Add Information to Record of a Person who served during the Great War on The Wartime Memories Project Website

Add Information to Record of a Person who served during the Great War on The Wartime Memories Project Website

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Pte. William Haygarth

British Army 2nd Btn. East Lancashire Regiment


(d.6th Feb 1917)

William Haygarth was my mother's brother. She lived in Accrington when she was young and sadly, when she died, we found the paper relating to his death in the First World War. My mother told my sister and I briefly about him. From the telegram informing his family of his death in 1917 we have an address where he lived with his family. We are aiming to visit the old address (the property may not still be there) but we still feel it will have some memories there. My sister and I also intend to visit the cemetery in France where he has a memorial.

We are both in our early seventies and feel we wish we could have sorted out this information when our mum was alive and taken her to France to the cemetery. However, with the present 100 years anniversary and technology we have been able to find out the relevant details and are now able to visit next year - and this will also be for mum!!

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