Add Information to Record of a Person who served during the Great War on The Wartime Memories Project Website

Add Information to Record of a Person who served during the Great War on The Wartime Memories Project Website

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Pte. William Lionel George

Australian Imperial Force 17th Battalion

from:Newhaven, Turrawan, NSW

My grandfather William George enlisted 28th of July 1917 and his Unit embarked from Sydney, New South Wales aboard HMAT A14 Euripides on 31st of October 1917.

He was wounded during the charge at Mont St Quentin on 31st of August 1918 and invalided to the 1st Southern General Hospital in Dudley Street Birmingham from 3rd of September 1918. He was repatriated to Australia 9th of March 1919 aboard HMAS Kashmir and was discharged 17th of August 1919.

Ironically our daughter lived and worked in Birmingham from 2009 to 2011 and was often in the Military ward at Selly Oak as an Occupational Therapist working with the wounded English soldiers from Afghanistan.

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