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- Duke of Cornwalls Light Infantry during the Great War -

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Duke of Cornwalls Light Infantry

Want to know more about the Duke of Cornwalls Light Infantry?

There are:7270 items tagged Duke of Cornwalls Light Infantry available in our Library

  These include information on officers, regimental histories, letters, diary entries, personal accounts and information about actions during the Great War.

Those known to have served with

Duke of Cornwalls Light Infantry

during the Great War 1914-1918.

  • Adams Charles George. Pte. 2nd Btn. (d.1st July 1915)
  • Angwin John Tregear. Pte 6th Batallion (d.18th Aug 1916)
  • Austen William Arthur. L/Cpl. 7th Battalion (d.13th September 1917)
  • Bate Richard Brenton. Pte. 6th Battalion (d.31st July 1915)
  • Bate W. T.. Pte. (d.15th Dec 1918)
  • Battman Frederick William. Sgt. acting WO 1st. Battalion
  • Beckingsale John Edgar. 2nd Lt. 6th (d.23rd Aug 1917)
  • Benbow Samuel Henry. Pte. 2nd Btn. (d.13th Aug 1915)
  • Besant Arthur. Pte. 1st Btn. (d.28 November 1914)
  • Blake Thomas. Pte. 1st Btn. (d.21st Oct 1914)
  • Brabazon George Bernard. Private 1st Btn. (d.11th April 1915)
  • Brabazon George Bernard. Pte. 1st Btn. (d.11th April 1915 )
  • Brown Alfred William.
  • Bryant Walter Sydney Hall. Pte. 10th Btn. (d.5th September 1916)
  • Bunce Harry Frederick. Pte. 6th Btn., B Coy. (d.20th Oct 1916)
  • Buzza William Henry. Sgt 5th Btn.
  • Chegwin Archibald. Pte. 1st Btn. (d.8th May 1917)
  • Cook Walter. Pte 1st Btn (d.23rd Jul 1916)
  • Cornell William James. Pte. 15th Battalion (d.14th Oct 1918)
  • Crow Frederick. Pte. 8th Btn.
  • Crowther Harry. Pte. 6th Btn. (d.22nd August 1917)
  • Eccleston Thomas Edward. Pte. 2nd Btn. (d.20th Aug 1918)
  • Eccleston Thomas Edward. Pte. 2nd Btn. (d.20th August 1918)
  • Eley Walter Robert. Pte. D Coy., 6th Btn. (d.26th Sep 1915)
  • Eyre Horace. Pte 1st Btn (d.28th Jun 1918)
  • Foulsham Charles Alexander. Pte. 5th Btn.
  • Garstin Christopher. Sgt 1st Btn (d.20th July 1915)
  • Glassman Daniel. Pte. 1st Btn. (d.15th Jun 1915)
  • Goddard William. Pte. 1/4th Btn. (d.4th May 1917)
  • Hall Gordon. Pte 1/5th Btn (d.11 April 1918)
  • Ham Horace. Pte 1/5th Btn
  • Harvey William S. Pte C Coy 1st Btn (d.30th Aug 1918)
  • Hawke William John. Pte. 10th Btn. (d.27th July 1916)
  • Hawkins George. Pte. "D" Coy. 1st Bn. (d.21st Oct 1914)
  • Heanes Arthur. Sgt.
  • Heggadon Joseph. Pte. 3rd Btn. (d.5th June 1917)
  • Hewson Harry. Pte. 36th Btn.
  • Hill Wilfred James. 2Lt (d.17 September 1916)
  • Hill None William Henry. Pte. 2nd Battalion (d.27th May 1918)
  • Hinton Henry Charles. Pte. 10th Btn. (d.22nd October 1917)
  • Hinxman Joseph Frank. Pte. 1st Btn. (d.23rd July 1916)
  • Hood Charles Christopher. L/Cpl. 7th Btn. (d.5th December 1917)
  • Humphries Stephen Harry. Pte. 5th Btn.
  • Jackson James Henry. Pte. 7th Btn.
  • James Walter Richard. CSM. 1st Btn. (d.6th Nov 1917)
  • Jewell James. Pte. 1/4th Btn.
  • Jones Frederick George. Pte. 6th Battalion (d.16th Oct 1917)
  • Jones Reginald Algernon. Pte. 6th Battalion
  • Keeling George Frederick. Pte. C Coy. 1st Btn. (d.10th Jul 1915)
  • Kessell Walter. Pte. 2/4th Battalion (d.30th October 1918 )
  • Knight MID. Alfred James. Lt. 9th Btn
  • Lean William. Pte.
  • Lee Charles. Pte. 1st Btn. (d.23rd July 1916)
  • Luscombe Thomas Mansell. Pte. 8th Battalion
  • MacLean Robert Alexander. T/Lt. 7th Battalion
  • Mather Kay Charles Bertrand. Pte. (d.3rd August 1918)
  • Maywood James Henry. Capt. 1st Btn. (d.23rd Aug 1918)
  • McKellow William Henry . Pte. 1st Btn. (d.3rd Oct 1917)
  • Mills G.. Pte. 2nd Btn. (d.29th Sep 1915)
  • Mitchell Richard James. RSM.
  • Murphy Walter Harper. Pte 6th Btn (d.31st Jul 1915)
  • Nepean Arthur Kenard Nanspene. Pte. 6th Btn. (d.29th Dec 1917)
  • Nicholas William Edward. Pte. 8th Btn.
  • Oliver John Thomas. 14th Btn
  • Oughton Thomas Maddison. Pte 7th Btn. (d.16th August 1918)
  • Paul Henry Walter Whetham. Pte. 5th Btn.
  • Pipe Arthur F.. Pte.
  • Plested Herbert James. Cpl. (d.25th Feb 1919)
  • Preston George. Pte 1st Btn (d.23rd Jul 1916)
  • Reesby Thomas Christopher. L/Cpl 6th Btn. (d.17th Sept 1915)
  • Riley MC. Harold. Lt. 250th Tunnelling Company
  • Riste George. Pte. 1st Btn. (d.4th Oct 1917)
  • Roberts Norman Leslie. Pte. 7th Battalion (d.16th Aug 1917)
  • Rounsevell William. Pte. 10th (Cornwall Pioneers) Btn. (d.21st March 1918)
  • Sandercock Leonard. Cpl. 1st Btn. (d.18th Apr 1917)
  • Sandercock Samuel James. Pte 10th Btn (d.31st July 1916)
  • Scott Frank Ashley P.. 1/5th Battalion (d.14th April 1918)
  • Shakeshaft Arthur. Cpl. 6th Btn (d.16th Sept 1916)
  • Sherwood Joseph Edward . Pte. 1st Btn. (d.21st April 1916)
  • Snell Herbert John. WO2. 1st Btn. (d.28th Jun 1918)
  • Spence Andrew MacKenzie. Pte. 1st Btn.
  • Spencer William James. Pte. 1st Battalion (d.4th October 1917)
  • Taylor Frank George Henry. Pte 1st Btn (d.17th Nov 1917)
  • Thomas Richard Stanley John. Pte. 7th Battalion (d.10th Jun 1916)
  • Thomas William. Pte. 10th (Pioneer) Btn.
  • Trevartha Ivor Garfield. L/Cpl. 1/5th Battaleon
  • Tyack MiD Richard Henry. Capt. 6th Btn. (d.4th Nov 1918)
  • Udy William James.
  • Warren John Dower. Pte 6th Btn (d.18th of August 1916)
  • Watkins John. Pte 6th Btn (d.18th Aug 1916)
  • Welch Francis Harry. Pte. 2/4th Btn. (d.31st Oct 1918)
  • Welch Francis Harry. Pte. 2nd/4th Btn. (d.31st Oct 1918)
  • Wilkins John Charles. L/Cpl 6th Btn (d.23rd January 1916)
  • Williams William John. Pte. 4th Battalion (d.17th May 1915)
  • Wiseman Frank. Pte. 1st Btn. (d.3rd Oct 1917)

All names on this list have been submitted by relatives, friends, neighbours and others who wish to remember them, if you have any names to add or any recollections or photos of those listed, please. Add a Name to this List

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John Thomas Oliver 14th Btn Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry

My grandfather, John Thomas Oliver, was in the 14th DCLI and he must have experienced the introduction of the "Tank". I have a book which was left to me titled "The History Of The Duke Of Cornwall's Light Infantry 1914/ 1919" by Everard Wyrall. In this book my grandfather has highlighted the action he was involved in and makes for an interesting read and seems live even to this day. I have campaign maps and drawings associated with this book.

Although grandad was gassed and sent back to UK he got posted back to do some more "Damage"! He lived a long life after the Great War and it was a pleasure to know him even though I was young at the time. He was a great man and my Hero!!

Jonathan Oliver


Pte. Francis Harry Welch 2/4th Btn. Duke of Cornwall Light Infantry (d.31st Oct 1918)

Francis Harry Welch died on 31st October 1918, aged 21 and is buried in the Delhi War Cemetery in India. He was the son of William Henry and Keturah Jane Welch of Stepps Advent Cornwall.

An extract taken from the Cornish & Devon Post dated 30/11/1918: We produce above a portrait of Private F. H. Welch, D.C.L.I., second son of Mr & Mrs W. H. Welch of Advent, Camelford whose death in India from influenza at the age of 21 years we recorded last week. A bright and cheerful boy, he was beloved by all who new him. Private Welch enlisted in 1914 and had been in India nearly two years. An elder brother is in India and another is serving this country. The bereaved family called upon to mourn the loss of an excellent son have the sympathy of one and all.

s flynn


Sgt. Arthur Heanes Machine Gun Corps

My great uncle, Sgt Arthur Heanes, ex Duke of Cornwall Light Infantry, is the goal keeper in this MGC Football team - location unknown - only clue, is the picture was produced in Grantham.

Clive Hardy


Capt. James Henry Maywood 1st Btn. Duke of Cornwalls Light Infantry (d.23rd Aug 1918)

James Maywood was my great uncle, I have his service record from the National Archives at Kew. He was a regular soldier having joined up with the 1st Grenadier Guards then moving to the 1st DCLI and then towards end of war to the Gloucesters as adjutant. He worked his way up the ranks to be come an officer having passed out at Sandhurst. A very capable soldier and only 32 years old when he was killed leaving a wife and two children.


Pte. Charles Alexander "Carl" Foulsham 5th Btn. Duke of Cornwalls Light Infantry

Carl Foulsham

Charles Foulsham served as a Private from 1914-1920 in the Royal Engineers and A Company, 1/5th Battalion, Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry. Between 1916 and 1918 inclusive, he served on the Western Front as part of Pioneers 61st Division and was wounded which resulted in him having shrapnel in his back for the rest of his life.

His brother, Percy, was in the Rifle Brigade which was going in to relieve the Duke of Cornwall's just as Charles was being brought out on a stretcher. The two passed each other on the road but Percy wasn't given permission to break ranks to see his brother. It could have been, but fortunately wasn't, their last chance to see each other.

Charles was admitted to No. 34 (1st West Lancashire) Casualty Clearing Station on 25th of October 1918 and was transferred to AT11.

Mark Foulsham


Pte. Joseph Edward Sherwood 1st Btn. Duke of Cornwalls Light Infantry (d.21st April 1916)

Joseph Sherwood was my grandfather's eldest living brother and enlisted in 1915. He arrived in France on the 3rd of August 1915. Before joining the army Joseph worked in the brick making industry alongside all of his family. Joseph had a younger brother Arthur who survived the war who fought with the South Staffordshire Regiment. Unfortunately, my grandfather never mentioned his brothers and their participation in WW1, and nobody in the family knew of their service.

My brother and I will be making a visit to see Joseph's resting place and to pay our personnel respect. Joseph Edward Sherwood was killed in action in the Arras region.

Kenneth Sherwood


Pte. Walter Robert Eley D Coy., 6th Btn. Duke of Cornwalls Light Infantry (d.26th Sep 1915)

Walter Eley served with D Coy., 6th Btn. Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry in the Great War.

Dorian Eley


Pte. Walter Sydney Hall Bryant 10th Btn. Duke of Cornwalls Light Infantry (d.5th September 1916)

Walter Bryant, born 1894 in Stogumber, Somerset, joined the 10th Battalion Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry in WW1 in Wellington, Somerset and was involved in the assault of Delville Wood during which he sustained wounds, from which he subsequently died on 5th of September 1916 aged 23 years. He is buried in Bernafay Wood British Cemetery, Montauban, France. Son of George and Ellen Bryant of Stogumber, Taunton and husband of Hilda May Bryant of Beam Bridge, Wellington, Somerset.

Danny Bryant


Pte. William Lean Duke of Cornwalls Light Infantry

William Lean signed up for service on 9th of Oct 1916 aged 27 (finishing in 1919). Whilst serving in Egypt he is recorded as being a driver. He also served with the Machine Gun Corps in 75th Division.

Joanne Wilson


Pte. Arthur Kenard Nanspene Nepean 6th Btn. Duke of Cornwalls Light Infantry (d.29th Dec 1917)

Arthur Nepean is from my family line, and served with The 6th Battalion, Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry Regiment. He was wounded during the war in August 1917, and died in December from complications of those injuries.


Pte. Daniel Glassman 1st Btn. Duke of Cornwalls Light Infantry (d.15th Jun 1915)

My great-uncle Daniel Glassman was killed on the 15th of June 1915, aged 19 and is buried in Ypres Cemetery (The Bluff). As I will be coming to Belgium at the beginning of June to see his grave, I am trying to establish where he was killed so I can also visit the battleground. My interest is not only was he family but I was named after him. If you have any information where he was killed that day, I would be very much obliged.

Danny Sheffer


Pte. William Rounsevell 10th (Cornwall Pioneers) Btn. Duke of Cornwalls Light Infantry (d.21st March 1918)

William Rounsevell enlisted at Saltash. He served with the 10th Battalion Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry in WW1. He died from wounds age 24 on 21st of March 1918 and is buried at Rocquigney, Equancourt Road British Cemetery in France. Son of Mr. and Mrs. Wade Rounsevell of 28 New Street, Millbrook, Cornwall.


Pte John Dower Warren 6th Btn Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry (d.18th of August 1916)

John Warren served with the 6th Battalion Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry in WW1. He died 18th of August 1916 aged 19 years and is remembered on the Thiepval Memorial Pier and Face 6 B. France. Son of Elizabeth Ann Warren, of 8, Roach's Row, Redruth, Cornwall, and the late John Warren.

John Warren


Sgt Christopher Garstin 1st Btn Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry (d.20th July 1915)

Christopher Garstin served with the 1st Battalion Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry in WW1. He died 20th of July 1915 and is buried in the First D.C.L.I. Cemetery at The Bluff in Belgium.


L/Cpl John Charles Wilkins 6th Btn Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry (d.23rd January 1916)

John Wilkins served with the 6th Battalion Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry in WW1. He died 23rd of January 1916 aged 23 years and is buried in Belgium at Essex Farm Cemetery. Son of John Wilkins.

Simon Wilkins


Pte. Samuel Henry Benbow 2nd Btn. Hampshire Regiment (d.13th Aug 1915)

Samuel Benbow served with the 2nd Hampshire Regiment, he had enlisted with the Duke Of Cornwall'S Light Infantry. Samuel drowned on the Royal Edward at Gallipoli and is remembered on the Helles Memorial.

Robert Dickinson


Pte Frank George Henry Taylor 1st Btn Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry (d.17th Nov 1917)

Pte. Frank George Henry Taylor - Service Number 29535 - 1st Battalion Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry

My Great Grandfather Frank was wounded on 1917-11-06 during the 2nd Battle of Passchendaele and was moved to the British Army Hospital at Wimereux in France.

He sadly succumbed to his wounds on 1917-11-17 and was buried in a marked grave in the Wimereux Communal Cemetery.

God rest his soul.

Jez Smith


L/Cpl. William Arthur Austen 7th Battalion Duke of Cornwalls Light Infantry (d.13th September 1917)

William Austen was the son of William and Nellie Austen. Husband to Ethel Dora Bartley, and father to 3 young daughters, Barbara (29 Aug 1912), Gwendolyn (5 December 1914) and Christina (22 Dec 1916).

He enlisted in Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry at the Red Lion Hotel, Crewkerne, Somerset, he had formerly served with the West Somerset Yeomanry.

From his diary "went into action at Goodecourt over the top came out from trenches went back to Meault staid a week went from Meault to Corby had a month at Corby. Went over the top at Langemarck on the 16th August 1917 got relieved on the 19th of August 1917"

Just a month later he was killed. Extract from the letter from Captain WS Robins who wrote to his widow Ethel Dora Austen (formerly Bartley) "He got killed by shell fire on Pelkim (Pilckem) Ridge just behind Langemark in Belgium. He was helping to carry a wounded man to the dressing station when he was killed by a shell".

William Arthur Austen on leave

1911 when William Arthur Austen was in the West Somerset Yeomanry.

In Yeovil on the way to Winchester  August 1914

Kevin Harris


Pte George Preston 1st Btn Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry (d.23rd Jul 1916)

George Preston served with the 1st DCLI


Cpl. Herbert James Plested Oxfordshire & Buckinghamshire Light Infantry (d.25th Feb 1919)

Herbert Plested, born in 1892, was the 9th of 11 children of William Plested and Elizabeth Stretton. He was an agricultural labourer and lived in Shabbington with his parents and siblings.

He served first with the Ox & Bucks Light Infantry. He was then moved to the 3rd Royal Berkshire Regiment, finally he was transferred to the Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry and he became a Corporal. He was attached to the 111th Company of the Chinese Labour Corps. He died in the 41st Stationary Hospital, in Gailly, France and is buried in St Pierre War Cemetery, Amiens, France.

Peta Millard

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