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2Lt. William Charles Brown

British Army 387th Siege Battery, 103rd Brigade Royal Garrison Artillery


(d.7th November 1918)

William Brown was born in 1889, he was called up when the Great War began. He was a reservist, having left the Royal West Kents in 1911. Given his commission in 1917, he was a 2nd Lieutenant in the 387th Siege Battery, the 103rd Brigade, Royal Garrison Artillery. He was 29 when he died just before the Armistice on 7th of November 1918. He had contracted dysentery in the trenches, and was sent home to recover. Sadly he developed pneumonia and died a month later at Sandy Lane VAD Hospital. He is buried at St Paul's, in Rusthall, Tunbridge Wells.

His parents, William and Alice lived at Rusthall, at 38 Erskine Park Road. They had three further sons serving, all of whom survived. William's wife, Emma Elizabeth Brown, nee Bonnage (above, right), lived at 22 Templar Street, Dover. She later moved to 19 Union Road, Dover. She was born at 3 Magdala Road, and they had married in Dover in 1908. After his death Mrs Brown brought up their three sons, Peter, Stanley, and Leslie on her own. She died in 1949.

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