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L/Cpl. F. Bentley

British Army 8th Btn, B Coy. K.O.Y.L.I.

from:27 Doncaster Road, Ardsley, near Barnsley

(d.1st Jul 1916)

Cpl.F. Bentley was that a relative of my Great Grandfather, Harry Bentley, known to have changed his name to Harry Musson. The address shown on the death letter received, now in my possession, matches up to that of my Great Grandfather. F. Bentley, of whom I do not know the first name, was the son of Harry.

I have a letter from the Enquiry department of wounded and missing, explaining the death of Bentley. He died on the first of July on the Somme front. Listed in the letter are two names that give evidence, or some sort of information about the death, who i am assuming survived the war. For the help of others, the details of these people are; Cpl. T. Sparling, 13959, 8th K.O.Y.L.I. Home Address: 58 Martin Street, Upper Thorp, Sheffield. The letter says: " as long as last October , that L/cpl. Bentley had been seen killed, shot in the head"

Another person quoted in the letter is; Pte. F. Russling, B Company, 5th platoon. No address is given for this particular person. The letter says: "last October that L/Cpl. Bentley was shot through the head while in a shell hole near Ovillers on the left of La Boisselle" This person professed to being an eye witness. The Letter is hand signed by a (this may be incorrect due to it being a signature) G G Buckler. The letter is not handwritten, but rather by a typewriter. The recipients address is: 27 Doncaster Road, Ardsley, near Barnsley.

In my possession, I also have 3 campaign medals, these are; The letter, along with the medals, were kept in a small wooden cigar box, of which my mother said were kept by my Great Gran-dads bed, as throughout her childhood. I do not have any more information at this time. If any of the information provided does ring a bell, please feel happy to email me.

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