Add Information to Record of a Person who served during the Great War on The Wartime Memories Project Website

Add Information to Record of a Person who served during the Great War on The Wartime Memories Project Website

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Rfmn. John Baverstock

British Army 13th Btn. Kings Royal Rifle Brigade

from:West Ham, London

(d.23rd Apr 1917)

John Baverstock was my paternal great grandfather. He was killed long before my father was born and his wife re-married so the only grandfather my dad knew was named Boot. I had often asked why his grandfather was not called Baverstock but he could not answer as he had never been told. We have now discovered John when doing a family tree. It is sad that he had been forgotten although he gave the ultimate sacrifice for his country. He served with the 13th Battalion, Kings Royal Rifle Brigade and died on 23rd April 1917. He is commemorated at the Arras memorial which I will shortly be visiting. I sadly know nothing more about him and would like to know exactly where he was killed.

Additional Information:

My Relative Leonard Grimley 13th Bn KRRC was killed the very next day your relative fell. I wonder if they knew each other. We may be able to help each other with information surrounding their whereabouts.


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