- 1st (Royal) Dragoons during the Great War -
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World War 1 One ww1 wwII greatwar great 1914 1918 first battalion regiment
1st (Royal) Dragoons
4th Oct 1914 Orders Received
8th Oct 1914 6th Cavalry Brigade land Ostend The 6th Cavalry Brigade, consisting of the 1st (Royal) Dragoon Guards, 10th (Prince Of Wales’s Own Royal) Hussars and C Battery, RHA land at Ostend as part of the 3rd Cavalry Division.
8th Oct 1914 On the Move
9th Oct 1914 Anxiety
18th Oct 1914 Planning
19th Oct 1914 1st Dragoons suffer casualties in first advance 'A' Squadron 1st Royal Dragoons reported in their first advance the following casualties: Cpl. Harrison killed. Sgt. Lock wounded, Sgt. Measures, L.Cpl. Murkan, Ptes. Protts, Luck, Petherick, Wide and McCullum missing. Have received orders to move on Rolleghem-Cappelle.War Diary -After-Action report, 19th Oct 1915. 3rd Cavalry Division; 1st Royal Dragoons
19th Oct 1914 Patrols under Fire
5th Nov 1914 Under Shellfire
17th Nov 1914 Relief Completed
13th May 1915 Heavy Fighting
13th May 1915 Heavy Casualties
11th Sep 1915 Last day of Derby Scheme Recruitment
26th Sep 1915 Dismounted Cavalry in Action
26th Sep 1915 Shoring up Defences
16th Oct 1915 The Derby Scheme
1st Dec 1915 Derby Scheme Armlets
2nd Jan 1916 The Smells of War
10th Jan 1916 Group System Reopens
12th Jan 1916 With a Mug of Tea in his Hand
9th February 1916 Call Ups
11th May 1917 New Horses Arrive
7th August 1917 52nd Divisional Orders No.67.
24th Mar 1918 Cavalry Charge
11th November 1918 Armistice Signed - Cease FireIf you can provide any additional information, please add it here.
Want to know more about the 1st (Royal) Dragoons?
There are:6606 items tagged 1st (Royal) Dragoons available in our Library
These include information on officers, regimental histories, letters, diary entries, personal accounts and information about actions during the Great War.
Those known to have served with
1st (Royal) Dragoons
during the Great War 1914-1918.
- Dunnet John. Pte. 1st (Royal) Dragoons (d.20th Jan 1916)
- Thomson George Drummond Wilson.
All names on this list have been submitted by relatives, friends, neighbours and others who wish to remember them, if you have any names to add or any recollections or photos of those listed, please. Add a Name to this List
More 1st (Royal) Dragoons records.
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- 26th Mar 2025
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228978Pte. John Dunnet 1st (Royal) Dragoons British Army (d.20th Jan 1916)
John Dunnet was born in 1896 in Thurso, the son of John, who was a policeman, and Jessie Dunnet. His parents eventually moved to Edinburgh, where they lived in a tenement at 2, Orwell Place on Dalry Road. As well as John, the Dunnets had a further six children: four sons and two daughters. John joined the 2nd Dragoons (Royal Scots Greys) at Edinburgh on 3rd of January 1914 at the age of eighteen. At the time of his enlistment, he was employed as an apprentice fitter to a motor engineer, Messrs Mather on Orwell Terrace, and was also a member of the 1st Lowland Field Brigade, Royal Field Artillery (Territorial Force), which was also based in the city. Three days after his attestation, John was sent to No. 6 (Scottish) Cavalry Depot at Dunbar to commence his training. On the outbreak of war in August 1914, he was posted to York to join the 5th Reserve Cavalry Regiment. This unit had the role of training and providing drafts to both the Greys and the 1st (Royal) Dragoons. In May 1915, he was sent to France as part of a draft for the 1st (Royal) Dragoons, landing on the continent on 19 May. After barely three weeks on active service, Private Dunnet was in the trenches in Sanctuary Wood on 2nd June when he received shrapnel wounds to the right leg. He was evacuated to 4th General Hospital at Versailles. After treatment, he was then returned home and sent to hospital in Bangor. After recovering from his injuries, Dunnet was posted back to the 5th Reserve Cavalry Regiment.He was returned to the Royals in France on 10th of October 1915. In January 1916, a Dismounted Cavalry Division was formed from the three Cavalry Divisions that formed the Cavalry Corps. Each Cavalry Brigade was ordered to form a composite dismounted battalion, with each regiment of the formation contributing a company. The Royal Dragoons provided a company as part 6th Cavalry Brigade Dismounted Battalion to serve in the line in front of the Hohenzollern Redoubt. On 12th of January 1916, John was severely wounded and was evacuated to 33rd Casualty Clearing Station at Bethune, where he died eight days later. John Dunnet is buried at Bethune Town Cemetery
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