Add Information to Record of a Person who served during the Great War on The Wartime Memories Project Website

Add Information to Record of a Person who served during the Great War on The Wartime Memories Project Website

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2nd Eng. James Blackmore

Mercantile Marine SS Rhineland


(d.11th Nov 1915)

James Blackmore was the son of George and Sophia Blackmore, of 33, Tritonville Rd., Sandymount, Dublin. He was killed at sea by a mine aged 38 and is remembered on the Tower Hill Memorial in London.

Additional Information:

I find it very interesting that James was remembered on the Tower HIll Memorial when he was not remembered in our family at all. George and Sophia are my great=grandparents so James would have been my grand-uncle however he was not around for either of the only two census from Dublin that are available. In looking for the father and mother of my great-grandparents (a five year quest and still unsolved) I find a grand uncle I never knew I had. And he's on the Tower HIll Memorial in London to boot!


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