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- 9th Lancers during the Great War -

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9th Lancers

   9th Lancers served with 2nd Cavalry Brigade, 1st Cavalry Division during the Great War and proceeded to France in August 1914.

13th Aug 1914 Parade  Lieutenant-Colonel D G M Campbell held a dismounted parade and recalled all the great deeds of the Regiment's history, including the Indian Mutiny where the 9th had won more VCs than any other. Also of the Boer War when Lt MacDonald and his men had defended their position to the death. "You are going forth to war," Campbell told them, "with the greatest traditions to uphold."

14th Aug 1914 Ready to Move at any Minute

15th Aug 1914  ready to sail  9th Lancers departed Tidworth Camp, marched to Amesbury station and arrived at Southampton by train, but there was some delay before the transport ships were ready to be loaded for the crossing to Boulogne. 30 officers, 588 other ranks and 613 horses of the 9th Lancers embarked for France aboard the SS Armenian and the SS Welshman.

16th Aug 1914 On the Move  At about 3pm the 9th Lancers began to disembark at Boulogne from the SS Welshman and the SS. Armenian, the narrow gangway of the Armenian was hardly suited to horses and the process was slow and tedious. After a period of waiting on the quay, they set off on the three mile march to the camp at Pont de Bricques cheered along by excited locals who festooned them with flowers. Arriving at the camp to find there were no shackles in the horse lines dampened the mood and it was late night before they could finally retire for the night.

16th August 1914 On the Move

24th Aug 1914 The Charge at Audregnies  The 9th Lancers and 4th Dragoon Guards were brought up to assist the 5th Division who were facing an advance of massed German troops and suffering heavily from enemy artillery. The Lancers at first fought dismounted alongside the British Infantry, but as the situation grew more hopeless, the Lancers were ordered to charge. Under heavy fire, the 9th Lancers charged a battery of eleven German guns posted in a Compiegne Wood. The guns had been causing terrible losses to the British infantry

Accounts in the British Press at the time put a rosey spin on the action. stating "the 9th made a furious charge, reached the battery, cut down all the gunners and put the guns out of action". It would be over a year before an honest account was printed in The War Illustrated on the 9th of October 1915: "On the 24th our 5th Division was in a very tight place, and the cavalry was sent to its assistance, the 2nd Brigade reaching the scene of the action first. The Germans were advancing in great masses, so near the village of Audregnies, General De Lisle ordered his men to dismount and to open fire on them. They did so, but the enemy still came on in good order. The general then decided on a charge, and for this chose the 9th Lancers who, at the word of command, mounted their horses and rode steadily at the enemy.

It was Balaclava over again. The squadrons rode to death, and the colonel, so we were told, said that he never expected a single lancer to return. In face of a torrent of shot and shell from guns and rifles, they dashed on until they found themselves against two lines of barbed wire, where men and horses fell over in all directions. This ended the charge. The survivors were ordered to return into shelter, and out of more than four hundred who had ridden out, only seventy two at first answered their names, Later some two hundred others turned up, but the regiment had lost heavily. Major V. R. Brooke D.S.O. was among the killed. However, the charge was not altogether fruitless. The Lancers had drawn the enemy’s fire and so had done something to help the harassed 5th Division."

Forty One members of the 9th Lancers could not be accounted for after their attack, including L/4653 Private Henry Warr, his survival was reported in The Western Gazette on 6th of November 1914: "H. Warr, of the 9th Lancers, who was in the famous charge and had been missing since the end of August, was taken prisoner by the enemy. He has written, saying that he is a prisoner at Munster, Germany, and is being well-treated by the Germans. The letter was written in September, so that it has been a very long time in transit. Warr had many friends here, and there is great satisfaction at the news of his safety." Private Warr remained in captivity for the rest of the war.

24th Aug 1914 Cavalry Charge

24th Aug 1914 Charge at Audregnies

30th Aug 1914 Under Fire

4th Sep 1914 In Position

7th Sep 1914 Enemy Engaged

13th Sep 1914 In Position

27th Sep 1914 Move

29th Sep 1914 Billets Shelled

16th Oct 1914 In Position

18th Oct 1914 B Squadron under Fire

20th Oct 1914 Entrenching

20th Oct 1914 In Action  location map

21st October 1914 In Position

21st Oct 1914 In Action  location map

22nd Oct 1914 A Quick Dash

23rd October 1914 Defence

28th Oct 1914 Reliefs  location map

3rd of November 1914  Situation Report  location map

8th Nov 1914 In Position

5th Dec 1914 A Tale of Four Battles

23rd Feb 1915 Cavalry Dismount

28th Feb 1915 Move

6th March 1915 In Billets

10th March 1915 In Billets

11th March 1915  Standing to.

12th March 1915  Still Standing to

13th March 1915  2 Hours Notice

14th March 1915 Church parade

15th March 1915 Alert

16th March 1915 Stand To

17th March 1915  Readied for battle

27th March 1915 In Billets

28th March 1915 Church parade

29th March 1915 Training

30th March 1915 Brigade Route March  9th Lancers Regiment at Billets in Meteren. They take part in a Brigade Route March via Le Rouklooshille - Godewaersvelde - Steenvoorde - Eecke - Caestre - Thiushouk. 1 man to Hospital No. 98 Sergeant H. Ralph received the DCM (Distinguished Conduct Medal)

War Diary

31st March 1915 Training

1st April 1915 Tactical Tours

2nd April 1915 Training

3rd April 1915 In billets

4th April 1915 Church parade

5th April 1915 Route march

6th April 1915 Training

7th April 1915 Training

8th April 1915 Tactical Tours

9th April 1915 Training

9th April 1915  Field Return

9th April 1915  Field Return

10th April 1915 Inspection

11th April 1915  Church Parade

12th April 1915 First Aid Classes

13th April 1915 Brigade Tactical scheme

14th April 1915 Cavalry men in dismounted work

15th April 1915 Tactical Tours

16th April 1915 Drill

17th April 1915  Regimental Cross country

18th April 1915 Church Parade  9th Lancers in billets at Meteren. Church of England Parade service at 0915 hours. 2 Officers from England. Captain F.O. Grenfell VC & Captain J.G. Porter rejoin the regiment.

War Diary

19th Apr 1915 Training

20th April 1915 Brigade Excerise

21st April 1915  on dismounted work

22nd April 1915 Training

23rd April 1915 On the march  location map

24th April 1915 In support  location map

25th April 1915 2nd Cavalry Brigade on the move

26th April 1915 Ready

27th April 1915  in the line

28th April 1915 On the move

29th April 1915  ready

30th April 1915  ready

1st May 1915  ready

2nd May 1915 Church parade

3rd May 1915 Move

4th May 1915  in billets

5th May 1915  in billets

6th May 1915  working party  location map

7th May 1915  working party  location map

8th May 1915  resting

9th May 1915  in the trenches

10th May 1915  back in the trenches

11th May 1915 Bivouac

12th May 1915 Reliefs

13th May 1915 Entrenched

14th May 1915  Relieved

14th May 1915  Report of Action

15th May 1915  Congratulated

16th May 1915 Resting

17th May 1915  in the Trenches

18th May 1915  in the line

19th May 1915  entrenched

20th May 1915  entrenched

21st May 1915  back in billets

22nd May 1915  resting

23rd May 1915  in trenches

24th May 1915  entrenched

1915-05-24  Trench Map

24th May 1915  Operational Report

24th May 1915  Operational Report

24th of May 1915 Much Shelling at Night  location map

25th May 1915 In camp

26th May 1915  Rest after Battle

27th May 1915 Concern over gas

28th May 1915  embus

29th May 1915  in billets

30th May 1915 Church Parade

31st May 1915 Lectures

1st June 1915 Training

2nd June 1915 Demonstrations for troops

3rd June 1915 Training

4th June 1915 Reinforced

5th June 1915 Training

6th June 1915 Memorial service

7th June 1915  engaged in training

8th June 1915  train

9th June 1915  train

10th June 1915  training

11th June 1915  training

12th June 1915  reinforced

13th June 1915 Church Parade

14th June 1915  train

15th June 1915 2nd Cavaltry Brigade inspected

16th June 1915  train

17th June 1915  inspected

18th June 1915 Musketry practice

19th June 1915 Concert held

20th June 1915  Wormhoudt

21st June 1915 Reinforcements inspected

22nd June 1915 Route March

23rd June 1915  training

24th June 1915  train

25th June 1915  train

26th June 1915  reinforced

27th June 1915 Church Parade

28th June 1915  Musketry Training

29th june 1915  in billets

30th June 1915  provide digging party  9th Lancers are in Billets North of Wormhoudt engaged in Squadron Training. A Digging Party of 112 Men & 3 Officers sent to 5th Kilo Stone on Elverdinghe to Poperinghe Road. 1 Other Rank to Hospital. Strength - 25 Officers; 532 Other Ranks; 600 Horses.

War Diary

1st July 1915  train

2nd July 1915  train

3rd July 1915  working party

4th July 1915 Working party relieved

5th May 1915  C Squadron train

6th July 1915  in billets

7th July 1915  in billets

8th July 1915  train

9th July 1915  train

10th July 1915  receive orders

11th July 1915 Church Parade

12th July 1915 Change of Billets

13th July 1915  engaged in training

14th July 1915  B Sqd train

15th July 1915  training continues

16th July 1915  train

17th July 1915  train

18th July 1915  working party

19th July 1915  working party

20th July 1915  working party

21st July 1915  train

22th July 1915  working party & training

23rd July 1915  celebrate Anniversary

24th July 1915  training and sports

25th July 1915  working party

26th July 1915  working party

27th July 1915  working party

28th July 1915  parade

29th July 1915  promotions  

London Gazette Extract

9th Lancers in billets North of Zeggers Cappel. 'C' Squadron training. 1 Other Rank to Hospital. 2 Lead Draught Horses received.

The following are extracts from the London Gazette dated 29th July 1915 9th (Q.R) Lancers. Major (Bt. Lt. Col.) D.J.E. Beale-Browne to be Temporary Lt. Colonel from 8th October 1914 & 10th October 1914, and from 9th December 1914. Lieutenant I.A. Straker to be Temporary Captain 28th June 1915.

War Diary

30th July 1915  working party

31st July 1915  working party

1st August 1915 Church Parade

2nd August 1915 A Wet Day

3rd August 1915  working party

4th August 1915  training

5th August 1915  train

6th August 1915  train

7th August 1915  train

8th August 1915  Church parade & baths

9th July 1915  working party

10th August 1915  train

11th August 1915  shelled

12th August 1915  train

13th August 1915 Field Marshall visits

14th August 1915  bus to working party

15th August 1915  in billets

16th August 1915  bathe

17th August 1915  in billets

18th August 1915  in billets

19th aug 1915 Heavy Rain

20th August 1915  working party

21st August 1915  working party

22nd August 1915 Baths for working party

23rd August 1915  in billets

24th August 1915  in billets

25th August 1915  honours

26th August 1915 Demonstration of Poison Gas

27th August 1915 New Co for B Sqd.

28th Aug 1915  working party

29th August 1915  working part not relieved

30th Aug 1915  in billets

31st August 1915 Pioneering Class at Esquelbecq

1st Sptember 1915  working party

2nd Sep 1915 Baths and Inspection

3rd September 1915 Heavy Rain

4th September 1915  working party to return

5th September 1915  Working Party returns

6th September 1915  Baths and kit inspection

7th September 1915  Drill

8th September 1915 Pioneers instructed

9th September 1915  engaged in squadron schemes

10th September 1915 Brigade Parade

11th September 1915  dismounted attack

11th Sep 1915 Last day of Derby Scheme Recruitment

12th September 1915 Church parade

13th September 1915 Divisional Route March

14th September 1915  short excerise

15th September 1915  training

16th September 1915  train

17th September 1915  train

18th September 1915 9th Cavalry Brigade Horse Show

19th September 1915 Church Parade

20th September 1915  train

21st Sep 1915  training

22nd September 1915  inspected

23rd September 1915 Regimental Parade

24th September 1915 Move

25th September 1915 On the march  location map

26th September 1915 Ready to Move

27th September 1915 Move

27th of September 1915 A Draft Arrives

28th September 1915 Ready to Move

29th September 1915 Move

30th September 1915  in billets

5th October 1915  practice bombing

6th October 1915  practice bombing

7th October 1915  training

8th October 1915  train

9th October 1915  dig trench

10th October 1915 Church service

11th October 1915  train

12th October 1915  train

13th Oct 1915  parade

14th October 1915  training and baths

15th October 1915  hold competitions  9th Lancers at Ligny Les Aire. Competitions for Bombers.

War Diary

16th October 1915 Leave begins

16th Oct 1915 The Derby Scheme

17th October 1915 Church services

18th October 1915  training

19th October 1915 Preparing to move

20th October 1915 Brigade move

21st October 1915 Lack of billets  9th Lancers at Elnes, getting into billets, not sufficient cover for all men & horses. 1 Other Rank to Temporary Hospital.

War Diary

22nd October 1915  reinforced

23rd October 1915 Conference of Commanding Officers

24th October 1915 Church services

25th October 1915 Rain all day

26th October 1915  Parade

27th October 1915  building stables

28th October 1915  dig trenches

29th October 1915  engaged in dismounted work

29th Oct 1915 Palatial Trenches

30th October 1915  newcomers inspected

31st October 1915 Church Service

1st November 1915  provide Working Party

2nd November 1915 Heavy Rain

3rd November 1915  new CO

3rd November 1915  Elnes

4th November 1915  Horses Inspected

5th November 1915  CO visits Working Parties

6th November 1915 C Sqd Horses Inspected

7th November 1915 Church Parade & working Parties

8th November 1915  engaged in Mounted and Dismounted Work

9th November 1915  in Billets

10th November 1915  Elnes

11th November 1915  Work Party Reliefs

12th November 1915 Heavy Rain

13th November 1915 A Sqd Horses Inspected

14th November 1915 Church Parade

15th November 1915 Preparing to Move

16th November 1915 Change of Billets

17th November 1915 Move

18th November 1915 Fire in Billet

19th November 1915 Training Conference

20th November 1915 Dismounted Squadron to be Organised

21st November 1915 Church Parade

22nd November 1915  in Billets

23rd November 1915 Dismounted Squadrons Parade

24th November 1915 Dismounted Training

25th November 1915  Digging Trenches

26th November 1915  Digging

27th November 1915  Dig Trenches

28th November 1915 tend Church Parade

29th November 1915 Gas Demonstration for

30th November 1915  Dig Trenches

1st December 1915  dig Trenches

1st Dec 1915 Derby Scheme Armlets

2nd December 1915 tend Gas Demonstration

3rd December 1915  provide Work Parties

3rd Dec 1915 Hockey Matches

4th December 1915 Work Parties from Dig Trenches

5th December 1915 Church Parade

6th December 1915  Billets Inspected

7th December 1915  Inspection

8th December 1915  under Instruction

9th December 1915  Inspection Parade

10th December 1915  Bombers Train  9th Lancers in billets at Enquin. Captain Tylden-Wright to a trench course. Lieutenant Colvin relieves 2nd Lieutenant Harris at the digging. Regimental bombers training. 2nd Lieutenant Durant is now Brigade Bombing Officer. 1 Officer, 2nd Lieutenant J.L. Macalpine to Temporary Hospital. 2 Other Ranks to Base Hospital. 1 Other Rank to Temporary Hospital. 1 Other Rank from Temporary Hospital.

War Diary

11th December 1915  in Billets

12th December 1915 tend Church Parade

13th December 1915  Horses Inspected

14th December 1915  Route March and Mounted Parades

15th December 1915  Enquiry Held

16th December 1915 Orders

17th December 1915  tour Postponed

18th December 1915  Training

19th December 1915 Church Parade for

20th December 1915  in Billets

21st December 1915  Horses Malined

22nd December 1915  Digging Party Withdrawn

23rd December 1915  Route March & Horses Inspected   9th Lancers in billets at HQ Enquin. Brigadier General Commanding 2nd Cavalry Brigade inspected the horses of the Regiment for casting for non-veterinary reasons. Veterinary Officer inspected all the horses of the Regiment. The 9th Lancers dismounted company and Machine Gun Section went for a short Route march. Major Grenfell & Lieutenant Gisborne returned from trench course. 1 Other Rank to Temporary Hospital.

War Diary

23rd December 1915  Horses Inspected  9th Lancers in billets at HQ Enquin. Brigadier General Commanding 2nd Cavalry Brigade inspected the horses of the Regiment for casting for non-veterinary reasons. Veterinary Officer inspected all the horses of the Regiment. The 9th Lancers dismounted company and Machine Gun Section went for a short Route march. Major Grenfell & Lieutenant Gisborne returned from trench course. 1 Other Rank to Temporary Hospital.

War Diary

24th December 1915  Kit Inspection  9th Lancers in billets, HQ Enquin. Inspections of kit, arms, saddlery & horses by all Squadrons & Machine Gun Section. 1 Other Rank from Temporary Hospital.

War Diary

25th December 1915  celebrate Christmas at the front.  9th Lancers in billets, HQ Enquin. Church of England parade service at 0900 hours at Preures. Commanding Officer visited men of all Squadrons & Machine gun Section at their Christmas dinners.

War Diary

26th December 1915  Digging Party Resume Work  9th Lancers in billets, HQ Enquin. Church of England parade service at 1215 hours at Preures. Digging Party returned to its duties under Captain Taylor-Whitehead. 1 Other Rank from Temporary Hospital.

War Diary

27th December 1915  Instructional Ride

28th December 1915  Digging Party Wthdrawn

29th December 1915 Change of Billets

30th December 1915 On the Move

31st December 1915  Billets Reorganised

1st January 1916  in Billets

2nd January 1916  in Billets

3rd January 1916  in Billets

4th January 1916  in Training  9th Lancers in HQ Billets at Enquin. Exercise, etc. A Divisional Wood Cutting party formed for for working in Le Dois Ratel under the Command of Lieutenant C.H. Goldsmid 9th lancers, consisting of 3 Other Ranks per regiment of the 1st Cavalry Brigade. 1 Other Rank to Hospital.

War Diary

5th January 1916  in Training

6th January 1916  in Training

7th January 1916  in Training

8th January 1916  in Training

9th January 1916  in Training

10th January 1916  in Training

10th Jan 1916 Group System Reopens

11th January 1916  in Training  9th Lancers in HQ Billets at Enquin. Exercise, etc. 7 Drivers Army Service Corps, 14 Horses & 7 Wagons attached to Regiment for duty in connection with the Schme for distribution of Rations instituted by the Division. Lorries now dump at a refilling point, on the main Montraeil to Samer Road, at La Poste Ferme. Information received that 7 Other Ranks had been wounded with the Dismounted Battalion between the 5th & 7th instant. Captain I.A. Straker, having been admitted to a hospital in England, struck off strength. 1 Other Rank to Hospital.

War Diary

12th January 1916  in Training

13th January 1916  in Training

14th January 1916  in Training

15th January 1916  HQ at Training

16th January 1916  HQ at Training  9th Lancers, HQ Billets at Enquin. Exercises etc. Captain H.C. Taylor-Whitehead and 2 Other Ranks proceeded to join the Dismounted Battalion. 1 Other Rank to Hospital. 7 Other Ranks joined as Reinforcements.

War Diary

17th January 1916  HQ at Training  9th Lancers, HQ Billets at Enquin. Exercises etc.

War Diary

18th January 1916  HQ at Training

19th January 1916  HQ at Training

20th January 1916  HQ at Training

21st January 1916  HQ at Training

22nd January 1916  HQ at Training

23rd January 1916  HQ at Training

24th January 1916  HQ at Training

25th January 1916  HQ at Training  9th Lancers, HQ Billets at Enquin. Exercise etc. Captain W.R. Tylden-Wright and 1 Other Rank proceeded to join Dismounted Battalion. Captain G. Phipps-Hornby assumes Command of the Mounted Regiment.

War Diary

26th January 1916  HQ at Training

27th January 1916  HQ at Training  9th Lancers, HQ Billets at Enquin. Exercise etc. Major R.E. Cecil (21st Lancers) joined from England and assumed Command of the Mounted Regiment. 3 Other Ranks to Hospital.

War Diary

28th January 1916  HQ at Training  9th Lancers, HQ Billets at Enquin. Exercise etc.

War Diary

29th January 1916  HQ at Training

30th January 1916  HQ at Training  9th Lancers, HQ Billets at Enquin. Exercise etc.

War Diary

31st January 1916  HQ at Training

1st February 1916 In Billets

2nd February 1916 In Billets  9th Lancers in Billets at HQ Enquin. The Commanding Officer inspected the horses of 'B' Squadron. 2 Other Ranks to Temporary Hospital. 1 Other Rank from Temporary Hospital

War Diary

3rd February 1916 In Billets

4th February 1916 In Billets

5th February 1916 In Billets

6th February 1916 In Billets  9th Lancers in Billets at HQ Enquin. Church of England parade service at Preures at 1100. A draft of 9 men & 15 horses joined the Regiment

War Diary

7th February 1916 In Billets  9th Lancers in Billets at HQ Enquin. Exercise & Stables under Squadron arrangements. 1 Other Rank to Base Hospital. 1 Other Rank to Temporary Hospital. 1 Riding Horse from No.1 Mobile Veterinary Station.

War Diary

8th February 1916 In Billets  9th Lancers in Billets at HQ Enquin. Exercise & Stables under Squadron arrangements. 2 Other Ranks to Base Hospital.

War Diary

9th February 1916 In Billets

9th February 1916 Call Ups

10th February 1916 In Billets

11th February 1916 In Billets

12th February 1916 In Billets

13th February 1916 In Billets

13th February 1916 In Billets

14th February 1916 In Billets

14th February 1916 In Billets

15th February 1916 In Billets

16th February 1916 In Billets

17th February 1916 In Billets

18th February 1916 In Billets

19th February 1916 In Billets

20th February 1916 In Billets

20th February 1916 In Billets

21st February 1916 In Billets

22nd February 1916 In Billets

23rd February 1916 In Billets

24th February 1916 In Billets

25th February 1916 In Billets

26th February 1916 In Billets

27th February 1916 In Billets

28th February 1916 In Billets

29th February 1916 In Billets

1st March 1916 In Billets

2nd March 1916 In Billets

3rd March 1916 In Billets

4th March 1916 In Billets

5th March 1916 In Billets

6th March 1916 In Billets

7th March 1916 In Billets  9th Lancers in Billets, HQ Enquin Training under Squadron arrangements. Equitation and Troop Training in the morning. Musketry and Bombing Training in the afternoon. Temporary 2nd Lieutenant P.H. Corbett (Sick) Struck off strength. 1 Other Rank from Temporary Hospital 13 Riding Horses to Mobile Veterinary Section

War Diary

8th March 1916 In Billets  9th Lancers in Billets, HQ Enquin Squadrons paraded 8 horses each, suitable for Machine Gun use at Preures at 12 noon, for inspection by the Commanding Officer and Captain Haslam, Commanding 2nd Machine Gun Squadron. 8 horse were selected from these 24 for transfer to 2nd machine Gun Squadron. 1 Other Rank to Temporary Hospital 2 Light Draught Horses transferred to 19th Hussars

War Diary

9th March 1916 In Billets  9th Lancers in Billets, HQ Enquin The Staff ride for Subaltern Officers had to be postponed owing to the Commanding Officer having to attend a conference at Brigade HQ. Training was greatly impeded by the snow. 2 Other Rank to Temporary Hospital

War Diary

10th March 1916 In Billets  9th Lancers in Billets, HQ Enquin The Commanding Officer delivered a lecture to subaltern officers at 'A' Squadron HQ. At 1400 hours the Commanding Officer inspected a new form of pack at 'B' Squadron HQ at Preures 1 Other Rank to Base (Time expired)

War Diary

11th March 1916 In Billets  9th Lancers in Billets, HQ Enquin Divisional Route March. Regimental Parade Enquin at 0830 hours. Brigade rendezvous was the crossroads ¼ mile North of Point 102 Camp Raquet. Route followed, Enquinehault, Rolet, Crossroads ½ mile East of T in Hubersent, Point 134 (whwere the Division filed past the divisional Commander Major General Mullens), Sequires, Rolet, from where units marched home independently. The Order of March was 9th Brigade, 2nd Brigade, 1st Brigade. 2 Other Rank to Base Hospital

War Diary

12th March 1916 In Billets  9th Lancers in Billets, HQ Enquin Church of England Parade Service at Le Fayel for 'A' Squadron at 1230 hours. 2nd Lieutenants Busk & Durnford proceeded to 1st Field Squadron, Royal Engineers for a demolition course. 1 Riding horse from HQ 4 Riding horses for Officers received from Base

War Diary

13th March 1916 In Billets  9th Lancers in Billets, HQ Enquin Regimental Route March. Regimental Parade at 0930 hours at preures. Route followed was Sehen, Bourthes, Campagne, Lez Boulonnais, Ergny, Wicquinghem. 1 Riding Horse to Veterinary Section 5 Other Ranks joined from Base 1 Riding Horse died

War Diary

14th March 1916 In Billets  9th Lancers in Billets, HQ Enquin RMounted Training under Squadron arrangements 1 Other Rank from Temporary Hospital

War Diary

15th March 1916 In Billets  9th Lancers in Billets, HQ Enquin Regimental Officers Staff Ride. 'B' Squadron was employed for demonstration purposes. The Brigadier and Brigade Major attended. Advance guards and flank guards were subjects dealt with. 1 Other Rank to Base

War Diary

16th March 1916 In Billets  9th Lancers in Billets, HQ Enquin Conference of Commanding Officers of the Regiments comprising the 2nd Cavalry Brigade at 12 noon at Beussent, in order to discuss new forms of squadron packs which had been experimented with. Special Order of the Day published by General Sir D. Haig, GCB. KCIE. General in Command of British Army in the Field. see Appendix 1 (note: Not attached)

War Diary

17th March 1916 In Billets  9th Lancers in Billets, HQ Enquin Regimental route March combined with tactical operations. Regimental Parade at 0930 hours in Enquin. Practice in the handling of advance guards and flank guards in difficult country. The Regiment returned to billets at 1415 hours. Conference of Commanding Officer and Officers commanding Squadrons and their second in commands at 1600 hours at 'B' Squadron in Preures. 1 Other Rank from Base Hospital

War Diary

18th March 1916 In Billets  9th Lancers in Billets, HQ Enquin Inspections of Kit, Arms, Saddlery and Horses by Squadrons. The Commanding Officer inspected the horses of 'B' Squadron. 22 Other Ranks joined from Base

War Diary

19th March 1916 In Billets  9th Lancers in Billets, HQ Enquin Church of England Parade Service at 1230 hours at Preures. Lieutenants Potts and Kelly proceeded to Samer on a Hotchkiss Machine Gun Course.

War Diary

20th March 1916 In Billets  9th Lancers in Billets, HQ Enquin Training under Squadron arrangements. 'A' and 'B' Squadrons, advance guard scheme. 'C' Squadron musketry & bombing

War Diary

21st March 1916 In Billets  9th Lancers in Billets, HQ Enquin The Commanding Offficer inspected the Regimental and Squadron transport at Enquin at 0930 hours. 1 Oter Rank to Temporary Hospital

War Diary

22nd March 1916 In Billets  9th Lancers in Billets, HQ Enquin The Adjutant proceeded to Merlimont to recconnoitre the area where the Regiment intended to bivouac. Owing to the weather the condition of the ground was found to be unsuitable.

War Diary

23rd March 1916  Training  9th Lancers in Billets, HQ Enquin. Regimental tour of Merlimont postponed owing to the weather. Training under Squadron arrangements. 1 Other Rank to Base.

War Diary

24th March 1916  Training  9th Lancers in Billets, HQ Enquin. The Commanding Officer conducted a Staff ride for Subaltern Officers who had joined within the last 6 months. 1 Other Rank to Base, (Time Expired).

War Diary

25th March 1916  Training  9th Lancers in Billets, HQ Enquin. Inspection of kit, arms, saddlery etc. under Squadron arrangements. Lecture on map reading for Subaltern Officers who joined within the last 6 months by Major R.E. Cecil 1 Other Rank from 2nd Cavalry Brigade HQ

War Diary

26th March 1916  Training  9th Lancers in Billets, HQ Enquin. Lieutenants Potts & Kelly rejoined on completion of their Hotchkiss Gun Course. Church of England Parade Service at Preures at 1215 hours. Lieutenants E.C.E. Smith & M. Hunter proceeded to Samer on Hotchkiss Gun course. 4 Other Ranks to Temporary Hospital 5 Other Ranks joined from Base

War Diary

27th March 1916  Training  9th Lancers in Billets, HQ Enquin. General Officer Commanding 2nd Cavalry Brigade conducted a Staff Ride for Subaltern Officers having joined within the last 6 months at 0930 hours. Officer Commanding attended a Conference of Officers Commanding Regiments of the 2nd Cavalry Brigade at the Brigade Headquarters to discuss Training programme for April 1916. Training under Squadron arrangements. 2 Other Ranks to Base Hospital 1 Other Rank to Temporary Hospital

War Diary

28th March 1916  Training  9th Lancers in Billets, HQ Enquin. Regimental parade at Enquin at 0930 hours for route march combined with tactical exercise in handling of advance and rear guards. Returned to billets at 1315 hours Conference at Regimental HQ on the days operations and to discuss possibility of reducing the weight at present carried on horses. Regimental Course of 2 classes (6 each) in Hotchkiss Gun under direction of Lieutenant pott. 1 Other Rank to Base Hospital 1 Other Rank from Temporary Hospital

War Diary

29th March 1916  Training  9th Lancers in Billets, HQ Enquin. Training under Squadron arrangements. Regimental courses in Hotchkiss Gun under Lieutenant Pott. Regimental Pioneer course under direction of 2nd Lieutenants Busk and Durnford commenced at Preures. 1 Riding Horse destroyed

War Diary

30th March 1916  Training  9th Lancers in Billets, HQ Enquin. Training under Squadron arrangements. Commanding Officer witnessed grouping practice by 'B' Squadron at 'C' Squadrons range. Regimental courses in Hotchkiss Gun & Pioneering continued under respective Officers as previous. Commanding Officer attending Conferences of Officers Commanding units in 2nd Cavalry Brigade at Brigade HQ on training. 1 Other Rank from Temporary Hospital 1 Other Rank from Base 1 Riding Horse to Veterinary Section

War Diary

31st March 1916  Training  9th Lancers in Billets, HQ Enquin. Squadron Ride with simple tactical scheme for all Squadrons on high ground immediately North of Enquin. Lecture on shoeing of horses by Captain Townsend Army Veterinary Corps to Officers, NCO's at Preures. Major R.E. Cecil left for Hesdigneul to take up duties of instructor at a course for Divisional Cavalry, 1st Army, under direction of General Officer Commanding 1st Cavalry Division.

War Diary

1st April 1916 Inspection and recreation  9th Lancers

1st April 1916 - Billets Enquin - The CO inspected the Regimental Scouts at 0930 in work in the field. The 1st Cavalry Division Divisional Marathon Race was run. 2 Other ranks to temp hospital, 1 other rank from base hospital. Strength: Officers 29 ORs 603 Horses 510.

war diaries

2nd April 1916 Church Parade

3rd April 1916 inspections and training

4th April 1916 inspections and training

5th April 1916 Training courses

6th April 1916 Squadron training  9th Queens Royal Lancers

6th April 1916 - Billets Enquin - Lt LCP Smith admitted to hospital. Training under squadron arrangements - completion of NCOs Hotchkiss rifle course and examination. 1 OR to temp hospital and 1 OR from temp hospital.

war diaries

7th April 1916 GOC Inspection

8th April 1916 Exercise and inspections

9th April 1916 Church Parade

10th April 1916 Ongoing training and inspections  9th Queens Royal Lancers

10th April 1916 - Billets Enquin - Training under squadron arrangements in the morning. Musketry, Hotchkiss rifle and bombing courses in the afternoon. 2/Lt HA Porter returned from hospital. 2 ORs to temp hospital.

war diaries

11th April 1916 Training and courses

12th April 1916 Training courses

13th April 1916 Training courses

14th April 1916 Training courses

15th April 1916 Training courses

16th April 1916 Church Service and Sports

17th April 1916 GOC Inspection

18th April 1916 Ongoing training  9th Queens Royal Lancers

18th April 1916 - Billets Enquin - Exercise, musketry and bombing under squadron arrangements. The second Hotchkiss gun class commenced under the Adjutant. 1 OR to Base hospital and 4 horses to MVS.

war diaries

19th April 1916 Training and inspections

20th April 1916 Training and relief party

21st April 1916 Good Friday

22nd April 1916 Regimental training scheme

23rd April 1916 Easter Sunday Church Services

24th April 1916 Easter Monday Sports

25th April 1916 Divisional Field Day

26th April 1916 Regimental Field Work

27th April 1916 Training and inspections

28th April 1916 Further training and inspections

29th April 1916 inspections and training

30th April 1916 Church Service and inspections

1st May 1916 Move

2nd May 1916 Recreation and drill

3rd May 1916 Recreation and return to billets

4th May 1916 Training courses

5th May 1916 Tactics and inspection

6th May 1916 Inspections

7th May 1916 No church parades

8th May 1916 Tactical experiments

9th May 1916 Further experiments - bad weather

10th May 1916 Squadron training

11th May 1916 Field work

12th May 1916 Training and inspections

13th May 1916 Inspections

14th May 1916 Church and Trade tests

15th May 1916 Training and conference

16th May 1916 Training and inspections

17th May 1916 Field work

18th May 1916 Squadron training

19th May 1916 Divisional Day operations

20th May 1916 Brigade Horse Show

21st May 1916 Church parade and bivouac recce.

22nd May 1916 Relocation and recreation

23rd May 1916 Training and recreation

24th May 1916 Empire Day

25th May 1916 Regimental and Brigade Drills

26th May 1916 Return to billets Training

27th May 1916 Inspections and Brigade experiments

28th May 1916 Church Parades and Messages

29th May 1916 Brigade casting of horses

30th May 1916 inspections and training

31st May 1916 Squadron training

1st June 1916 Field work and moves

2nd June 1916 Brigade scheme

3rd June 1916 Inspections

4th June 1916 Church Parades

5th June 1916 Officers Ride

6th June 1916 Divisional scheme cancelled

7th June 1916 Divisional scheme concluded

8th June 1916 Divisional Exercise Cavalry and Aircraft

9th June 1916 Divisional Horse Show

10th June 1916 Division Horse Show

11th June 1916 Church Parade

12th June 1916 Regimental scheme and courses

13th June 1916 Ongoing training

14th June 1916 Squadron training

15th June 1916 Ongoing training

16th June 1916 Ongoing training

17th June 1916 Inspections and Courses

18th June 1916 Lord Kitchener Memorial Service

19th June 1916 Wagon train inspection

20th June 1916 Inspections

21st June 1916 Brigade Conference and inspections

22nd June 1916 Inspection and movements

23rd June 1916 Movement Orders

24th June 1916 Brigade moves by stages to new Billets

25th June 1916 Brigade moves by stages to new Billets

26th June 1916 Brigade moves by stages to new Billets

27th June 1916 Brigade moves by stages to new Billets

28th June 1916 Brigade Moves

29th June 1916 Waiting for Orders before Somme Offensive

30th June 1916 Standby awaiting orders

1st July 1916 Brigade on standby for Somme Offensive  9th Queens Royal Lancers

1st July 1916 - Position of readiness at Bresle - Regimental parade in bivouacs at Querrieu at 0445. Brigade moved off at 0500. Order of march: Brigade HQ and Signal Troop, 4th Dragoon Guards, 9th Lancers, 18th Hussars, 2nd Machine Gun Squadron, H Battery RHA, Gap, and A Echelon Brigaded. Route followed: Querrieu, Franvillers and Bresle. Put down lines in muddy area outside Bresle at 0815. Remained at Bresle while the infantry assault took place. Watering arrangements broke down. Brigade left Bresle at 1700 and moved back to Querrieu arriving in previous bivouac about 2000.

war diaries

2nd July 1916 Church service and reinforcements

3rd July 1916 Routine

4th July 1916 Battlefield clearing party to Fricourt

5th July 1916 Brigade move and work party

6th July 1916 Standby and inspection by GOC Division

7th July 1916 1/2 hour notice standby

8th July 1916 Routine and movement order

9th July 1916 Move postponed

10th July 1916 Routine exercises

11th July 1916 Brigades move to Querrieu

12th July 1916 Bivouac at Querrieu

13th July 1916 Ongoing moves

14th July 1916 Standby at half hours notice all day

15th July 1916 Standby extended to 2 hours notice

16th July 1916 Routine

17th July 1916 Routine

18th July 1916 Mounted training

19th July 1916 Ongoing mounted work

20th July 1916 Mounted work and courses

21st July 1916 More mounted work

22nd July 1916 Further mounted work

23rd July 1916 Church services

24th July 1916 Back to Querrieu and reinforcements

25th July 1916 Routine

26th July 1916 5 Hour standby and mounted work

27th July 1916 Mounted work and Divisional Conference

28th July 1916 Mounted work

29th July 1916 Mounted work and Hotchkiss Pack design

30th July 1916 Church services and Hotchkiss Drill

31st July 1916 Mounted work and Regimental Strength

1st August 1916 Staff ride and Regimental strength

2nd August 1916 inspections and training

3rd August 1916 Training and relief party

4th August 1916 Brigade communication scheme

5th August 1916 Mounted work

6th August 1916 Church services

7th August 1916 Divisional Staff Ride and Casting of Horses

8th August 1916 Brigade staff ride and appointments  9th Queens Royal Lancers

8th Aug 1916 - Bivouac near Querrieu - 2/Lt GH Harris and M Hunter returned to duty with the Regiment from 1st Cavalry Division working party. Lt LPG Kelly proceeded to 1st Cavalry Division working party for duty. GOC 2nd Cavalry Brigade held a staff ride for COs, Adjutants and Squadron Leaders. 4 ORs to Hospital, 6 Remount Horses to MVS and 4 ORs joined from Base.

war diaries

9th August 1916 Brigade relocation to Pont Remy

10th August 1916 Further relocation

11th August 1916 Brigade Conference at Incheville

12th August 1916 Squadron training

13th August 1916 Church Parade and reinforcements

14th August 1916 Intense personal training for men and horses

15th August 1916 Ongoing training

16th August 1916 Ongoing training

17th August 1916 Routine and swimming sports

18th August 1916 Inter troop competitions

19th August 1916 Inter troop mounted sports

20th August 1916 Church Parade

21st August 1916 Training and reliefs

22nd August 1916 Training and relief party

23rd August 1916 Training and competitions

24th August 1916 inspections and training

25th August 1916 Ongoing training and inspections

26th August 1916 Inspections

27th August 1916 Church services

28th August 1916 Routine drills

29th August 1916 Ongoing training

30th August 1916 Flooding

31st August 1916 Training and Regimental Strength

1st Sep 1916 Hotchkiss training  9th Queens Royal Lancers are in Billets at Incheville - Regimental Parade at 1300. Hotchkiss field firing was carried out on the Belgian Field Firing Range at Hautebut from 1600 to 1730.

war diaries

2nd September 1916 Routine and inspections

3rd September 1916 Church Parade

4th September 1916 Squadron training

5th September 1916 Squadron training and movement orders

6th September 1916 Move to bivouac

7th September 1916 Move to bivouac

8th September 1916 Routine

9th September 1916 Mounted Training

10th September 1916 Church Service and Inspection

11th September 1916 GOC Division inspection

12th September 1916 Visit

13th September 1916 Remounts

14th September 1916 Move to Carnoy Valley

15th September 1916 Immediate standby all day

16th Sep 1916 Stand by

17th September 1916 Church services and return to Laneuville

18th September 1916 Routine. Very heavy rain.

19th September 1916 Routine. Heavy rain.

20th September 1916 Routine, still raining.

21st September 1916 Clean up as weather finer.

22nd September 1916 Scheme aircraft and cavalry signalling

23rd September 1916 Move to L'Etoile

24th September 1916 Bivouac at Subrometz

25th September 1916 Into billets

26th September 1916 Squadron Move

27th September 1916 B Squadron move due to congestion

28th Sep 1916 Awards and Inspection

29th September 1916 Cavalry Corps Inspection of all horses

30th September 1916 Brigade Staff Ride

1st Oct 1916 Church service and C Sqn. relocation

2nd October 1916 Inspections

3rd October 1916 Bad weather hinders training

4th October 1916 Divisional Inspections

5th October 1916 Training and lecture

6th October 1916 Scheme postponed due to bad weather.

7th October 1916 Inspections

8th October 1916 Church Parade and work party

9th October 1916 Ops cancelled

10th October 1916 Staff ride, appointment and award.

11th October 1916 Divisional Ops in the field

12th October 1916 Squadron training

13th October 1916 Field work and conference

14th October 1916 Brigade Operations

15th October 1916 Routine and conference

16th October 1916 Mounted training and reinforcements

17th October 1916 Brigade Staff Ride

18th October 1916 Weather postponements

19th October 1916 Move to Bivouac

20th October 1916 Further move to St Leger  location map

21st October 1916 Routine and reinforcements

22nd October 1916 Allotment of horses to Squadrons

23rd October 1916 Awards Parade and Conference

24th October 1916 Training

25th October 1916 training

26th October 1916 Parade postponed bad weather

27th October 1916 Inspections

28th October 1916 Training and inspections

29th October 1916 Routine

30th October 1916 Bathing and dismounted work

31st October 1916 Field work

1st November 1916 Training courses

2nd November 1916 Field work

3rd November 1916 Ongoing Fieldwork

4th November 1916 Brigade staff ride and training

5th November 1916 Church services

6th November 1916 Training and inspections

7th November 1916 Movement Orders

8th November 1916 Brigade move to Nouvian

9th November 1916 Brigade move to winter billets at Hucqueliers

10th November 1916 Sorting Squadron billets allocations

11th November 1916 Allocation of billeting areas

12th November 1916 Church Parade

13th November 1916 Horses to winter quarters

14th November 1916 inspections and training

15th November 1916 Inspections and preparing stables floors

16th November 1916 Settling into Winter Quarters

17th November 1916 Settling to normal routines

18th November 1916 Inspections and promotions

19th November 1916 Church Parade

20th November 1916 Inspections

21st November 1916 Inspections and Courses

22nd November 1916 Inspections

23rd November 1916 Winter training routine

24th November 1916 Brigade Pioneer Battalion Parade

25th November 1916 Pioneer formation event postponed

26th Nov 1916 Church services

27th Nov 1916 Winter training commences

28th November 1916 Horse casting inspection

29th November 1916 Ongoing winter training

30th Nov 1916 Appointment to Reserve Cavalry

1st December 1916 Ongoing winter training

2nd December 1916 Winter training and inspections

3rd December 1916 Church Parade

4th December 1916 Ongoing winter training and inspections

5th December 1916 GOC Inspection

6th December 1916 GOC Inspection

7th December 1916 Inspections

8th December 1916 Ongoing winter training and inspections

9th December 1916 Ongoing winter training and inspections

10th December 1916 Ongoing training and inspections

11th December 1916 Ongoing training

12th December 1916 Ongoing training

13th December 1916 Ongoing training

14th December 1916 Ongoing training and inspections

15th December 1916 Ongoing winter training and inspections

16th December 1916 Ongoing training

17th December 1916 Ongoing training

18th December 1916 Ongoing training

19th December 1916 Ongoing training and inspections

20th December 1916 Ongoing winter training and inspections

21st December 1916 Ongoing training and inspections

22nd December 1916 Training and inspections

23rd December 1916  Ongoing training and inspections

24th December 1916 Christmas Eve church services

25th December 1916 Christmas Day

26th December 1916 inspections and training

27th December 1916 inspections and training

28th December 1916 Bad weather hinders training

29th December 1916 Training in poor weather

30th December 1916 Training and inspections

31st December 1916 Church services

1st January 1917 Training and Pioneer Organisation

2nd January 1917 Training courses

3rd January 1917 Return to regiment

4th January 1917 Inspection and movements

5th January 1917 CO's Inspection

6th January 1917 CO's Inspection

7th January 1917 CO's Inspection

8th January 1917 Lecture and inspections

9th January 1917 Brigade Conference and inspections

10th January 1917 Inspections and Training

11th January 1917 CO's Inspection

12th January 1917 NCO's Training and routine

13th January 1917 Brigade inspection and reinforcements

14th January 1917 Church Service and inspections

15th January 1917 Training courses

16th January 1917 CO's Inspection

17th January 1917 ASC Transport inspection

18th January 1917 CO's Inspection

19th Jan 1917 CO's Inspection

20th January 1917 Conference and lecture

21st January 1917 Church Parade

22nd January 1917 CO's Inspection

23rd January 1917 Interviews and reliefs

24th January 1917 Horse casting inspection

25th January 1917 Routine inspection

26th January 1917 Examination and training

27th January 1917 Completion of young nco's class

28th January 1917 Church Services

29th January 1917 Routine

30th January 1917 CO's Inspection

31st January 1917 Snow and CO's inspection

1st February 1917 

2nd February 1917 Rifle range project

3rd February 1917 Courses and reliefs

4th February 1917 Routine

5th February 1917 Musketry course

6th February 1917 

7th February 1917 

8th February 1917 Regimental routine

9th February 1917 Inspections

10th February 1917 Inspections

11th February 1917 Slight thaw. Church services

12th February 1917 Musketry course

13th February 1917 Inspections

14th February 1917 Courses and reliefs

15th February 1917 Lecture and reliefs

16th February 1917 Appointments and inspections

17th February 1917 Interviews and appointments

18th February 1917 Church Parade and supplies

19th February 1917 Inspections

20th February 1917 Inspections

21st February 1917 Inspections

22nd February 1917 Divisional GOC inspection

23rd February 1917 Inspections and Courses

24th February 1917 Inspections and Courses

25th February 1917 Church Parade

26th February 1917 Training courses

27th February 1917 New horses arrive

28th February 1917 Regimental Routine and Brigade Conference

1st March 1917 Routine and inspections

2nd March 1917 Routine

3rd March 1917 routine and interviews

4th March 1917 Church Parade and courses

5th March 1917 Routine

6th March 1917 Routine and Brigade Staff Ride

7th March 1917 Routine and courses

8th March 1917 Routine and courses

9th March 1917 Routine

10th March 1917 Routine and courses

11th March 1917 Routine and church.

12th March 1917 

13th March 1917 Routine and inspections

14th March 1917 Pioneers rejoin unit.

15th March 1917 Pioneers rejoin and new billets search

16th March 1917 Courses completed.

17th March 1917 Horse casting inspection

18th March 1917 Church services

19th March 1917 Musketry

20th March 1917 Musketry and scouting courses

21st March 1917 Courses continued

22nd March 1917 Training and New orders

23rd March 1917 Inspections and gas mask issue

24th Mar 1917 Route March and new equipment

25th Mar 1917 Church parade and new saddlery fitted

26th March 1917 Brigade Inspection at Preures

27th March 1917 Training with new equipment

28th March 1917 Training and conference

29th March 1917 Route March

30th March 1917 Training courses

31st March 1917 Inspections and reinforcements

1st April 1917 Routine

2nd April 1917 Mounted Schemes and Hotchkiss Firing

3rd April 1917 Bad weather continues

4th April 1917 Ongoing training

5th April 1917 Move from winter quarters

6th April 1917 Remain in billets

7th April 1917 Move

8th April 1917 On the Move

9th April 1917 Regiment on standy - Dismounted party casualties

10th April 1917 Ongoing moves and repair works

11th April 1917 Supportin action and casualty clearance

12th April 1917 Support after Attack

13th April 1917 Bad weather exposure

14th April 1917 Casting of Horses

15th April 1917 Dismounted Party returns

16th April 1917 Start of Moves

17th April 1917 Move

18th April 1917 Rest day

19th April 1917 Move to good billets

20th April 1917 Regiment reunited at Lebiez

21st April 1917 Routine

22nd April 1917 Church Parade

23rd April 1917 Refresher Courses and Strong Posts Construction

24th April 1917 Casting of Horses

25th April 1917 Ongoing training

26th April 1917 Staff Rides

27th April 1917 Regimental route march

28th April 1917 Inspections

29th April 1917 Church parade and reinforcements

30th April 1917 Completion of Troop Strong Posts

1st May 1917 Inspections

2nd May 1917 Route March

3rd May 1917 Staff Rides and new horses

4th May 1917 Staff Rides and new horses

5th May 1917 Inspections

6th May 1917 Church services

7th May 1917 Courses and grazing of horses

8th May 1917 Staff Rides

9th May 1917 Staff Rides

10th May 1917 Route March and Casting

11th May 1917 Inspection of work parties

12th May 1917 

13th May 1917 Parties to Pioneer Battalion  location map

14th May 1917 Moves to new billets

15th May 1917 Further moves  location map

16th May 1917 Routine  location map

17th May 1917 Move of Work Party  location map

18th May 1917 CO's Inspection  location map

19th May 1917 Routine exercise and grazing  location map

20th May 1917 Routine  location map

21st May 1917 Routine  location map

22nd May 1917 Routine  location map

23rd May 1917 Routine  location map

24th May 1917 Staff Rides  location map

25th May 1917 Appointment  location map

26th May 1917 Appointments  location map

27th May 1917 Church services  location map

28th May 1917 Inspections and movements  location map

29th May 1917 Routine and interviews  location map

30th May 1917 Board of Survey  location map

31st May 1917 In Billets

1st June 1917 Routine

2nd June 1917 Return of working parties

3rd June 1917 Church Parade

4th June 1917 Routine

5th June 1917 Routine

7th June 1917 Exercise and inspections

8th June 1917 Routine

9th June 1917 Routine

10th June 1917 Church Parade

11th June 1917 Working party departs

12th June 1917 Routine and courses

13th June 1917 Schemes and courses

14th June 1917 Route march and courses

15th June 1917 Routine and movement order

16th June 1917 Pioneers setting up and move  location map

17th June 1917 Church services and Pioneer Battalion action

18th June 1917 Exercise and routine

19th June 1917 Exercise and routine

20th June 1917 Routine and Pioneers Works in front line

21st June 1917 Routine and Pioneer actions

22nd June 1917 Further Casualties in Pioneer Battalion

23rd June 1917 Routine and ongoing Pioneers Activities

24th June 1917 Musketry course and Pioneer activity

25th June 1917 Final Assault Course and Pioneer Activities

26th June 1917 Routine and Casting Inspection. Pioneer work continues

27th June 1917 Routine and Pioneer work and move

28th June 1917 Routine

29th June 1917 Routine and Pioneers inspection

30th June 1917 Routine and Ongoing Pioneer activity

1st July 1917 Routine and Pioneer Activity

2nd July 1917 Routing and Ongoing Pioneer Activity

3rd July 1917 Routine and Pioneer activity

4th July 1917 Routine and Inspection with Pioneers to new billets

5th July 1917 Routine and Pioneers Activity

6th July 1917 Routine and further Pioneering work

7th July 1917 

8th July 1917 Routine and Pioneer working parties

9th July 1917 Routine and Unit Moves

10th July 1917 Routine and Working Parties Activity

11th July 1917 Routine and Working Parties Activity

12th July 1917 Hotchkiss Courses and Working Party Activity

13th July 1917 Routine Working Parties and movement orders

14th July 1917 Routine and working parties  location map

15th July 1917 

16th July 1917 Church Services

17th July 1917 Inspections and Courses

18th July 1917 Formation of Pioneer Brigade

19th July 1917 Inspections and Pioneer Company Formation

20th July 1917 Reconnaisance and reorganisation

21st July 1917 Conference, training and standby.

22nd July 1917 Church services

23rd July 1917 Ongoing training

24th July 1917 Ongoing training

25th July 1917 Routine and training

26th July 1917 Recreation and training

27th July 1917 Training and routine

28th July 1917 Divisional signalling scheme

29th July 1917 Weather interrupt of Brigade Signalling Scheme

30th July 1917 Ongoing training

31st July 1917 Ongoing training and Letter from 1 Corps Commander

1st August 1917 Parade postponed bad weather

2nd August 1917 Routine - Parade postponed due to weather

3rd August 1917 Ongoing training

4th August 1917 Inspections

5th August 1917 Church Parade and Medal Ceremony

6th August 1917 Work party to 5th Army

7th August 1917 Route march and Staff Ride

8th August 1917 Ongoing training

9th August 1917 Ongoing training

10th August 1917 Parade and lecture

11th August 1917 Inspections

12th Aug 1917 Routine

13th August 1917 Ongoing training

14th Aug 1917 Route March

15th Aug 1917 Ongoing training

16th August 1917 Ongoing training

17th August 1917 Ongoing training

18th August 1917 Inspections

19th August 1917 Church services

20th August 1917 Ongoing training

21st August 1917 Divisional Gas Lecture and Drill

22nd August 1917 inspections and training

23rd August 1917 Horse trials and training

24th August 1917 Ongoing training

25th August 1917 Horse trials and training

26th August 1917 Church Parade

27th August 1917 Move to Lugy  9th Queens Royal Lancers

27th Aug - Bivouac Lugy - The regiment paraded at Calonne 0615 and marched to brigade Starting point Robecq Church arriving 0715. Route followed Busnes, Lillers, Auchy au Bois, Febvin Palvert, Laires and Lugy. Regiment went into bivouac about 1300. Very wet day.

war diaries

28th August 1917 Further moves

29th August 1917 Routine

30th August 1917 HQ Moved

31st August 1917 Routine

1st September 1917 Cavalry Corps Horse Show  9th Queens Royal Lancers

1st Sep - HQ Bernieulles - Cavalry Corps Horse Show. Captain GM Phipps Hornby's charger won Heavyweight Charger Class and champion riding horse of Corps Class. Lt. Col HM Durand's charger was 2nd in lightweight charger class. C Squadron's GS Wagon was 2nd in GS Wagon Class. 3 ORs to Base Hospital. Strength: Officers 34, Other Ranks 579 and Horses 569

war diaries

2nd Sep 1917 Church Parade

3rd Sep 1917 Training and inspections

4th September 1917 Training and inspections

5th Sep 1917 

6th September 1917 Training and inspections

7th September 1917 Training and inspections

8th September 1917 Inspections  9th Queens Royal Lancers

8th Sep - HQ Bernieulles - Inspection of kits, arms, saddlery and horses by Squadrons.

war diaries

9th September 1917 Church services

10th September 1917 Training courses

11th September 1917 

12th September 1917 Training courses

13th September 1917 Move and training

14th September 1917 Move to Brigade Training Area

15th September 1917 Drill and Sports on sands

16th September 1917 Church services

17th September 1917 Training on sands

18th September 1917 Return to billets

19th September 1917 Training courses

20th September 1917 Training courses

21st September 1917 Divisional Dismounted Sports  9th Queens Royal Lancers

21st Sep - Billets HQ Bernieulles - 1st Cavalry Division Dismounted Sports. 1 OR to Base Hospital

war diaries

22nd September 1917 Inspections and Gymkhana

23rd September 1917 Routine

24th September 1917 Training courses

25th September 1917 Inter Cavalry Brigade Field Exercise

26th September 1917 Training and inspections

27th September 1917 Gas training

28th September 1917 Inter-Brigade Field Exercise

29th September 1917 Bathing and Inspections

30th September 1917 Church Parade

23rd Nov 1918 Repatriation

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  These include information on officers, regimental histories, letters, diary entries, personal accounts and information about actions during the Great War.

Those known to have served with

9th Lancers

during the Great War 1914-1918.

  • Archdale-Porter DSO John Gray. Mjr. (d.21 Nov1917)
  • Davies Frederick George. Pte (d.March 1918)
  • Davis Bert.
  • Dennis Gilbert. Tpr. att. 9th Lancers (d.21st Aug 1918)
  • Grenfell VC. Francis Octavius. Capt. 9th Btn. (d.24th May 1915)
  • Hughes Hugh Elias. Pte. 10th Battlion
  • Hussey Joseph. Sgt. B Sqdn. (d.24th May 1915)
  • Linder Jack. Lcr. (d.24th Aug 1914)
  • Lucas-Tooth DSO MID Douglas Keith Lucas. Capt. (d.14th Sep 1914)
  • Lucas-Tooth DSO MID Douglas Keith Lucas. Capt. (d.14th Sep 1914)
  • MacAlpine J L. 2nd Lt.
  • Mills Charles Alfred. Tpr.
  • Nash Christopher. Pte. (d.1st Jul 1916)
  • Parks F. J.. Trpr. 9th Btn. (d.31st August 1915)
  • Reeve Herbert Ernest. Pte. C Sqn
  • Richardson MC John. RSM
  • Spanswick William George.

All names on this list have been submitted by relatives, friends, neighbours and others who wish to remember them, if you have any names to add or any recollections or photos of those listed, please. Add a Name to this List

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Pte. Herbert Ernest Reeve C Sqn 9th Queens Royal Lancers

Herbert Reeve

My Grandfather, Herbert Reeve was reported missing and then captured on the 22nd of March 1918 after fierce fighting in the Brown Line at Hesbecourt, Somme, France. He was repatriated on the 25th of November 1918. I have two letters sent home to my Grandmother from Gustrow prisoner of war camp dated June and August 1918. He had gone out with the 9th Lancers on the 15th of August 1914.

Nick Reeve


William George Spanswick 9th Lancers

After serving in the 9th Lancers during the Great War on demobilisation William Spanswick immediately joined the Royal Navy as a stoker. In operations in support of the Greeks in Smyrna the ship was involved in landing British troops at Karaburun in support of the Greek occupation of Smyrna in May 1919. His next ship was the battlecruiser HMS Renown from 5th of March 1920.


Bert Davis 9th Lancers

I'm in search of a soldier, Bert Davis, born on 24th of February 1894 in Heath Town, Wolverhampton to Thomas Davis and Mary Shaw. Probably Thomas Davis & Mary lived at Barnes, London, at the outbreak of the first World War.) Bert served with the 9th Lancers and was wounded by shrapnel in the knee or spine, in or around the vicinity of Ypres. He had a daughter named Daphne.

As you can see, I don't have much information to work with. His Granddaughter lives now in the Netherlands and is searching for information about her Grandfather. It seems that after WWI all of the documents where burnt by her Grandmother in the yard due to malcontent about all of the atrocities that happened on the front.

Beelaert Geert


Pte Frederick George Davies 9th Queen's Royal Lancers (d.March 1918)

Frederick died near Brie during 2nd day of Operation Micheal, Somme. Remembered at Pozieres Memorial, France, and Roll of Honour in Canterbury Catherdral Cloisters.


Tpr. Charles Alfred Mills 9th Lancers

My grandfather, Charles Mills, joined the Army on 14th August 1902. He served with the 9th Lancers in South Africa and India, before being garrisoned at Canterbury (my home town), where he met and married my grandmother. Of his service and life I know very little, as he died when my father was only 4 years old.

He did fight at the Battle of Mons and was wounded and captured on 24th of September 1914, so I can only assume he took part in the Charge at Audregnies. He was shot (in the chest) as part of that brave action. He was a POW for 4 years and 4 months, being released in 1919. After his capture it was some months before his name was listed, so, for all that time my grandmother scoured the casualty lists, hoping the "Missing believed killed in action" would be proved wrong.

He was discharged 23rd of March 1919, as "surplus to requirements, having been wounded in action". The family settled in Canterbury, where surgeons refused to remove the bullet, as it was in too dangerous a position. However, in 1927, he became very ill and died in hospital, after his heart enlarged and burst on the German bullet. He was just 44 years old. The Government insisted his illness killed him, not the bullet, and denied my grandmother a War Widows Pension, leaving her to raise 7 children on her own. It also meant his name would not be shown on the 9th Lancers Memorial, in Canterbury Cathedral, as Died of Wounds. The 9th Lancers Old Comrades Association arranged a full military funeral for him, with a gun carriage supplied by the Royal Horse Artillery, who were garrisoned in Canterbury at that time. He loved being a Lancer.

Michael Mills


Pte. Christopher Nash 9th (Queen's Royal) Lancers (d.1st Jul 1916)

Christopher Nash is buried in the Waterford Protestant Cemetery, Waterford Protestant Cemetery, Waterford, Co. Waterford, Ireland.

S Flynn


Trpr. F. J. Parks 9th Btn. Queen's Royal Lancers (d.31st August 1915)

Trooper Parks died, aged 20, on 31st August 1915 at No 16 Stationary Hospital, Le Treport, France. He was the son of Isaac and Mary Parks of Brighton. He is buried in Plot 1, Row H, Grave 6A at Le Treport Military Cemetery, France.


Tpr. Gilbert Dennis att. 9th Lancers Hampshire Yeomanry (d.21st Aug 1918)

Great grandfather Gilbert Dennis, from what I have been told went to Italy with his unit after which he was moved to France in 1918 or before, he was then attached to the 9th Lancers who saw action in the Villars Bretonneux to hold of the German break through I believe. The sketchy details we have was that he received a direct hit from a shell and body never recovered.

Richard White


Sgt. Joseph Hussey B Sqdn. Queens 9th Royal Lancers (d.24th May 1915)

Joseph William Hussey was born in 1878 in Thorncombe, Dorset to Job and Ann Hussey (nee Wellman). He joined the Lancers in 1899 and fought in the Boer War. He was invalided out in April 1900, returning again in April 1901. He then worked on the railways until he rejoined at Sevenoaks for the 1914-1918 conflict. Joseph had married Elsie Ann Cameron in the later half of 1912, they had no children.

Joseph was promoted to sergeant in November 1914. B squadron was led by Captain Francis Grenfell VC who was wounded and died. Sergeant Hussey was gassed and died on 24th May 1915. Both were originally interred in the cemetery at Vlamertinghe, Belgium. Sergeant Hussey was later reburied in the Hop Store Cemetery in Belgium. Both are commemorated at Canterbury Cathedral. Sergeant Hussey is also remembered at Waterloo Station and his name appears in the book about the Grenfell twins written by the author John Buchan of `39 Steps' fame.

Regrettably we have no photos of my great-uncle Sergeant J W Hussey. He was mentioned in dispatches on 31st of May 1915 and was posthumously awarded The Cross of St George 4th class in August 1915.

Pam Smith


Capt. Francis Octavius Grenfell VC. 9th Btn. Queens Royal Lancers (d.24th May 1915)

Captain Francis Octavius Grenfell VC served with the 9th Battalion Queens Royal Lancers during WW1 and died of wounds on the 24th May 1915, aged 35. He is buried in Vlamertinghe Military Cemetery in Belgium. Son of Pascoe Du Pre Grenfell and Sophia, his wife, he was educated at Eton, Francis became Master of the Beagles in 1898. On leaving Eton in 1899 he joined the 3rd (Militia) Battalion, Seaforth Highlanders and saw service in the South African War.

An extract taken from the London Gazette dated 16th November, 1914 records the following:- For gallantry in action against unbroken Infantry at Andregnies, Belgium, on 24th August, 1914, and for gallant conduct in assisting to save the guns of 119th Battery, Royal Field Artillery, near Doubon the same day.

S Flynn


2nd Lt. J L MacAlpine 9th Lancers

2Lt MacAlpine joined 9th Lancers at Meteren on 11th of March 1915 from 11th Reserve Cavalry.

Black Sapper


Capt. Douglas Keith Lucas Lucas-Tooth DSO MID 9th (Queen's Royal) Lancers (d.14th Sep 1914)

Douglas Lucas-Tooth died from wounds received at the Battle of Aisnes



Capt. Douglas Keith Lucas Lucas-Tooth DSO MID 9th (Queen's Loyal) Lancers (d.14th Sep 1914)

Captain Douglas Keith Lucas Lucas-Tooth, 9th (Queen's Loyal) Lancers died from wounds received in action at the Battle of the Aisnes on the 14th September 1914. He was awarded Companion, Distinguished Service Order posthumously. He had been Mentioned in Despatches in both the Boer War and the First World War.

S. Flynn


Pte. Hugh Elias Hughes 10th Battlion Royal Welsh Fusiliers

Hugh Elias Hughes from Llanrhos in North Wales is mentioned in the nominal roll of 9th Queen's Royal Lancers as having joined the regiment in France on the 16th June 1916. At this time the 9th Lancers were preparing for the Somme Offensive and were to be used for the break-through (that never occurred). The battle of the Somme started on the 1st July with the men of the 9th being used as "vulture parties" to collect the dead and wounded from the battlefield, On the 4th of October 1916 Hugh was transferred to the 10th Battalion of the Royal Welsh Fusiliers. Hugh's younger brothers, Griffith and Ivor, were also serving in this Battalion, whilst their eldest sibling, William, was transferred from the 1/6th (Territorial) Battalion to the 1st Battalion of the Regiment in February 1917. On the 13th November 1916 (Battle of Ancre), Ivor was wounded during an assault on the village of Serre, being shot through the thigh. Sadly, less than a year later (2nd of October 1917) William was killed by a gunshot wound to the chest; he left a wife and two young children. Williams's injuries were sustained during a counter attack by the German 46th Reserve Battalion (consisting of 3 Battalions and 3 Sturmtruppe); the attack falling on the area of Polygon Wood covered by the 1st Battalion RWF and the 8th Battalion of the Leicestershire Regiment. William would have first been taken to a field dressing station just behind the front line where morphine would have been administered and his wound dressed; from there he was evacuated to No. 3 Canadian Casualty Clearing Station at Poperinge where he finally succumbed to his wounds on the 2nd of October 1917. William's grave is in Lijssenthoek Military Cemetery situated 12 kilometres west of the town of Leper in Belgium, grave reference number XXIV.F.12. William is also commemorated on his parent's memorial headstone in Llanrhos churchyard. Hugh Elias Hughes continued to serve with the 10th RWF until February 1918 when the Battalion was finally disbanded; he was then transferred to the 7th (Pioneer) Battalion of the York and Lancaster Regiment. It was whilst serving with this regiment that he was injured. The story the family passed down regarding his wounding, is that Hugh was in a dugout playing cards with four comrades; the dugout received a direct hit from a German artillery shell and all four of his pals were killed instantly. The rest of the dugout collapsed down onto Hugh but he was eventually pulled from the carnage suffering with severe head injuries and associated memory loss. The family may well have been informed that Hugh was missing because, as the story goes, Hugh's mother was convinced that he was still alive and sent a photograph of him to help with his identification. Eventually Hugh was identified and returned home to Llanrhos in December 1918. Unfortunately the tragedy does not end here, as after leaving the Army, Hugh suffered acutely from his head wound, any loud noise would result in panic, with him displaying the terrible character changing symptoms so often associated with severe head trauma and battle stress. In August 1920, Hugh and a former sailor called Thomas Henry Lewis decided to leave the Llandudno area to try and find work; so they walked to Chester, eventually finding temporary employment at Rake Lane farm in Eccleston. Following an unsuccessful attempt to gain work in the mines in Wrexham, Hugh found himself back in Chester, by now separated from Thomas and in in a very drunken and distressed state. Sadly, whilst in this condition Hugh threw himself from a bridge over the river Dee and drowned. Hugh's father Owen travelled to Chester to identify his son's body and give evidence at the inquest, the city coroner Mr E Brassey returned a verdict of "suicide whilst of unsound mind". Hugh is commemorated on his parent's memorial stone in Llanrhos churchyard and can be considered as much a victim of the Great War as his brother William.

Tegid Hughes

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