discharged from the Force on 6th September 1915, and he made his way to join up to fight. After he departed, the Officer Commanding at Prince Albert inspected the Detachment and noticed that the wood stove was missing. Sergeant Handcock had traded the stove for a load of bricks and had built the chimney for the Detachment barracks!

Robert made his way to England at his own expense and once there was granted an officer's commission in the Leinster Regiment of the British Army. Less than a year after his discharge from the RNWMP, 2nd Lt. Robert Handcock of the 3rd Battalion, Leinster Regiment was killed on 19th of August 1916, during the Battle of the Somme in France. He is buried at the Commonwealth War Graves Peronne Road Cemetery in Maricourt, France.

We will remember him.

Mark Gaillard, Historian RCMP Veterans Association


Pte. Martin Byrne 7th Btn. Leinster Regiment (d.24th Nov 1917)

Martin Byrne died of his wounds when he was due to be sent home to his young pregnant wife Georgina and 2 year old daughter Annie. He had written home from the hospital but died before he could return to them. His second daughter, Georgina Martha (aka Conn), was born the following April, never to know her father.

Niamh Moore Rawson


Pte. Thomas Connor 1st Btn Leinster Regiment

Thomas Connor enlisted on 29th of April 1915. He served in France and was sent to Salonika on 10th of May 1916 via Egypt. He transferred to the Royal Irish Regiment. He was discharged to the Army Reserve on 18th of April 1919.


2nd Lt. William McGowan DCM. 7th Btn. Leinster Regiment (d.9th Sep 1916)

William McGowan was the son of Laurence and Dorethea (Dora) McGowan of Killargue, Dorahair, Co. Leitrim He worked as a draper in Sligo prior to enlisting as with the 7th Btn., Leinster Regiment in March, 1915. He was promoted to Sergeant and arrived in France on 19th of December 1915. William was promoted to Temporary 2nd Lieutenant vide London Gazette 14th of August 1916 and was awarded the Distinguished Conduct Medal vide London Gazette 19th of August 1916 For conspicuous gallantry in preparing, laying and firing successfully Bangalore torpedoes in the enemy’s wife, in order to prepare exits for raiding parties, the whole operation being performed under heavy machine gun fire.

He was Wounded in action at Guillemot during the Battle of the Somme, 9th of September 1916 and died of wounds the same day. He has no known grave and is remembered on the Thiepval Memorial, Somme.

W. Brown


Sgt. Thomas O'Beirne 7th Btn. Leinster Regiment (d.2nd Aug 1917)

Thomas O'Beirne was born to a family of seven, 4 girls and 3 boys. His father Patrick became ill and died at their small home at 10 George's Hill, Dublin. It was a struggle for his mother Bridget to cope, so as my grandmother Mary Kate didn't get sick she, at the age of 12, was sent to stay with relatives in Maynooth. My grandma was the only child of the seven to live past 25 years of age.

Thomas been the oldest surviving boy of the O'Beirne family. After fighting in France for two years, he would die on 2nd of August 1917, aged 21, during the Battle of Passchendaele.


Pte. Stephen John Richens 6th Btn. Leinster Regiment (d.10th Aug 1915)

Stephen Richens is my Gran's great-uncle, she is 101 in January and I have been doing genealogy for her. According to the CWGC, he is commemorated on the Helles Memorial in Turkey.

Kersti Clement


Pte. Thomas Fogarty 7th Battalion Leinster Regiment (d.6th August 1917)

Thomas Fogarty loving son of Joseph and Mary Fogarty of Kilbeggan Co Westmeath. He died at War only 24 years old and is buried in Aeroplane Cemetery, Ypres.

Therese Dunne


Pte. Patrick Joseph Cushen 2nd Btn. Leinster Regiment (d.20th Oct 1918)

Patrick Cushen

Patrick Cushen was born in 1894 in Mount Bolus, County Offaly, Ireland to Michael Cushen and Ellen Keogh. He joined the British Army in 1914, joining the 2nd Battalion, Leinster Regiment and served in World War I. He fought in the final battle of Ypres in Belgium and died of his wounds on 20 October 1918, he was 24 years old. He is buried in Duhallow A.D.S. Cemetery. According to family legend, Patrick met his brother William on the battlefield just prior to the final battle. Patrick was wounded and died several days later in the battlefield hospital. It was told that William felt guilty about leaving Patrick.

William Cushen also served with the Prince of Wales Leinster Regiment, Number 9687. He was awarded the 1914-15 Star and British War Medal.

Patrick and William's father Michael was also in the military. He served in India in the 2nd Bengal European Fusiliers from 1853-1859. He fought at the Siege of Delhi battle for which he was awarded the India Mutiny Medal. He then enlisted in the Royal Artillery on 9 January 1860 in County Cork, Ireland as a gunner, regimental number 1929. His record of service: Royal Artillery, 9th Brigade. He was stationed in England from January 1860 to September 1869 and then again in India from September 1869 to March 1875 and from 1875 to 1880 in England when he retired on a general disability due to malaria contracted in India and as a result of engaging in the siege of Delhi in 1857. He was a Master Tailor.

Maureen Lennon


Pte. Patrick Curry 2nd Btn. Leinster Regiment (d.10th Oct 1914)

Private Patrick Curry of 2nd Leinster's did not make a will. However, sometime between August and October 1914 Patrick had written a letter to his mother stating that he was trusting in God and keeping the faith, and advised his mother to do the same. He made reference that should anything happen to him, then his mother gets his property. In his letter, Patrick made reference to when the conflict finishes, then the soldiers at the front would get 6 weeks leave and a lump sum of £6. The War Office (Accounts 4) in 1916 deemed that Mrs Curry's letter from her late son was an unofficial will under the Wills Act of 1837. The National Archives of Ireland reference relating to Pte. Patrick Curry's will is NAI E/159090. These are online. I am researching the origins of the AB 64 Soldier's Active Service Pay Book, introduced in 1906; Accounts 4 (soldier's estates and wills) and the Irish soldiers' wills now housed at the NAI.

Dr John Black


Pte. Myles Christie 2nd Btn. Leinster Regiment (d.12th March 1915)

Myles Christie served with the 2nd Battalion, Leinster Regiment in WW1. He died 12th of March 1915 and is buried Ferme Buterne Military Cemetery at Houplines in France.

Maureen Christie


Pte. Andrew Wallace 6th Btn. Connaught Rangers

Andrew Wallace enlisted in Kilkenny Ireland with the 6th Connaught Rangers. He was reported wounded in action in Sept 1917. He then transferred to the Leinster Regiment and was wounded again in October 1918. He was discharged on the 1st of March 1919 in Llanelli, Wales and was awarded a Disability Pension.

F O'Connor


Sgt. William Patrick Brennan DCM. 1st Battalion Leinster Regiment

Bill Brennan was awarded the DCM for his part at Gurabeh in Palestine in August 1918. He transferred to 2nd Battalion, Royal Tank Corp when the Leinster Regiment was disbanded.

John Brennan


A/Sgt. George William Stanley Bryant 6th Btn. Leinster Regiment

My Grandfather, George Bryant, born in 1894, served in WW1 with the 6th Battalion, Prince of Wales Leinster Regiment during 1914-15. He was apparently a Private and then Acting Sergeant during this time. I am very proud of him and all his fellow comrades. He was lucky as he did survive the Great War and died in 1965.

Claire Trask


Sgt. Patrick Joseph Hackett 4th Btn. Leinster Regiment (d.18th October 1918)

Patrick Hackett was a married man with three children. He was born and raised in Dublin, Ireland. He joined the British Army in 1914 at the outbreak of war. He died on the 18th of October 1918 at an advanced dressing station in Belgium. He is buried in the cemetery located on the grounds of the original dressing station.

Richard Black


Sgt. Patrick Lynch 7th Btn. Leinster Regiment (d.3rd September 1916)

Sergeant Patrick Lynch aged 22 was killed on 3rd of September 1916 as he helped stretcher a wounded officer from the bloody Somme battlefield. He was the son of James and Jane Lynch, of 11 Mary Street, Drogheda, he served with the Leinster Regiment during World War I. His memory is commemorated on the Drogheda Cenotaph at the end of the street where his family lived, at the Thiepval Memorial to the missing servicemen who died in the various battles of the Somme between 1915 and 1918, and on the headstone marking his parent's final resting place in Calvary Cemetery, Drogheda.

Martina Murray


Sgt. James Brady 2nd Battalion Leinster Regiment (d.6th November 1917)

James Brady was my great uncle, brother to my maternal grandmother. He was born in Aldershot Barracks as his father was based there with the Leinsters. James was in the South Lancs but transferred to Leinsters. He is buried at Tincourt New British Cemetery.

Phil Canty


Pte. Alfred William Matthews 2nd Battalion Leinster Regiment (d.21st Oct 1918)

Alfred Matthews served in Gallipoli Peninsula or Mesopotamia and Flanders. He died on the 21st of October 1918 and is buried in Dadizeele New British Cemetery in Belgium. His brother Charles died on 28th of October 1918 from war wounds. Nothing else known.

Anthony D E Jones


Pte John Dermott Bracken 1st Battalion Leinster Regiment

John Bracken was the son of Thomas Bracken and Ellen Dalton. He enlisted in Mullingar on the 23rd of February 1916. He served in Salonica and Palestine. Post war he served in India until the Regiment disbanded in 1922.

Maryanne Fox


Pte. John Bracken 7th Battalion Leinster Regiment

John Bracken was the son of Patrick Bracken and Anne Dalton. He enlisted at Athlone on the 26th of October 1916.

Recomended Reading.

Available at discounted prices.


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