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Lt. William Ormsby Wyndham Ball

Royal Army Medical Corps 2nd Btn. South Staffordshire Regiment


(d.26th Sep 1914)

William Ball, son of Henry Wyndham Ball and Elizabeth Ball, was born in Palmerston Park, Dublin on September 27th 1889. Before the outbreak of the war he played hockey, and represented Ireland in six International matches in 1910 and 1911. After much success as a student in the School of Physic of Trinity College, William gained a commission in the Medical Services on January 24th 1913. He was serving at Longmoor Army Camp upon the outbreak of the war.

At the beginning of the war William was attached as Regimental Medical Officer to the 2nd Battalion South Staffordshire Regiment. He landed at Le Havre with them on August 13th 1914. he Battalion fought as part of the 2nd Division in the Battle of Mons. During the subsequent retreat William was lucky not to have been fatally wounded on four separate occasions. Sadly, he was finally killed by a shell at La Cour de Soupir whilst attending to the wounded at one of the dressing stations. He was 24 years old.

William Ball was buried in La Cour de Soupir Farm, and is commemorated on La Ferte-Sous-Jouarre Memorial.

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