210735 Charles S. "Pop" Barber United States Army 23rd Engineers from:Saint Johns, Washington Charles Barber proudly served in the 23rd Engineers from 1917 - 1919. Additional Information: | According to book "Regimental Roster, 23rd Engineers, U.S.A." published in 1920, Charles S. Barber served in company "Wagon 1" and his address is listed as Saint Johns, Washington.
The 23rd Engineers Regiment were known as "The Road Builders" consisting of companies A thru M, Wagon companies 1 thru 5 and Truck companies 1 thru 10. The regiment was dispersed through out France to support allies and American Expeditionary Forces during the war. They built/repaired/widened roads, bridges, rail road tracks, established and worked quarries, buried the dead, disposed ordinance, other activities as needed with other engineering regiments. Richard Gilliam