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Add Information to Record of a Person who served during the Great War on The Wartime Memories Project Website

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Pte. George Craggs

British Army 4th Btn. Worcestershire Regiment

from:Co. Durham

(d.18th August 1917)

George Craggs who died aged aged 19, was my grandmother's brother. He fought at the Battle of Langemarck on 16th August and extended the front line from Signal Farm to Cannes Farm. He was killed by enemy artillery fire on the 18th near General Farm, Boesinghe while in reserve.

He is buried at Artillery Wood Cemetery, Boezinge next to his Captain H.J.Paddison also aged 19. This year is the centenary of the Battle of Langemarck and I am posting this in respect of all the gallant and brave men whose lives were the price of victory.

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