- 11th (Prince Alberts Own) Hussars during the Great War -
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World War 1 One ww1 wwII greatwar great 1914 1918 first battalion regiment
11th (Prince Alberts Own) Hussars
11th (Prince Alberts Own) Hussars proceeded to France in August 1914 and served on the Western Front throughout the Great War.
4th Aug 1914 Orders Received
4th Aug 1914 Mobilization
7th Aug 1914 Mobilisation
9th Aug 1914 Reservists
10th Aug 1914 Horses
11th Aug 1914 Horses
12th Aug 1914 Mobilisation Complete
13th Aug 1914 Route March
14th Aug 1914 Move Begins
15th Aug 1914 On the Move
15th Aug 1914 On the Move
16th Aug 1914 On the Move
17th Aug 1914 Entraining
18th Aug 1914 On the Move
18th Aug 1914 Orders Received
18th Aug 1914 On the Move
19th Aug 1914 In Billets
20th Aug 1914 In Billets
21st Aug 1914 In Defence
22nd Aug 1914 Gun Fire
23rd Aug 1914 Retreat
23rd Aug 1914 Maps
24th Aug 1914 Fighting Withdrawal
25th Aug 1914 Fighting Withdrawal
26th Aug 1914 Fighting Withdrawal
26th Aug 1914 In Action
27th Aug 1914 Rear Guard
28th Aug 1914 Rear Guard
29th Aug 1914 Enemy Active
30th Aug 1914 On the March
31st Aug 1914 On the March
1st Sep 1914 In Action
1st Sep 1914 Under Attack
1st Sep 1914 Counter Attack
1st Sep 1914 Attack
10th Sep 1914 Shelling
7th Oct 1914 Chased from Village to Village
20th Oct 1914 In Action
21st Oct 1914 Terrible Shelling
21st Oct 1914 In Action
22nd Oct 1914 Shelling
23rd Oct 1914 11th Hussars bivouack
23rd Oct 1914 Reliefs
30th Oct 1914 In Action
5th Nov 1914 Great Havoc Wrought
16th Nov 1914 A few Prisoners
21st of November 1914 Regiments Under-strength
12th Feb 1915 Heavy Fighting
13th May 1915 11th Hussars endure Bombardment
11th Sep 1915 Last day of Derby Scheme Recruitment
16th Oct 1915 The Derby Scheme
1st Dec 1915 Derby Scheme Armlets
7th Dec 1915 Sergeant Major's Secret
10th Jan 1916 Group System Reopens
9th February 1916 Call UpsIf you can provide any additional information, please add it here.
Want to know more about the 11th (Prince Alberts Own) Hussars?
There are:6636 items tagged 11th (Prince Alberts Own) Hussars available in our Library
These include information on officers, regimental histories, letters, diary entries, personal accounts and information about actions during the Great War.
Those known to have served with
11th (Prince Alberts Own) Hussars
during the Great War 1914-1918.
- Garthwaite Phillip. Pte. A Squadron
- Goodger Henry. Pte. (d.3rd Nov 1914)
- Gough DSO. Horace Fredrick. 2nd Lt. 8th Battalion (d.21st Sept 1917)
All names on this list have been submitted by relatives, friends, neighbours and others who wish to remember them, if you have any names to add or any recollections or photos of those listed, please. Add a Name to this List
More 11th (Prince Alberts Own) Hussars records.
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246818Pte. Phillip Garthwaite A Squadron 11th Hussars
Phillip Garthwaite proceeded to France with the 11th Hussars on the 15th of August 1914. He was taken Prisoner at Bertry in France on the 26th of August 1914 whilst behind enemy lines. He was discharged on the 21st of March 1919.James Garthwaite
224965Pte. Henry Goodger 11th Hussars (d.3rd Nov 1914)
From the Folkestone, Hythe, Sandgate and Cheriton Herald published on the 23rd of January 1915: "Pathetic interest attaches to a little book that has come into The Herald Office this week. It is a small notebook of French origin, containing the opening entries of the diary of a Hythe soldier, Private H. Goodyer (sic), 11th Hussars, the husband of Mrs Goodyer, of 33 Fort Road, Hythe.Beginning with the mobilization and departure from England in August, the notes cover the retreat from Mons, and the subsequent driving back of the enemy after the battle of the Marne. Incidentally it mentions the famous stand by L Battery of the Royal Horse Artillery. The diary breaks off at the end of October, with the death of the writer, who died on November 3rd from wounds received in action. It is pathetic to reflect that he evidently purchased the book in France with the intention of keeping a record of his experiences in the campaign and in the hope, no doubt, of bringing back to England with him as a memento of the great struggle, only to have his career cut short by a German bullet. The entries are as follows:-
The writer of the diary was H/1657 Private Henry Goodger, who served with the 11th (Prince Alberts Own) Hussars. Goodger was wounded during the fighting at Messines on 30 October 1914 and died of his injuries in hospital, aged 31, at Boulogne on 3 November. He was the son of Louisa Goodger of 18 Milton Street in Worthing, and the late Lewis Goodger. Private Goodger is buried at Boulogne Eastern Cemetery."
- August 5th - Mobilized at Dublin.
- August 19th - (En)Trained at Maubeuge.
- August 21st - Arrived.
- August 22nd - On patrol, captured 17 Uhlans.
- August 23rd - In Belgium, retired through Mons.
- August 24th - Heavy firing around Avesnes 2 p.m., finished 9 p.m.
- August 25th - Rear guard action.
- August 26th - Under heavy shell fire.
- August 27th - Very quiet.
- August 28th - Retiring under heavy shelling.
- August 29th - Rear guard action.
- August 30th - Rear guard action.
- August 31st - Rear guard action.
- September 1st - Rear guard action. Surprised by enemy; 2 D.G.s horses stampede. L. Battery cut up. Machine gun puts enemys guns out of action. Capture 11 guns.
- September 6th and 7th - Rear guard action.
- September 8th - Finish of retirement.
- September 14th and 15th - Drove enemy out of Braine with heavy losses.
- September 16th - Heavy shell fire. Lost five men, six horses. Purser had bandolier cut away by shell.
- September 17th, 18th, 19th, and 20th - Support in trenches, near chateau.
- September 21st - Rest camp.
- September 22nd to 27th - Big battle fought on hills.
- September 28th - Still fighting on hills.
- September 29th - Either side of Champagne valley. 1st Brigade resting in support.
- September 30th - The same.
- October 1st - The same.
- October 2nd - The same.
- October 3rd - Eight days march to left flank, B squadron.
- October 8th - In support of French under heavy shell fire; one man wounded.
- October 11th - Arrive Merville on French flank.
- October 12th - Flank got in touch with enemys cavalry, doing flank patrols under heavy rifle fire. Drove enemy back.
- October 13th - Went out 6 oclock on officers patrol from -------. Surprised by enemy strongly entrenched. Got within 30 yards, retired. Officer killed, tried to get body; one man wounded, one missing, one horse shot; village shelled.
- October 14th - Drove Germans back; infantry captures guns.
- October 15th - The troops on outpost captured three Germans in farm; lost four men.
- October 16th - Lying in support.
- October 17th - Dismounted action, holding enemy in check till infantry come up.
- October 18th - Support to guns in woods.
- October 19th - The same.
- October 20th - In trenches for the night. Pouring with rain. Horses came over on top of me.
- October 21st - Still in trenches; 26 hours under shell and rifle fire.
- October 22nd - In support in trenches. Shell fire during night.
- October 23rd - Retired from trenches at 6 oclock. Rest day.
- October 24th - Rest day.
- October 25th - In reserve in trenches under shell fire, big guns.
2192772nd Lt. Horace Fredrick Gough DSO. 8th Battalion North Staffordshire Regiment (d.21st Sept 1917)
Horace Gough was a Lance Corporal in the 11th Hussars and a 2nd Lieutenant in the 8th Battalion of The North Staffordshire Regiment. He received the DSO. For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty. He rallied part of a neighbouring battalion that had lost all of its officers and had been forced back from a most important position He personally led a counter attack, and re-took the position at the point of the bayonet, inflicting heavy casualties on the enemy. He then consolidated the captured position and remained in command until relieved. By his gallantry, individuality and resource he undoubtedly enabled the troops on his flank to regain a highly important position.Ann-Marie Roberts
Recomended Reading.
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