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Gnr. Robert Surcomb

British Army 42nd Siege Battery Royal Garrison Artillery


Robert Surcombe was posted to the 42nd Siege Battery in July 1915 and served with the battery in the Dardanelles before moving to France in June of 1916. The battery saw action on the the first day of the Somme Offensive and was involved in heavy action at Carnoy, near Pozierres, in July 1916. Shortly after 22nd July, Robert Surcombe was wounded, taken to Vecquemont to a Clearing Station, then taken to hospital at Outreau.

He was eventually sent back to the UK suffering shell-shock and other physical injuries. He was classified as unfit for further military activities and was discharged in April 1918. That month, at the age of 20, he was also awarded the Silver War Badge, number 400360. In 1923, Robert was to marry my widowed grandmother, whose husband 2/Lt. James Alec Rattray was killed in action serving with the 5th Siege Battery, RGA near Ypres on 23 September 1917. Both Robert and James had served in the 38th (Heavy) Battery at the same time in February 1914 whilst based at Devonport.

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