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Add Information to Record of a Person who served during the Great War on The Wartime Memories Project Website

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Pte. Francis Henry Beeson

Army D Coy., 7th Btn. Somerset Light Infantry

from:Newton Park, Bristol

In a letter written to his wife whilst being transported home for treatment, he wrote on 12 March 1917:

‘Just a line to say I am in dear old England once more. I am in hospital suffering with severe trench feet. I will write again as soon as I can as my intention is to post this as soon as I get off the boat.

I have been in the line 6 days this last time and in places up to our knees in mud. I felt my feet getting numbed when I had been up there 24 hours but I managed to stick it until our time was up and I also walked out myself. After that I could not stand on my legs. Here I am a stretcher case. It was terrible up there. Fritzy would not allow us an hours peace. Several of my pals were killed or wounded. We were only about 60 yds from them and our people were always bombarding his 2nd and 3rd and reserve lines so he began to think we were going to try and turn him out of it. I have been in Rouen since then. Must close now with fondest love to yourself and sonny, ever from loving husband Frank xxxxx’

(Added below and written a little later:) ‘I am on a Midland train so goodness knows where they are going to dump me down. I’ve had a very nice time on the hospital boat, was delayed in the Channel on account of fog. My feet are just beginning to get their circulation back again and the swelling has nearly gone down, rather painful otherwise I feel A-1. Goodbye for now’.

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