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Rfmn. John Herron

British Army A Coy, 11th Btn. Royal Irish Rifles


My grandfather, Johnny Herron served with A Company, 11th Battalion Royal Irish Rifles at the Somme. He was buried alive by shell fire just before H hour, but was recovered from the trench collapse by a comrade called Hugh Stewart. He was taken to the Regimental Aid Post and treated. He returned to the line and took part in the storming of the Schwaben Redoubt. The next morning they were mustered, only 100 or so remained fit to continue. My grandfather was asked by the Adjutant John Deverell, (I served with his grandson,) which Battalion he would like to serve with and he chose the 11th Battalion, Lancashire Fusiliers, The reason for this was this was the Battalion that had taught the ropes and he knew all the lads.

There he served with Lt JRR Tolkien. He also fought at Passchendaele and the storming of Messines ridge. He was a CSM by that time. My grandfather survived the war but was badly shell shocked.

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