- E Battery, Royal Horse Artillery during the Great War -
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E Battery, Royal Horse Artillery
18th Aug 1914 First taste of French Siege Bread
22nd Aug 1914 Royal Horse Artillery in Action
27th August 1914 Early Skirmishes E Battery 3rd Brigade Brigade Royal Horse Artillery are in continuing action from 27th August 1914 with 3rd Cavalry Brigade. The unit came into action and fired some rounds during general retirement.
28th August 1914 Retreat to Frieres E Battery 3rd Brigade RHA moved at 0800 and fell back by Essigny le Grand to Frieres. During retirement engaged Uhlans who were trying to get round our flanks with dispersed section driving them back. Battery retired into bivouac at 2030.
29th August 1914 Further retreat E Battery 3rd Brigade RHA fell back again from 0800 to Chaundy while still with 3rd Cavalry Brigade and went back four miles in case wanted, but noting came of it and retired again through Chaundy to Pierremande where unit bivouacked at 1900.
1st September 1914 Retire to Antilly E Battery 3rd Brigade RHAStarted out at farm, fell back to Antilly and bivouacked. In action several times but did not get a chance to shoot. In bivouac by 2000.
2nd September 1914 Back to Villenoy E Battery 3rd Brigade RHA Started out at 0400 and fell back to Villeroy. engaged from near Raperie a regiment of Cavalry moving south near Fosse Martin at long range driving them to west. In bivouac at 2030.
3rd September 1914 Further withdrawals Still with 3rd Brigade, E Battery 3rd Brigade RHA started at 0400 and returned through Meaux to Barcy, then fell back to Montebise Chateau where unit went into bivouac at 1900. Always in action but nothing to shoot at.
4th September 1914 Continued retreat for E Bty 3rd RHA E Battery 3rd Brigade RHA Started at 0600 and moved to Le Grand Glairet and then fell back to Bois de Done where after halting for some hours went into action near La Fayet about 1600 and engaged two enemy's concealed batteries behind Dove Hill at range of 4,600 yards. the battery was only partly concealed. Fired over 150 rounds and was under very heavy shell fire. When ordered to retire did so under still heavier shell fire. Strange to say not a single casualty though enemy had our range very accurately. Ranged on enemy, searched, our cavalry reported one gun knocked out and heavy casualties to teams. Went into bivouac in Chailly at 2030.
5th September 1914 Rear guard action E Battery 3rd Brigade RHA Started at 0400. Doing left rear guard action with 4th Hussars to 1st Division. Went into bivouac at 1700 in Vilbert.
6th September 1914 Small Advance E Battery 3rd Brigade RHA Started at 0830 and to our great relief at last joined in general advance of our 3 armies. Fired only 30 rounds at long range and went into bivouac in Pezarches at 2030.
7th September 1914 Sections in Action E Battery 3rd Brigade RHA Captain U Clairlu(?) joined the battery today from 3rd Brigade RHA Ammunition Column. The Left Section started out with 16th Lancers at 0430. Remainder of Battery left at 0600. The Left Section fired about 150 rounds with effect from Epieos at stragglers near Mouroux after which they joined battery which engaged retreating guns and cavalry from Chailly firing about another 100 rounds. Went into bivouac in Les Potees at around 2030.
8th September 1914 Heavy casualties E Battery 3rd Brigade RHA Started at 0500 and marched to Mauroy near which we came into action, the centre section under Lt. Palmer was detached. It had a bad time losing four men and eight horses, having a direct hit on the gun section in the open during a heavy crossfire from concealed artillery. The remainder of the battery lost 2 men but though heavily fired upon were not so knocked about except when leaving position when did so under very heavy fire but again had not a single casualty. German artillery completely concealed behind much higher ground. We never found them. We were fighting with 3rd Cavalry Brigade as advance guard and German rear guard was holding position from Le Grand Glairel to St Ouen. Six men and six horses joined the battery from the Ammunition Column. We were withdrawn when our main armies came up and the German rear guard retired. Went into bivouac near Le Grand Glairel at 1730.
9th September 1914 Period in waiting mode E Battery 3rd Brigade RHA started at 0500 and moved to Chateau Perreuse where we waited until 1600 while our armies were attacking the Marne. Moved to Rougeville where we bivouacked at 1800.
10th September 1914 Continuing Action in wet conditions E Battery 3rd Brigade RHA started at 0430 and marched to near Germigny, crossing Marne at Nanteuil, where right section under Lt Maxwell did very well engaging convoy rear guards and assisting in capture of both. Rest of battery did little and went into bivouacs in Passy at 1800. Very wet and heavy going very hard on the horses.
11th September 1914 E Battery 3rd Brigade RHA Continuing pursuit of enemy Started at 0500. Moved to Viilemontoire where two sections fired a few rounds in very heavy rain at retreating infantry about 1600. Lt Maxwell's section out in action with 16th Lancers a good deal against stragglers Went into billets at Tigny about 1800. Very wet all day. At Tigny tonight we got no supplies making our 5th day in all without them since we left Hautmont on the 28th August. in addition we rarely averaged more than 6 lbs per issue which is most annoying as most other units got a full 12 lbs.
12th September 1914 Ongoing Action for E Battery 3rd Brigade RHA started at 0500 and marched to high ground south of the River Aisne, where Lt. Walwyn's Section, who had been detached with left flank guard with 4th Hussars reformed. This section had engaged dismounted cavalry a good deal.Battery then went on with 3rd Cavalry Brigade to high ground North East of Chassemy. Lt Walwyn's section went on again with 4th Hussars in attempt to seize Vailly which failed - section not in action. The remainder of the Battery in action against a surprise infantry attack. Finished firing at 1000 eventually when infantry were wiped out. Over 100 surrendering with remainder killed, wounded and dispersing in woods. Went into billets at Chassemy at 1830 - very wet all day.
13th September 1914 E Battery 3rd Brigade RHA Standby positions Started at 0600 and waited under cover of high ground all day while infantry attack was developing on the River Aisne. Returned to billets in Chassemy at 1900.
13th Sep 1914 In Action
14th September 1914 Setback in action E Battery 3rd Brigade RHA Started at 0500 and after a long wait at the Chateau ready to cross the river at Vailly, had to fall back under very heavy shell fire from big howitzers, could only move up the big spur crest of Chassemy. By great good fortune only one horse was killed while all around us on top of spur III Divisional Artillery were having a bad time this fire coming from behind Condefort. Went into bivouac at Lime at 1900.
14th Sep 1914 In Action
15th September 1914 Heavy Action for E Battery 3rd Brigade RHA E Battery 3rd Brigade RHA moved out around 0500 and were in action about 1 mile south of Chassemy all day. Fired over 200 rounds chiefly searching behind Condefort. Returned to bivouac at lime about 1800.
15th Sep 1914 In Action
16th September 1914 Another Day on Standby
16th Sep 1914 Artillery In Action
17th September 1914 E Battery 3rd Brigade RHA Relocate E Battery 3rd Brigade RHA joined 5th Cavalry Brigade and leaving bivouac at 0600 were in action 3/4 mile from Chassemy all day. Fired a few rounds at long range. Very wet all day. Went into billets at Cerseuil at 1900.
17th Sep 1914 In Action
18th September 1914 Rest and Recovery Period E Battery 3rd Brigade RHA In billets all day which Battle on the Aisne going on. Our first rest since leaving Le Havre and horses very badly in need of it as getting very done. The incessant marching, mostly across country and latterly in most holding ground having told on them. our total casualties in horses up to date being twenty seven. Nine died from wounds or destroyed on account of them and remainder mostly lame horses, destroyed or returned to Sick Depots.
18th Sep 1914 Artillery In Action
19th September 1914 Rest and Recovery Period E Battery 3rd Brigade RHA 19th and 20th September - Rest and recovery in Billets at Cerseuil.
20th Sep 1914 In Action
21st September 1914 Rest and Regrouping Period E Battery 3rd Brigade RHA 21st to 29th September 1914 - Continued rest and refitting in billets at Cerseuil.
25th September 1914 Casualty Notice The War Diary of E Battery 3rd Brigade RHA records: heard today that Captain HB Bartram who had left the Battery sick on the 30th August had died at Netley Hospital on the 16th September.
27th September 1914 Replacement Horses for E Battery 3rd Brigade RHA 41 Remounts joined E Battery 3rd Brigade RHA taking us up to strength and enabling us to transfer to Sick depot 23 worn out horses. Remounts in fair condition.
30th September 1914 Unit relocation E Battery 3rd Brigade RHA On change of billets left at 0645 and marched 8 miles South West and went into billets at Neuville St Jean at 1000 - a large farm about 1 mile east of Hartennes.
1st October 1914 More movements E Battery 3rd Brigade RHA Marched at 1500 and moved into new billets at St Remy at 1630.
2nd October 1914 More movements E Battery 3rd Brigade RHA Started at 1600 and marched to Pressy a' Mont, (2 miles north of Ferte-Milon) in billets at 2030.
3rd October 1914 More movements E Battery 3rd Brigade RHA Started at 1600 and marched 25 miles mostly west to billet in Villeneuve at 2230.
4th October 1914 More movements E Battery 3rd Brigade RHA Started at 0900 and marched 27 miles north into billets at St Martin en Bois at 1830. Very blocked on road - crossed the Oise on very good pontoon bridge en route.
5th October 1914 Relocation E Battery 3rd Brigade RHAGenouville Farm. Marched about 15 mile to billets at Genouville Farm about 1700. Location about 1 1/2 miles north of La Nouville. Marched through two French Reserve Divisions. Still with 5th Cavalry Division.
6th October 1914 Enforced Rest Day E Battery 3rd Brigade RHAGenouville Farm. Enforced stay in billets as roads blocked by French Reserve Troops.
7th October 1914 Further moves for 3rd Brigade RHA E Battery 3rd Brigade RHA started out at 0800 and halted until 1400 near Mezieres as a reserve to French Troops but were not wanted and marched through Amiens to billets at Longpre about 1900.
8th October 1914 further moves E Battery 3rd Brigade RHAStarted at 0830 and marched to billets at Maison Roland about 1600.
9th October 1914 further moves E Battery 3rd Brigade RHANoyelle
Started at 0900 and marched to billets at Noyelle about 1600 a distance of 24 miles.
10th October 1914 further moves E Battery 3rd Brigade RHARoquetoire. Started at 0610 and marched into billets at Roquetoire around 1800 as a reserve to French second line troops holding the line of the canal through Aire.
11th October 1914 E Battery 3rd Brigade RHAWallon Cappel.
Started at 0520 and moved into observation position on Mont Dupil. Returned to Quernes and then marched back again through Aire to billets in a chateau one mile south of Wallon Cappel. In billets around 2000.
12th October 1914 Action at Mont des Cats E Battery 3rd Brigade RHAStarted at 0700 and marched to near Eecke where after halting for some time, advanced to high ground west of Godewaersvelde and fired about 100 rounds to support dismounted cavalry attack on Mont Des Cats which was taken just before dark. Went into billets at a farm about 1 mile east of Eecke at 2000. Prince Max of Hesse and 12 others found dead in a wood shelled (must have been killed by either us or D).
13th October 1914 In Action
14th October 1914 Moves
15th October 2014 In Action
16th October 1914 Further Action E Battery 3rd Brigade RHA marched at 0730. Lt Maxwell went on with Greys. Again had a little close shooting near Comines. Remaining four guns after a long halt about Garde Dieu came into action. Fired at trenches South West of Bas Warneton and at latter. Were then taken on by General Gough to river bank just west of Warneton when engaged trenches south of river. Snipers in houses at a range of 700 yards so moved back a little as almost impossible to fire at this short range among houses. Fired again at trenches east of town. Sent three guns back to billets after dark. Took one gun with Lt Walwynn into town, running along street in dark by hand fired point blank at a barricade, about 10 rounds enabling 16th Lancers to take it. Then ran gun up to barricade in middle of town where wanted but couldn't get in due to heavy maxim rifle fire from right angle street. Withdrew gun and returned to billets in Wytschete at 2100. No casualties though the 16th Lancers were falling all around us. Soon after we left they were driven out of Warneton by greatly superior forces.
17th October 1914 Routine day E Battery 3rd Brigade RHAStarted at 0930 and halted all day about Houthem. Returned to billets at Wytschaete at 1730.
18th October 1914 Continued Action E Battery 3rd Brigade RHAStarted at 0830. Halted near Houthem till 1400 which was shelled by about 90 pieces. Brought Lt Maxwell's section into action to support 12th Lancers stuck on farm near Comines. Attack successful and section also silenced a section of field guns and a section of Howitzers doing very well. Went inti billets at Hollebeke at 1900.
19th October 1914 Further Action E Battery 3rd Brigade RHAStarted at 0545 and halted near Houthem until 0800. Advanced to near America and fired 300 rounds at concealed guns and trenhes north of Wervicq. Went into billets at Chateau about 1 mile east of Hollebecke at 1900.
20th October 1914 Continued Action
21st October 1914 All day action E Battery 3rd Brigade RHAStarted at 0500 and in action all day near Oosttaverne, four guns on west of village and Lt Walwynn section on east of village. Fired over 500 rounds in checking strong infantry attacks supported by strong artillery fire on line held by 2nd Cavalry Division which with 1st Cavalry Division was holding a gap between our Corps. Back to billets at Wytschaete at 1830.
22nd October 1914 Further Action E Battery 3rd Brigade RHAStarted at 0500 but sent back as heavy infantry attack going in. Too dark to start back in action as before as soon as attack found not to be coming through. Fired again about 450 rounds. Back in billets at 1830 - one man severely wounded.
23rd October 1914 Continued Action E Battery 3rd Brigade RHAStarted at 0500 and in action all day as before. One man wounded and two horses killed. Back in billets at 1800 but left one gun out. Changed our billets to west of town as east under big gun fire during day.
24th October 1914 Continued Action E Battery 3rd Brigade RHAStarted at 0445 and in action as before. Fired about 150 rounds and back in billets at 1830 leaving a section out.
25th October 1914 Further Action E Battery 3rd Brigade RHAWytschaete.
Same as before - one section left out
26th October 1914 Ongoing Action E Battery 3rd Brigade RHAWytschette with 5th Cavalry Brigade. Same as before except supported counter attack on enemy's position. Lent two guns to D Battery which had only one left. One man killed. Back in billets at 1900 leaving section out. Fired about 200 rounds.
27th October 1914 Quite Period E Battery 3rd Brigade RHASame as before except fired very little. No causlties. 28th October and 29th October - same as before.
30th October 1914 Retreat and regrouping E Battery 3rd Brigade RHA1 mile north west of Wytschaete with 5th Cavalry Brigade. Started at 0500 in action as before and engaged by very strong attack. Two guns gave out (springs and pistons) leaving only two, eventually fell back to new line from Wytschete to near St Eloi giving up Oosttaverne. Took up position till dark with remaining two guns midway between old and new positions when fell back to near chateau below wind mill ridge at Wytschaete where guns in action all night. Fired a great deal. (One gun repaired so three in action after dark.) Over 700 rounds fired during day.
31st October 1914 Continued withdrawals E Battery 3rd Brigade RHANear Wytschaete with 5th Cavalry Brigade. Very heavy attack all day especially on Brigade Cavalry. Fired about 300 rounds from 3 guns till dark when left guns in action team carriages being about 1 mile in North West. Heavy attacks continued after dark and our lines eventually broken in front of guns which were withdrawn under heavy rifle fire about midnight to Groote Vierstraat where went into action in observation. Guns fired till withdrawn on known points and roads. Enemy's infantry were within 500 yards of guns before they were ordered to retire.
1st November 1914 Relief by French forces E Battery 3rd Brigade RHAWith 5th Cavalry Brigade about 1 mile southwest of Dickebusch. At 0530 Lt Maxwell's section (1 gun) went back to assist in retaking the Wind Mill Ridge at Wytschaete which was brilliantly done by the 12th Lancers. Section in action in firing line. French reinforcements coming up, the 5th Cavalry Brigade was withdrawn to Kemmel. Bivouaced at 1830 one mile SW of Dickebusch - the French taking over our part of the line.
2nd November 1914 Fighting continues
3rd November 1914 Reserve position E Battery 3rd Brigade RHAStarted at 1000 and halted in reserve most of the day near Dranoutre when we were lent to 3rd Cavalry Brigade and went into action at 1930 near Lindenhoek but did not fire.
4th November 1914 Further standby E Battery 3rd Brigade RHAWith 3rd Cavalry Brigade at Lindenhoek. In action all day near Lindenhoek but didn't fire. Guns of 5th Divisional Artillery in action and firing all day near battery so were not required. Guns in action again at night.
4th Nov 1914 Desperate Fighting
5th November 1914 Return to 5th Cavalry Brigade E Battery 3rd Brigade RHASame as before but fired a little and at 1730 were relieved and withdrawn to billets at St Jans Cappel which we reached at 2000.
6th November 1914 Rest day E Battery 3rd Brigade RHASt. Jans Cappel. In billets all day - a much needed rest. Captain the Honourable HR Scarleti joined instead of Captain Craven wounded and sent home.
7th November 1914 Poor conditions E Battery 3rd Brigade RHAWith 5th Cavalry Brigade at Dranoutre. Started out at 1500 and went into reserve at 1630. Very crowded and dirty billets.
8th November 1914 Relocation E Battery 3rd Brigade RHAWith 5th Cavalry Brigade at La Creche. Started at 1630 and marched to billets at La Creche to clear our area for French Troops. In billets at 1900
9th and 10th November in billets at La Creche all day.
11th November 1914 Relief action E Battery 3rd Brigade RHAWith 1st Cavalry Division at La Hutte Marched at 1430 to relieve 1st Cavalry Division and went into action about 1900 near P 63 - La Hutte - very wet night but no attack.
12th November 1914 Ongoing Action E Battery 3rd Brigade RHAWith 1st Cavalry Division - La Hutte. In action all day and night but our area very quiet. A good deal of fighting on both flanks.
13th November 1914 Routine day E Battery 3rd Brigade RHAWith 5th Cavalry Brigade at La Creche. Relieved at 1600 and returned to billets at La Creche. Very wet wild day into billets at 1730. Our area very quiet though searched a good deal by big howitzers who never got our line.
14th November 1914 Rest Day E Battery 3rd Brigade RHAWith 5th Cavalry Brigade at La Creche. In billets at La Creche all day.
15th November 1914 Relocation E Battery 3rd Brigade RHAMarched at 1300 and went into billets at Dranoutre at 1530 in support - very wet.
16th November 1914 Continued Action E Battery 3rd Brigade RHAWith 5th Divisional Artillery at Dranoutre. In support all day. Lent to 5th Divisional Artillery at 1800. Attached to 28th Brigade RFA. Back to billets at Dranoutre
16th of November 1914 Reorganisation
17th November 1914 Ongoing Action E Battery 3rd Brigade RHAAt Lindenhoek with 5th Divisional Artillery. Started at 1800 and went into action near Lindenhoek. Fired about 100 rounds with battery in action all night when fired during two attacks
18th November 1914 Continued Action E Battery 3rd Brigade RHAWith 5th Divisional Artillery at Dranoutre. In action all day and fired about 190 rounds. Withdrawn from Lindenhoek at 1700 and went into billets at Dranoutre at 1800.
19th November 1914 Bad weather - snow and ice. E Battery 3rd Brigade RHAWith 5th Divisional Artillery at Lindenhoek. Started at 0600. In action all day and night. Fired about 50 rounds. Hard frost and started snowing at noon. Had to get battery along frozen roads.
20th November 1914 Continued Action E Battery 3rd Brigade RHAIn action all day at Lindenhoek - very hard frost - fired about 120 rounds. back to billets in Dranoutre at 1800. Changed two disabled guns for new ones. Sent a section back for overhaul and only four guns in action.
20th of November 1914 Artillery in Action
21st November 1914 Rest days E Battery 3rd Brigade RHANear Steenwerck Started at 0600 in very hard frost. Frozen snow very hard to get along. Fired 115 rounds. Relieved at 1800 by I Battery RHA. moved into billets near Steenwerck at 2000. Still freezing hard - a difficult march without frost nails. 22nd to 24th November in billets all day near Steenwerck
25th November 1914 Rest days E Battery 3rd Brigade RHAMarched at 1430. Changed our billets into a very good farm about 1 1/4 miles South West of Bailleul. 26th to 30th November - in billets as above
1st December 1914 Rest day E Battery 3rd Brigade RHANear Bailleul with 5th Cavalry in reserve. In billets 1 1/4 miles South West of Bailleul.
2nd December 1914 Royal Inspection Parade E Battery 3rd Brigade RHANear Bailleul with 5th Cavalry Brigade. The 5th Cavalry Brigade was visited by HM the King. The brigade was drawn up near the road. Battery guns detachments only. Half a mile south of our billets at 12 noon. At 1030 Major Forman was presented his DSO by HM the King at Chateau La Motte (Cavalry Corps HQ.)
18th Dec 1914 Playing a Loosing Game
31st December 1914 Reserve position E Battery 3rd Brigade RHAWith 5th Cavalry Brigade in Reserve near Bailleul.
In billets 1 1/4 miles South West of Bailleul from 3rd to 31st December 1914.
1st January 1915 Reserve position E Battery 3rd Brigade RHAAt Baillieul with 5th Cavalry Brigade.
1st to 14th January in billets 1 1/4 miles SW of Bailleul - farm at Steenje. On the 4th January Captain EB Maxwell left on posting to 1st Division. On the 5th January Major Scarlett left on posting to Home establishment. On the 3rd January Lieutenant OM Lund joined from 2nd Division and Lieutenant AG Neville joined from 8th Division.
15th January 1915 Relocation E Battery 3rd Brigade RHAMarched at 0730 by Merville to billet in farms about 1 1/2 miles west of St. Venant - about 15 miles
16th January 1915 Further moves E Battery 3rd Brigade RHAMarched at 1000 by Estree Blanche and Coyecque to billet at Maisnil. In billets at 0400 - about 18 miles.
17th January 1915 Reserve position E Battery 3rd Brigade RHAWith 5th Cavalry Brigade in Reserve at Mesnil.
17th to 30th January in billets at Mesnil. Captain HR Palmer left on posting to 2nd Division on the 30th January.
31st January 1915 Further moves E Battery 3rd Brigade RHAWith 5th Cavalry Brigade near Merville.
Marched at 0900 by Aire to billets in several small farms about 1 mile NE of Merville. About 23 miles. Heavy snow during the march - into billets about 1630.
1st February 1915 Reserve position E Battery 3rd Brigade RHAWith 5th Cavalry Brigade in reserve near Merville
1st to 4th February 1915 in bllets near Merville. On the 2nd February Lieutenant Lund sent to 27th Division to help train young subalterns. On the 4th February Second Lieutenant DCM Carberry joined for training from battery to which Lt Lund had been sent.
5th February 1915 Reserve position E Battery 3rd Brigade RHA5th to 26th February - with 5th Cavalry Brigade in Reserve positions near Merville.
On the 5th February Lt. WHB Mirrleas joined from 5th Division. On the 18th February Captain Walwyn left for duty with 5th Cavalry Brigade which had gone to the trenches at Ypres with the remainder of 2nd Cavalry Division supported by French Guns. On the 25th February Captain Walwyn returned to battery, 2nd Division having finished their time in the trenches.
27th February 1915 Return to Maesnil E Battery 3rd Brigade RHAMarched back through Aire to our old billets at Maesnil and remainder of 5th Cavalry Brigade also returned to that district. 28th February in billets at Maeslin in reserve with 5th Ccavalry Brigade.
1st March 1915 Reserve position E Battery 3rd Brigade RHAWith 5th Cavalry Brigade in Reserve 1st to 8th March - in billets at Maisnil
9th March 1915 Relocation E Battery 3rd Brigade RHAWith 5th Cavalry Brigade near Merville Started at 0700 and marched 23 miles to billet 2 miles north of Merville at Cavdescure
10th March 1915 Further moves E Battery 3rd Brigade RHAwith 5th Cavalry Brigade at Pont du Hem. Started at 1100 and moved to Pont du Hem - 2 miles south of Estaires in close support of 1st Army which took Neuve Chapelle. Into billets and bivouacs near there at 1900
11th March 1915 Further moves E Battery 3rd Brigade RHAwith 5th Cavalry Brigade near La Gorgue. Saddled up early - at 1600 moved into billet and bivouacs near La Gorgue. Second Lieutenant DHM Carberry rejoined 27th Division and Lieutenant Lund rejoined from 27th Division.
12th March 1915 Further Action E Battery 3rd Brigade RHAWith 5th Cavalry Brigade near La Gorgue. Moved at 1530 to Pont du Hem but Cavalry Brigade coudnn't get through German lines. Back to bivouac and billet near La Gorgue at 2030.
13th March 1915 Relocation E Battery 3rd Brigade RHA with 5th Cavalry Brigade are in Reserve near Melville. They moved at 1530 to billet 2 miles north of Merville at Gavdescure. In billets at 1800 and spent 14th to 16th March in billets at Gavdescure.
17th March 1915 Relocation E Battery 3rd Brigade RHAChanged our billets and went into new billets 1/2 mile west of Vieux-Berquin at La Rue du Bois. 18th to 31st March with 5th Cavalry Brigade in reserve near Vieux-Berquin
1st April 1915 Reserve position E Battery 3rd Brigade RHAWith 5th Cavalry Brigade in Reserve near Vieux-Berquin. 1st April to 22nd April in billets half a mile west of Vieux-Berquin in the Rue du Bois.
23rd April 1915 E Battery 3rd Brigade RHAWith 5th Cavalry Brigade in reserve. Started at 1130 and marched to Boeschepe where went into bivouac at 2000 - very cold.
24th April 1915 Further moves E Battery 3rd Brigade RHAStarted at 0430 and moved to 17 miles north of Vlamertinghe where went into bivouac at 2130. Wet night and cold.
25th April 1915 Action with French Troops E Battery 3rd Brigade RHALent to support French Forces 3 miles NW of Ypres. Went into action one mile north of Brielen at 1530 on being attached to French Troops and registered on ridge to east of canal about Pilkem and to south of Lattu (???)
26th April 2015 Continued Action E Battery 3rd Brigade RHAAttached to French Troops 3 miles NW of Ypres. (26th to 30th April) Supported French attacks on Pilkem Ridge at 0330 and at 1400 on 26th April, ranges about 3700 yards buildings and trenches - fired about 200 rounds
27th April 1915 Continued Action E Battery 3rd Brigade RHAAttached to French Troops 3 miles NW of Ypres. (26th to 30th April) 27th April - Supported French Attacks from 1315 to 1900 - fired about 200 rounds
28th April 1915 Continued Action E Battery 3rd Brigade RHAWith Drench Troops about 3 miles NW of Ypres. 28th April - Supported French Attacks from 1330 to 1800 - fired about 200 rounds.
29th April - Registering.
30th April 1915 Continued Action E Battery 3rd Brigade RHASupported French attacks, fired about 150 rounds on 30th as well as 28th and 29th. Battery and observation point both under a good deal of shell fire from heavy guns with some very lucky escapes as no casualties during these attacks. French took some trenches and about 50 prisoners but German position very strong and difficult to attack.
1st May 1915 Withdrawn from French Support E Battery 3rd Brigade RHAWith 5th Cavalry Brigade at St. Jans-Ter-Biesen As French Artillery up, battery withdrawn at 12 noon, two men wounded during morning as battery again under a good deal of shell fire. Moved to bivouac near St Jans Ter Biesen, 2 1/2 miles west of Poperinghe. In bivouac at 1800.
2nd May 1915 Rest day E Battery 3rd Brigade RHAWith 5th Cavalry Brigade at St.Jans-Ter-Biesen. In bivouac at St.Jans-Ter-Biesen all day.
3rd May 1915 Relocation
5th May 1915 Further Action
6th May 1915 Registration
7th May 1915 In Action
8th May 1915 In Action
9th May 1915 Attack Supported
10th May 1915 Rounds Fired
11th May 1915 Rounds Fired
12th May 1915 Rounds Fired
13th May 1915 Rounds Fired
14th May 1915 Rounds Fired
15th May 1915 Fighting continues
19th May 1915 Quiet
20th May 1915 In Action
24th May 1915 Quiet
25th May 1915 Few Rounds Fired
30th May 1915 Quiet
31st May 1915 Relief by O battery E Battery 3rd Brigade RHAAttached to 8th Division. Withdrawn from action at 2100 on being relieved by O Battery RHA and marched by La Gorgue, Melville and Hazebrouck to bivouac and billet in a farm one mile east of Chateau le Nieppe on the Cassel - St Omer road. In at 0300 - about 24 miles - on morning of 1st June when rejoined 5th Cavalry Brigade.
12th June 1915 Visit
30th June 1915 In Reserve E Battery 3rd Brigade RHA are with 5th Cavalry Brigade near Le Nieppe. 1st to 30th June, in reserve with 5th Cavalry Brigade one mile east of Chateau le Nieppe on the Cassel to St. Omer road.
6th July 1915 Attachment order E Battery 3rd Brigade RHAOn the 6th July Lieutenant AG Neville went to 36th Trench Howitzer Battery, 8th Division on loan for one month.
7th July 1915 Reserve position E Battery 3rd Brigade RHA are in Reserve with 5th Cavalry Brigade near Le Nieppe from 1st to 7th July 1915. One mile east of Chateau Le Neippe on the Cassel - St. Omer Road.
8th July 1915 Reserve
27th July 1915 In Reserve
28th July 1915 On the March E Battery, RHA Started at 0830 and marched 11 miles to bivouac one mile SE of Morbecque. In reserve with 5th Cavalry Brigade near Morbecque.
29th July 1915 Training On 29th and 30th July E Battery, RHA practiced Crossing Canal in sections complete at a time by order of Brigadier General Royal Artillery Cavalry Corps. A piece practice which did not improve either equipment or ammunition.
31st July 1915 Return to billets E Battery, 3rd Brigade RHA started at 0830. Marched back to billet and bivouac 3/4 of a mile SE of Noordpeene.
1st August 1915 Reserve position E Battery 3rd Brigade RHA are in reserve with 5th Cavalry Brigade near Noordpeene.
2nd Aug 1915 In Reserve
3rd Aug 1915 In Reserve
4th August 1915 E Battery 3rd Brigade RHAIn reserve near Noordpeene. Lieutenant OS Lund left on promotion to 3rd Infantry Division.
5th August 1915 Reserve position E Battery 3rd Brigade RHA are in reserve with 5th Cavalry Brigade near Noordpeene.
6th August 1915 On the March E Battery 3rd Brigade RHA sStarted at 0730 on change of billets and went into bivouac and billets in a farm 1/2 a mile NW of Blaringhem, in at 1000hrs about 10 miles.
8th Aug 1915 Posting
14th Aug 1915 In Reserve
14th Aug 1915 Instruction
19th Aug 1915 Working Party
27th Aug 1915 Working Party
31st August 1915 Reserve position 15th to 31st August E Battery 3rd Brigade RHA are in reserve with 5th Cavalry Brigade in billets 1/2 mile NW of Blaringhem. High Explosive shell was issued to Battery during the last 6 weeks as obtainable, 76 rounds HE per gun being issued as settled proportion.
31st Aug 1915 Posting
1st September 1915 Reserve position E Battery 3rd Brigade RHAare in reserve near Blaringhem with 5th Cavalry Brigade.
2nd Sep 1915 In Reserve
3rd Sep 1915 In Reserve
4th September 1915 On the March E Battery, RHA marched at 1000 and moved into bivouac near Le Quesnoy, 2 miles east of Bethune on attachment with other two batteries of 2nd Cavalry Division to 2nd Infantry Division. In bivouac at 2030hrs as not allowed through Bethune until after dark, about 23 miles
13th September 1915 Preparing new positions E Battery 3rd Brigade RHA are in bivouac at Le Quesnoy. 5th to 13th September a working party of men went up each day, improving gun pits in area into which were to go.
14th September 1915 Back into Action E Battery RHA are at Le Quesnoy. Four guns went into action after dark on east edge of wood just north of La Bassee canal about 1 mile east of Gorre and took the place of 4 guns of the 71st Battery RFA which took up new positions for wire cutting. Got into position about 1930hrs. Battery 3200 yards from German trenches observed from a ruin near Givenchy Village a very good observing post.
15th September 1915 Registering and in Action E Battery RHA have 4 guns in action near Le Quesnoy. Registered to front from Canteleux to the canal. Fired 60 rounds in all. remaining section came into action at 1930. Remaining two guns of 71st Battery RFA withdrawn at 2030hrs. Battery was withdrawn and went into bivouac at Le Quesnoy at the Wagon Line.
17th September 1915 On the March E Battery, RHA return to 5th Cavalry Brigade from attachment. Marched to Bleringhem on rejoining 5th Cavalry Brigade, 23 miles. Started at 0530hrs into bivouacs at noon.
18th Sep 1915 In Reserve
19th September 1915 In Reserve E Battery, RHA are in reserve with 5th Cavalry Brigade near Blaringhem. Major A B Forman left E Battery RHA on promotion to a Field Battery in 20th Division and Captain C T Walwyn given temporary Command of the Battery.
21st September 1915 On the March
22nd September 1915 Standing by E Battery, RHA are in bivouac at Ham near Blessy. Ready to move at short notice.
23rd Sep 1915 Standing by
24th September 1915 E Battery 3rd Brigade RHA1630 orders received to move with remainder of 5th Brigade. Marched to new area through Westrehen and Fiefe to Peessy les Pernes. Got in at 2230 - village full of French Cavalry
25th September 1915 On the Move 1400hrs Orders received to concentrate for move. E Battery RHA marched with Brigade to Cauchy, left 1600hrs got in around 2300hrs. Roads very crowded and blocked, raining hard. 3 remounts joined us on the march. Good strong American horses.
26th September 1915 Standing by E Battery RHA are in billets at Cauchy with 5th Cavalry Brigade. Stood ready to move all day.
27th September 1915 Orders E Battery, RHA report orders received at 0315 for Brigade to concentrate for move. Marched to rendezvous only to find that a mistake had been made that we were not wanted. Returned to billet at Cauchy.
28th September 1915 Standing by E Battery, RHA are in In billets at Cauchy. Harnessed up ready to move from dawn but did not move. Very cold and wet night.
29th September 1915 Standing by E Battery, RHA report, Brigade moved at 1000hrs back to billets at Nedon all hope of going through the gap seems to have gone. Reached Nedon at 1100hrs joining rest.
30th Sep 1915 Ready to Move
1st October 1915 Standing by E Battery 3rd Brigade RHA are with 5th Cavalry Brigade near Nedon on standby. Standing to in billets ready to move.
2nd Oct 1915 Salvage
3rd Oct 1915 In Billets
4th Oct 1915 In Billets
6th Oct 1915 Funeral
19th Oct 1915 Standing by
20th October 1915 On the March E Battery, RHA marched back with 5th Cavalry Brigade for new orders. Battery to Mileules about 23 miles.
21st October 1915 In Billets E Battery, RHA are with 5th Cavalry Brigade in billets at Mierules
22nd October 1915 Water in Short Supply E Battery, RHA moved to new village for want of water. Left at 1530hrs and marched to Huquillier 4 miles from Brigade Headquarters at Perenty. Captain C.T. Walwyn ordered to report himself at war office as soon as possible.
23rd October 1915 Standing by E Battery, RHA continued on standby with 5th Cavalry Brigade at Huquilliers. Lt Col Olivant visited the Battery.
25th Oct 1915 Standing by
29th Oct 1915 Posting
31st Oct 1915 Quiet
1st November 1915 Reserve position E Battery 3rd Brigade RHA1st to 15th November - with 5th Cavalry Brigade in reserve at Huquelliers. The time was spent in training young NCOs in map reading and signalling. Giving instruction to a squad of young gunners in gun drill laying. The horses besides their ordinary exercises did draught parade and a good many fatigues in drawing material for horse standings.
12th Nov. - Lt MN Dewing RFA joined the Battery (attached) from the Royal Military Academy Woolwich.
16th November 1915 On the March
17th November 1915 Reserve position E Battery 3rd Brigade RHA17th to 28th November - with 5th Cavalry Brigade in Reserve at Ergny. During most of this time with snow, frost and cold winds and there was difficulty in getting the horses exercised.
29th November 1915 orders
30th November 1915 Very bad arrangements
1st December 1915 Into Action again E Battery 3rd Brigade RHAThe guns went into action in the evening, one gun being detached (Mirrlees Section). The other two guns replieving two guns of the 105th Battery RFA, 7th Division. (Rue de Chavaltes)
2nd December 1915 Continued Action E Battery 3rd Brigade RHABrigade Commander to Observation Point with Captain Selby and examined the zone. The three remaining guns came into action in the evening. In the morning registered the left section.
3rd December 1915 Inactive E Battery 3rd Brigade RHADid not register as there was no light.
4th December 1915 Ongoing Action E Battery 3rd Brigade RHAFired about 20 rounds in retaliation.
5th December 1915 Relief action E Battery 3rd Brigade RHADid a lot of registration on the Moulin D'Eau and Point 3.8. Took over from the battery we had relieved. Their zero line was one that could only be seen in certain lights so decided to make a new base line which entailed a good deal of extra trouble and time wasted.
6th December 1915 Ongoing Action E Battery 3rd Brigade RHAToo windy to register, retaliated. The Argylle and Sutherland Highlanders relieved the 1st Middlesex. We have Infantry of 33rd Division in front of us and are attached to the 12th Divisional Artillery.
7th December 1915 Ongoing Action E Battery 3rd Brigade RHA7th Dec - Registered right and left points of our zone which consists of two German salients. Colonel Short came to Observation Point to inspect it and considered it unsuitable and not safe. The OP is a very good one consisting of a tree but hardly suitable for sitting in all day in the winter.
8th to 9th Dec - nothing to report, everything very quiet.
10th to 12th Dec - registered new points.
13th December 1915 Ongoing Action E Battery 3rd Brigade RHA13th Dec - More points registered and a new base line put out.
14th to 17th Dec - everything very quiet.
18th December 1915 Enemy Aircraft dangers E Battery 3rd Brigade RHAIntended to do a lot of shooting but was unable to do so owing to the number of German aeroplanes that were over during the morning and could only fire 4 rounds.
19th December 1915 Ongoing Action E Battery 3rd Brigade RHAA fine day and did a good deal of shooting. The Centre Section (Innerlees ??)was shelled in the morning by 5.9 inch Howitzers. One gun pit was hit and fell in onto the wheel of the gun but the gun was not damaged. One telephone pit had a direct hit, 2 men were inside but were not touched though a good deal of kit was damaged. There were no injuries to personnel. The shelling began around 1200 and continued at intervals with single rounds until about 1500.
20th December 1915 Ammunition problems E Battery 3rd Brigade RHA20th Dec - Tested the shooting of the guns up to date the fuses seem to have been very bad.
21st Dec - No shooting today.
22nd December 1915 Ongoing Action E Battery 3rd Brigade RHA22nd Dec - Experimented with some old fuses, result not very satisfactory. At 1700 gas attack by 12th Division not a success.
23rd - Retaliated and several more points registered
24th December 1915 Ongoing Action E Battery 3rd Brigade RHA24th Dec - Fired between 1700 and 1800, 1900 and 2000 also 2200 to 2300 on enemy's transport lines and trolley lines.
25th Dec - Fired a few rounds in the morning and repeated the firing of Dec 24th evening.
26th December 1915 Ongoing Action E Battery 3rd Brigade RHA26th Dec - Nothing to report
27th Dec - At about 1350 the Battery was shelled by 5.9 Howitzers Shelling continued till about 1530 but no gun-pit, dugout or man was hit. One shell burst about 10 yards short of number 3 gun and another 10 yards over, the remainder were scattered everywhere. Some in the orchard where the fuses were, some outside, some on the far side of the road behind the guns.
28th Dec - Did no shooting and filled up the holes made yesterday.
29th Dec - No shooting.
30th Dec - Did a good deal of shooting.
31st December 1915 Commence relief handover E Battery 3rd Brigade RHACaptain Walsh, Commanding Officer, 63rd Brigade RFA came up to take over position and it was arranged that 2 guns should go out of action this night and on the next morning he registered his 2 guns. The times worked out well but his ranges differed 75 yards from our registrations. His 18 pounders being new and our 13 pounders very old. Whilst we have been in this position a lot of work has been done to the gunpits and the system of telephone communication with the Battalion Headquarters and the Group HQ Royal Artillery much improved
1st January 1916 Sectional Relief E Battery 3rd Brigade RHARue des Chavaties. The right section came out of action in the evening being relieved by a section of C Battery 63rd Brigade 12th Division (Captain Walsh).
2nd January 1916 Sectional Relief E Battery 3rd Brigade RHAIn the morning Captain Walsh came up to the Observation Point (a tree) to view the country which is the country opposite Canadian Orchard. He was very pleased with all the arrangements at the guns and at the OP. Consequently handing over to him as very simple. On his registration with his guns I found that they shot exactly the same for line as ours but that the 18 pounders required 50 yards less range than the 13 pounders. In the evenng theleft section came out of action being relieved by another section of C Battery 63rd Brigade RFA. Owing to the muddy state of the ground the 18 pounders found great difficulty in getting their guns into the pits and there was a vast difference between the time taken in getting the 13 pounders out and the 18 pounders in - the extra weight of the 18 pounders making an enormous difference.
The detached gun of Centre Section also came out of action and the battery marched to Oblinghem, arriving there about 1900, a good deal of mud but not as bad as the wagon line we had just left.
3rd January 1916 Inspections
6th January 1916 On the Move
11th January 1916 Further Action
28th January 1916 Ongoing Action
30th January 1916 Ongoing Action
1st February 1916 Replacements
2nd February 1916 Ongoing Action E Battery 3rd Brigade RHAWe exploded a mine near the Hairpin Crater. Artillery support not asked for.
3rd February 1916 Inspections
7th February 1916 Enemy bombardment
8th February 1916 Replacements
9th February 1916 E Battery 3rd Brigade RHA9th Feb - The 15 inch Gun fired on the buildings by Fosse 8 - E Battery co-operated.
10th Feb - A quiet day.
11th February 1916 Relief action
12th February 1916 Enemy bombardment
14th February 1916 Replacements
19th February 1916 Relief action
21st February 1916 Relief action
23rd February 1916 Relief action
1st March 1916 Moves and Inspections
1st April 1916 Reserve positions
9th April 1916 Training
11th April 1916 Training
19th April 1916 Return to billets E Battery 3rd Brigade RHA19th Apr - The Battery returned to Ergny.
28th Apr - Second Lieutenant W Wright RFA joined the battery on this day vice Second Lieutenant Dewing posted to the Ammunition Column 2nd Cavalry Division
4th May 1916 Inspections E Battery 3rd Brigade RHA4th May - 11 Remounts joined.
19th May - Parade for GOC 2nd Cavalry Division in the training area.
20th May - 2nd Lt R Gough (attached) left the battery on appointment as temp. ADC to General Gough (Reserve Corps).
2nd May 1916 Relocation
28th May 1916 Rest and Recreation
21st June 1916 On the Move
23rd June 1916 Standby
23rd July 1916 Promotions and Appointments E Battery 3rd Brigade RHAThe only entries during July from images provided are for two senior appointments. 23rd July - Lt Col J Olivant DSO RHA left the 2nd Cavalry Division on promotion to Brigadier General Royal Artillery and moved to the 3rd Division.
26th July - Lt Col TM Archdale DSO RHA joined the 2nd Cavalry Division.
July 1916 diary is signed by Captain AG Neville for OC E RHA
8th June 1917 In Action
21st Mar 1918 Attack Made
21st Mar 1918 Hard Fighting
21st Mar 1918 Critical Situation
21st Mar 1918 Counter Attack
21st Mar 1918 Withdrawal
21st Mar 1918 Gallant Actions
22nd Mar 1918 The Fight for The Crozat Canal
22nd Mar 1918 Orders Issued
22nd Mar 1918 Bridges not Blown
23rd Mar 1918 Orders Received
23rd Mar 1918 Attack Made
23rd Mar 1918 Attack Made
23rd Mar 1918 Heavy Attacks
23rd Mar 1918 Heavy Attacks
23rd Mar 1918 Heavy Attacks
24th Mar 1918 New LineIf you can provide any additional information, please add it here.
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Those known to have served with
E Battery, Royal Horse Artillery
during the Great War 1914-1918.
- Eastman George Thomas. Sgt.
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- 26th Mar 2025
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263432Sgt. George Thomas Eastman 52nd Brigade Royal Horse Artillery
George Eastman enlisted 28th of October 1905. He joined E Battery RHA on the 20th of March 1914 as a Bombadier. Promoted to Corporal on 5th of August 1914 he went to France with the Battery later that month. He served with the Battery until posted to C Battery, 52nd Brigade, RFA. he survived the war and died in 1947.Ray Eastman
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