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Want to know more about the Kings Regiment (Liverpool) ?
There are:8363 items tagged Kings Regiment (Liverpool) available in our Library
These include information on officers, regimental histories, letters, diary entries, personal accounts and information about actions during the Great War.
Those known to have served with
Kings Regiment (Liverpool)
during the Great War 1914-1918.
- Acheson Joseph. 2nd Lt 2nd Btn. (d.7th Jun 1918)
- Agnew William. Pte. 12th Battalion (d.30th November 1917)
- Ainslie Montague Forwood. Lt. 12th Btn. (d.17th Apr 1916)
- Anderson James A.. Pte. 12th Btn. (d.12th Sep 1916)
- Asbury Joseph. Pte. 17th Battalion (d.12th Oct 1916)
- Ashton John Edward. Pte. 12th Battalion
- Axson Harry. Pte. 1/5th Btn.
- Bailey Lewis. Pte
- Baldwin James. Pte.
- Barnard William. Pte. 8th (Liverpool Irish) Battalion (d.8th September 1915)
- Barton Jonathan. Pte. 12th Btn. (d.20th November 1917)
- Baxter Edward Felix. Lt. 1st/8th Btn. (d.18th April 1916)
- Bell Horace Creesor. Pte. 17th Btn.
- Benson Richard. Pte. 13th Btn (d.15th Nov 1918)
- Bernes James. L/Cpl. 12th Btn. (d.17th Aug 1917)
- Bernes James. L/Cpl. 12th Btn. (d.17th Aug 1917)
- Bicker Claude Thomas. Pte. (d.1st June 1917)
- Billington Henry Charles.
- Blabey John Richard. Lt 17th Btn
- Blake John. Pte. 1st Btn. (d.10th Mar 1915)
- Blakeley Ernest. Pte. 1st Btn. (d.21st Dec 1914)
- Bloom Bertram. 2nd Lt. 3rd Btn. (d.30th June 1918)
- Blythe Stephen Edward. Pte. 13th Btn (d.2nd May 1917)
- Bolton Stanley Reeves. Pte. 19th Btn. No.2 Coy. (d.27th July 1916)
- Bolton William. Pte. 9th Btn. C Coy. (d.1st June 1918)
- Bottomley Herbert. Pte. 11th Btn. (d.18th Sep 1918)
- Bradburn Anthony. Pte. 9th Btn. (d.9th Sep 1916)
- Bradley R.. Pte. 9th Btn. (d.6th October 1918)
- Brennan Joseph. Pte. 1st/9th Btn. (d.15th July 1916)
- Brewer Frederick Knott. Pte. 8th (Liverpool Irish) Btn. (d.5th Oct 1918)
- Brewer Frederick. Pte. 8th Battalion (d.5 October 1918)
- Bridge Isaac Holt. Pte. 12th Battalion (d.29th March 1917)
- Brockbank Andrew. Pte. 12th Btn. (d.25th March 1918)
- Brooks David Henry. Pte. 17th Battalion (d.5th Mar 1917)
- Brooks John. Pte. 1/6th Btn.
- Brown William. Pte. 1st Btn. (d.10th Mar 1915)
- Brownlie Leonard Charles. Pte. 17th (d.14 Jan 1916)
- Bulcock Fred. Pte 13th Btn (d.16th Aug 1916)
- Burke William Henry Dwerryhouse. 6th (Rifles) Btn.
- Burnett Jonathan. 12th Btn. (d.8th Oct 1916)
- Burns John. CSM. 13th (d.16th Aug 1916)
- Burtmore Blenheim Edward. Pte. 13th Btn.
- Bush Henry. Pte. 8th (Irish) Battalion
- Bush Henry. Pte. 8th (Liverpool Irish) Btn.
- Bushell Charles. Pte. (d.6th Jun 1917)
- Bushill Herbert Henry. L/Sgt. B Coy. 19th Btn. (d.20th Dec 1917)
- Cannon Frederick James. A/Sgt. 1st Btn., B Coy. (d.10th Mar 1915)
- Capon George William. Pte. 11th Btn. (d.24th March 1918)
- Carter Christopher. Pte. 13th Btn. (d.28th Mar 1918)
- Carter Stanley Raymond. Cpl. 1/10th (Liverpool Scottish) Btn. (d.9th August 1916)
- Chantler Henry. Pte.
- Chicken Robert. Pte.
- Clitheroe Harry. Pte. 8th Btn.
- Coar Edward Roland. 2nd Lt. 2nd Btn. (d.8th Jan 1918)
- Cocker Harold. Pte. 17th Btn. (d.22nd Mar 1918)
- Cocker Harold. Pte. 17th Btn. (d.22nd Mar 1918)
- Cohen Abraham. Pte. 12th Btn. (d.7th Oct 1916)
- Collins MM. Albert James. Cpl. 12th Btn.
- Condon James. Pte. 8th (Liverpool Irish) Battalion (d.12th September 1916)
- Connor James. Pte. 12th Btn. (d.3rd Sep 1916)
- Costain William Edward. Pte. 10th Battalion (d.28th Apr 1915)
- Cotter Thomas. Pte. 12th Battalion (d.30th November 1917)
- Cotton John William. Pte. 12th Btn. (d.24th Aug 1916)
- Cotton John William. Pte. 12th Btn. (d.24th Aug 1916)
- Covill Herbert. Pte. 13th Battalion (d.8th October 1918)
- Cowap Donald James. Pte. 12th Btn. (d.16th Sep 1916)
- Cragg Brian. Pte.
- Cross William Walter. Pte. 17th (1st City) Btn. (d.31st Jul 1917)
- Crowe James William. Pte. 17th Btn. (d.12th July 1916)
- Cruickshank Arthur Lewis. Pte. 8th Btn. (d.8th Aug 1916)
- Cuddy George. L/Sgt. 17th Btn. (d.29th Apr 1918)
- Cunningham Robert Norval. Pte. 1st/10th Btn. (d.2nd June 1917)
- Davidson John. Pte. 12th Btn. (d.3rd October 1916)
- Davies Daniel James. Pte.
- Davies MM. Walter Henry. Cpl. 8th Battalion (d.18th Aug 1916)
- Devine Joseph Edgar. Pte. 4th Btn. (d.19th Apr 1918)
- Dinnen Campbell Hackworth. Capt. attd. (as Staff Capt.) West African Regiment, W.A. (d.4th March 1915)
- Donald David. Pte. 1/10th Scottish
- Donegan Patrick Joseph. Pte. 13th Btn.
- Dorrity Adrian Kingsley. Pte. 1/10th (Liverpool Scottish) Btn. (d.20th Apr 1917)
- Douglas DCM John. Sgt. 13th Btn.
- Dunmore James. Pte. 4th Btn. (d.27th Apr 1915)
- Dunn Francis Joseph. Pte. 4th Btn.
- Eade Alymer. 2nd Lt. 3rd Btn. (d.9th Oct 1917)
- Easthope Harry. Pte. 12th (Service) Battalion (d.5th October 1918)
- Eastwood Donald. Capt. 6th (Rifle) Btn. (d.20th Sep 1917)
- Edwards Richard Frederick. Pte. 7th Btn. (d.6th September 1916)
- Edwards Walter John. Pte. 67th Coy. (d.23rd Sept 1918)
- Ellison William. L/Cpl. 1/9th Btn. (d.31st July 1917)
- English Wilfrid. L/Cpl, 1st/10th (Liverpool Scottish) Btn. (d.1st Jan 1919)
- Evans Alfred. Sgt. 17th Btn.
- Evans Hugh George. 2nd Lt. 5th Btn. (d.4th September 1918)
- Evans Percy. 4th Btn.
- Evans MM. Robert George. Sgt. 18th (2nd Liverpool Pals) Btn. (d.24th Oct 1918)
- Evans William.
- Evans William George. L/Cpl. 1st/5th Btn. (d.21st Oct 1918)
- Faulkner Herbert Charles. 1/10th (Liverpool Scottish)Battalion
- Fitzsimmons DCM. James. Sgt. 2/7th Btn.
- Fletcher John Michael. Pte.
- Fordyce Arthur Edwin. Lt.
- Forrester Thomas. Pte. 4th Btn. (d.16th Nov 1914)
- Free William Albert. Cpl. 8th Btn. C Coy.
- Garner Edward. Pte. 1st Btn. (d.8th Aug 1916)
- Gilleeney John. Pte. 4th (Extra Reserve)
- Gilleeney John. Pte. 4th (Extra Reserve) Btn
- Gilleeney John. Pte. 4th Btn.
- Gillingham M.. Pte. (d.21st March 1918)
- Gillings William J.. Pte. 12th Btn. (d.21st Dec 1917)
- Goff MC. Charles Edward. Lt.Col. 1st Btn. (d.8th Aug 1916)
- Greenfield Thomas Alexander. Pte. 1st Battalion (d.29th September 1918)
- Greenhalgh David. Pte. 4th Btn. (d.27th April 1915)
- Gribben Joseph. Pte. 6th Btn.
- Grundy Percy John. 2nd Lt. 5th Btn.
- Halsall Henry Edward. L/Cpl. 12th Btn. (d.16th Sep 1916)
- Hancock Timothy. Pte.
- Hancock Timothy. Pte. 17th Btn. (d.17th Nov 1917)
- Hannah DCM MM. Walter Bishop. Sgt. 6th Btn.
- Hargreaves Stuart. Pte. 4th Battalion (d.22 Sep 1917)
- Harrington Charles Edward. Pte. 12th Battalion (d.3rd March 1916)
- Hartley James Henry. Pte. 46th MG Coy. (d.20th Apr 1918)
- Haskayne DSO MiD. Albert. Sgt. 11th (Pioneer) Battalion (d.19th August 1916)
- Hawthornthwaite Wilfrid. Pte. 13th Btn. (d.20th Nov 1917)
- Haywood Thomas. Pte. 7th Btn. (d.9th August 1916)
- Heatley George. Cpl. 17th Btn.
- Hennessy George. CSM.
- Hibbert Charles Thomas. Pte. 13th Battalion (d.14th July 1916)
- Hibbert Samuel Edward. Sgt. 12th Btn. (d.25th Sep 1915)
- Higgins Robert. Pte 5th Battalion (d.28th October 1916)
- Highcock Peter. Cpl. (d.14th Nov 1918)
- Hilditch Arthur Jackson. Pte. 18th Battalion (d.18th Oct 1916)
- Hilditch Arthur Jackson. Pte. 18th Btn. (d.18 Oct 1916)
- Hilditch Arthur Jackson. Pte 18th Btn. (d.18th Oct 1916)
- Hildred Fredrick Charles. Cpl. 2/6th Btn.
- Hill Arthur. Rfmn. 1st/5th Btn. (d.31st Jul 1917)
- Hilton Peter. Pte. 12th Battalion (d.25th Sep 1915)
- Hirst Gerald. 2Lt. 3rd Btn. (d.26th Feb 1917)
- Hodson Joseph. Pte. 13th Btn. (d.15th Oct 1916)
- Hogan James. Sgt. 12th Btn.
- Holt Eustace Addison. L/Cpl. 10th Btn. (d.4th Oct 1916)
- Hopper John. Pte. (d.14th March 1918)
- Hopper John. Pte. (d.14th March 1918)
- Houghton MM. John Henry. Pte. 7th Battalion
- Howlett Thomas. Pte. 1st Btn. (d.13th Jan 1915)
- Hufton Harry. L/Cpl. 17th Battalion (d.27th June 1916)
- Humphrey Idwal Ben. 2nd Lt 14th Btn (d.14th Sep 1916)
- Jackson Arthur. Pte. 1st/4th Btn. (d.19th April 1917)
- Jackson Arthur. Pte. 1/4th Btn. (d.19th April 1917)
- Jardine Alfred Herbert. Pte. 9th Btn. (d.27th Aug 1915)
- Jarvis Frederick Gustave. Pte. 10th Btn. (d.13th Aug 1916)
- Jessop William James. Pte 18th Btn
- Johnson MID Joseph. Pte. 4th Battalion
- Joicey Thomas. Pte. 8th Battalion (d.31st July 1917)
- Jones VC. David. Sgt. 12th Btn. (d.7th Oct 1916)
- Jones Leonard Maelor. Pte. 17th Btn (d.30th July 1916)
- Jones Thomas Hari. Pte. 19th Battalion (d.5th July 1916)
- Jones William Henery. L/Cpl. 4th Btn. (d.17th Apr 1918)
- Kay Thomas. Pte. 13th Btn. (d.13th July 1916)
- Kay Thomas. Pte. 13th Btn. (d.14th Jul 1916)
- Kaye A. E.. 11th Btn.
- Kearns John Patrick. Pte. 12th Battalion (d.16th August 1917)
- Keeley John. Pte 12th Btn
- Kelshaw Richard. Pte 12th Btn. (d.10 Sep 1916)
- Kendall Thomas. Pte. 2nd Btn.
- Ker Dixon. CQMS 10th (Liverpool Scottish) Battalion
- Lambert Herbert David. Pte. 1/9th Btn. (d.12th Aug 1916)
- Lang Matthew. 17th Btn. (d.27th Jun 1916)
- Langwade John Willy. Pte. 10th Scottish Battalion
- Latchford Francis Victor. Pte 12th Btn
- Latham William. Pte. 12th Btn. (d.16th March 1916)
- Lee G.. Rflmn. 5th Btn. (d.4th July 1916)
- Light Earl Eustace. Pte. 3rd Btn.
- Lloyd Harry. Pte. 18th Btn. (d.6th Aug 1916)
- Lloyd Sidney James. Pte. 20th Battalion (d.17th Sep 1917)
- Luft Charles Henry. Pte 2/7th Battalion (d.27th September 1918)
- Lyon Samuel Ignatius. Pte. 10th (Scottish) Btn. (d.20th Aug 1916)
- Maiden W.. Pte. 1st Garrison Btn. (d.23rd Sep 1916)
- Marchbank Robert Bruce. Pte. 12th Btn, C Coy. (d.19th Aug 1918)
- Marsh William. Pte. 10th (Liverpool Scottish) Btn. (d.22nd Sep 1917)
- Mattox Bertie. Pte. 13th Btn. (d.23rd Sep 1917)
- McCabe Patrick. Pte. 18th Btn. (d.22nd Sept 1917)
- McCarfrae Christopher William. Pte. 13th Battalion
- McCartney John William. Private 25th battalion
- McColl Donald Robert. CSM. 10th Btn. (d.15th Dec 1918)
- McCormick John. Pte 14th Btn. (d.7th July 1918)
- Mcdonald John. Pte.
- McFarlane John. Pte. 4th Btn. (d.22nd May 1918)
- McGarry Joseph. Pte 1st Btn (d.19 May 1915)
- McGarry Joseph. Pte. 1st Battalion (d.19th May 1915)
- McGregor William Henry. Pte. 4th Btn. (d.14th Aug 1916)
- McKenna Edward. Pte 3/5th Btn (d.9th December 1915)
- McMahon MM. James Joseph. Rfmn. 6th Btn.
- Miller Leonard Lantaff. Pte. 13th Battalion (d.30th September 1918)
- Millett George Henry. Pte. 12th Battalion (d.11th April 1916)
- Mitchell MM & Bar. Charles Napier. L/Sgt. 13th Btn. (d.21st Aug 1918)
- Moffitt John Frederick. Pte. 12th Btn. (d.16th August 1917)
- Molyneux Ellis. Sgt. 20th Btn. (d.20th October 1916)
- Monks James. L/Cpl. 12th Btn. B Coy.
- Moore Joseph. L/Cpl. 1st Btn.
- Moran James. Pte. (d.16th August 1916)
- Moran James. Pte. 13th Battalion (d.16th August 1916)
- Moss John Ulrich. Pte. 1/7th Btn. (d.31st Jul 1917)
- Mottram Richard. Pte. (d.7th Oct 1918)
- Mounsey William. Pte. 1st/7th Bn. (d.27th Sep 1918)
- Murphy Richard. Pte. 13th Battalion (d.23rd March 1916)
- Nation Henry Charles. Pte. 1/5th Btn.
- Neale Algernon Hastings Campbell. Lt.Col. 8th Btn.
- Neill MM Thomas Charles. Pte. 12th Battalion
- Nichol James Patrick. Pte. (d.3rd Feb 1917)
- North George. Pte. 4th Btn. (d.26th June 1918)
- Nutter James. Pte. 9th Battalion
- O'Neill Enoch. Pte. 1st Btn.
- Oneill Enoch. Pte. 1st Btn.
- Osbaldiston Robert. Pte. 12th Btn. (d.3rd October 1916)
- Parker Arthur. Sgt. 12th Battalion (d.1st May 1916)
- Pedley John Willis. Cpl. 10th (Liverpool Scottish) Battalion
- Petticrew George. Pte. 13th Btn. (d.10th April 1918 )
- Pinkney Ralph. Pte. 9th Battalion
- Porter Matthias. Pte. 1/7th Battalion
- Porter MM. William. Pte.
- Preddy Frederick William. Pte. 18th (2nd City) Btn. (d.16th June 1918)
- Price Leslie. Pte. 18th Btn. (d.26th Feb 1916)
- Price DCM William. L/Cpl. 1/5th Btn.
- Proctor VC. Arthur Herbert. Pte. 1/5th Btn.
- Pye-Smith Phillip Howson Guy . Lt. 11th Btn. (d.15th May 1917)
- Rafferty John. Pte. 2/8th Battalion (d.9th October 1916)
- Redmond Michael John. Pte. 8th Btn. (d.9th Sept 1915)
- Reid Jeremiah. Pte. 2/8th Btn. (d.28 Mar 1918)
- Richards Richard Alfred. Pte. 17th Btn. (d.11th Oct 1916)
- Richardson Matthew. L/Cpl 1st/5th Btn (d.14th March 1918)
- Riley P.. Pte. 11th Btn. (d.29th March 1916)
- Rivers Thomas. Pte. 13th Btn. (d.5th May 1917)
- Rogers Bert. Pte.
- Ross Joseph Francis. Pte 6th Btn
- Russell Patrick Joseph. Pte. 17th Btn. (d.30th Jul 1916)
- Ryan Frank. Pte. 2nd/7th Btn. (d.1 June 1918)
- Ryan Patrick. Pte. 13th Btn.
- Ryan William Joseph A.. Pte. 10th (Liverpool Scottish) Btn.
- Saxon Joe. Pte.
- Seddon George Edward. Pte. 32nd Btn. (d.19th Oct 1917)
- Seiffert Frederick Francis. L/Cpl. 18th Btn. (d.1st July 1916)
- Shaw Hubert A. Pte 13th Btn (d.14th July 1916)
- Shepherd Henry. Pte. 1st Btn. (d.7th Jul 1916)
- Shepherd Joseph. Pte.
- Slinger William F. Albert. Pte. 12th Btn. (d.19th Jan 1917)
- Smale Frank. Pte. 13th Btn. (d.23 Aug 1918)
- Smallshaw George. Pte. 2/10th Btn. (Liverpool Scottish) (d.24th Aug 1917)
- Smallshaw George. Pte. 2nd/10th Btn. (d.24th Aug 1917)
- Smallshaw James. Pte. 20th Btn. (d.12th Oct 1916)
- Smith Arthur. Cpl. 1st/10th batallion (d.30th Nov 1917)
- Smith Edward Martin. Pte 10th (Liverpool Scottish) Btn.
- Smith George. Sgt.
- Smith James. Pte. 17th Btn. (d.5th Sep 1917)
- Smith Joseph Elijah. Pte. 13th Btn. (d.21st Aug 1918)
- Smith William. Pte. 10th Btn.
- South John Brindley. Pte. 11th Btn. (d.29th Sep 1915)
- Sowerby Arthur.
- Spencer Richard. Pte. 13th Btn. (d.16th August 1916)
- Squires James Albert. Pte. 1st Btn.
- Stephens Fred Noel. Sgt.
- Steward Thomas Watson. Pte. 13th Btn. (d.31st August 1918)
- Stock Ivyston Stanley. CSM. 13th Battalion
- Stretch A. H.. 2nd Lt. 4th Battalion
- Strickley William John. Pte. 4th Battalion (d.28th April 1915)
- Sumner Albert. Pte. 12th Btn. (d.22nd November 1917)
- Sunderland William. Pte. 14th Btn. (d.19th April 1918)
- Taylor Edwin. Pte. 17th Btn. (d.22nd March 1918)
- Taylor Samuel. Pte. 12th Bn (d.20th Nov 1917)
- Taylor William. Pte. 2/8th (Liverpool Irish) Battalion (d.20th Sep 1917)
- Teasdale Thomas. Pte. 13th Battalion (d.31st Aug 1918)
- Timbury Frederick John. Pte. 12th Btn. C Coy.
- Todd Percy. Pte. 7th Btn. (d.30th Sep 1918)
- Tongue J.. Pte. 1st Btn. (d.8th Jan 1917)
- Towey Thomas. Pte. 13th Btn. (d.25th April 1916)
- Townsend Samuel. Pte 13th Btn (Service) (d.22nd Aug 1918)
- Tregidgo Donald Thomas. Pte. 1st Btn.
- Trigg William Herbert. Cpl. 11th Btn. (d.18th August 1916)
- Triggs William B.. Pte. 13th Btn. (d.9th Apr 1917)
- Tunney William. Pte. 1st Battalion (d.6th Jan 1915)
- Tunney William. 2nd Lt. 1st Brn. (d.6th Jan 1915)
- Tunney William. Pte. 1st Btn. (d.6th Jan 1915)
- Turner Charles. Pte. 13th Btn. (d.18th May 1916)
- Turner S. J.. Pte. 13th Btn. (d.2nd Nove 1917)
- Turner Walter. L/Cpl. 18th (2nd City) Btn. (d.1st Jul 1916)
- Tyrer MM. John Melling. Cpl. 165th Coy
- Tysoe George Frederick. Pte. 11th Battalion (d.4th April 1918)
- Vincent Edwin William Barratt. Pte. 19th (3rd City) Btn.
- Wahlers James. Pte. 1st/10th Battalion (d.25th April 1917)
- Walker Frank. Pte. 17th (1st City) Btn. (d.30th Jul 1916)
- Wall Sydney Frith. Pte. 12th Btn. (d.27th Aug 1915)
- Walsh Bertram. Pte. 1st Garrison Btn. (d.3rd January 1919)
- Watterson Robert Stanley. Private
- Weldon Edward. Pte. 11th Battalion
- Wells William. Pte 2/9th Battalion (d.19th July 1917)
- Whalley James. L/Cpl. 12th Btn. (d.4th Sep 1916)
- Wheeler Henry Thornton Camden. Capt. 3rd Btn. (d.30th Oct 1916)
- Wilkinson John Joseph. Pte. 20th Service Btn (d.21st March 1917)
- Williams John Owen. Pte. 1st/10th Btn. (d.31st July 1917)
- Wilson Robert. Sgt 11th Btn (d.6th April 1917)
- Wright William. Pte. 18th Btn. (d.1st Jul 1916)
- Yates Reuben. Pte.
- Young Cecil Bagnall. 13th Bn. (d.13th April 1918)
- Young William Henry. Pte 17th Battalion (d.31st Jul 1917)
All names on this list have been submitted by relatives, friends, neighbours and others who wish to remember them, if you have any names to add or any recollections or photos of those listed, please. Add a Name to this List
More Kings Regiment (Liverpool) records.
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Did you know? We also have a section on World War Two. and a Timecapsule to preserve stories from other conflicts for future generations.
1206542Pte. Alfred Herbert Jardine 9th Btn. The King's (Liverpool Regiment) (d.27th Aug 1915)
The sad loss of my Grandfathers only son. Like many of his friends and other Liverpool youngsters at that time; they enlisted enthusiastically and like Alfred, many were under age. For Alfred it would result in a life cut so tragically short when he was killed in Action at just 17 years of age.Alfred Herbert Jardine was born in Wavertree, Liverpool on the 5th July 1898, the only son of Alfred Jardine & Lucy Emily Jardine nee Herbert. He lived with his parents & three sisters Dorothy, Winifred & Elsie (the second eldest sister being my mother Winifred Lucy Bancroft nee Jardine,) at 77 Alderson Road, Wavertree, Liverpool.
I have always had an interest in Family History and I have a number of Memorabilia items for my uncle Alfred that relate to his short life. One of these being a copy of an essay written by Alfred at his school- Lawrence Road, Wavertree in 1912 entitled ˜My Life. A fascinating innocent window of his life, his hobbies and pleasures. I also have several sketches he did, one of these being a picture dated June 1914 of the liner ˜Empress Of Ireland that sank in the Saint Lawrence River following a collision with the Norwegian collier SS Storstad in the early hours of 29 May 1914. By a strange coincidence my Wifes Great Uncle George Oswald Willis was a Smoke Room Steward and one of the fatalities of the accident which claimed the lives of 1,012 (840 passengers, 172 crew)
It is hard to believe that such a happy childhood would be brutally interrupted in 1914 and have a devastating impact for him and his family the following year in 1915 when he was killed in action. He enlisted in Liverpool with the 9th Battalion, The Kings (Liverpool Regiment) Private 2603 on the 29th September 1914 giving his age as 18 years 2 months. My Mother told me that on hearing from Alfred that he had enlisted, her Father went to the recruiting office to try and get the papers cancelled because his son was under age. This was refused as the official papers had been signed.
So began Alfreds short but brave military career. He was stationed at home in the UK 29th September 1914 to 11th March 1915. Embarked at Southampton for France 12th March 1915. From his arrival in France till his death he would be engaged in a number of actions with his battalion. Family story has been passed to the present generation that Alfred was shot by an enemy sniper after leaving his trench to collect firewood. To date I have not found any evidence for this or what action he might have taken part in.
From his British Army WWI Service Records, 1914-1920 I do know, that he died on the 27th August 1915 of wounds received in action on 26th August 1915 in Vermelles situated 6 miles south east of Béthune, Pas de Calais, France and he is buried at Chocques Military Cemetery, Pas de Calais, France. I still have the dreadful telegram dated 7th September 1915 ..It is my painful duty to inform you that a report has this day been received from the War Office notifying the death of¦¦¦¦.. that my Dear Grandfather had to open on that tragic day, like so many other families would have to endure. In fact, two years later in 1917, my paternal Grandfather would receive the same painful telegram to report the death of my second uncle to die in the Great War - Thomas Wright Bancroft.
They are truly 'not forgotten' and I have had the honour to visit their War Graves on two occasions and pay our family respects for their sacrifice.
s flynn
1206492Lt. Edward Felix Baxter 1st/8th Btn. King's (Liverpool) Regiment (d.18th April 1916)
Edward Baxter was killed on 18/4/1916 aged 30 years and is buried in the Fillievres British Cemetery in France. He was the son of Charles and Beatrice Baxter, of Hartlebury, Worcestershire; husband of Leonora M. Gray (formerly Baxter), of 10 Bungalow, R.A.F., Uxbridge.An extract from The London Gazette, dated 26th Sept., 1916, records the following:- "For most conspicuous bravery. Prior to a raid on the hostile line he was engaged during two nights in cutting wire close to the enemy's trenches. The enemy could be heard on the other side of the parapet. Second Lieutenant Baxter, while assisting in the wire cutting, held a bomb in his hand with the pin withdrawn ready to throw. On one occasion the bomb slipped and fell to the ground, but he instantly picked it up, unscrewed the base plug, and took out the detonator, which he smothered in the ground, thereby preventing the alarm being given, and undoubtedly saving many casualties. Later, he led the left storming party with the greatest gallantry, and was the first man into the trench shooting the sentry with his revolver. He then assisted to bomb dug-outs, and finally climbed out of the trench and assisted the last man over the parapet. After this he was not seen again, though search parties went out at once to look for him. There seems no doubt that he lost his life in his great devotion to duty."
s flynn
1206404Sgt. David Jones VC. 12th Btn. King's (Liverpool Regiment) (d.7th Oct 1916)
David Jones died on the 7th of October 1916, aged 25 and is buried in the Bancourt British Cemetery, France.An extract from the London Gazette, No. 29802, dated 24th Oct., 1916, records the following:- "For most conspicuous bravery, devotion to duty, and ability displayed in the handling of his platoon. The platoon to which he belonged was ordered to a forward position, and during the advance came under heavy machine gun fire, the officer being killed and the platoon suffering heavy losses Serjt. Jones led-forward the remainder, occupied the position, and held it for two days and two nights without food or water, until relieved. On the second day he drove back three counter-attacks, inflicting heavy losses. His coolness was most praiseworthy. It was due entirely to his resource and example that his men retained confidence and held their post."
The action for which David Jones received the Victoria Cross took place at Guillemont in the first week of September 1916, he was killed a month later and buried at Bancourt.
s flynn
1206345Pte. John Brindley South 11th Btn. The King's (Liverpool) Regiment (d.29th Sep 1915)
John South was killed in action on 29 September 1915 and is buried in the Ypres Reservoir Cemetery in Belgium.S Flynn
1206342Sgt. James Hogan 12th Btn. King's (Liverpool) Regiment
James Hogan was my paternal grandfather. He never spoke of his time in the First World War. We have a copy of his Certificate of 'Transfer to Reserve' on demobilization, dated 18/4/1919, which is not fully legible. Family members, who have since passed, have said that my grandfather was escaping the Germans by swimming the river Somme and that he was shot 5 times. He was put in the "Dead Shed" and whilst a dead body was brought in afterwards, it was noticed that he was moving and taken out.This is the full extent of our knowledge of James Hogan's service in the British Army and we would be obliged if anyone could furnish us with any further information whatsoever. Thank you in advance for anything you may be in a position to let us have.
Trish Yule
1206150L/Cpl. Henry Edward Halsall 12th Btn. Kings (Liverpool) Regiment (d.16th Sep 1916)
My great uncle, Henry Halsall was the elder brother of my grandma Mary Pearson nee Halsall who both grew up at Lordsgate Farm in Burscough, which is down the road from the Bull and Dog in Burscough run by their cousins the Edges. Henry joined at the outbreak of the war and prior to enlisting was head gardener at Sefton House Lathom. He was the son of John and Ellen Halsall ne Reynolds and husband of Sarah Ellen Halsall and father of two children.I believe he was killed on 16th September 1916 at Fleurs-Coulette. If any body knows any more information or a near relative it would be great to hear from them.
John Nicholls
1205771Pte. Joe Saxon Kings Liverpool Regiment
My Great Grandfather Joe Saxon wearing his Kings Liverpool Regiment uniform. I believe his family kept this photo on the wall of the dining room of their home whilst Joe was away. Joe was transferred to the Labour Corps and was in France where he served from 1917-1918 before returning home to his family in Cheshire.Susan Ferguson
265076Sgt. Walter Bishop Hannah DCM MM. 6th Btn. Kings (Liverpool) Regiment
Walter Hannah born Liverpool 1885, joined the 6th Battalion, Kings Liverpool Regiment in August 1914. After training, he left for France in February 1915. He was promoted in the field from his starting rank of Private to L/Corporal, Corporal, L/Sergeant, and Sergeant. He was injured a few times, once seriously, and never returned to the front after that. He received 2 gallantry awards, the MM, and the DCM. He died in 1941.Irene Mackay
265074Percy Evans 4th Btn. Kings (Liverpool) Regiment
Percy Evans served with 4th Battalion, King's Regiment (Liverpool) during WW1. He died 26th Jan 1940Philip Evans
264982L/Cpl, Wilfrid English 1st/10th (Liverpool Scottish) Btn. Kings (Liverpool) Regiment (d.1st Jan 1919)
Wilfred English was a postal worker who volunteered early in 1916, training in Carnforth, Lancs before landing in France in April. He passed through Rouen and the battalion was stationed for a while near Amiens. By 19th April he wrote home to say they were under almost continuous fire and the star shells lit the sky like daylight. On May 12th he was at rest after having "a rough time in the trenches". On June 10th "everything is clay and mud", and on 22nd there was "plenty of fireng at each others airoplanes" [sic].By August Wilf was on the Somme. Fighting at Guillemont on 10th was a day he didn't want to describe but "will never forget". That night he volunteered to go out into No Man's Land to try to retrieve the wounded and the possessions of the dead. "Everywhere one looks he sees dead and injured". He believes he finds the body of his best friend (and cousin) but cannot be sure it is him in the darkness. On 21st September he is wounded in the leg. Operated upon on 22nd he is repatriated in October to hospital in Birmingham, thence to Liverpool (the regimental HQ) before being discharged home to West Hartlepool.
In May 1917 he is back fighting, this time in Belgium, and having lost his L/Cpl rank (he may have been discharged during his convalescence and then volunteered again). The fighting is heavy "but not as bad as the Somme". Until he gets to Paschendaele where, on 19th, he writes home to say "I could tell you what we are going to do but it would be crossed out. Watch the papers". Perhaps as a result of all the losses among his regiment he is promoted to L/Cpl once again.
On 30th of November 1917 at Cambrai he is shot in the right hand and captured. Taken by the Germans first to Le Quesnoy, then on to PoW camp at Dulmen ("how dreary it is"). By March 1918 at the latest he is in PoW camp Parchim, where he is deployed working on a nearby farm. He starts to enjoy it. On August 11th "I am busy with the corn this month". Then "when I come home I am going to buy a farm (though where the cash will come from I don't know)". He tells his mother that by the time he gets home "You will find me an expert farmer". He remained at Parchim until the Armistice and then awaited repatriation. Spanish flu then swept through the barracks. Wilf was taken to the Hut Hospital where he died at 9pm on New Year's Day 1919. He was 29.
Richard Ayre
264681Pte. William F. Albert Slinger 12th Btn. Kings (Liverpool Regiment) (d.19th Jan 1917)
Albert Slinger lost his life in France serving with the 12th Kings Liverpool Regiment.Russell Baker
264281Pte. John Frederick Moffitt 12th Btn. Kings Regiment (Liverpool) (d.16th August 1917)
John Moffitt was killed in action in the Battle of Langenmarck on 16th of August 1917, part of the Third Battle of Ypres.T Elzeiny
264039Pte. Patrick Ryan 13th Btn. Kings Liverpool Regiment
Patrick Ryan was taken PoW captured on 28th of March 1918 near Arras. He moved through three PoW Camps and returned to Hull in late 1918.Doug Ryan
263858Cpl. George Heatley 17th Btn. Kings (Liverpool) Regiment
George Heatley was fighting in France when he was shot. He was listed on 13th of April 1918 as wounded and missing. On the 30th of October 1918 he is listed as a prisoner of war at Steñdal. He is also listed as being in a German hospital at Beaumont la Chappille. He was demobbed on 2nd of April 1919.
263686Pte. Richard Mottram Machine Gun Corps (d.7th Oct 1918)
Richard Mottram served with the Kings Liverpool Regiment and the Machine Gun Corps.David Smith
263632Cpl. John Melling Tyrer MM. 165th Coy Machine Gun Corps
Jack Tyrer was my Grandad on my mother's side. He served with the King's (Liverpool) Regiment and MAchine Gun Corps. He never spoke about his war experiences but I do know he was awarded the Military Medal during the battle of the Somme.Dave Maltby
263246Pte. Donald Thomas Tregidgo 1st Btn. Kings (Liverpool) Regiment
My father, Donald Tregidgo served from the August 1914 Mons campaign through to the Russian Archangel Force in 1919. During that time he said he only slept in a proper bed whilst hospitalised with wounds.He served as an ARP warden throughout WW2 and was very upset when I went off to serve in Korea.
Chris Tregidgo
263151L/Cpl. Walter Turner 18th (2nd City) Btn. Kings Liverpool Regiment (d.1st Jul 1916)
My Great Great Uncle Walter Turner enlisted on 31st of August 1914 with the 18th Service Battalion of the King's Liverpool Regiment, for the duration of the war. Walter was 21 years and 9 months old. At the time of enlistment he was working as a clerk in Liverpool. He may have joined up with at least one other friend, Walter Smithies, known as Wallie.Arriving in France in November 1915, having just been promoted to the rank of Lance Corporal, Walter wrote a soldier's will in December 1915. In the spring of 1916 according to his service record he suffered from a bout of tonsilitis, then flu.
He was in action on the 1st of July 1916 at the Somme, and was then reported as missing, later presumed to have died. He has no known grave but is remembered at The Thiepval Memorial, the Roll of Honour at Bedford Road School, Bootle and from 2019 the Bootle War Memorial at King's Gardens on Stanley Road.
Pamela Turner
262720L/Sgt. Herbert Henry Bushill B Coy. 19th Btn. Kings Liverpool Regiment (d.20th Dec 1917)
My great uncle, Herbert Bushill was killed in the trenches at the Battle of Passchendale near Ypres in Belgium.Stuart Kennard
262103Pte. James Smallshaw 20th Btn. King's (Liverpool) Regiment (d.12th Oct 1916)
James Smallshaw served with 20th Btn. King's (Liverpool) RegimentLance Smallshaw
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Remembrances of HellNorman Ellison
Writer, broadcaster and naturalist, Norman Ellison's diary of a soldier's life in the trenches of Flanders in World War I.More information on:
Remembrances of Hell
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