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Daisy Lavender

Nursing Auxiliary

from:New Malden

Daisy Rainsforth (nee Lavender)

This is my Nan (my Mum's Mum) who is Daisy Rainsforth nee LAVENDER b. 21st March 1893 in Kingston-on-Thames.

Daisy worked 'in service' at 79 Eaton Place, Knightsbridge up until 1916 when she left her work there and went back to her home town of New Malden to help with the thousands of wounded soldiers coming back from France injured. That is where she met my grandad ERNEST RAINSFORTH - 2/5th West Riding Regiment who had been badly wounded in battle in N France. As near as I can tell, Ernest was wounded around 9th March 1917.

Ernest was transferred to Malden Hospital, New Malden where Daisy had volunteered to be a nursing auxiliary. She met Ernest - fell in love with him - and married him in his home town of Gainsbrough on 16 March 1918.

This picture of Daisy was taken in Gainsbrough on 21st March 1918 just one week after her wedding to Ernest. It was taken on her 25th birthday.

Daisy certainly did her bit in the way of war work too.

  • Daisy was the sister-in -law of William RAINSFORTH mentioned - 5th Lincolns - Hohenzollern Redoubt.
  • She was the niece of Albert H DEAN who died at 10th Military Hospital France(he was her Mum's brother).
  • Daisy became the wife of ERNEST RAINSFORTH - my Grandad.
  • Daisy's great-great grandmother (Anne Howard nee EDLIN formerly TRUMPER b. 1800 of Harefield) was also the Gt Grandmother of Robert Edward RYDER VC so that makes Robert some kind of cousin to Daisy I think !!!!!!
  • Robert Edward RYDER's Mum was Jane Howard - grand-daughter of Ann Howard through Ann's son Robert Howard.
  • Daisy Lavender's grannie was Ann Maria Trumper b. 1853 d. 1925 whose father was Henry TRUMPER b. 1829 d. 1892 who was the son of Ann Howard nee EDLIN formerly TRUMPER b. 1800.

    One last thing - my Nan's sister named Violet Lavender (my great-aunt) b. 1895 d. 1981 was an avid collector of all sorts of things in her youth. I have over 250 old post cards circa 1910 - 1930 which were a part of her collection. All are stamped and form a massive insight into what girls/ young women of her age in that era were like. The postcards have been invaluable to me in tracking the lives of both Daisy Lavender/Rainsforth and her sister, Violet Lavender during WW1 as they wrote and communicated with one another by post cards.

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