Add Information to Record of a Person who served during the Great War on The Wartime Memories Project Website

Add Information to Record of a Person who served during the Great War on The Wartime Memories Project Website

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Sgt. George Robert Munro

British Army 7th Battalion East Kent Regiment

from:East London

My grandfather, Bobbie Munro, was born in 1891. He joined up on the 27th of October 1914 and was assigned to the the 7th Battalion, East Kent Regiment. He was promoted to Sergeant and served through various theatres mainly around the Somme. Including battles around Albert, Delville Wood, through 1st and 2nd Passchendaele and god knows how many other battles before ending the war at Pommereuil on Armistice Day.

He was wounded badly in 1917 but returned to service and thankfully he survived and I'm here to remember the sacrifices these men (and women) endured. Ive been to the battlefields and cemeteries which are, strangely, beautiful and peaceful. He was transferred to the army reserves on 28th of March 1919 after demobilization.

During WW2 he served as a fire warden around the East London docks. So proud to have known him in his later years and touched the history.

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