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- 5th Dragoon Guards (Princess of Wales) during the Great War -

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World War 1 One ww1 wwII greatwar great 1914 1918 first battalion regiment

5th Dragoon Guards (Princess of Wales)

   5th Dragoon Guards (Princess of Wales) proceeded to France is August 1914 and served on the Western Front throughout the Great War.

4th Aug 1914 Orders Received

4th Aug 1914 Mobilization

7th Aug 1914 Mobilisation

10th Aug 1914 Horses

11th Aug 1914 Horses

12th Aug 1914 Mobilisation Complete

13th Aug 1914 Route March

14th Aug 1914 Move Begins

15th Aug 1914 On the Move

15th Aug 1914 On the Move

16th Aug 1914 On the Move

17th Aug 1914 Entraining

18th Aug 1914 On the Move

18th Aug 1914 Orders Received

18th Aug 1914 On the Move

19th Aug 1914 In Billets

20th Aug 1914 In Billets

21st Aug 1914 In Defence

22nd Aug 1914 Gun Fire

23rd Aug 1914 Retreat

23rd Aug 1914 Maps

24th Aug 1914 Fighting Withdrawal

25th Aug 1914 Fighting Withdrawal

26th Aug 1914 Fighting Withdrawal

26th Aug 1914 In Action

27th Aug 1914 Rear Guard

28th Aug 1914 Rear Guard

29th Aug 1914 Enemy Active

30th Aug 1914 On the March

31st Aug 1914 On the March

1st Sep 1914 Caught with their Coats Off

1st Sep 1914 In Action

1st Sep 1914 Under Attack

1st Sep 1914 Counter Attack

1st Sep 1914 Attack

12th of October 1914 Orders to Advance  location map

20th Oct 1914 In Action  location map

21st Oct 1914 In Action  location map

22nd Oct 1914 Shelling  location map

23rd Oct 1914 Reliefs  location map

22nd of November 1914 In the Line  location map

11th Sep 1915 Last day of Derby Scheme Recruitment

16th Oct 1915 The Derby Scheme

1st Dec 1915 Derby Scheme Armlets

10th Jan 1916 Group System Reopens

9th February 1916 Call Ups

If you can provide any additional information, please add it here.

Want to know more about the 5th Dragoon Guards (Princess of Wales)?

There are:6627 items tagged 5th Dragoon Guards (Princess of Wales) available in our Library

  These include information on officers, regimental histories, letters, diary entries, personal accounts and information about actions during the Great War.

Those known to have served with

5th Dragoon Guards (Princess of Wales)

during the Great War 1914-1918.

  • Ardley Henry. Pte. (d.19th Sept 1914)
  • Blackburne DSO. Charles Harold. Lt.Col. 5th Btn. (d.10th Oct 1918)
  • Blackburne DSO MID Charles Harold. Lt.Col. attd. HQ Staff, Dublin (d.10th October 1918)
  • Brown George. Saddler. (d.10th Jan 1915)
  • Cooper Charles Frederick. Cpl.
  • Cope Edward. Pte.
  • Denham Harold. Pte. (d.28th October 1918)
  • Gillin Frederick William. Pte. Machine Gun Section
  • Lancaster Thomas. Sgt.
  • Matthews Vernon George. Sgt.
  • Norwood VC John. Cpt. (d.8th Sep 1914)
  • Stainthorpe Ernest. Pte.

All names on this list have been submitted by relatives, friends, neighbours and others who wish to remember them, if you have any names to add or any recollections or photos of those listed, please. Add a Name to this List

More 5th Dragoon Guards (Princess of Wales) records.

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Cpt. John Norwood VC 5th Dragoon Guards (d.8th Sep 1914)

Captain John Norwood VC

Captain John Norwood served with the 5th Dragoon Guards and was killed in action on the 8th September 1914, aged 38. He is buried in Sablonnières New Communal Cemetery in France.

He was the son of Mr. & Mrs. John Norwood and husband of Lilian

An extract taken from the London Gazette dated 27th July 1900 records the following: "John Norwood, Lieut. 5th Dragoon Guards. Date of Act of Bravery 30th Oct. 1899. On the 30th Oct. 1899, this officer went out from Ladysmith in charge of a small patrol of the 5th Dragoon Guards. They came under heavy fire from the enemy, who were posted on a ridge in great force. The patrol, which had arrived within about 600 yards of the ridge, then retired a full speed. One man dropped, and Second Lieut. Norwood galloped back about 300 yards through heavy fire, dismounted, and picking up the fallen trooper, carried him out of fire on his back, at the same time leading his horse with one hand. The enemy kept up an incessant fire during the whole time that Second Lieut. Norwood was carrying the man until he was quite out of range"

S Flynn


Pte. Harold Denham 5th Dragoon Guards (d.28th October 1918)

Prior to the War Harold Denham was working with Great Western Railway in the Signal Department, Taunton and is remembered on their roll of honour. One of the original BEF, he enlisted with 5th Dragoon Guards, service number D/152. He was att. Cavalry Brigade when he died of broncho pneumonia in hospital at Rouen on 28th of October 1918.

His younger brother, Wilfred, was killed in 1915. Buried in St. Sever Cemetery Extension, Rouen and remembered on Seafront Memorial and St. James Church Window, Teignmouth.

Heather Roche


Lt.Col. Charles Harold "Peter" Blackburne DSO MID attd. HQ Staff, Dublin 5th Dragoon Guards (Princess Charlotte of Wales's) (d.10th October 1918)

Lieutenant Colonel Blackburne was the son of the late C.E. Blackburne and Mary Blackburne; husband of Emily Beatrice Blackburne. He was drowned when the Royal Mail Steamer Leinster was torpedoed in the Irish Sea. His wife survived but two children, Beatrice Audrey and Charles Bertram, died together with a governess, Miss de Pury. He is buried in the Officer's Ground in the Kilmainham (Royal Hospital) Cemetery, Dublin, Ireland.

S Flynn


Cpl. Charles Frederick Cooper 5th Dragoon Guards

Charlie Cooper was my grandfather. He was serving in India when the regiment was recalled and sent to France in August 1914. He was in action at the battle of Mons, La Bassee and Neuve Chapelle, being seriously wounded in the battle at Neuve Chapelle he was invalided back to England. After prolonged hospital treatment, he was discharged as medically unfit for further service. He holds the Mons Star, and the General Service and Victory medals. Charlie worked as a painter and decorator until his death in 1954 at Roehamton Hospital and buried at Streatham Vale Cemetery, where buglers of the Royal Horse Artillery, with whom he served in India and France, sounded the Last Post.

Peter Cooper


Lt.Col. Charles Harold Blackburne DSO. 5th Btn. Dragoon Guards (d.10th Oct 1918)

In memory of Lt.Col. Charles Harold Blackburne, DSO, born 20th May, 1876 and Charles Bertram (Peter) his son, born 3rd Sep. 1911 also of Beatrice, his daughter, born 4th June 1907. All of whom lost their lives in the sinking of R.M.S. Leinster by a German submarine on the 10th of October 1918

s flynn


Sgt. Thomas Lancaster Machine Gun Corps

My Grandad Sgt Thomas Lancaster enlisted at Dover on 10th January 1911 and was first appointed to the 5th Dragoon Guards before serving with the Machine Gun Corps (Cavalry). We believe he served throughout WW1 with the Machine Gun Corps and his discharged papers are dated 9th January 1923 and these state that he was discharged from 1st Kings Dragoon Guards. The discharge papers were signed by the officer i/c Cavalry records at Canterbury.

We are trying to trace his actual service record including where in France/Belgium he served and with which unit. Any assistance anyone could afford us would be most gratefully received.

My Grandfather went onto serve with the British Army during WW2 and although we cannot find out exactly where he served during this time (we believe Dover) he was involved in some form of weapons testing and bomb disposal. He lost the tops of his fingers on one hand as a result. Again any information you might be able to offer would be welcome.

Pauline Danson


Saddler. George Brown 5th Dragoon Guards (Princess Charlottte's Own) (d.10th Jan 1915)

George Brown served with the 5th Dragoon Guards (Princess Charlotte's own). He died in January 1915.

s flynn


Pte. Henry Ardley 5th Dragoon Guards (d.19th Sept 1914)

I have managed to find a lot of documents for my Great Grandpa, Henry Ardley. His attestation, his medical, death, medal receipts. I am trying to find out as much as I can so that I can ensure my children know all about him.

Henry had 3 children, Henry 1911 (my Grandpa), Daisy 1911 and George 1914. George was born just a month before his father was killed in action. My Granpa, Henry -(or Harry as he was nicknamed) died aged 85 and I never got to speak to him about his father, what he knew or anything. It never came up in conversation. It is a shame as I think he would have loved to have learned about the man he lost so young.

One story I enjoyed reading in the documents I have found was the time he was riding down an incline and his horse falling, his right leg got caught in the stirrups - his horse got back up and bolted - dragging him a few yards, they had court papers to enquire into what happened and whose fault it was. Thankfully he was not charged - he was exonerated - as well as having a badly sprained ankle and 20 days in Hospital!

Henry is buried in the Vailly Cemetary in France and I think was in the Battle of Aisne as far as I can determine. There is still more to research and uncover.

Natalie Branch


Pte. Edward Cope 5th Dragoon Guards

Amongst my Grandfather's WW1 documents I have a copy of an Army Form W3288, which is overstamped 5th August 1918 from the Southern General Hospital Records (looks like Stourbridge Saffron, Birmingham):-

Herewith Army Form B.178 (Medical History Sheet)in ... D/7832 Pte Edward Cope 5th D.G..S, Received W Kirkpatrick and signed Cdonce?, dated Canterbury 18.8.18.

I believe my grandfather served on the Somme and at Paschendale and was injured. His horse (14h high) black and called Ni**er was also badly injured and died shortly after, despite much veterinary attention.

Perhaps my Grandad wouldn't be classed as a Hero because he survived! However, I strongly believe that anyone who took part in those dreadful battles were Heroes nonetheless!

I have such fond memories of my grandfather and have collected over 50 documents relating to his Army Service dating back to 20/6/1911. I am researching his life as my personal Memorial to him. Edward's eldest son is now 88 years of age and sadly not able to add to Edward's story, but my Uncle (2nd son) at 83 is very excited by everything I find.

Carole Matthews

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