217019 2nd Eng. James Blackmore Mercantile Marine SS Rhineland from:Dublin (d.11th Nov 1915) James Blackmore was the son of George and Sophia Blackmore, of 33, Tritonville Rd., Sandymount, Dublin. He was killed at sea by a mine aged 38 and is remembered on the Tower Hill Memorial in London. Additional Information: | I find it very interesting that James was remembered on the Tower HIll Memorial when he was not remembered in our family at all. George and Sophia are my great=grandparents so James would have been my grand-uncle however he was not around for either of the only two census from Dublin that are available. In looking for the father and mother of my great-grandparents (a five year quest and still unsolved) I find a grand uncle I never knew I had. And he's on the Tower HIll Memorial in London to boot!