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Add Information to Record of a Person who served during the Great War on The Wartime Memories Project Website

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Capt. Donald Eastwood

British Army 6th (Rifle) Btn. Kings Regiment (Liverpool).

from:West Kirby, Cheshire

(d.20th Sep 1917)

Donald Eastwood was my great uncle who died in the Battle of Menin Road aged 25 and was buried in the field and a map reference was taken but his body was never found and he is commemorated at Tyne Cot. His Commanding Officer wrote the following to his parents, who had lost another son almost 2 years to the day earlier as a result of Gallipoli.


Dear Sir, It is with great sorrow that I have to tell you that Captain Eastwood has been killed in action. He was first wounded and was continuing to lead his men when he was shot through the head. We were all fond of him and his loss is a great personal one to myself, especially as we had served together so long in the war. He died at the head of his men showing the same courage which he had often showed before in other battles. I wish to express my very deepest sympathy. I hope to be able to let you know more later.

Yours sincerely, J E McKaig

Lt. Col. Kings Liverpool Regt

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