231339 Spr. Arthur Elgar Taylor British Army 249th Field Coy. Royal Engineers from:Toronto, Ontario, Canada (d.17th Oct 1917) All I know is that my grandfather, Arthur Taylor and grandmother went back to England where they were both born. He was with the Royal Engineers, 249th Field Coy., and died 17th of October 1917 and is listed as Commonwealth War Dead. He is buried in La Brique Military Cemetery No. 2 in Belgium. I am trying to find out about his company and where they fought in the war. Additional Information: | Apparently his mate, Major H. W. Wright was with him when they were shelled in Belgium. My grandfather did not survive and his mate was with him when he passed - his last words being, "I think I'm done". Major Wright later wrote a letter to my grandmother in April of 1918 explaining to her what happened and his last words.
Marjorie Culver