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Pte. John Hercules Robertson

Australian Imperial Force 54th Btn.

from:Warialda, New South Wales

Jack Robertson returned home from the war but died in 1947 of complications following his exposure to gas attacks on the Western Front. He was 34 when he signed up. He was transported on the Suevic. He worked as an undertaker upon returning home and is himself buried in Warialda cemetary with his wife and youngest son, Stuart, who served in World War 2. Stuart's only shared recollections of his father was of a man completely broken by the war. It made him very sad. I have postcards sent from Europe to Jack's wife in my collection.

He was the son of Mrs Elizabeth Robertson of Stannifer via Inverell, New South Wales, worked as a Carpenter, and he enlisted on 2nd October 1916. Unit embarked from Sydney, New South Wales, on board HMAT A29 Suevic on 11th November 1916. He returned to Australia on 5th July 1919.

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