- Lothians and Border Horse during the Great War -
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World War 1 One ww1 wwII greatwar great 1914 1918 first battalion regiment
Lothians and Border Horse
Territorial Force:
1/1st Battalion, Lothians and Border Horse Yeomanry 2/1st Battalion, Lothians and Border Horse Yeomanry 3/1st Battalion, Lothians and Border Horse Yeomanry
Lothians and Border Horse were a mounted unit of the Territorial Force with their HQ at 7 Wemyss Place, Edinburgh. They were made up of A, B, C and D Squadrons and were part of the Lowland Mounted Brigade.
3rd of September 1915 Off to France
5th of September 1915 In France
5th of September 1915 Concentration of Units
7th of September 1915 More Units Join
11th Sep 1915 Last day of Derby Scheme Recruitment
17th of September 1915 Advance Units Arrive
21st of September 1915 In the Front Line
22nd of September 1915 Gas Precautions
29th of September 1915 Snipers and Reliefs
8th of October 1915 German Dud Shell
9th of October 1915 Artillery Regrouped
14th of October 1915 Snipers' Course
16th Oct 1915 The Derby Scheme
23rd of October 1915 French Take Over Front
1st Dec 1915 Derby Scheme Armlets
10th Jan 1916 Group System Reopens
9th February 1916 Call Ups
15th Feb 1916 Cross Country Race
18th of May 1916 OrdersIf you can provide any additional information, please add it here.
Want to know more about the Lothians and Border Horse?
There are:6602 items tagged Lothians and Border Horse available in our Library
These include information on officers, regimental histories, letters, diary entries, personal accounts and information about actions during the Great War.
Those known to have served with
Lothians and Border Horse
during the Great War 1914-1918.
- Atwell Robert Erskine. Lt. 4th Btn. (d.2nd Sep 1918)
- Clements Robert Thompson.
- Lafferty James. Private 1/1st (d.31st Dec 1918)
- Nisbet Alexander. Cpl.
All names on this list have been submitted by relatives, friends, neighbours and others who wish to remember them, if you have any names to add or any recollections or photos of those listed, please. Add a Name to this List
More Lothians and Border Horse records.
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- 26th Mar 2025
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216765Lt. Robert Erskine Atwell 4th Btn. Connaught Rangers (d.2nd Sep 1918)
Lieutenant Robert Atwell was born on October 26th 1882 in Sandymount, Dublin. He was the son of Sarah Margretta Atwell, of 10 Braid Hills Road, Edinburgh, and Richard Atwell, of Blackrock, County Dublin. Before enlisting in December 1914 he worked at the Head Office of Standard Life Assurance Company, Edinburgh. From 1914 to 1917 he served in the Lothians and Border Horse, and on 25th January 1917 he was commissioned as a 2nd Lieutenant in the 4th Connaught Rangers. He then travelled to France in March of that year.
For the first three months he was attached to the 6th Connaught Rangers, and from August 1917 to April 1918 he was back in Scotland recovering from shell shock. A few months after returning to France in August 1918 he was promoted to Lieutenant having been attached to the 12th Battalion Royal Irish Rifles. Robert Atwell was 35 years old when he was killed in action near Neuve Eglise, France, and he is buried in Wulverghem-Lindenhoek Road Military Cemetery. He is commemorated on the Standard Life Assurance Company Memorial, Edinburgh.
S Flynn
205636Robert Thompson Clements Lothian And Border Horse
Looking for more information on my grandfather - Robert Thompson Clements. The story is that he joined the Royal Field Artillery at the onset of WWI, and was in the RFA with his elder brother, Walter. Unfortunately, my grandfather had lied about his age and was only 15 at the time. He was dragged off the train headed for France by his mother, Mary. That I would love to have seen! When he finally reached the required age he went into (here's where it gets sketchy) the Lothian and Border Horse. I believe he made Corporal due to his previous army experience! I think he was part of the group that went to Ireland in 1918.According to the stories I heard, my Uncle Walter had also made that transition after serving at the Front.
Owing to my grandfather's love of pranks, his elder brother took it upon himself to repay him, and haze him. He gave him a horse to ride that was the equivalent of "Old Thunder". Riding that horse apparently nearly saw Granddad off. Apparently my Great-Uncle Walter got the laugh of his life out of it. After the war he worked in the Wandsworth Gas Works and retired from there. He died in 1971. He was also a member of the St. John's Ambulance.
Ian Clements
204572Cpl. Alexander Nisbet Lothians and Border Horse Yeomanry
I am currently researching a Roll of Honour published by Lodge Canongate Kilwinning Number 2 (Edinburgh) on June 28th 1919. There are 26 names of members who died in the First World War. One of the entries is "Nisbet Alex. Corpl., Lothian and Border Horse." There are five men with that name in the CWGC web site. One of them is from Edinburgh but none of them were in the LBH or 17th Bn.Royal Scots.Does anyone have any information or records that will help me and the Lodge to expand the entry?
George M Docherty
204490Private James Lafferty 1/1st Lothian and Borders Horse (d.31st Dec 1918)
All I can tell you is that James Lafferty was my mother's great uncle, who went through the whole war and was stationed in Solonaka in Greece and died on the 31st Decmber 1918 of Phuemonia aged just 23. What I can gather is a lot of soldiers over there at that time died from various ilnessesStephen wright
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