235899 Pte. Thomas King British Army 17th Btn. Sherwood Foresters (Notts and Derby Regiment) (d.22nd May 1916) Thomas King was killed on the 22nd of May 1916. He was 32 years old, son of Thomas and Eliza King of Keyworth, Nottingham, husband of Lydia H. King of 10, Allen St., Hucknall, Notts. Additional Information: | I’m just looking at the war diary for the 17th and on 21st May the enemy blew a mine right in front of D company followed by heavy bombardment of trench mortars and rifle grenades. The next day saw heavy bombardment on both asides of the battalion frontage. They were at La Bassee Canal. In these three days they report 3 other ranks killed and 11 wounded. RIP Thomas KingAdam Scoffield